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364 · Jun 2017
Womb Tied
Eleni Jun 2017
In the warm dark depths of you
I listen; my breath creates an echo
deafeningly silent.

I have lounged in here for so long
A lifetime of twilight
Yet secure I am.

Kicking               away
I explore my universe
Your voice creating a vibration across my feet.

Planting my foot into my mouth
Sprinkling the seeds of awakening into my heart; my legs are growing in breadth. Flesh is forming in my chest.

A harsh white light pierces my chamber.

Struggling, I cry to get out.
I lean towards an opening-
Something cradles me, the feeling uncomfortable.

I squeeze through!
Leaving my galaxy forever.
354 · Jun 2017
Eleni Jun 2017
Those burnt thoughts,
Contaminated, contorted by autumn's linger-
As we repent our sins
My heart is pierced by your stinger
The tulips rising towards the incandescent sun
Have flourished and bloomed, nature has won.

Or perhaps it always has? I surrender under the grape vine
The sweet taste of your lips polluting mine.
The grass an emerald ocean, dew gleaming like jewels
Yet the world runs on this endless, melancholic fuel.

I am sinking into the Earth,
Your hands following the curvature of my spine
Needless worry, spring has arrived on time.
She brings clarity, forgiveness back into the soul
The birth of the Dead, replenishing the

Trapped in retrograde, I live the illusion- that we were frozen by Time's confusion.
But all is warm, our feet moulded into the ground. They create roots, foundations, we are bound.

The scorpion's hiss marks my devotion
Quietly, inside, I hide my emotion.

You melt away into the vast darkness...

Then I wake. Covered in snow, white as snow.
340 · Jul 2019
Kissing Flowers
Eleni Jul 2019
The bee was forbidden from kissing flowers.

Out of the hive, she found her free will. Though
her wings fluttered under heavy turbulence.

Amazed, by the liberty that flowers held in petals, all around
She began to work on arousing subjects, in the playground.

Irises, roses, fuchsias and sunflowers.
Purple, red, pink and yellow- for endless hours.

Her mouth met many lips, sensing negative charges
She finally understood that natural energy was harmless.

Satiated, by her existential discoveries in The Garden
She returned to the tall trees to receive her pardon.

But along the path home she was surrounded.
The colours melted and mixed into grey and brown.

Unable to control the velocity to self-discovery,
Wary droplets of perfume sprayed in cries.
It was then she found her guise,
Judged by those who told lies,
Reached into her abdomen and prised,
No fail-safe to catch her from the skies.
334 · Aug 2017
Ocean Eyes
Eleni Aug 2017
In the eyes of the ocean,
What do you see?
I find myself somehow lost in you
Yet I smile at thee.

Deep Aphrodite caverns
For you and I to rest
And whilst our bodies sink
My hand is stitched to your breast.

Oh, how I could soak in these seas
For an eternity, if not after death.
But woe betide if you drown
And I shall no longer taste that salty breath.

For now the moon shall glow over your silky waves
And light shall dwell in those sunken caves.

Then let me swim one more time in those eyes of yours:
That open in the dark like Heaven's doors.
329 · Oct 2018
Eleni Oct 2018
A constant, distant cymbal.
A second, after the next each nimble
strand of wind catches amongst the chimes.

The women here sway at their troubles.
Needless to say, their pleasure doubles

with a glimpse of their dewed canvas.
Never vulnerable and never anxious.

The melanin glows from miles away:
Even seen now and again from the Wasteland.

A Valinor for deities and Gods;
To sip on the finest grapes, feast on the manna of the apotheosis.

A thousand glimmering rays, kissing the ringlets of green, meandering slowly around the Sun.

In these oriental Lands
I fall in love again after the many cold winters I have spent alone-

Crashing with the icy waves and glacial monsoons.
The maple and fragrant cedar
Fills my visions with a perdurable perfume.
325 · Apr 2018
Eleni Apr 2018
I am imperfect.
I often take the route
Flooded with rivers and rocks
Jumping from bridge to bridge
Raft to raft, without fully thinking.

I try to immerse myself;
Like each fish and clam,
Surround myself with a layer of thick
security, failing to see it is transparent.

If I can be hunted and seen,
You would no longer see my superficial skin. I would be
bones, meat and dust. Dust from those stars, which burst
their supernova glitter.

And even in the darkest of nights
You will see a skeletal heart, tainted eyes or a
frowning mouth. The rain falls in the forest of my mind,
and as slick as I am,        I slip
trip up on my yellow brick road.

