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1.0k · Jun 2020
Dusk - A Goodbye
Shadow Jun 2020
It is Dusk and my time has come.
The sky takes a pinkish hue,
The cool breeze begins its departure,
And the trees wave it goodbye.

Dusk has come, My time has come.
With it, it brings the black blanket,
That covers the immense sky,
The sun leaves with tears,
And the moon replaces her,
The stars begin to appear,
And I think of her with me; here.

Dusk has come, My time is now.
The flowers begin to close,
And the clouds cover the sky,
The seas begin to reflect her,
The lonely breeze sings of her,
The crickets cry her name.

Yes, Dusk is now!
Sadness is now
Despair is now
Woe is now
Sorrow is now...

My Dusk has come,
And my soul wants to break out,
And disappear into the night,
Into the dark clouds above,
To run into the rain,
Out of the forests of my pain.

Dusk has come...
If this piece be my final one
Please forgive me for the things I've done
Be happy and live in glee
For goodbyes will set you free
636 · Jun 2020
Shadow Jun 2020
Adieu, adieu,
I bid thee adieu,
My heart taketh wing and fly.

Adieu, adieu,
I bid thee adieu
Though it pains me to say goodbye.

The time is past
When happiness we found,
All's left for now is the cry.

So adieu, my love,
Adieu, Adieu,
May we meet again by and by.
Let this be my goodbye to you,
I've been feeling really blue;
I dislike my poems now,
So to my sin I will avow,
I am going far away,
Further with each passing day,
Perhaps I'll visit again,
But for now I'm just in pain.
So without wasting more time
To you, my friends, I'll say goodbye.

(I don't know whether this will be an end or simply a break, the length which I do not know. However, what ever it may be, thank you for being amazing people and so supportive on every step, thank you for being great friends, I wish the best for you all)
Adieu :)
598 · Nov 2019
I'm losing my mind
Shadow Nov 2019
I've lost myself.
what hope is there for this tortured soul,
for this toxic mind?
for this heart is as black as coal.

on this onyx coloured night
I lay in my  bed,
filled with fright.
and as the moon sits by my window
I weep, I weep, I weep...

What am I?
Compared to the grand scale of things,
What am I?
For Whom do I exist?

as the crows circle above,
as the flower sulks in gloom,
as sky turns gray,
and as my words begin to decay
I gaze into the abyss of my impending doom .
598 · Nov 2019
I miss you
Shadow Nov 2019
I miss your laugh
I miss your glistening eyes under the summer sun
I miss your smell
I miss everything that we used to do
I miss your face
I miss planning our future together under the immense starry night

