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971 · May 2017
Hug Yourself
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
What if, the secrets and answers lie in me?
I love myself,
I find myself,
And become enough for my own self.
No heaviness, no sadness, no ambiguous questions, no self-inflicted madness, no what if's, no imagining scenarios, no feeding sugar to my thoughts, no harm in being alone with my feelings.
What if, I am my sole saviour?
I would have to do nothing but redeem myself, because I should, because it's the law of the jungle - I get my own prey, I am my own alpha wolf, I lead my own pack.

- LynnAA
// It is all about choices.

961 · Nov 2016
رَبيع - Spring
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
نحنا غرباء
ع شطّ البحر
ع جبال زعرور و صنين
ع زواريب بيتك
ع شوارع بيتي
نحنا غرباء
بوجودنا سوا
بصمتنا المُفتَعَل
بنظراتنا المفقودة
نحنا غرباء
بس فراغاتنا الصّامتَة شبعانة من صخابتنا

We are strangers
In tearooms
On the seaside
In mount Zaarour and Sannine
On alleys that lead to your house
On pathways that lead to my house
We are strangers
In our togetherness
In our artificial silence
In our lost glimpses of each other
We are strangers
But our still void is satiated with our intensity

لين اا -
- LynnAA
I need your love inside of mine like I could die
- Cigarettes After ***

957 · Dec 2014
Lip Balm
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
Turn around
Let me see your bare back
My fingertips won't hurt
I promise.
They will be tracing your spine
Making it a warmer place
For my lips to hide in
As they mold with your skin.

And then you'll hit me
Because my fingertips
Were the most dry
And my lips
Were the most chapped
Amongst those of the women
Who have laid their flesh on you.

951 · Oct 2016
Dorlotée - Pampered
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Ça sent la vanille et la noix de coco.
Allons danser ce soir.


It smells like vanilla and coconut.
Let's go dance tonight.

- LynnAA
Les parfums demeurent à vie.
Perfumes abide forever.

947 · Nov 2016
Before Midnight
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
"I don't want you to leave.
Stay with me."

He grabs the folds of my skin.
He hides his face in my being.

His love is a crack into my utopia.

- LynnAA
943 · Apr 2015
But If You Love Me, Stay.
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Get up
And leave my bed.

My pillow smells like you
I'm suffocating.

My sheets are warm
They're burning my skin.

Take your gray I-Shirt with you
And your Tom Ford perfume.

Don't look back at me
And leave.

934 · May 2015
Hello? Desire Speaking
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
My solitude is your bait

You come back
Because I can still be glued to you
Like your cigarette did to your mouth
The only time I slept on your chest

Everything is speaking except for the heart.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
أمّي، قولي لي أن الحروب تنتهي
قولي لي أنَّ الحرب الأهليّة شارفت على الفناء
قولي لي أنَّ حرب حَلَب مجّرد حُلم
و أنَّ حرب العراق قد تموت
وأنَّ حرب النَّفس لم توجَد
و أنَّ حروب الخلايا ستنتصر على الأمراض الخبيثة
قولي لي، أمي
هل إنتهت حروبك؟
بين إمرأة تريد أن تكون و إمرأة لا تريد أن تكون
بين فنجان القهوة على الفيراندا في صباحٍ صيفي و فنجان آخر ثمين السعر
أمي، فإن قهوتك أثمن
هل إنتهت حروبك مع رجل لاتعرفيه و إمرأة ما عُدت تعرفيها؟
أخبريني بأن حَربي مع تلك المرأة و ذلك الرّجل ستنتهي أيضاً
هل سأنتصر على جميع حروبي؟
دعيني أقول لك
،جميع الحروب لا تتوقف
بل هي على تَأهُّبٍ دائم
فحروب العالم أجمع لا زالت تجمع جراحها حتى اليوم

.أمي، سنكون على ما يرام

Mother, tell me wars end
Tell me that the civil war is withering
Tell me that the war in Aleppo is just a dream
And that the war in Iraq might die
That our inner wars never existed
That the war led by cells will take over deadly sicknesses
Tell me, mother,
Did your wars end?
Between a woman that wants to be and another that's tired of being
Between a cup of coffee on the patio on a summer morning and another expensive sip of coffee
Mother, your coffee is the most expensive.
Did your wars end between a man you don't know and a woman you no longer identify?
Tell me that my wars with that same man and that same woman will end as well.
Will I conquer all my wars?
Let me tell you,
No war has ever ended,
They have always been on hold
For all the wars of the world are still suffering from their scars.

