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Nov 2016 · 733
U and Me
Kyle Dickey Nov 2016
I used to be the only one right to make you laugh,
now only the memories are left to make me smile.
May 2015 · 584
Friday nights
Kyle Dickey May 2015
Tonight is Friday night
Nothing special, just you and I.
Yet it just seems right,
On this night things seem to change.
Even though on the outside,
we remained the same.
We share a gaze for hours but seemingly minutes until...
You cuddle in close,
I hold you ever so tight.
Until our lips meet,
the first kiss of mine.
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
The Start
Kyle Dickey Mar 2015
In the start you have nothing,
Excluding many excuses on "why not."
There is no real reason not to,
There will be other parties,
Other reasons,
Other friends;
However, if you continue this path of shattered priorities there will be nothing for you in life.
Nothing but sorrow and regret.
The things worth it in life are never easy but are going to pay off one day,
But that day will never happen until you apply yourself.
Feb 2015 · 718
World so Cold
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
The one I thought I loved has come and gone,
More will come but none true love beyond,
The ones bold enough to take a look inside,
Become mesmerized,
Lost in every word of mine,
But the love they feel is one sided,
This feeling in which they have confided,
Will turn cold just as I did,
And ill break their heart without even blinking an eye lid.
Feb 2015 · 483
Love tonight
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
I just want to use your love tonight,
I don't want to loose your love tonight.
Want to hold my head high,
Keep you close and by my side.
Want to hold you tight,
Never want to fight.
But from me you hide,
Don't know you yet but you'll be the light of my eye.
Feb 2015 · 800
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
Just waking up to see the persons face you love sleeping so soundly next to you. A candle lit dinner fallowed by a romantic movie and holding a girl close. Just simple moments made extravagant because a person you care about is there. Romance is possible anywhere if you're with the right person.
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
This mask
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
This mask that has forever covered me has fallen.
Leaving the real person underneath exposed.
Who have seen him have run the other way.
They are surprised and afraid at the same time.
Even me, surprised at who was laying dormit.
Who I really am;
The anger, the rage that lays to be the real me.
I am not sweet or kind anymore;
I'm but a savage beast that has woken from it's hibernation,
Only to find I have and need no one.
This mask has fallen,
and there's no return from that.
Feb 2015 · 16.4k
Anger and frustration
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
Through all the anger and frustration there's a certain contemptness I feel knowing I'm alone. I will thrive beyond all else.
Feb 2015 · 629
Movie Called life
Kyle Dickey Feb 2015
To me,
Life is like a movie.
I always find myself trying to predict the ending,
Trying to find out what's next;
However, the best ones are those I can't predict.
The ones filled with surprises,
There's a certain fulfilling feeling when you get to finally see the ending.
Jan 2015 · 835
Suns Rise, Suns Set
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Suns Rise,
I love the sunrises,
The way the breathtaking light creeps across the sky,
They enfold into something beautiful,
So many colors,
So much passion,
They engolf the darkness,
It's a trutly heart stoping sight that not many take the time to see,
It goes until there's nothing but light left,
Then as the sun becomes tiresome,
It crawls to it's sleep on the other side of the sky,
The light slowly fades into so many bright and beautiful colors,
So pretty yet so sad,
Sad this beautiful day is over,
But there's always the memories,
Suns Set.
You must live every sunrise and sunset as if it's your last, this doesn't mean go out and party all the time; no this means go to your loved ones, tell them how you feel. Tell them you love them and spend time with them because this could be your last sunrise or theirs. So live and thrive. See the sunsets and sunrise, admire the beauty with the love of your life and enjoy.
Jan 2015 · 639
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Sing a song,
Every day sing along,
Sing something that makes you happy,
Not something rappy,
But some thing that makes you smile,
Makes you stop and think for a while,
Something with feeling,
The sort that makes you start healing,
A good song has sole,
There are lots both new and old,
So sing a song,
Sing sing sing along
Jan 2015 · 392
Heart Filled With You
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I want a girl,
Not just any girl,
I want a girl that can sing,
She'll sing me a love song to make me smile,
Her cute nose will crinkle when I make her smile,
Her eyes as blue as the bluest sky,
She will make me truly happy,
When she's down she will tell me what's wrong,
I will listen and make her feel better,
This feeling when we will be together,
It's as if my heart will skip a beat,
You'll be just so sweet,
You'll fill me up,
I will finally be whole with my heart filled with you...
