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Mozalios Oct 2016
What's the purpose of control if I'm just going to lose it
From the on going pain of trying to make it work with you
Setting a blaze the demons leaving you
Instilling  the will to rise from the broken promises that sustain what little remains
Of my patience tolerating your emotional abuse
Rough draft piece of a song I'm  writing.
Mozalios Aug 2016
Getting back to the dark days
of sniffing white till the sunrise
of another sleepless night
Tormented by the thoughts
of a sober reality
In this pitiful existence
Where clarity remains unattainable
Under the  breakable
Mozalios Sep 2016
Music is my drive, a self-expression
The compilation of words and rhythm running through my veins
Expressing things my mind wishes it could
It is my emotion no matter it be
The only thing that matters is that there's a constant melody
Mozalios Aug 2016
My faults are believing my feelings are true
Stuck healing from the love I thought was real
Dishonesty wasn’t part of the deal
So reveal to me the loneliness ahead
And my feelings will be concealed
Mozalios Oct 2016
Empty vessel
Stricken thoughts
Heart in knots

Once euphoria
Now a struggle
Protruding pain

Heavy sadness
Silent disguise
Undead eyes

Public façade
Damaged self
Numb to all else
Mozalios Aug 2016
He must put away his fake identity and become what others fear
To take away what criminals hold dear
The comfort of a mask to hide the anger and the pain
The memory of a night that will forever remain
A desperate criminal and a pointed gun
BANG! Down goes one
BANG! A second one
Blood shed tears leave a little boy stranded and alone
On his knees stunned, his parents gunned by the desperate one
Things took a wrong turn, now all the happiness is burned
Through the tears streaming down young Bruce Wayne’s face.
The young boy now a man won’t forget his promise
A life of pain is all he’s really known
He now feels the darkness is his only home
Criminals beware you will know his despair
He is the protection for a city covered with scars ones that only he can heal
When darkness falls means the Dark Knight Rises
Mozalios Aug 2016
Begging and pleading spare my soul and vanquish all who oppose
God of war my life is yours
For the world will feel my wrath as I go down this cursed path
The anger and pain stained on my skin holding my body by the chains of my sins
Mozalios Aug 2016
A city stained with the blood of the innocent, it cries out, never give in, stay one and strong.
Circling above they hear your calls, leading the way for the lost.
The shade of black, the bright of white, are the makeup of your face, to mask the pain, the symbol of retribution.
If it had to be done all over again I would die for you all over. Saying you’d do the same in return is something I can never accept for I would rather take my last breath so you can take them all tomorrow.
I never had the chance to say goodbye, nor the chance to say hello again. The crow cried out, taking me away for the vengeance I had to pay.
My mind rewinds, reliving the moments I’ve shared with you, it’s the crows doing in order to strengthen me by reliving all the pain, and I just want it to go away.
My body can heal but my mind is in constant decay.
The blood stained visions I watched them take you away, scarring my soul gave the call of the crow hurry carry me away, so that I may return.
It can’t rain all the time but only if it did it can wash the sins of the world away
Mozalios Sep 2016
Red blood dripping from
From all the white of the mistakes
I can't undo
Mozalios Dec 2016
I tried to **** love's pain
embracing despairs comfort
Mozalios Aug 2016
In a memory
The voice echoes
Directions to escape
Reliving the torment
Of constant
Mozalios Sep 2016
Sometimes love loses it way
only to take you in the direction
where one day it’ll get to where it’s meant to stay
Mozalios Sep 2016
Live out victory eternally*
           **in absence of regret
Mozalios Aug 2016
My grave, shallow and empty, I’ve returned to a world lost without you, seeking revenge so that one day our souls can mend.
The black bird is my guiding light towards you, all the memories good and bad are what keep me moving towards you.
Your beautiful face instilled within my mind making me realize that you’re the reason I’ m here, the reason I lived and the reason I died. I said forever, and I meant it, my hallow body is now walking proof.
My flesh wounds heal, but the damage to my heart can never be fixed for you were taken away from me. I always told you that I love you but I don’t think I could ever have said it enough to make you even come close to understanding how much.
My body is driven by your soul. I’ll never give in to the demons that haunt this world. The black bird gave us a second chance to make things right, it’s about time I finish what I was sent to do for me and you, to be together for that forever, for my eyes are the crows.
Mozalios Sep 2016
The infection was the lies of your affection
Mozalios Sep 2016
know yourself and your capabilities,*
                                   **understand your limitations
Mozalios Sep 2016
Love is finding a place of solidarity
With a firm foundation of trust
Built to sustain the fires
of desire
Mozalios Sep 2016
Fear has the ability to see your every move
Take the same path as the master but along the way change your route
Success derives from all that you perceive as valuable
Mozalios Feb 2017
Lips of deceit
  Bleed lies
Behind each word
She speaks
Mozalios Dec 2016
The empty spaces of my heart
Know only pains
Mozalios Aug 2016
I feel like a joke that no one gets
a sun rise that goes unnoticed
a voice never heard
The ability to disappear within the darkness of my own sorrows
Like a rotting disease that’s unable to heal.
Peel away the layers of my mask and you’ll see the hidden pain that I truly feel
Mozalios Aug 2016
It’s just like the rain to wash away agonizing pain
Let the rain pour on me let the rain set me free
Rain understands sorrow, let it rain today and forever tomorrow
Let it rain so the sun can’t see, let it rain so my soul can be
Rain falls through it all, blissful moments to blissful sorrow
Rain cover me no need for a roof
I stand in the rain holding you close, a moment that you and I have always wished for
Soaking wet, shivering cold, the kiss of your lips is enough to keep me warm
Drops of joy and the sound of thunder, you and I stare up at the dark sky
I feel awake, I feel alive, the rain dropping from the sky and you standing by my side
Mozalios Jan 2017
I'm confined to these narrow thoughts in my mind
Trying to hide behind a smile
While my heart feels shallow