What happened to us?
Why did you change?
Why did you leave me, broken;
Shattered like a mirror glass?
Shadow Oct 2020
Farewell now, peaceful dales, farewell to
Familliar hilltops that I call to
Farwell, familliar wood nearby,
Farwell, the beauty of the sky,
Farewell, glad nature that I cherish;
I am exchanging my dear peace
For noisey, glittering vanities...
Farewell my freedom that must persih!
Whither and wherefore do I strive?
What can I hope for in this life?
592 · Nov 2019
here again
Shadow Nov 2019
101 156 144 040 151 164 047 163 040 150 145 162 145 040 141 147 141 151 156 015 012 167 151 164 150 157 165 164 040 150 145 163 151 164 141 164 151 157 156 054 040 167 151 164 150 157 165 164 040 167 141 162 156 151 156 147 040 015 012 015 012 121 165 151 145 164 054 015 012 101 164 040 146 151 162 163 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 154 157 167 054 015 012 123 145 145 160 151 156 147 054 040 144 162 151 160 160 151 156 147 056 015 012 015 012 111 040 160 165 164 040 151 164 040 144 157 167 156 040 164 157 040 141 040 146 145 167 040 163 164 162 145 163 163 146 165 154 040 167 145 145 153 163 056 015 012 111 040 143 141 162 162 171 040 157 156 056 015 012 015 012 111 164 040 165 156 160 141 143 153 163 054 015 012 127 157 162 162 151 145 163 054 040 141 156 170 151 145 164 151 145 163 056 015 012 015 012 107 145 156 164 154 171 054 015 012 106 157 162 040 156 157 167 054 015 012 015 012 124 151 160 164 157 145 163 054 015 012 127 150 151 163 160 145 162 163 054 040 143 162 145 141 153 163 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 111 164 040 167 151 154 154 040 154 145 141 166 145 040 163 157 157 156 342 200 231 040 111 040 164 150 151 156 153 040 342 200 230 111 164 040 141 154 167 141 171 163 040 144 157 145 163 056 342 200 231 015 012 111 040 153 145 145 160 040 147 157 151 156 147 056 015 012 015 012 111 164 040 163 145 164 164 154 145 163 040 151 156 054 015 012 107 145 164 164 151 156 147 040 143 157 155 146 157 162 164 141 142 154 145 056 015 012 015 012 107 145 164 164 151 156 147 040 154 157 165 144 145 162 054 015 012 101 156 144 040 154 157 165 144 145 162 056 015 012 015 012 102 141 156 147 151 156 147 040 164 150 157 165 147 150 164 163 054 015 012 111 156 163 157 155 156 151 141 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 120 154 145 141 163 145 040 144 157 156 342 200 231 164 040 142 145 040 150 141 160 160 145 156 151 156 147 040 141 147 141 151 156 342 200 231 056 015 012 111 040 163 150 165 146 146 154 145 040 141 154 157 156 147 040 155 171 040 144 141 151 154 171 040 162 157 165 164 151 156 145 056 015 012 015 012 103 154 141 167 163 040 151 156 054 015 012 111 156 163 151 144 151 157 165 163 056 015 012 015 012 123 143 162 145 141 155 151 156 147 054 015 012 145 166 145 162 171 040 144 141 171 054 040 145 166 145 162 040 156 151 147 150 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 150 141 155 145 054 040 167 157 162 164 150 154 145 163 163 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 110 165 162 164 056 015 012 015 012 342 200 230 120 154 145 141 163 145 040 147 157 040 141 167 141 171 342 200 231 056 015 012 111 164 047 163 040 150 141 162 144 040 164 157 040 143 157 160 145 056 015 012 015 012 107 162 157 167 151 156 147 040 151 164 163 040 162 157 157 164 163 054 015 012 111 156 164 157 040 155 171 040 142 162 141 151 156 040 141 156 144 040 150 145 141 162 164 056 015 012 015 012 102 154 157 163 163 157 155 151 156 147 040 160 141 151 156 054 015 012 127 151 164 150 040 145 166 145 162 171 040 142 145 141 164 056 015 012 015 012 105 155 160 164 151 156 145 163 163 054 040 154 157 156 145 154 151 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 101 142 141 156 144 157 156 155 145 156 164 056 015 012 015 012 123 151 154 145 156 143 145 054 040 123 164 151 154 154 156 145 163 163 054 015 012 342 200 230 111 040 143 141 156 342 200 231 164 040 155 157 166 145 054 040 111 040 143 141 156 342 200 231 164 040 143 157 160 145 056 342 200 231
written in octal code
568 · Aug 2020
Freedom of letting go
Shadow Aug 2020
There is a certain freedom
A certain contentment
That comes with letting go

When you realise that
The sun will still shine
The birds will still sing
The flowers will still bloom
The wind will still caress your hair

When the thought of them no longer makes your soul weep
When their name doesn't fill your eyes with endless tears
When seeing them doesn't ravish
your heart any longer

There is a certain feeling to letting go
The feeling that you get when you smell the wet soil mixed with the morning air
The feeling of finally laying in your bed after a long long day

