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Apr 2015 · 409
These things we think about
My head is filled with so many ideas, suggestions, plans and thoughts
I don't know where to start
They're clashing,
smashing my train of thoughts
It started when the good news arrived
Now my head won't stop creating images and words to express my feelings
So happy right now... :D
Apr 2015 · 869
When ideas flow
Don't you just hate it when
you're just there either pooping or
wandering by the mall
and an idea pops up.
You then try to remember it
for as long as you can
yet once you have the
pen and paper,
you ask yourself
"What was it again?"
Apr 2015 · 9.2k
Money corrupts thy mind
You kept complaining
'bout those people corrupting
then afterwards you'll be saying
Money can't be brought alongside with you on the day that you die. Why are they being so corrupt?
Yet why aren't you trying to question thyself?
When in fact, you aren't any different.
Save, Save, Save
That's all you think about
Prices, Prices, Prices
I thought we were here to survive?
Money is an element for survival.
Why are you keeping every single dollar?
You always count your money as if it is your baby.
Complaints are all that I hear each day every time you pay.
Pffttt... Money lover... Keeps a *** of cash inside their bank accounts yet are way too afraid to spend it on things that they like. If ever they do, they'd complain afterwards. What the actual fudge? -_-
Apr 2015 · 913
So now, who is it?
Why get mad?
We ain't that bad.
Actually you're the reason
to this nightmare that feels like in prison.
Be good, you said.
Have you been showing goodness?
I know that we aren't perfect
but you are a prefect.
Aren't you supposed to show what is right
and tell us everything with a smile so bright?
You can't be a light if you are dim.
Everyone's pointing at us.
Why is it such a fuss?
It wasn't even us.
If only you taught what is needed to be sought.
Then maybe we wouldn't be the one to blame.
Our minds and heart are aflame.
You were the culprits who kindled the flame.
Now it's devouring us.
It causes us to cuss.
Then you'll be outraged
about something completely your fault.
Pffftt... People blaming us for their own carelessness... Well, you were supposed to be the one to teach. Why did you get mad on your own mistake? Sometimes it's not just that  Most of the time it has something to do with "favoritism". Sheesh... People nowadays, too overwhelmed by their power that they cant control themselves anymore. Oh what happened to the world? Why has it come to this?
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
The perfect crime
It was unexpected
But I was so enchanted
by your charm
I was convinced that you mean no harm
Yet every time you think about her
My heart, you shatter
I don't want to leave you, she said
If I could, I'd stay forever but I can't

I wonder what's your reason
to commit such an act of treason
During the night
When the stars shine so bright
I love seeing your sleeping face
You're like a delicate antique vase
Why must your time with me have a limit?
Cause when the morning comes, he wakes you up in just a minute.
I try to make you stay
But you'll just say
If I don't go, there's going to be a huge price to pay.*

But who am I to question
even though I feel so much depression

For I'm just a futon
for you to lie on
well, let's try to see a bed's point of view. hahaha. For me, this is how a bed feels whenever we needed to wake up in the morning and leave yet we really want to stay in bed.
Apr 2015 · 565
Oh Dear
the world we have come to know
has always been such a tough foe
but please try to bear the pain
it is okay to try again
your life's too precious
let's be cautious
hold on to your dearest
because they're the nearest
source of glee and comfort
have a cup of tea by your porch
and talk about life
think of all those people
worried and caring
even though you may not know it
someone out there loves you to the tiniest bit
so dear,
erase all your suicidal thoughts
through courage and hope
despair shall be fought
to those whom are pretty emotional and whose heads are too shrouded to think clearly because of the depressions they've been going through. let's all take care of our lives for we may or may not live again. it's a one shot in pursuing all our dreams. Let us not put it to waste and always find something worth living or striving for.
Apr 2015 · 870
I want to feel the warmth
under a swaying tree
along with you while smiling with glee
that picture
I've been dreaming of
it has been lingering in my train of thoughts

I wonder,
when would that day of calmness come?

