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9.5k · Oct 2018
Today, The Jay
'Today, The Jay...'*

I open my eyes to see its a new day.
Today, What's the day?
Is it Saturday or Sunday?
The only thing of which I'm certain
Is that its not a weekday.

So, What can I do today?
Without delay,
The first thing I do is get my tray
Light a blunt to take the pain away.
Inhale and exhale,
Through the passageways.
Chill. . . Then, light another, just because its today.
I'm still in bed, but it's already a good day.

I push the sheets and pillows out the way
Then I get up to empty last night's fluids away.
Then to the kitchen, wondering what I can eat today
What can I do, to keep the hunger at bay?
Maybe some rice and filet?
A little something to kickstart the day.

While the food preps, I go back to my tray.
I smile and giggle as I sculpt my one true love, the Jay
With me at any time, anywhere, in any form, on any day.
Even though I'm already high; 'Hooray'.
I still want another hit of the Jay

The Jay,
Hits, Without delay.
When everyone goes away.
All the pain away.

My worries, It allays.
My happiness, it brings to the fray.
Keeps my mind, from going astray.
Literally, takes my breath away.

Causes, no form of decay
Keeps me, from getting 'ire'
Doesn't negotiate, doesn't parlay.
Just good vibes, all the way.

The love of the Jay;
Isn't just a single foray.
Its a constant exchange,

It's a feeling, that once attained,
Nothing, will ever take its place.
And there goes the tale of my day,
Spent with my true love, the Jay.
8.5k · Nov 2018
Smoke Sesh
A sesh.
An exchange of ideas.
A meeting of men, women.
A gathering of peers.

A collection of the open-minded.
At a place of happiness.
A place with no problems. No stress.
All you have to do is pass and share.
7.6k · Sep 2019
Take My Hand
The night is dark.
The path is long.
The monsters are out.
In the shadows, they lurk.

Take my hand.
Let us find our way home.
No matter what comes tonight,
I promise to never leave you alone.
2.4k · May 2020
Last Days
You may not,
Know me that well;

A relic from your past,
Trying to find a way;
Back, into your heart.

However long,
It may take you,
To open your doors:

I just want you to know,
That I have loved you,
Since the first day.

And I want to love you,
Till the last.
I doubt,
Therefore, I think
Therefore, I am.

I see.
I take in the colours around me.
The patterns, the lights, the rainbow.
I see the night, and the stars that glow.
I dream.
Therefore, I think.
Therefore, I am.

I smell.
The perfumes, the roses.
The stench, the rotten, the putrid.
The aromas, cooking.
The green, the forest, the trees.
I inhale,
Therefore, I think.
Therefore, I am.

I hear.
The noises. The people, the cheer.
The wails, the screams, the tears.
The rejoicing and happiness.
I hear.
Therefore, I think.
Therefore, I am.

I taste.
The sweetness, the fire.
The treats and savoury delights.
The sourness, the bitterness.
I eat,
Therefore, I think.
Therefore, I am.

I speak.
Short messages. Long speeches.
Quiet whispers. Bellowing noises.
I scream,
Therefore, I think,
Therefore, I am.

I feel.
The despair, the fear, the anguish.
The joy. The pride. The seething.
The envy, greed, and jealousy.
The cold, the heat, the shivering.
The pain, the sickness, the ageing.

I die.
Therefore, I lived.
Therefore, I was.
This poem is a spin of the famous saying by René Descartes. Enjoy.
1.4k · May 2019
Black is beautiful.
Toned, smooth. A miracle.
Black is a treasure.
Golden, by any measure.

Black is an inspiration.
A shining light, a beacon.
Black is awesome.
A touch of magic, and then some.

Black is precious.
A gift from God, unique.
Black is sumptuous,
Enticing. A wonderful treat.

Black is cool.
Hip, Fun.
Black is free.
Hop, Soar to the top.
1.4k · Oct 2019
A Beauty
The night is still;
Punctuating the silence.

In the dark,
I see your silhouette.

A beauty,
A Goddess;
Heaven Sent.
1.4k · Oct 2019
You are Peaceful.
Your ways, gentle.
Your looks, wonderful.
Your eyes, magical.

Your smile, humble.
Your body, My temple.
My joy, My Eye’s apple.
My love, My Angel.
1.3k · Nov 2018
The Darkness Is Coming
The door is open.
    Monsters might be lurking.
    Do you see your life as just a token?
    Would you even live long enough for your story to be spoken?

