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Dec 2024 · 52
Anne Dec 2024
Silence is scary
Wind brutal,
People are cruel,

Navy polo reeks of butter,
Pants too tight.
Collar tag stabs neck,
Ugly sweaty hat.
Burn scar.

I ask my coworker if he’s seen anything lately.
He says he only watches Hindi movies,
and there’s no good ones out right now.
He shows me a picture of his niece.
She is perfect.
He smiles as I compliment the angel in the phone.
He is proud.

A woman changes her mind,
Again and again.
She is short on change.
but not rude.
“Annette is a lovely name “
She says with a smile,
before going to her film,
Never to be seen again.

Pop pop popcorn
Raw hands,
Harsh chemicals,
Food safety.
Hi how are you?
Enjoy your show.
Mop mop mop…

Wind is worse
Harsh on my red face,
Scratched into pink dust,
Flaking into rain puddles.
I place a sweet song in my ears,
And think of sweet moments,
That only exist here
And now.
Feb 2023 · 724
Lucky :)
Anne Feb 2023
I have these memories of joy and love.  

They’re tattooed on my knees,

Dyed in my hair.

Whispers in crowds,

Laughter in quiet moments.

They seep into my flesh

And stick to my bones.

I couldn’t shake them off if I tried,

How lucky is that ?
missing summer and feeling loved
Jul 2022 · 925
Anne Jul 2022
I want it all.

The simple life.
Sloppy, quiet.
Wildflowers and rice.
Belly laughs forever.

And why not a messy life too?
Cheap and rushed.
Morning ***,
Bedtime coffee.
Small office, big heart.

I’ll take any life,
If shared with you.
Fingers delicately perch on my arm,
Light as a butterfly.
I nest in you and I think
I could hibernate here all year.

I want you.
I don’t know what else
I would want anymore.
I see beauty in others,
So many oozing with radiance.
And yet you are who I choose,
Time and time again.

I love you.
I can no longer imagine
feeling anything else.
For you.
Mar 2022 · 1.8k
Beautiful Sadness
Anne Mar 2022
I miss the beautiful sadness.
The tears tasted like cream,
Fears turned me pale.
A quiet sadness.

I was so pretty,
Smaller every second,
Floating away in tenderness.
A whisper,
Then silence.
What more could I ask for?

And now I’m more.
Taking up more space,
Filling more holes.
I’m too much.

Now this..
ugly sadness.
One where I grow
instead of shrink.
My face is pinker,
My stomach splits at the seems,
tears taste like *****.

If I go,
It will not be a whimper,
But a scream.
Rawly honest,
and rancid.

I think I’d rather be
a beautiful lie.
Sep 2021 · 1.6k
Lavender Butter
Anne Sep 2021
My summer haze.
You exist
as salted scrunchies,
Freckled thighs,
Whiskey tongue.
You exist,

By Fall,
I know it to be true.
My autumn girl.
I look into her
tasting wet leaves,
pine and cinnamon.
Her body still
hot as August sun.

Fireplace feet,
wobbly knees under fleece.
you are Christmas wine,
Snowflake tears.
Teeth never clattered,
Hands never cold.

I can’t see spring.
Perhaps that’s where it ends.
Maybe it never was.
I dream of you
And still,
I wonder
if you dream too.
may 9 2020
Sep 2021 · 2.1k
Anne Sep 2021
they don't look like me.
those girls
with their *******
and baby teeth.

pink daisy chains,
sweet blubbering.
joyful hearts swollen,
i can feel them.

i smell a childhood memory,
she loves mornings.
the one in red
kisses her puppy,
sleeps in braided hair.

under your gaze,
they'll be paper forever.
and me?
am i tree bark to you?
do i still exist
while i'm gone?


baby i've called you,
thus baby you've become.
my ******* are sore,
i've run dry of milk.

photographs don't bleed.
**** on something else for dinner.
but i insist,
keep tripping over
that tail of yours.
i find it rather funny.
Jul 2021 · 866
Anne Jul 2021
blinking sunsets creases,
dewy in concepts of me.
to you,
i was perfect.

