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2.9k · Dec 2018
Rainy Day
laura Dec 2018
If you look outside,
All you see is storm clouds.
It’s one of those days,
Where everything seems sad and gloomy.
The good thing is,
is That you can just lie inside,
And you have that sense,
That you are safe,
And nothing will ever harm you.
2.6k · Dec 2019
When I look into my bedroom
laura Dec 2019
When I look into my bedroom
I see a shelf of various book
genres that I read over and over
again, when I look into my bedroom
and look beyond the rest I see a
window which I have seen many, many
different things through, when I look
into my bedroom and door ahead I
see a dresser with many clothing items
I will cherish for life. Above I see some
of my most valuable collections, when
I look into my bedroom and look down
I see a box of various types of *****
which I have kicked and thrown all over
the house When I look inside my closet
and look down I see board games that
I have played over and over again.
When I look inside my closet and look
straight ahead I see sweatshirts that
have kept me warm in the winter months.
When I look inside my closet and look
up I see enormous puzzles that I have
spent days and days and days to complete,
when I look into my bedroom and look
right I see my bed where I have had
good dreams and bad dreams and dreams
in between. When I look into my bedroom
and look right I see soccer cards which
I have spent hours organizing and putting
in their holders. When I look into my
bedroom and look beyond my bed I see
a shelf with fidget spinners, nerf guns,
athlete cards, travel games, and remote
control cars everywhere, when I look
into my bedroom and look beyond my
dresser I see a big box of athletes cards
which I have studied over and over again,
when I look in my bedroom and look at
the walls I see posters of athletes who
inspire mes like no other,
when I look into my bedroom and look
above my closet I see my mini basketball
hoop which I have attempted many shots
on. when I look into my bedroom I see
my very own personality.
This is a poem that my 10 year old brother wrote and wanted you guys to see.
2.5k · Jan 2019
Place to be
laura Jan 2019
A quiet safe place,
which you love to call your home,
Is the place to be
2.4k · Mar 2021
enjoy the little things
laura Mar 2021
it's so hard to find happiness
with everything going on.
we realize we took things
for granted while we had them.
so when something makes you
happy or excited,
enjoy it no matter
how small it may seem.
it's been a while
laura Jan 2019
I go through a lot.
When I listen,
I can hear myself
being kicked.
I can hear screaming,
of delight or of anger.
I can hear
The amazing sound,
of the ball hitting the net.
Everyday, I watch kids,
dribble me up the field,
Aiming for a goal,
to lead their team to victory.
1.9k · Jan 2019
Band Years
laura Jan 2019
During the first month
of band class,
You can’t even make a sound,
You get tired, frustrated,
And you ask yourself why you even did it.

During the third month
Of band class,
You are at the point,
Where you get so excited
When you can play twinkle twinkle,
Without missing a note.

During the fifth month
Of band class,
You feel like it’s going pretty well,
You still know you ****,
But you still think you might want to stick with it.

The first year has gone by,
And you are definitely doing it again.
The year finished strong,
And you feel great.

Then middle school goes by,
You think you’re all that,
So you go onto high school.

During the freshman year,
In marching band,
Things get hard,
But you learn that it’s kind of like a family,
You stick together through thick and thin.

During the senior year,
In band,
you realize that you made it,
No matter how hard things got,
And you are so glad you didn’t quit.

After you graduate,
You think back all to of the
Cold, rainy, football games,
The gross band competitions,
And you know that if you were told,
To go back and perform with them again,
You would.
I know I haven't quite gotten to the end of band yet, but I have a feeling I'll stick with it through anything. If any of you play an instrument, I'm telling you, don't quit no matter how terrible you think it's going.
1.6k · Feb 2022
laura Feb 2022
Every good time turns into bad
just like every day turns into night.
Every time we think things are getting better
they take a turn for the worst.

Sometimes when you’re in the deepest pit of darkness
that feels like it will never end,
all you need is one thing.
You need that one assurance
that you’re going to be okay.

