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I was around a man
Who didn't appreciate the beauty inside
All he cared about was if my hair
Fit the perfect image of his dream woman
My hair wasn't naturally curly

Instead of loving this goddess, God gave you
You were stuck in your superficial fantasies
I didn't need to be perfect to fit into your heart
There will never be another woman like me!
A woman's heart is like the ocean
Deep many secrets flowing against the tide
blue moon
does sadness
come visit
you at night
do they
hear your
silent cries
I  complete myself
never needed
you to feel complete.
#selflove #love #mirrors #letgo #reflection #lovers #selfreflection #completion
we disguise
ourselves as
people who
we are not

instead we
need to uncover
our true selves
to set us free
I will never understand
how you could
pretend to love me

Pretending to look
sweet as a lemon
but inside you
were sour
as a lemon drop
My book " BitterSweet " will coming out Spring 2018
My mind was floating in happiness
He saw the stars in my eyes
The love he gave radiated in my soul
I always dreamed of being a bird
Flyingn high into the sky
With no cares in the world
I wanted to fly from all the chaos
To be free..
She is a
treat her
If you want to see God
Look to the sky
If you want to see his love
Look into your heart
God is everywhere
He is in the wind
Most of all he's inside of you
The heart is most
sacred place in the soul
take care of it
Nothing could
compare to
her love
for her
love was endless
The world has there idea
Of who a woman should be
Only she knows who she is
Most of the time
She just wants to be free
This poem is dedicated to women being there true self in this world of judgemental men and so called women. I want women to be confident of who they are. Never let anyone pressure you to change who you are for  society superficial fantasy of beauty.
It's too late to give me warm embraces
When you see me dancing
Just stare at what you lost
You lost a pearl
Something rare to find in this world
I'm lost in space with you
Time stands still when we connect
We make love upon the universe
I can get lost in love with you
Because the only one
I want is you
I leave love notes on his skin
To remember my love for him
moon child
don't you
know the
night is
your mother

she is
the darkness
to your light
moon child
she is your
#moon #moonchild #night
She was mysterious
Something like the night
When the
sun arises
the darkness
slowly disappeared
the pain became
the old and
glory was
her new
Sometimes we
outgrow people
who don't
water us anymore
Many men wanted my attention
I illuminated with *** appeal
My mind, body, and soul drove them crazy
Men couldn't stop thinking about me
I found
in knowing
how to love
My book Bittersweet will be out in Spring 2018
To the poets and dreamers of the world
You are the visionaries
You are the changers
You are the lovers
Who express their emotions in form of words
The world needs your creativity
I am sick
with rage
of the centuries
with women
being abused
and *****
now the
phoenix rises
with justice
let freedom ring
Dear reflection
I hope you
know how
you are

You are
the beams
in the
sun rays
you are the
stars in
the universe
Book Release of " BitterSweet " will be coming Spring 2018
He waters me with love
I blossom like a rose
When a person loves you the love should always blossom. The love keeps growing.
The best day
of my life
was being alone
without craving
any of your toxicity
She has found calmness in herself
The past fades into the clouds
Her mind drifts into heaven
Peace has awaken her soul
All the love for those years
Were still in my mind
I tried to erase you
Somehow the love was still there
I knew this
had to end
between me and you
but I enjoyed the
sweetness of your touch
still this needed to end
The inner child whispers sweet melodies to the soul
Telling the soul to awaken the child drifted back in time
Memories of joyous summer days flying the kites in the wind
Blows a calmness upon the inner child's imagination
The chain of solemnity breaks free from the adolescence conscious
Releasing the inner child
Like a caterpillar transforming in to a butterfly
She never stop
loving you
even when
you didn't
her  love
that woman
is a treasure
hard to find
I licked the blood
from my mental
turned it into wine
You looked
like heaven
but gave
me hell
Do you
love me
or do
you lust
for my

My thighs
can make
you go wild
my love can
make you
go crazy

This love
will make you
mentally unstable
thinking about
me daily
and craving
for some
baby making
His heart beat
Played the same
Rhythm as mines

- Talaya Lightbourne
I will be his Venus
He will be my Mars
Together we create love
She was born
A wild flower
Growing freely
In her own way
Running wild
Living life

— The End —