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Harley Hucof Sep 2014
(T)onight we get *****
(I) prepared all the tools
(E)nter my dark room

(M)ake me suffer. I
(E)njoy the pain

(U)ltimate bliss
(P)leasure attained

(C)andle wax poured on my skin
(H)umiliate me im hankering after it
(O)n my knees i ll beg for it
(K)eep me on the line
(E)nsure my spice

(M)ake me lose control
(E)mmerse my soul

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
(S)ometimes i say i love you
(I) dont really know if i do
(T)o be honest i want more from you

(O)ther things on my mind
(N)ow i think is the right time

(M)any positions spiral in my brain
(Y)ou should be scared

(F)or i intend to get freaky in your bed
(A)rroused by the thoughts in my head
(C)ome let's play and you'll feel
(E)ndless ******* ahead...

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Sep 2014
(L)ick my muse
(E)at it all
(T)ry not to let a drop fall
(S)uck my juice, **** it all

(M)oan and scream
(I)t's all i need
(S)ubmissive is what you'll be
(B)e patient your time will come
(E)rotic games are to be done
(H)ardcore is my only way
(A)fter that it's your turn to play
(V)iolently, softly? it's up to you
(E)nding the night exploding on you

Words Of Harfouchism
just for fun
Harley Hucof Nov 2014
It's in moments like these
where the universe is revealed
I find myself wandering the infinite land
searching for a lover and a friend

The moments of peace
where freedom is revealed
tales of Gods and Goddesses

New music my last hope
my first trip away from home
I am me ! can't you see?
i'm real not a normal human
i'm just meat

Why am i here?
dazed chasing desires and dreams
i could shake the ground beneath your feet
but things don't look always as they seem

Lets sail this ship to escape our past
Sins that killed the innocence while the demons laughed

It's in moments like these i fly high and dance with the stars
where i'm back to the womb

but for others it's just the tomb..

Words Of Harfouchism.
If you can relate to that, i admire you
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Deep in the forests the tiger was sleeping

A beautifull deer was passing near him

Her scent woke him
He rose fearcefully excited about his meal

He saw it and ran after the deer

Him chasing
She escaping

They arrived to the edge of the mountain
The deer stopped full of fear turned and looked straight into the tigers teeth
The tiger knew he had her
He approached slowly and asked her
"Why did you escape its been days i havent ate"

"Please dont eat me she said
I never did anything to deserve that"

The wise tiger replied
"Thats the way the world goes around"

He prepared himself for his prey
The dear sudenely jumped from the edge choosing to die

The tiger angry walked away and realised

That the beautifull deer died with pride

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
they listend to me when i said look.
they knew a meaningfull lesson i was about to shoot.
close your eyes and visualize your dreams for before you know it they ll become real.
expand your mind and free your soul and all your problems shall be solved.
never forget to stay positive. all the bad things are relative.
focus on your health and stay fit and watch your life take a lift.
sing this song and feel the beat for freedom is what we seek
trust your intuitions and praise the lord and all the answers will come to your door.
seek love in everything and you ll see the love in all the living
never forget what really matters health family friends and animals.
be yourself and seek your pleasures but if you abuse it  you 'll lose this treasure.
trust me when i say be patient life isnt and diamonds.
In the right time you will recieve just the information that you need.
thats if ofcourse you chose the right path,if you didnt your actions wont last.
find laughter in everything. fun is the only medicine.
life is hard so be carefull dont rush things and stay in focus. for what you miss wont be retrieved.
love the children and never lie to them for the truths lies in their heart to the end.
take your emotions seriously. behind them hides life's mistery.
seek romance but in balance stay independent and love again.
dont fight people for energy, others sources give it to you for free.
send energy to those who need for giving is the greatest act indeed.

words of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Come with me
To the ancient lake
I ll hold your hand
Dont be afraid

Come walk with me under the stars
We ll sing, dance and make love
Come with me
To the ancient lake
Where the knwoldge shall be gained

Come with me and spend the night
We will never be apart

Come my love swim with me
our love will last an eternity

Walk with me to the ancient lake..

Words of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Jun 2017
(S)weet smile and bright eyes
(W)e said we'll wait but that was a lie
(A)nother night by my side and u crave it
(L)ets get naked i knw u wnt to taste it
(L)ife is short so is my patience
(O)nce i've said it it became my obssesion
(W)ill you be my wife?

(I) love you so much
(T)ime to admit what a mistake that was

Words Of Harfouchism.
Harley Hucof Nov 2014

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
No justice nor equality
How to live without envy?

