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6.0k · May 2015
Megha Balooni May 2015
I saw her
I saw her smile
Focus out through the sparkle
Reflecting from her danglers
And the ones in the atmosphere.
Turquoise sequinned with beige
Crackers, all around her
Our first new year
Where she took me by
My hand, entangling fingers
Lacing, when she thought she'd
Lost me,skipping between
White walls and brown floors
Finding a way out
Through the maze.

Low hung ceiling lamps.

Dragging me back through my memory doors
Remains the same
White walls and brown floors
While I wait outside.

Inside you're having your chemo.

Inside my heart
Slithering through my mouth
I see her in between
Those flinging and swinging

Prayer flags, I recollect
Hanging them in the backyard
Of our home, you
Bargained them out
A flea market, before
That year's Diwali
You had inside of you
A life that would bless us
In three months.

A tangerine Georgette Saree
And rhyming with it,
Rani colored bangles
Sneaking up on the roof.

White walls, wooden floors
You lie quiet, unmoved.

A skyrocket ups in a distance
As I light you up in flames.

You'd always come back
Focusing, defocusing
My memories' pitaara
Sparkling, dangling
Skipping and lacing
Through all those crackers
Lighting me up
5.7k · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Come back
Its your boy's birthday today
They brought you boxed in a coffin day before
Was that the present he should've expected?
Laced with garlands
With a spread of the National Flag on top
I know its been your dream
To conquer unexplored lands
Its been your fantasy
To achieve heights beyond your reach
But what about your boy
He sleeps with the fighter plane clung to his heart
You need to finish that for him
I run my fingers over his carved name
As if your hands were still at work
Come back
Not for me, not for your parents
For him
Him, who talks to your photograph every night and morn
How do I explain to him
What exactly do I say
Its okay
He saw your body
He's been in shock
He cannot shake the image off
Of your cold hands and face
And why you wouldn't come out
He's died somewhere in his heart
Its not okay but its okay
I hope you understand
I'll try my best to meet you
Maybe in some other lifetime.
3.0k · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Tell me a story, she asked.
Inquisitive, just like her mother.
Open that door and that'll get you to your storyland. Behind which lie stories never heard and rarely told. And there is where you can weave magic with words and watch them come into reality.
She's been searching for that door ever since.
2.2k · May 2015
Megha Balooni May 2015
its not like i don’t have more clothes
or that its my favorite pair
it just fits me in a way
that i really would’ve supposed
life and people to fit me
when i were really small
and by small i mean my age, young
and now, at this age
i think my ego forbids me to
acknowledge much than i would want to
but the feelings remain the same
its what it wears that same
piece of clothing
again and again
because it knows my skin
each cell in my body
being aware of its existence
and it might have started feeling to me
like home, a place of familiarity
beyond belief
beyond the actual existence of one such place
and maybe that every vein
and every strand of my hair
and every drop of blood flowing through
is not prepared to let go of that
That that feels like home
One that might not even exist.
2.2k · Jan 2015
Pixie Dust.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Walking through the rainy streets.
Puddles filled with muddy waters
Waters that don't reflect anything but happiness
Setting out paper boats again
Dancing like no one watched
And frankly, we didn't even care
And the smokes and the mist
Galaxies formed somewhere here on Earth today.
2.0k · Feb 2015
Megha Balooni Feb 2015
I tried to walk
About in the woods
And dense evergreen forests
That are filled with monsoon
Which would've hit it moments back
And before the roots could actually seep it all in
The mangroves witness the shower again.

I tried to romanticize
Scribbling about the way he'd curl up
His fingers in my hair
Each strand longing for his affection
Longing this magnetic attraction
Between my hair and his stubble face.

I tried meeting people
Having interactions in my head
Portraits of people and learning
About their cultures and
Means of existence and more.

I tried to write
I tried to write impossibly
Of the things I'd never lived
Witnessing is an act,
Living is a dream.

I tried dreaming
I tried dreaming of all that could be
Could have been;
All the intricate fallacies
The make believes.

