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Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
strange time
I must of overslept in another dimension
Mrs Timetable Mar 2022
That's how many days
We've been one
Its hard to remember
When we were two
When did two equal one?
9855 days ago ...
or so
1995 two became one...

You have my permission to use your own number of days...the formula works for everyone
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Adam said to Eve
I got a little something
Up my sleeve
Very funny honey
Do you think me naive?
Replied Eve
You don’t even wear sleeves
You can make me some
Then I can say
I have something up my leaves

I’m sure you would
Very funny
Mrs Timetable Feb 2022
I dreamt of you
In black and white
Your voice
Was in color
I do not know
What words you said
But I heard
Shades of adore
Mrs Timetable May 2023
I dreamt of you again
This time in color
Colors never seen before
The shades of you
Didn't speak
But the
Color from your lips kiss
Was Adore
Tell me more
Sequel poem to Adore
Mrs Timetable May 2020
I reached inside myself and found
My friend there to ease the
Pressure of my ever worrying mind*

Lyrics from : “The Sun Always Shines on TV”
Written by Pal Waaktaar
*Correct lyric-  I reached inside myself and found
“Nothing” there to ease the
Pressure of my ever worrying mind...

I misheard it for years and like the “my friend” lyric better. No offense to the brilliant Pal Waaktaar.  One of my very favorite songs and bands
Mrs Timetable Mar 2022


First two are fulfilled by the third
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
I love you only on
Mrs Timetable Sep 2020
My dear Phantonym
I love how you say one thing
And mean another

I was truly affected
By the effect you had
On me

From now on
I accept
What you except

And what’s in the past
Is now
(Please don’t grade this paper)
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
"Days may not be fair
But that's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
But always"

Phil Collins " Always " Live in Berlin 1990

Lyrics by Irving Berlin
One of my favorite set of lines from a song that always makes me cry.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
Would you stop writing because all the best words have already been said?

Would you stop reading because all the deepest poetic things have already been read?

Would you stop enjoying food because all the best recipes have already been created?

Would you stop painting because all the best masterpieces have already been painted?

Would you stop giving because there’s nothing left to give?

Share all the words, thoughts, visions and beautiful things that give you a reason to live.
Endurance can be difficult. We need each other. I’m enjoying what I read here on HP.
Mrs Timetable Jun 2020
The only piece
You let anyone see
Is the broken one....

It is beautiful
As is
Sometimez  "as is" is good enough. Some things can't be fixed
Mrs Timetable Nov 2023
Looked up to your atmosphere
Saw a little girl with wings
Painting the sky with the
Brushing them up
And letting them flow
Like she did
With her mommy's hair
No camera can capture what we are gifted to see with our eyes and imagination. What do you see in the clouds
Mrs Timetable Feb 2024
I want to be wrapped up
In our own atmosphere
Our own fresh air
Where the breath
You breathe
My lifeline ..
So make sure
It's minty fresh
Well. That took a weird turn. Haha.
Maybe I'll redo this later.
Mrs Timetable Aug 2020
How much
Do you need to win
Before you realize
How much you’ve lost

The gamble of fame
Years of building
Bets and wagers
Pay up
The hard fall of internet influencers.
Mrs Timetable Jan 22
Today feels
And yet
At some point
It will feel
Moving on.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2022
Drawn by the sadness of time
Minutes of repeated striations
Hours of wounded sketching
Days draining color
Outstare me...I dare you
Survey my damage
Morphing into
A dueling masterpiece
For the young artist
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Baby new cat
I love your little tummy
Full of mama cat milk
Your little round belly
I try to tickle
To make you giggle
And lightly mew
“bew bew bew”
It sounds like “bew” to me. In response to Mark S To my fellow poets.
Mrs Timetable May 2024
If your heart breaks
Into so many pieces
Are you allowed
To pick any
Or do you
Leave them and come back later
Mrs Timetable Jan 2023
Are you someones moment in time?

