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I think -  I think - I think - I think I knew
The Moment that I set my eyes on YOU

Now I need to know
Will my LOVE flow
Like a River to the Sea

I hope that you are staring back at ME
Beyond the sense of Fantasy

Yes, I want to know
Will  your LOVE flow
Like a River to the Sea.

© Debra Lea Ryan
Are there Tatters in ya ears? Ha! Seriously I woke up thinking my Inner World needs to listen to more Love Songs.
I'll take you to Love Street
In a Heart Beat
If you wanna Go
You only need to Know
This is the only Key
To BE with Me
In a Special Place
Where Lovers Embrace

The Thought of YOU Loving Me
Is really EXCITING

© Debra Lea Ryan
To Sing-a-long with Me and the Poetry >
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2016
It amuses me how I often thought of the Colour Green
As simply Hue stained leaves that dressed the Trees
Or Carpeted parts of the Earth
Like Seas of Turf
Also taking Flight
In the Sky
Certain Birds
Distinctly Green
And a number of Reptiles
With such a Glow
However now I know
In our World
When Human Beings Create
They may tap into the Stream
That Flows Green....


Mosaïque de vert

Cela m’amuse comment j’ai pensé souvent à la couleur verte
Simplement comme teinte coloré des feuilles qui habille les arbres
Ou des parties de la moquette des mers comme terre de gazon
En prenant le vol dans le ciel
Certains oiseaux
Distinctement vert
Et un certain nombre de Reptiles
Avec un tel éclat
Mais maintenant je sais
Dans notre monde
Quand créer des êtres humains
Ils peuvent puiser dans le flux
Les coulées vertes....

Debra Lea Ryan Nov 2016
When stung by a certain pain
For a second you are almost  insane
However you  quickly  figure out
Not to bottom out
By choosing to see what you need to
In  a different light
Like wisely surrender from the fight
Long enough to remember
It is not your battle
So why take it on
Move On!
It is ruddy  exhausting scribbling down
The thoughts  from overnight
Like it is some F'King Plight!

You think it is a Dream
Till you  Scream
I'm staying in Bed!
Get out of my F'King Head!

The Life of a Poet with a Sense of Humour! Ha! Apology if the F Bomb upsets anyone.  It is not always me to let loose like this.  Perhaps I need to eh.
Out of Silence
Time to Explore
New Chapters
Different Doors

Nothing to lose
Only Gains
Moving beyond
Fanciful Games

A lighter load
To Carry
Awake Now
Will not Tarry

No need to run
Just dance and smile
And have some  fun
Happily in the Sun.

(c)Debra Lea Ryan
A Poet Versed In a New Understanding  or simply Musing Again! Ha!
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2016
Everyday there is  New Sky
With Cloud Adornments
Where Thunder  may Choose to Speak
Or Rain  Decides it will Tumble Down

Sun may Shine and Hide
In a patch of Blue
Or  burst  Cloud
With Rainbows

Comes Nightfall
Near or Far
A Symphony of Stars
And a Moon of many Phases

I LOVE the Heavens
And all the Treasures
To Eye Spy.

A Work In Progress....
Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2016
My Weakness is no longer an Obstacle
And this sense of loss is not true
It was manufactured over time

From what I thought could be
Was simply not a  reality
No confirmation of knowing

Frightened by an Avalanche
I witnessed in a Dream
Clearly revealed the Barricade
I needed to See....

Life is for Living
Living I will
With a purpose of Love

Love & Be Loved & Truly Share That Knowing!
I am not fazed anymore
About opinions
Fired  from beyond
My own dominion
Nor am I ever ready
To protect all my feelings
In such a way
That it distracts me
From focusing on what
I need to do everyday
Also I'd rather not
Be judgmental
So  go ahead
Have your say
You have to live with it anyway!

Lately I have been thinking did I actually spend most of my life to date worrying about things I need not have.  Interesting eh.
Twój uśmiech
To wszystko, co widzę

Twój dotyk
To wszystko, co czuję

Nasza piosenka
To wszystko, co słyszę
Kiedy myślisz o Mnie

High on a Mountain
Far Away
Hearts on Fire
As they Pray
All they Perceive
Even Dream
Of Peace and Love
For You and Me.