just sitting there
enjoying the cool breeze
talking about how life is so
mysterious yet enjoyable

that laid-back moment I've been wanting
when might it be granted....
been wondering 'bout this for quite some time now for I have been watching this anime with a slice-of-life genre... If you want to watch it as well, the title is kimi to boku. :) enjoy.
My days are filled with nightmares
My nights are filled with day dreams...
*How ironic isn't it?
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Somebody? Anybody?
I'm getting squished
My bones are being crushed
My whole being is burned
Someone please take me away from this land of flames
Ughhh... when will this end?
Apr 2015 · 860
The power you posses
it was unexplainable
for I was unable
to be stable
for just a while
yet you came
turned my frown
upside down
even for a bit
you made me complete
again, able to compete
with life's harsh words
which made me tangle in chords
felt like a bunch of turds
but just simply by listening to you
along with your music too
brings joy and happiness
to my thoughts and world of loneliness
even though they're not much
it still managed to put a smile on my face

maybe these are what we call
*simple joys in life
I was pretty much devastated til' these people played with me and just plainly made my frown go away... Though that's what they've been doing since the day we became close... :)
Apr 2015 · 363
Just a maybe (10w)
Maybe you are the reason why things are still undecided...
Apr 2015 · 736
But why?
I was at my worst
It felt like I wanted to burst
But let me tell you first
How he quenched my thirst

It was something I couldn't bear
I felt fear
Before the forest became clear

There I saw you
Thinking that you have seen me too

In the deep forest you sheltered
The way you live was altered

From then on, you lead the way
I saw beautiful trees sway
Deeper we go as we play
Since that day
Every time we part, I only wish to stay

Each summer i'd come back
To the same place I lost track

Each summer you'd wait for me
We'd be as happy as we can be

The mask covering up your face
I ponder it's purpose on that place

Days went by
Sometimes a kite would fly
Or we'll just go fishing nearby

Yet one summer night stood out
This hasn't just made me pout

We went to a festival
Also kinda like a carnival
Fireworks and all

It was supposed to be my happiest
But it also became my saddest

I wasn't ready to hear your final goodbye
Didn't think i'd cry
It seems like it was just yesterday
     when I heard your first "Hi"

It was tragic indeed
For you made my heart and soul bleed
It may sound like greed
But I never wanted you to leave
My inspiration was Hotarubi no mori e... So sad... Why did Gin have to leave... :'( Huhuhuhu... I think this was my first long poem... mehehe or maybe not... not sure though...
Apr 2015 · 578
These I can't explain
There is always this uneasiness
This anxiety
This worry

When i'm with YOU

But with THEM
I feel happy
Though I don't know how
*It's goodbye for now
Apr 2015 · 590
Your effect on me
Just hearing your voice is fine
I feel like i'm on cloud nine

This is for sure
My feelings are pure

Pure happiness
If ever it was sadness

The cause is your frown
I don't want to see you down

I love to hear your laughter
Rather than to see you falter
Apr 2015 · 4.2k
Talk 'bout oodles
I'm gonna doodle a poodle eating a noodle...
By: Hiro Enomoto hehehe credits goes to my friend... Just wanna share this to everybody... :)
Apr 2015 · 4.1k
Cash? Dollar? Money?
It's very unlikely
Could be deadly

How those paper with faces of the dead
Could manipulate or fill us with dread
Pffftt... the reality *****... I wonder why some people love to keep money for themselves wayyyyy to much up to the point where it's just so unreasonable.
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Such beauty
Whatever lies beneath it
You don't want to know
Haiku!!! :)
Apr 2015 · 269
It shall be eternal
A friendship like no other
If one may be a bother
They still treat each other
More like brothers
From different mothers

More or less, inseparable
Both so lovable

Got separated by lang and water
Still friends whenever, wherever

One stomped at the door
Then the other fell on the floor
They made up for sure
Friendship, stronger than before
Apr 2015 · 380
That hellish place
What is this madness?
I don't feel like a princess
it's more like a damsel in distress

My whole being is aflame
Who is to blame

They drive me crazy
They make me go **insane
Apr 2015 · 7.8k
Your face radiate such calmness
The way you sleep shows cuteness
Yet so fragile
So vulnerable
I wish to see more
I wish to know more
One day i'd see you as another person
**The real you
Apr 2015 · 371
Define a poet
That one person who can't speak out through their mouth
So they turn their thoughts in an encrypted
set of words
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Love me some paradoxes
Your first time doing something is the last time you do it for the first time....
Credits to my dear friend... hahaha #LogicBoy (c)Hiro Enomoto XD
Apr 2015 · 15.3k
~What is this called?~
I like the way you laugh
I like the way you tell corny jokes
The way you sass people
The way you look as you sleep in class
Your cute voice
Your small build
The way you amaze me with your "wise" words

