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8.3k · Oct 2016
Can I hide here with you?
Demonatachick Oct 2016
Can I hide here with you ?

For I don't know what to do,my fragile soul's in half and my head and heart both choose different paths, let me hide here with you, away from public view, where their eyes can do no damage where my mind remains unravaged.
Demonatachick Feb 2017
You cannot break the broken, you can't live in the past, throw that memory away, you cannot let it stay, oh I wish I had the power to change every wasted hour, to knock down this growing tower under which I fearfully cower, in my ball of self regret.

                    I can remember:

                Tears that I have shed.

                 Lies that I have said.

                 Pain I have inflicted.

              Oh how I feel conflicted.

But know now this, for it is true, for all the things I can't undo, I'd never regret loving you.
No sleep = creativity, how does that work?
Oml this made the daily poem, thank you so much everyone!!
4.9k · Jan 2018
Demonatachick Jan 2018
True beauty within, layered under sin
With hearts that bleed the truth
when we remove our skin.
Vanity- sorry I haven't been posting lately an error in the website wouldn't let me add any new work :( I hope everyone is enjoying 2018 so far, edit- holy heck this made the daily thank you everyone for all you're support!! **
Demonatachick Aug 2017
At night I imagine you're arms enfold, as it's me I know they wish to hold, at night I weep for words unsaid for kisses un-given and emotions misread, I weep for the fact that you want to love me, I weep for the fact that I am what I be.
2.4k · Feb 2017
†hε ηïgh†
Demonatachick Feb 2017
What does happen in the night?,
where restless youths beg for a fight,
where women with all dignity lost, will sell you their services at a cost,

where men will pay for their hunger to sate and tell their wives they're coming home late, where knowing wives are sat at home, waiting by the telephone, hoping he has done what's right, but that's not what happens in the night.

The children cower in their beds, the fear of the night sat in their heads, imagining monsters, causing fright, but that's not what happens in the night.

The children do not know, why mothers eyes are red, why father is not home, tucking them into bed, but father is still searching for that which will excite, for this is what happens, in the absence of light.
Found inspiration for this, on a late night bus ride that was an hour and a half long

Edit: I don't agree with the line dignity lost but it just fit poetically, I 100% support *** workers in any form
2.1k · Apr 2017
ɔɥɐɯoɯılǝ ʞıssǝs
Demonatachick Apr 2017
My future and my heart, I'll share them both with you, you're happyness my goal in life, nothing i wouldn't do.

To live amongst the countryside where we both enjoy the view, where birdsong greets the rising sun and the day begins anew.

We'd lay amoungst the scented grass and watch the sky change hue, as there's nowhere else I'd rather be than in the arms of you.
Chamomile kisses- chamomile is my favorite fragrance and i am lucky enough to have it growing on my lawn, summer has just begun here and when i lay outside i am enveloped by the scent of chamomile, hence the phrase "scented grass"

Sorry I haven't been posting in awhile , life has been playing it's hand,
Demonatachick Jun 2017
What do you call someone so free,
Someone whom I'm pretending to be

What do you call someone who doubts,
who's insecurities rise and inner fears shouts
Call me what you like
Not too sure on this one but I thought I'd post it :D
1.5k · Feb 2017
Demonatachick Feb 2017
Between day and night, choose fight or flight, hide out of sight, shield from the light.

Cocooned in our beds, words trapped in our heads, a poets mind is forming, ideas begin their swarming.

Not conforming
              Lines deforming
                        Minds contorting
                                       Rhymes consorting.
May add more to this later
1.3k · Mar 2017
Demonatachick Mar 2017
.                        Thin as a rake
                         No food intake
                      Endless heartache
                        I won't partake,
                     More time does slip
                         Life on a drip,
                      Alone in my head
                       Confined to a bed,
                      My time is passing
                    Unwaivering fasting
                       Mother is crying
                       Body atrophying,

         To my family lying,
                                 That all will be ok.

Though this body will not see the sunrise of another day.
Demonatachick Mar 2017
Glaring at the sun as the sun glares back, losing sense of time, my minds lost track, words are all that's left as I piece them in my brain.