If you look to God,
he gives you that one hope.
He has already saved you
from the darkest pit you could ever imagine.
He is your light at the end of the tunnel,
and he gives you eternal life
when you think you can never wake up again.
1.3k · Feb 2022
laura Feb 2022
I look out my bedroom window
and I see the church
that has lost its steeple
in a bad storm.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and I see the basketball hoop
where countless people
have attempted its rim.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and I see the soccer goal
where many hours of games have taken place
and I see the dented garage behind it from our many failed shots.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and I see the stump
from the tree that stood outside our house
for many years.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and see the tiny little sandbox
where we would play for hours
while Mom would sit in her chair and read.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and see the holes in the ground
where our swingset used to be and where
hours were spent pretending the ground was lava.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and I see the tiny slide
that we would slide down into the mini pool
as we were having the time of our lives.
This is my home.

I look out my bedroom window
and I see the burn pile
where we always said we’d have bonfires
but we hardly ever did.
This is my home.

Thinking back on all of this,
so much nostalgia rushes to me
and so many memories
come flooding back.

In reality, this isn’t my home
and this isn’t my bedroom window.
All of these views
are now being enjoyed
by another little girl,
just as I once was.

No matter where I go in life
I will never forget
the special memories
from my childhood home.

I’m thankful for my childhood
and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I’m thankful for the people
and I’m thankful for the places I got to go.
No matter what’s in store for me
and where life takes me,
Michigan will always be my home.
1.3k · May 2019
laura May 2019
It's not just a game,
it's a lifestyle,
it's a way of putting things behind you,
forgetting about the past,
and focusing on loving the game.
Always have loved the game, and always will. Played for 8 years
1.1k · Jan 2019
laura Jan 2019
I walk down the hallway,
Everyone is holding someone else’s hand,
I am a misfit.

Everyone talks about the dance,
I just stayed home and watched a movie,
Dances aren’t my thing.
I am a misfit.

They go to sports events,
To socialize with other popular kids,
I go to a band concert,
I am a misfit.

They go on vacation during break,
I stay at home and sleep,
I am a misfit.

