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Oh welcome back
My nightmare

Again you are here

The very last thing
I  ever wondered of
The last thing
In mind
Is to open up
For someone else

Push away
All our love
Replace with anew
Nor anything else

On the new year eve
We're all alone
We're good at this
Has always been

It's enough
For you
For me
To feel the presence

To forget
It could be
To regret
Never will

Didn't gave you up
Never did
We knew what's best
This will last

Have faith in
This lonely star
Not even words
Can't tell
May not be good in bed
Or maybe anything

But it's worth to try
To change

For the better
For future

Even when we knew
That nothing

Nothing lasts
It vibrates
I hope
It's you

It rings
Still hoping
It's you

In my dreams
That smile
It's yours

In my prayers
There's always
Your name

The world may separates us
But HE knows
We know
It's not the end
Looking for an error
No this aint terror

Some might say it is
But they never truly see

Sometimes they occur
Without thunder

She's my the rider
I'm her passenger

These colours of mine
Are all hers
For her to cherish

Only she
Shall keep the taste

Only she's
Gonna make me rain

Only her love
Makes me shine again
It's now or never
To start again
It's now or never
To revive again

To win or to lose
The choice is in our hands
To win or to lose
I'll never call it luck
And this is the reality
None of us had the idea of it

It's either a gift
Or just a gigantic test
Who knows what's behind it

And we're staying in
To help and hope this will stop

Front liners are heros
All the homies are too
Both helping each other to prevent

Praying day and night
For safety and security
For the better and serenity

Oh the almighty
You're listening
I know you do
You know what's in out hearts
I know you do
Please forgive us
Please make it end
Covid19 ****
I was next to her
Almost texted you
But I didn't
Cause I couldn't

This morning
Received a text from you
Saying you should have seen me
Before you leave the other day

This is not getting easier
As I'm trying to understand
Maybe I've misunderstood
Please don't make it hard
Always I believe
There's a reason
For everything
That happens in our lives

Still, I can't think of a reason
Why would you fake
Why would you lie
Why would you do that

To someone
Who trusted you
Who loves you
Who wants the best for you

I hope no one does the same to you.
No hate
Only pain

Then it's raining
Raining tears

No lies
Only fears

Same ****
Keep repeating

You put yourself in that way
Stop putting the blame on others
This is not the end
Maybe a start

Keep on breathing
Get out of your blanket

Put on something pretty
Make the world smile again
Every time it comes
The air burns
We suffocate but still
Everything is good

No, no drinking
Nor eating
That's the term
Through the sacred month

Every smile has its tears
Every game has its rules
Every start has its ends and
So this sacred month

Still we hope to be
With you again
Still we hope to see
You come back to us again

It's either we stop
Nor time stops
It's either we take all the chances
Or we take everything for granted

Choices are in our hands
Has always been
Since the first time
Our heart beats

Be wise or otherwise
Goodbye Ramadan, may He accept all our good deeds ❀
Maybe it's true
About what they said

And the feelings fade
All that's left is fake

Why choose to stay
When it's all fake

Are you scared
To be alone

On your own
Or you're scared of loneliness
Maybe I did told you
That I'll leave

I'll leave you
And all the memories of us


You'll never realise that
It's still me

That's been loving you
From far, silently and this time

I'll make sure
You'll never know that

It's me.

I love you, AA.
Tbh, I've been thinking to myself. What to get for you, on your birthday. I really did but.. you left, again. 04.02.2019
'Goodnight ****'
Is the last text that
I got from her tonight
Before I put myself to sleep

I wish to see her again
To hold her hand
We'll spend the whole night
Like it won't end

Shattered into pieces
Just because of words
Tried to glue them back
But it'll never be the same

They were only words
Sharp ones
The heart was broken

If one could choose
Types of heart to own
One won't pick this one
Cause it's too sensitive

Too fragile
One will always blame oneself
For being one
For having that kind of heart
Told Him about you
Everything about us
Even though I know He knew

How rude I was
How mean I was
Towards you

I know He knew
How bad it was
As it shattered and went with the wind

I knew it isn't for eternity
It is just a game
One of your favorites

Should have known
She told you
Cause she trusted you

She told you
Cause you're someone worth

She told you
Cause she thought you care

She told you
Cause you're her friend
16/06/18 - yes, she thought you were trusted
Just because of that one
One simple question

Everything became upside down
You're leaving her again

Because she was being direct
Should I just let things go
Or should I hold on to it

