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Feb 2017 · 557
Centre Stage act. 1
K603 Feb 2017
A show
A bow
A curtain drawn
Heavy and soft
in and out, in and out
The next show will start
Too soon
Tired, ready to quit
Why do I preform?
I just want to stop
Take a second
Just walk away, hit pause
Come back after a few days
I just need a break
Nov 2016 · 913
K603 Nov 2016
I don't need you
To give me the world
To provide for me
To hold my hand every step

I do need
Someone to kick my ***
Tell me to pull my **** together
To look at me with that grin
To reassure me

To know they could give me everything, but won't.  
Because I can do it myself
I need to do it myself

I need you to walk beside me
Stand with me
Nov 2016 · 537
Lost within myself
K603 Nov 2016
I want to be that fun sunny girl I pretend to be
Maybe sometimes I am her
Maybe I am her
Only a quarter of me
The rest is dark and deep
A star here or there a sweet dark lull

Lost within myself
Oct 2016 · 482
Clock Stop
K603 Oct 2016
Hair of gold
Eyes blue as a thunderstorm
Face of tiny high bones

How are you so sad
Face in the mirror

Why do you swing like a pendulum
From happy to sad to nothing and back again

Someone stop the clock
People who are always trying to make other happy, are the ones who need happiness the most.  Need love the most.  
Oct 2016 · 479
Flaming Idiot
K603 Oct 2016
I'm settling
For myself
For you
For us

I regret
And dam does it ****

This is more then
Just us
It's you and the other ones

And me
Me and my stupidity
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
I ruined it
K603 Oct 2016
“Everything I love has either ruined me or watched as I ruined it instead.”
By -Unkown
Oct 2016 · 390
Drinking and Driving
K603 Oct 2016
We go out to drink
Friends follow
It's one hell of a time

I drink for you
For me
For us
For them

For who we all used to be
Before we broke each other

Life got in the drivers seat
Delt a horrible hand to play
We all got beat
I do not condone drinking and driving, that's not what this poem is about.
Sep 2016 · 345
Red Head
K603 Sep 2016
Baby girl
You are Fire
You are Ice

Everything but Nice
You bite and sting

Watch those fists swing
All legs and hair

Can't take you anywhere
I love you
Sep 2016 · 201
-below 0
K603 Sep 2016
Only feel better
When completely empty
Nothing left, all drained and dry
When I've done something I'll probably regret,
I'll forget
Sep 2016 · 322
Pinks and Blues
K603 Sep 2016
Day and Night clash
Creating their ******* children
Dawn and Dusk

Don't ever stop fighting
You two
Poetic and inspiring
God dam I just want to sleep
Sep 2016 · 385
K603 Sep 2016
Everyday you turn the page, but you can start a new chapter at any time.
New beginnings
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
K603 Sep 2016
“Intimacy is not who you let touch you. Intimacy is who you text at 3am about your dreams and fears. Intimacy is giving someone your attention, when ten other people are asking for it. Intimacy is the person always in the back of your mind, no matter how distracted you are.” —Unknown
To you I raise a glass
Sep 2016 · 366
Time has Passed
K603 Sep 2016
Hey baby,
Do you remember when you left me that note.  
It was on a pillow like a movie. It began,
"I don't know when you'll read this,"
You used the correct punctuation and everything

The woes of relations had begun and ended I don't know if this was our first time, or our second.  No it certainly was not the last.  

The third sentence, that one hit home.  I swooned over it.
"You mean everything to me, the whole world."

From there you went on, how I'd made you happy again.  You misspelled a work and it was in ink so you mended it with parenthesizes.  

You made so many promises to me, to us.
You have betrayed them before and forgive me,
I hold this note in my hand.
Im not sure how much time has passed to be honest.
Two, two and a half...three...

In this time hell has come gone and returned to go again.
Ive found Love outside of you, and lost time and time again.
Now Love again.
The hole is healed, but do I open these wounds again?
Sep 2016 · 268
K603 Sep 2016
“You could tie my tongue
My lips, my teeth
Split them into surrender
Into a foreign language
And I would still manage
To cough up your name.”

– Danielle Shorr
By Danielle Shorr
Sep 2016 · 690
Some Level
K603 Sep 2016
“Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.” —Unknown
I dont know who you are, I found this on Stumbleupon.  You I admire.
Sep 2016 · 511
I didn't Fall
K603 Sep 2016
God gave me you to teach me
The devil sent you too

You did so much wrong
And I kept letting it go

Till one day I let go
I was free falling hurtling towards the ground

Excepted the darkness
That was all around

Opened my eyes and saw the light
The devil cussed and the ground shook

Finally unfolded my wings
I took flight
Well this is a good happy one
Sep 2016 · 838
Holes in Chests
K603 Sep 2016
“For reasons unexplained, every person in the world is born with a large gaping hole in the center of their chest…while not uncomfortable, it is widely considered unsightly, and pretty much everyone tries to fill it with something…some people fill it with religion, others just buy a bunch of stuff, and some even fill it with other folks…I left mine alone, though, because I found out if you run against the wind at just the right angle, it makes a whistling noise.”