I don’t care what anybody says,
I love myself, and
I am a misfit.
929 · Jul 2019
Summer Camp
laura Jul 2019
The time has finally come,
it feels like I've been waiting,
and waiting,
and waiting.
It's finally a time,
where I can forget about everything,
and just have fun.
My church camp that happens once a year is finally here. Best time of the year
909 · Jan 2019
laura Jan 2019
Some crazy people,
Who are always there for you,
Is your family.
757 · Dec 2019
laura Dec 2019
Here I am waiting.
Waiting for Christmas break,
waiting for peace and happiness,
waiting for relaxation,
waiting for time with friends and family.
It will definitely be worth the wait.
I know this *****, I'm just really bored. Hope you all have an amazing Christmas!
719 · Sep 2019
Friday night football
laura Sep 2019
I've never been a huge socializer,
and that's really all,
that people seem to do at football games.
So, why even go?
Well, now that I'm a member of the marching band,
it looks like I have to.
I mean, last night I never really thought that I'd have fun.
I mean, who wants to just go and scream for 3 hours?
I guess I do.
Last night was amazing.
You get to just be yourself,
and you just forget about everything.
You just realize more and more through the game,
that's it's just about having a blast and playing songs,
to keep the team going.
There we were, waving our instruments,
screaming for our team,
and having the time of our lives.
Now, I know for a fact,
that at the end of the season,
I will do anything to go back,
and do it all again...
Last night was the first varsity football game. As a first year marching member I didn't really know what to expect :)
682 · Jun 2019
laura Jun 2019
School is finally over,
it has felt like an eternity.
So many exams,
and so much stress.
Finally, summer is here.
We finally finished school on June 12
633 · Feb 2019
laura Feb 2019
When you are in doubt,
you have to never forget,
there is always hope
597 · May 2020
laura May 2020
I know this is late,
but I just wanted
to say Happy Birthday.
I hope you had a great day.
Thank you for being
a great friend.
I can't wait to see
you grow more.
I love you!
One of my best friends celebrated a birthday on May 17th. Her sweet 16
588 · Mar 2019
laura Mar 2019
Now a teenager,
battling against the world,
fighting 'til the end
finally a teenager
556 · Feb 2020
Happy Belated
laura Feb 2020
Happy Birthday
to my favorite
and only sister.
Thanks for always
being there.
Have fun being 17
for martha 2/12/03
529 · Jul 2020
best friend
laura Jul 2020
Whenever I'm with you
I feel safe, I feel
like nothing bad will
ever happen to me.
I'm thankful for that,
I know that I'll always
have a safe place.
516 · Jan 2019
My Room
laura Jan 2019
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a room that
used to be owned by my older sister.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a shelf of some
of the toys I have
received over the years.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a twin sized bed,
that I got a couple years ago.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a shelf with
gobs of my favorite
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a bunch of,
sports posters around the wall.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a dresser
with some very special
items on top of it.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see a closet
full of clothes, puzzles,
and boardgames.
When I look inside
my very own room
I see a window
that I look out of
every single day.
When I look inside
my very own room,
I see my very own
This is a poem written by my 9 year old brother Simeon. He was very eager to have you guys read it.
513 · Aug 2020
laura Aug 2020
Never take anyone
for granted,
you don't realize
how much you need them
until they're gone
474 · Jan 2019
Taking an Exam
laura Jan 2019
You realize,
You have 2 more questions.
Your fingers are shaking,
As you click on those last few answers.
You are sweating like crazy,
Sweatshirt sleeves rolled up.
You click submit,
Trembling, you click view score.
You wait, and wait,
For the slow computer to load.
You take a quick glance at your score,
And you breathe a sigh of relief.
Thank goodness it’s over.
Pushing through midterm exam week.
463 · May 2020
Mother's Day
laura May 2020
Today is a day
to be thankful
for everything our
mother's have done
for us. I know I
could have never gotten
through my life without
my mom.
Happy Mother's Day!
455 · Jul 2019
laura Jul 2019
Time for relaxing,
and spending time with some friends,
and having some fun.
436 · Nov 2020
laura Nov 2020
thankful for family
thankful for friends,
thankful for food
thankful for clothes.
thankful god has kept
me and my loved ones
safe during this year.
happy thanksgiving!
laura Dec 2018
The snow has come,
And I can look forward to the days,
Where we go outside,
And build a snowman,
Where our mom finally lets us play tackle football,
Because it’s soft enough that we shouldn’t get hurt.
Shouldn’t anyways.
I can look forward to the days,
when my mom comes into my room on a school morning,
And says snow day,
You can go back to sleep!
I can look forward to sleepovers,
With best friends and going outside,
And making snow angels,
Then coming in and begging for hot cocoa,
With extra Reddi Whip,
That is why I look forward to snow.
408 · Apr 2020
Happy Easter
laura Apr 2020
Even though
this may not be
our traditional Easter,
I hope you all have
an amazing one
and don't forget
what Jesus has
done for us.
Happy Easter!
394 · Apr 2020
laura Apr 2020
If you have a friend
who stays with you through your worst
they are a keeper.
384 · Feb 2019
laura Feb 2019
Life is like a roller coaster,
So unpredictable.
Sometimes things come suddenly,
And it’s like a big jump.
But, then you have to adjust,
And sometimes it takes time.
Just like a roller coaster,
It takes you a second to feel yourself again.
The joy of life though,
is its ride.
Just live your life,
and enjoy it.
380 · Dec 2018
Where I'm From
laura Dec 2018
I am from ***** Farmer candies
From old roller skates,
and falling apart jump ropes
From making up games,
rather than them being handed over.

