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331 · Sep 2018
The hurting
Shay Sep 2018
It’s a dark, cold September night sitting beneath the oak tree,
watching the sky as the stars come out; making a wish for me.

Wondering if I’ll ever feel the warmth spread through my veins like wildfire -
if I’ll ever feel the glow of happiness again or if the sadness will never tire.
322 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
I wish I could sleep forever;
for my dreams are gentle and kind and sever
the nightmare reality brings, and the agony it does endeavour.
312 · Jul 2018
Shay Jul 2018
Just like that, you shut the door on me -
on everything we, and our future, could ever be;
I never saw it coming, I thought we were happy.
Yet you said goodbye when I needed you most -
now all I have are our memories and a ghost
of everything you used to be when we were close.
286 · Dec 2018
Shay Dec 2018
The burning fire rises within my chest and makes me want to scream;
at both everything you took from me and all you left me with – they are two extremes.
You took away my innocence, purity, my entire childhood,
broke me into pieces and took as much of me as you could.
Now I am left powerless in a pit of despair, and I don’t feel alive,
completely immersed in a lake of despondency, I can barely survive.
263 · Mar 2018
The Power of Love
Shay Mar 2018
The power of love is a force to be reckoned with; one that cannot be defined,
something that is created between two souls when the stars have aligned.
Your home becomes a person full of love, warmth and protection,
and they become your medicine healing you with their deep affection.
244 · Mar 2018
Shay Mar 2018
She’s going insane,
she can’t take the pain-
She’s searching for the sunshine but all she can find is the rain.

— The End —