Not sure if I could love again
Since my past is a blood bath
Of the pain and suffering
I succumbed to in silence

Emotions left cold
Buried beneath stone
Of a man whos scared
That there will never be anyone who
Actually cares.
Rough draft song I'm writing
Mozalios Oct 2016
The euphoric memories  haunt me realizing
you're never
coming home
Mozalios Aug 2016
Step inside my mind, a place that is upheld to time
Mystified, lost to space
No escape from this place
The corridors closing in, only strength within will prevent it giving it
A world of my own, barely known
I question if I’ m alive, only to realize I’ m dying inside
My voice is the only one I hear, screaming inside your mind
Mozalios Sep 2016
You walked into my life as quickly as you walked away
Left your mark in my book and tore out the pages along your way
Mozalios Sep 2016
Awake and sick
Spent the night dreaming I was
Falling in a bottomless pit
Taking a hit to regroup
Coming back to reality
To pretend I'm not hollow within
The image others perceive
Is a projection of what I want them to believe
So I can continue containing this madness
That turns me to a freak of disbelief
That you upped and walked off
With little care of the well being of me
I can't live a day without the thought
Of giving all this up
So I mask my sadness behind
Sniffs of hollywood lines
Mozalios Sep 2016
In the land of the forgotten they call me
Mozalios Aug 2016
My mother made me a man giving me everything that she can
All her wisdom and all her help, teaching me what there is to live for
Taking care of me from the time that I was born to now that I’ m full grown
No matter how old my mother gets she still sees the child in me that she’ll never forget
She’s a disguised angel with hidden wings
I can only return all the love that my mother gave
I know in my heart my mother will do anything for me so long as her heart still beats
I have no other, I’ m blessed and gifted that I have her as a mother
Mozalios Feb 2017
She’ll take you on a trip
With just one kiss
Mozalios Aug 2016
The despair that you shared, the trust that you've earned, the tears of fear only the crow will know
The lives that are missed, blurred vision bliss, what lies in the distance beyond the line of sight only the crow will know
True reason brought disgrace within this place of hollow souls that walk the earth alone leaving a trace that only the crow will know
Promising everything will be alright only to be telling the lies of a thousand times, the truth only the crow will know
Lost the meaning of how a life can become whole only the crow will know
If you've lived a life of honesty or if it was an atrocity only the crow will know
The purest souls the crow will seek the foulest souls are the devils meek
Only the crow will know my true sorrow
Only the crow will know how to bring me back to you
Mozalios Aug 2016
Aren’t we all mere victims in this inhumane war
Pushing the blame to save our own soul
Played by the strings of fate
With the thought of the free
Mozalios Aug 2016
Once loved, now alone
Screams of silence, whispers of fear
Downfall of tears
Invisible, never noticed, never seen
Became nothing rather than what could be
Lost never to be found
with every worry, lost with every sorrow a world without a sound
A lost soul traveling far away
Carry me to my grave
A life simply wasted away
Mozalios Sep 2016
As addiction sets in,  you realize there's
Mozalios Aug 2016
Sanctify your heart
Searching for answers
To the questions
Of agony’s curse
Mozalios Nov 2016
She walks with grace
