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261 · May 2017
Colm May 2017
The best is when the conscious mind
Focuses in on what it knows
On what it is
Never once considering what it means
To be that "something" for someone else

Simply looking around
Tells me enough about myself
To know that someone, someday
Will walk by my shelves in all of their glory
And smile at the mind in which I've built
It's really at the corner of inevitability and patience.
261 · May 2017
Colm May 2017
And then suddenly you are there
And someone has come out of nowhere
And changed your life
For better or for worse
You are changed…but not me
Just one of many places they are, that I am not.
261 · Nov 2018
Colm Nov 2018
I'm a typical human
Looking into a fishbowl
Expecting to see an ocean
261 · Oct 2017
Simple Waters
Colm Oct 2017
Two great rivers
In different valleys
Wishing we could run together
260 · Feb 2017
The Taste Of Salt
Colm Feb 2017
I've drained every wishing well
Dried-up every puddle of water
And drank down every lake, pond, and looming ocean
Not a venue is left to quench my thirst
Or to quell the viscous expression in me
Which burns like the saline fires of the red sea
So I of course... Being of sound mind
Tilt my head back to the sky to catch the rain
For the sky provides the purity of mind
To wash the taste of salt away
And to remind me what it is like to drink
Anew from the stream of each new day
For just the taste of water... Again I pray
260 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
In the crook, in the valley
Find me lost within your bliss
With contented countenance
And satisfactory feeling of infinite rest
Found on me
Find me none the less impressed
Regardless of height or extent
For I am lost in bliss and blissfulness
In you
260 · Jun 2016
Present Me
Colm Jun 2016
With solemn eyes I look and see,
The person I think I could be.

Not a suit nor a tie or an in between,
But a passionate man of many things.

I think, I am, I create to be,
A person who expects more of me.

Though rolled up my sleeves are not unique,
I want much more than this present me.
A poem about who I am, who I want to be, and who I will be
260 · Mar 2019
Cadence Alive
Colm Mar 2019
An aged old man on his back
A newness strong as right in mind
With a single edge to unhinge the darkness past
Outlast the game in another pawn
Anoint the seed in the soil of life
And grow, beyond the treelines unpredicted height
Into the stars with fingertips aloft
To paint the newborn sky each night
Because with age comes, not only the will to pass, but the path
Made clearer still by the same daylight seen
As a bedridden old man in his own death scene
And we are but a glimmer in the ripplibg life of another's sight
Cadence Alive
259 · Jul 2021
Curveball, A Tanka
Colm Jul 2021
Orbital sending
Flying peregrines sailing
On the winds of wish
And beneath the clouds of hope
Your laces catch the air fine
Colm Jan 2020
Don't wake me darling
I have no worry once here
Where rushing life finds
Every flowing finger free
And contented rivers be
"Don't wake me from this dream, please"

I wanted this seventh verse to be a personal one. And it is, a visual representation of how I perceive being at peace with your own mind. With learning how to let thoughts pass you by, without care or concern. Be in the river, up to your waist,  and be free of thought or fear complete.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
259 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
Meet me in between the lines
  Where the voice hums and the mind hides
     Most adamantly
        Away from these
Distract me until this most recent death
   Is dead to me
And hug me still
   Until I'm still
   Until all that’s left is the music and us
   Until, until
My earbuds hums and burst with song
    And shatter my drums
         Because these other songs are too sad for me
Sad to young. RIP.
258 · Dec 2017
Colm Dec 2017
I am not a great man
By any means
But I am
One of the many
Known as Me
A simple complexity
Far from deity
A human
Observation - My publish poems option keep erroring for some reason - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
258 · Mar 2017
Love Life
Colm Mar 2017
They ask me if I’m with anyone…
If I’ve found anyone in my place of need?
Or if by chance she happened to walk on by
Down the other side of the same street
Just right past me?

To which I have always and often replied
Feigning a smile of effortless ease
That they shouldn’t worry about such things
Because my love life will stroll at whatever pace
And down whatever street that it does please
Soon to be used at family get togethers.... (:
257 · Jul 2019
Distant, Unwritable
Colm Jul 2019
Beyond the borders of this humble kingdom
You are living live
Breathing deep as the morning dew
And settling into the starry sky

Most beautiful, wonderful, glorious you
In awe are my eyes ever found alive
By the distant singularity which is new
And blinding as your sudden sight
Distant, Unwritable
257 · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
We want to dream
Because we think
That dreams will give us meaning

But when we wake
And see the day
No dream was worth believing

The only thing
That matters still
Awaits upon awaking

Because nothing
Added ere by dreams
Will ever be for keeping
This reads like a toast by firelight. Goodnight!
257 · Apr 2019
Colm Apr 2019
When spirits are roused
Minds set afire
And dust sent flying by the awakened feet
Hands aching for action
Not just for resistance or victory
Not for power or blood
Nor for conquest or feast
No, such hunger growls due to the inaction of man
From the settling sunlit rays of dust
From the empty corridors
From rememberance of fire being felt beneath the feet
Colm Mar 2021
Catch me like the flickering waves
Melding seamlessly into the horizontal sea
Where your memories stare back at you and
Your unconscious eyes of being seek to be