Jan 2015 · 834
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
She brought about emotion,
All good feelings, love and true happiness,
Before I was empty and hallow,
But she has gone,
Left me to me and the emotion she released,
They began to fade,
Go away,
Until they are gone and her with them,
Me left with nothing except anger and control,
Control that is fading along with everything else...
Jan 2015 · 302
Loss of Inspiration
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I've lost all inspiration,
No ambition left in my cover of life,
Lost the will it takes to go on,
But I will in the hopes that one day,
I will get it all back,
Jan 2015 · 390
Floating Alone
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I'm floating alone,
No one around,
Free to be myself and do what I want,
No world to worry about,
Only the stars and moon to illuminate the platform afloat,
Singular in this blue ocean,
So I dance and sing,
I'm myself but I float slowly to land,
I dread the moment I'm land struck,
The moment the world returns with it's faults and evils,
I simply dread it...
Jan 2015 · 397
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Pretending to be happy,
Doing what I've been told,
Always doing what you say is best for the future,
I'm done with it all,
I've gone insane,
Only surviving wearing this mask,
The face of the man I once was,
Ripped off in moments of desperation,
I try to sew myself back together but it's a impossible task,
My mask I've worn for so long is torn,
My true nature revealed,
All I want in life is to be happy,
And in this world as it is right now,
That is the truly impossible task and I've lost hope in it,
This world is like me,
Falling apart,
No one trying to put it back together,
All it takes is one,
A single person to try,
To smile,
To laugh,
To make every one happy around them,
This is the person that will allow me to live without this mask,
It's impossible though so I keep this mask,
Broken and cracked,
Waiting for the day someone will prove me to be wrong...
Jan 2015 · 331
The Lost Path
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Everyone will say I have lost my way,
They all just haven't seen I've begun to sway.

They all say I'm going the wrong way,
But just don't understand what I say.

I've gone,
I've seen,

This is the way I want to be,
This is the happiness I've searched for,
This way it's for me,
I will not stand on your shore,
But I will see that this is happy,
I'm happy and though you say it's a mistake,
I'm not fallowing your advice,
Done dissipointing,
Done being counted on,
I'm done trying to please
Jan 2015 · 382
Title (Optional)
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
There are countless choices in life,
Ones that define you as a person,
Choices that have a lasting effect on others,
And there's some that seem like they matter even when they don't.

Choices make us who we are,
They make you good or bad,
They are set in time and you can't ever get the choice back,
All we can do is learn from them,

The choice of words is so amazing,
With words you can do anything,
Create worlds or speak your mind,
Make or break a relationship forever,
All done with just a few sounds that you utter,
Words are the peoples greatest power,
They've even destroyed whole civilizations,
But choose your words,
Choice is important because those words can aslo do harm,
Maybe even destroy someone,
So choose but wisly because once you've said it you can't take that choice back,
You must live with it,
Watch it,
And see it make or destroy someone...
Jan 2015 · 804
Hard Tme Numbs
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
I've been broken and fallen to prices,
I've tried so hard,
Tried to make it work,
Get you to love me,
Been the sweetest most romantic guy,
I've delt with your problems and imperfections,
But you break me and I've had enough,
Enough of you and your ****,
You will never be mine and have ignored me one too many times,
My feelings have fallen back to numb and you're the one that made them emerge,
So I'm over it all and back to the way before we met,
Before you crushed me,
Not feeling, no want,
Nothing but anger that I controll with ease,
You won't break me again but I may you,
Because when you come back,
Wanting me,
Wanting my protection,
Wanting me to make you feel happy,
I'm gone and out of your reach,
You will never know how much you missed.
Jan 2015 · 376
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
There is nothing better than to love,
And to be loved in return.
Jan 2015 · 2.5k
Dearly Beloved
Kyle Dickey Jan 2015
Dearly Beloved we gather here today,
Not to celebrate a lovely matrimony,
But to celebrate loss,
A death that touches us every day,
And will do so for the rest of our lives.

Dearly Beloved we mustn't cry,
Not shed a single tear,
We can't nor should we.

Dearly Beloved the death amugst us,
The death I speak of is the death of love,
The death of compassion and kindness,
The death of good all riped from the world far too soon.