Yet she's over shadowed by the darkness that looms over
The dread of those who crossed her path
In search of what she cannot give
Her eyes claim honesty
And her affection is superficial
She's the one who will break you
Destroying what little remained
Of a man who only wanted to be
Mozalios Aug 2016
Plot of Death
Screams of Tragedy
Vengeance of Man
Flight of Crows
The tale of a tortured soul
Overcome with vengeful woe
Driven by the Crow
To avenge
An angel’s soul
Mozalios Sep 2016
When you look at the night sky
see my despair
And dream on
to remember when you wake
because I'll be there
The ghost of despair
This poem is from my book "The dark poetic march" (TBR 2017)
I wrote it because I hope that those who cause despair remember the agony they have caused.
Mozalios Oct 2016
I walk into the well known abyss
The hole with no limits
As I panic under the sun
Of its beaming temptation
In my small black hole
Of fixation
Addictions a serious matter.  Be sure if you or someone you know is struggling.  Help them.
Mozalios Jan 2017
With a voice, so silent
She screams
Only hearing
To Celebrate the new year. Here's a new poem.
My book "The Dark, Poetic March" Is finally available!
(Can't post links)
on Amazon and Creatspace
Mozalios Aug 2016
Alas the crusade sparked vendettas reach
Pools of blood shed boiled with fury
As the shiny spear made its final mark
In the name of vengeance, one solemnly swore
Mozalios Aug 2016
An ardent soul
Traveled the dimensions
Of your heart
To heal the aftermath
Of destruction
To mend a broken heart
One of the poems included in my upcoming book "The Dark Poetic March" - 2017.
Mozalios Oct 2016
Dusty night skies
   With a white embrace
      Pollinate my senses
        To relive it over again
      Amongst the stars
    And Numb to the taste  
A routine of desperation
To reach a euphoric state
Mozalios Aug 2016
Casting a shadow over this land
A prince and his forgotten sands
Time is a river that flows as the princes stories told
The evening stars from each endless day awaits the prince to come her way
A princess held by the grand vizier
Cursing the prince and his forgotten sands
Pools of dreams beneath the Persian sun
Time is a playground of centuries trying to drag you down
The Persian Prince alone controls how the sands of time flows
Mozalios Sep 2016
I carry the weight
Of a heavy sadness
As I'm overloaded
With despair and
Stricken by disappointment
thoughts still  so unclear
Mozalios Sep 2016
The worst feeling
Is needing someone to talk to and
Admitting to yourself
That you've got a problem
Thinking it'll be alright,  you got this
You fight a constant urge
A temptation with no limit
When you feel ready to break
And you're not sure what route to take
Thinking about who you know
And won't judge you
What will you do
When you're alone taking the blame of the world
Isolated and alone
You bid your far Wells
Telling everyone
This is the end

So long and goodnight
*disclaimer.  I do not currently feel this way.  There is no need to worry for my well being.  But I thank you.
This is only a poem taken from my poetry book "The Dark Poetic March"
Mozalios Mar 2017
The Stitches of your
Mend my torn Heart
Mozalios Nov 2016
Loving what we had makes me sick
Thoughts of happiness are glued to my pain
For behind every memory is chained misery
That drags me down and
Sets my  mind to decay
Mozalios Dec 2016
We identify ourselves by the masks we wear
Pick the right one
And avoid despair.
Mozalios Sep 2016
Sorry is the faded line
Crossed too many times
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