                     ˙ǝuɐsuᴉ ʎpɐǝɹlɐ ɯ,I
             ssǝupɐɯ sᴉɥʇ ʇɥƃᴉɟ ooʇ ǝʇɐl oʇ
solar retinopathy
1.3k · Feb 2017
Demonatachick Feb 2017
Warmth is what we crave, our hearts fuel to the fire, caressing one another's flesh, taking each other higher, fight my bruising kisses, let me tease you as I mar, that which I do worship, every heartbeat, every scar, cage my hand inside yours, hold me tighter than you dare, constrict around my heart my love, it's open and it's bared.
For you, always.
1.3k · Mar 2017
꒝ԾოᎵլꂅϮꂅ ოꂅ
Demonatachick Mar 2017
Beneath this stone there is a heart, it does not beat when we're apart, it does not move, to you I'd prove, my heart remove, its yours to take, but for my sake, to dull this ache, to fill this space that i did make, exchange me yours, there is no clause, there is no test, in me invest, you're heart bequest, our souls coalesce, our love confessed,

                      Forever blessed.
christiaan barnard was the first person to successfully perform the first human to human heart transplant on December 3rd 1967
1.3k · Jul 2023
The shed made of possibility
Demonatachick Jul 2023
My dad once built a shed out of old doors

Each odd colours he'd collect along his travels, when one grew tired and porous another would take its place

Even the floor was doors

I dreamt of opening them to secret places and posted letters through the slots hoping it would reach them

But they never opened, and all that remained was my father grey and aged in his shed made of doors.
Inspired by the father of  a friend
1.2k · Aug 2017
Demonatachick Aug 2017
Trapped on my pedestal lofted up high, shrouded by darkness, dreaming of sky, let me dance for you're enjoyment, let me pirouette and spin, release me from my prison it's you're jewelry box I'm in.
Alchemy- written from memories of my younger self and my first jewelry box which contained a tiny ballerina who spun to Claire du lune.
1.2k · Oct 2016
I am me
Demonatachick Oct 2016
Numbers,names,faces, what makes you, you?, Is it what others view?, Can you change what others see, make them realise that I am me.
Demonatachick Feb 2017
.       What can you do, fight being you?
        Who can I be, if I'm not being me?
      Where can I go if I don't belong home
      Where can i turn when I feel so alone.

I cannot confide, I have too much to hide
I cannot push further what's deep down inside, I protect you from me and the troubles I bring I won't weigh you down I won't let you drown.

I will not let you share the worries that I bear, I will not let you see, the cracked doll that is me.
If you can't see it, turn the title upside down
1.2k · Dec 2016
Drowning my fire
Demonatachick Dec 2016
Here I lay, trapped in dismay, the waters rising, I've lost my way, you've run from me, I knew you'd flee, I wish you'd seen the good in me.

I know I am broken, the cracks I can see, I should've tried harder to be who you need, that person is gone, a life lost at sea, you know who I am now, you know the true me, you must understand that this love cannot be, for i am the demon and the demon is me.
1.2k · Aug 2017
Demonatachick Aug 2017
Today I felt the urge to fall down a flight of stairs, and when I say fall
I mean,
                                   and plunge.

I wanted to feel something, a pain that wasn't already carried within me.

I could imagine the weightlessness I  would have felt as my body relaxed,
how time would have appeared hampered as if altered by my sudden descent.

That numbing pain as each step would buffet my spine and finally the  ominous silence that preludes my last breath while my misery pools around me glistening for all to see.

though sadly...

.             I live in a bungalow
Vertical, ever get that sudden urge to jump off something you know you shouldn't ?

My first non- rhyming piece, hope you enjoy :)
Demonatachick Mar 2017
Wastes of space, we the scapegrace, blank expressions, poker face.

You're my ace, ahead in the race, they're second place, a futile chase.

Stakes growing higher like an untamed fire, their inevitable pyre, situations dire.

Those who were bold, i watched their hands fold, those who seemed braver, i watched as they waivered, as they fretted and regretted, i watched their faces fall, like a delicate house of cards, gingerly balanced, standing tall.

But i have nout to fear, for my secret ace is here, hidden up my sleeve, to which i dearly cleave, they all want to believe, as losing's what they fear, but losing's all they'll get, while my secret ace is near.
Scapegrace- a mischievous or wayward person, especially a young person or child; a rascal.
1.1k · Jan 2017
Demonatachick Jan 2017
My insecurities are mine, you try to heal but do not feel the insecurities that I conceal, I store them deep within myself, inside a jar upon a shelf, wear a smile braced like a Sheild, protect yourself, fight not too feel.

But you have broke me, mind and soul, kiss the imperfect make me whole, and in return I'll let you see, her who I so wish to be, I'll let you love what I cannot, for you are what I've always sought, perfection in its place a man, with loving eyes and gentle hands.
Demonatachick Mar 2017
.                  Bite tear and shred,
               This impulse in my head.

            For the pleasure i do destroy,
               Oh how my fingers bled.

Pretty little teeth, like knives in a pearly sheath, their vicious imprint lingers in the wounds upon my fingers.

                     Bite tear and shred,
                This impulse must be fed.

           No pain too feel it's in my head,
       No pain to feel nerve endings dead.

                    No way i can conceal,
                   my flesh that i do peel,

my Blood starts to congeal,
        my skin it slowly heals.
                           Fresh for another day,
                                    to take my mind away.