sweet creation,
swaddled in salmon silk.
your one,
your only.

nestled in your armpit,
hushly hummed stories.
beautiful worlds,
golden mornings.

when did it all go wrong?

i've broken your heart.
i'm sorry that
i'm bad at apologies.
i get that from you.

wet face,
red throats
empty stares.

hospital lighting,
missing liquor,
endless consumption.
sadness you've never known,
until me.

our silver clouds
still glow at night.
for you,
i will win this war
against myself.

i will become someone
you're proud to know.
your baby still loves you,
and always will.
love u mom
Jun 2021 · 764
almost july
Anne Jun 2021
i'll get you.
see how your eyelashes look
under autumn sunsets.
keep your hand warm
inside my pocket,
always a welcomed guest
within my jacket.

orange painted seeds.
my love we'll grow
into something beautiful.
pretty pretty pretty.
how you make me grin,
giddy like a little girl.

pumpkin flavoured bliss.
i can taste the spice already.
but first,
sour daisies graze my calves.
your eyes blink beyond seasons,
beyond time and leaf colours.

i recall those valentine sniffles,
wet boots on your dorm room floor.
red gloves i lent you
on our first date.

i love you more everyday.
even on the bad days.
you now exist past judgment,
'good' and 'bad' are just words.

you are good.
even when he makes me mad i think of him so fondly. i miss him, but i'm seeing him next week :)
May 2021 · 643
Anne May 2021
who once danced
inside my stomach,
crawl their way back out.

How am I supposed to say
I don’t love you anymore
with a throat full of bugs?
Apr 2021 · 2.1k
Ghost Island
Anne Apr 2021
You were already dead
by the time
I was planted in your soil.
Your story is one told to me
through grainy photographs.
Echoed whispers of
peripheral port cities.
Somewhere lovingly untouchable.
My home was once alive.

My stomach lurches
while picturing these
hollow streets,
once filled with laughter.
The harbour
bursting with smiles.
Each neighbour,
a family or friend,
usually both.

How I love this island!
The salted summer's breeze,
hand woven scarlet autumns.
Wild flowers dancing
atop cliff-sides,
free for us
to admire and absorb.
Absorb we did.

I swear my bones
are made of sea-glass.
How could they be
made of anything less?

In their stories,
you are a fairyland.
A cosmically unified olden wood,
dipped in Scotch
and swaddled in wool.

Yet your branches rot,
thinner and damper each year.
Soon the whispers
will be stale air.
No one will be left
to tell tales
of your beautiful youth.

Everything dies.
How I once wished to see
you in your prime.
Even in your postmortem existence,
you've given me
mud to stick my toes into.

I see you
melting into the sea.
I smell your flesh
being swallowed
by bottom feeders.
You are a wonder to me
all the same.
I can't imagine growing up somewhere more beautiful.
Apr 2021 · 395
spirits in a bottle
Anne Apr 2021
berry stained grins,
gentle beings.
dialogue so fluffy
we float right through.

through the walls,
past our flesh.
comfortably distant from
picking at sticky bones.
we make the rules here.

milky whites,
and god those muddy doorways.
whiskey bottles softly napping
upon the river's clay.
summer music cracks through,
glowing like starlight.
were you always this beautiful?

our halloween house,
bigger than enough for two.
even the heaviest of winters
swallowed like salt and cream.

who knew it'd be this easy?
i don't miss eating fingernails.
you are all i have,
and you are all i need.
the way he makes me feel is something so strange and new. trying to figure it out but i don't know what to do with these feelings.
Mar 2021 · 2.9k
listen to you
Anne Mar 2021
today i will
listen to you
talk about songs
you wish I knew.
i will listen to them
at your will,
my ears can bleed
even still.

tomorrow i will
listen to you
ask about foods
you wish I would chew.
i will listen
to your advice,
let you shovel
spoonfuls of rice.

everyday i will
listen to you
cry about breath
you wish I drew.
i will listen to you
weep & whine,
we'll live this dream
one nightmare at a time.
Anne Feb 2021
last night you touched me
and it made me cry.

my damp cheeks baffled you.
your stare was one of terror,
one of guilt.