Mother, we will be just fine.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2015
She smokes in front of me
Knowing that the wind is carrying my hair to the back of my face
Knowing that I despise the smell of cigarettes when it beds in my hair
Knowing that she will leave traces of her breath on my skin

Probably she doesn't know, but it soothes me to think that she does
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
The light is burning your right cheek
Your lips are not smiling
Your hair is medium short
A part of your left eye is showing
And I endlessly look at you
Trying to forget how your skin felt
How your lips read a play for me
How I played with your hair till you fell asleep
And how I looked into your eyes endlessly and smiled
Because my pupil couldn't handle my perception of your beauty

This photo of you is my daily dose
Of getting over you

- LynnAA
I saw the photo. I wrote the poem. You removed the photo.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2017
لستُ لك و لستَ لي
فالبحار و الأمواج تَمُد و تَجزُر على شواطىء العالم أجمع

I'm not yours and you're not mine
For the seas and the waves lap all the shores of the world

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
بنصف البحر، أنا و إنت فلتو إيدينا
و عِلي الموج و قرّب صوبنا
طلعت رغوة بيضاء خبِّت لون جلدتك
و أوّل موجة وصلت علينا، عِلْيِت لفوق راسنا و وقفت
و ظلها خبّى ملامح وجهك
و بقيو إجرينا فلتانين ب مَيّ حامْيِتنا من حالها

In the middle of the sea, my hands and yours got detached
The tide grew high and came closer to us
The white foam covered the color of your skin
And the first wave that came towards us stopped right above our heads
Its shadow covered the traits of your face
And our feet were left free in a water that saved us from itself

لين ا ا -
- LynnAA
بين الموجات (٢) - عم ببتسملك عطول
Folded Waves (2) - I am always smiling at you

Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
Its was a red T-shirt
The kind of T-shirt that hangs on your arms and leaves your shoulders bare for the lustful ones
I wore it
It smelled good
Like bad memories
I smelled it again
Time froze.
Your name
Then your face.
It was the scent of your perfume that I had sprayed on my T-shirt after we had fought
Obsession grows from separation
I inhaled it
Your lips slide to the right when you smile
You brush your tall eyelashes
You wear your black backpack on your back
You steer the steering wheel with your knee
And I looked down and smiled

I will buy your perfume.
865 · Sep 2015
Another Strand Of Your Hair
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
I can't tell people about you.

They won't understand how my pupil dilates at the sight of you
They won't understand how my happiness resides in your face
They won't understand my silence when you choose to devour books instead of my neck
They won't understand the twenty minute ride back home with your hand in mine against my chest
They won't understand the void your arsenic-like words left me in

And I cringe inside
Because, just like people, you won't understand neither.

I miss you, but *******.
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
بنصف البحر، أنا و إنت حاملين وردة
و الموج قايم قاعد
و السما صافية
و ريحة الوردة عم ب تمَلّي روايينا
و الموج عم بي جرب ياخد الوردة من بين ايدينا على قعر البحر
و نحنا عم نطَلَّع بي عينين بعض و عم نبتسم
و مش خايفين من إنو هل وردة تختفي بين طيّات الموجات

In the middle of the sea, you and I are holding a flower
And the tide is high
And the sky is clear
And the scent of the flower is filling our lungs
And the tide is trying to take the flower away from our hands to the bottom of the sea
And we are looking at each other and we're smiling
And we're not afraid to lose our flower in the folds of the waves.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
نبّش أكتر
Search harder

845 · Oct 2016
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I don't miss you.
I crave your presence.
Being with you annihilates dystopias and makes me believe in utopias, for your heart is the kingdom and your embrace is the land and I get lost between being your princess on the throne or a peasant on your fields.
But it wouldn't really matter, I'm in a utopia; and the only way I might encounter a piece of hell is when I'm not inhaling the scent of your neck.