My Heart in this Moment.
Another Birthday
Without You
I've had enough
The pain of unrequited Love


Hang about
It is all in your Head  
Just keep living how you Feel
Because your Love is the Real Deal

2 July, 2024
I think this is a *** Poem! LOL Happppppppppppy Birthday!
Debra Lea Ryan Sep 2016
Je suis profondément étonné et me sens fuyais
Parce que je suis en train de comprendre
Pourquoi Quelqu'un que je considérais comme un ami
Je pensais que j'interféré avec les choix dans leur vie.

Ils ont fini rapidement notre contact
Après ce mois d'un heureux semblait amende honorable
C'est vrai qu'ils avaient brutalement déconnectée une fois avant
Et je devais les laisser revenir dans ma vie à nouveau
Respecté cette étape qu'ils avaient pris
Sur leur chemin de récupération!

Émotionnellement, cela est difficile à manipuler deux fois en un an
Donc, je me demande maintenant fait qu'ils ont un agenda caché
Ou une crainte valable comme ils ont discuté de notre amitié avec les autres
Au lieu de Together. Pourquoi?


I am deeply stunned and feel shunned
Because I am trying to understand
Why Someone I considered a Friend
Thought I interfered with the choices in their life.

They quickly ended  our contact
Following what seemed months of  a happy amends
That’s right they had  rudely disconnected once before
And I had let them back in my life again
Respected this step they had taken
On their Path of Recovery!

Emotionally this is  difficult to handle twice  in one Year
So I am Wondering now did they have a hidden agenda
Or a valid Fear as they discussed our Friendship with Others
Instead of  Together.  Why?  
Out of the Silence I listened to my Heart Speak yes it was wounded and I wanted to express it.  I often keep all the pain to myself however it doesn't pay rent, I've let it out and I am getting on with living the life of Love I Love Living....
It is kind of liberating
Not being flowery
Minding Ps and Qs
Inside of You.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan

Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2016
As The  Breeze Journeys
The Beautiful Fragrance of Your Bloom
Will linger longer than those that wish to Destroy You!

If they crush your petals, burn your stem and nuke your seed
Please remember the True Scent of Who You Are
Is Forever in the Breeze........


Sharing & Receiving Heart Songs!

Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2015
When waves of strife
Crash upon the keel
Equipped I Am
At the Wheel
I flag peace
To Still My Sea
Anchor Safely
Within my being!

If Dark clouds
Block my view
I search
The compass
Of My Mind
Even work overtime
To navigate a new course
Away from the gale force!

Sailors resting on the land
Put themselves to a test
When they hear my SOS
Ready and able
To give a hand
They plot Fearlessly
A Rescue in destructive Sea
Deep and Dark
Beyond me!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan, 25/10/10

When I'm safely on the shore
My heart still yearns to explore
Follow my dreams - Flow with the Sea
Honour  Love Within You and Me.

( 31/03/11)
I reworked/retitled  this Piece to be a part of  my online Cine-Poetry project located at my personal website and You Tube.


When waves that Wound
Crash upon the keel
Equipped We Are
At the Wheel
To flag peace
Still the Sea
Anchor Safely
Within our being!

I never thought I'd understand
Why you wanted to be my friend
My heart was lost at sea
Love rescued me

As you sailed in from the blue
You knew exactly what to do
Set my anchor free
Love me

Sailing Ships in the breeze
Baby that's you and me
Sails up - sail on
Survive the storms.

(c)Debra Lea Ryan
No longer sick with a secret
Crushed by worry and pain
The avalanche of addiction
Life in a Hurricane
Willing to tell your story
Without blood-letting blame
Being brave every morning
Clothed with courage everyday.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
5th Poem/Idea for an concept album project.
Debra Lea Ryan Sep 2016
Seek  Sunsets
Hear Sky Speak
Stay Connected
Feel Complete.

1:  How the hell did I not SEE
It was never going to BE
Peaches and Cream
Nor my Cup of Tea
Only Shattered Dreams

#2:  Like a White Elephant in the Room
Dark thoughts consuming YOU
Let me out - You Shout
Free me (cause) I don't want to BE
Lost in Shattered Dreams

#3:  I never want to be your So & So
This is why I need to Go
From this ugly Scene
(That's) Oppressing Me
With Shattered Dreams

#4:  I know its going to be Alright
Heading for a happier Life
The plans I Have
Comfort Me
(In My) New Dreams

© Debra Lea Ryan
Poetry/Song >
Debra Lea Ryan Sep 2016
No more Rain
Or destructive Fire
Such from Life
Comes a Retirement

No more Hate
Or piercing Wounds
When Spirit Moves
Beyond the Moons

There is only Love
An Eternal Bliss
Sheltered From The Wind
In Peace to Exist.