my love,
it is only me.
my corpse is the evil one.

you unraveled your hand,
mine for the taking .
I wanted it,
a safe place.
I refused.

you kept it there,
open invitation,
just in case.

you sang me songs til'
my lips could curve again.
you stroked my hair,
crumbling to dust
between your fingertips.

i wish i could be better,
for you,
for us both.

in my dreams,
i can be her.
i am your soft place to land,
somewhere to call home.

in your arms,
i am only human.
tiny and decaying,
a crybaby through and through.

last night you touched me,
and i found myself trapped
within that frigid august.
underneath those mint sheets,
underneath him.

i need to you to believe
that your crybaby,
is more than just
a sad song to sing.
i need you.

dimmer every second,
the light behind my eyes
still smoulders everyday.
for your sake,
i will fan its fire for evermore.

tears may freeze this winter,
but i vow to be your blanket someday.
trauma is a funny thing
Feb 2021 · 243
first month
Anne Feb 2021
I've been here before.
Hands on waisted time,
something familiar;
something bitter tasting.

You say that you love me.
How could that be true?

Sometimes I wonder if you even see me at all.
You see the parts you like,
you eat them up for breakfast and
let the flavour sit on your tongue all day.

What about the ugliness?
I know you see it too.
The monsters under my bed,
my creasing forehead.

I want this to work,
I want us to thrive;
but I no longer have time to waste.
I can't afford to lose any more of myself.

You push too much;
all I've ever known is pushing.
I don't want that anymore.

You are kind to me,
and that's worth a lot.
I don't take that for granted.

My sweet boy,
so soft.
I never want to hurt you.
Let us be careful,

Keep singing me songs,
and I will keep listening.
This could be something special.
Proceed with caution,
but please,
Jan 2021 · 236
fire eyes
Anne Jan 2021
there is a light in your eyes,
a spark i once knew well.
may it never go out.

may your fire only grow,
may it keep you warm
through the winter.

how could i ever trust a stranger?
i don't know,
how could i ever look away?
i don't know.
Jan 2021 · 466
Gazing Back
Anne Jan 2021
You say art is alive,
and yet here we are.

Perfectly sculpted,
Precisely detailed,
of course.
Objects all the same.

Don't you see us looking back?
Gazing into me,
What do you see?


That's it.
Isn't it?

Wanting me to want you;
needing me to need you.
Holding your hand,
no matter how heavy it gets.

It's tiring,
reminding you what you already know.
Existing for more than your pleasure,
being more than a mirror,
just.. being.

I think it's enough.
I know that it is.
Doubt only creeps in
when you look at me.

I am human.
I am a universe of my own.
When I feel your stare,
why can't you feel mine?
Have you already forgotten?

Your pupils are no blacker than mine,
no less of a lens to see myself in.
Don't you see us looking back!

Every time your eyes meet mine,
I see you.
I simply see you.
It isn't difficult,
nor should it be.

You were right.
Art is alive,
and I am no exception.
i want to like men but they sure don't make it easy
Jan 2021 · 5.8k
bad art is still art. right?
Anne Jan 2021
Eating my beyond burger with a fork and knife,
drag race in the background,
my Samantha doll by my side.
This isn't loneliness anymore.
This is just life now.

I'm not very good with words anymore,
maybe I never was.
So little has changed and yet everything has.
I still long for love.
I still want to be wanted.
That might never change.

Yet now this lonely world is one I've come to accept,
come to love.
I may be my only friend here,
but that's one more than last year.

Nothing I create is good,
but I'm learning to create anyway.
I'm learning to share my bad art,
at least it's art.

I dream of slitting the throat of the dog next door.
Someone outta shut him up.
I used to think that was an evil thought,
now I know there's no such thing.

I turn 21 in 2 days.
Math. Yuck.
I'm old,
getting older every second.
I will grow into this skin,
I'm sure of it.

I'm grateful.
More than anything I am grateful for it all.
The pain,
the pleasure,
the guilt,
the anger.


No one reads these except me.
So this one is for her.
For you.
my love,
my villain,
my biggest fear.

