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Jun 2019 · 383
I had no idea at the age of 17 where we would be 3 years from now.
Not once did I think I would find someone so young who would love me for 3 years and not leave me.
And I know I'm lucky.
Lucky to not be dropped after high school,
Lucky to not have be left for someone from your university,
Lucky to not have been cheated on on a night out.
Because thats not always the case for people in love.
I'm 20 now, and not only am I lucky enough to find my one person for life,
But I'm lucky enough to call them my best friend.
-Everything I didn't say #100
Jul 2017 · 583
I find it interesting how two complete strangers, who have spent theirs lives separately not knowing of the others existence, can come together.
Maybe its after 16 years, or 23, or 40, or even 70.
But the point of the matter is they come together.
Two stories intertwining.
They probably know nothing of each others life or their struggles but thats the beautiful part.
They get to share it.
So if you're lucky enough to come across someone and they start to tell you their story.
News flash you're now part of it.
-LM | Everything I Never Said #40
Feb 2017 · 723
The Edge.
I guess at this point in our lives the world looks so much scarier. Especially when you're only a seventeen year old, sitting in high school classrooms, only seeing the world from a tiny photo on our phones.
Then right when you think you're getting a grip on your life they push you out into this whole other part of our universe you never expected you would get to. The grown up part. The getting a job part. The paying taxes part. The finding the perfect person for you part.
Its all thrown at you at once when you're seventeen.
To be honest if you've survived through the 5 years after high school you deserve a ******* trophy.
Because its scary man.
-LM| Midnight Thoughts
Feb 2017 · 581
Time makes us stronger.
Its crazy to think that after all this time you have yet to get sick of me.
- LM | Everything I Didn't Say #39
Aug 2016 · 578
"It was the second I let go for a mere minute that I felt free and I felt like myself again. Now I realize where I have been all these months, trapped inside this unrealistic reality of us."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #38
Aug 2016 · 1.6k
I used to write poetry..
"I used to write poetry,
poetry about you,
but now not even poetry can express what I feel,
because your words hit me like a warm wind on a cold autumn morning,
and your smile can brighten the darkest of days,
and your laugh.. oh your laugh is so contagious its all I hear in my dreams.
but what makes it hard to write, is the possibility that this is all in my head.
After months of talking everyday there are still moments when I begin to wonder if this is worth my time at all.
Because your interest in me sometimes decreases at the times when I need you the most.
and your life all of the sudden gets too hectic to reply to a simple question.
But just as fast as the feelings begin to fade, they return along with you.
Which makes this all even more confusing.
So yes,
I used to write poetry,
poetry about you,
But now not even poetry can express what I feel."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #37
Aug 2016 · 717
"Starting to think I wasted my time on you."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #36
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
"Every time we talk my heart skips a beat.
Because you are that beat.
You are whats keeping me alive."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #35
Aug 2016 · 473
Faith and Trust
"If I give you all my faith and trust will it be a waste or will you keep them safe?"
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #34
Aug 2016 · 2.2k
One day I met a boy.
"One day I met a boy,
who instantly took my breath away.
Just a glimpse of his smile made me dizzy,
and talking to him left my mind in chaos.
For on this one day everything changed.
My life now felt happier like it had more meaning,
and I had a reason to wake up in the morning.
It is several months later now and still those green eyes lure me in.
Although there have been rough patches,
and the times where we both just disappeared into ourselves,
we still make our way back to each other,
and in those moments,
where we are completely intertwined,
it is sweet sweet bliss."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #33
Aug 2016 · 721
I don't understand.
"I don’t understand why you push me so far to the edge only to pull me back into your arms just as fast."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #32
Aug 2016 · 663
I'm Still Here.
"You have no idea how much you confuse me and anger me and make me wanna scream, yet I’m still here."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #31
Aug 2016 · 661
"And like that, the daydream was over."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #30
Aug 2016 · 1.9k
Turning of the tables.
"I think this is about the time where all the sappy love poems turn to heartbreak poems.."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #29
Aug 2016 · 676
It's Scary.
"Its scary to think that a person you thought you knew so well one day, can change completely by the next."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #28
Jul 2016 · 498
Someone like you.
"So It happened.
I have fallen completely and utterly in love with you.
I was hoping it wouldn’t come this,
because I know that one of these days
you are going to break my heart,
and I’m not sure I’m ready for that.
It happened so fast.
It was as if life was pulling a cruel
joke on me and just waiting for me to crack.
It felt inevitable in the end.
There was no way I couldn’t fall head
over heels for someone like you.
Someone who can make me happy by
just replying to my message straight away.
Someone who shares my hobbies and addictions.
Someone who is also so different
so it adds a spark to the conversation.
Maybe I am just paranoid for thinking you will go,
and I of course have no way of telling for sure,
but there is something inside me that makes me feel
like what you leave with me might break me to pieces."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #27
Jul 2016 · 427
The One.
"You are the one I want to talk to when the rain is hitting hard against my window.
You are the one I want close enough to touch but I know that wont happen for a while.
You are the one I want to tell my deepest darkest secrets to at the most ungodly hours of the night.
You are the one."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #26
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
The Start.
"When we first started talking, I had no idea how much of an effect you would have on my life."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #25
Jul 2016 · 487
Forever You.
"There is only one person I can trust with anything, and it will forever be you."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #24
Jul 2016 · 402
"Even if we don’t talk for hours or even days we always find our way back to each other and it’s like no time has past."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #23
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
The Puzzle.
