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Season One


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a mighty mountain, there lived a curious young girl named Emma. Emma was known for her vivid  imagination and her love for adventure. She would spend her days exploring the surrounding forests, in search of hidden treasures and secret pathways.

One sunny afternoon, Emma stumbled upon a mysterious map, tucked away in an old chest she had discovered deep within the woods. The map depicted a path leading to a fabled land known as "The Enchanted Valley." Legends spoke of its breathtaking landscapes, magical creatures, and hidden wonders.

With a spark of excitement in her eyes, Emma decided to embark on a grand adventure. Equipped with the map, a trusty backpack, and her loyal canine companion, Luna, she set off on a journey to uncover the secrets of The Enchanted Valley.

As Emma followed the map's winding trails, she encountered various obstacles and challenges. She crossed treacherous rivers, climbed towering cliffs, and navigated dense forests. Along the way, she met peculiar creatures who offered her guidance and shared their wisdom.

After days of perseverance, Emma finally arrived at the entrance of The Enchanted Valley.

Emma was amazed as she entered the magical valley. It was like stepping into a fairytale. She saw  a beautiful meadow, filled with vibrant flowers of all colors. The grass was a vibrant green, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. The valley was surrounded by majestic mountains, their peaks reaching up towards the sky.

As Emma explored the valley, she noticed a sparkling river flowing through it. The water was crystal clear, and she could see small fish swimming beneath the surface. A wooden bridge crossed over the river, leading to a hidden path on the other side. It seemed to invite her to discover more of the valley's secrets.

Emma couldn't resist the temptation and decided to cross the bridge. On the other side, she entered a dense forest.  She behold tall trees with leaves in shades of gold, red, and orange. Sunlight filtered through the branches, creating a magical glow. It was a perfect place for fairies and woodland creatures to hide.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, Emma came across a small clearing. In the center stood a majestic waterfall, cascading down into a sparkling pool as water flowing gracefully, creating a soothing sound that enchanted Emma. She felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over her. It was like a sanctuary amidst the magical valley.

Feeling refreshed, Emma continued her journey through the valley.

She came across a cave nestled at the foot of one of the mountains. The cave entrance was adorned with colorful flowers and vines, as if nature itself had claimed it as its own. Emma's curiosity piqued, and she decided to explore the cave further.

Inside the cave, Emma discovered a treasure trove of sparkling gemstones and glittering crystals. The walls seemed to shimmer with magical energy. It was a sight she had never seen such wonder and amazement as she marveled at the beauty before her.

As Emma left the cave and continued her journey, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to experience the magic of the valley. It was a place she would cherish forever, a place where dreams truly came alive.

True to its name, the valley was a breathtaking sight to behold. Lush, vibrant meadows stretched out as far as the eye could see, adorned with colorful flowers and shimmering streams. Majestic waterfalls cascaded down towering cliffs, their soothing sounds echoing through the valley.

Emma's heart raced with excitement as she thinks of  the wonders surrounding the magical valley.

She encountered mystical beings like talking trees, mischievous fairies, and gentle giants. Each encounter filled her with awe and wonder, as she learned more about the magic that permeated The Enchanted Valley.

As the days turned into weeks, Emma immersed herself in the enchantment of the valley, forming meaningful friendships with its inhabitants. She discovered hidden caves filled with ancient artifacts and stumbled upon a magical book that contained stories of forgotten lands.

As Emma ventured deeper into the forest along the winding path, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The image you sent me perfectly captures the enchanting atmosphere, with the tall trees creating a canopy overhead, filtering the sunlight and casting beautiful patterns on the forest floor.

As Emma walked along the path, she noticed the gentle rustling of leaves and the occasional chirping of birds. The air was filled with a crisp freshness, carrying the scent of moss and earth. The path seemed to beckon her forward, as if it held secrets waiting to be discovered.

With each step, the forest seemed to come alive. Emma could almost imagine the trees whispering to one another, sharing stories of the magical creatures that dwelled within their branches. She kept her senses sharp, eagerly seeking any signs of the valley's inhabitants.