May this year be kind to you,
may you be kind to it.
May you listen to your spirit guides,
may you accept what you never could.

Growth is sticky and wet,
Knowledge is thick and grey.
May you be the light and the darkness,
the cut and the band aid.

More than anything,
be okay.
You're gross,
in a sort of beautiful way.
May you be okay with that.

Bad art is still art.
I think so.
For now.
Nov 2020 · 215
Anne Nov 2020
Things grow,
weeds in the usual spots.
Dusted red shoulders shrug
into runny noses.
I feel my sticky breath,
I can’t see it.
It’s snowing again.

It’s been so long.
Or was it yesterday?
I crave loving,
I long to long.

This body is a spoiled good,
rotting foundation,
Roof collapsed.
Cuts and dyes aren’t anymore.
To be loved is to grow,
to feel,
to change.

How is this mess supposed to clean itself?
It’s safer in the dark.
I want to be good,
but I can’t turn this **** into art anymore.
There is nothing poetic about this type of pain.

So, what do I do with it?
Aug 2020 · 1.2k
Flightless Seabird
Anne Aug 2020
Oh flightless seabird,
I think you are lovely.
Mouth unfed,
feathers untethered.
Sitting pretty on the creek,
friends and families tasting the blue.
No wind under your feet,
not yet.

They think fondly of you,
That’s a choice they’re allowed to make.
The higher they fly, the further away you become.
The weakest love you,
pity turns to self love.
At least they can fly,
at least they’re not alone.

You know better,
my seabird.
I saw you,
and so I knew you.
It is you and you alone who grins at lilac kisses,
melts the silver sparks.
Sour grass midnight and
rusted dawns alike agree that you see,
therefore you are.

Flightless seabird,
We’re looking back with glass eyes.
You are here,
and you are loved.

You are not alone.
Jul 2020 · 152
Anne Jul 2020
Why can i feel you
How are you here
Why is it then
Who are we now
Feb 2020 · 296
Anne Feb 2020
Getting out of bed today
was a labour of love
Didn’t even do it yet
Anne Aug 2019
I am filled with blood and guts.
Nothing more,
maybe less.
Jul 2019 · 519
I’ve Been Here Too Long
Anne Jul 2019
My skin is splitting at the seams like a poorly made children’s sweater,
being worn by a planet so big
that it becomes its own universe
This might be it, and maybe that’s fine
Jun 2019 · 370
a week or two
Anne Jun 2019
at the end of my life,
I don’t think
they’ll be any poetry
left to write.
It won’t be long now
May 2019 · 398
Dandelion killer
Anne May 2019
She plucked dandelions from the earth,
as if they were ingrown hairs
living under her skin.
For the earth feels no pain,
and weeds only grow back.

Snowflakes melt,
flowers die.
Some things only last a summer,
but she had already seen a snowfall this May.

The life of a yellow plant can’t be fair,
nor can that of a woman without joy.
We breathe,
we pick,

The solid green field is now a reminder of all she wanted,
and all she feared.

Where do they go,
the dead dandelions?
Rot back into the soil that birthed them?
Press into an immortal being?
One thing is for certain;
those dandelions will never feel at home again.

-and maybe that’s for the best
Anne Apr 2019
My blood still flutters
at the thought of you being
all I thought you were.

My face gains a freckle
every time
I remember that you and I watch
the same sunset every night.

Is it ever gonna be enough?
Treading water is getting old.
Can’t live with you,
can’t live without you.
Wrote this listening to metric and thinking of lost friends
Apr 2019 · 350
Alone Under the Bridge
Anne Apr 2019
Why do spring and autumn look the same here?
Tears always taste saltier in April.
May flowers never come.
on the day I felt most afraid,
did the water in the creek stand still?
Doesn’t the water care about me?
Does this creek not weep for the dying trees around it?
For the fish whose corpses quietly float down on it’s floor?

This crow seems to know.
Alone, he squawks,
mauking my pain.

