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Evening Ways May 2014
Changing at an alter
As to fault my state of mind
Less permanent when pursued
Captured perfect when the blame is all mine

So I'll peek over the dawn after rising
Soon as night time colors fade
A grieving child am I after consequence
Blaming only the loss of my ways

To perfect would it be as to stumble
Over the cross heirs tangled sight
Falling then into an oyster
Where I am harbored from piercing day light

Maybe the sun I wish to blame
For tumbling off my sheltered road
No such denial shall reprove the yielded dream
A directional view no longer can I hold
When released I'll have faulted pursued self defeat
Tia May 2014
You say I never cared.
This coming from a man
Who never shared his tears
When I cried in front of you
acted like you didn't care.
I'm not trying to get on you.
I love you
And I always will.
I'm still going to need you
So don't go no where.
Your still my knight and shining armor.
You taught me So much
For one
how to handle my family.
You saved me.

It's not either one of our fault.
Neither one of as wanted
to break the others heart.
As long as we can be friends.
We will make it to the end.
Knowing we gave our kids all we can.
Your my forever and always
Till the end.
SM May 2014
Broken bottles on the ground
Shards twisted
New pain
But nothing I haven’t felt before
Jagged pieces of red
It’s my fault
My own fault
Endless mistakes on my part
I am wrong
and I belong
with broken bottles on the ground
Daylight 4U2C May 2014
I chose this path
No, no one else did just me
No one else did
So why do I want to blame it on them
I told myself I wouldn't cry
I told myself I shouldn't lie
I told myself these but, I do this anyway
I like to break the boundaries
Skipping stones across a forbidden lake
But I wouldn't listen to myself when I said stop
I grasped my memories; nothing else then I stormed out that door
I want you to believe it was your fault
I wanted you to hate yourself for it
To come to me before I left this door or....
at least to regret it all
But, I couldn't even be honest with myself until it was over.
I wanted so bad
To have some way of knowing you weren't just going to forget
forget about me
But I lied to myself we were never a "we"
It took me forever to realize
You didn't even care
much less remember me
So I take my memories, my blames, tears,and lies and will disappear before your very eyes.
Megan May 2014
But what are chains? I hold myself in this place.
Erica Forever Mar 2014
My imagination places me on the precipice of a giant void, the wind against my back. I could just turn around..
But I know the truth. I'm already at bottom. I search for the slightest sign of a transient light.. anything that would give me a reason to move. Anything. To make a change. Please?
But there is nothing.
There's nothing left of me. I'm gone. Lost.
The steps I take are mechanical and dull. A last feeble attempt at prolonging the facade that I'm still here.
This is my fault.
To think I used to be so driven. So awake.
I don't sleep anymore.
As much as I want to blame you,
or the wine glasses my lips have such affinity for,
or your haunting indecision..
But what's the point anyway?
I curl up on my floor, a heap of mud.
An inaudible sigh escapes my lips. A catch in my breath.
My attempt to choose which flavor of Kraft would carry my body today has failed. I'm out of time.
I'm late.
I'm always late.
Maybe I won't even go.
I hate it anyway.
But I can't change it.
I am powerless.
I tilt my head towards the shelf. I can't lift it. I can't force myself to lift it.  
Hair falls over my face. Why am I so weak?
It's all my fault.  
Was I ever enough?
I can't even hate you in the ways I wish I could.
Even hatred would propel me to stand.
But it won't, and I won't.
It's too late.
I'm always late.
Maybe I won't even go.

— The End —