My thoughts are not my own, when I say
things that hurt you and myself.
With my oar I paddle to lands uncharted;
treacherous, dangerous places which must be left in peace.

Tracing the roots of my nerves and the chasms of my brain-
I trespass the battle within.
325 · Jun 2018
Eleni Jun 2018
Beyond this world
There lies a world where, you, wander-

Though you have no visage, or voice
Your warmth and waves still caress my soul.

When I lay, enveloped in the darkness
You shine a ward: because you are not heartless.

When I cry, awakening the hellish storms
You are the bucket for my floods; life reforms.

But you are not bound by life- you no longer sense gravity.
You see me through a stained glass of concavity.

Like shadows that follow and linger, only in the presence of light-
You are present and comfort me from my deepest fright.

An entity that floats in a silent, tranquil rift
You have given me strength and courage as a gift.

So whenever I long for you-
You will come to visit.
Sit down and tell me your story...
...My parallel spirit.
324 · Jun 2017
Blues & Wine
Eleni Jun 2017
In the dusky primitive kitchen,
I sat beside the old window.
Mourning, quavering, under the cooling moonlight and savouring the river of Wine singing,
'I've been mistreated, don't mind dying.'

And for a moment
It felt like a spectre was emerging
From that scarlet pool
Which glistened navy in the night.

The flimsy shadow, laden with gray,
Like the smoke that spews from the chimneys, whistled.
Then I saw that it was me, but a lost
Soul that had succumbed to the debris.

The vinyl player whined:
'People tell me walkin' blues ain't bad'
But there was nothing I could do but be sad and lament the love we had.

I looked into the mirror of Life
And saw fire blistering, where peace should be.
Horns growing, where flowers should
The storm that was brewing benighted me.

If I had hanged on...
If I had stayed strong-
Perhaps you would be here singing with me
Instead of our hearts throbbing with

So our boats must beat on
Sail away with the wind; against the Deep Blue
Our paths crossed and now no longer belong to the quixotic future we were enfettered to.

'People tell me the old walkin' blues ain't bad'
But I was just a ghost, in a dusky, primitive kitchen,
Sitting against the shut window, mad;
'Well it's the worst old feeling Lord-
I most ever had.'
323 · Jun 2017
Love Avenue
Eleni Jun 2017

What is it people do-
When they go strolling down Love Avenue
Or rather they walk past it, through it,
But are frightened to open the iron gates of truth.

Pale warriors and knights
Become shrouded in their blight
When they hang their desires on the gallows
and leave the flies to feast on juicy sorrows.

And will Chloris have sympathy
For her fallen divines?
Nay, her lips breathe spring roses;
But her pallid soul lies in the abyssmal pit.

There is no turning back
There is no eternal sap
You can drink from, only a Santorium
That will not prepare your spirit for Elysium.
Chloris was a nymph in Greek mythology known for her association with new growth, spring but also destructive nature. It was only after she was abducted and married to Zephyrus that she became the deity known as 'Flora'.
She was also responsible for transforming Narcissus, Crocus and Hyancinthus into flowers. Odysseus, a hero of the Trojan war has been said to have seen Chloris on his journey to the underworld Hades.

Thus I have used her a metaphor for the dismissal and longevity of love.
323 · Jun 2017
Eleni Jun 2017
Your life knows no answer
When you spend your nights
By the sea- beaming your woes to the
Sympathetic waves of reality.

You try to ponder on the future
That was securely balanced on the
Wings of a fallen Angel. But her feathers have shedded black and she
Lives in an obsidian fable.

Do you remember? Under the November Luna which lit an ambience on those reckless lips;
Which still had the repelling aroma of beer and strong spirits.

But just for now- let's meld- become one with the Night Deity, banquet our fates and lost hopes on the false promises of our doomed reveries.

I'll gift you the white feather, the silver and striped pelts of your savagery. I'll pleasure you by saying nothing...

...but you can work out the rest. The demise of your damsels in distress.

So after you have finished feasting on the succulent hearts of your romantic, haughty slaves- you are no longer welcome to the tribe of the brave.

It is not a sin, nor a taint of reputation;
Oh, it is an act of naivity and damnation. I submit, I'll be your green-eyed monster.
But I cannot succumb to resent forever.

So my life knows no answer
But atleast I will thrive through the thick, smog of your lies and fallacious treasures.
Go back to your rakish zoo, your spirits, your hallucinations:
Sink back into your vast carelessness.