I am from having to go to the neighbors house for the TV,
And from not getting one until 7th grade.
From the Milton Berle talk show,
that aired in the 50's.
From American Drama series,
such as Fireside Theatre starring Gene Raymond.
And from brunette Elizabeth Taylor,
and The Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

I am from “Waste not, want not,”
and “A penny saved is a penny earned.”
I am from Laura Lee Hope and the Bobbsey Twins.
From longing to be a nurse and becoming one.

In my heart, and 27 years in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
those moments are kept,
Those memories may not seem very valuable,
but to me they are everything.
This is what came out of a long interview with my grandma
360 · Feb 2019
True Love
laura Feb 2019
My only true love
Is always and only food
How can it not be?
341 · Dec 2018
laura Dec 2018
Time for happiness,
Time for forgetting troubles,
And a time for peace.
332 · Oct 2019
Bright Side
laura Oct 2019
Sometimes in life,
you just,
have to look at the bright side.
It feels like,
everybody is just so negative.
There is so much hatred,
and pain in this world.
If you think about it though,
we could make it so much better.
So, just stick with the right friends,
never lose hope,
and look at the bright side.
Not really sure what this is, just trying to be positive about life :)
306 · Apr 2020
laura Apr 2020
As we all know,
we are going through
some strange times.
But I believe,
that we will
get through them.
don't give up
296 · Jan 2020
laura Jan 2020
Happy New Year!
Hope you all
have a great 2020!
God bless you all
in the new year!
287 · Jan 2020
Stay the Same
laura Jan 2020
Sometimes I wish
things were different
or better
but when I look around
me, I realize I don't
want anything to change.
269 · Aug 2020
laura Aug 2020
You decide your happiness,
things may be tough,
but it's how you view it
that makes the difference
Always look for the positives! It's the best you can do during these hard times💜
269 · Sep 2020
laura Sep 2020
Emotions are like
a piece of paper.
After you hurt someone,
like when you crinkle
a piece of paper,
even when you apologize
they still have marks.
Words never leave someone,
no matter how much you try
to fix what you did.
Never hurt someone else
because they'll never fully recover.
Always be kind💜
255 · Mar 2020
laura Mar 2020
Today I'm 14,
excited for
a new adventure
233 · Feb 2020
laura Feb 2020
Never say things
to people you might regret,
because it may be
the last thing you ever say to them.
232 · Jan 2019
My Changing World
laura Jan 2019
My Changing World.
I look around my house.
First of all, my bedroom,
My queen bed,
That I shared with my sister,
For the longest time, is no longer there.
I have a bunk bed now.
My old dresser, that I needed help,
reaching the top,
Is no longer there.
Next, my living room,
My old box tv is gone,
My old couch, that,
We had to cover up
with a brown cover,
Because of all of its wear,
was replaced with a new,
leather one.
My brother’s room,
Used to be my sister’s.
Instead of the little,
toddler bed, it’s a twin bed.
Guess he’s not
Such a baby anymore.
When I look outside,
Where I have spent
most of my afternoons,
Rain or snow,
sun, or shade.
Our tree is gone,
that was there forever it seems.
All that is left now is its stump.
Our basketball hoop,
More rust each year,
Where countless people,
Have attempted countless shots.
We now have a soccer goal,
Which has had many,
many, shots taken at it,
Many missed, many goals.
We no longer have our swingset,
Which my sister and I,
spent several hours on.
We did keep one slide though.
The one we used to set up
by our mini pool,
And splash into it,
Like we were having,
the time of our lives.
Some things haven’t changed,
Like the memories,
we all have of everything,
And they never will.
232 · Sep 2020
never change
laura Sep 2020
Never change
who you are
just to fit in.
If people don't like
the real you, then
you shouldn't talk
to them anyways.
226 · Jan 2020
laura Jan 2020
I just want
you to know
that you are
not worthless,
everyone has a
purpose in life,
no matter who you are.
198 · Jan 2020
laura Jan 2020
It's not the fact that I was left,
it's the fact that I was never told why.
196 · May 2020
laura May 2020
It's not how much you say,
it's what you say that matters.
184 · May 2020
laura May 2020
It really hurts knowing you're not good enough
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