The deepest cuts, like drippings
gnawed tapered hangings
darkest meats, dragging
separating from bone
Boiled sores, slit scars
sewn together like cotton threads
Needles stab holes (pave avenues) for drugs
We hand sickness a gun
They slip, slump away
like Christmas day, here and gone.
We might remember
or not.
We might just live on.
I'm alive, I guess
slowly rot,
green to purple, putrid flesh
Spots that maggots eat, or lay
but still I live, a walking corpse
down crippled way.
The avenue whines
the boardwalk abandoned
like holy shrines, sings
a language long forgot
The younger can not help,
their flesh hangs, wet
The stones we walk, layered cement
over battles fought
Soggy terrain flooded plain
memories nurtured with death, fead.
Lush meadows green,
nurtured by the bodies we left,
hanging flesh
Drippings, of the deepest cut