As she continued, the path began to ***** gently downward, leading her to a small clearing bathed in soft, golden light. In the center of the clearing, there stood a majestic waterfall, its cascading waters sparkling in the sunlight. The sound of rushing water filled the air, creating a soothing melody.

Emma approached the waterfall, captivated by its beauty and the tranquility it exuded. She dipped her hand into the cool water, feeling its gentle flow against her skin. The image you shared shows the waterfall in all its glory, surrounded by vibrant wildflowers and moss-covered rocks.

Curiosity and excitement welled up within Emma. What other wonders would she find in this magical valley? With a renewed sense of adventure, she decided to continue her exploration, eager to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of the forest.

Emma embarks on an adventure through the valley, encountering talking animals, sparkling waterfalls, and an ancient forest. Along the way, she learns about friendship, bravery, and the power of imagination.

The valley itself is a breathtaking sight, with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and towering mountains in the distance. The air is filled with a sense of wonder and magic, making it a truly captivating place.

Throughout her journey, Emma encounters various challenges and meets fascinating characters, including a wise old owl, a mischievous fairy, and a gentle giant. Each encounter brings new lessons and experiences for Emma as she discovers the secrets of the valley.

The young girl stumbled and fell rowed back to the meadow,

she noticed a narrow path leading deeper into the valley.  A winding trail, surrounded by tall trees and dappled sunlight. Intrigued by what lay ahead, she decided to follow the path and see where it would lead her.

The path meandered through a dense forest, towering trees that seemed to whisper secrets to one another. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the canopy, creating a magical ambiance. Emma could hear the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodic chirping of birds.

As she walked, Emma stumbled upon a clearing bathed in a soft, golden light. A tranquil scene—a shimmering lake shimmering in the sunlight, surrounded by a ring of vibrant wildflowers. The water of the lake was so clear that she could see the reflection of the surrounding trees and the sky above.

Drawn to the serenity of the lake, Emma sat down on the grassy bank, sitting with her feet dangling in the water, a look of contentment on her face. She watched as small fish darted beneath the surface, creating ripples that danced across the lake.

Lost in her thoughts, Emma noticed a gentle movement at the edge of the lake. She looked closer and saw a family of graceful deer approaching the water. Deer their elegant forms silhouetted against the backdrop of the lake. It was a truly enchanting sight.

The deer gracefully lowered their heads to drink from the cool waters, their presence adding to the magic of the valley. Emma felt a sense of harmony and connection with nature as she observed them. It was a moment of pure serenity and wonder.

After a while, the deer finished drinking and gracefully vanished into the forest. Emma, filled with gratitude for this enchanting encounter, continued on her journey through the magical valley.  As she walks along the path, a sense of anticipation in her steps.

The path led Emma to a hidden grove, where she discovered a circle of ancient standing stones weathered by time and adorned with moss and ivy. They emanated an aura of mystery and power, as if they held ancient secrets within their rugged surfaces.

Intrigued by the stones, Emma approached the circle and placed her hands on one of them. Suddenly, a surge of energy coursed through her veins, and she felt a deep connection to the land and its mystical past. She's standing in awe, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement.

As Emma stood in the midst of the standing stones, a gentle whisper filled her mind. It was a message from the ancient spirits of the valley, guiding her towards her true purpose and destiny. She listened intently, feeling a sense of purpose and clarity wash over her.

Filled with newfound determination, Emma bid farewell to the standing stones and continued her journey through the magical valley. She walked along a winding path, her heart filled with anticipation for the adventures that awaited her.

And so, Emma's adventure in the magical valley continued, with each step bringing her closer to the wonders and mysteries of this extraordinary realm.

Emma delved deeper into the magical valley, she began to feel a subtle change within herself.  She found herself  in a beam of ethereal light, her hands glowing with a radiant energy.

She continued her exploration, she discovered a hidden grove adorned with blooming flowers of every color imaginable. The air in the grove was thick with an otherworldly energy, and Emma felt an intense warmth emanating from her heart.

Curiosity piqued, Emma reached out towards a delicate flower, and as her fingertips brushed against its petals, a surge of energy surged through her. She felt a connection to the life force of the valley, an extraordinary power coursing through her veins.