"My innermost feelings are scattered all over the internet for others to read but if you were ever to come across them and solve the puzzle, I don’t know what I’d do."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #22
Jul 2016 · 506
Every word that comes out of your mouth is a symphony to me."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #21
Jul 2016 · 464
"Are we a thing?
Or am I just delusional for thinking we would make a good one?"
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #20
Jul 2016 · 836
Something Between Us.
"We have gotten to know each other so well that we can basically read each others minds.
We know when the other person is messing with us and we know that there is something between us… but we just won’t admit it."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #19
Jul 2016 · 349
"There is not a moment that I stop thinking of you.
Its constant everyday, every hour, every minute.
You have become my addiction and I am totally okay with that."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #18
Jul 2016 · 563
Makes My Day.
"It makes my day when you take an interest in what I am doing or what I like.
It makes my day when you take the time to sit down and have long intense conversations with me late at night.
It makes my day when you give me one of your cute signature smirks because they’re contagious."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #16
Jul 2016 · 628
"I live for the good morning texts.They honestly make my day 10x brighter."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #15
Jun 2016 · 519
"My favourite moments are when we don’t feel the need to talk at all, we just sit taking in each others company."
-LM-Everything I Didn't Say #14
Jun 2016 · 696
I Love The Way..
"I love the way we have gotten to each other so well that we have begun to have our own inside jokes and secrets.
I love the way we have gotten to know each other so well that we automatically know when something is wrong with the other person.
I love the way we have gotten to know each other so well that our lives have begun to intertwine and we are already thinking about our future together."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #13
Jun 2016 · 741
"There was something between us.
It was like we had known each other for years.
It was something that made it so easy and so natural to talk to you.
It is very rare to find that with someone."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #12
Jun 2016 · 447
"It scares me.
It scares me to think that you might one day come across these poems and learn what is actually going on in my head.
It scares me to think that maybe you don't feel the same way.
It scares me to think that you might bring this up and ask if they are about you.
I don’t think I will be able to lie.
It is so obvious, you are the one who has been there for me when I needed you at the most ridiculous hours of the night.
You are the one who has always put a smile on my face even if i am having the worst day of my life.
You are the one I hope feels the same way.
And if by any chance you don’t, I hope you find someone who you care about the same way I care about you."
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #11
Jun 2016 · 387
"It is times like these where the happiness takes over.
Where every beautiful word you have ever said about me coming rushing back into my memories.
This is the time where it seems like it is just us against world.
But then again, there are also times where I begin to question everything.
Whether this is all just in my head or if you feel it to.
The confusing mixture of emotions is starting to make me dizzy.
Please just tell me.
Are you worth it?"
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #10
Jun 2016 · 533
Im Here.
"There are some days that I wish we could talk forever. No interruptions, and life won’t get in the way.
It’s just us talking for hours upon hours.
I want to know everything.
What makes you tick?
How are you actually feeling. None of that ******* “I’m fine” type of thing, I mean seriously.
What is going on in that head of yours?
Please tell me.
I want to be the one there for you when you think the world is crumbling.
And I will, because I care and I love you.
Even if you don’t feel the same I am here and will always be."
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #9
Jun 2016 · 440
"There are times when I wonder if you will just get up and walk away from all this.. From us."
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #8
Jun 2016 · 677
"Talking from the late hours of the night to the early hours of the morning. Not about anything particular just… Life."
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #7
"To be in love with your best friend is one of the most crazy and incredible things to happen to you.
They already know all your secrets and flaws and chose YOU because of them.
That is true love."
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #6
Jun 2016 · 663
"How is it possible that a person you have never met, can make you so happy?"
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #5
Jun 2016 · 890
"Lets dance for the fun of dancing.
Lets run like we are escaping the world.
Lets kiss like we are just falling in love for the first time.
Lets live like there is no one left on earth but us."
-LM - Everything I Didn't Say #3
Jun 2016 · 450
What went wrong
"I dont understand what went wrong?
Was it something I did or said?
Because now the chats are getting shorter, the time difference is becoming harder, and the way I see it is there is no where else to go but down.
You think we can fix this?
Or will we forever be lost in the darkness."
- LM - Everything I didn’t say #2
Jun 2016 · 688
Falling in love
Falling truly and madly in love comes at the most unexpected of times.
It hits you hard when you think there is no possibility of anyone ever loving you.
It makes you feel like you are on top of the world and flying over everyone.
It makes you so giddy that you sometimes need to just lay on the floor to calm down.
But falling in love has its side effects.
It makes you question wether the other person feels the same way.
It makes you throw your whole self into the fantasy going through your mind and tunes out the rest of reality.
It keeps you up late at night and wakes you up early in the morning.
But there is no avoiding love.
Love is a tricky thing and no matter how hard you try to not let it take over you entirely, it does and forever will.
-LM- Everything I Didn't Say #17
Jun 2016 · 393
"There is something about the way we talk.
The way we are able to fully and completely understand each other,
The way we finish each others sentences,
The way we are so alike yet so different,
The way we don’t care about each others flaws,
The way time passes to quickly and we don’t even realized until its 2am where you are and you fall asleep messaging me.
Its the way we think, the way we know that this, whatever it is, can’t happen.
But even though you are thousands of miles away there is something in the way you say my name that gives me a glimmer of hope."
- LM - Everything I didn’t say #1

— The End —