Or their

Be both
Mrs Timetable May 2020




Meaningful expressions

Everything to some

It did for me
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Insecure wandering
Lost in the day

Even the trees seemed
To walk away

I talked to the sky
It was blue too

These kind of days
I’d rather be you
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Some words
The four lettered kind you know
Seem to be so overused
That their primary meaning
Has lost its use
It doesn’t make sense
To hear a youth
Or on a show
Or at the desk next to you
Over salting it between
Regular words ruined
I know you think your cool
To the rest of the school
But really it’s just sad
That you talk so bad
I can’t understand this language
You claim is human
It’s made up of a few tacky letters
So don’t talk to me anymore Mr. F
Nothing’s getting thru
You are now a word whisker
It even hurts my ...blank
It needs no explanation.
Mrs Timetable Nov 2022
Hanging out
In your blind spot
You'll accidentally
Notice me
Mrs Timetable May 2022
The moon was brilliant
Last night
And yet...
I caught you
At me
Jealous moon
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
“After an orchid stops blooming
Take it gently from its ***
Shake off the old bark
And cut off any dead roots with a Sterile razor blade or scissors

Don’t make the mistake of putting
It into a bigger ***
Because orchids don’t like that
They like to have their roots
Crowded in a small space

So *** it into a same size ***
Holding its leaves so the roots
Dangle into the ***
Add bark and gently mix the pieces
Around its roots to hold them

(I thought this “how to make a orchid bloom again” was like rekindling love using words like gentle and snugly, caring for the roots and taking great care of this most precious delicate thing)
Gardenista: Ask the Expert: How to Make An Orchid Bloom Again
Written by  
Michelle Slatalla
Published Nov 22, 2019
Mrs Timetable Nov 2024
I will bloom for you
If you wait
And take care of me
It will be worth it
I may only show you
A little at a time
For fear you may hurt
My petals
But wait
And cherish me
I'll full bloom
From the love
I saw the most beautiful rose today
Mrs Timetable Jan 2020
You make me laugh
We crack ourselves up
Over the silly things we say

It’s so much more than a smile
It’s so much more than a touch
You need me and I need you

Rewind 28 years plus:

You were so serious I thought
When I used to look at your picture
How old is this guy anyway?

Your serious ‘stache,  your serious poems
I saw those books at your grandmas home
They seemed so deep to me

Little did I know
You had lots more to show
First thing you said to me “read this poem”

Is this the guy with the blue notebooks?
The guy who seems too old for me
He seems very genuine, guess we will see.

You wanted to know what I thought
No one cared before
I was too quiet for my own good

Flattered you asked
It was a subject I knew
It let me know you were deep as a welllll... let’s see were this goes

Fast forward 28 years plus:

I sit here laughing
Because you made me
I know what your thinking

You sit there laughing
Because I made you
You know what I’m thinking

Me and you, you and me
Who knew from day one
You hooked me with a read

Deep down I think you knew
I was the girl for you
You needed me to hear you

Deep down I think I knew
You were the boy for me
I needed to hear you too

It’s almost unspoken
To know someone this way
You needed me and I needed you
Remembering our first serious encounter. It was over a poem he penned. For Carlo Gomez my forever boy
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
I found out you had acquired
A photo of me

I gave it to your grandma
But it was in your possession

It resulted in
The stealing of my heart

You still have the picture
And you still have my heart
I loved that you had my picture.
Mrs Timetable Jul 2023
The blur of grey
I felt it as you snuck up on me
Trying to hide from it
Should I show you my face
I'd never seen that in you before
You fumbled your words
Watching and waiting
I'm not brave enough
I'll wait till you are
Have you ever had a dream you cant explain, maybe only in pieces and it still makes no sense? Sounds like hide and seek.
Mrs Timetable Dec 2023
I saw a cloud
One lonely whispy cloud
In the very blue sky
The edge was on was blushed
I looked again...
I saw a cloud
On fire...for just a moment
The sun had kissed the cloud
Goodbye for the day
On the right edge of it lips
On the edge of its smile
The clouds smile
I looked away
And pretended not to notice
I've never seen that before. I did a double take.. It was a ray of sun on the edge of a cloud. Like a piece of rainbow. A friend said like when you bite a marshmellow and leave a smidge of lipstick.
Mrs Timetable Aug 2020
The scent I miss
Not for reasons of bliss
But simply this

The scent of old paper
To read a new caper
Or of the candlestick maker

So many worlds to explore
You even had a second floor
I miss you old bookstore
Online shopping stinks when you can’t smell the paper
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Your physical heart
Needs your figurative heart
Your figurative heart
Needs your physical heart
Take good care of both
One cannot live
Without the other
Mrs Timetable Apr 2024
The only cure for me
Is your voice
I admire the
The sound of a voice can heal better than printed words
Mrs Timetable Feb 2023
I sometimes feel
My small words
Are just breadcrumbs here
(Compared to yours)
But then I remembered
My breadcrumbs keep
Your meatloaf together
Be someones breadcrumbs
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Barney I didn't love purple tress
Shimmering metallic loud dress