    Stop shivering, start praying.
    Stop screaming, start acting.
    Stop looking, start running.
    For the Demons, are coming.

    Your dreams, they are haunting.
    Your blood, they are craving.
    For Your sound, they are listening.
    For them to pounce, while you are sleeping.

    The Boogeyman is in town.
    Pound, Pound, Pound;
    The heart sounds.
    Silent, goes the town.
    Empty, goes the crowd.
    As the Darkness, grips the clouds.
    Even the King shall not be saved by his crown.

    Oh, you think this is just a story.
    You think this storyteller must be joking.
    The signs, you keep ignoring.
    The tales, you keep dismissing.
    Well, then fear not. Take your time, enjoy and keep playing.

    For very soon, your tears would be streaming
    Your throat would be croaking.
    Your blood, gushing.
    Your skin, flailing.
    Some body parts might even go missing.
    Because, the darkness is coming.
    The Darkness, is Coming.
‘The Darkness is Coming’ is a poem trying to tell the tale of an impending doom. A warning to the people. A warning that wasn’t heeded. Please, enjoy.
1.2k · Mar 2020
Your Next Message
I don't care,
About the other messages;
Popping up,
At the top of my screen.

I just want to stay here,
And wait;
For your next message,
To come in.
1.2k · May 2019
If I was shy,
I would come out of my shell.
Just to talk to you.

If I was evil,
I would slay the devil.
Just to catch a glimpse of you.

If I had a genie,
I would use all my wishes
To have you in this life,
And any life after that.

If I had all the riches,
I would trade them in a heartbeat.
Just to be with you.

For you are;
765 · May 2019
The Question
I'm down on one knee.
In the background, good music.
Floor, littered with roses.
Perfect lighting, candles lit.

The love of my life.
Standing, in front of me.
A picture of beauty, stunning.
Beaming with joy, smiling.

I promise to make you happy.
To give you peace, for eternity.
To put you first, above anything.

So, I'm asking.

Will you make my dreams a reality?
Make me happy,
More than I could ever imagine.

Would you be my partner?
My lover, my significant other.
Would you be the one I wake up beside?
For the rest of my life.

Will you marry me?
743 · Apr 2019
The Forge
The birthplace of weapons.
The backbone of wars.
No sound but the throes of steel.
In fires that burn, unending.

Shaped by the beating of the blacksmith.
Each stroke, manifesting his will.
To forge the weapon of prophecy;
The sword to lead us to victory.
Bathed in the blood of its enemies.
727 · Jun 2019
My Everything
You're the oil in my engine.
The flow to my rhythm.
The foundation of my building,
The one that keeps me from falling.

You're the helium in my balloon,
The fire to my Zeppelin.
Without you, my shape can't be sustained.
You're the medicine to my pain.
In my heart, your love is forever ingrained.

You're the light to my darkness,
Brightening up my day with your every/very presence.
You are the spark, the inspiration.
With you in my life, there are no limitations.

You're the rain to my seeds,
The one that makes them grow.
Always coming in calm drizzles.
Never a storm, always the perfect dose.

You are the air that I breathe.
The oxygen, the one that keeps my fire blazing.
You are my everything.
If I have you, I have no need of anything.
701 · Mar 2019
Gone, In a Few Seconds
We touch.
My heart stops.
You come close,
My breath hits a pause.

You taunt, You tease.
The space between us shortens.
We kiss;
Sweet, The taste of your lips.

You nibble, You pinch.
The tension is building up.
The pace quickens,
Frantic, as our clothes come off.

You take the reigns,
Slithering your way on top.

You part the way,
Guiding me in,
My body quivering.

With every ******,
You speed up,
Your body gliding along.
Stroking, swiftly.
With every motion.

Sweat dripping,
Every breath; fast, short.
The wind seems to stop.
As if taking a moment to watch.

A few yards left to run;
Our bodies respond,
The tempo picking up.
God, Oh God.
The Deity you start to call.

You grip my body,
Your nails digging into my skin.
For dear life, you hold on.
Squeezing tighter, as the moment comes.

We push our limits,
Hanging on for a little more.
We go deeper,
Our bodies quaking,

Waves of euphoria crashing.
An explosion of Ecstasy.
All the hard work and effort,
Gone. In a few seconds. . .
700 · Apr 2019
The Vantage Point. . .
The spot you see it all.
The locus, with the right elevation.
Hidden, in the right vegetation.
Away, from any detection.