Now that it's gone we are left with no emothion,
Left to our sociopathic tendencies,
Left to ourselves,
Left hoping one day these people,
Love, comapsion, kindness and everything good,
Hoping that they will return to make us better again,
So Dearly Beloved I leave you with this,
The tool to bring them all back from the dead,

It's but a smile they said and looked around.
But someday the Dearly Beloved may understand,
It's the small things on a big scale that makes the world good and that's disappearing.
Jan 2015 · 288
Says Enough
Dec 2014 · 442
Today Alone
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Today I am alone,
Sick with a temperature of 100,
Left here to care for myself,
Left to neglect myself,
For no one else is willing to take challenge,
Challenge of loving me and caring for me,
So I lay alone with cold shivers shooting down my spine,
Wishing and wandering amongst thoughts,
Thoughts of if you were here,
Thoughts of why you're not,
So I lay alone drifting into sleep,
With sleep I'm no longer sick but you're here,
Dreams of you every moment I rest my tired eyes,
I will dream of you,
Wishing and wandering,
I will think of you.
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
The Perfect Girl
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Everyone has an idea of a person that is perfect for them,
How they look,
How they act,
Seldom do people truly find this person,
For me, my perfect girl is a shorter blonde,
Blue eyes that would light up the room,
A body that is neither thin nor fat,
A loving, giving and forgiving person,
A girl that makes good decisions,
No drugs or alcohol,
Perhaps a smart girl,
Smart enough to make me wrong sometimes,
Skin soft as silk but maybe tanned,
A girl to make me feel special even when I know I'm not,
I've never seen this girl I speak of,
But I found someone better,
You don't fit a single thing I just said,
You drink and party,
Get okay grades in school,
You have brown hair and auburn eyes,
You make me feel terrible in silence that you create,
Yet I still have loved you more than anyone,
More than my life it's self in which I'd give to you in a moment,
You've surpassed my expectations,
While not meeting a single one,
But I love you and always will,
Even if you hurt me I will love you...
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
The Act
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
It's all an act,
The smiles I send to those that pass me in the hall,
The ex girlfriends I once said I loved,
The laughs and chuckles,
Almost any conversation that someone holds meaning to,
It was all an act,
There is only one person in this god forsaken world;
A single person I didn't have to put on an act for,
That person was you,
But when I took off my mask,
Showed my true face you turned the other way,
In silence you left me naked with no mask to hide me,
All the truth came out and I'm left in silence,
Still loving you through this pain,
Still there when you are in trouble,
Always thinking of and loving you,
With my emotion loose,
Running ramped through my heart,
Like a wild animal through a burning jungle,
My mask broken now,
The act must go on,
I will go on...
Dec 2014 · 890
A lot to say
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Sometimes I just have a lot to say,
Things I've been thinking,
Things that have more meaning,
This is why I write,
No one person has the patience to listen,
To learn,
To think,
No one to tell of all the love or pain I feel,
Not one soul will listen or I am not willing to say,
No one but my notes and my keyboard will ever know everything,
For it's would take years to say what I have to say,
To explain what I have to say,
I've got a lot to say.
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
A Little Taste
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
It's funny,
A little taste of something,
Something good can drive someone insane,
Only wanting more,
More of the good times,
More of you and your smiles,
More of you grabing my hand,
Setting it gently on your leg,
As if to invite me to let go,
Inviting my to feel and love,
This was but a taste,
And you neglect to mention that fact,
Neglect to mention in a few weeks you'll rip my heart out,
Then leave me in silence,
With only my pain,
All over just a little taste,
It was but a taste
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
It's so amazing how much I've changed,
Some say that I've lost ambition but I haven't,
It's been changed,
Last year my life goal was to be filthy rich,
Owning a island, having more money than I can spend,
But now I'm no longer interested in these things,
I could care less if I was rich with money,
I want to be rich,
Only this time my ambition is to be rich in love and happiness,
The only person that has been able to make me this rich man,
The only girl I have ever loved is you,
My ambition is you and only you,
To make you happy when you've had a bad day,
To put smiles on your face,
All I want is you and only you...