There is a certain freedom
A certain contentment
A certain ataraxy
A certain bliss
In knowing that
life will still go on
If you love something let it go
Let it fly away like the free bird
And its song will wake you in the morning
And it's thoughts will put you to sleep in the night
Like the rain's melody on our windows
566 · Dec 2019
Shadow Oct 2020
To spartan prose the years are turning,
Coquettish rhyme the years are spurning;
And I - I with a sigh confess -
I'm running after her much less,
My pen has lost its former pleasures
Of daubing fleeting leaves, it seems,
Today, quite different, chilling dreams;
Quite different unrelenting pressures,
In stillness or in social noise,
Disturb the sleep my soul enjoys.
435 · Jul 2020
To Disappear
Shadow Jul 2020
I want to disappear into the soul of the earth,
To escape and run away...
Away from the human world
Away from the commotion
Away from the ignorance
Away from the crowded shops
Away from the faces that cry pain
Away from the eyes don't see beyond the surface
Away from the voices that bite at your ears
Away from the deeds that **** your soul
Away from everyone
Away from everything
Away from the shouting,
the weeping,
the toxic positivity,
the shallow conversations.
the hollow humans,
I want to leave.
430 · Oct 2020
Into the horizon
Shadow Oct 2020
I want to melt into the horizon
Where the seas end
And the sky begins
I want to become one
With everything that surrounds me
I want to melt into the horizon
Where the seas end
And the sky begins
386 · Jul 2020
To the morning Birds
Shadow Jul 2020
A romantic would love you,
Someone from the 19th century would too,
A kind old man would love you,
A child's pure heart would love you,
My grandmother would love you,
And I love you too, sometimes...
But please stop chirping so much at 5 am,
I'm trying to sleep.
378 · Feb 2021
Shadow Feb 2021
I haven't written for a while,
And I don't think I will soon,
It seems as if my sun has set,
And the night has sealed my doom.

I've lost my pen in the crowds,
In the dark, roaring, and grumpy clouds,
I've lost it somewhere in the damp rooms,
Behind the back doors or the narrow streets,
In that empty alley with worn brick walls...

Perhaps I will write again.
But not here. But not now.
I am enveloped by the night,
It will take me time to find myself.

Perhaps when the morning comes
I'll write again.
The day was long but tonight is even longer.
Shadows don't last long under moonlight
376 · Aug 2020
To honesty: a confession
Shadow Aug 2020
I feel like I must confess,
I owe it to my readers...

To tell you the truth,
I never really know what to write about,
I could write about a summer day,
Or autumn and it's dismay,
I could paint the colours of spring,
Or the bride who lost her ring,
I could write about the lovelorn youth
Or the pain that laughs can sooth,
I could tell tales about the moon,
Or the serpent behind the dune,
Perhaps I'd write about the sky,
Or about wanting to cry.

In all honesty I don't know what to write about,
I could write about not knowing what to write about,
But I just close my eyes and let the hand write what it will,
I trust the pen,
I trust the hand,
I trust my readers' taste :)
They had us in the first half not gonna lie
Shadow Sep 2020
“But even friendship like our heroes'
Exist no more; for we've outgrown
All sentiments and deem men zeroes-
Except of course ourselves alone.
We all take on Napoleon's features,
And millions of our fellow creatures
Are nothing more to us than tools...
Since feelings are for freaks and fools.
Eugene, of course, had keen perceptions
And on the whole despised mankind,
Yet wasn't, like so many, blind;
And since each rule permits exceptions,
He did respect a noble few,
And, cold himself, gave warmth its due.”

― Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
365 · Sep 2020
Do not love half lovers
Shadow Sep 2020
Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not indulge in works of the half talented
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half a drink will not quench your thirst
Half a meal will not satiate your hunger
Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results
Your other half is not the one you love
It is you in another time yet in the same space
It is you when you are not
Half a life is a life you didn't live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know
To reach and not arrive
Work and not work
Attend only to be absent
What makes you a stranger to them closest to you
and they strangers to you
The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life
By Khalil Gibran
365 · Mar 2020
Bad dreams
Shadow Mar 2020
moon beams, count sheep
dark themes, mind sweeps
bad dreams, no sleep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat

supreme - big leap
esteem - trash heap
bad dreams, no sleep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat

hills seem too steep
fast streams, cold, deep
bad dreams, no sleep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat

teeth gleam, eyes peep
loud screams, blood seeps
bad dreams, no sleep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat

sweat sheens, skin creeps
mind deems, thrills cheap
just dreams, go sleep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat

moon beams, count sheep
dark themes, mind reaps
bad dreams, you’ll keep
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
sheet, weep, grave, retreat
Shadow Dec 2019
In all honesty
I have no idea
What to write about
I'm feeling apathetic today
354 · Nov 2019
sad world (haiku)
Shadow Nov 2019
the tree sulks
leaves fly in the sky
the world turns grey
this my first ever haiku, please forgive my incompetence at it
318 · Aug 2020
Too Often
Shadow Aug 2020
Too often do we dance and fool our youth away, too often do we attempt to love without knowing how, too often do we write letters that end up in the hearth, too often do we get agitated by the song of the simple bird, too often do we hate and forget to pity those whom we despise, too often do we cage the blue bird in our heart, too often do we lie, not to the world but to ourselves, too often we ponder, speak, and forget action behind, too often do we ignore ourselves, too often do we ignore each other.  

Too often do the authors try to paint the world with colours of big words and elegant sentences, yet as beautiful it may seem to the eye, the world they paint is far too artificial, far too unnatural, far too normal.

We do it all too often; we hate without reason, we believe without proof, we forget that hate is the work of the unloved, we live our lives as if they’re shows for everyone else, we become bitter wolves with venomous fangs and poisonous tongues, we rip at each other, with words, with thoughts, with deeds of every kind.  

Too often we forget our humanity behind.
Shadow Nov 2019
Abyssal clouds, of sunken shade,

Such memories,

A constant fade.

I bellow for it to return to me,

But all I see is a drunken fantasy.

Forever lost, of something meant to be.
306 · Oct 2020
A poem?
Shadow Oct 2020
The night is cloudy and the stars don't shine,
The raindrops on the window are illuminated by the cold street light.
Perhaps I would be able to hear the roaring wind
but it is silenced by the tick tock of the clock on the wall.

Maybe, maybe I will write again,
Maybe, maybe I will learn to play a happy tune,
One day I'll forget elegies
And stop making these melacholy effigies

I don't really like rhyming now,
They sound too happy and are sometimes cheap.
I rather write to my poems and say, "Thou
art my biggest mystery, you're too shallow. You're too deep."

So in conclusion,
I don't know why I'm writing.
All I know in this confusion
Is that the night is cloudy and the stars don't shine,
The raindrops on the window are illuminated by the cold street light.

The clock is ticking. Tick. Tock.
The people are hollow,
The people are stuffed
leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw.
"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper. "
291 · Dec 2019
Shadow Dec 2019
Some where in Paris
Empty cobbled street
You look at the river beside the street
There sits a bench under the moonlight
You walk towards it
The street is empty,
The night sky is immense
Even more immense with the blue stars
Flickering in the distance.
Sitting on the wooden bench
Facing the free flowing waters,
Under the vast night sky
You sit alone with the moon
Next to the flowing river
And wish that this feeling would last
275 · Nov 2019
love yourself
Shadow Nov 2019
always remember to love yourself no matter what.
but don't become arrogant.
274 · Aug 2020
What am I living for?
Shadow Aug 2020
"When you don't know what you're living for, you don't care how you live from one day to the next. You're happy the day has passed and the night has come, and in your sleep you bury the tedious question of what you lived for that day and what you're going to live for tomorrow"

- Ivan Goncharov
I don't know what I'm living for, living like this torments me and I find it hard to carry on. It's all so meaningless...
274 · Aug 2020
Shadow Aug 2020
A little peace
within the last hours of the almost bygone day
a little silence
between the days
so that the nascent yesterday does not get in the past
and tomorrow is lived for today
273 · Dec 2019
double expectations
Shadow Dec 2019
why is anything
I do
I'm being crushed by these double expectations by the people around me, it's exhausting me and I have nowhere to run, all it does is cause me self hatred and feelings of doubt, it makes me want to cry but at the same time it's gotten rid of my ability to shed tears, I don't know what to do, please help.
262 · Feb 2020
Shadow Feb 2020
Shifting shades that lack precision,
eye evading, vaporous vision,
fleeting flickers underexpose
ghostly glimpses that discompose.