I was trying to write impossibly
Of the things I'd never lived
And then reality struck me.
1.9k · Jan 2015
SureShort #1
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Look me in the eyes, she said.
Tell me its over, she said.
The coldness in her voice and the longing in her eyes,
I couldn't differentiate between the mist of mistrust between us and that formed by the pouring rain.
A gunshot and there was silence between us again.
1.3k · Jan 2015
Out of Place
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
These eyes have seen more
Than what yours will take time to notice
These words don't stand for nothing
They have a meaning,
Hidden, though, you'll grasp that in a while, don't worry
The feet have walked just a bit more of a distance
than what you've walked,
You just started
And your age, its frivolous
Ofcourse you think you know too much
And most of what I say doesn't make sense
But my child, you'll be here one day
Feeling the air of existence
Hit you hard
A bit overwhelmed
And maybe,
A bit out of place.
1.2k · Apr 2015
Megha Balooni Apr 2015
There’s a beauty in the path that I followed
White carpet and lavender border
The uneven terrains that I skip and trotter on
A freshness engulfs the atmosphere
I could stay in bliss and a state of wonder
The dragonflies, flickering light
A constant urge to learn and explore
The hills have called me home.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
'We can't meet. We can't survive. It wouldn't happen ever, the chances of existability are bleak, too good to be true.'
His eyes wouldn't meet mine, fingers entwined, free, trying to pick up a pen, then putting it down, he was fidgeting.
'Give me one good reason why we shouldn't even try.' She was determined.
'Because we're like the train tracks, we run parallel, we understand each other, we're supportive of each other, we can't do without each other. True. All of that and more. But we just can't meet.'
Boy, did he put up a good fight. But she was raised a stubborn kid.
Deep breath.
'But you know, you see, if carefully, in perspective, the lines do meet, intersect. There's that one point. Happens. You just need to be standing at the right place with the right person and looking in the right way.'
A smirk and she knew she'd won.
1.1k · Feb 2015
Megha Balooni Feb 2015
Bloated memories of you
Tonight, you chase me into fireworks
Its not making sense
Any of it
Why would you caress me so deeply
And near the lake of our love
You dissolve
Fading away,
Ripple by ripple.

You chased me into fireworks
And the last smile that I saw
Took my breath away.
1.0k · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
we’re separated by miles theoretically
Our hearts, by a few yards until recently
i can hear you still, like last year
last year, when we were one soul
there was no separation
i tie my hair
untie them
and tie them once more
glance at the clock
the watches
the phone
i can still hear you in a distance
a few miles
a few miles
or maybe a few yards
i can hear the heart ticking
our pulses racing
racing away
from that one moment
one moment that lost us more
more of a you and a me
i type aggressively
not to match our beats anymore
heart beats
deep and heavy breaths
we were pretty sure of ourselves
deceiving a separation, measurable,
and finally its the distance
The distance
The distance
Some distance
the distance that got between you and me.
965 · Feb 2015
First Moment.
Megha Balooni Feb 2015
Its the first photograph in my mind, of you, when you stood out in a crowd of a thousand.
For me that moment is the first touch when your eyes met mine questioning why I wouldn't stop looking.
Its was the first time you cried on my shoulder and my heart wouldn't stop crying too.
For me it was the first time we stood ten feet apart and it still felt as close as a heartbeat to me.
Its the first love, you're going to be my first till my last.
923 · Apr 2015
Megha Balooni Apr 2015
Shards of words
A stack of blank papers now unstacked
A trail of coffee
Traced from the machine right next
To me, I love it black
And a quill
In an open bottle of ink
My thoughts spilled on it like oil
Shards of words
Refusing to dissolve or
Come together
I lie there cursing the night
the dawn to break
For in moonlight you appear all but a ghost.
913 · Jan 2015
A Piece.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
A piece of cake.
Hot melted chocolate syrup and a scoop of ice cream on the sides.

A piece of me.
I found that in people and connected with them over in different ways

A piece of memory.
It once haunted me to go back in time for I was afraid of opening doors I'd closed hard. Once I opened them again, it doesn't seem so bad now.

A piece of stuffed cheese pizza.
Do hell with a piece, I want the entire thing! Make it large please?

Pisces ♓
I kind of connect with these people. But its an explosive relation, if I get to be in one with a person from this sun sign. read: Ma

A piece of puzzle
I remember as a kid I used to be so careful to not even lose a single one else I'd throw the entire puzzle away.

