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Poet X Jun 2019
with each lonely night
I could feel the
cold of nothingness
ease its way into my bones .
and to be honest,
I don't think I have any strength left
to fight it ;
I don't think I want to .
Poet X Dec 2019
on the days you forget how to exist
i'll remind you ,
i'll take you to beach
and kiss you under the stars,
i'll read you all my poetry-
even the ones I don't show anyone.

on the days you don't feel loved
ill take you to movies
show you a rom com and every time
someone says something corny ill kiss you
and read you all the love poems made by my hand.

on the days you need me,
ill be here waiting
despite that your not mine
and I am irrevocably
you're not mine, not yet.
Poet X Nov 2019
I mean
I suppose love is a disease.

there are the symptoms,
the racing heart
constant thoughts,
and if your a writer
countless poems dedicated to them
or your love.

I suppose love is a disease
but if its you,
its not one I would mine
Poet X Jul 2019
and I took you out of my life
like a scab picked too soon ,
something once meant to heal me

made me bleed all over again .
Poet X Sep 2019
would the sun
still shine the same,
if it’s own tomorrow
was never promised?
Poet X Jun 2019
i used to think it was a pathetic thing,
to be scared of dying .
then the universe gave me you
and i never wished to be more alive .
thank you, universe
Poet X Jan 2020
i suppose its not much of a secret anymore,
that im in love with you.

so let me tell the whole world
let me tell them
i would steal the stars
and wreck the universe
to see you smile .

let me tell them
that my heart is yours
and if you asked
i'd give you my soul too.
Poet X Jul 2019
you asked me why
I never sleep .

what I didn't tell you,
was that it was the only time
the voices weren't awake too .
Poet X Dec 2019
I've  never believed in love,
or true love or
just platonic love
I just don't see the point
I mean I don't know
what is this feeling  I look at you
and I see everything
I look at you and I can't ever see myself pulling away
but your not the most beautiful human I've ever laid my eyes on,
I can't even argue that your only beautiful on the inside. nevertheless
I think I've begun to do the thing all the books say happen-
what all poems root from  
I've begun
to fall
for you.
Poet X Sep 2019
my existence makes sense

all I want is to exist forever

and somedays
I can't help but wish to never have existed at all .
I don't want to exist today.
Poet X Oct 2019
all these poems I write
start with I,
I swear I’m not self centered
but they say write what you know.
So in a desperate attempt
to learn this soul of mine
All I write about
is me.
And you,
Yes, I write about you.
I write about the beauty of you.
Of how I would love to leave fingerprints on your heart and caress your soul .
I mean if you would allow me
To love you
Poet X Jul 2019
I know my insignificant soul
and these poems
that are my lifeline
will melt into oblivion

but it just makes life so much easier
so much more

so much more

living . .
Poet X Mar 2020
I tried to put into words
All the hurt I felt
When you left me
And for once
I was left speechless
And I could not write or read or eat but

. . I still cannot put into words all the hurt I’ve felt
since you’ve left me
Poet X Sep 2019
but dear,
if we humans were only ever meant to be beautiful

we wouldn't have been born in
the dirt .
you don't need to change .
Poet X Aug 2019
the sky is crying so hard
these tears feel like bullets
and sound just the same .

i have to ask
who is she trying to **** ?

if its humanity
i admit,
i do not blame her .
tears or bullets?
I dont see a difference.
Poet X May 2019
I have
The temporary
My body yearns for,
While the Sun
Cheats on the sky
With the other half of
My Earth.

The Moon,
Has a coaxing face.
I don’t know why,
No one
Has not yet wrecked the Universe
And turned over ever Star
In search to find the perfect metaphors
To write a poem about it.

~ the girl forsaking temporary death .
Poet X May 2020
what if the butterfly never flapped its wings?
for fear of creating a tsunami,
i say **** the tsunami
flap your wings,
tsunamis will always be tsunamis and
a butterfly was made
to fly.
be who you want to be, **** the consequences.
Poet X Jul 2019
falling in love with a fictional character
is the most honest love there is .
you don't fall in love with faces,
or a body or what they possess.

you fall in love with a heart,
you fall in love
with a soul .
even if its not real .
Poet X Oct 2019
if you have ever had a panic attack,
the gasping
racing heart
tingling limbs
and crashing mind,
then surely
you know what it is to die.
pretty ****, I know.
Poet X Jun 2019
despite my parents beliefs,
I have always considered myself
a believer of everything .

with an endless universe,
surely there are endless possibilities .

but I knew there was a god
the first time
you smiled in my direction;
because how could humans create anything
of such beauty .
Poet X Jun 2019
these bones of mine
have been
feeling hollow.

like just mere weight
than guardian
of soul.

my depression..
has eaten them too.
Poet X May 2019
I fell asleep
In front of my window
Talking with the moon.

This late, he is the only one
Who listens.

I woke up
In front of my window
The sun was kissing my face,

It seemed wrong
To always want both of them,
They would always be there.