Shadows speak in trembling tones,
mumbled murmurs, cackling crones,
bated breath while overcoming
stifled screams but not succumbing.

Befrozen blood stills hammering heart,
senses separate, perceptions part,
lost lucidity brings indecision
face or flee this spectrovision.

Shuddering skin turns pearlest pale,
hairs horripilate, portents prevail,
cold creeps craze a mind affrighted
spooky spectres come uninvited
254 · Jul 2020
To X
Shadow Jul 2020
The world is quiet here...
There is no God to offer salvation,
There is no music to calm the soul,
There is no Love to sooth my suffering,
There is nothing but darkness here...
My world has been so quiet lately.
251 · Apr 2020
For Grandpa
Shadow Apr 2020
The air is foggy,
And the sky is grey,
You can not see its blue today,
A suffocating silence fills this place,
And his empty seat's left a space,
So hollow and dim in my heart.

He sat right there next to the lamp,
But that place is cold and damp,
He left us in such a hurry,
Oh how much he made us worry!

I remember him really well,
Stories of fairies he would tell,
He'd tell us where the monsters dwell.
Generation by Generation told,
Stories with the worth of gold,
Stories containing young and old.

But now he's gone,
and I'm in grief,
Why must the world,
be such a thief?
They say one only dies when their memory is forgotten, I am making my grandfather immortal, through this...
Shadow Aug 2020
I've lived to bury my desires
and see my dreams corrode with rust
now all that's left are fruitless fires
that burn my empty heart to dust.

Struck by the clouds of cruel fate
My crown of Summer bloom is sere
Alone and sad, I watch and wait
And wonder if the end is near.

As conquered by the last cold air
When Winter whistles in the wind
Alone upon a branch that's bare
A trembling leaf is left behind.
I only recently discovered him and his work and I am I awe of it.
234 · Nov 2019
The night is long
Shadow Nov 2019
The night is long
filled with crying stars
and weeping moons

The night is long
the black abyss of the sky
consumes me and my desires

The night is long
I am left bereft of joy
bereft of hopes and aspirations

The night is long
the demons are screaming
and I wail in corner of my room

The night is long
and my lust for morrow to come
is everlasting...
231 · Mar 2020
Original Sin
Shadow Mar 2020
eve conversed with a sinuous snake
on a Sunday afternoon
the garden barred its double doors
and sent them to their doom
the sin of she had punished he
who touched no snake in the apple tree
but if lilith with the dawn had gone
how innocent can adam be?
230 · Apr 2020
June Moon
Shadow Apr 2020
Marvelous, matchless, magical, moonlit midnight,
With a superabundance of sparkly, summery stars,
Peacefully placid, pure and prettily plummy,
Radiantly rich, rhapsody resplendent rapture!
Fragrant flowers frolic freely in your fervence,
Eye-catching and exquisite in their exuberance,
Bouncing blissfully in breezy, blooming ballet.
Inexhaustible and intoxicating and intriguing,
Dazzling and delightful, and doubtlessly dreamy
So a girl challenged me to write a poem with alliteration and so I accepted the challenge, tell me what you guys think :)
228 · Aug 2020
Desiderata by Max Ehrmann
Shadow Aug 2020
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
I think this poem should be read and felt by all for it as meaningful as the morning dew on the rose's petals.
A beautiful reading here:
225 · Mar 2020
Fahrenheit 451
Shadow Mar 2020
Burn the books!
Cover them in kerosene!
Destroy the present and all that's been!
No more ideas should exist
If someone objects; cut their wrists

The word is our's
Reality is made by us
No more books allowed
They cause a lot of fuss!

Ignorance is bliss
Books bring back hate
Knowledge is nothing
But misery's bait.

Your thoughts are our's,
Your mind's not yours,
We have an eye in all the doors,
So why hide in despair,
Just give us your books,

We will bring you happiness,
We'll help you love this place,
If you refuse however,
Your ashes will fly in space.
223 · Aug 2020
I love you
Shadow Aug 2020
I love you. I am madly in love with you.