- LynnAA
Love, always.

841 · Nov 2014
Dewy Roman Columns
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
It's raining and it's cold.
Let me wear your favorite sweater
And let me put on warm socks.
Forget about my pants.
Play a Radiohead song.
Take my hand.
Pull me close to you.
Wrap your arms around my waist.
Move us to the music.
Don't break your hold.
I'll bury my head in your neck
And your hands will slip under your sweater
So they can slide on my bare skin.
I'll plant little kisses on your neck.
I can feel your standing ovation.
Your hands will go down my thighs
Bringing them to your waist.
I'm hugging you with my whole body.
You continue to move us slowly to the music
And your lips devour mine.
You bite them.
I bite harder.
The Roman Columns are standing tall, and strong.
And La Rose is painted with morning dew.
Tonight, it will rain on the Roman Columns
And La Rose will unfold just like at the break of dawn.

Mignonne, allons voir si la rose.
835 · Jan 2017
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2017
I remember well -
A stroke of light leaked in and touched your eyelids.
You opened your eyes and I was lying so close to you that all I saw was your pupil shrinking and your iris growing light honey.
You were looking at me -
I swear I lost my breath - No sunsets behind clouds, no gibbous moons in daytime skies, no poppies in the last days of spring could compare to the awe I sunk in at the sight of your eyes.
You were ever so beautiful in that instant that I made sure to look at you long enough to carve one more photograph of you and keep it in a memory that defies the flow of Lethe.

- LynnAA
"Then close your eyes, imagine him in front of you & tell him."

832 · Aug 2016
Catalepsie - Catalepsy
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
La douce brise chaude nous emballe dans une prison translucide. Toi, moi et mes couleurs qui se répandent sur ma paume.
Et une intense lumière noire traverse le mur, assez forte pour aveugler nos yeux, mais considérablement fragile pour pouvoir étouffer les couleurs de ma main à présent étalées tout au long des murs de notre prison.


The hot soft breeze is holding us in a translucent prison. You, me and my colours that are spreading on the palm of my hand.
And an intense black light leaks through the wall, strong enough to blind our eyes, but too weak to smother the colours on my hand that are now spread all over the walls of our prison.

- LynnAA
Translucide: Qui laisse passer la lumière, mais non la couleur.
Translucent: Allowing light, but not colours and detailed images, to pass through.

823 · Jan 2015
Little Bird
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
She looked at him
One last time
And smiled
Leaving her floral scent
Lingering in his shirt

Sweet innocence, fly safely.
815 · Apr 2017
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
one lovely voice whispers in my ear and scares all the heaviness away.

- LynnAA
807 · Apr 2016
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
I want to be kissed by an older man.
A man who has been with many women, who knows how to touch them.
A man who would make his women smile from all the pleasure he injects in between their well shaved skins.
A man whose lower lip would meet their necks, dragging its way up under their ears where he would whisper to them all the bad things he would do to them.
And they would move their lips toward his to arouse the only osmosis that will make out of them his little virgins.

- LynnAA
To the musician who dreamed of me in my burgundy dress.

800 · Aug 2015
If You Were A Book
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
We were sleeping next to each other
I can't remember if we had any clothes on
It didn't matter then.
I fell asleep on your shoulder
While you were reading Ionesco out loud for me
I woke up on your voice
Reading the last page
You told me it was a good book
Then you disturbed my happiness off your shoulder
And grabbed another book
Which title I can't recall at the moment
You pulled me back on your shoulder
I took the book
I wanted to read out loud for you this time
You smiled
The idea of it made you happy
I read on and on
Stopping every once in a while to let you know of how unappealing my English accent sounds
But you smiled and said
"No, not at all.
On the contrary, I'm really enjoying this.
And so I did
Till chapter 6, page 25
Then you took the book off my hands
Put it down on the floor
Hugged me and said
"It was absolutely lovely
Let's sleep now."

795 · Dec 2017
Autumn Trees
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2017
"Tickle me! Tickle me!" says the sky,
And the wind plays with my hair.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
ملح البحر نشَّف ع جسمي و طلعت ريحتي خشخاش منقوع بالموج

The sea's salt exciccated upon my skin and now I smell like poppies drenched in waves

لين اا -
- LynnAA
العطور فَتّاكة - Essences are annihilating

784 · Feb 2016
Folded Paper
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
You smell something between laundry detergent and borrowed cigarettes.