Maybe I’m the stranger,
The irrelevant dot in a map more complex than my cogged brain can understand.
Or maybe the world does dance all around me  each day,
Choosing to ignore my thoughts and actions.
But it’s selfish to think like that, right?
Or perhaps that’s just me falling in love with myself.
Wrote this outside after my friend said she’d try to **** herself and another friend rallied her mom and made sure was okay. She was. I always come back to my creek.
Feb 2019 · 1.6k
I Will Never Be Soft Again
Anne Feb 2019
I want to feel loved.

I crave the melting of flesh into mine.
Boiling pores and sweating fingertips
tracing my face.
I lace myself into your hair and make myself a nest.
I am safe,
but not for long.

For I will never feel safe again,
not in your arms,
not in the arms of any.
I am *****,

I am not a body of love,
No longer a *** of milk tea
on a cold day.
Watercolour stains wash away with water.

I am viper,
I am splinters,
and paper cuts.

I will never be soft again,
and it’s your fault.
I will never forgive you for that.
Big yikes, thanks for giving me trust and intimacy issues at once *******
Jan 2019 · 1.3k
Moving Portrait
Anne Jan 2019
There’s a moving portrait above my sink,
her cheeks are pudgy,
her skin is pink.

Her eyes are melting,
teeth fallen out,
her noose is bleeding
a river of doubt.

The portrait screams,
she cries for aid,
she tells a dead god,
that he could have stayed.

No oil,
no paint,
no canvas,
not a brush;
Instead this portrait feels and aches,
her rawness still to gush.

Yet dusk is dusk,
and by dawn it is dawn.
You may look for such a portrait,
to find that it is gone.

Not a finger nail in sight,
not a single clogged hair.
It begs but one question:
Was she ever really there?
every **** night
Jan 2019 · 425
Sickly Sweet Boys
Anne Jan 2019
Sickly sweet boys fill honey combs like goblin hands in tiny gloves.
They taste like gummy vows and glass letters.
These boys will rot you from the inside out,
painting organs with grainy sugar,
which dissolves to sour acid.

Sickly sweet boys know the right flavours,
yet their labels are flawed.
Always lick before biting.
Toothaches are common,
but sugar rushes won’t last forever.

Sickly sweet boys don’t stay sweet for long.
Candy loses tang over time,
coating is just coating.
Inside is a viperous liquid that oozes like oil.
Ebony, boiling, sticky.
Your tongue will never be pink again.
Written on December 17, 2018
Dec 2018 · 576
2:42 AM
Anne Dec 2018
Things feel different when you’re drunk,
Things feel rubber when you’re drunk
Anne Dec 2018
I thought I was smart enough to know that five m&m’s isn’t a meal
So I’m getting fat again yet I still have bulimic tendencies!! Awesome!!
Anne Dec 2018
Frozen feet,
Hot oatmeal,
White noise,
Blurry letters.

Days melt into each other,
The passage of time now a soupy broth of numbness.
It’s not enough.

Dried up watercolours call my name,
Where’d you go?
I’m sorry, I’ve been awfully busy.
I’ve been carving faces into walls.
I’ve been eating my nails just to feel something.
No taste yet, but I’ll keep you updated.
good ol depression strikes again huh?
Jul 2018 · 431
Beautiful Boy
Anne Jul 2018
His flesh is made of tulips and glitter,
He takes like spice.
I run my fingers through his honeycomb strains,
And I admire my beautiful boy.

His tongue preys into my words,
Taking me as his own.
Skin hot, and blood boiling.
I am his tonight.

But then my eyes dry,
My tongue finding itself again.
But he is nowhere to be found.
How could such a lovely building have no furniture?

I want to delve inside him,
Sink into his chest,
Become him for a day.
My greatest fear is that there’s no one to become.

My beautiful boy is that and nothing more.
Is it enough?
Will his hot skin keep me warm through the winter?

All I know is his morning eyes
And mountain teeth give me something I’ve never felt before
And maybe that’s all I need;
For now
Jul 2018 · 941
Blurry Stars
Anne Jul 2018
Black hair between my fingers,
Pink vapour in my lungs,
Cryptic wishes and longing for something I’ll never find.
These are the nights that I never forgive but always forget
Jun 2018 · 462
Sunset Stranger
Anne Jun 2018
Your thumb is a searing fear,
Dipped in lava and filled with ice.
Your smile makes me feel wanted.
Why can’t I say your name?