Abri du vent

Pas plus de pluie
Ou Feu destructeur
Une telle vie de
Vient un retraite

Pas plus de haine
  Piercing Wounds
Lorsque Spirit Moves
Au-delà des Moons

Il n'y a que l'amour
Un Bliss Eternal
Abri du vent
Dans la paix d'exister.

Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2021
As I  look to the sky
Through the depths
Of the night
I  see you shining
In your own right
For you are
A Shining Star

Then when I  wish
Hope or Dream
Even experience reality
I know exactly
Where you are
Dear Shining Star
You Witness Me

My every breath
That I  take
Showing how
I partake
In a sense
Of being struck
Star Stuck
By your  Love!

Debra Lea Ryan
My Heart Today!

Thank You.

6.30 pm
Soul Sense

(Spiritual Sailor)

The Waves Await
So travel your Sea
Captain your Ship
You have Ability
To Navigate Safely
Your spiritual Waters
Anchor your Heart
Upon your own Orders
As you reach new Shore
It is time to Explore
The treasure to be Found
On your Sacred Ground!

(c)  Debra Lea Ryan
I love analogy and metaphor related to the Sea.  Maybe it is that Celtic connection being a Ryan/Beckett  etc.
Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2015
When Autumn Leaves rain down
I forget about the Winter
By singing A Spring Song
To The Summer of my Soul.

(c)Debra Lea Ryan, 20/03/09
Ddddd Doubter
So SurpriseDdddddddddddd!
Face lit up Now
With an Awesome Smile!

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuu Baby  (& Co!
I Stand corrected hence a poem Edit -
Yeah I know - No Man or Woman or Child
Or any Life Form is the Island!
We are all Shipwrecked
And/Or  in Safe Harbours Together)
Ha! Ja!
(c) DLR
An E- Type of Heart Song. LOL
Debra Lea Ryan Jan 2019
Whenever a gentle breeze kisses my skin
I eventually feel it moving within
To travel my streets of arteries and veins
Over and over and over again
And especially to the innermost part  of my mind
Where I acknowledge this is a special moment in Life!

Debra Lea Ryan
Moved to write this as my official first piece for 2019!  I really did sense the breeze in my silence and enjoyed the journey.
Sometimes I  want to disappear from view
You know to work on what I know I need to
Like being in the Breeze of What is Me
Without questioning  if this  decision is an  extreme

Perhaps I hunger for more routine in life
Free  from the sufferings and strife
To experience the sense of nothingness
And flow more mindfulness!

Every day in some kind of way
Experience an Emotional Breakthrough
By Shaking off
Negative Self Talk

It can be done
Sit in the Sun
Read a Book
Take a closer look
At Yourself
Be Stealth

Navigate  distractions
Till you find Traction
To Live your Life
How you need to
(Heart) Centred
Beyond Whatever/s!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Shaking off a little Negativity
La La La La La
Hum Hum Hum Hum Hum

>  <

DLR & You
☼ ♡ ƸӜƷ ❀ ♬
La & Hum
In the Light of a New Day
At first I wanted to Run away
Even Zen off in a Sense
However to be fair
We are on this Planet to Share
So I am okay
With the Blank Canvas approach
Flow naturally The Way!

I have not written a poem
For a few days
Because I needed to abort
The thought that it was time
To hide all my work offline
That's right such notion doesn't sit well with me
As I am grateful knowing
You are in the moment
Enjoying this READ

Thank You.

Obvious.  Well hey I would rather listen to my Heart.
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2023
Night – Day
Onyx -  Pearl
Boy – Girl
Peas -  Pod
I Think Not!

