I hear the music, your voice, and your heart
I know i'm safe even when we're apart
I love every smile, every kiss, every touch
You make me into something I could only dream of being
Some kind of dazzling creature
But it's deceiving
I fear you have fooled yourself along with me
Hoping for something that cannot yet be
And I blindly fall for it
I hope and I pray there there is a way
To strip my dreams of their fictional title
I am so afraid to overstep you
To scare you away, to ultimately lose
I’ve never known anything quite this good
I don’t want it to end, though it could
And suddenly one day i’m no longer dazzling
I'm simply plain and weak and blind
I’m afraid, and I don't know what to do
I’ve never had anyone like me so long
Though my invincibility will soon be gone
I panic and stumble and try really hard
But you're getting farther and farther away
I miss your kisses, and all of your love
I miss being special and something worth love
I feel so broke now
So unsure and afraid
I don't know what I did to ruin it all
Old poem