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747 · Mar 2016
17th Mar 2016
enough is enough
I'm tired and it's done
I would rather live in a cup
than being this old

there's no much blue
but I'd still root for you
I'm tired and it's done.
735 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
blank pages are nothing
blank pages could be everything
blank pages are being destroyed
user for horrible thoughts
used for distance
asking to be burned
asking to be destroyed
by the hand of the stupid
living for ages
used by the greatest minds
the most creative humans
blank pages are used for art
blank pages are meant to show you
that something empty
can be completely powerful
734 · Jul 2014
hate you
17th Jul 2014
I hate the way you grab your hair while you're doing everything
the way you make me feel guilty about things I haven't said
or haven't done
the way you make my headache turn into a psychosis
the way you turn a scratch to a cut
the way you look so familiar
but so unknown

I don't like the books you read
they seem useless
they're not even fun
they make me feel like I'm useless to you

your ******* games
they're ******* with my head
******* with my mind

did this poem just lost it's beauty because I said "****"?
I hope not
715 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
like Syd and Nancy
like Paul and Linda
like Kurt and Courtney
like John and Yoko
like Elvis and Priscilla
I want us to be reckless
I want us to be free
I want us to not to be afraid of what's coming
I want us to be just us
but I know it's not going to happen

Why should they care?
why should they say?
go on
I know what you're thinking
and it's okay
you're just being **bent
703 · Oct 2016
about me
17th Oct 2016
I talk way too much
I speak way too loud
I feel way too much.

my imagination is too vivid
about the things that
no longer concern me.

my breast are too big
my waist too small
my feelings are hurting
my voice is no longer soft.

I know I should think less
exercise more
think less
exercise more

be weaker
to feel stronger.

I need to be kinder
I need to be smaller
minimalist mind and body.
701 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
We all want someone to shout for
We all want someone to show our ability for loving
We all want someone to adore
We all want some reason to smile
We all want a reason for saying stupid things
We all want a reason for acting like an idiot
We all want a reason to fight
We all want a reason to cry
We all want a reason
For pulling the trigger
Not against you
Against ourselves
678 · Jul 2014
eh (10w)
17th Jul 2014
I can feel the emptiness killing me inside
672 · Aug 2014
Title (optional)
17th Aug 2014
don't you always think what it's optional
and what isn't?
I don't want to sit here
and watch you leave

I wrote a list of reasons
of why you left this morning
while I was preparing your morning coffee

number one
I wasn't the one
you decided to go
so then you went away
so then I went away
not away from you
away from these feelings
away from these thoughts

number two
you just got bored
of my french music
the way I always wanted to **** you
**** you with kisses

number three
the fact that you're not here
makes me want to leave
I don't even want to breathe
I can't even eat

I loved you
so much
so farewell

*and goodnight
647 · Aug 2016
things I miss about you
17th Aug 2016
your tiny kitten paws
your messy hair
your soft skin
your moles
637 · Aug 2014
17th Aug 2014
"everything is a copy
                                     of a copy
                                                         of a copy
                                                            ­                  of a copy
                                                            ­                                      of a copy"
625 · Sep 2015
17th Sep 2015
four times I've been here before
tasting your missing lips in the lonely shore
sometimes I think we've been moving on and on
I still remember the clothes you wore

somehow I was find alone
overthrown to the gaze of glory
I was never able to tell my story
sing to me
there's nothing more that you can ever bring to me
so there will be nothing more I could be

mixed between the warm oranges
it's time to put some garnishes
because I'm already left to the gardens
filled with the harmless
it's that time of the season again
624 · May 2017
17th May 2017
as a car in the middle of the night
running away
miles and miles away
in an endless
empty road

I drive miles away
away from your mind
and you stay there
petting her neck
618 · May 2016
17th May 2016
bañar al perro

                       colar el café
                                            lavar la ropa
                                                                  cocinar en la madrugada
                                                                                                              *ser tuya
617 · Sep 2014
17th Sep 2014
should I make a story?
should I make a confession?
or should I just write?

I wish sometimes you could trust me
608 · May 2017
sin título parte seis
17th May 2017
odio tener que admitir que mis recuerdos siguen tomando vida cada vez que se cruzan con tu mirada

odio tener que sentirme indefensa, inútil e impotente a la vez cada vez que pienso en que tú ya no quieres

cientos de pétalos buscan un escape del cerezo
terminando muertos en el concreto

la última vez que me quedé callada por tanto tiempo no recuerdo haber explotado en llanto

la última vez que me sentí tan estúpida preferí callarme
¿por qué ahora no?

ah, cierto
antes tu sonrisa no me debilitaba
antes fingía tolerar y ser fuerte
antes tu mirada no me afectaba
antes era más
596 · May 2015
17th May 2015
Y tú te vas
Perdiéndote dentro de mis recuerdos
Para volvernos a encontrar
Conociendo que no hay regreso
Abrázame, abrázame con tu luz
Cuida mis pasos al caminar
Que ya no sé qué más pensar
585 · Jul 2014
17th Jul 2014
I'm falling apart**