But as for me, I will be born back into the sanguine wilderness

And lurk in the umbra.
321 · Feb 2019
Eleni Feb 2019
My sins are scarlet-
they shall not be as white as snow.
I have bathed in them so long, my skin hath stained.

Unlike the cherry blossom,
My chest is full of seeds, which have thus not sprouted.

My mishaps are red as crimson- they shall be not be as pure and soft as wool.

I bear my shame with shackles and walk around aimlessly.
I fail to navigate through the smog- which I have created.
318 · Mar 2019
Forlorn Rock
Eleni Mar 2019
I would sit
Upon the tall rock
And listen to the gentle hum of the wind.

And for a moment-
I was sinking into myself.
Discovering foreign parts.

I felt alien to the skin I was encased in.
And yet this exoskeleton,
Was protecting me from joy.

My watery eyes gazed to a faraway land
Where my future lay, dormant.

Lifeless creeks and silence among the fauna,
As I looked into the forsaken reflection of the river.

I felt loneliness like the cold
And every fine hair stood up;
Still and frozen.
309 · Feb 2019
Eleni Feb 2019
Tell me-
What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

Living life with green eyes,
Sleepless nights and blatant lies.

What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

They are always quick to judge
When you want peace they will hold a grudge.

What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

You treated them so well
But they have no kindness to swell.

What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

Child, they will come and go
But use this opportunity to grow.

What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

Pick your fruit with wisdom
Don't let them ruin your rhythm.

What good are they to you
If they can't understand your truth?

Wake up!
307 · Jun 2017
Walking: Numb in November
Eleni Jun 2017
Oh, what melancholy
Can describe these cloudy climes
Which the Earth paints an epiphany of folly: revealing your twisted crimes.

I once thought truth was true
Feeling the zest of our embrace
The verdure of our love ceased to be-
No longer grew.

I'm walking down a path of autumn's
Bombardment; broken branches, tossed away dreams.
The cooling gust makes my lips numb. The chill comes from you it seems.

By the brook, there is a whisper wandering, wailing:
'Fear not, the future is near'
But how can I penetrate the smog settling on my blind eyes?
It remains unclear.

I can never win- therefore I cannot love.
I have fallen so low from the clouds above.
I alone, in my selfishness, can please
And my discardment, shall to You, be the white dove.
303 · Jan 2019
How Will I Know?
Eleni Jan 2019
How will I know-
When I am in love?
Do my tears fall with Icarus,
into the dark depths of the Ocean?

How will I know-
When I have done wrong?
Will I look into the mirror
and see fire searing my skin?

How will I know-
the truth of it all?
When will I be able to understand myself
without the mirages of my mind?

How will I know-
how to decipher my emotions?
Will they be forever trapped
in the matrix of my body?
296 · Oct 2019
Gas Mask
Eleni Oct 2019
You are my single lifeline
The mask I wear to confine.

With a plastic shield- I am out of my senses.
Frivolous safety, with endless expenses.

Coughing green and blue ice
Why do I seek life on Neptune?
Far from warmth and invisble to naked eyes
Rings of glass dull the distant cries.
294 · Mar 2019
My Love Doth Weep
Eleni Mar 2019
My love doth weep,
When it stretches across the oceans
Fatigues and swims too deep,
And falls to steep hatred.

My love doth weep,
When she realises that only
One half of the heart is complete
And the sweet fruits have fallen.

My love doth weep,
Somewhere in the Sahel
Water is scarce for moving on,
And all the oases have dried and gone.
294 · Sep 2018
Eleni Sep 2018
What can I do?
When I am so smitten for thee-
That the icicles of my past, melt in just
a stare of thine starry eyes.

There is a chasm between Me
and Thouest, which lies a fire so warm,
And bright, it does at once light
the darkest of nights and desires.

What I would give-
to feel thine enamoured heat...
Caressing the knots and scars across my body.
Your kiss is comparable to the smokiest oud and fresh tobacco-
lighting our pyres.

Alas, it is impossible to rhyme in your presence!
I stutter at the fluttering of your individual hairs
standing up to greet
the deity you love most deep.

This vessel is the human alchemy for thee:
The everlasting sycamore cooling beside the sea.
290 · Jun 2017
Bloodied Hands
Eleni Jun 2017
Words hurt no matter how small.
Words hurt and hath their power to enthrall.

And I've been hurt
By your malevolent call.

Like the impossible love of Venus and Mars and as time progresses- the death of old stars.

You thought I would never miss you-
But I see your red hair as a burning visage in my mind.

