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To stay or to leave
I'll leave the choices to you
Make the decision on your own

To hate nor to love
From the very first time
It was never my intention

To blame or to admit
Makes who we are
Whether you like it or not
Will always
Try to
Respect your decisions
Will always be
The best girl you ever had

Will always remember
All the things
We've been through
Will always forgive
All the things that happened

Will always
Love you
Even when
You're in love
With someone else
Left again. 21-9-18
We put hopes
Cause there's faith

We hold on to
Cause we trust one another

We stand up tall
Cause we believe in ourselves

Still somehow
There's a force

Tryna break us
Bring us down

Like it was so clear
Suddenly became so dark

So dark
That you can't see a thing
Even with your both eyes open

That's your call
To the new beginning
Pick yourself up
Look around you

There's a lot more to discover
There's more challenges coming your way

Keep on living
Keep on believing

One day
You'll win.
Stay strong love.
I wish I could tell
Black and white
I wish I'll always
Know the truth
I wish this happiness
Stay with us forever
So overwhelmed
It makes me wanna cry
I wish I love God better
Wished I'm His favorite
But I know
You know
We'll never know
Some might say
That's a stupid play
I'd say it's a chosen path
To be or not to be
With the one
Who wants you or never want to

Some would say
It's a mistake
I'd say it's a memory lane
To keep it or to throw it away
It's always your choice
Would you throw me away
for someone new?
Next to me
Sometimes you're under my nose
Sometimes you're across the bed
As if its too far

You hate the yellow light
I can't be in the dark
I hate the dark

All you need to know
One thing I hope will never change
Is how you make me feel
I feel good under my own skin
It depends
On the eye
On what you saw
On what you choose to see

The good in it
The bad in it
The sense in it
The results of it

Still it's up to you
To calculate
To think of it
To thank for it

It's all You
Thank you for letting me see
Thank you for the eyes You gave me
Thank you for the chance to change
Thank YOU for everything YOU gave me.
I think I can cry now
I think it's too heavy
To keep it alone
All to myself

Been thinking
To who should I tell
Do you wanna listen
Do you even have the time to

I love me
But at the same time
Why do I always
Make me cry

Please don't hate yourself
It's okay to cry
It's not your fault
It's no one's fault
Sometimes it's the stars
Rarely with the moon
Usually only the skies
Normally it's only us

It is not impossible to make things work
We bend and might break ourselves
Still we're able to stand and start again
As if it's the very first time for everything

The hellos
The pretty face to smile at
The route to your favorite place to be you
To make you feel you before you tasted love
14th April 2020
Aman, Tuesday

— The End —