- LynnAA
769 · Sep 2016
My Dearest,
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
I don't expect you to understand. And I'd rather leave you blind an deaf to all the little stings but I am stinging your heart with every needle that carved my heart.
My love, you are free. You are loved. Years of sacrifice. Not even you can face that.
Your choice has been made.
I'm understanding still.
I am tired.
Love me silently, but I'd rather think that you stopped loving me.
What's the point of being loved and never feel it?
What's the point of love if I can't get my hands on it?
Happiness resides in my freedom. And your love holds my heart in a bird cage.
I won't let you break my heart. I'll break it myself in quest of happiness.
And no one will know how to fix it but me.
I'll keep planting my needles in your heart until I reach the portal of my freedom.
Only then will I remove them brutally. All at once.

With all my love,
I would have loved to be free with you.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
الصّراحة أهم شي بين رجّال و مرأة..."
إذا أنا بدّي روح إحكي مع مرأة، دغري من الأوّل رح خبّرها عن طبيعة علاقتنا
ّو هيّي بالنّهاية إنسانة حرّة، فيها تقبل معي و تضلّ و فيها ترفض و تفل
ما بفهم كيف الواحد بْيِقدر يجرَح غيرو
أنا كنت مغروم بوحدة و ضلّينا ۸ سنين سوا
كان ماشي حالنا
كنّا مبسوطين
كانت كل شهر توعدني إنّو هل شهر رح نتجوَّز
و أنا كنت إنطرها
في نهار بدقّلها كذا مرّة و ما بت رِد، ف بدِقّ لأهلها و بت رِد إمها و بت قلّي إنها سافرت لعَند إخواتها
ما صدّقت بل أوّل و كتير كتير اتدايقت
هل إنسانة كانت تنام عندي أكتر من ما كانت تنام عند أهلها
و حِبْلت مني مرتين و ضلّيت حدها لما رَوّحت
"ما عرفت ليه عملت هيك

"رجعت حكيت معها شي؟"

"لأ. أبداً. يمكن تجَوّزت و جابت ولاد. ليش لأ؟ كنت حلوة"

"ما دقّتلك؟"

"لأ. من وقتها ما عدت عرفت عنها شي"

"إدّي كان عمرك؟"

طّلّع فيّي بالمراية هيك و ابتسم ب لحيتو البيضا

"مغرومي بواحد أكبر منك؟"



"لكان ليه عم بتسأليني؟"

"ما رح تقلّي؟"


"ليه لأ؟"

"بلاها أحسن. يلا بنتي، أنا بدّي إفرق يمين من هون. بدّك تنزلي هون، مذبوط؟"


وقّف، بَرَم و طّلّع فيّي ابتسملي. ابتسمتله

"يعطيك العافية عَم"

"انتبهي ع حالك يا بنتي"

"... Honesty is the most important thing between a man and a woman
If I were ever to meet a woman, I would tell her straight ahead about the nature of our relationship
I don't understand why would people feel the need to hurt each other
I was once in love with a woman, we were together for 8 years
Were were doing well
We were happy
Every month she would promise to marry me
And I would wait for her
One day, I call her several times in the morning - no answer
I call her parents and listen to her mother telling me she left the country to live with her brothers
I didn't believe her at first and I felt a pain in my chest
This woman slept at my place more than she did in her own
She got pregnant twice from me and I was always next to her during the abortion
I don't understand why she did so"

"Did you ever get back in touch with her?"

"No. Never. She's probably married and has kids. Why not? she was a beautiful woman."

"Did she ever call you?"

"No. I know nothing about her since."

"How old were you?"

He looks at me through his rear mirror and smiles through his white beard.

"Are you in love with an older man?

I laugh.


"Then why are you asking me?"

"You won't tell me?


"Why not?"

"It's better this way. I gotta make a right turn now, young lady, and you wanted to get here right?"


He stops the car, turns around and looks at me. He smiles. I smile back.

"Thank you, sir, have a good day."