No money nor security
How to live without greed?

No motives nor prize
How to live without sloth?

No accessibility nor satisfaction
How to live without lust?

No pleasure nor satisfaction
How to live without gluttony?

No logic nor sense
How to live without wrath?

No compassion nor humbleness
How to live without pride?

Words of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Nov 2014
Magnetic eyes revealing her dark soul
Mysterious mind with secrets to unfold

Abandoned creature wandering the desert
Psychic intuitions make her a beautiful predator

A death stalker she would **** to survive
Seeking experiences and glory in her life

Once i saw her crawling by my bed
Mezmerized by fear or passion
I couldnt tell
I should have ran but decided to stay
I should have remembered that her sting would take my life away

Words Of Harfouchism
Scorpions are dangerous
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Travelling on the mystics road
I felt the energy decsending from the sky
Dont know where i must go
I just kept following the light
The stars were bright
The moon was clear
I knew this trip had to do with my destiny
Then i came to this river and i felt it whisper.
It said : walk away from all the lies if you'd like to continue your life
You've been fooled for so long  it attracted you away from home
Theres so much stuff you've got to understand
Just make and follow the plan
They called you weird
They  called you dumb
But in all the hands runs the same blood
Trust what you feel and leave the fake friends behind.
Walk into a straighter line.
Im the river of wisdom
Trust what i say
Come take a sip of me and from the sins stay away.
I approched slowly and drank from it
Fast i took the hint
What to do was clear to me
So i decided to come back home
Travelling the mystical road

Words of Harfouchism.
Harley Hucof Sep 2014
(I) decided to visit you

(W)anting to say i miss you
(A)nd to finally try and kiss you
(N)ever knew it could be real
(T)he 2 of us was just a dream

(T)onight will pass through
(O)ur fantasy will become true

(F)ree of what they'll think
(U)niting in your bed we'll link
(C)ream, oils and sweat, i'll be
(K)illing it all night till the end

(Y)ou above me
(O)r me above you
(U)nified under one moon

Words Of Harfouchism
Just for fun
Harley Hucof Sep 2014
In the land of a child
The angels hide
Hide from the evil
Hide from the demons.

In the land of a child
The beauty arise
No fear No labels
No sin No lies.

In the land of a child
The garden of lullabies
Mesmerized eyes
The mystical heart
The strangest art.

In the land of evil
The innocence's lost
Caged by temptations
Devoted for lust.

In the land of evil
Looking for fame
Wanting the gain
Searching for love
The problems won't be solved.

In the land of evil
Addicted to gold
Stuck on the dope
Bow to your Lord.

In the land of a Child and Evil i was trapped in between.

An innocent soul gone with the wind.

Falling with the rain
But the memories remain...

Words Of Harfouchism.
Weird but hope you'll love it.
Harley Hucof Nov 2014
Many lives many pasts
Many girls many romances

Many broken hearts
Many broken dreams
Many broken promises flowing down with the stream

Many fake people
Many fake smiles
Fly with me let's reach the sweet paradise

Do you think you know what life is about?
Please help me understand

Because a long time ago i chose to close my eyes and wait for my death

Life is an illusion though it seems real

All what really matters is our dreams and fantasies

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
In the jungle lived three lions
Their father had just died
they were sitting trying to decied who should take the crown

The three lions were wise
But only one will have the royal life

The eldest said :
My brothers with great grief i bid our father's fairwell
But its time for me to be king
Im the older and the most powerfull between you two
This kingdom cant survive if i dont rule

The younger lion replied :
my brother its true that your strong and old
But i am the smartest between you both
Leave the crown for me and i shall take care of your needs

The third lion said :
All you too have said is true
But i am the most beautifull lion between you too
All the animals in this jungle respect me
And i was the favorite for daddy's
No other lion is more courageous than me
So i think i should be king

The three lions couldnt agree
They started to fight violentley
The older lion ended up winning the fight

He looked down onto his brothers dead on the ground
He couldnt believe what he had done
What would his father think of him now?
He surely didnt deserve to be a king
Feeling miserable he walked away cursing his greed

He would leave forever and never come back leaving his father's land

A kingdom without a king...

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Nov 2018
You can feel it as i speak
By the way i write when you read
That it is weird to be in your shoes
To infiltrate your mind, to see the truth
To experience the unique existence of being you.

But it is sort of sad
That with each visit i get mad
And repulsed
By the lack of trust
And the hate we take to tolerate love.

And we love ,but not ourselves
And we explore the void in search for help.

