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Mar 2024 · 1.9k
Your past
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2024
Don't be a prisoner of your past
Like a fallen yellow leaf
With no song, no fire

Be like the enchanting nature
That celebrates life with
The new dawn, new sun rise
Birds melodies, blue skies
Smiling flowers, green grass
Fresh air, dancing butterflies
Twinkling stars
And evolving moon

Hussein Dekmak
Jan 2024 · 1.3k
Creating your own story
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2024
Create your own story with your
Glistening smiles
Kind words
Loving heart
Acts of kindness
Helping hands
Charitable deeds
Inspiring ideas
Unforgettable imprint
Make it a breath-taking story
A story that will inspire generations to come

Hussein Dekmak
Dec 2023 · 751
Nature’s Love
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2023
I am drunk on nature's love
It made me give away my:
Songs to the rain
Dance to the snow flakes
Voice to the birds
Longing to the flute
Whisper to the wind
Rage to the thunder
Spirit to the spring
Cries to the winter
Ego to the mountains
Humility to the valleys
Beauty to the moon.
And dreams to the new dawn

Hussein Dekmak
songs, rain, dance, snow, flakes, voice, birds, flute, whisper, dawn, mountains, valleys, moon
Sep 2023 · 5.3k
In your eyes darling
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2023
In your eyes darling, I see:
Infinite beauty
Blooming flowers
Dancing butterflies
Singing birds
Moving rivers
Spring air
The Full moon
Twinkling stars

In your eyes darling, I see:
A cozy home
Soft heart
A Rainbow of hope
An Ocean of love
Fountain of determination
A Life boat,
Safe Shores

In your eyes darling,I see:
Sweet dreams
Warm sunshine
A new dawn
Fresh day
Thousands of smiles
Happy songs and
Enchanting nature

Hussein Dekmak
Aug 2023 · 1.8k
Listening to your silence
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2023
Listening to your silence, I heard:
Songs and prayers
Tranquility and music
Tears and smiles
Laughters and cries
Despair and hope
Sorrows and joys
Loathing and longing
Passion and peace
Whispers and loud voices

Hussein Dekmak
Jul 2023 · 294
The rain song and you
Hussein Dekmak Jul 2023
I want to do with you what
The Sunshine does with the sleeping universe
The Moon does with the lonely night
Twinkling stars do with the night sky
Honey bees do with flowers
Dew does with the green leaf
Rain song does with the lifeless tree
Bird's melody does with the longing heart
Nature's whisper does with Hussein's soul

Hussein Dekmak
Bee # bird # dew#  flower # whisperer #  naked  night # rain # moon #  song # sky # leaf # dew
Hussein Dekmak Jul 2023
Let me:
Sail into your dreams
Cuddle your fantasies
Hear your silence
Utter your thoughts
Read your unspoken words
Touch your imagination
Embrace your desires.
Sing to your heart
Kiss your soul
Taste your sweetness
Touch your kindness
Feel your happiness and
Dance inside your chest

Let me be:
Your gentle breeze,
The spring of your life
The inspiration of your love and
The whisperers of your being

Hussein Dekmak
May 2023 · 415
Your Scars
Hussein Dekmak May 2023
I have:
Heard your cry
Sensed your pain
Felt your wounds
Seen your scars
Cuddled your agonies
Listened to your heartache
Witnessed your tears and
Embraced your cause

Hussein Dekmak
Apr 2023 · 303
If I Have the Choice
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2023
If I have the choice,
I would want to be
A blue butterfly
The little bird flying
A Blooming flower
The Spring breeze
The Dew on a green leaf
A New dawn
The Flute longing for love
The Twinkling star
The Full moon
The Shinning sun

If I have the choice to be, I definitely want to be:
A person with
A loving heart
Full of kind deeds
And inspiring ideas.

Hussein Dekmak
Mar 2023 · 3.9k
Spring Awakening
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2023
When spring arrives, it touches nature’s heart, and awakens it into a new life
Trees are blossoming
Beautiful Lilly flowers are blooming
Fields are dressed in a green garment
Blue butterflies are flying
Bees are buzzing
Baby bunnies are playing
Birds are chirping in backyards
Water springs are bursting
Water waves are dancing
Nature is burning love

I wonder, if we as human being could bring out the best in us, and show the whole world our inner beauty by the touch of spring?