The sparks that fly from your ember hair,
The sun who sits in your golden eyes.
Do you know how beautiful you are?

Your redness melts into pink cheeks,
Flushed with an unknown secret.
I see a whole landscape in your face.
I wonder if you see anything in mine.
May 2018 · 6.4k
Scary Hazel
Anne May 2018
I don’t know your favourite colour
Or what you sing in the shower.
But I want to.

You’re a stranger,
Yet you held my hand and told me everything you thought of
And all I forgot to think of.

You kissed me,
With your scary hazel eyes
Following my every emotion.
I still don’t know how to feel.

You’re a stranger,
Yet you have a name,
Eight siblings,
A love for Harry Potter.

You have a smile that really does make me feel ugly.
How can you be so calm?
How can you feel so sure of who you are and what you want?

You’re a stranger,
But not for long.
Even if there are no more kisses,
I want to know what you think about alone at night;
how you like your tea.

I want to know every inch of your soul,
Because if you can see even an ounce of good in me,
You must be a sort of dreamer
May 2018 · 221
Summer Snowflakes
Anne May 2018
A boiling sun won’t melt my ache today.
I’ve been this puddle for awhile now.
Tomorrow is tomorrow is tomorrow is gone.
I can’t ******* breathe without choking these days.
These days,
These moments that used to blend together seamlessly
Are now chaptered by how I feel on a scale from 1-10.
Today it’s 6.
Yesterday it was 2.
Tomorrow it is -10 degrees in June.
I put on my jean shorts and apply sticky bug spray,
But still feel the summer snowflakes on my cheeks,
Telling me that all summer is just a another war,
this time painted with dandelions and water.
Apr 2018 · 198
The Boy (part 3)
Anne Apr 2018
Your sunshine promises are stale,
I’m not your dream.
I am still a cold brittle flake,
But you’re not so innocent anymore.
You are not a sun,
you are a candle,
Your wax has dissolved.
You gave me light when I needed it,
But my hands are mine again.
Apr 2018 · 388
Anne Apr 2018
Wrapped up in a hot puddle of rose and lavender,
I am calm.
I’m warmed by sweet water and myself,
no other ingredients.
I don’t need your long arms,
Or your bad breath.
I am be surrounded by love from myself
I’ve never felt safer.
I’m dating someone I no longer love
Mar 2018 · 306
Biting Nails
Anne Mar 2018
I’ve beaten myself to a pulp.
Chewing wires that were once bones,
I feel a throbbing sense of “too late”
Feb 2018 · 534
Butterfly Hands
Anne Feb 2018
Belly aches painted with doubt,
You are my everything,
This I’m sure of.

Yet I feel your butterfly hands dance around me,
Your ladybug eyes telling me that
To you, this is more than play.

Blowing a wax candle will just cause a spill.
I let you fly, flap and crawl into my carcass.
Until I find my wings I’m your meal for the taking.
Dec 2017 · 496
Light hearted
Anne Dec 2017
He fills my freckles with blue,
My hair with yellow.
Oh to see the world as you do,
I would give every future breath
for a moment of clarity.
Oct 2017 · 294
October 28, 2016
Anne Oct 2017
A mouthful of sorry before I'm even at fault.
Careful tiptoes across an icy layer of conversation.
I will burst through the thin floor.
I always do.

I'm so sorry.
I don't know why I'm like this.

I am a house without a single window.
No air allowed inside of my swollen lungs.
No vacancy in the clogged doors to my words.
Please keep out.

I really do apologize.
I'm such a ******* mess.
I'm not poetic
Or artistic
Or anything but terrible.
I'm sorry that I'm terrible.
You see, I really can't help it.
Except I know that I can.

I'm drowning,
I'm drowning so fast and I need someone to tell me I'm going to breathe again.
There's no air allowed in my flooded pipes and
I am now humbly dead.