But i say Empathy is a lie
We must depend on each other
For the future to be bright
Fellowship won't be experienced untill you unite with the other.

Words Of Harfouchism.
What you think might help
Harley Hucof Nov 2014
Hear the drums and follow my steps
like a perfect army in sync you will never rest
March with me let's explore the infinite sea
Let's seek the wisdom you and me

The sweet wisdom lies inside
Frequencies vibrating high

All is energy and it just flows
Share your love and watch it glow
Frequencies vibrating low
Changing forms
Shapeless patterns offers no perfection

The infinite wisdom lies inside
You just have to see the energy between the lines

The wisdom is buried in the darkest corners of the mind
The wisdom lies in the wild

The wisdom lies in the heart..

Words Of Harfouchism.
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
in a strange land i stood alone
facing the sun it felt like home.
the mountains were watching me.
i was new i was the guest. how did i come here wasnt clear but its for the best.
somehow i knew the trees had a msg for me.
a msg so familiar that was always burried inside me.
And they said : young man standing in the plain you still have alot to gain. dont be afraid of the unknown for it is essential for ur growth.
trust your intuitions and believe
And all your talents shall be revieled
Be courageous and dont be shy for what life have planed for you aint a lie..
lose your fears and lose your greed and the secrets of life shall be whisperd in your ears.embrace silence and embrace peace and wisdom is what you
shall see.
we know what you think.
we know what you feel and thats one of the reasons we called you here.
in front of you we stand here an untouched forest existing for your relief.
Love me and love me again for im your mother and i ll never end.
im nature.
through me u breath. through me u eat
Never abandon me and i ll provide for you your needs.
i take so many forms im in so many places
love me and into your heart i shall be expanded.
Im done now u can go back and continue your life.
but dont forget rare are the ones who saw this place. always remember wht i said and search for signs traveling in time and happiness is what you shall find.
as the sound stopped i closed my eyes trying to embrace what i witnessed.
i felt im one with evrything. time has passed i opend my eyes.
I was in bed.
I knew this story shall be shared.

words of Harfouchism.
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
A divinity's creature a mystical soul

A celestial creation a memory's ghost

A spirit...

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Apr 2021
Life is all entertainment , just like a psychedelic theater, our thoughts and breath whisper reality into creation.
I roam in and out my worldless kingdom
Freedom's reserved for the wild and untamed.
For who cares to know, we could fly our way out as falcons , or swim our way in as whales. It will never really matter because it's all entertainment , while we patiently wait for the emanations.
Expectations emerge from preconceived notions and blocks the transmissions entitled to all sentient beings.
Like a collective prophet and a magnet , we learn to filter the commands to percieve the matrix. Finally to redefine and recreate a convenient  path that is real.
Our thoughts and breath whisper reality into creation, i chose my fun as transmutation, life is recreational.

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
She's my SIS
she is everything that i'm not
still we are in some ways alike

I hate how all those years passed where we barely spoke
we live in the same house but its like each one was alone

Sometimes even if we would talk it was to say something mean
so many things i regret i wish i could repeat those scenes

I know every brother and sister have their fights
but i still remember when you were afraid to sleep alone at night
We used to share the same room until i turned 14
Dont get me wrong
we had alot of fun memories
but as we got older we grew apart

i know its not your fault
its probably mine
i wasnt there for you almost all the time
you probably wont read this but its good to say how i feel
i dont talk much so this is my only relief

i never was a good Bro
i just want to hug you and never let go

I love you <3

Words Of Harfouchism
My one and only sis!
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
By the end of this trace
                I'll forget your name
That's what i say each time
           I get down to take the line

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Its seems that where ever i go people are fooling eachother

Its like we all live in a big illusions
controlled by science media and religion
And everyone is misstreating one another

Multinational companies getting richer every second funding the world's wars death and hunger

It really seems like that nobody cares about what we( all livings , planet) need
They only care about personal needs
Money is destroying everything
Its the reason behind all the bad things

Sure it could be great sometimes

Thats what they only want you to think about
Money, buying, selling,
it doesnt matter
The economy is a big lie
Fabricated to keep us enslaved, limited and entertained.
In a way that we never reach our potentiel
Its seems that the world i've been taught about is FAKE

So i plan to run away

Living FREE

Running away from CONCPIRACIES

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
She held the dark apple in her hand
He ate it but felt so sole
He offered her his heart
Instead she took his soul.

She dragged him to her dark land
but he couldn't call it a home
He felt so used, it was love he thought
instead in an endless sorrow he dove.