When I see you down
It makes me form a frown

When I hear your abrupt laughter
I smile after

I don't know about you
But all I know is
That I like you
A LOT ♡♡♡
Cliché ... hahaha The thoughts of people who have crushes base on the stories of my friends... hahaha Cause my crush ain't here in the real world ... #Anime4lyfe
Apr 2015 · 998
The way you laugh
The way we used to run
Our weird antics
Those laughter filled with so much joy
Our carefree personalities
Getting all hyped up
Being sweaty and all
Bruises and scars

They were all part of us
The way it used to be
It was what I called paradise
Sometimes when I don't feel sunny
I thank the Lord for letting me be there
Heaven if I must say

Life took such a sharp turn
Never have I imagined
That one day
It'll all vanish from my very eyes

It took me this long
For everything to sink in
For me to realize
That it is now what we call History

Up to now
Every now and then
I'd relive every moment
Every memory
Every feeling
I've experienced there
For even my soul cant forget

It has been carved into my very heart
Mar 2015 · 192
Your values
I'll never forget

The messages each of your words convey
It remains carved in my being

Your teachings that shall be proclaimed
By my own mouth once the time comes

All these things that will help me
I wont ever live in vain
Thanks will always be given
Mar 2015 · 282
A somebody who's a nobody
For them,
She was their happiness
She was the sunshine
Smiling through and through
Happily skipping each day
Laughing with glee
Her wide grins
Always intact

But on the other side of that grin
Is a lost little child
Who can't even see the sun
Even its rays she cannot reach
Her skin so frail
Her bones so weak
She can't walk towards the door
The door of happiness

She felt so **ALONE
Mar 2015 · 466
The final act
I thought
You were

But no body informed me that this was all a **SHOW
For those who are hiding behind the curtain. Those ego centered ******.
Mar 2015 · 368
In the dark woods
You made me think
That in just a blink

We'll always be angels
But with hidden devil horns

You made me think
That they were a bunch of morons

You made them look bad in my eyes
I was too doubtful of my own opinions
So I went with what you think
Even though inside,
It was killing me to be such a madness

I believed it was fine
Because you said so they were a bunch of ******
But in reality
You just cant accept who you guys were

Covering up for you impure souls
I was too naive
But my eyes opened itself
And saw every single thing

Now i'm aware who're the predators
They were walking with me side by side
It was a good thing I switched lanes
With that I saw the true and purest hearts

Never again will I enter that dark, mysterious, full of mischief of a forest
For I will never lose sight of the sun ever again
Mar 2015 · 374
Are you even worthy?
I'm sorry if you're currently in pain
My trust you can't even gain

I don't know if you really want me
As a friend or how you'd want to see

But all I can say is
Your love, care, understanding and friendship
I cant feel it
Although they sometimes appear from you
Most of the time I can't

All I could sense was your selfishness
Your huge ego seeping through your veins
The lack of thankfulness in your voice
Appreciation to what I've given and done for you wasn't always there

And now

You come back crawling to me like a helpless child...

I gave you a chance to open up to me
To tell me all your pain and sorrows
Yet you never did
Now you're telling me that I left you?
What I did was because of YOU.
I kind of felt like I was a tool...
As if you're just using me
I never felt like you're happy to have me as a friend
So I left

Searched and scoured the mountain tops and plains to seek for people who'd understand and take care of me
I don't know if i'd still give you a chance
But all I know is your time is up
Random drama... hehehe
Mar 2015 · 761
Source of happiness <3
I just can't ever explain why
Every time i'm with them, I cry

But these aren't tears of fear or sadness
They represent my happiness

Tears of joy if I may say so
I can't even imagine them as a foe

When i'm with them
I feel so alive
Wont even use my revive

I can't afford to lose them
I just want to be with them

They fill my laughter with glee
I'd be so sad if they ever flee

Please stay
I don't want to be left at bay
For my dearest tropa! :3
Mar 2015 · 427
No, just don't
Friendship is such a magical thing
It seems to be like everything

Just a little bit of ****
and a sprinkle of will

Would you let everything fall?
Even when each other goes for a call

But the real question is
"Are you gonna answer one another's call?"