A piece of paper
They used to make paper boats and birthday hats out of it together when young. Now these two brothers can't get enough fighting over it.
903 · Jan 2015
SureShort #2
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
And it all came back to me
The brokenness I felt at that time
Pain isn’t transient
It drops to the sea bed
Covered in shallow waters
My love, my heart
It is bound to come up sometimes
Some time
When the ripples arise again
And the time comes
It starts to hurt, again
And there’s always space for some more
But never do you get over it
Get away with it
Or get it out really
It might become still for a while
But it never goes away
Pain isn’t transient
It hides itself in water
Only to come back again.
869 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Slide your hand into mine
And press your nose against
My cheek
Flaming red
Blush? I don't think so
More like an adrenaline rush
Just because I know
I feel it sending a tingle down
My spine
Your hand
You slide
My bones freeze against
Blood, ice
Your tongue's entangled in mine
As we brush our noses
And slide into our own space
Against the will of time.
A friend of mine asked me to use the word slide without referring to time, technology or childhood.
860 · Oct 2015
Megha Balooni Oct 2015
Life as a word, as a concept, has been very intriguing for me. The trip however, that happened a few days back, has left me with new questions while some of the previous ones that I had seem answered, for now. I am particularly not good with writing long texts, long pages of articles that might make sense when read all together at once. Generally, all of what I start off with the intention of writing about, loses its essence after the first few lines. Therefore, I am not going to drag this one and start writing that I came across, the incidences, the faces. It is more of a personal documentation as I know that these stories would be lost somewhere if not bookmarked now.
Take what you can and leave what you think needs or is felt to be expressed.
850 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I puked.
Then brushed
And then puked some more
Will you kiss me like you did before?
My breath
Is pale
Smells of some *** and whisky
And *****
And God knows what I mixed last night
Would you dare breathing me again?
My eyes
Are droopy, soggy
They're sleep deprived
They're missing your presence in sight
Would you look into them and quench the thirst?
I've been lost too long
And found not often
I can walk
I can run
I can smile the pain away
I can forget tears
I can hold happiness even in a pensive bottle
I can be the warmth of a hidden sun on a foggy winter morn
I can be so much more that I'll never believe
Would you like to be a part of all that and me?
837 · Sep 2015
Megha Balooni Sep 2015
Slithering through my skin
inch by inch
makes its way down
bursting opening the bubble
the premier cell on the surface
meander, wander
yonder, a crimson state
gnawing to get a base for existence
basis for existence
trickling, shades and textures
sizes and characters
seeking something better
something raw
something juicy
with more news than you,
droplets of evaporation
a Freud theory in disguise
gone wrong for most,
most parts
till it doesn’t slide to my lips
in playful bouts
tasting of salt.
826 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Broken trusts
With the break of dawn, shines some more darkness
The man is lost
Humanity is dead
HE says all that’s there to life and more, is here
What you’re seeking and what seeks you, shall you find here
Dear Lord, Where do I find my soul?
With so much unnecessary terrorism, all we can do and be is feel helpless. This is not what He wanted us, that's not how He imagines this to be.
Ruhaaniyat means soulfulness. In this world full of hatred and no peace, I'm in the search of my soul.
798 · Jun 2016
Poetry: A definition
Megha Balooni Jun 2016
Please don’t ask me what poetry means
because its a means to communicate
what i mean,
For those who cannot speak

I’m bad at explaining my thoughts
the words which i mean to use,
a thousand songs that i might sing to you,
oh the melodies, croon them, just for you

But somehow I cannot understand
why words fail me when i need them the most
i mean,
don’t we need words to read the other?
don’t we use them, rather?
wouldn’t they be the savior of my conversations, then?

My words fumble with themselves
creating in them, patterns,
knitting yards of never ending fabric
exhausting spools that stay unbroken

They say oceans have the best kept secrets
Hidden, treasures reside
That that which goes into a black hole,
gets ****** in it, rather,
may never return

How Adrienne questioned
the ability and in-
ability of words to mean what they mean
for silence might fill the blanks too

A song plays on the loop
didn’t we make mixed tapes to convey
what we couldn’t express,
in words, we thought rhymes
were a better solution to
love letters which were never conceived
replaced by poetry
scribbled in papers torn from the last pages
of notebooks
we thought stealing lines and verses
from our English textbooks
was being romantic

That is when I discovered
that we could mean in fewer words
without having to convey what we mean,

This world of poetry
seemed like sunshine and rainbows
for a person who had no vision;
the wonders they could do with that magic
and I,
begging them at last
to leave me something
which I can mean and the other could decipher
as what I truly try to mean
would never be found in simple sentence meanings.