The time passed she consumed his spirit
the evil in her has no limit.

Once he became useless..

she caged him with the rest of the boys in the basement
so she could start searching for a replacement

A new man with pure essence
A man with a spiritual possesion

a man ready for the next apple
a man who will lose the battle...

Words Of Harfouchism
This is a sequel to " A dark apple " by " Mystic Angel"
Harley Hucof Apr 2021
Back in my village, in the middle of a pine forest, I walk for hours radiating yellow and green until the earth swallows me and spits me out as a mystical bird-like being.

Like a peacock, I spread my shimmering, resonating feathers and bow to the giant raptor in the sky.
I can only be obedient to his emanations.
I fly back to my children, to my nest on a magnificent cedar tree. We entangle our necks and feathers in rapture knowing that soon, the earth shall reclaim my original nature.

By the sea I sit and patiently wait  to remember why I chose to forget.
The wind moves the waters, and the waves cast the sunlight onto my forehead. I feel the heat increasing as my structure dissolves. I gain back consciousness in an aquatic atmosphere taking a turtle-like form with a shell and humanoid hands. I swim down following a series of glares and vibrations until I reach what is seemingly an immense turtle temple. I feel a sudden danger and crawl back into shell. I open up my eyes and find myself sitting by the sea again.

Life is a journey of appreciation.
I can only surrender and be grateful.

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
Give us lust
Give us bliss
Set us free
Play the music
For you and for me
Look to the stars
Follow me
Follow the line
Kiss me twice
We've been wasting time
Love me slowly
Kiss me again before you go
We will meet again
The world's insane

Are we alive?
Is this real?
Or is it just a dream?

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
Blazing the pain
Waiting for the rain
Danger lies inside
Weird scenes in my mind

Burning desires in my brain
Riding the lysergic train
In the dark stuck in a maze
Wild girls lost in the haze

Children of the light
Waiting for the sun

Sweet child is born

The child is the dawn

Memories fade away
Strange land
Summer dance
Lucid dreams

We Are All Insane

Words Of Harfouchism
It hurts to set you free 
But you'll never follow me 
The end of laughter and soft lies 
The end of nights we tried to die 

This is the end

The End - The Doors
Harley Hucof Apr 2021
I am gazing at a shining portrait as my desire is announced by distant bell chimes. I merge with the paint and feel absorbed into a different timeline.

In the painting, the wind carries a scent of a familiar tree assorted with the melody of its leaves. It all brings back the memory of a song that I love, that reminds me of a woman I met in a vision from a dream yet I don't know the language it is made of, nor I can sing it for I am dyslexic in the ear.

This is an illusion, I see it. Still, I deem it to be real, similar to a scene that I keep reliving as I wander the mystical golden desert, I wonder is fulfillment an insult or a compliment if attained outside the ordinary strains of sensual accomplishments?
Disconcerted by previous arrangements i think it through to realize this is an illusion is just a tattoo .

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Aug 2018
I resonate
Smiling down from my room
Expectations kills reality
Just as reality kills fantasies

Are they my friends ?

I see the enemy in front of me
He is fearful and he is mocking me

Whispers and looks
Dishonest insects trying to be the center of attention in the room

I am aware of them
Their masks and uniforms
Their scent and their many forms

It is easy to be seduced
But not anymore
I will not be used

There are still many shapes for me to become
Wisdom is the opposite of freedom

I see the enemy in front of me
He is laughing and he is looking at me

I want to end this but he is not letting me

I see the enemy in front of me
Suddenly everything is clearer
I am looking at myself in the mirror

I can't feel anything

But i resonate

Words Of Harfouchism
I am my own enemy and my ego is stopping me from being happy
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
Summon your sorrows i'll take them away
Give me your emotions i'll absorb the pain

Life is hard try to understand
Even if i don't know you i feel the same

Maybe i need help more than you
but it seems that this is what i was born to do

I'll shed a tear for you
Your tears are to be mine


Could you shed a tear for me every once in a while?

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Dec 2020
Awake i found the languages have changed in my sleep
The sequence of words is lost and so is my power to will

People talk strange but sill imitate their creator
Behaviour is predictable when you're attached to a prayer

Obey my ageless tongue

I dare question my presence in this dimension
With one intention
An ancient practice and an encounter
The timelessness of magic shall bring back my willpower

The symbols are drawn
The words are assembled
At the crack of dawn
I shall have my answers

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Sep 2014
Sometimes i just sit here and think about death
Should i take my life with my own hands?