When restless​ fingers lead lips astray, in this oddly calming, destructive foreplay.
autosarcophagy, thank you to everyone for reading and liking so much of my work, i really appreciate it
1.0k · Dec 2016
If I could go back......
Demonatachick Dec 2016
Take you're worries with you, carry them on your mind, never confront the past, too scared at what you'll find, add it to the mountain that's growing in you're head, you cannot change the past, what you've done or what you've said.

But I can shape my future, and mould my path anew, for in my future there is hope because now I have you.
Though you will never read this, know it is for you
1.0k · Nov 2017
Demonatachick Nov 2017
What could be less harmful to me
Than the humble bumble of the bumbling bee?

Today I saw a bumblebee but he had lost his bumble, it lay upon the concrete path
      And I instead was humbled.
Bumbling- How could Anyone ever be afraid of a bumblebee? Though to be fair I have a highly irrational crippling fear of moths.

May add more to this piece in the future as it feels unfinished to me :D
Demonatachick Jun 2017
A bed, a simple place to rest my head, a frame to lay and practice death.
Practice makes perfect
May add more to this later
952 · Oct 2016
Demonatachick Oct 2016
Smiles are deceitful my eyes tell the truth, what more do you need my face is the proof!

Look closer than that I am but a shell, brimming with Rage, my own personal hell.

believe nothing you see, not even me, for I am the demon and the demon is me.
Thanks to all who read my work
916 · Oct 2016
What do you see?
Demonatachick Oct 2016
When will you understand who I am? Will you ever? I hope never, maybe I can hide forever and pretend my mind's together.

When will you see behind my facade, my concealing foundations of which I have laid, the cracks are spreading, I hope you don't see, that I am the demon and the demon is me.
850 · Apr 2017
Demonatachick Apr 2017
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, these words have always made me ponder, would you love me more with the space in between, if i moved far away where i couldn't be seen.

where i could only see you're smile in the presence of a dream, if so those who bid me wake would return me to my ache.

where I'd reach for you at night wondering why you're out of sight, wishing I could hold you tight and know everythings alright

Ive never read a poem that speaks of two hearts that beat even stronger whenever apart, or seen plays of young lovers who flee from eachother, who adore from afar, and forget who they are.

I can feel you're phantom kisses and hear you're absent heart, i relive the happy moment to sooth time spent apart.
Absent- thank you to all my fellow poets for your support and encouragement, i really appreciate it.**
843 · Oct 2017
Demonatachick Oct 2017
I am one but also many, there's no disease but I'm no shiny penny, I have many faces some you may know, some you may see, we all come and go.

So be aware on how you fare when a new face passes by, for with all these aliases that I accrue, how do you know that I am not you?.
For all the internet wizards out there.
840 · Jan 2018
Demonatachick Jan 2018
Lose me in his labyrinth, in his futile endless maze, for when the hunt is over I'll be lost upon his gaze.

He is not curious as a cat nor furious as a beast, we are just men within this maze but too him were his feast.
Daedalus- the creator of the labyrinth in which to hold the mighty minotaur.
819 · May 2022
La lune
Demonatachick May 2022
Halt! Cried the lovers who tried to reason with the moon, please do not slumber and allow the sun to rise, for moonlight is the only time i see my lovers eyes.

But the moon said to the two it is not in me to stay for my lover is awakening and she brings with her the day.
Hey guys hope everyone is well and happy **
803 · Feb 2018
åק¤ȽȽ¤ 11
Demonatachick Feb 2018
Is the sky the limit?
Can't we reach for the unknown?
Or are we just restricted, bound to our earthly home
Apollo 11- July 20th 1968 man walked on the moon
777 · Nov 2017
Demonatachick Nov 2017
Silent mouth and silent mind
The ignorant language of my kind.

To question is to be discouraged,
Brains to ravage not to flourish.

Don't question those who know more than you, don't look for knowledge, don't seek what's true.

Should we speak for others?
And say what can't be said
Or should we follow suit
And accept we should be led.
Conformity - right is right even if no-one is doing it, wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.
772 · Feb 2018
Demonatachick Feb 2018
You are mine I am yours
Lets ignore our flaws
Let's ignore the facts
That you're not me and I'm not you
But opposites attract.
Magnetism-Not 100% on this one but I'd thought I'd share :D hope everyone is having a good weekend
752 · Feb 2019
Demonatachick Feb 2019
I once was the most beautiful poem

But then I exhaled, and with my misted sigh I let go the words that held me to reality

And I flew.
Spirited- a short poem for a runaway soul
743 · Jan 2018
Demonatachick Jan 2018
Born to laugh born to cry
Born to live, born to die.
Reborn- just a short piece i thought I'd share :)
737 · Sep 2017
Demonatachick Sep 2017
Hearts in hands we divide then we break down and we take flight.