Most of em makes me happy
And not all of em hurt that bad

Still I think
You're the sweetest ever
Who ever thought
We'll survive this

Who ever thought
We're still breathing till this day

We're strong with His will
The test won't stop cause He say so

Life is short
Live it to the fullest

Show your love
Make it worth

There's a soul that deserves it
You know what I'm talking about
My head hurts so bad
I never felt that before
Not like any other day

This one's intense
So painful
Can't think of anything that makes me sad Or it will end up feeling so very bad

Told her
I miss you so much
Call me if you love me
She gave me a call

Heard her voice
Angelic voice
The pain gone away
The tears dried away

So it's you
You're my cure
You're the reason of my pain
I need you
What you said
Was true
And still
Some things are undo

Tolerate has to be done
Like every time
Your hands play it's role
They're my dime

Tell me
Is it wrong
To keep your soul
Nor to have them whole

Is this temporary
Can't we just let it
Happily in this
White solitary

Always there will
Be a tragedy
It's either my fantasy
Nor your reality
Not alone
Cause they're around
Not lonely
Chooses not to be

Wasn't fake
Felt the sincerity
Apple of my eye
That's what you are

Clearer sight
When we're together
Very comfortable yet
Some envy us

Soft and lovely
Like sand and waves
Calm and warm
Picture you as the blue sky

Truly no harm
Wish you're mine

In the heavens
Just as bad
As it is
Ugly as
It seems to be

The last time
She kept on failing
Also galling
It hurts so bad

The rain was her lover
The best she had
Too bad
Now it's only a was

The love
It's still there
Will always be
Now and forever

Explanation wasn't needed
There's faith and more
So much more
Than just a mother nature
It hurts me so much
That it was so sudden

It hurts me so much
That I needed you so bad

It hurts me so much
To hug myself and say it's okay

It hurts me so much
That I can't forget the sweetness of you

Everything was true
Until that day
It was out of the blue
Didn't know that I'm hurting you

It's okay
That's what I say
Till I fell asleep in tears
Hoping you'll hear it in ears
I miss you
But i can't tell you
Maybe by telling
Will only hurt me

I miss you
But i can't tell you
Maybe by telling
Will only make you hate me

I miss you
But i can't tell you
Maybe by telling
It only means nothing

I'm typing
At the same time crying
Having high hopes for love
For us

It's hurting
Yet I'm still waiting
For you to come back
Give me back my heart that you stolen
Are you home yet?
Are you okay?
Are you somewhere safe?

I'm just worry
Please look at the bright side
I care for you

I know you're capable of being alone
You're my supergirl but
You'll always be my baby
2.11am @ Malaysia and I'm missing you. A lot. ❀
If I'm gonna bite you
I'll bite you really hard
Not just for the pleasure
It's more to another closure
Acted like strangers
But their lips met

Acted like lovers
But the love's for someone else

Acted like friends
But hated each other in the face

Acted like straights
But deep down they're gays

Why choose swell
When you can choose well

Why choose to fake
When you can choose to be true

Because nothing matters
Not even the truth
thanks for reading! comments are welcome ❀
Act like you don't care
Act like it's okay
Act like everything's cool
But my darling
No, it's not
It's not like how you think it is
You care
It's not okay
It's not cool

Stop it
Wake up
Stand up
Live in reality
Keep on dreaming
Make them come true
Chase them if you have to
Take a short rest cause you needed to

Take a sip
Take a deep breath
My father always says
Slowly and steady, win the race
Make prayers
Don't lose hope
Stay strong
Till the end of the day
In my dreams
Flying is easier than walking
Running is scarier than swimming

I'm trying to understand
Between the lines and colours
Genuine and fake

Why is it hard to let you go
I thought I moved on
I was wrong all this time

Pardon me
The road look so clear
The rain taste so sweet

I wanted to be free
But I'd like to stay
Just to love you over and over again
I hate that you cheated
I hate that you lied
You better stop stalking on me
Before I tear you
Like you tear me
It's like walking on a straight path
You thought it was easy
Until you feel the need
Of rest and water
Or maybe a company
And maybe a warm body
Just to hug
No, not just a warm body
Only that one warm body
That you miss the most
Its 2 pm
Cozy and windy
The clouds doing their duty
In my eyes you're very pretty

Getting ready for the evening
To see my most precious
With her shades on
Waiting in the car