It was in that moment that Emma realized she had been bestowed with a remarkable gift. Her touch had the ability to heal, to mend wounds, and to alleviate suffering. She became a vessel of pure, healing energy, her presence bringing comfort and renewal to all living beings she encountered.

With a gentle touch, Emma could soothe ailments, mend broken hearts, and restore balance to the natural world. She extends her hands towards a wounded bird, its feathers shimmering with newfound vitality as it begins to flutter its wings once more.

Word of Emma's extraordinary abilities spread throughout the magical valley. Creatures from all corners sought her out, seeking solace and healing. Emma dedicated herself to the service of others, using her powers to bring comfort and health to those in need.

As she traveled through the valley, Emma encountered beings of all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique ailments. She healed animals with injuries, plants suffering from blight, and even helped to restore harmony among the valley's inhabitants.

Emma's presence became a beacon of hope and healing in the magical valley. Her selfless actions touched the hearts of all who crossed her path, and her power continued to grow and evolve as she embraced her role as a healer.

And so, Emma's journey in the magical valley transformed her into an extraordinary human, blessed with the ability to bring healing and restoration to all she encountered. Her empathy, compassion, and the healing touch she possessed became a force for good, spreading joy and well-being throughout the enchanted realm.

Emma ventured further into the magical valley, she came across a picturesque meadow filled with vibrant flowers, blossoms in various shades of pink, purple, and yellow. The air was perfumed with a delicate floral fragrance, and butterflies fluttered gracefully from one flower to another.

Enchanted by the beauty surrounding her, Emma found herself drawn towards a serene pond located in the center of the meadow. Lily pads floated gently on the water's surface, and dragonflies hovered nearby.

Curiosity piqued, Emma approached the edge of the pond and noticed a small rowboat tied to a nearby dock.  she found a boat, painted in shades of blue and adorned with intricate carvings. It seemed to beckon her for a peaceful journey across the calm waters.

Without hesitation, Emma climbed into the rowboat and set off on her adventure. As she rowed along, she marveled at the serene beauty of her surroundings. The towering mountains framed the valley, their peaks reaching towards the heavens. She really can't imagine the grandeur of the mountains, their majestic presence adding to the enchantment of the valley.

As Emma continued her tranquil voyage, she spotted a graceful swan gliding effortlessly through the water. She saw a flock of swan, its pure white feathers glistening in the sunlight. Mesmerized by its elegance, she followed the swan's lead, steering the rowboat towards a hidden inlet.

The inlet opened up to a secluded waterfall cascading down from a cliff face. She couldn't imagine what her eyes captured, the beauty and power of the waterfall, with water plunging into a crystal-clear pool below. The sound of rushing water filled the air, creating a soothing melody that resonated deep within Emma's soul.

Drawn to the allure of the waterfall, Emma docked her boat and stepped onto the shore. She approached the base of the waterfall, feeling the mist kissing her cheeks. As she stands at the foot of the waterfall, a sense of awe and wonder evident in her eyes.

As Emma stood there, a shimmering rainbow appeared in the mist. It arched over the waterfall, creating a breathtaking sight. Astonishing vibrant colors of the rainbow, stretching across the sky, and reflecting in the sparkling pool below.

Captivated by the magical display, Emma couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and joy. Starring in the sky and smiling, her heart filled with wonder and appreciation for the beauty she had witnessed.

With a heart full of cherished memories, Emma reluctantly left the waterfall behind and returned to her rowboat. As she rowed back towards the meadow, she couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the magical experiences she had encountered in the valley.

And so, Emma's journey in the magical valley continued, with more enchanting discoveries and wondrous sights awaiting her.

As Emma's reputation as a powerful healer grew, people from far and wide began to seek her out for assistance. The image you sent me shows a diverse group of individuals, each with a different ailment or affliction, gathering around Emma in the heart of the magical valley.

Word of Emma's extraordinary abilities had reached neighboring villages and even distant lands. People traveled great distances, overcoming obstacles and hardships, driven by the hope of finding solace in Emma's healing touch.