Dec 2014 · 803
Your Eyes
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Your eyes are so beautiful,
So bright,
So full of light,
They remind me of fireworks,
I could stare into them for an eternity,
They would keep a child so entertained,
Let me be the child and let me stare,
Stare into them and relish in your beauty,
For as long as I live I will love you,
I will always love you
Dec 2014 · 769
Humpty Dumpty's Puzzle
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
The pain of having a broken heart has nothing to compare,
You never get use to it no matter how many times it happens.
It hurts every time more than I can manage,
You have not only broken my heart,
You've ripped it to shreds,
You've ripped me and my soul apart along with it,
You've left nothing but bone,
No possibility of putting back the pieces to this Humpty Dumpty,
Yet you come back,
You began to put me back together,
You finally finish,
But, just as a child destroys the puzzle;
You start again ripping away my most important piece,
That piece is you...
You're the only one that can put me together or rip me apart as you do...
Dec 2014 · 665
Missing Piece
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
I feel broken;
Always wandering,
Like some part of me is missing,
And I can't seem to find it anywhere.
I have and will search for the part of me that is missing,
As long as I have hope I'm searching,
But this feeling has been extending longer and longer,
Until I just feel hopeless of ever finding my missing piece.
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Compassion isn't just a word; it is not a sensation or a behavior. Compassion is a moral; it's a standard to uphold and live by. To be compassionate is to show thoughtfulness and to be caring to people. Being compassionate is to extend humanity a second chances, even if they may not deserve it. The kindnesses shown through being compassionate will extent; this kindness, though sometimes hard to find, is always there. To be compassionate is to be human; however, this humanity sowing is not just what the average person sees every day; it is the light in us, and is the best of what we can be. Everybody has times that they are down and just can't get up; the people that are willing to go out of the way to help these people out and bring them up are what I consider compassionate. Showing compassion can do a multitude of good things; these things being a chain reaction of kindness and love or something as modest as a start to a new friendship. Everyone at some time or another will do something unscrupulous; to be compassionate is to forgive these misdeeds and to give a second chance, no matter how undeserving they may seem. With compassion up held in society the world truly be a better place. The world would be so much better if everyone set aside differences, greed, the anger, the hatred and war; the world if we just showed a little compassion to the population would flourish and be a truly great place.
If you read this I thank you and I do understand it's long but I hope you enjoy it.
Dec 2014 · 761
Head In The Clouds
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
My head is stuck in the clouds,
I'm always thinking,
Always imagining and dreaming,
The world today is hard to deal with,
It's filled with pain, death, famine, and more;
But my head is such a great place to go,
No one is hungry and everyone is loving,
Every guy has the perfect girl,
Every girl has a perfect guy,
All is perfect and nothing will go wrong,
That is until someone pulls me out of my mind,
Down from the clouds back to earth,
And the world returns to it's normal self,
Flawed and filled with misery,
However if you can find the girl that you've imagined,
You both can enjoy the best of this flawed world,
Loved and living for each other,
The flaws fade and there is only one another...
Dec 2014 · 545
Beautiful is you
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Beautiful is you,
Your beauty shines brighter than a million suns,
You fill a room with smiles every time you walk in,
You don't realize how beautiful you are,
And every time I see you you fill me up with excitement,
I wish to hug you and I may,
But for now just as a friend,
No matter how sweet and loving I am,
Your beauty, your life, your past will not permit a kiss of love
Dec 2014 · 924
The Giving Tree
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
All I want is for you to be happy,
I'll give you everything to make that happen,
My things, my life and my love;
All yours for the taking,
No matter how many times you cut me down,
No matter how much you hurt me,
I'll give you everything and anything that you desire...
Dec 2014 · 813
The Rhythm of Love
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
My heart beats for you,
It beats to every song you sing,
It beats with every breath you take,
Every look you make,
My heart beats to the rhythm of love,
My love is you,
My heart beats for you.
Dec 2014 · 694
The Storm
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
A bad day is like a rain storm,
It starts with one drop of rain.
It multiplies,
More drops keep falling,
Falling, falling, and falling,
Until everything has fallen,
All those raindrops have hit rock bottom,
But then in a few days everything is dry,
It's as if nothing had happened at all,
And life begins anew,
Warm and sunny without a care in the world.
Dec 2014 · 430
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Taner you are the most important thing in the world to me,
And you are the only thing I think about
Never bad, always I think the best of you
Every single day and night I feel so strongly for you
Remembering only good and heart filled moments
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
My smile is broken,
It's almost always forced.