So please don’t ask me what poetry means
for I might not have words meaning what I mean.
752 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Engulfing me, darkness
I sit back taking it all in
Doesn't mean I'm weak
Doesn't mean I'm wrong
I'm the voice
The one who keeps life
Flourishing, I sow the seeds
I am the life
But burning fire beneath
I'll spill stardust
And change my fate
Ringing so loudly
It is the sound of change
I'm breaking a new dawn.
743 · Jan 2015
Let's talk about silence.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Let's talk about silence
Because I think my words are failing me
For the first time I'm out of phrases
My tongue is tied, its happening very rapidly
I think I might be judging you
For the same mistakes that I've shared with you
But I'm putting you under the spotlight
Scrutinising more than you're giving to me
And all in silence
Hush, don't speak, I'm out of talks to talk
Let's just walk the walk
And stand apart;
One feet
Because it doesn't make sense
Two feet,
I think I'll step a bit farther more
Ten feet
I want to be untied and set free
Forty feet, fifty, a hundred, thousands
Don't want my heart to skip a beat, anymore
It does though
Because I think I've leapt a bit too far-a-way
Thousands- a hundred- fifty- forty feet
I think I'm retreating back a bit
Two feet
I'm sinking into the ground
A final leap
One feet
I knew I couldn't do without you for long
You hug me// you couldn't either
My tongue is tied, it's happening very rapidly
//entangled in yours
For the first time I'm out if phrases
//you're gazing at me
Because I think my words are failing me
//yours are creeping onto my existence
Let's talk about silence.
684 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Her kohl outlines
Define the depth in her eyes
The eyes speaking of a chirpy morning
And the onset of the darkness after
Those first rays of that day
It wasn't his fault
He was fourteen
He loved cats
He loved dogs
And mud castles
She breathed him
Her breaths are futile now
Even a year later
Her fingers bare the same nail paint
Stained, her hands and feet, still in his blood
Smelling perfect of his cologne and mud
Hair bun neat and tidy
But none can feel the entangled knots of pain beneath
She's dressed to ****
**** her heart
The memories of her motherhood
She's waking another day to die another death.
670 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I like the ordinary things in life.
I like finding my solace in the regular things
Sure we need to go out
Sure there lies a world out there
But have you gone inside, yet?
Have you looked and broken dawn inside of you?
Have you conquered the mountains in you, yet?
Experienced the first brown leaf of the fall?
The first flower bloom in its glory?
The ever unfolding and vast galaxy?
The scrumptious and fulfilling experiences that we can gain?
All we see inside is a mess
A mess that we created on our own
For our own selves
And we're entangled in our own threads
Loosen those threads
The outsides is a mirage
Get inside
Break the moulds
There is so much ecstasy
And high, here
Inside of you

Beyond far stretched horizons lies my piece of soul #1
645 · Apr 2015
Megha Balooni Apr 2015
A cluster of bamboo shoots
Out of ground
Into the air
There's smoke
A grasshopper hides
Half behind my balcony
Drain hole
I think of the city
And people I left behind
I have no care in the world
Because nature fulfills
The human wants
Our soul food
Nothing tastes as good
Because nature fulfills
The human needs
No aggression, no greed
The chirp of the birds
Those faint conversations
A cup of tea
Sitting between greenary
It's a shame we forget
How a wonderful place
We're born in
Give in to city life's fallacies
The chirp, the whistle
The hills, the green
The silence.
What could you want more?
637 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I’m not good with words and worse with expressing. But, I’ll try.
We all are searching for something, someone special. We try to search for dots, squares- shapes that are our similar kinds. We fall innumerable times and sometimes that leaves us questioning our faith, our beliefs, our potential- overall, maybe ourselves. And we stop trying. A hand reaches out to us. That hand stands with you, for you, some times even slaps you while you’re losing yourself again. It hugs you, comforts you in those lonely winter nights and feels the raindrops falling upon its palm through the grills of the window. It guides you, pointing out like a signage and it never fails you. That one person guides you, holds you, loves you for no reason comprehensive whatsoever. They make you look at yourself with hope, with love.
And more than some times, we fail to realise that while we were busy searching for more than something that’s ordinary love, that love had been standing beside us all this while and maybe, more.
629 · Jan 2015
Breathe, Love.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
And he held her close. Close enough to make her blush, something he knew she’d never admit to and something he’d want all for himself.
“One day, all your walls are going to crumble in front of me, all the people, the impromptu phone calls, the interruptions will be gone. And that day, in that moment you’ll have nothing to cover yourself up with, to hide yourself.
How are you going to stop yourself from loving me then?”
With this, he heaved heavily on her breath and left.
622 · Jun 2015
Exceeding Hopes.
Megha Balooni Jun 2015
The breathing is composite
Of the infinite years that we've sung through
Of the infinite possibilities that could be to life
But its me and you again,
Us in the corners of the world
Or maybe the core of it all
Where white stars refuse to diminish
And bend down a powerful light
A time lapse so strong
You have your string held tight
And mine on the other side might
Not be as pulled *******

Let's not be
a broken mirror
in a scraped out
wooden frame
tilting behind
an abandoned, old barn,
with a messy hay stack
open, the meta strings untied
rained upon
walked upon
more often than it was
originally supposed to be.