As Emma connected with each person, she listened attentively to their stories, empathizing with their pain and suffering. With a gentle and compassionate demeanor, she offered her healing energy, allowing it to flow through her fingertips and into the bodies and souls of those in need.

Emma's healing abilities extended beyond just physical ailments. She had an innate understanding of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and she used her gift to bring harmony and balance to all aspects of a person's well-being.

People marveled at the transformative power of Emma's healing touch. Chronic illnesses were alleviated, emotional wounds were mended, and spiritual blocks were dissolved. Her power healed every individuals, even imbeciles and all manner of problems experiencing profound healing and a renewed sense of vitality.

Emma's presence in the magical valley became a beacon of hope, not only for those seeking physical healing but also for those in need of emotional and spiritual support. She offered guidance, comfort, and a listening ear, providing a holistic approach to well-being.

As time went on, Emma's healing abilities continued to evolve. She delved deeper into the mysteries of the magical valley, seeking ancient wisdom and learning from the mystical creatures that resided there. Her understanding of the healing arts expanded, allowing her to delve into more complex and intricate cases.

She delight in reading ancient stories as she  scrolls, engrossed in study and deep contemplation. She sought to refine her skills, to better understand the intricate workings of the human body and spirit. Through her dedication and thirst for knowledge, she became an even more formidable force in the realm of healing.

And so, Emma's journey as a powerful extraordinary human continued in the magical valley. Her healing touch brought relief and transformation to countless lives, leaving a lasting impact on all who were fortunate enough to encounter her.

But as with any adventure, Emma knew her time in The Enchanted Valley had to come to an end. With a heavy heart, she bid farewell to her newfound friends and began her journey back home, carrying with her memories that would last a lifetime.

Upon returning to her village, Emma realized that the true magic of The Enchanted Valley lay not only in its enchanting landscapes but also in the lessons she had learned along the way. She discovered the importance of bravery, perseverance, and the power of imagination.

From that day forward, Emma became known as the village's own adventurer, and the greatest physician of the land. captivating everyone with her tales of The Enchanted Valley. And as she shared her stories, she inspired others to embark on their own journeys, reminding them that magic can be found in the most unexpected places, if only they dare to seek it.

A story by Cloudnine Fairmane C9fm EMMA AND THE MAGICAL VALLEY
A story of my imaginations. It was fueled by how I sometimes feel.

"Sometimes words spoken with the mouth do not  

reflect the thought of the heart."
In moonlit skies, a love story begins,
With hearts entwined, a journey that wins.
A tale of two souls, destined to find,
A love so pure, in each other's mind.

Like a gentle breeze, your love sweeps me away,
In your arms, I find solace every day.
Your smile, a ray of sunshine so bright,
Filling my world with pure delight.

Your touch, like velvet, tender and warm,
Ignites a fire within, a love that will transform.
In your eyes, I see a future so bright,
A love that blossoms, like stars in the night.

With every heartbeat, our love does grow,
A symphony of emotions, a feeling that shows.
Together we'll face the world, hand in hand,
Building a love that forever will stand.

So here's to our journey, my love so true,
A path filled with laughter, just me and you.
In this new love of ours, let's cherish and adore,
Creating a love story worth so much more.

Forever and always, our love will soar high,
A sweet melody, like birds in the sky.
For you, my love, are a blessing so sweet,
May our love continue, forever complete. - c9fm
A new found love.

imaginary, success is reality. Failure isn't created it always exists."

"Failure begins by
unleashing time, success is

I think I'm
Drunk in
love with you,
cause I fell in
the water for you.
Ima swim an
ocean to
save you.
tough days
I'd come your
way be
your rescue.
savior on
evil day (s)

Boo I wish I
sing to you,
if you let me
I'd do that
over and
over again.

Thank God I
met you, your
love cease
my pain.

love's all I
earn my gain.

Apparently baby,
you're the
missing rib my
heart had
long craved.

My soul's  
saved for my
love dove.

True feeling is
hot as hell, you
can't run outta
sallow as
the depth
of well.