I see your face as a hallow, sacred artifact and your lips as gentle as Hyancith's.

But that discus that Apollo threw
Has struck my heart and the blood hath spewed-

all over my hands.

So I sit like a hag, aged by heartbreak
Mourning like a widow- a black widow, that will **** her joys for a selfish sake.

Words do hurt no matter how small
Words hurt and hath their power to cause downfall.
1 'Hyancith's..discus that Apollo threw' refers to the death of Hyancinthus, a young beautiful divine who was in love with Apollo. Apollo and Hyancith were playing with a discus and Apollo accidently threw it and it unfortunately killed Hyancithus.

2 'the blood hath spewed- all over my hands' inspired by Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' when Lady Macbeth sees imaginary blood on her hands that she can not wash off. A sense of guilt.
289 · Apr 2019
Eleni Apr 2019
I was painted to be-
A majestic lioness
With a hungry heart
And beauty resembling art.

I was drawn to be-
A muscular manifestation
Of swift and stable poise
A roaring constant noise.

But I am no prototype for prejudice
This lion, is loyal to herself
And belongs to the savanna,
The rich mud in the Ghana.

I do not care for gold
Or for my pompous title
I shall not use my claws
For such a petty cause.
284 · Mar 2018
Eleni Mar 2018
We are like obsidian-
We burst from the heated, molten caves
then cool quickly. Back to our blackened graves.

Look within and you will find no crystal waves.
Hard and brittle, glassy and smokey.
Crepuscular hunger and fallen knaves.

Dark eyes that just stare and stare.
Words that carve their ways through flesh.
Opaque glass, that we cannot see through, or bare.
272 · Sep 2019
Behind A Closed Door
Eleni Sep 2019
Through the glass
And in the ringlet of
Sunlight He stood in,
There was tranquility.

To be tranquil
At one's own sorrows
Taxes and tenders
The flesh of living.

As notes and chords
Ascended into
The smokescreen
Of his honesty,

I somehow felt
Soothed and scared
Behind a closed door.
Emotionally longing for more.
272 · Oct 2019
Velvet Doors
Eleni Oct 2019
So much can be read
from those graphite and inky
Furs which sweep
across the Velvet Doors.

Three hundred and sixty
perspectives of light
Enamoured by dying
crystals in the night.
271 · Jan 2021
Sacred Knowledge
Eleni Jan 2021
She licked her lips, incomprehensibly
A feverish dew, luminous beads
A mutual alacrity, unspoken melody-
That guides me to search deeper.

Magnetism without polarity
No witness to confess undue crimes
Healers unaware of their divine power-
Now we caress in our velvet hour.

Shackles and chains extinct from our desires
The birdsong and Sun continue their loops;
lacing together under luscious clefs
of bassy tones, arpeggiating.

The second is nigh that my senses explode
I am not frightened by this pensive moment
Let me drink from the chalice, Priestess
And absorb the sacred knowledge.
255 · Dec 2018
Eleni Dec 2018
I know nothing-
And if thou'st had knowledge,
It would be trapped in the nebula of Madness.

I could write words
that have meanings in seldom realms-
And would still be shipped to the landfills.

The accumulation of words
Hath led me to this wasteland
of sorrow and murky sunrises.

Facts hath turned my life inside-out:
Exposing the shortcomings and promises
And the aching eyes, losses.

If I could penetrate this inky cloud-
it would be of no use.
The war inside will prevail, no truce.

So I sit and wonder;
My constructed knowledge-
a mere fragment of haulage.
251 · Apr 2019
Eleni Apr 2019
Time for growth.
Time to grow beyond what is known.

Time for healing.
Time to heal my jarred and jaded mind.

Time for nourishment.
Time to nourish myself with sacred rice and holy water.

For there will come a time
When little time is left.
And my time could be eaten
by the Gods or a greedy fool.

And with time
My arms will grow
like Shiva's flow
of four cardinal points.

And when time passes
I will not care of mistakes
we all make. Time will
drown our guilt.
249 · May 2019
Someone Other Than Myself
Eleni May 2019
It drains me
to drain myself
And train my body
to be someone else.

Smiling through
watery eyes
Concealing hues
with cosmetic lies.

It chains me
to chain myself
And pains my body
because I am not myself.

Laughing at
my successful mistakes
Sexing away
the heavy stakes.

It strains me
to strain myself
And search for my body
within myself.
248 · Jun 2019
Monologue 01
Eleni Jun 2019
I would do nothing
Nothing, without you.