I need to be back

I'm not being myself
580 · Aug 2017
17th Aug 2017
i don't feel myself
i became someone else i used to hate
i'm a hypocrite i'm hypochondriac i'm hypothermic
and i'm overly active
573 · Sep 2016
17th Sep 2016
decidí escribir tu carta de adiós
reorganicé el escritorio
tendí la cama
soñé con tus besos


afilé los lápices
conté los minutos
me acosté en nuestra cama
con una hoja y una pluma
sólo para darme cuenta
que la luz estaba apagada

me tocará soñarte e intentar otra vez
569 · Mar 2017
spring notes
17th Mar 2017
currently waiting for you to come
waiting for your voice to speak to me
I'll breathe you in

currently waiting for the night to fall
so we can speak about your fears
I'll let you in

what am I to you?
a leaf falling to the ground
or a flower blossoming in your heart?
555 · Mar 2016
17th Mar 2016
let's sway as the honey runs through our veins
let's forget ourselves as we stand on the edge
you really struck a nerve on me
you really made me forget myself

this is nearly the end
for you and me could be
but from far behind I will just forget about the end
you keep staring at me
even when I'm down
I almost feel as confident
as you

I found myself sitting down in the pool
chloride blue
no surprise this is often how it's done
but lately it's about all you can take
but mainly it's because your life it's the same

maybe the scars won't matter when I'm asleep
553 · Dec 2016
untitled #3
17th Dec 2016
I tend to forget your face
I tend to forget the sound of your voice
I tend to get drunk
just to find myself twitching
to your tender touch

I tend to forget your hair
I tend to regret the end
the sound of thousands of hummingbirds
looking for a place to begin

I'm overly emotional
I'm overly apathetic
I'm overly over you
I'm a mess.
549 · Aug 2014
what in the world
17th Aug 2014
I hate this
I hate you for this

what in the world gave you the right
to violate my privacy
my own space
and do it like is yours

what in the world gave you the right
to take away from me what's mine
and do it like is yours

what in the world gave you the right
to love me like this and leave
and do it like is yours
534 · Jul 2016
17th Jul 2016
I think what hurts the most is
the fact that we will no longer feel
as we did months ago

the fact that I will never be
that close to you
ever again
533 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
it's eating me
destroying me
complicating me
making me wonder
"is it?"

grabbing me by the wrists
grabbing me by the hair
grabbing me by the neck
grabbing me by every piece

every nerve
every cell
every single bone
every bloodstain

it's taking over me
and I like it
I enjoy it
and I don't want to end with it
I wrote this on september 16th, 2013.
530 · Mar 2017
this is not a poem
17th Mar 2017
I feel wrapped-up in this nonsense you call love and I don't get how can you tell me you love me with those eyes and then hurt me with your smile I feel wrapped-up in this nonsense you call love and I don't see how you can love anyone and how you can kiss me and slice my heart like a piece of cake I can't see I can't understand I can't do anything other than think of how can you live with yourself after everything you've done after everything we've been through after everything after everything after every little thing I'm drinking and drinking and dancing and singing just to stop thinking of the things you're doing and I kiss you and it hurts me and I can't take it anymore the pain is just too much I feel wrapped-up in this nonsense you call love and I don't understand the way you are and I'm not available to try

I'm sorry.
525 · May 2017
17th May 2017
it hurts, it stings
it rips me off and takes me down
it makes me crawl
it makes me shiver
it makes me doubt
it makes me fear
it makes me cry
it makes me feel helpless
it makes me feel jealous
it makes me sick
it makes me sick
it hurts, it stings
it bleeds
it is love
524 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
I think we're just waiting
but, why waiting?
does it really matters?
or are we just partners?
we could be everything
but you just love destroying
destroying what?
destroying the walls
the walls of numbing
the walls of coldness
the beautiful coldness
the wickedness in your eyes
I saw it
I saw you
I wanted you
I wanted *us
522 · Feb 2015
17th Feb 2015
beautiful words
for a beautiful lover
how could I know how to stop this?
because I was in love
that's my excuse
my one and only
how could I not feel alone?
**you know we're much more than that
505 · Mar 2015
give out
17th Mar 2015
don't move
don't make a sound
don't try to set this apart
as the river flows
I will try to be alone
not even like this,
not even him
will keep me apart from wanting to be me

I wrote a story today
about something I felt that was anything but real
but actually
there was nothing underneath
I thought for once
everything we had was already dead
I know I have nothing to apologize for
but hey,
we all do things
we don't necessarily have to do
or we don't have any reasons to do it anyway
505 · Jul 2016
17th Jul 2016
¿Crees poder seguir sumergiéndote en este pequeño rincón de desamor?
499 · May 2015
peter pan
17th May 2015
I refuse to make a scene
I refuse to be part of a method
that the only thing that it does
is take away my dreams and hopes
I refuse to understand something
that can obviously destroy me
don't take away my visions
don't take away my dreams
don't take away my only
perspective of love

my hands are hurting
the noise can't ******* stop
I lost the track
I've lost all of my senses
17th Jul 2014
"How can I make my poem a trend?"
I've been wondering
So I made a list

step one
Stop thinking about yourself
Stop thinking about what you want
Stop thinking about the other half of the glass
Then you will realize that it doesn't matter how far you are
It always seems to be so near

step two
Think about the trends!
Not interested about love?
Then try all of the above!

step three
I really don't know what to think

Just remember
You choose to be recognized for being part of something
Part of something you don't even like
Part of something you're just in because it's a trend
Or to be recognized for doing what you like
Even if you're bad at that you could be recognized!