There's very little in the world to smile about today.
But I've found that one thing in the world,
That one thing that will make me smile no matter what.
That thing is you and I wait
Wait until I can make you smile too
Dec 2014 · 710
The World
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
The world is full of anger and evil and lies and pain and death; you can't hide from it you can only face it and decide what you will become.
Dec 2014 · 532
My Dearest God
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Dearest God,
     I'm well aware that I'm not your most loyal follower. I don't even find myself attending church on Sundays with the exception of Christmas and Easter. God I've never asked anything of you though and have thanked you my whole life for everything I have. But God, my dearest God, my friend is going through a lot lately. She's having a really hard life lately. So dearest  god I hope you guide her and help her to be the best she can be, and maybe even guide to me for it's she I prey for and not me...
Dec 2014 · 577
Dreams of You and I
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
I lay awake at night,
You fill my thoughts and my dreams.
I'm thinking of you now,
How you will appear in my dreams,
As you have countless nights before.
The night will consist of cuddling fallowed by hugs,
Perhaps a kiss too
If I'm lucky.
The way your soft lips will meet mine,
Making me warm and calm,
Yet I am exited and filled with joy.
My emotion just growing more and more
I feel as if I'm going to explode with joy and shout
"I'm the luckiest man alive to have you"
But, then I wake up
It was all a dream and you are still on my mind
I began to remember the way you hurt me and left me to suffer
I still love you though
With no logic or reason I love you and always will...
Dec 2014 · 539
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Love is the most powerful feeling;
Love has the ability to make people say or do anything.
Love is everything good and helps with everything bad.
Love is sure and honest
Love is innocent
Love is every bit of kindness and always knowing you're there
Love is true and forever; but,
Love can cause pain greater than anything else
Love can be ripped away leaving you with emptiness and heart-ach
Dec 2014 · 7.0k
Never shy
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Never  shy away
From what you believe;
No matter how silly or stupid.
You must always have faith and hope,
Faith and hope in something you hold dear
Something like love even if it is false hope for it
Hope for one day that I can call you mine and me yours
Dec 2014 · 694
Foolish love
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Who knew I could be such a fool
I fell for you
As you do the things you do
And you hurt me too
But still I wait for you
You say I'm sweet as can be
But given the chance to have me
You choose to ignore me
You hurt me
And change me
But still I wait for you
And all the good that may come too
Dec 2014 · 832
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Music is really something special.
I creates and expresses and shares emotion.
You can feel the emotion of a good song when you listen to it.
I'm one of those people that the music I like the most changes periodically,
And I used to think I just liked it for another reason
Or got bored of the old music;
however, I was wrong I'm actually the thing that's changing.
I me becoming a different person and love it some time
but I hate it sometimes too.
Dec 2014 · 670
Let Me Take You There
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
You know that utopia where everything is perfect?
No pain, suffering, and no death.
This utopia I speak of isn't a physical place.
It's our love.
The way it will live on forever if it's true.
The way it will make you feel,
Never being angry or unhappy wile you're with them.
Always smiling,
Always thinking of them,
And putting them in front of yourself;
That is true love in the simplest form
It doesn't have to be romantic
It could just be a friendship.
Surround yourself by love
You'll be happy for the rest of your life
No matter how rich, poor, or even sick you are
love will help.
Dec 2014 · 352
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
It's the simplest things in life that helps through the day.
Things like a small kindness shown
A smile in the hall
A few good friends
Or just listening to your favorite song.
The little things that most people don't notice are the most important things to me.
However, you never truly appreciate them until they are gone.
Dec 2014 · 592
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
There is nothing worse than the feeling of loss.
Losing a friend, relative, or a love there is no feeling like it.
It leaves you confused;
feeling so helpless knowing there is nothing you can do to change it.
The feeling is hopelessness;
however, you mustn't let it keep you down;
you can't let it control you.
You must always remember them
how they were,
all the good times you had together.
Dec 2014 · 405
Love and Pain
Kyle Dickey Dec 2014
Through out life everything has come easy to me. That is everything accept love. Love is the greatest feeling I've ever experienced. Yet, I can't ever seem to hold on to. Once I've lost it what's left is pain and memories; however, you must remember and never let them truly die; it's these memories, pains and people that make us who we are.
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