The view is strategic.
Targets unaware, roaming.
The moment is nearing.
Nothing escapes your sight,
Save for the blinking of an eye.

The rifle is set.
Scope, adjusted.
Wind bearing, calculated.
Heartbeat, decelerated.

Breath, bated.
Muzzle, pressed.
Down, goes the target. . .
601 · Feb 2019
Just because its called a blunt,
Doesn't mean it dulls the edges.
It keeps everything turnt,
Giving a sparkle to the senses.

It gives you joy.
Whilst fading away your tensing.
Trips, it takes you on.
Just inhale. Take flight, take off. . .
575 · Dec 2019
The Blood Moon
The sun sets,
As the sky burns,
Crimson red.

Red mist in the air
A warning to all.
Hide, run.
Shake, and quiver with fear.

The blood moon shall come.
Come for us all.
And it shall only bring,
Tears and blood.
566 · Jan 2019
The Dictionary.
The library of words.
The keep. The record.
A friend and helper to all.

The place of meaning,
By its very definition.
The book of many editions,
In numerous forms.

Calm, lies the water under the Bridge,
As the Ox laps from the gleaning Ford.
The Web aligns the stars,
As the Long man reclines,
Searching for the meaning of a word.
Please, let me know if you see it.
565 · Nov 2019
The Ledge
Sitting on the ledge,
Admiring the view.
From the thirteenth floor,
Where everything seems so miniscule.

Breathe in and out,
Take in the sights.
The wind blowing,
I might just take flight. . .
533 · Nov 2018
Why Do I Love You
Why do I love you?
A million reasons, a million things.
More that what you could imagine.
Where do I even begin?

Is it your smile that lights up any room?
Your smile that eases whatever I'm going through.
A smile like no other.
A gift from God. A treasure, a wonder.

Could it be the sound of your voice?
The melody in your words?
It could be the sweetness in your whisper.
The one that melts my heart, makes me tender.

Perhaps, its the way you overlook my faults.
Maybe it's in the rhythm to your walk?
The pump in your strut?
Always focused, filled with guts.

Or is it the way you calm the storms within?
Or the way your touch feels without?
Is it the beauty from inside?
Or the shape, the curves on the outside?

Let's not even get into the food.
Every stir, every sprinkle.
Poetry in motion. Masterful.
Happiness, in every mouthful.

I could go on forever.
It's not one thing exactly or the other.
All I know is I will never tire;
Of reasons, why I love you.
533 · Apr 2019
The Cool Night. . .
The night is cool.
The skies are open.
The weather is perfect.
I'm all alone, under the blanket.
I have everything else.
The only thing missing, is you.
518 · May 2019
One Last Kiss. . .
I wish you were by my side.
So I can see you smile.
I wish you were in front of me.
So I can give you one last kiss.

I wish you never left.
I wish you were still here.
Please come back.
I'm losing my mind.

I would do anything.
To hold you in my arms.
Just one more tíme.
476 · Jun 2019
I Love The Way. . .
I love the way you say my name.
Whispering into my ears.
Calling out gently, softly.

I love the way you touch my skin.
My breath vanishing.
Spine, tingling.

I love the way you kiss my lips.
Playful, teasing.
Biting, licking.

I love the way you take me there
To the shores of pleasure,
And to the gates of excitement. . .
473 · Nov 2018
Step into the light.
With that smile,
You have no reason to shy;
Away. Sway,
With the tide.
Beam with pride.
Put your fears aside.
Soar to new heights.
Set fire, burn bright.
Show the world its your time,
To shine. . .
468 · Jan 2019
You set my mind,
Every time,
I see your smile.

You're a treasure.
The one I cherish.
You're a beauty.
A sight to always relish.

You are precious.
Rare. Priceless.
A standout of no equal.

You're a treat.
Sweet as berry.
You're everything and more.
The cherry on top.

You're a prize.
The biggest catch any man could find.
Every other thing is benign,
So long as you're mine.
462 · Dec 2018
Together. . .*

Look into my eyes, What do you see?
Happiness unbridled, joy that can fill all the seas.
It doesn't have to be pretty.
It doesn't have to be beautiful
All that matters is that we're happy,
And that we are joyful.