Aaron Diaz, The Distinctly Essential Dresden Codak Primer
Sep 2016 · 596
K603 Sep 2016
Grieving a loss
I have yet to see

A blow
Still unseen

It'll come and it'll pass
But once again

I'll shatter like glass
Love you
Sep 2016 · 258
K603 Sep 2016
"How'd you get to be so unhappy?"
" I loved too many people, trusted, I was myself."
Just talking to myself
Might be insane but then again who really knows
Jul 2016 · 550
My socks are wet
K603 Jul 2016
My boots
Heavy and soaked in mud
Drag drag drag
Threw and threw
Every time

Walk walk walk
Climb climb climb
Jul 2016 · 309
My Soul and your Heart
K603 Jul 2016
“The truth is, one day we’ll drift apart, you’ll forget the colour of my eyes, you’ll forget my brightest smiles. The traces I left on your heart will fade away and my world will turn grey because the truth is, my eyes will always crave your existence and my heart will always need your warmth, my mind will crave the sweet words you left me thinking about and the truth is, a soul like mine will never forget a heart like yours and so my world will indeed turn grey.”
Not something I wrote but I love it
Jul 2016 · 317
K603 Jul 2016
We love with a special kind of hate
So powerful

It's toxic,
Not the kind of infection you can
Jul 2016 · 244
K603 Jul 2016
The embassy
A sanctuary to all

A lie of peace,
Come one
Come all!
To this place of Mayhem

Where we lie to each other and grovel at the feet
the world is in shambles
No one wants to admit it

When did we become such enemies?
Jun 2016 · 966
First Place!
K603 Jun 2016
We were going to break
Each other
Mentally and physically

It was just a race
To see who
Would do it

I'm not sure if it is better
To finish First
Or Last

Either way
I suffer a
What cleaning does to the mind
Jun 2016 · 602
Golden Gates
K603 Jun 2016
God dam it
Dam me

The devil took my soul
Scorched my heart
Now the gates are locked

Hurt and pain corse threw me
I'm overwhelmed
Jun 2016 · 914
Pray to Both
K603 Jun 2016
I hope to the God
And the Devil

That someday I
Wrote all the things
That bring upon your smile
Someday I
Am the one

I can't sell my soul for you
I can't give you an
Unbroken heart

Let me worship you, my temple
You worship I
A king and queen
Of our own design

I can give you me and future
I hope that's enough
Oh I hope this time it does not end
Jun 2016 · 590
Silent Tornadoes
K603 Jun 2016
We live each day
As a walking mess
Beautiful disaster in distress

Walk side by side with all we hate
But man we get good enough
We delegate
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
I want to love myself
K603 Jun 2016
She wants you to love her
Im sure you do everyone sees it
But even then,
You must love head she wishes she love herself
May 2016 · 451
Lost Game
K603 May 2016
In pain
It hurts
And I'm sad
You get to me
Ever time
Every dam time
We get to each other
I see her she sees me
He sees you you see him
What are we doin'
I'm tired of all these
Wow was tonight just ****
May 2016 · 401
No Vacancy
K603 May 2016
I do not serve heaven
I was cast down
I love I chose someone
Over all else

I fell with fire
Burnt and bruised
I tumbled
My wings scorched
And broken

On the mend I found
Many of whom I shared
Compassion and companionship

Then I lost
The fire burnt me inside
My heart ripped out
My soul cried out

He heard and came
I sold it then
A deal was delt

I do not serve heaven now
My my my
Why serve when you
Can rule

No soul or heart needed
May 2016 · 706
You're Both
K603 May 2016
You're you
And wow, I'm impressed
A child, 12
Immature and disobedient
Playful as a puppy,
With sharp teeth
A scream
Loud and obnoxious
To what I don't know

You're 24, a man
I see
Strong and hard
Elegant Wolf
Protector, leader
A sigh
Relief and longing
Clearing the fog

King to my Queen
I do not serve heaven
Feelings are caught and lost
Caught and lost
Found and discovered
May 2016 · 292
No sure what this is
K603 May 2016
Today I awoke

One day
You wake up
Winter has frozen over
Cold and white
Beautiful and untouched