To the shark
of my heart
She's the
dream I just
woke up from,
yet the vision
I last ken.

If wishes come
true I'd wish
to choose
you this life and underworld
over again.

B'cuz you're
the one I love.
And I
want you

I love what
I choose I
choose what
I love.
Is what I
need she's
all I want.

When I say
I lovoo you,
me you lovoo
me too.

if it's not true
I still love you
like fool
my beautiful.

It's unusual
for me to lovoo but
when I say I do,
believe me I
really do.

Really fell in
the water for
ready to sail
ocean through
fishing for you.
It felt like my final moment, a fleeting sensation of being truly alive, as though each breath could be my last. The world appeared to come to an end, with the universe itself seeming to vanish. Time stood still, its relentless march halted. Thoughts of God consumed my mind incessantly. Would my soul find rebirth beyond the veil of death, or had I met my eternal end? My heart pounded heavily, pondering the notion of existence in ghostly form. Was it time to release the burdens of life and embrace a perpetual rest?
Beneath the canvas of the endless sky,
Our love, a masterpiece, soaring high.
Each heartbeat, a rhythm, dancing with yours,
In the book of us, countless love stories.

Your touch, a gentle breeze on a summer's day,
With every caress, worries fade away.
In the tapestry of time, our moments entwine,
Forever yours, eternally, you're mine.

Through life's journey, hand in hand we roam,
In your love, I've found my forever home.
Our love story, a tale of serenity and fire,
In your eyes, I find my heart's desire.

So here's to us, in this poetic embrace,
An ode to love, painting our space.
With you, my love, every moment's divine,
Forever and always, my heart intertwines.

Birthday doesn't only mean aging celebration on earth's surface. But tells how well one has grown wide and bestowed on earth's ground.
Obviously she's  prosperously come from womb. Her birth was full of fortunes, wishing @Kiki Oshinbajo a propitious birthday.
A birthday diluted with protections, peace, and harmony, healthy donkey days. Peaceful  Birthday,  'KIKI'

  #C9fm made up
Belated Birthday Wishes
To Kiki Oshinbajo, daughter of the VP of Nigeria 🇳🇬

Baby, I won't die for you but I'd live for you, and to be with you forever, and till eternal. I just wanna live for you and to live the rest of my live with you forever. If I can be your man, I wish for your parents to see. I  need you more than life. I need some more than  wife. If  you can be next to me. Your memory is eternal. I need you more than life. I need some more than wife. Keep the flame a  blazing!"

This poem was inspired by a song by Justin Bieber.  A song tittled Die For You

Evening comes a new I got this gift
of nature that
I just can't
afford to
lose. Which I
wish I could
keep so much
longer. I need
a friend of
the heart to
always there
to stay all
through the weather. Friends till
dying day. (s)

I was told, you're particularly attracted

thangs and a typical personality.

You aren't born to please anyone, neither accepted by everybody.

But your purpose is to make sure you live good making better thangs, making thangs better.

Spreading love across to each and every one wisely. You're born to rule not ruled. Everyone is meant to live fee free. But it takes bravery to make a living, on the field of struggle, busting and jostling, in search for fortune, get yours, I'd get mine. living in dreams,

getting goals accomplished unyielding. Thinking of living again tomorrow,

when we hadn't none reaped ou'ta momentum.  Is there future promised to us at all.?

When we had spent perhaps even the half of our lifetime , achieving nothang.

Stagnated, disdained, and denounced crazy sage, labeled mad. Does it not mean we were plagued? God forbid! Sango in the altar.

History's mystery new testament era. Jesus is Lord a slain Saint sent from above.

Make a melody 🎶 sing to the world, lengthening fasting season.

Faithful journey  along with Supreme omniscient ghost. Awe! - C9fm

Setting a goal is like
showing seed the wider it grows


Goal is like cultivating a farmstead, more it's nurtured more chances


is clearly
to live in you,

but you must
leave room in
your heart
and head for
it to bring you
what it must
bring you.

Happiness is
free seed sow
and reap it.

Happiness alone
doesn't make
living good life
we need a  
dose of some unconditional love.