Catch me, my newfound find nearby
For I seek to live flyingly here in your eyes
For just a moment in being this order to free
And in your sight to see

Because the words are my why
Just as these mine are me
Sometimes I write and describe
Just to see if you will read
257 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
Like rain
I fall, I rest and evaporate
Over and over again
One and the same
I am like rain
256 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
When I jump
And finally leave behind
This old Earth's atmospheric mind
It will not be to orbit any one or thing
Instead when I leave it all behind
It will be for the clearest of visions
Well communicated in kind
It will be for the truest tidal wave of being
That I leave my only I behind
A few words about change and how I approach such things. Tested and true. Steady, etc.
256 · Mar 2018
Living Days
Colm Mar 2018
If you are the dawn
Awake and alive
Then I am the moment of the day which breaks
And turns into the bitter night

My own masked by starlight
Your left alone crowned with a sparkling retina alive

It's to you that I turn
At the end of all things
When the day first began to realize its own light

We are young and alive
Ever ready to strive
Towards the hours invested within, without sight
Lots of truth embedded within this one. Be it not immediately visible.
256 · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
For she must have a more patient heart than me
To tolerate her friend as such
And to wait this long to be trusted so
But I cannot wait
I cannot walk
When no progress avails itself to me
And so I must go
Goodbye and good luck. I wish you well.
256 · Aug 2018
Writing For Who?
Colm Aug 2018
Any word
That was ever written
For the sake of money
Is no longer sacred

Scathing with regret
Within the I'm mind

It's in due time
That you will find
Your forward self
Looking back on history

So that at least when writing
For youself

You earn a greater
Peace of mind
In keeping with your own kind
In all you do, do it for Good. And money isn't Good.
255 · Mar 2017
How To Live Life
Colm Mar 2017
For whatever it is
You feel called to do
You choose what it is
But remember this
First consult your form of truth
And then do it for them
As do it for you
Metaphorically speaking of course
Colm Feb 2021
Seeing you
is like seeing raindrops on the pond

Like the cats fur
rippling upon the windowsill

I know where you are
just not when you'll be
255 · Jul 2017
Like Coffee
Colm Jul 2017
The truth is not at the bottom of a cup
Nor beneath the Saucer underneath

No words can hold the sacred truth
Just as two cups cannot guarantee
That two minds will ever meet

No, the truth is out there on each table
Waiting for all who would simply sip

The truth that is, the truth is this
That regardless of wherever we may be
The truth is something that simply is

Much like this coffee
Honest with a breath of heat
Or possibly even cold and sweet

Such truth is always percolating
Even if we cannot taste or see
The words of God, resting gently underneath
Hum....what do you think? Wrote it for a specific location. A practice which I like to partake in. Hopefully it doesn't ****. :p
255 · Apr 2018
To Create Is To Be Free
Colm Apr 2018
When a mans intent becomes one with his craft
He is not the same man so much anymore
Because the actions of a man midst passion is more
Than whatever his mindset had since set before
And his intent all along though it long since has passed
Is still willed into present
When he's one with his craft.
This can be applied to all humans. (:
255 · Mar 2021
Vivamus ac procursu
Colm Mar 2021
No heights can test
This smokey breath
Breathe out another jog and let

This heartbeat ache
Which throbs in pace
And patters like the dove and yet

To feel your feet
Guide underneath
Like oceans smooth with opal flow

Its warming breath
And pounding chest
This besting high you runners love
Vivamus ac procursu, Via
255 · Nov 2019
A Modern Day Proverb
Colm Nov 2019
You know
There’s nothing more terrifying than you
There’s nothing more understood than me
There’s nothing more worth noting than us
And there’s nothing without the one who sets us free
A Modern Day Proverb
255 · Apr 2019
Dear God
Colm Apr 2019
Reteach me the lesson
Not greatest of all
But most pertinent to me
Which dissolves all resentment
Teach me that of contentment
Ambition needs its limits
255 · Dec 2017
Wish Of Mind
Colm Dec 2017
How dare he, discover these:

     The intimacy before its time
     The constant revelations
     Untangling and revealing themselves
     Slowly over the course of passing time

How jealous still at last am I?
To be on the outside looking in
Wishing that I could be within
For the discovery of such things in mind
Most envious of the unseen. The fog which I assume arrives each morning. Hence why...this is as it is. *nods*
254 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
In the land of ForSure
It doesn’t matter who you were
How late you slept, or quietly wept
Midst walking storms
No, in such a place as these and this
The only present matter is willingness
To take the words of a fellow man
To tie your shoe with gentle care
And to RUN with it
Into the glorious dawn of a brand new day
Of a new you who isn’t afraid of sunlit truth
And divine ray
I say, step a little bit closer to your future today
The one thing I know about forsureland, is that when you're sure, you're sure. Pair your own confidence with the truth and forgiveness of God the father, and you're FREE. Truly FREE.  (:
254 · May 2019
Colm May 2019
Time is focus
Focus is energy
Energy, mentality
And the mind is time
Unawares of me
254 · Apr 2018
Old Age
Colm Apr 2018
Creek in the floor
River in her eyes
Fear most definitely is this
253 · Jul 2016
Quiet Things
Colm Jul 2016
Deep into the evening, on such a day as this,
An unfathomable amount of whispers escape your lips.