Just a simple tip
Don't let it slip
Okey... they're fighting way too much okey... huhuhu... it hurts to hear them fight... I don't want them to fall apart as friends... deym guys...
Mar 2015 · 761
One of the odds
You were the best
Among the rest

That's why we're weird together
Cause we do things in another manner
Now you ask, "What's the matter?"

I feel down
My face is in a frown

You two are going

Our weird antics
And those undeniably numerous frantic

All our laughs filled with glee
Are going to be missed by me

Now I don't want you to be blue
This poem is my greatest THANK YOU
:') :'(
Mar 2015 · 577
It was a tough journey
For I was a newbie

Yet you were there
Ready to support

Thanks for the tips
The game was crushing me like chips

Shall look forward into playing
LoL is a pretty ******* gaming
Hehehe for all the supports out there... thanks a lot... XD
Mar 2015 · 415
It's true I tell you
You were that someone
When there was no one

Thanks for lending an ear
I almost shed a tear
Yet I didn't want to show fear

I was falling apart
Thanks for having a big heart

The support you gave
It was all that I crave

Those words of encouragement
They gave me enlightenment

During those days my mind was clouded
My head was shrouded

Here I give you
A poem that may posses being blue
But let me be true
I just wanted to THANK YOU...
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Artificial Intelligence
It was fascinating
Very helpful and enchanting

Yet all else is limited
Or should I say limitless

For they are capable of things we aren't
A lot says it was for the better

As if it was the best
Simpleton, if I were to label all those who proclaims

But they have not opened their eyes
Or maybe something was covering it

Evil was seeping and overtaking
Those weren't being used for JUSTICE

They were far from what we call Human
Just because we DESIRE for the eternal
Doesn't mean we need to make careless decisions
Don't be blinded by those shiny golden bricks we call GOLD or those green papers with faces of deceased people

We must think thoroughly
For this creation might go to EXTINCTION
Let's peel off our masks
All of those covering the windows of our soul

These aren't completely helping
They're making the case worse
DESTRUCTIVE if I may say so
Those people who are ****** by the desire for power, their ****** reputations and craving for even more money... those bunch of pigs... I hate their guts...
Mar 2015 · 505
You were once a sunshine
I was always there whenever you whine

It hurts me to see you cry
That's why

Those broken shards of yours
Was always picked up by me

It may scratch and bruise my palms
But it was worth it
For it was you

Now I seem to have forgotten
As if the memory has rotten

It turned into dust
I cant ever remember

Is this what they call Oblivion?
If it is, why must it feel like Deception?
As if my own thoughts deceived me?
Is that even possible?

My endless questioning
Just maybe
I am in Oblivion....
I don't know where I got my inspiration for this though... XD
Mar 2015 · 5.0k
We live in a world of bluff
There will never be enough
It has been tough

My only answer to the Deception
Is Isolation
ION 5 ever <3 XD hahahaha
Mar 2015 · 2.8k
The unruly bunch of cows
Those people who thinks of themselves as the ultimate
Thinking that they are those who create

A world without even a single flaw
For they bark and scratch you with a claw

As if you're the most putrid human they've seen
As if this phase was a place they've never been

If I may remind you
You became a newbie once too

So don't talk to me as if
You became the GREATEST
In just a blink of an eye
A little something for those trash talkers in LoL... shiznits...
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
Unsure thoughts about you
Love* and Hate is what I feel
I love you as a friend
I hate you as a human
All else is ambivalent

I have told myself
To give up
Yet what is this?
A feeling that is welling up in my being

A voice
You* can save him, it says

But what if I cant?
What if it turns out just like before?
I cant take the same risk
And do the same mistakes

I'm terrified
The history is my greatest fear
For it made me feel excruciating pain

Now, I'm asking you
Are you willing to accept me
As the one to escort you
Towards the world I've come to know
That will surely somehow
Make you feel so free