With the whole of my being, with my sanity and insanity, with all the stars, with all the moons and all the skies I love you.

I do not know how to tell you that I still love you,
Not with the immensity of the oceans,
Not with the might of the mountains,
Not as much as the constellations and planets,
Not with the beauty of the waterfalls,
Not with the melody of the birds,

But with the immensity of the galaxies,
With the might of nebulae,
With the energy of every sun,
With the beauty of the little stars that glimmer like diamonds in the night sky,
With the smell of rain in the morning,
With the melody of our hearts.

I love you.
I feel so alone.
213 · Jul 2020
Shadow Jul 2020
Autumn will come,
Autumn and his cold breath,
Autumn and his grey skies,
With his wilted flowers,
And his lifeless trees,
Autumn will come.
Autumn and his empty streets
He'll come with frozen dew on the grass,
He'll come with sundowns at 4 in the afternoon,
He'll slap your sleep ridden face with the morning wind,
Autumn will come.
Autumn will come with the evening rain,
Autumn will come with love-sick pain,
Autumn will rest on the heavy clouds,
Autumn will howl at your window at 6 a.m.
Autumn will come with the look of tired souls,
With the sound of heavy hearts,
With taste of the evening tea,
With the smell of bittersweet melancholy.
Autumn will not come with rhymes
207 · Dec 2019
The monster inside
Shadow Dec 2019
There resides a monster within my heart
One with daggers instead of teeth
Swords, as nails, without a sheath.
This monster has onyx eyes
Paper skin as white as snow
As cold as ice.
This monster is my subdued rage
My muted anger
What makes me age.
It torments my soul in all sorts of ways
From lonely nights to freezing days.
It's cut off my tongue so I won't scream
For God's sake it won't even let me dream!
Every night it visits my slumbering corpse
It taunts me, it haunts me,
It shakes me, it wakes me
I can not scream, I can not breath.
All of my nights are slumberless
These tormenting notions are numberless.

Dear monster, please go
Leave me alone and take my woe
I can not bear your presence
Your sight, your sence, your smell
Haunts me.
It feels like the devil himself taunts me.
I do not know what else to say,
How else to scream
Or cry for help
I just hope that one day
You'll get bored and go away,
Go! give me some ecstasy,
All I need is a slight feeling of ataraxy.
A small glimpse of my tortured soul.
204 · Jul 2020
To first love
Shadow Jul 2020
You were always painful ,
Your ending was always bad,
Someone didn't love the other,
And someone was attached ,
You gave us sleepless nights
And your promises were empty
But the most woeful thing will be
"We almost had a thing."
Oh how I pained the both of us; teenagers are always foolish when it's the first time they fall in love, if it's love.
204 · Dec 2019
Sorrows of Werther
Shadow Dec 2019
Werther had a love for Charlotte
     Such as words could never utter;
Would you know how first he met her?
     She was cutting bread and butter.

Charlotte was a married lady,
     And a moral man was Werther,
And, for all the wealth of Indies,
     Would do nothing for to hurt her.

So he sighed and pined and ogled,
     And his passion boiled and bubbled,
Till he blew his silly brains out,
     And no more was by it troubled.

Charlotte, having seen his body
     Borne before her on a shutter,
Like a well-conducted person,
     Went on cutting bread and butter.
204 · May 2020
Shadow May 2020
Out of the night that covers me,
      Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
      I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
      My head is ******, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
      Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
      How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
      I am the captain of my soul.
Written by William Ernest Henley, this poem is one of my favourites. What is your favourite?
203 · Mar 2020
Always sorry
Shadow Mar 2020
Your sorry has no meaning anymore
It is no longer like before,
They're nothing but a simple sound
So speak less and act some more
For only actions open doors

It torments me every night
It is a thorn inside my heart
And your sorry
Means nothing
It's over used and clichèd
It's lost its meaning.