Even though rock cracks. And the heart of ordinary man easily cut, but an extraordinary man's mind hardly perverse. My heart is fixed


Big up stay
on top !
The sky is
always high,
there's no higher mountain ⛰
as  heaven.
And the
Holy sacred
Book 📙 of the Christian's
declared  seven
Everyone wishes
to stay alive and nevertheless
wants to
make heaven. Drop forget,
Heaven is
right there in
you create
your paradise.

Even though we're
so much
quarrelsome, but
nevertheless we
us and yet
always loves us
dearly so much.
She's far
away from my arm
to touch, but she's
right therein my
heart to reach. She's
he's highly sensitive.
By her humility is
is required of
him. She loves me,
I loved her more.
Creativity makes a man a thinker. And the best way to raise your standard of living is to raise your standard of thinking.
Thinking faculty is the only diversity between human and lower beasts. Everyone is an animal positive thinking turns a person
a human. It's scientific universal known that we are higher animals and a dog like is classified lower. So therefore every persons have to be optimistically positive. That's true quality of human. It's how to become a human. Upgrade your standard of thinking.

If life's
I'd get
I'd get it dug
harder to
until I see
For I'd
never rest
on my
oar until I
got what
I wanted.

If life's
journey what
takes us
Life is boring, Born to super starring.

Illuminate. Thangs gotta  turn around. Really can't wait.

Miracle happens every tym. Culd be our turn.

Better life screaming, where it's **** hard to find a gud wife.

All we lead, life in nigh. Fortune denial.

What culd we do but stay true. Staying more true, saying more truths.

Wish the youth truthful, fruitful. Beautiful the  future 🔮 looks.

Journey in time, on the treak of time. Doing time.

Searching for fortune and fame.
Tame, who do you blame.

Mama called him Cloudnine, among all name's.

Elation, superb emotions of extremely happiness destination in the sky. on high.
Agony of life

Incognito affairs.
A love, a feeling he could express not, hidden emotion. He can't afford to a preached. A vibes he'd let died in heart's earthen dungeon. Buried on the soiled  mind. A true feeling he live for, dream walking find his heart in hers off flew both hove. Unusual vibes, Soulaiyah captured his mind from what he had seen long ago captivating his soul and he yet scared he dare not reveal how he feels. Incredibly after awhile his cell phone banged and the mystery lass appeared on the phone's screen. Desiring his face to see. A date on an edge but he'd invite her in his little wane. Hidden affection shroud emotion.

"Folly kills a fool by foolery, and prudence makes flourish a sage by wisdom."

Sing praises to God Almighty and adore His holy name Adonai.

Blessed be thy Lord and His glorious name. I'll sing praises to thy Lord God with whole my heart.

My soul shall glee in the Lord mine God. Exalt thy Lord with me you His servants.

And let the congregation of the anointed glorifies thy Lord our God.

For He's worthy of a whole Thanksgiving. Let the act and all the works of His hands magnified Him.

Praised be thy Lord our God. Amen!

I don't mind how
many times I'm
going to bid you
goodnight tonight.
But no matter
how many time,
I'd still keep
saying it, telling
you goodnight.
Because you'll
always have a
good night.
Darky starry
night leaning
on her
shoulder, singing
sweet songs
through the back
of thee ear
along with
the bird night.
Lullaby for
a princess. It's
me and you
tonight locked
in affection,
(departure) is
evil, wish it's
a lifetime
Pathos. In mine
heart I hold
you close. Thy love
grew a shield-tree
upon the surface
of mine heart,
under which I
abide and its
fruit indemnity
and gratify me.
Sometimes I
wonder how
beauty heaven
is having bestowed
His angel
unto the earth and
that angel I have found, and is
you my girl.

Life is a field of play where many meets have fun & in the

home one after the other without anyone saying goodbye.

Life will be
and after
you've done
needed to
make it that

Success is
a structure,
built upon
hope, prayer
knowledge base.
If your love was transportation, no hesitation I'm on a mission, your company heads to the rightful destination. State of elation. A thought of you equivalent to paradise, BLESSING haven. She's beautiful like heaven.