Now that my body is an abandoned house,
There is something I must confess:
I'm scared.
I am really ******* scared.
This is kind of bad but I wrote it a year ago & thought it was interesting
Oct 2017 · 438
First Love
Anne Oct 2017
There's familiarity within this young feeling.
Your hope is freedom I flourish on.

First hand held,
kiss stolen,
neck marked,
thigh bruised.

All is foreign to us both,
Yet I feel ancient in your arms.
You paint me in certain a light that can only be seen in the blackest of nights.

Yellow glow swatches your eyes with pure affection,
I feel you everywhere.
You drink me and suddenly my body is nowhere to be found.
The puzzle pieces are fitting quite nicely.
Through loving you,
I feel beyond loved.
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
Break Your Own Damn Heart
Anne Jul 2017
Fumbling down into a rough forgiveness,
I trust you again.
We dance in a circle of pink hugs and hope.
This time it will last.

I've finally won you back;
After years of chipping away at your scull and jabbing your heart,
I've learned to caress your fears and soak your joy.

Yet this only lasts for a breath or two.
I am once again blue and hollow.
It's time to break my own heart.
Not the first time, won't be the last.

I am addicted to the bruises I give myself.
It's not a matter of choosing sadness, but rather choosing anything.

Anything is better than this rusty cage I call my home.
Hot anger, sharp dejection, grey terror.
I let it all fill me.

I let it fill me to the brim,
because destroying myself is the best way to know that I'm still alive.
Sadness is a hell of a drug
Jul 2017 · 625
Anne Jul 2017
Scrape the sides of my stomach for emotion.
I know it's in there somewhere;
somewhere past the flesh-eating butterflies and yesterday's *****.

You say you'll help me swim,
But only when I'm drowning.
Those words **** my butterflies and fill their space with warmth.

Treading water in the murky pool of blood in my brain has never been easy;
a lifeguard may be just what I need.

You're not a physic,
You're not a doctor,
But you're helping,
And I can't thank you enough.
I like you a lot
Apr 2017 · 764
Small Town, Big Eyes
Anne Apr 2017
The world turns a dusty shade of indigo.
Peach lipstick smiles and damp car windows pull us miles closer.

"The sky was painted just for us,"
I want to tell him.

But truth be told, I don't even know the artist's name.

Maybe the inky landscape has always been here; viewed countess times by many such as ourselves.
The infinite dreamers who feel entitled to its beauty.

But I know the truth,
and I have a feeling he does too.
The world is not mine and mine alone.
It belongs to you and I and everyone between.

So as we gaze into the galaxy around us,
It somewhat comforts me to know that we are not alone.
cold nights can cause the warmest feelings
Feb 2017 · 1.0k
Anne Feb 2017
Small girl, my young girl;
Picturing an older copy.
A makeup wearing, boy crazed machine of intellect and grace.
A rare thought but a strong one.

Older but not old enough.
Missing bolts and screws;
Somehow still working.
I see something in a mirror that makes my organs plummet through the floor.
I'm not her.
Never have been;
Never will be.

Big girl, but not large enough.
Hair fallen out and swollen gums.
Bruised skin and flushed face.
Ripped soul but a full heart.

The mirror tells the same story,
But in a different font.
My once hollow skeleton is now filled with music and chipped paint.
I am the same damaged goods.
I am ripped skin and muffled coughs,
Cookie dough ice cream and kisses on the cheek.

I'd gotten so lost from my former-self that I didn't realize something now obvious:
I never stopped being her.
I will never stop being her.

I will never be young enough, old enough, happy enough, brave enough.
But I am me;
and I am more than enough.
A note to self
Jan 2017 · 658
Anne Jan 2017
A broken bicycle left without repair,
a lonely ghost weeping in despair.
This is me, and I am this.
And as long as I'm living,
I will never be kissed.

A fantasy,
pushed far into the corner,
for he is a newborn,
while I am a mourner.

But suddenly I'm in his glow;
his golden heart upon my skin.
Now it's harder than ever,
to try and let him in.

I like him,
that's barely a fact.
I am a daisy and
only bees shall I attract.

He likes me,
this is flimsily known,
but if he is a sun,
he melts my bones.
i think a boy likes me?? gtg
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