Because I'm already so CONFUSED
You've been taking me inside an endless whirlpool
Mar 2015 · 312
I can't help it
Once I start writing
I cant ever stop

Maybe that's just how it is
Our train of thoughts never comes to a halt

We continue to ponder
Among the wonder
The world has to offer
Cant stop writing poems... oh gahd...
Mar 2015 · 472
The one who led me through
You acted like a mother
As if I was never a bother

I have always been thankful
For your support is always full

Your wise words
Can never be a bunch of turds

I always remember your advice
To think it twice

You weren't just a friend
You were what they call as "The light"
Who shines with no end

Sometimes I think to myself
I now have a lot of debt

I don't know what happened
But we kind of drifted apart
Yet you'll always be in my heart

I guess all I ever want you to know
Is how you are important and so

I made this specially for you
Read it whenever you feel blue
So you'd have a clue
That I love you too
This may serve as my greatest THANK YOU
A friend of mine who has always been like a mother to me... meep... Is this way too cheesy or what? XD hahahaa
Mar 2015 · 455
To those who makes my day
A friendship like no other
Sure do hope we'll be friends forever

You were there during my ups and downs
Ready to wipe off my frowns

I'm thankful it was you
To cheer me whenever i'm feeling blue

The way you make up ****** jokes
It kinda makes you less of a bloke

But never less than of a friend
Because for me, there wont be an end

To this friendship
Even if we fall and trip

You wont be forgotten
By my brain even though it'd be rotten

My memories of you
Has been carved in a beautiful hue

All I ever wanted to say is
For my guy friends who never fail to make me laugh even though i'm going through a rough phase in life... :)
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
Mga takip-silip na mata
Maraming mga bagay sa mundo
Na di mo pa dapat
At nahahawakan
Ngunit dahil sa salitang "TRENDING"
Nakikiuso ka na din

Mga bagay na ito
Na nakalilito
Di tuloy natin alam kung saan hihinto

Napaka bilis ng iyong takbo
Ni di na lubos maisip kung saan naparirito

Hinay lang at mararating din
Ang pinakamagandang hardin
At hintay lang natin
Ang kasiyaha'y iyong masasalamin
Huwag kasi mag mamadali... may panahon para sa bawat aksyon... Masyado pang bata ang ating mga isip at di pa sapat na impormasyon ang nakalap...
Mar 2015 · 3.1k
A huge pile of trash
I hereby declare
That you shall not have a fare
Towards this land of beauty and fair
For you have put me in despair
Never have I been so clear
To put you out of here
Mehehehehe ... A little piece I made while procrastinating... :3
Never have I seen your purest smile
Nor see it shine

I don't know if it's just me
But I know I can see

Those eyes didn't glisten
Your lips have never widen

You always say that you're happy
But please stop pretending
Don't think of me so lowly
I can sense that you're lonely

It hurts to see you like this
But what else can I do?
You never wanted me to
Be that one who catches you

Up till now
I don't know how
I want you to show

The place i'd mend
To let you know that it's not the end

Just show me your broken pieces
I shall heal them with my kisses
This is meant for a friend of mine... I hope this would reach him though... :)
Your looks can never narrate who you are

Your actions speak louder than words

But words express what the mouth cannot pronounce
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Let us use our gold wisely
Why wont you fly
Up in the sky
We're just passing by

Make the most of your time
As you hear the bell chime
It may be the last verse of your rhyme

Tomorrow is unpredictable
A time we cannot be despicable
For we must treasure the unbelievable
Do you believe in YOLO? If yes... Then you must live each day as if it were the last. :)
Your logic
It is way too idiotic

Why would you want to grow fast?
When your days doesn't last

Better think twice
Or everything might not turn  out nice

If I were you
I'd rather go in the summer sky blue
And read a book that's so true

Don't pretend as if you're a know-it-all
You might end up curling into a ball
Once you've finally fall

It wont be easy to get up
So better slow down and shut up
Don't hurry or else everything might shatter right in front of you my dear
Mar 2015 · 877
Can't you see?
I have always been afraid to tell, to show, to feel and to express

I can only communicate through unspoken words, written calligraphy, and endless encryption that no one would ever understand

But I hope that one day,
would happen to notice the pain, hurt, suffering and torture that I've been keeping at bay....
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