~ the girl who feels guilty for wanting them both
Poet X Jun 2019
i need to
or these words
like my # of sins

bury me.
Poet X Nov 2019
I was born from the void
there it was peaceful
everlastingly infinite.
there existed everything and nothing
I was born from the void,
****** into this disgusting world
and ever since then
I have felt an ache too return
it trembles and harbors my bones
its living as alive as they call me
and ever since I was born from
the void
I have felt this ache to return and
Return, I will.
Return, I shall.
Poet X Dec 2019
It’s hard, being in love with you
Being constantly reminded
You’ll never want me

It’s hard
That I see you
As the most perfect human being
That I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

It’s hard that I want to kiss you
Every time you open up your mouth to speak.
I want to make love to you
Give you all the pleasures my flesh can give.

It’s hard especially
Being in love with you
You’ll never want me .
Poet X Jun 2019
when even the stars
get tired of shining
and the wind
can't keep on moving,
when our models
and oceans begin to
be on the same diet,
and mother nature puts us
up for adoption,
when Earth itself..
becomes a mere place
and no longer a home..
that is when I will go.
when there is nothing beautiful left in this disgusting world,
I will go. . .

~ the girl who wishes for a better home
title by Robert frost
Poet X Jul 2019
i imagine the only time
these fingertips have nothing left to say,
is when a heartbeat no longer carries them .

not even then .
Poet X Aug 2019
i just don't think there is any metaphor,
i don't think i can censor or hide this

i don't want to die,
i just wish i never existed in the first place.
that's all .
Poet X Dec 2019
I’ve tried to deny it forever
I didn’t want to believe that I could fall
that I could feel love
towards anyone or anything
but I’ve done it this time,
I’ve fallen for the one person I shouldn’t have.
My heart has been beating again
This time with a purpose.
It’s purpose,
To bleed
To beat
For you.
Poet X May 2019
Your silence
was everything
I needed you to say .
Poet X Jul 2021
if im being honest,
i thought falling in love was something that would fade
but my love for you has never failed or wavered
in fact, ive only grown more in love with you
Poet X Sep 2021
i suppose its inevitable
that even you
of all people

would let me down too
so much for forever huh
Poet X Oct 2021
you’re the only one
who’s poured salt on my wounds
dug the blade in deeper
and dared to call it healing me
the audacity
Poet X Nov 2019
if we are all the author to our own books..

why the **** can't I edit mine ?
Poet X May 2021
stop ******
you know what your doing
when you call me late at night
and talk me to sleep
when you smile and make me laugh and
show me that ****** face
stop it
you know what your doing
and i don’t want to give in
i don’t want to fall for you
God, i don’t want to fall for you
don’t make me fall for you.
Poet X May 2021
you are the kind of boy
i could have adventures with
the kind i could have car sing alongs under the stars
and go on spontanoes road trips with
you are the kind of boy i never seem to run out of words for when writing
the kind i sing songs about
the kind my heart skips beats thinking about
i don't want to fall for you
really, i don't want to fall for you
but you're making it so ****** hard.
Poet X Jun 2021
you do not deserve
to be written about
Poet X Oct 2021
i read a book once
of a girl who could create worlds
and a boy who lived to travel them
could i be that girl?
can you be that boy,
will you break this world with me
to create a new one?
Poet X Jun 2019
even today
I can't tell if the ocean
is raging war
on the shore,

or  every wave
is a desperate attempt
to get back to his lover.
~ the girl watching some kind of battle
Poet X Jan 2020
its strange,
that only by the tears of the sky
that the Earth is satisfied .
Poet X Aug 2019
its always been a wonder to me,
what keeps everyone waking up every morning ?

what gets you out of bed?

what can be so strong
that overcomes the want to not exist .

or is it just me ?
Poet X Jun 2019
i was so naïve as to think,
i would grow old
with my high school sweet heart
and grandchildren .

i have accepted,
in this day and age..
I may
not live long.

i just pray,
my parents
don't have to mourn
their daughter.
~ the girl who may just die tomorrow
Poet X Nov 2019
I sit at the edge of my window
In this broken home with broken people
With my ink and this tear-stained notebook
Full to the brim with fragments of a dying girl.

I create a universe in which my happiness
is not as nonexistent as the cure to cancer
I will write a different life into existence,

One where this flesh doesn't feel like a prison
and my own soul doesn’t feel like a forgotten memory;
A ghost of something that was,
That probably still could be.

and in that life,
I shall exist forever
away from you
and them
out of this body
out of this world.
Poet X May 2021
in attempt to immortalize you
i spoke to stars of you
to the sun and the moon
told them of all your glory and
they told the trees who told the birds who spoke to the fish of all oceans
i wrote your name into my soul as though it was my own
i spoke to the whales of you
of all your beauty
of your smile,
which challenges even the seas with it's depth.  
in an attempt to immortalize you
i carved your name into stone
and said a prayer to the gods of old and young

in a attempt to immortalize you
i succeeded
so you may live on
long after
humanity joins the dust
you said you never wanted to die

— The End —