What is there to live for?
Its like i've already been through everything before

I feel so old though im still 23
So young and have lost the passion to live

It's Like i've been here for too long
Maybe i just dont belong

Im not feeling depressed or something of the sort
I just dont have a purpose to live for

Anyway i know its just a phase
My sorrows will soon fade
I'll be happy again
Just to get low after awhile
And this circle will keep turning till the end of time

Besides if i'd take my own life and commit succide
Karma is a ***** and would reincarnate me right back from the other side

Because i was a coward and didnt stick to the plan
Just to live and experience the pain again
So i ll just face those difficulties in this life
So i could die peacefully and enjoy the after life.

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Oct 2014
It was the middle of the night
I saw this girl dressed in white
She was sitting on the road alone
So i came closer to ask her whats wrong
I approched and placed my hand on her arm
"Hey there lady i mean no harm"
She seemd careless crying like a little kid
Before i had time to say anything else
A guy came out of nowhere with a gun pointing to my head
Then the girl started to laugh
They took my money
They took my keys
And left me in the middle of the street

I tried to help but i got scammed

A couple of days later i get this call
It was the police they had found my car

With two dead body inside

Death Cause : Overdose

It looks like those two robbed me to buy some drugs...

Words Of Harfouchism
Sometimes it's better to mind our own business
What goes around comes around
Harley Hucof May 2017
Let me go and don't say a word
Loose it up my nerve hurts
Abadon me this is my third

My survival instinct kicks in, do i dare?
Why is it so hard to die? It's not fair
My neck is tangled and i grasp for air

A rope and a hole that fits just fine
I already forgot my thoughts during the last line

Confused i reach for the chair with my feet
I have lost hope, but not my will to live

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof May 2017
What is waiting for me? I hate the unknown
Does this what makes life beautiful? Or the tomb?

Darkness sets in and i bleed again
I close my eyes and wait for my end

I lost faith in humanity and myself
A tear escapes my eye before my last breath

I hold my wound and curse my luck
Coward or brave? I know not

A shining silver nail and my stitched veins
A story of a lonely kid experiencing numbness and pain

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof May 2017
In those hopeless nights i am sick of doubt
Confused child, will i go north? Will i go south?

Who has summoned the servants of the night?
They stir and wait, dead stones, ghosts in the light

Death comes uninvited, though god is lost
Smile child your sins will be washed

I believe i can reach your mind deep
The magic and the colors, the lust and the dreams

I want something, someone new
Someone to be there when the night is through

Discoverers and searchers stop wasting time
Redemption is a lie

Hidden connections and a forbidden trance
I summon you to pray and dance

Because all your sins are gone
Unless you waste the dawn

Words Of Harfouchism
I hope it will make sense for some..

South = heaven      north = hell
Harley Hucof Jan 2021
I am pleased, might finally speak about my witch friend
share with you some of her wits and trends

Masters today desecrate the truth,
meditation and visualization are nothing but outdated tools

Culturally, relatively free i write fearless,
Contemplation overcomes meditation,
Spirituality conqueres religion ,
I formless, will not abide to your anticipations
I renounce my knowledge and education
Transparency , revolution,
Love works,
It has been scientifically proven

We are what we think
Thoughts procure reality
it has been confirmed quantum physically

So what's your excuse?
take control and imagine the best version of YOU

Imagination is the key to reaching everything and beyond

Words Of Harfouchism
Harley Hucof Jun 2017
The world has escaped me, you leave me no choice
The traces of my past swallows me every day a little more
I want to run and scream no body understands
Every time i smile i feel like i am digging my grave with my own hands

Words Of Harfouchism
What? When ? Who? Where? Why? *******
Harley Hucof Sep 2014
We are all connected i know that for sure.
Yet it seems that no body wants to believe that this is the truth.

Your joy, your pain we all feel the same.
Your wishes, your dreams they're like mine. Believe.

Though everyone is in a special way unique
Thats doesnt give you the right to feel superior over me

We are all alive
We are born to love
How did we got so distracted from this cause?
Love one another and spread joy
Help each other
Dont let anyone get you low
Put a smile on people's faces and feel the smile drawn in your soul

Magic is surronding all beings
All we have to do is see it

We all have problems but what does it mean?
We are all living and thats the important thing

We are here to grow and evolve
So we can finally shift to the next world

Its time for our conciousness to develop to its next level

So if you're reading this be open, be kind and remove the bad vibe
Free your mind
Free your soul
We are all divine
Feel the energy flow..

Words Of Harfouchism
Love & Peace

— The End —