It doesn't have to be glamorous.
Nor does it have to be a spectacle.
All that matters is that I'm yours.
And together we will pull through.
Never doubt these words, not a single bit.
Cause Baby with you at my side, the world is at our feet.

At the end of the day,
All that matters is the smile on your face,
The fruits that we've made,
And the promise, of your stay.
448 · Jun 2019
Let Me. . .
Let me trace the contours of your skin.
Follow them wherever they lead.
Let me see the hidden parts of your body.
And bring them out of hiding.

Let me find the spot.
The one that takes you there.
Let me kiss you all over your body.
Pausing, lingering;
At all the right places.

Let me part the way.
So I can knock on your wall;
Each tap speeding up;

Let me take your breath away.
Set your heart on a race.
Let me make you come.
Over and over again.

You don't have to do anything.
Let me. . .
445 · Oct 2019
In the stables, or in the wild.
In the winter, or in the summertime.
In the shadow of the sunshine,
In the darkness of the cold night.

The Stallion must ride.
The Stallion must ride. . .
425 · Feb 2019
Come WIth Me. . .
Come, fly with me.
Soar, get high with me.
Have faith. Take a leap.
Let me take you on a trip.

Just Breathe.
Let the good stuff kick in.
Let it bring peace to your being.
Let us revel, in the greens.
418 · Dec 2018
Call Me
Call me, whenever you feel like talking.
Speak, and I'll always be there to listen.
Call me, day or night.
I'm here for you, no matter the time.

You don't have to say any words.
Call, even if you just want to hear my voice.
Call me on a whim; Or call me, just because.
I'll be there in a heartbeat. You just say the word.

Call me when you miss me.
Call me anytime, anywhere, for anything.
Call me. It doesn't matter what I'm doing.
I'll be there for you, to sate your every longing.
418 · Oct 2019
Do Anymore
Baby, come back to bed.
Come back to me.

Come back into my arms.
Let's just stay within,
And forget the world without.

Let me hold you close.
For as long as you want.
Let me make love to you.
Until we are too tired,
To do anymore.
414 · Nov 2019
'I Love You So...'
The wind is blowing,
Gently, on this cool night.
As we overlook the city,
Shinning bright, with lights.

The roof is empty.
Nothing but our silhouettes,
Moving, in the darkness.

You come close,
Standing on a tiptoe.
I look into your eyes.
And then I know,
Deep in my heart,
How much, I love you so.
409 · Nov 2019
The Moonlight
Come, let's go.
We ride!
In the night.

On the hills, high.
With joy in our hearts,
Lips, draped in smiles.

Our troubles behind,
Into a future;
As bright,
As the moonlight.
Write a story, she said.
You have a way with words.
Write a story just for us.

Write a story I would like,
A story that would make me smile.

Write about our first night.
That magical night.
A night of passion,
Pleasure, and delight.

The night I made you mine.
The night you made me, yours.

Kissing me in the right places.
Lingering, at the right spots.

Your touch,
Sending the right messages.
Oh God, my heart wouldn't stop.

That night was great,
One like no other.
The moon has come out to play,
Let us make this another.
380 · Mar 2019
In The End. . .
They're laughing at us,
They think we're weird.
We pay them no mind,
Because all they do is stare.

When we are together,
Every other thing disappears.
Cause all that matters,
Is that I'm with you in the end.
367 · Apr 2019
The Cool Night
The night is cool.
The skies are open.
The weather is perfect.
I'm all alone, under the blanket.
I have everything else.
The only thing missing, is you.
365 · Nov 2018
The Highest Level
Let’s go to places we’ve never been.
    Let’s go see things we’ve never seen.
    Let me show you a world beyond your dreams.
    Cause together, me and you, we’re a team.

    I don’t wanna take you on a thrill.
    I want to show you my love is real.
    Show you that a man could make all your doubts, seem so little.
    That a man could ease your life, no troubles.

    That a man could fill you, with so much mettle.
    Make all your worries, fickle.
    Your problems, dwindle.
    Your trials, nimble.

    A man that will tell no fables.
    That will make your body, his temple.
    That will make your heart, settled.
    And your place in his heart, nestled
    Place You, on a pedestal.
    On the very highest, of levels.
‘The Highest Level’ is a poem about a man’s promises to his lady. The promise of love, ease and happiness. Enjoy.
359 · Sep 2019
In pursuit of happiness,
Or some semblance of it.