"Take care of yourself, young lady."

لين اا -
- LynnAA
النّاس اللّي متلو, بحطّو راسن كل ليلة عل مخدّي و بضلّو يفكرو لحد ما يغفو
People like him, lay their heads on the pillow and fall asleep on their wandering thoughts

760 · Apr 2017
Heart Attack
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
Because I know I need a shelter when mine crumbles
Weakness is a disease that makes us estranged from ourselves and seeking a home other than our own bodies and minds can heal us
When nothingness starts bedding in the heart, we all need someone to push us to feel
When we are obliged to be stuck where we never belonged, even someone's chair to sleep on would make us happy
It's true, we are strong on our own, but our strength attracts weakness and with it the need to pull our hand out for help hoping someone would take it
And probably this is why I need you

- LynnAA
760 · Nov 2014
Johnnie Walker
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
And there I go again
As a whole
And wrecked
Because this time
The little island
That I call heart
Isn't the sole erroneous fiend in me
This time I
As a whole
Was a behemoth

Your favorite Daniel's
Sobered love
And dizzied lust
In me
Set forth the sacrifice
And took no heed of the body
It benighted the wit
And enlightened the blind persuasion

Deceiver of hearts
Don't knock on my gullible door
If you don't intend to enter
I might meddle in you
While you make love to
Every Jack
That paces your way.

Big words, bigger feelings.
759 · Oct 2016
Dear LynnAA,
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Just like you woke up one morning to lose your job, one day you will wake up to realize that probably this isn't where you want to be:
This isn't the only language you'd like to speak, this isn't the home you'd want to live in, this isn't the country you'd want to die in, this isn't the man you can sacrifice immense things for, this isn't the emotional spree you'd like to feel, this isn't the job you'd want to spend the rest of your life in, this isn't the freedom you are looking for, this isn't the only amount of knowledge you'd like to acquire, this is not your only family, this is not your only adventure...
And life will come back to your mind:
You revive a desire to study abroad. You believe you're living in your new rented studio in Prague, you see yourself studying by day, waiting tables in the afternoon and sleeping under warm sheets you bought yourself, at night. You live the adventure, you believe you left love here to find it again there. You know it'll be hard but you'll love it. You'll grow, you'll take care of yourself, you'll love, you'll cry alone at night, you'll learn to survive, you'll laugh with new acquaintances. You'll be stronger. You'll be independent. You'll be who you've always wanted to become.
This is why, always believe, that no matter how hard life can hit you, you know, in the back of your head, that this might not be the life you'd like to lead anyway. So hit life back harder and embrace your little dreams, construct them brick by brick and then go live them.
Never be afraid of letting go. Never fear starting anew. Life is full of surprises and if you haven't had any yet it's because you're only living the wrong one.

Be free.

Your Desired Life
- LynnAA

Cheers to life and its blows.
Cheers to the future.

759 · Apr 2017
On Parallel Worlds
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2017
What if, my dear, you wake up one stormy morning and not even realize that it had ever happened?

- LynnAA
757 · Aug 2016
Destructive Mind Sceneries
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
I want to pick you up on a weeknight and take you down to Beirut, to alleys and streets you have never been to.
I'll take you to my favourite place for a happy hour drink, and after 9 p.m. we'll share one of the best bread loaves you will ever taste from the bakery I love the most.
Then you'll see me dancing while driving, for the first time, to one of those upbeat radio tunes.
And we'll end up in Jbeil, at the beach, running into the water for a late night dip; splashing each other and screaming like little kids and kissing each other every once in a while like the lovers we are in this very moment.
Then we'll sit by the shore and play games till we dry up.
And the clock will remind us that I should take you back home, wishing I could stay with you for a couple more days. And I'll try to make you stay in the car and you will hug me very tightly and then you'll forcefully leave because it is almost 3 a.m. and I still have a long way back home.

- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2017
رَقَصنا حتّى مَلَّ الليل و سابَ مكنّه للفَجرِ
و مَكَثَ القمر مُختَبئاً في سماء النّهار يتأمَّلنا
فالحبُّ لا يضجر

We danced until the night got weary and left it's place to the dawn
And the moon hid in the daytime sky to watch us
For love never gets onerous

لين اا -
- LynnAA
754 · Apr 2015
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Spread perfume on your skin
Wear tights under your pants
Make sure your belly shows just enough
And wait.