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2023
Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. It requires plan, focus, action, hard work, positive attitude, and perseverance to achieve your dreams.

Hussein Dekmak
Feb 2023 · 353
Your Kindness
Hussein Dekmak Feb 2023
Your Kindness

Your kindness has:
The smell of popcorn
The scent of a special fragrance
The taste of pumpkin pie
The breath of fresh air
The sound of a favorite music
The beauty of an eloquent flower
The gentle touch of a spring breeze
The murmur of a mother’s prayer
The whisper of a beautiful heart
The voice of ocean waves
The song of a melodious bird
The freshness of a new dawn
The wake up call to love humanity

Hussein Dekmak
Breath dawn call fragrance mother song whisper pie popcorn wave voice ocean heart flower air bird pumpkin
Feb 2023 · 2.1k
Eternal Home
Hussein Dekmak Feb 2023
Your house could be destroyed by an earthquake, a hurricane, a flood, or fire. Yet your home built with good thoughts, kind words, helping hands, and charitable deeds is eternal.

Hussein Dekmak
Feb 2023 · 1.8k
Life’s Readiness
Hussein Dekmak Feb 2023
Your life could be going smooth like a ship sailing in calm waters, yet a sudden change in your life can turn it upside down, suddenly this ship is caught in a raging storm.

Are you ready for the rough ride? With all of your planning, knowledge, and skills?
Have you prepared your survival boat to safe shores?

Hussein Dekmak
Jan 2023 · 1.6k
The Eyes of Your Heart
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2023
Close your eyes and open the eyes of your heart.
They will show you the way, enlighten your life, and fill it with purpose, joy, and hope.

Hussein Dekmak
Jan 2023 · 782
Being Alive
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2023
If you don’t
Paint your dreams with wishful thinking
Nurture your mind with knowledge
Evolve your thinking with creative ideas
Brush your deeds with humanity

You will be forgotten like
A fallen yellow leaf
A lonely house yearning for inhabitants
A naked tree with no fire, no song
A cemetery with no soul, no melody

Hussein Dekmak
Nov 2022 · 199
I Wonder
Hussein Dekmak Nov 2022
I wonder if we can have
The joy of a little bird
The purity of a rain drop

The optimism of a new dawn
The generosity of the shining sun
The freshness of a new spring

The song of an enchanting tulip
The melody of nature with muted
Syllables of hope, beauty, and love

Hussein Dekmak
Sep 2022 · 202
The Journey of Life
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2022
Life is a journey that requires preparedness with special tools of planning, wisdom, patience, skills, knowledge, and love.

Hussein Dekmak
Aug 2022 · 3.2k
A Song and a Fire
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2022
The Dawn is rising.
The Sun is shining.
Bees are buzzing.
Birds are humming.
Butterflies are dancing.
Clouds are forming. 
Rain is falling.
Water springs are flowing.
Meadows are chanting.
Flowers are blossoming.
Mountains are bowing.
Natures is playing a melody with magnificent beauty.

Hussein Dekmak
Jul 2022 · 186
Hussein Dekmak Jul 2022
Observe the crack of a new dawn.
Feel the warmth of the sun.
Listen to the song of a nightingale.
Witness the dance of a purple butterfly.
Take notice of the flower's sweet smile
Watch the flow of a river.
Tune into the sound of the ocean’s sparkling waves.
Surrender to the call of a new life with a renewed hope.

Hussein Dekmak
Jul 2022 · 197
Let me be Free
Hussein Dekmak Jul 2022
Let me be free of:
My sorrows and pain,
My body and chains.

Let me be free of:
Your man’s rules,
And the time frame.

So I can be:
A flying blue butterfly,
A singing little bird,
Or a lyric of nature’s eternal song!

Hussein Dekmak
Jun 2022 · 5.4k
I Belong
Hussein Dekmak Jun 2022
I belong
To the roses blooming with elegance,
The birds song yearning for love,
The spring singing the song of life,
The dawn declaring a new beginning,
The moon shining on lovers’ footsteps.

I Belong
To the cry of the suffering souls,
The dish that feeds the hungry stomaches,
The sacred justice that was crucified,
The whispers of my mother’s prayer.