No cause for fight the blind we lead, we shine the way, the sky we need.

No wings we crave it's faith instead, to take that leap is it in you're head?

Can you wake the dead? Can you lead the fallen?, Raise some hell the devil's callin.
Sorry I've been inactive uni has been keeping me busy :)
737 · Jan 2018
Demonatachick Jan 2018
Our true worth we see before we die,
Our deeds through time are measured by those through grief that cry
Priceless- this feels a bit unfinished to me but I thought I'd share it anyway :)
719 · Mar 2018
Demonatachick Mar 2018
I always try too hard to make everything I do look effortless, I am my own puppeteer, too scared to cut the strings incase I crumble to the floor heaped and pathetic.
Was in the mood for a puppet theme just some old work I've been playing with, thank you everyone who liked my work when I was inactive :)))
717 · Jun 2018
Demonatachick Jun 2018
I am this monster
This monster of rhyme
I hide in the shadows touched by no-one but time
From the deep we have risen and still we do climb
Myself and my conscious this monster of mine
Hamsa- used to ward off evil spirits.
Demonatachick Aug 2017
If I could control the days I'd wind them back for you, if I could control the tides I'd set their rhythms askew, if I could hold this moment in its place forever more then I'd give up all my power over time or any shore.
Metaphysical realism
I've held onto this poem for a little while, not 100% with it. :D
696 · Nov 2017
d⊕ußレε hεレïx
Demonatachick Nov 2017
What have we evolved to be?
Genes and phenes are all I see.
I view traits where genetic flood gates make one look like another,
Where mothers have their mother's eyes
And smiles alike their brothers.
double helix - Ive always been fascinated by genetic inheritance and what makes us who we are
694 · Jul 2017
๔гєค๓ Ŧ๏г ๓є
Demonatachick Jul 2017
Oh how nice it must be too sleep, to lay in a dream that's mine too keep, to play in a land of my minds own construction, to nest in my bed's slumbering seduction.

But dreams were never meant for me, for when I'm in bed my mind never feels free, its trapped in reality how dearly I plea, howbeit dreams were never meant for me.

Too fearful of what my mind can conjure, fresh tortures to use as the monsters grow stronger, they saunter and strut in the prison that is she, for sweet dreams were never meant for me.
dream for me
Heya everyone I wrote this after my other half fell deep asleep in about amillisecond in broad daylight, I didn't know whether to envy him or poke him with a pencil till he woke up, god I miss sleep
688 · Feb 2024
Demonatachick Feb 2024
Some days I cannot bear to look at myself.

I flourish in the dark corners, I sing to the shadows and relish their indifference.

Seek what you dream, there is some warmth in the cold.
What a change a week can make
Demonatachick Dec 2017
Can't fight the tears that aren't welling

Can't wallow in the past and keep dwelling

Maybe you'll find time, to wallow in rhyme

Cause Misery's the poetry I'm sellin
Tis the season to be jolly -  or is it?
676 · Jun 2017
Demonatachick Jun 2017
I wish that I could cry for you,
But those days have long since passed and my eyes have shed their last

I wish I wouldn't lie to you,
But from my lips it slips and from my forked tounge, venom drips
May add more to this later :)
639 · Jun 2017
Demonatachick Jun 2017
House collapsing around me, fragile foundations surrounding.

Worries revolving
Walls dissolving

DIY russian roulette, take a shot, pull the trigger, it's not as if you're worries can get any bigger.

Follow the pipes, plug the leak, watch out for mice, fear the squeak.

Nests in the attic, hungry chicks craving all, but if this rot continues, both our houses shall fall.
Risk, a pipe burst in my friends house and know they need to rip out an entire wall as it's rotted, it gave me inspiration to write this
Demonatachick Jan 2018
I was born a sailor made to fight Poseidon's worst but it's the land that calls to me while to the seas I'm cursed.

I feel my heart's desire for the warmth of a home lit fire, to step upon the sand and retrace a loved ones hand.

Instead I feel the sway and rock and hear my deaths clock tock for to it I am bound and the only land I'll ever feel is when I'm sunk and drowned.
Sail me away- just catching up with all the work I've written and not been able to post I hope you guys like it :D
620 · Jan 2018
noitcelfed noitcelfeR
Demonatachick Jan 2018
You loved me in the darkness

Where shadows drew my face

But when the light returned once more

You're horror did replace.
Reflection deflection- "the night be such a flattering light" Non™ ;)
596 · Oct 2023
Demonatachick Oct 2023
I dance between the spaces you create, the air you shift, my music.
Wishing eveyone a happy spooky season :)
595 · Jul 2017
Demonatachick Jul 2017
Let god into you're heart they say and put you're faith in him, but what they don't know is that I'm a demon and the devil's already in.
Enoch, Just for fun
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