Giant white clip silky hair bow
Cake top decor I shoulda said no

It was leftover 80’s -1993
The resentment set in quickly

My groom mate
Was difficult to take

For my affections he made a play
At my betrothed mans dismay

A crooked headed doll on display
Why did it have to be this way

Only redeeming thing was snaps
Of me looking right at my sweet

Going forward I said never again
No bridesmaid for family or friend

But Im glad she chose me for that
Big day with her Mister

She is after all
My big sister
I begged her to change the purple tone of the dress. But it was her wedding. The things we do for our family.
Mrs Timetable Apr 2024
In the heart of darkness
A delicate candle
Down in the corner
Waiting in smallness
Hoping to
Light up
The wick is burnt
To a crisp
Bring a knife...
A gentle touch
And some matches
Mrs Timetable Apr 2020
Like a chip
A crayon and
A bad habit

Never apologize
For being broken
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Little bug
in a cold steel
bowl of sadness
you are always there
to tip it
and let me out
Only you know
Mrs Timetable Apr 2024
Today feels like a dream
Years ago dreamt
Of when you left me
Alone in the woods
In a dark colorless cabin
You took the warmth
You took the light
You took your family
And you left me there...
Feels like that dream
Today felt familiar
Mrs Timetable Nov 2020
Is this “show”
A reality?
Or is this “reality“
A show?
So much to absorb
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Two ply or one
Rough or pillow soft
Squeeze or don’t squeeze
Just don’t sneeze
Someone said stock up
Now everyone needs
To be locked up
Everyone else is getting in on the toilet paper obsession I might as well.
Mrs Timetable Jan 2024
The dark clouds
In my window
The bright sun
Blanketing across
Those dark clouds
In my window
Knowing what was coming
Like a child
I ran outside
To capture a rainbow
Instead I saw
Your smile...
I was
It's snowing in our mountains
I'm that girl
When it rains
Carrys her umbrella
But won't use it
She'd rather get rained on
I was injured as a child
By an umbrella
I opened it and it sliced
My finger
I remember the pain too well
So now I fear being
Injured by the one thing
I had to protect me
From the storm
So I may still carry you
With me
But I might not
Let you protect me
This is how I am.
This is why.
Today it's raining
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Hold it so gently
So tightly
Tapping it so lightly
Always giving it
Constant attention
Don’t drop it
Don’t break it
Give it power
With you constantly
Cell phones are like marriage mates
Get a new one
Because this one is old
Ok just kidding....bad example
Bad analogy
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
If you could
Change your birth certificate
Would you?

If you could
Change your death certificate
Would you?

Are these questions certifiable?
Mrs Timetable Feb 16
I will take the imperfect you, my sweet
If you will take the imperfect me too
I can take the imperfect incomplete
If you can take all I can hand to you
Accepting all the imperfect in me
Accepting all the imperfect in you
Completing hearts, is it asking for we?
Completing two hearts, love could be our hue
Why did we choose this, how long will it last?
Chances are risky, accept the challenge
Creation before us, give it a chance
Know that we love each, we find our balance
Let's chance it together, may we not fall
But if we do fall, we gave it our all
Sonnet.  First try.
Mrs Timetable Aug 2024
I knew you'd change our lives
My life
A mother's life
The young handsome man
Taking care of her
Taking care of us
His family loved us
Giving us more family
New babies
Never realizing the impact
Until now
The happiness
The safety
Being loved by a new dad
To replace one I never knew
I knew you'd change our lives
And you did...

Because you left
Understanding why I am the way I am...trying
Mrs Timetable Mar 2020
Collected while awake
Mostly unawares
Safe keeping for
My brain bottle
Mind tipped over asleep
Images spilling out
Interwove and mixed
Creating the unwelcome
Smells of body ashes
Organized as decor
Blue pool builtins
Into lush mountainsides
Friends and enemies attended
Gathered together 
Hiding and cowering
From this nightmare
All I can say is I need a new sleep to erase this one. I really shouldn’t eat chocolate before bed.
Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Do you name your newborn before you see them
Or after you see them
Do you name your poem before you write it
Or after you write it
It’s yours
you choose
Whatever moves you
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