Maybe he'll notice your belly skin
Maybe he'll smell your hair
Maybe he'll see your legs when you bend down to pick up his shirt

And if he does
Watch TV together
Discovery Science preferably
While his hands try to reach you
Under the one sheet that covers you both.

Allow him to put his arms around you
Allow him to lay his lips on you
Allow him to hear you moan
Allow him to feel your back arch

And the second day
He'll go back to being a DJ
And you'll go back to being a man's bait.

Tall eyelashes, sweetie, make eyes worth looking at.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2017
It was never about possession.
It was about yearning to feel. It was about the immensity I was drowning in with every look of his eyes.
Feeble was I for feelings were taken away from me at many stages of my life; and greedy was I for I was given back, all at once, what I had lost and this time as well, it wasn't mine to take.
I hold on to anything that moves me, even when my arms extend out of my body and I feel the world at the tip of my fingers, I hold on to it because my being fluctuates with it.
I am in love with whatever holds love, with whatever represents it and it's consuming - to feel so deeply, so dearly, so beautifully and know that this as well will be taken away from me.
Probably nothing you encounter is yours, not even your own body, but as long as you get to have it, even for an instant, take it, love it immensely, and if it goes away, it would have been nothing but felicity - felicity embedded with gorgeous memories which, at the moment of redolence, would scar.
But the scars will heal, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a month, maybe not before your birthday, but they will heal.
It is all in your head, and sometimes it is hard to keep control of it, but you will look over it and life will go on for you and feelings will flow your way then ebb away then flow your way then ebb away again and you will be granted memories soft as clouds in a calm January sky.
Only don't be afraid to feel, no tree would blossom in spring if it hadn't forsaken all of its leaves in autumn.

- LynnAA
And if you are feeling anger, greed, hostility, rage, and hate dismiss this poem and go look for the title.

744 · Dec 2017
Notes Of A Nostalgic Dancer
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2017
You could make me bald, make me skinless, make me boneless, make me ugly. You could shape me in molds of your choice, you could take out my eyeballs and my vocal chords. You could damage me whole and think you have won but you can never stop me from dancing - this is where I reign.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
في فراشة بيضاء بتجي كل يوم على شباكي بتفرش جوانحها و بتنطرني انطق اسمه
بتنطرني على وهلة لتحمل اسمه عن شفافي بجوانحها الهزيلة
و جوانحها بتثقل و بتروح لعند الشمس و بتحرق اسمه لتقدر ترجع على ملجأها
و ثاني يوم بترجع ع شباكي مفكرة إنو شي نهار اسمه رح يصير خفّ الريشة و رح تقدر تاخدو معها و ما بقى ترجع لعندي

There's a white butterfly that comes every day at my window, unfolds her wings and waits for me to say his name
It waits for me impatiently to grab his name off my lips on her little wings
And her wings grow heavy thus she goes to the sun and burns his name for her to be able to fly back home
And the next day she comes back at my window, thinking that one day, his name will be light enough for her to be able to carry it on her wings and never have to come back to me

لين اا -
- LynnAA
733 · Apr 2016
Fermented Grapes
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
We stain our lips with red wine so we can taste each other pretending that we want to get drunk.

- LynnAA
Cheers to us in my fantasies.

732 · Aug 2016
آمين - Amen
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
يمكن بكرا، نرجع نلتقي بمقهى، بمكان مجهول، عِلماً إنّك ما بتشرب قهوة
و إنت رح تكون تحرَّرت و أنا رح كون صرت مرأة
و رح تجي تقعد معي عالطاولة، لابس قميصك القطن الأبيض و حاطِط العقد الأزرق اللي اشتريتو من هَيديك الحفلة و ريحتك عم تِتعَبّى بقهوتي


و من هون قصّتنا رح تكمّل

Maybe one day, we'll meet again at a coffee place, somewhere not familiar to us, knowing that you don't drink coffee
You will be free and I'll be a grown woman
And you'll approach me and sit with me on the table, wearing that white linen shirt of yours, that blue necklace you once got from a party and your smell will fill my coffee

"I miss you"

Only then will our story resume

لين اا -
- LynnAA
.منّك إلي، منّي إلك و حبنا شقفة منّا بس كمان مش لإلنا
You're not mine, I'm not yours, and our love is a part of us but it isn't ours also.

Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2017
Second of all, I wish you encounter all the kindness, all the sun rays, all the beauty there is out there. May happiness bless your heart in every way possible. May nature kiss you fondly. I hope you find what you wish to hold and lose what is keeping you in a cage. If you find flowers remember me and smile. If you find a man who sells balloons, take one, tell it the secrets you'd wish to send away and let it go in India's sky.
Much much love to you. Sending you all the protective thoughts I can send you.
Stay safe like a woman would, go wild like a kid would, be strong like the man you are.

- LynnAA
May this poem travel to you when you need it most, the way you like things to travel, in balloons :)

725 · Dec 2017
December Baby
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2017
November rocks me to sleep and on every 1st of December, I wake up at 5 a.m. with a skin scarred by light that turns into fire and warms up my winter flowers... Well, I guess everything changes.

- LynnAA
December Baby

725 · Dec 2016
Silent And Scared
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
My body scares you but I won't stop dancing.

- LynnAA
721 · Oct 2016
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
I'm driving on a road that leads me to your house and I feel your presence on it and the prints of your tires.
You fill up my head. Now all I can think about is what if I call you right now and tell you that it's easy for me to reach you.
But I don't. Because I have to find home. I have to go home.

- LynnAA
"She didn't know whether she was running away from something or running to something, but she admitted that deep in her heart she wanted to go home."
- Beatrice Sparks

"I knew then that I wanted to go home, but I had no home to go to--and that is what adventures are all about."
- Trina Schart Hyman

100th poem.
716 · Dec 2016
100 °C - 212 °F
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Aime moi comme si les feux de l'enfer s'éteindront demain.


Love me as if the fires of hell will extinguish tomorrow.

- LynnAA
Brulons brulons brulons.
Let's burn burn burn.

714 · Oct 2016
Get Well Soon
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
You got used to my absence.
My absence doesn't affect you.

- LynnAA

712 · Nov 2016
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
It is a rock forsaken on a hill
It is an anchor desolated from a shipwreck
It is a flower being stepped on
It is feelings crushed by reality
It is words you're unable to speak
It is dreams you wish were true
It is silence
It is waiting
It is stubbornness
It is hardness
It is decisions
This is what it is
It is heaviness
And tomorrow I'll grow lighter

- LynnAA
Autumn is for letting go.
Love, always.

710 · Apr 2016
Silent Colours, Deaf Eyes
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
And when you come back, if I feel that all of this and all of you are true, I will run into your arms like a wounded lioness who has just found her shelter.

And I will sail with you, till you either drop me on a new land, push me into the water or take me to an island.

I don't care where you'll drop me, as long as you're true. Everything else, I can save myself from it.

- LynnAA
To the man who might be looking at the moon right now.

707 · Feb 2017
Mirror In The Mist
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2017
Because there is something about people after they take a shower
They look very infantlike, very innocent
They feel warm and susceptible to breakage
They look like they want to be loved, like they can be easily loved
They are at their cleanest, as if born anew after each wash
They smell of nature and their hair is untouched, heavily hanging off their heads uncovering their faces
You just can't not look at them
You just can't not love them in that instant
Because for a fraction of a second they look, feel and smell like something that has never encountered life's heaviness.

- LynnAA
For the love of warmth, coconut and almonds.

701 · Mar 2017
What Does The Sea Mean?
Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2017
It's all a preparation for a blow you are intending on.
I've been sailing on high tides and land is near. Will you break the waves in halves or will you raise them to double their size?
Grow or destroy. That is the game. And you are unpredictable, like a sudden storm in the midst of March.
Unpredictable but Harmless.
Therefore, blow in my face spring's breeze. Let me close my eyes and feel your breath on my eyelashes.
I've forever told you you are beautiful, and you forever will be.

- LynnAA
****. No. Let Live.
Hate. No. Love.
Repress. No. Express.
Forget. No. Remember.

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