Lets not be
a predefined song
blasting through the ears
at 3:49 am on a digital clock
in a dingy, cold studio apartment
which hardly makes sense
to what one feels, at that moment
but blasting in the ears, anyway
because the silence
is too deep for your existence, to bear
too fragile, to make this heart
pound flesh out and about
beat the veins, upturned
memories spit out
some venom, some close to perfection
in a moment brief,
Although knowing
it had to happen a long time ago.

Lets be
a coral in the deep
shimmering, look at the odds
through scattered, refracted, reflected,
light, only to fill up its dream
not being the blind box of colors
only hoped in its heart.
Lets be
a lost star
in a far away galaxy
appearing to some
like a planet
escalating like a meteor
not being defined, yet existing.
Lets be
an endless well
quenching thirsts, unknown
bursting possibilities
feeling a little too much
than what was defined
or hoped.
619 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
It translates to shadow.

Our thoughts
An unending train of stories, pictures, people
In race with a fast moving train
Pause, and I look out
Reaching beyond my sight of vision
The last of the last man standing afar
Last to the last shelter I can spot
Our thoughts
A vivid imagery
Words and phrases collide
They demand to be heard
They're beautiful and simplistic
My thoughts
In the shadow of my being
Looking forward to each day
Each ray
Each light
The sun
The moon
They're what compose me
My thoughts
Unending and surprising me each new day.
602 · May 2015
Stone Pavement.
Megha Balooni May 2015
I'm walking to her grave
Every once in a while
Not by a will that belongs to me
But a promise I made
In the name of the Almighty
The day we wed
Me to my vows and she,
Obliging to her parents
Cheating me, fulfilling her chalice
With lust and mine with hurt and hate.
The syringes lying on the floor one noon
Petrifying our daughter, an overdose
And overflow of blood and spitting
Her heart out, she left
Bitter vows, an unfilled unholy grail
Lingering between us clouds of smoke
And even though the floor
Towards her grave
Is patterned irregular cobblestones
Stuffed with snow in the crevices
Its my heart
That feels a cold stone pavement.
597 · Feb 2015
Tell me a tale.
Megha Balooni Feb 2015
Tell me a tale
Those that you bear from distances
Those that you covered with your feet
Those that you ran with against the wind
Those that you swam with ripples in oceans and seas
Those that you got out from that nomadic women's eyes, deep
Those you wept with in your dark nights
Those that stitched your heart back, glueing it back to its place
Those that take you back to the greener pastures and yellow meadows
Those which are rusty, covered in the dirt of that high trek you took
Those that I might have heard, recite them to me again
Tell me a tale
Help me put together my pieces, pull me out of my salvage.
574 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I see colors
And patterns
And words
And they don't make sense to anyone.
Apart from me.
No I'm not lonely.
I'm just different from anyone I met.
561 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I'm tired
Of counting the endless cigarette butts
That lie on the floor
I collect them one by one
To make sure I've collected enough poison
That'll burn me down
Crush my heart into ashes
I'm tired because I don't know what I did so wrong
What I did to deserve these heinous replies
The unending smoky breaths
That cloud between us,
They're engulfing what was once beautifully ours
To keep and hold
I'm letting go off of you tonight, though
I'm letting the clouds fly you away from me
I'm letting the smog of whatever we had
**** us inside of reality
Bringing us back to where we started
Because it was better not knowing you
It felt better to breathe without this fire of hate
And love craze
Burning inside of me,
Every moment
So I'm letting you go
With the hope
That some day when we're at crossroads
You'll be full of oxygen
Helping another
To breathe again.
539 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
To the world and to its people
An epitome of perfection
A perfectly placed nose
And the right shade of eyes
A dimpled cheek
A profound collar bone

She was breaking down
On the insides
Her walls of security
Her walls of ego
Making way for her insanity
Crumbling into pieces
Each and every day.