I Belong,
To the kind words that sooth other’s pains,
The random acts of kindness,
The hearts that are full of compassion,
The idea that plant seeds for positive change,

I Belong,
To the hope of all of humanity,
The inventor of all of the infinite beauty,
The beautiful song of all of creation,
The God of the whole universe.

Hussein Dekmak
May 2022 · 489
Bird’s Secret
Hussein Dekmak May 2022
The bird has a secret to tell you:
Be content with what you have.
Make your life a beautiful song.
Be happy and share your happiness with others.

Hussein Dekmak
I was riding my bike and I heard the bird’s melody. This had  really touched my heart. As human being, we are very blessed to be surrounded by beautiful nature, flowers, butterflies, sun, stars, moon, birds that keep singing the happy song of the of life.
Apr 2022 · 1.9k
Comfort Zone
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2022
To fly above the white clouds,
Walk on the moon.
Dance with the stars,
Step out of your comfort zone.

To astonish the world with your creativity,
Fulfil your dreams with great accomplishments,
Stay productive, stand out among the crowds,
Break through the chains of your comfort zone.

Your pains, sorrows, and wounds my friend are
Your bridge to a breathtaking life, 
Full of hope, adventures, and excitement,
With a new dawn, and a new day!

Hussein Dekmak
Mar 2022 · 180
A positive Thought
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2022
It was a gloomy and rainy day outside.
Yet, in my mind the day was a sunny with a light spring breeze.

I thought, “I want to lose myself in the outdoors by taking a walk, kissing the sun on her cheek, listening to the chirping birds and tuning in to nature’s silent songs”. This thought made my heart dance with joy.

My dear friend, what shapes your life and fills it with happiness are the positive thoughts that you feed your mind.

Hussein Dekmak

Photo is courtesy of ‘Karina Sherwin Bloom’
Bird # Dance # Rain # Feed # Whisper # Song # Sunny # Light # Heart# Outdoor # Greet # kissing
Feb 2022 · 1.2k
A Little Bird
Hussein Dekmak Feb 2022
I am a little bird.
I aim to soar and fly high up in the sky.
Although I tumble, I always rise.
I long to be free
Of all my pain and sorrows.
I strive to be alive,
And reach new horizons everyday!

I have a song, I have a fire;
I enchant people and fill their hearts with peace, hope, and happiness.
I am content with little,
Yet, I own the whole universe.
I travel the world to awaken
One soul at a time to the call of love!

Hussein Dekmak
Jan 2022 · 1.5k
Melody of Life
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2022
It's a frigid January
With gloomy sky,
Depressing weather, and
Falling snow.
Yet, I don’t care!

I want to play,
I want to have fun,
I want to climb in the trees,
I want to be free,
I want to be present,
I want to feel alive!

Winter will not take hold of
My love for nature,
I will forever have an eagerness to
Dance to the eternal melody of life!

Hussein Dekmak
I got inspired to write this poem after I saw a kid climbing in a tree from across the street.
Jan 2022 · 164
Spring Reflection
Hussein Dekmak Jan 2022
Let your dreams, thoughts, ideas, words, and deeds be the spring of the world that thaws the harshness of its winter,
and illuminates it with joy, hope, love, kindness, and creativity.

Hussein Dekmak
Dec 2021 · 2.8k
Compass of the Hearts
Hussein Dekmak Dec 2021
Everything draws me to you:
The pulse of a new dawn,
The laughter of the sun,
The aroma of baked bread,
The song of a bird,
The fragrance of a flower,
The magnificent beauty of nature,
The miracle of a baby's birth,
The whisper of hope and humanity.

Everywhere I gaze, I see your beautiful face.
Anywhere I go, I feel the touch of your love.
You are the compass of the hearts
And the Infinite light of the whole universe!

Hussein Dekmak
Oct 2021 · 1.6k
Scent of a Flower
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2021
Sweet thoughts, a loving heart, and kind deeds radiate happiness like the scent of a flower.

Hussein Dekmak
Oct 2021 · 2.2k
Positive Change
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2021
If you end up in what feels like a wasteland,
Make positive change.
Sprinkle seeds of promise,
Grow some trees,
Plant lots of flowers,
Invite the melodious birds,
And awaken spring to the call of renewed hope.

Hussein Dekmak
Oct 2021 · 1.5k
My Bicycle Ride
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2021
While I was enjoying my bicycle ride, It started drizzling and I felt happy, then it stopped.