Yes! You, in my reflection
Know that you have infinite worth.
You are worthy.
If you cannot feel it today
Do not be scared.
It will come another day.
When the sun rises
And your aspirations are out of reach
Know that the glow of
The Entity will show
In the deepest tunnels.

And if you have no aspirations?
Child, do not abuse the vessel
That seeks to thrive. Danger
Will come if you wrestle with thyself.
Take some time, eat some hours.
Time is not against you. She is
The current to your growth.
The reciprocal parasite under oath.

So, I will do nothing without you.
Without you, there is nothing.

It is these hands that touch.
It is these eyes that see.
It is this body which carries
The incandescent hope.
243 · Feb 2019
I Can't Move Mountains
Eleni Feb 2019
I can't move you.
I can't move mountains,
or the sea.

I can't be there for you.
I can't feel your warmth
next to me.

Since you left, my dear
The days have been cold
And all the leaves are gold.

When you left me
I saw grey skies in the summer
All rain and thunder.

But I must move on
The pain must be gone
Before the pain becomes me.

So, I can't move you
I can't move mountains
or the sea.

Said, I can't love you
I can't hold you-
even when I want you-
my baby.

But if you need someone to understand
If you need a helping hand-
I can be there- if you only needed me.

You don't need to move mountains
You don't need to move the sea-
or me.
229 · Jun 2019
Invisible Winds
Eleni Jun 2019
The storms and cyclones
Are building, breaching
the defences of Her ambience.

Quietly, they come
Through the begrimed and black
Looting the ears of the lost.

What direction? When there is no compass.
No straight lines. Just circles.
Cycles and cyclones.

Caught up in the invisible winds
Swept away like debris.
What they called home is now Hell.
207 · Jul 2019
Eleni Jul 2019
And we slowly sink into this marbled universe
Touched and towed by many asteroids.

We are the dust and gas from those nebulas.
We are the blue, green and purple travellers.

Who knows whether we become stars
Or melt into the crawling and smothering mud:

which cleanses life to begin renewal.
195 · Nov 2019
Monologue 05
Eleni Nov 2019
We all find in those moments
Where we feel a fraction of our being-
Intense despair for something we
Had yesterday or lack
In our celestial thoughts of

If our thoughts in these times of sadness
Were mapped out in the universe
There would be implosions
And constellations crashing against
The harmony of our galaxy:
The system we seek to control.

But to control it is to misunderstand
The mysteries and inconveniences
That give us awareness of
Habits we should leave
People we should farewell
And wounds that must seal.
191 · Oct 2019
Monologue 03
Eleni Oct 2019
I shy away
in clouds of self-reflection
that cast shadows over
human nature's clarity.

Reversing a cocoon
my fragile organs, exposed- hang
To display their veiny
functions and dysfunctions.

Transfixed on a cellular level
I am complicated. I am mechanical.
Repeat routines and manage my capital.
Resistance faces dreams that are radical.

Auto-immune to my own feelings
or thoughts- I reject myself.
And neglect the wonder of
just being alive.
184 · Nov 2019
Monologue 04
Eleni Nov 2019
Pain consumes me.
And I consume my pain
in thousands of junk joules
eating away my body like greedy ghouls.

That kind of sadness
Makes smiles ugly-
to pinch my thighs and waist
and loath the corpse which I traced.

Life became granulated and refined.
Too artificial and too confined.
I saw my muscles melting- undefined.
Now there is little will left to be kind.
I was inclined to push you behind-
Keep you out of my mind.
Stop being blind to your decline.

In dark hours I awake.
I should pace my steps before I break.
Nothing would ever soothe this bellyache.
This deathbed shall be one I make-
From these hands that shake.
And this dirge will quake
the lies I tried hide, behind the snake.
To those out there who are insecure about their body and experienced disordered eating, I send my love to you. It is not the easiest thing to talk about, let alone write about.

Sometimes our monologues are not pretty or full with gentle imagery. Expressing my truth through poetry has helped me reflect on these dark episodes of my life.
176 · Dec 2020
Eleni Dec 2020
Heed this breath.
I want nothing more than your death,
in my mind of endless breadth-
lies no room for interchangeable personas.

Each like a mask, revealing and concealing
Expression and depression of character.
The clarity of ambiguity is rather healing
my past lassitude. My endearing solitude.

The view from up here is grandiose.
Pertaining not to a certain indulgence;
The ores of my throne are ones of perseverance,
of bruised rock polished to lighten my eyes.