From the pain and sadness,
But I am trying to cope with it.

Away from the darkness,
And any thought of it.

For that slice of goodness,
Or just a fraction of it.
359 · Jun 2019
Gone So Soon
The days we spent together,
Were much too few.
We had so many moments,
But they only feel like a handful.

Even though you're gone,
I still long for you.
I would give anything,
Just to spend more time with you.
359 · Apr 2019
Nature's Calling
The sky is weeping.
As the burning star retreats.
To give us some reprieve.
At the Lord's calling.

The sky is weeping.
Tears, sour and rancid.
That were once pure and sweet.
Because we refused to hear nature's calling.

The sun is angry.
The poles are splitting.
The cold is building; waiting,
To freeze the waters that are boiling.

We were warned,
But we didn't listen.
Stubborn, refusing to take action.
But nature is done talking.

Done, warning lesser beings.
For the doom once foretold,
Is at the shores of reality.
I only hope, its not too late,
To do anything.
354 · Apr 2019
The Night King's March
Who will sit on the iron throne?
Will anyone outlive the doom to come?
For the winter forewarned,
Has reached our shores.
The threat scantly believed,
Is here to wipe out all that breathes.

The Night King is coming.
A dragon of ice in tow.  
To conquer Westeros,
And all that lay claim to the throne.

The wall will fall.
Innumerable lives will be lost.
Who will endure, to rule it all?
Only the Three-Eyed Raven knows. . .
351 · Apr 2019
So Much. . .
Hollow; emptiness.
So much sorrow and bitterness.

The floodgates are open.
The tears are falling.
So much that your eyes are hurting.
So much, you feel some drops on your feet.

But this isn't the end of the journey.
Your story is still being written.
There are many chapters left to fill.
May the pages to come, bring a smile to your lips.
347 · Dec 2018
Wish You Were Here
'Wish You Were Here. . .'*

That special time of the year.
A time to merry,
A time to cheer.
A time of happiness.
A time to share.
Everything would've been perfect.
If only you were here.

By Fọlábòmí Àmọ̀ó
346 · Dec 2019
Come; Closer
Into the night.

Step in.
And see what awaits;
What lurks in the dark.

The sun is going down,
The light would soon be out.

For I shall not;
Wait, all night long.
346 · Nov 2019
'I'm Yours...'
The look on your face,
Is prize enough.

The smile from your lips,
Is the cherry on top.

The day is,
Anytime we touch.

My day becomes,
With every step,
You take towards.

I always feel,
Whenever I realize,
That I'm yours.
342 · May 2019
Sadness, gloom and sorrow.
Tales of the future. Tales of the 'morrow.
A loss expected, a doom foretold.
Still, why does it hurt so?

It could be any day now, the doctor says.
The sickness has reached its final stage.
There's nothing more we can do.
Than to make the patient comfortable.

The day is come.
A loved one is lost.
Death has made its call.
Cancer takes another one.

Just because there's a reason,
That doesn't make it hurt less.
Just because you know it's coming.
It doesn't make the pain any different.

Pain is pain.
Don't slice it another way.
Help a friend. Help a loved one today.
Give them comfort, Give them solace.
337 · May 2019
I am Okay
I am okay.

The world is heavy,
but I don't feel the weight.
The body is weak,
but I don't feel the pain.

The tears are dropping.
My worries are many.
The sky is falling.
But I will not be fazed.

I am okay.

The lies are plenty.
My fate is shaking.
My heart is hurting.
My soul is wavering.

I am not okay.

But yet I keep fighting.
I am not okay.
But I know that one day,
I will be okay.
332 · Feb 2019
Why can’t we separate a human from a bad thing?.
Why must we judge everyone by their rap sheet?
Why can’t a man just be who he is,
And not what he did?

Aren’t we all allowed our mistakes?
The occasional misstep?
The errors we could do naught to prevent?
A fault here, a trip there?
Isn't that what makes us human in the end?

Aren't we allowed second takes?
Second chances, to start all over again?
The 'only' constant thing in life is change.
So, why can't we just give ourselves a ******* break?
328 · Feb 2019
My Way
I know you care.
I know you're trying to help.
Sometimes, I may need a friend.
And at times, I just wanna be by myself.

That doesn't mean I'm okay.
Nor am I trying to be an ingrate.
I'm just trying to find my own way.
Through all these hurt and pain.
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