Suddenly it started pouring rain and I felt excitement and comfort rush over me when I remembered my childhood.

The sweet memory of playing under the rain and waiting to get in trouble with my beloved mother felt like a precious gift.

Hussein Dekmak
Oct 2021 · 2.5k
Window of My Heart
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2021
At the crack of a new dawn,
I opened the window of my heart and invited:
Love to shelter,
Fragrance of flowers to diffuse,
A spring of hope to bloom,
Blue butterflies to dance,
Nightingale birds to sing,
And nature to chant with her silent language!

Hussein Dekmak
Sep 2021 · 888
In Your Presence
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2021
In your presence, words, expressions, and languages become meaningless.
Yet, beautiful love songs are artistically composed of nature’s silent lyrics.

Hussein Dekmak
Sep 2021 · 332
Song of Life
Hussein Dekmak Sep 2021
It is the song within the heart:
Of the sun, that makes her forever shine,
The dawn, that encourages her to greet you with a smile,
The flower, that urges her to bloom for adoration,
Of the bird, that inspires her to warble the melody of love,
And the moon, that motivates her to continuously evolve in beauty.

Do you have your own song:
That makes you dream of grandeur,
Colors your thought with a rainbow of optimism,
Prompts you to plant the seeds of kindness,
Drives you to accomplish something remarkable,
And motivates you to serve others with a touch of humanity?

Hussein Dekmak
Aug 2021 · 1.7k
A Yellow Leaf
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2021
When a leaf stops dancing to the music of life, and the melody of the birds has ceased, it changes to yellow and gently falls off the tree of life.

Hussein Dekmak
Aug 2021 · 2.2k
Melody of Life
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2021
Be a green leaf that celebrates life with every new dawn, absorbing a full cup of energy with every sunrise.
Awaken humanity to the call of love!

Hussein Dekmak
Aug 2021 · 3.1k
Feeling Good
Hussein Dekmak Aug 2021
Feeling good is:
Greeting a stranger with a smile,
Chatting with your elderly neighbor's,
And treating them with care and compassion.

Soothing another's pain,
Feeding hungry stomachs,
Standing with the oppressed,
Rendering service to others for no return.

Exploring a new idea,
Enriching your knowledge,
Reflecting and pondering,
Planting the seeds of positive change.

Listening to the whispers of love,
Inspiring the next generation,
Being around intelligent people,
Enjoying the company of soft-hearted friends.

Restoring people's shattered dreams,
Be their candle and their lifeboat,
Listening to the cries of innocent souls,
And showing them the way to a new dawn.

Lifting the spirit of the broken-hearted,
Delivering them through a helping hand,
Dressing your soul in a garment of giving.
Lifting your voice to be the champion of the forgotten.

Counting your blessings,
Reciting your prayers,
Contemplating the universe,
Listening to nature’s songs with muted words.

Hussein Dekmak
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
Sixty-seven children have been slaughtered.
Sixty-seven dreams have been shattered.
Sixty-seven beautiful faces have now vanished.
Sixty-seven vibrant smiles have faded.
Sixty-seven beds are left empty.

Palestinian children, like all children, love to play.
Palestinian children are longing for peace.
The children of Gaza dream to be teachers, nurses, artists, engineers, and doctors.
Palestinian children want to breathe.
Palestinian children's lives matter!

(Palestinian children killed by Israel in Gaza in May, 2021)

Hussein Dekmak
May 2021 · 244
Standing Up
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
Fight for your beliefs; fight for what you know in your heart is right.
Fight for the stray animals without homes.
Fight for controlling pollution and preserving nature.
Fight for justice for all of the children of Adam and Eve.

Speak up against poverty.
Speak up against the insane massacres of innocent lives.
Speak up against senseless wars.
Speak up against bigotry, hatred, and labeling.
Speak up against all of the ignorance!
Don’t ever be the silent bystander.

Stand up tall, don’t even think about giving up in surrender.
Stand up for those who are crippled with pain.
Stand up for those who are powerless to do so for themselves.
Stand up for exemplary patient care.
Stand up for well-deserved employees to get appropriate wages
Stand firmly for hope, happiness, love, and peace.
Don’t let the light, creativity, and inspiration in you die.