Mostly quiet things pulled straight from the heart.
Like a shot of whiskey, honest and warm.

Like a song of time on the radio,
It's slowly in time that I must let you go.

Like a dulcet strum, so I heard your last sound.
Be it far away at the edge of town.

And yet echoing as your voice is now,
I hear both your heart and mind call out.

Begging me to whisper you free,
And remember you as you always wanted to be.
253 · Nov 2018
Mountain Veins
Colm Nov 2018
Crushing, beating, heart of the mountain
Encased in stone and rock enclosed
Ruby, emerald, sapphires, gold
But also bedrock veins of water
Running silently and cold
Short and to the point. Found in an old note which I refuse to change.
253 · Mar 2018
In The Mind
Colm Mar 2018
Writers block is a state of mind

Pour yourself out
Fill your cup
And caffeinate

Don't ****
But live the time
This is one of the many ways I wish to live my life. Lol.
253 · Jul 2019
Where Bodies Meet (A Tanka)
Colm Jul 2019
And then suddenly
With tremendous presence born
New territories
Open up to your old self
To be shared excitedly
Where Bodies Meet
253 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
Have courage
In darkness
Only death
Can take away
Your every sense
Colm Jan 2020
The other day
A match struck my roughness
And anxiousness took me to be freed by fire
As I burned away all of your rusted memories
Which'd been stored for yet another day
Which turned out to be today
In ashes your words
Cast, burn and floating away
Just a song about old letters

Finally burned all of my own the other day
252 · Dec 2019
I'm Sorry (4LINE)
Colm Dec 2019
No mountain range is worth the hike with you by side
Nor seat stays warm in conversive pace
Though it’s sad to see wasted such a pretty sunrise
Your particular light is not to my eyesight a pleasant taste
About an old ex from 09
252 · May 2019
Dear May
Colm May 2019
Dear May
Check your memos
Your voicemail and fax
Because it feels like April today
And it's a full twelve days
Since your sister has supposedly
"Gone away"
Dear May
252 · Jan 2021
See this?
Colm Jan 2021
The most beautiful light
Is the bounding brightness
Which leaps off of perfect snow
And catches high in the ceiling eyes alive

Such a vision will be forever alive in me.

See this?
Reflective snow makes the afternoons glow with beauty.
252 · Jun 2019
Wishes And Dreams
Colm Jun 2019
As subconscious is in mind on earth
So also is this resting deep
Like a wish embedded within a dream
The kind of thing you can't wake up from
And don't want to
Such mountains are too glaringly big to be seen
Wishes and dreams... The best are when you wake up from both. Simultaneously. And you remember the name which once had been.
252 · Apr 2018
Seasoned Water
Colm Apr 2018
Green leaves over water
Fear no Fall from Autumn graces
They embrace it
Oak leaves will do that. This is what I've learned. (:
252 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Chemical, the fluctuation of quiet in the night.
And yet, the dawning of the agenda reveals no radiant Dawn.
No truth revealed, just another dogged fight.
252 · Jul 2019
Haiku of the Mind
Colm Jul 2019
Trap me not in these
My old memories of mind
They are less than I
Less than I
251 · Feb 2018
No, I Think Not
Colm Feb 2018
Does quality know that it's quality?

Does a thoroughbred know it's a winner?

Do the chance-less still stand, for a chance at all?

Can the redeemed ever not know their redeemer?

Though you cast all your peals before swine, do they care?

Will we think fore we trample our friends?

Can you count all the birds in the bushes as if caged?

Just as man counts the days till the end?
No, no, no and no. Nah, nope, no way and good luck...
251 · Jul 2017
The Gift
Colm Jul 2017
Love is giving when you're not comfortable giving
The difficult part is both the explaining and understanding your own discomfort
Any lover can give when things are perfect
But it takes faith and trust to keep giving
And to truly understand the meaning
Behind the gift
Love is love... SON116
251 · Jul 2018
Ever Changed
Colm Jul 2018
Carve the heart out from its walls
Drain the kindness from its veins
Change absolutely nothing at all
But remove the heart, and baby, it’ll die
Because the heart of that place was everything
Good and wholesome, below the sky
When the good people leave, you'll know, you'll know.

"Look, pain is there in the world, and there's catharsis through that. I feel like there's... a rapture, if we can get through it, if we can confront things." -Derek Cianfrance
251 · Mar 2018
Reading? Glasses?
Colm Mar 2018
Adjust your glasses
Ever slight
The way your shoulder turns a corner
Such a beautiful pattern, not in shirt
But within your features glowing bright  
Expressive as the newborn day
Collected as the cooling night
Adjust your glasses once again
A habitual study within sight

HEY! This was my 500th poem posted here on HP.

300 some on the original Poe, 400 or 500 on PF, and now here we are!

Editors note: Is this what I think it is? Lol. Adjusted the last slight to sight, because she was seen.
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