Friends Know
You Learn -  You Grow
The Love State
By Giving It Straight

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
No BS!
There's warmth in our love
And smile in our touch
These colours
Are you and me

With hearts in full flight
The moon, the stars deep in the night
These colours
Are you and me.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
3rd Poem/Words of 1st Concept Album Project
Debra Lea Ryan Aug 2015
The song of Spring
Is in the Breeze
Take it in
As you Breathe
Feel it fill ...
...Your Chest
Give you Joy
Its Happiness!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan, 01/09/10
Part 1
I truly love Spring!
Liberty is planted in the heart you know
It has taken root and flames our soul
Once a seed but now a Tree
Outstretched with Branches
For the World to See
We can Breathe, We can Conceive
Believe we can in all our Dreams...
Journey on  yes we  must
Blind at times
But still we trust
That when a rush of wind
Blows through our leaves
Safe is our Soul, Our Tree
We can Breathe, we can Conceive
Believe we can in all our Dreams.

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
An inner World View perhaps...
Write A List!




You make me laugh
It touches my Heart
This means everything to me!

All  the Secrets that you share
Show how you care
This means everything to me!

Your whispers in the Wind
Breeze Within
This means everything to me!

When I love you so much
I start to Blush
You are Everything to Me.

It started out being titled LOVE AND LAUGHTER.
Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough

Time can haunt your head
Reminding you of death
Take control of you
If you allow it to

Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough
Too Much
Not Enough


(c) Debra Lea Ryan
4th piece of an concept  album project idea.
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2016
Our Friendship is a True Gift
Together or Alone
We hear the Birds Sing
Feel the Sunshine
Caring to share
Gratitude for Life
Be it Day or Night
In Calm then  Storms
  Tears  and rapturous  Cheers
It is possible for us
To always BE Sincere.

Dedicated To Those I Love....
Debra Lea Ryan Sep 2016
I Love a Tangerine Sky
On Sunset or Sunrise
A Warm Calming Canvas
Stretched Far and Wide
Etched In Lives  Forever.

Walk away
It will be okay
Especially if you are bored by
The Games Others Play
You can also sit in silence
Feel a little forlorn
Or choose to enjoy the buzz
Of Egging them on!
Remember it isn't Rocket Science
This Choice has always been Yours!

An observation perhaps?  Maybe it is about a  Yogi Bear!  You know  the smarter than the average Bear type!  Guard your Picnic Basket! Ha!
If you don't know what you want
Then you don't want me
It's (so)Head Stuffin'
(And)Soul Destroying

There's the door
You can't ignore
It's over Baby

Yes your indecision
Is driving me crazy

And I know I sound
So angry
Walk away...

Suddenly it seems like I've stopped Lovin'
The truth is - it's just confronting

How you feel
Is a big deal
To me baby

Being lost
In a life of Maybes

It's Time
... To Walk Away.

© Debra Lea Ryan
I love writing Love Songs however I finally need to write Goodbye kind of Songs too.  I hope with a lil' Hope eh!
It is what it is
Residing in your mind
Sometimes off the planet
Working overtime

Watershed in your head
A flood of dreams you possess
Watershed in your head
A flood of dreams you possess

They are what they are
Buzzin' in your brain
Sometimes flyin' the rails
Like a bullet train

Watershed in your head
A flood of dreams you possess
Watershed in your head.

© Debra Lea Ryan
Interesting Week!  I started the Song on Sunday with a Flood of Ideas then had to navigate distractions to find traction in the writing process again.  Lesson Learned. Singalong >
Debra Lea Ryan Nov 2016
What can I say
Would You Listen Anyway
I think about You
Every Day, Every Night
This is my plight
I've even tried to erase You from my Mind
By thinking words that are  unkind
Till I escape the jumble of lies
And let Love Survive!

Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2016
When I think of You
I Hum from Within
The kind of Song
Where True Love Sings

There is no mistaking
Or Heart Aching
Just the Rush
Of Blood Pulsating

Perfect timing
Rhythmically Exciting
Love Igniting
A Song so Striking

When I Think Of You /La La La
When I Think of You/La La La
When I Think of You
Yes When I Think Of You....

Inspired by Song and Maybe You Bebe! LOL :P

A Chess Set

Books to Read

Cups of Tea


And a Sea View

For  WHO and ME?

On Mondays!


Then WHO will plan the rest of  the Week?

I know!

Take it as it Flows!


(c) Debra Lea Ryan
Communicating to my Sense of Self! Ha!
Why all this Talk
Just Do
Is the Answer
Within You.

Ha! Ja!

Reminder To Myself!
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