Daring to extinguish flames of grace and womanity-
you are a fool.
An image of a cracked woman needs no validation
from the male gaze.
Prepare her horse for the highway of damnation.
The fear of female strength and desire.
173 · Oct 2019
Eleni Oct 2019
My lover's lips are tender.
Tendered by the reed from
Which he sings a thousand
Waves and transcends to a
Dimension, which my eyes
Cannot roam without
Confusion or awe.

For the ways in which
He captivates the
Crowds of souls
Who ponder the extent
Of human excellence
Is through the mystic
Vessel of shining brass.

When his blue eyes wax,
Like glassy moons
Reflecting on cool waters
I pause. And breathe.
And float. And smile.
Uncontrollably- full
of warmth.

And even if I was
Letting heat condense
Making my angst
Obvious to he who
Instigates the malevolent
Creature within;
I am immediately at peace-

Not with myself. But
With the thought of
His love, for his craft.
Each and every
Whisper and growl
Is a hue of his
Kindred spirit.
This poem is dedicated to one of my biggest inspirations, Pat Parker.
169 · Aug 2019
Monologue 02
Eleni Aug 2019
As I sit here
I possess a seat
At a table
Many would
Be scared of.

To spend time
With thyself
Unphased by
Tenors of busy engines
Against humming
Birdsongs in a grove.

From here
Space feels infinite
Not to the touch
But to the sight
That wanders from green
To blue hues in daylight.

Happily disconnected
Yet connected to
The very essence of
My existence
Which troubles
The modern mind.
124 · Feb 2020
Eleni Feb 2020
Deep and black
But far from fright
Her waves smile at me.

Without speech
She murmurs softly
As if she has once felt pain.

Who am I to think
She has not confronted
Loneliness or change.

Though words cannot
Comprehend this ephemeral whisper
I see more in her darkness than in daylight.
A poem dedicated to the comforting, midnight waves during my trip to Malta.
104 · Aug 2020
Broken Marionette
Eleni Aug 2020
Some escape, I could pleasure-
For having grieved my obedient self;
A girl to be moulded to have a mind
As narrow as her waist and
Regret not having tasted the sweet fruits
Nature does grant by human rite.

In my weary hours of death
I find myself, petrified, through slow glass-
Shifting and shaking through cruelty.
Heaving and hurling through naivety.
The frozen image of terrified marionette
Who's stare pierces me with a frosty vignette.
103 · Nov 2020
Eleni Nov 2020
In the black of the window
neon and restless lights
continue from the evening
to early morning
Rapid fingers weaving
shapes in the air
which crawl on her skin-
as well as the neighbours shouting from below.

This feeling never seems to stop
a hundred cups of coffee
could not comprehend
The pounding of the chest,
tired and veiny eyes
Symbiotic with the wired mind;
the air is so thick with angst-
piercing the window is not
enough to escape this
virtual reality.
I huge thank you to all my followers and readers. I'm never concerned with the numbers but it brings me great joy to connect with like-minded people and share my art. Sending love and blessings your way, E. x
90 · Oct 2020
Eleni Oct 2020
Head on the ground.
Not much to see within
this hollowed body,
Swerving around
in the passage of a vacuous aorta.

One look of you-
and my stomach is upside down.
Loud retinas processing
a radioactive image of
heat and danger.

To this Hell, I am bound
if I continue speak and stare.
Hiding in silence is unnervingly peaceful;
until I touch one thread
of your reckless web-

and begin playing
a mind cassette
of the many times
I washed his feet with my hair.

Only to find that
the saviour was a fragrant sinner.
87 · Oct 2020
Eleni Oct 2020
What reassurance did you plant in my mind?
The Garden was not as green as my eyes did justice.

Each time I looked at you- I was astounded.
When our bodies were one- I was grounded.

I would have happily sunk then and there
And became a bejewelled ship wreckage;
Topaz and emerald jewels for poor ghouls,
The shape of us become fossilised;
To be discovered by adventuring romantics.
71 · Jul 2020
Custody of Love
Eleni Jul 2020
I could be wrong
to assume a nymph
lies sub rosa; her *******
Folding over the sharpness
of ribs, flesh waiting to
be kissed and ravished.

My stomach a
green enveloped almanac,
to the pursuits and ends
of truth. A truth that
comes from an unreliable
narrator seeking anguish.

But to punish himself
is to carve hollows
in my skull and chest
And feed my decrepit organs
with jealous ghouls
and conspiring goblins.

— The End —