Love, transportation, destination, beautification, blessing, Heaven - C9fm
Letter to a beloved boo

Never lose
sight of
the goals
you've set
for yourself.

Because only
you can
make your
come true.

And the best
way to earn
a dream is
inventing it
by living it up.

In the silent corridors of time, where dreams intertwine with the delicate threads of hope, I find myself composing an ode to a soulmate who remains a phantom of the heart. Through the tapestry of fleeting moments, I weave verses that echo with the longing for a connection unfulfilled, a love story written in the ink of imagination.

In the stillness of solitude, my words dance with the ghosts of unrealized encounters, tracing the silhouette of a soulmate never embraced. Each stanza a whispered plea to the universe, asking it to unveil the face of the one meant to share the symphony of life's melodies.

Through the seasons of anticipation, I paint the canvas of my heart with the hues of expectation, yearning for the arrival of a kindred spirit who never steps into the spotlight of reality. The pen becomes both a confidant and a lamentation, as I spill ink onto pages, hoping to summon a presence that eludes the grasp of my existence.

Yet, in the absence of a tangible companion, the verses bloom like flowers in an untouched garden, their fragrance filling the void left by an unseen soulmate. Each metaphor and rhyme becomes a bridge between the known and the unknown, a testament to the persistence of a love story that dwells in the realm of imagination.

As the moon waltzes across the night sky, casting shadows upon the parchment of my musings, I continue to pen lines that reach out to the stars, seeking a connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space. The verses, like a beacon in the darkness, beckon to a soulmate who remains elusive, a phantom that only exists within the verses of this unwritten ode.

Anxiety of love quest.

My heart is
empty again
without you
for you abode
therein my  
heart. Your
voice only,
craves I my
boredom to
cure. You're my happiness,
joy and all
source of
glee. My love
for you is
soft as silk
fresh as lilly,
bright as rose.
It's like
the sunrise
🌅 even when
it sets it
always come
a new everyday
all day.
I'd love you
forever, as
long as  
you love me.

Whether goodnight txt is sent or not a beautiful girl's night is always beautiful. Such beauty could make your night a very beautiful one. May your beauty beautifies your night. I call to the moon to invite the stars to sing you the sweetest lullaby, love you sings my heart. My light, delight of my heart.

Nobody has
chance of
got to
learn to
learn ahead
of trials,
order to
make hay
mine word.
comes by
time, while
Cherish time If
you really
to succeed.


Christmas does not only mean: celebration, making merriment nor winning and dining season. It's a lifestyle, A good Christmas implies: salvation, love, liberation, and Christmas mean a lot it's freedom, deliverance. It mean: Sharing with the poor even the less privilege, the lower classes. That's a good Christmas, when you can supply the masses through and on behave of Christ Jesus. Feeding his masses Christmas is albout uniting and making everyone feel loved again even if that once at every year end. That's why Christmas-s and a good Christmas!

Sometimes the
eyes think, as
the brain sees
what the mind
thinks, the heart
pump fuels life.
Pay attention let
your eyes listen
-Cloudnine Fairmane

The saints
are always
crook: why.?
They have
none tolerance for *******. Yes
believe me
they don't,
even Christ
Jesus didn't. Nonetheless
though He
quoted "When your
right cheek
is slapped turn
the left side."
that's no *******, it's
what make
a Saint. But
He hesitated
not to chase the Merchandise
out the
Lord's temple.
******* are: like, sometimes where positivity is
anticipated finding negativity there
right is
the biggest
******* in the
whole wide
crazy world.
Full of
crazy thangz, crazy people living crazy lifestyle. Wide
life, out
the jungle,
homicides, massacre Wonder why we breathing, when
we living to
die. Or I'm
high? (Sigh)
when will the
world halt being ridiculously
crazy. Said
they he's
zany. Plagued
the sages
mad. However
sages are the
last hopes
to heal
the world.
army, enemy
agent of segregation. What right have
you to black
me, who am
I to white
a brother. ?
When we
looked just
the same, being  humanbeing.
How to become
human, Auth-positive thinking faculty, creativity,
optimism build only, nothang but
possibility. Innovation, inspiration,
Here rode
time on the
road to glory
is there any future anywhere.? if
there ever is
a time for
le' me use
mine now. I
was told
the future
is now, I
wanna live
it unfolding
my pages
stepping the
stair cases,
roller coaster,
fortune searching
ride slow,
I gets heading
I should rush
not, yet
on steadily.