You've lost yourself.
202 · Sep 2020
Chapter II, XIII
Shadow Sep 2020
"But Lensky, not, of course, intending
To wear the ties of marriage yet,
Looked forward warmly to befriending
Onegin, whom he'd newly met.
Not ice and flame, not stone and water,
Not verse and prose are from eachother
So different as these men were.
At first, since so dissimilar,
They found eachother dull, ill-suited;
Then got to like eachother, then
Could possibly not be separated.
Thus (I'm the first one to confess)
People are friends from idleness."
- Alexander Pushkin, Eugene Onegin
201 · Dec 2019
Shadow Dec 2019
a burning candle
a leaking pen
a  little hope
an everlasting yen
to find some meaning to this,
this endless loneliness.
'Twas  my birthday today
though everyone had forgotten
so I went out for a walk, cold and rotten,
the day was grey and the wind
blew all the comfort away.

Now I sit so still
in this sepulchral room
with a leaking pen at hand
I scribble over these contorted lines.

there's no need to rhyme
you just gotta break your fall
it's your birthday after all!
be happy and smile
even though things seem vile
if you just keep pushing through
you'll find something that'll make your life worthwhile.
some more nonsense.
200 · Dec 2019
Red ball
Shadow Dec 2019
Red ball (for better quality you should should read it aloud)

And if I said a ball is red,
and all I said was that,

and if you thought,
a ball is round, and on its surface
texture found, and on your finger
round and round it spins,
then off the glass rebounds
to take another shot;

and if you thought,
a ball is red, the colour blazing in my head
of ripe cranberries in a bog, or colour
of a short-hair dog that's trained
to hunt a hog,

I could not say
you understood, for in my mind
the ball was wood, and sitting on a metal shelf,
a toy made by Santa's elf–
its red the plastic kind.

One-hundred and seventy-one thousand,
four-hundred and seventy-six,
the words within our bag of tricks
to try and say what we must say,
and still not be cliché.

It's why I write to please myself,
and maybe with a metaphor,
or simile, hyperbole, or maybe
if personified, it touches deep inside
and amplifies, when it is read,
a human watershed.
199 · Jul 2020
To the friend I haven't met
Shadow Jul 2020
Hi, here's a few things I think you should know about a friend whom you haven't met yet:
They have hazel eyes that change colour depending on the lighting,
They like to go on walks and get lost in nature,
They read a lot,
They write sometimes too!
They like to look at the night sky,
They are still lost in life,
They are still searching,
They will not guarantee you happiness everytime you're together but they will always do their best to help you find your right path.
They like to read while sitting on the grass,
They like sitting on grass,
They don't laugh often but when they do it's genuine,
They like the songs sung by birds,
They will not be the "perfect" friend
But I promise you, like almost all other good friends, they will change your life for the better, even if just slightly.
195 · Sep 2020
Be with me
Shadow Sep 2020
Sorrow has settled in between your beautiful eyes,
The night's nested in your black hair,
And your glassy eyes shine like blue stars.

Be with me,
Be with me for when we are together the wind carries away my loneliness,
The moon smiles,
The sun shines,
The leaves swirl in the wind,
The birds sing,
The flowers bloom,
The soil smells of morning rain,
Be with me.

Spring fluttered out of my hands and disappeared,
In my room, I burn from loneliness,
Within my heart, an ice flower has sprouted.
What can I sing?
My youth is gone, my voice is gone...
191 · Sep 2020
Who goes there?
Shadow Sep 2020
Who goes there?
Who tries to enter this sepulchre?
How did you make your way inside?
I built my castle on the highest mountains,
I built walls around it so great that no being could pierce them,
I hid my heart in the most complex of vaults,
How did you get here?
Did you fly in with the wind,
Or did the moon bring you in?
Did the stream carry you,
Or did you outshine the sun and he let you enter?
How did you get past the tempest outside?

Who are you?
Why do you wish to tread the world of  shadows?
There's nothing here to see but the weeping souls of the exhausted thought...
189 · Oct 2020
I dont have a word for this
Shadow Oct 2020
The world is silent.
The room shakes
with the tik token of the dying clock.
My head is empty and I feel nothing
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