It was tinted
Still I can see you
You're beautiful as always
You will always be

Heart beats fast
I wish to find
The right words to say
The right tone for hey

Hey could we just stay
Like this forever
Make everything stop
And make you stay
They told the others
To talk to HIM
Tell HIM everything
Each and every single day

They also told em
To ask from HIM
Everything and

They said that
HE listens
HE knows
HE knew
HE sees
HE saw

The saddest part
Of all was
They said that
HE'S Close
How close
I don't know

Turn to the mirror
Look at yourself
Ask you, yourself
How close you are to

They can say No
They will always say No

But my Darling
If you have the WILL
You'll do it
Even when they say No

LIVE your LIFE sweetheart
They won't always be around for you
But You WILL always
Have to live your life
No matter what

Stay strong
Love yourself
Let them say No
You build your life better
Who else gonna make your life better
If it's not YOU
You will survive
Thought that
It was easy
To make a Start

Thought that
It was easy
To say Goodbye

Thought that
It was easy
To obey and To listen

Thought that
It was easy
To only lie and Fake everything

It wasn't
Wasn't like what
They said

Everything was
I love you
But they told me
That You
Love me better
I'm glad
To know you
You got that warm smile
Understanding mind
Everything seems mild

Thank God
For that day
The day 1 I met you
It was awkward
But I didn't lose my words

I hope
This will be everlasting
The tranquility you gave
The comfort you hold
I wish it will last forever
Happy birthday gf. 143.
Going back there for fun
I don't mind
But to go back there
I don't think so

Can't even feel my feet
Touching the dance floor
Everything feels so slow
Never meant to feel this way
Never meant to put you that low

Night and day
Feels the same way still
Your clouds and shines
They never fade
I'll love you till the next life
Kedah, 20/09/18
Tell me
How are you

These feelings
They are there
Getting stronger

Is this wrong
Is it okay
Would you mind to tell me

These dark grey clouds
Scares me
Rain's coming

Are they gonna do it
Like how everyone else does
Wash away everything

All my memories
That I kept
For myself

All the things
About you
All the sweet pretty things

That we've been thru
For those three days
Just us
If you're here now
I would just grab you
Make you dance with me
To this song but
You're not
So I'll just dance
With this teddy you gave me
Through the night
I effing miss you and I know you don't or maybe I'm wrong. It's okay. It's my choice.
Tell me how to
Undo everything
You touched
My deepest space

The one that I've forbid
So long ago
I opened up just for you
When there's too many

You're so very special
How can I unlove
You're the reason
I wanna wake again

I can't afford
To lose you
Stay with me
Will you

Even when the distance
They keep us apart
You'll always forever
Stay in my heart

Your eyes
Your lips
Your skin
Your hands

That makes you who you are
You're beautiful

I'm crazy
Totally crazy
Crazy in love with my baby
You're my one and only baby
This guilt
They coloured in peach
Had some stitch
Have you seen how they preach

This melancholy
Wasn't so holy
Drives some crazy
Throughout their daily

This curiosity
Wasn't from sympathy
Thick nor tiny
Longing for tranquillity
I'm wasted all over againΒ Β 

It is just a dreamΒ Β 

Too badΒ Β 
Too bad it wasn'tΒ Β Β 

Maybe it's true
When they told meΒ Β 

That you're fake
You just wanna play gamesΒ Β 

I really amΒ Β 

I let you in
Gave you all of meΒ Β 

Again I hope
It is just a dreamΒ Β 

Because the love I gave
Are true , true , trueΒ Β 

How could you
Why me
Loving you wasn't a hobby
It was pure
Was naive

Definitely not a choice
Not an accident
Wasn't a mistake
At least It never felt that way

You come and go
Whenever you want
She's just an option
Someone that'll always accept you

No matter how bad
The condition of her heart
If it's you
She'll still say yes

Cause it's you
I wish to not have a fragile heart
I wish not to tell anyone how I feel
Why is it so hard
Why is it so heavy

Isn't there's an option
To have a cold heart
To not care how I feel
Cause sometimes it felt like unnecessary

Especially when you spill it out
But it was taken for granted
What for
I don't know
I don't know what this is

I don't know
But I felt it in me

Is this love?
This feeling that I have for you

Cause I don't know
But I do know that I miss you

And I'll find a way
To have you in my arms again

To touch you with my eyes
To feel you with my fingers

Like we used to
Like how it was
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