*but don't stop doing things
if you follow this steps, you're really like wrong I don't know it was just a joke!!!!!!
478 · Jul 2014
envy (10w)
17th Jul 2014
I don't like to hear you singing my favorite songs
472 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
It's like you're reading my mind
It's like I'm standing there
Next to you
You make me feel like I'm almost dying
You're my favorite left-handed creep
You're wasting my time
You're filling my life with words
Words of things I could never know
You're just ******* with my head
You're just ******* with my mind
You're just ******* with me
That's what I like best about you
I enjoy being destroyed by you
You were almost my lover
You were almost my love
450 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
You're just thinking about it and already crying, don't you?
445 · Sep 2017
17th Sep 2017
solía escribirte poemas
dedicarte canciones

ahora sólo te dedico espacios
en los que te lloro
te desprecio
te extraño
te echo
442 · Jul 2014
17th Jul 2014
there's no more words to be said
there's no more actions to be done

your words slowly dance through my hands
with their favorite dance shoes
also known as their blade

I wish I could give up
I wish I could give you up

like they would say in France
"fais moi flotter comme une plume"
I know you don't understand french
that's what I like about it
441 · Jul 2014
17th Jul 2014
I just got this empty feeling
I wanted to stand out by myself
I wanted to be the living proof of something
I just turned out to be the living proof
The living proof of insecurities
416 · May 2017
simple questions
17th May 2017
is this healthy?
is this worth feel bad for?
am I going to feel bad anyway?
413 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
Wondering why
Don't try to waste it
Try not to do anything stupid
but you just can't help it
The sadness is always there
I'm trying to read your mind
Based upon you ****** expressions
Based on the way that you whisper to me
Because you don't talk
You just whisper
I love when you try not to being sad
I love the way you think when you're sad
I know that you're not okay
But that's how depression is
You just can't help it
It covers you
It comes to you
It is not afraid of you
Because it's you
It was always you
375 · Sep 2017
17th Sep 2017
desvanecerse sería más sencillo si cada esfuerzo no fuese frustrado
permanecer sería una opción si no fuese tan dispensable
356 · Nov 2016
17th Nov 2016
cut me off
take me down
the less I feel
the longer I can take.

I'm fed up with myself
I'm helpless
I'm hopeless
I'm pure
and I'm done.

I feel startless
with my own conviction
I feel endless
with my own prescription of pills I've never wanted to take and the first thought that comes up in my mind is how the **** am i still able to finish a ******* poem
348 · Jun 2014
I'd like to
17th Jun 2014
I'd like to think you're waiting for me
I'd like to think you're missing me
I'd like to think one day you're coming back
I'd like to think you're thinking about me
I'd like to think you've always been there
I'd like to think you actually loved me

That's why I don't like to think
It keeps me away from reality
It keeps me away from you
It takes me away from myself
I'm really losing it
333 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
Feeling empty isn't new
I've been chasing this feeling many times
It drives me crazy
I can't stop counting time
I can't stop counting lies
I can't stop counting lines
I can't stop sighing
I wish you were mine
But it was a pleasure to not being with you
Because disappearing and not being noticed
Can make the difference
Why would I do something like that?
I missed you
I dismissed you
I hate this
331 · Jun 2014
17th Jun 2014
There's no such thing as
"good" and "bad"
313 · Dec 2019
the only one
17th Dec 2019
I'd rather be whining about unrequited teenage love
than to suffer the complicated things about adult relationships
I miss worrying about my appearance the way I did
in a idealized way
secretly hoping it would all be a matter of time

I miss being alone in my room
not being alone in my apartment

I do realize I'm stronger
I do realize I'm wiser
I do realize I'm independent
I do realize I'll be through it
But I still cry and feel fearful
304 · Dec 2018
lista de incomodidades
17th Dec 2018
la fricción entre las uñas y la pared
el frío al sentarme en la silla
las noches cortas de verano
sonidos agudos
pérdida de conciencia
estornudos frustrados
295 · Dec 2019
17th Dec 2019
It's easier to grieve than to keep giving without getting anything back
It's easier to grieve than to keep giving without getting anything back

It's easier to grieve than to keep giving without getting anything back
It's easier to grieve than to keep giving without getting anything back
It's easier to grieve than to keep giving without getting anything back

288 · Mar 2017
small cut
17th Mar 2017
there's no sound
there's no joy
there's no home
he's far away
where he belongs
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