To the world and its people
She was perfection.
526 · Feb 2015
I'm the.
Megha Balooni Feb 2015
I'm like the books I read
The songs I listen to
The places I travel
Ever expanding
Never ending
Full of hope
And mystery
And secrets of her own
Maybe hiding here and there
A few of others too
Doesn't mean you can read in me in numbered pages
Bookmarked and come back to, later
Or fast forward and listen to your favorite part again and again
Or scribble onto over the bark of a tree for to help trace you back your trail
I'm the unaccounted stack of books
That you've read till date
That song of the 90s maybe
Playing on the radio after long
Bringing back a smile on your face
The place you've not been to in a while
And walking up to it again takes your breath away.

I'm the hope that keeps you alive
That one day, some day
It'll all make sense.
506 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Its like meditation to me
I find solace when I'm on the run
The thrill of the chase?
Only most times I don't know where,
Or why or what, answers to these
But catching someone's eye
Sharing an unsaid story
That unfolds between two people
Maybe for a split of a second
And you smile, they smile back maybe
Maybe frown and look away
But there's that moment
One moment in a second
A story of a second

You never know how you might make someone's day

Stories of travels and people and more
Clinging onto memories and letting them go
Just for a moment, entendámonos.

Will you be my stranger for today?
455 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Withered, scattered, spread
Her arms reached out to those that were dead
She tried to liven them up again
By composing poems, stories and letters of them
For all she'd breathe all this while
The only thing that kept her going and alive,

426 · Jan 2015
Moving Time.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
Her hands
I've clutched them before
Her hands
I've felt them before
But never so cold.
Her hair
I've traced them back before
Her hair
I've laced them on my fingers before
But never so rough.
Her *****
I've felt flesh beneath before
Her *****
Full of life
But never so out of breath.
I hold my face in her hands
I try to breathe my life into them
I spot her wrinkles
I spot the sagging skin
She's never felt so old to me
She's been this old
Moved on with time
Moved together with time
But never before.
426 · Jan 2015
Am I in Heaven.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
The air felt so warm and welcoming
I couldn’t figure out whether that was reality or me dreaming
I tried to look around, nothing familiar
Just the surroundings, no one did really appear
Quite sometime passed, I stood up straight
Looked around final time thought I’d wait
Patience drained out all, I was walking
The environment and nothing else seemed to do the talking
The grass, I hadn’t seen a greener one in lifetime ever
Even though with air warm, something in me left a shiver
A turn around the corner and I could see
Something that my eyes weren’t ready to believe
A thousand and more flowers of all kind
colors, shapes,sizes- I was out of my mind
I jumped from place to place, was eager to touch all
So I sat, and now all I did was crawl
My eyes wide open, they were taking in the maximum
Were eager to see what awaited them every turn
The trees so long and huge and wide
Their vastness so, attention for that it cried
I ran from tree to tree, trying to grab all I could
Everything felt so peaceful, everything felt so good
This place was too perfect to be even dreamt of
I could sense a belonging here though
A connection, weird one that appeared to me
I had no intentions of waking up if this was supposed to be a dream
The crisp and muddy smell of the wet earth
This familiarity, in me was at its dearth
I’d succumbed to the pureness of the ambiance
I had one question ticking- Am I in heaven?
Even if I was, I never wanted to let go of the sight
This place was too perfect, it was JUST right
I danced till infinite hours that were full of bliss
Its true, that one place we dream of in this world, does exist.
425 · Jan 2015
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
i'm clinging onto the last hope
please don;t leave me yet
i understand you have to go
stay a while more?
don't cut that thread off
don't let go off that strand
i'm on my knees
you're fast disappearing
like the last rays 
on a peach kissed horizon
i'm running really badly
towards you
you smile from behind
you blow a kiss to me
you let go
i told you not to
as your smile fades away 
the sun sets, finally.
415 · Jan 2015
With Love.
Megha Balooni Jan 2015
I thank the Lord
I praise the Lord
Forgive me if I did something wrong
It wasn't my intention
Kept everyone in good positions
Forgive me if I was unjust
My dear lovely children
You've been better than the best
Always there in my happy times
More so in my distress
And my grandchildren, with all my heart
Best wishes for your future
May you grow up to be reflections
Just like your parents
They've been too kind
To my dear wife
My sole walking stick in dark nights
You've been my eternal love,
My partner, my sunshine
My body might be away, but you'll always have control
My heart is forever yours, I'll guide you with my soul
And with each morning, in the rays I shall emerge
Sieve through the moon, when it turns night
There is hope, for our love
There is hope
See you on the other side.

— The End —