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Sheyla X Donatt Apr 2017
I’m sitting in my car, hugging my knees to my chest muffling my cries
My parents look at me through the rear-view mirror with worry in their eyes and in unison say
“It’s not your fault”

I’m sitting in a tight room, on a small chair, in the interrogation room
The first thing that comes out of the officer’s mouth is
“It’s not your fault”

I’m standing at the bottom of my stairs with tears streaming down my eyes
In front of me is my mom, she’s consoling me and she says
“It’s not your fault”

I’m struggling to keep myself standing wrapped in a pair of arms, sobs escaping my mouth
Hugging me is my dad and he’s repeating the phrase over and over
“It’s not your fault”

I’m telling my story, my typing is slow and my hands shaky, tears are flowing down my cheeks
Jonathan texts back his support and the first thing I read is
“It’s not your fault”

I’m sitting on a couch, I’m shaking and repeating the story holding back tears
My new counselor looks at me and says the infamous phrase
“It’s not your fault”

I lay in bed, lights off, blankets on, tears streaming down my cheeks
I can’t get all the people out of my head, the memories of what happened, the phrase is stuck on replay in my mind
“It’s not your fault” “It’s not your fault” “It’s not your fault”

I repeat the phrase over and over
Under my breath and into the night where the only person who can hear is me
“It’s not your fault”

It’s not my fault and it never was.
How can it be my fault when an adult took away my childhood?
How can it be my fault when I was in fear and embarrassment?

Most Importantly
How can the people who are supposed to be there for you think it’s your fault?
How can your family disown you when it’s not your fault?

I’m not going to apologize for trying to protect myself and everyone else he’s done it to.
I will be the voice for everyone and anyone who is or has been afraid to speak up about it.
Because It’s not your fault.

Sheyla Donatt
Alyanne Cooper  Sep 2015
My Fault
Alyanne Cooper Sep 2015
I stand

You were right.
It was all my fault.

It was my fault
I couldn't handle
The demons of your past
While trying to
Exorcise my own.

It was my fault
I couldn't slay
The dragons
Surrounding your tower
And save you from yourself.

It was my fault
I couldn't swoop in
And pluck you
From the depths
Of your Hell's fires.

It was my fault
I couldn't save you.

It was all my fault
Because I couldn't see
Past the end of my own nose.

It was my fault
I learned to cook and clean
And pay all the bills
When I was eight years old.
(You were "sick" on the couch.)

It was my fault
I learned self defense
And how to slid a knife
Between a man's ribs
When I was twelve years old.
(You threw me out on the street to fend for myself.)

It was my fault
I learned the sweet taste
Of the siren named Whisky
And her silken embrace's escape
When I was fourteen years old.
(You put the first bottle in my hand.)

It was my fault
I learned the power
Of Death
And became his closest friend
When I was sixteen years old.
(You said you'd never wanted me to begin with.)

It was my fault
I learned the truth
And had to choose
Between me and you
And I couldn't choose you
Because I had finally seen
The real view:

It was all my fault
That I so blindly

It was all my fault.
And I stand corrected.
KayLenn Oct 2017
If a flower grew in a dark room
Would you trust it
It wilted in the sun
But lived in the dark
It's Not Your fault

It tricked you
Showing the rose it once was
Only to show you the thorn
But  you kept that flower
But, It's Not Your Fault

You tried your best to cut off the thorns
but they only cut
You deep down to the flesh
But It's Not Your Fault

What did we do to
Deserve a **** hidden as a rose
But you settled with that rose
And now even **** killer can’t **** this rose
But It’s not your fault

But this flower grew arms and
Now he hits you
He slaps your face
But you love him so much
You don’t call the gardener
But it’s not your fault

You’re getting used to the black eyes
And swollen lips
And now you are doing anything to make time fly
But it’s not your fault

He calls you a *****, ****, and a *****
But you gotta stay strong
Don't give up because

It's not your fault

Who knew that roses
Were not as beautiful as they looked
The looks can ****
but so can this Rose’s lifestyle
But it’s not your fault

It’s not your fault that you are in a trap
It’s not your fault that you can’t get away
It’s not your fault that that love is real
IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!
derelictmemory  Aug 2013
My Fault
derelictmemory Aug 2013
It's my fault
all my fault
If I had seen his tears
If I had heard his words

It's my fault
all my fault
If I had said something sooner
If I had said hello better

It's my fault
all my fault
If I had smiled a brighter smile
If I had laughed a vibrant laugh

It's my fault
all my fault
If I wasn't so sad
If I looked past my own bad

It's my fault
all my fault
If I had listened better
If I had stuck around longer

It's all my fault
It's my fault he's dead
and I did nothing
absolutely nothing to save him
Little Bear Mar 2016
it's always going to be my fault

No matter what you did or what you said
it will be my fault

Even the lies you tell
will be my fault

The love you gave and the love you lost
will be my fault

The pain you feel and the tears you shed
will be my fault

The agony and the injustice of it all
will be my fault

And the punches I took and the bitter words you spat
will be my fault

The obsessive
you poured upon me
will be my fault

The others you slept with and threw in my face
will be my fault

The secret child you made
will be my fault

and so I left you

that will not be my fault

that would be yours.
pearl  Mar 2020
my fault
pearl Mar 2020
my fault
“well, what were you wearing?”
my fault
“did you not fight back?”
my fault
“you should have screamed"
my fault
"why did you wait to tell anyone?"
my fault
"it just means he thought you were pretty"
my fault
     my fault
           my fault
                 my fault
                       my fault
                             YOUR FAULT.
*******, XXXXXX.

i want to burn you alive
Jeremy Betts Jan 12
It's my fault
It's my fault for thinking someone willing to lie from day one could be the one
It's my fault
It's my fault for thinking that my love would be worth someone's full attention
It's my fault
It's my fault for brushing off caution like, "it's not a red flag, iiiiit's more of a crimson"
It's my fault
It's my fault for being a coward when this time, maybe for the first time, there is no reason
It's my fault
It's my fault...fuuck's always my fault, I'm done..find another sucker to pick on

Joan Karcher  Aug 2012
Joan Karcher Aug 2012
She's told over and over
it's her fault
her talk, her reaction
her action, her likes
dislikes, emotion
she's told it's her fault
she thinks it's her fault
it's who she is
it's her fault
she's told it's an overreaction
she's told it's not her fault
she's told it's out of her hands
it can't be her fault
she is so nice, and wonderful
and fun to be around,
she starts to think
it wasn't her fault
that life is different
she believes that
she is not at fault
that she couldn't stop it
but that it isn't her fault
but then it starts
to come right back
the same comments
start to be repeated
not to the extreme
but it ends up, after all
it is her fault
August 4, 2012
Pitch Hiker  Dec 2017
Pitch Hiker Dec 2017
Its not her fault
That she can't speak
When she's so nervous
Her knees just shake
Its not her fault she likes the rain
Its not her fault she likes to run away
Its not her fault that she holds her head high
Or that her head begs her to fly
Its not her fault she doesn't like to party
And not her fault that she likes to talk
Its not her fault she want to help
Or that the right words don't leave her mouth
Its not her fault she sees no future
Or that she doesn't make enough time for friends
Its not her fault she sees everyone
As universes
Or that she struggles trying to map them
Its not her fault
That she believes
Everything is her fault

— The End —