The next it's all
Mud and rain
No sun
Keeps you down

Two three days go by
The sound of birds
Green grass
Budding trees

The weather here
It's killer
May 2016 · 343
Gravitys Hold
K603 May 2016
What planet did you rocket to
Because you left me on Earth.
I found this, I wrong it four years ago...
Oh the memories that it could be
Apr 2016 · 414
Say yes it won't count!
K603 Apr 2016
“Can I tell you a secret? You don’t have to be in a relationship.
I mean it. I know they force it down your throat until you choke on it. Girls aren’t pretty unless they’re wanted. Boys aren’t men unless they’re having *** with someone. People aren’t lovable until they’re dating someone.
But a relationship won’t always make you happy, and as wonderful as romance is, it isn’t the only love that exists. I have seen friendships that are deeper and more pure than couples who swear it’s forever - and yet the friendship is the one people ignore.
I have heard so often “nobody loves me” out of the mouths of people who are single. And it kills me because if you ask them: where are your parents, your teachers, your classmates, your pets - they say, yes, okay, but it doesn’t count. Of course it counts, love doesn’t diminish just because someone doesn’t want to have *** with you. In fact, doesn’t it sort of make that love more real that they want nothing - not even a date - out of you?
It is pretty to be in love. It’s magical, I’m sure. But it’s also wonderful to stop for ice cream in your prom dress with six other girls. It’s also wonderful to go visit the world with nothing but a bunch of buddies who are really excited about learning.
The problem is: we’ve made everything about “the one”. But maybe “the one” is just you, loving yourself, having fun, and being happy. Maybe instead of looking for our other halves, we should be piecing ourselves together.
Maybe I wasn’t born unfinished. Maybe I am the one who makes myself better.”
Single serving size // r.i.d (via inkskinned)
I got this off tumblr
Apr 2016 · 354
Wrong and Right
K603 Apr 2016
Don't be
With the wrong
Person for too long
The right one is waiting
But not for long
Apr 2016 · 409
Snow Melts
K603 Apr 2016
I am

Blonde and fair
Blue eyed and pale

Hair of golden sun
Skin of winter forever come

Heart of ice
Soul of snow

Cold as ice
With a warm
Welcoming smile

Draw you in
**** you in

Then I let you
**** me dry
Feelings betray you
Every time
Apr 2016 · 402
Come Burn the House
K603 Apr 2016
I miss

Who I was
Before you

Before us

Before I grew
Into this
Emotionless emotional
Human they say

I wan none of this
A black heart
A soul
That screams!

From within
I writhe and thrash
But I cannot

I need a light
A door or window
To crash threw

Someone open up
Let me in
I want to burn again

Not die
This black husk
Of what is left

Set me on fire
Let me burn

I want to go back
To us
To myself

But you,
Gone now
Seen me with others and
Well moved on

I'll wonder threw people
Trying to replace
I hope you come home someday
Apr 2016 · 553
Magnet Goddess
K603 Apr 2016
I wonder
How many lovers
Will I break
Glass ***** in my hands
I shatter them

But then there is you
My past
You've found new love
And as a friend,
I look on

At what was mine...
You were a cheat
And those never change

So hear I am
A goddess I claim many hearts
I feel the glass
Beneath my feet
Them I walk upon

Oh darling I'm a magnet
They come to me
And I still watch
How do I move on! The frustration is too much
Apr 2016 · 496
Amant d'adieu
K603 Apr 2016
I was never yours to keep darling,
And yet you're surprised
That I've left

You showed me the door,
Oh and it's unlocked
I'll take this one then.
You don't go 24 hours without talking to the one you care about love, you showed me the door.
Goodbyes shouldn't be easy
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Different Meanings
K603 Apr 2016
I am
A jigsaw puzzle
Taken apart piece by piece
Put away and shaken
In the dark
I was fun once
Until I got old and you knew
All my ins and outs
Now I'm back
I'm my box
Never to be
Middle of the day write!
What does this mean to you, leave me a comment!
Apr 2016 · 356
Seasoned Hopes
K603 Apr 2016
I hope you remember the warmth of the sun, but also the bitter cold winter.
It is what it is, interpret how you want.
Apr 2016 · 374
Jump the Roof
K603 Apr 2016
I just ****
Right off a roof
Into the ground
Nothing now, a dirt mound
Encased in wood
Burned for good
But ashes
In a box that latches
Oh the dreary days ahead
Apr 2016 · 473
Light at the End
K603 Apr 2016
It's been dark
So dark in the tunnel
For a long time
I'm not sure I'd recognize
A door, window or the sun
If I ever saw one again.
Apr 2016 · 597
Sunny Days
K603 Apr 2016
Cold and dark
Sunny and bright
I feel no rays of sunshine
It hurts
Ha one thing after another I love it
Mar 2016 · 599
Shake You
K603 Mar 2016
I don't wanna see you
But I'm wondering where you are
   -Gloriana "can't shake you"
Song lyric
Mar 2016 · 1.0k
Cheek bones and Hearts
K603 Mar 2016
Cheek bones
High and sharp
Press against your heart
Hold her close
She could slice you
Take your heart
She never draws
First blood
Work in progress
Mar 2016 · 418
Addictions are Bad
K603 Mar 2016
I'm addicted
To being along,
Tired of being Alone
But I have you...


At least it only feels like

I'm second again
I knew it
Lust not Love
Mar 2016 · 310
Promise Me Lies
K603 Mar 2016
Say you, give me the world
The moon and the stars
A galaxy of wonders
Mar 2016 · 792
K603 Mar 2016
Even in the shallows of the ocean
There is depth
I hope you can
I hope we can swim
Mar 2016 · 594
Letters to space
K603 Mar 2016
now I send letters into space
Hoping that some mailman somewhere will track you down
And recognise you from the descriptions in my poems
That he will place the stack of them in your hands and tell you,
There is a girl who still writes you, she doesn't know how not to
     -Sarah Kay
I love this women
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