Money is good, it acquires many thangs
it gathers fake people
But when it gone most friends ****** off. Call them  friend of bread and oil.


"Money is toxic it drives the
fool insane,
the sage maintain his lot."

Money Is More Like The evidence of Existences. It's The Sweetness of life. Life Journey They Say And Money Fuels It, On Time's Vehicle.

"Money in one's
life is motivation,
the lack of it
causes life
We living as stars . ✨ But only we don't fall, all night ball, like stars ✨ we own all night under the moon 🎑
light, charging my Star light. I wanna shine bright .
Black rose  grew from the sky. My star shine bright I could feel the aura°. Luminous light like
zillion stars make my light shine, my star 🌟 glowing .
Fortune is a kin. With Money I'm twining. *Under the moon light charging my Star light.🥀🥀 - C9fm
A look at a dark and shine moonlight, on the peak 🗻 of sky. Sitting below, getting high by the moon light, with a smoky nostrils, charging by fire inside.

On a starry night moonshines beautifully as equally as you're. Hone, you **** gorgeous when it comes to your sound, sweet and soothing one's heart. I'm sending this to you wish I could sing you a lullaby to comfort your sleep and angels to guard and guide your dreams path. Sweetest girl. G-nite honey.

Unaware and
Like a
fertilize my

Darling you
really captured
my heart.
Like a fetus
the womb
you lives
in me,
because I
felt my heart
beats on

Baby I live
to survive
with you, for
we were
be with us.

my love
spread like
viruses and
the only vaccine
is found
therein my heart.

B'coz her love
is my only
hope, my
love's faithful
I can't
neither stop!

She's skinned in night portray. Only the light comprehend her. They said  she's
beauty, and
power, for the
treasures hidden
underneath her skin, of no measure, she kin with pleasure.
Her mind make
her whom she was.
Beauty beyond evil,
beauty in the beholder's
mind over ******
allurement  Naked-beauty abide in heart.

-Cloudnine Fairmane
This poem is a demand from a poetry site. It was said to write a poem about a Particular color without mentioning the color.

If nothang keeps you from enjoying

life, you must always keep your

commitments and never hurt others

with promises you can't keep.

Your ambition
is your
Way up
to attainin'
higher level.

through tha
Path of light
and sight

Work hard
in order to be
Hold on &
be strong.

No matter
how long
stay not in
line, rather
stand out
and be

Only those
who stay
alive tell
livin' story.
live to

Never halt
dreaming b'cuz
the "best
way to chase
a dream is
invent it."
Previous month wasn't just the end of beginning of new month.

It's not just how time flies. But how time upgrades to new stage.

Because nothang have to be the same; future is born.

New month begins because life goes on.

Bust on,
Never hesitate to update and transform to upgrade the version of your life.

Month ended, sorrow ends, grief, pain, all sources of sadness ceased.

New month  harvest, joy, abundance blessings, favors, peace, freedom, deliverance, healing, breakthrough, love more money, and sanely sound life.  😊♥✌️
Yuletide blessings, greetings Cloudnines.
This society is seeming, if you cannot and haven't involve in atrocious thangs you  seem counted out in the society.

_It's more arduous if you're broke. Life in nigh *stuck
lamentation *in  oceans of temptation._

but hold on stronger
not yet the end of whole it, for no
_ matter how goes it,

dreadful night long, there shall always be a brighter day just after the dark.

  Going to reach peak 🗻, speak affirmation,
*Amen conclusion. - C9fm
Life in my community.

If nobody loves you,
it's me. Your quite
but I'm
nobody. Even
couldn't like
a monster as
me. But it so
hard to ever
find a man like
me. A young
black male ain't
rich yet, best
the west.
but loving
You so real !
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