Hussein Dekmak
May 2021 · 248
Making a Difference
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
A flower knows that she can’t delight everyone with her scent and beauty.
A bird comprehends that he can’t make everybody happy with his melodious songs.
An olive tree realizes that she can’t feed all of the people’s hunger.
A water spring recognizes that she can’t quench the thirst of all humankind.
The moon is aware that he can’t eliminate all of the universe’s darkness.

Yet, they do their share because they believe in making a difference. They strive to make it a better world, a globe full of hope, inspiration, and giving!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
May 2021 · 2.4k
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
As I gazed at the starry night sky,
The stars whispered:
We are your horoscope, and your fortune tellers!
We bring your loved ones together, so you share and bask in our beauty.  
We shine so bright to illuminate and guide you through even your darkest of nights!

The moon whispered:
I am your loyal companion, and your secret keeper.
I provide you with light; I am the symbol of transition and progression!
I am the master of infinite beauty that inspires you with creativity and poetry!

The sun whispered:
Every day when I rise, I heal your old wounds.
With my shining face, I shower you with joy and smiles.  
I provide you a life full of hope, growth, and empowerment.
I am your eternal song of rebirth, inspiration, and a new promise for a better day!  

The earth whispered:
I have made myself a home for you and decorated it with trees, flowers, and rivers.
Do you remember when you had taken your first baby steps?
You stumbled and fell; I lifted you up with my gentle heart,
And provided you with everything that I have, to watch you grow and blossom.
When you are ready to depart, I promise to hold you like a baby in my gentle arms,
And bury your fragile body, along with your precious secrets, deep inside my heart.
I will embrace your soul with infinite love since I am your mother nature!

Hussein Dekmak
Edit 2
May 2021 · 258
Searching for My Soul
Hussein Dekmak May 2021
After gazing at my father’s serene face,
I asked him about soul searching.

He answered me with a warm smile,
My precious child,
You will find your soul in the simplest of things.

You will find your soul in giving charity to a homeless on the street Corner.
You can find your soul in the daily services that you render to people;
Services that you pour your heart into.

You can find your soul by losing yourself in doing things that you enjoy:
In being always surrounded by people whom you love,
By sharing a smile with a stranger,
By being the messenger of kindness, 
In helping people overcome their pain.

You will find it in always doing your best to inspire and uplift people, and by planting the seeds of hope and happiness in their hearts.

You can find your soul in the tears you shed in the middle of night, asking God for forgiveness for your misfortune and mistakes.

You can find your soul in purging your heart from greed, arrogance, and hatred.
And instead, replacing them with love, generosity, and humility.

Hussein Dekmak
Heart # Night # People # Planting # Seeds # Shed # Searching # face  father # child
Apr 2021 · 1.1k
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
Kindness is like rain to a thirsty tree. When kindness touches a heart, it breathes new life into it, and makes it bloom with love and joy.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Apr 2021 · 1.9k
The Bench
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
The elderly man who used to greet me with a soft smile, while sitting on the bench in front of his lawn, is no longer around!

The bench is still there, yet the elderly man had been replaced by his grim - faced grandson playing on his phone!

As I pass by the bench, I wonder what type of legacy the elderly man had left behind!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Apr 2021 · 1.5k
Asian Bullying (COVID 19)
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
In the midst of the rise of Asian bullying during the COVID 19 pandemic,
Let us show them our sympathy.
Advocate against Asian hate.
Stand with their cause.
Give them warm greetings.
Treat them with more kindness and humanity.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Apr 2021 · 1.5k
Bit of Humanity
Hussein Dekmak Apr 2021
It will require bit of humanity to:
Lose yourself in serving others,
Soothe their pain,
Plant smiles on their faces,
Brighten their day,
Lift their spirit,
And strive to restore them for a better future.

Your humanity, my friend
Is your eternal legacy, which is more precious than your wealth, Education, and a lifetime worth of accomplishments!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Mar 2021 · 2.5k
Her Streaming Tears
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2021
Her cry was the thunder, and her streaming tears were the pouring rain that breathed new life into the earth. Her catharsis signaled the start of a new spring with fresh grass, blooming flowers, and the ever lasting melody of the birds.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Mar 2021 · 974
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2021
Today is a new day; a new promise wrapped with blessings and gifts.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Mar 2021 · 882
Prayer and Song
Hussein Dekmak Mar 2021
Your words were like a beautiful song, yet your silence was like a sacred prayer.

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
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