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Life flew by in the blink of an eye
That is, my life with you
4 months or 4 seconds
I can no longer tell the difference

Tick tock

1 Mississippi
I'm entranced by your eyes
Writing poems of melted chocolate
Does my name fit with yours
How perfect our life will be

Tick tock

2 Mississippi
I've never felt the way I feel
When you look at me that way
Like I'm a fish, on a rod that you reel
I could never leave your side
And you could never leave mine
But I'm afraid
Scared to death
Of what the future will bring
You say to trust you but I just don't know how, but I'm ready to open to you

Tick tock

3 Mississippi
You get better everyday
It's all down hill from the first kiss they say
But to me that was a bold faced lie
You're arms wrap around me
Filling a gap I never knew was there
No longer do I fear
You are me
And I am you

Tick tock

4 Mississippi
We are getting so close
Ready to be soul mates
But as the milliseconds tick by
It's starts to open my eye
When you say this
I say that
Maybe we aren't that right
You hugging me
Doesn't feel the way that
It should be
And as the clock strikes four seconds
Our life is over
Because I cut it, ended it
And wether it be our life or yours
It seems all the same
Since I feel like I'm standing now
Over the body of the boy I killed

Tick tock
Goes the broken clock

5 Mississippi
The rest of the world
Counts on
As I lay
Haunted by your endless echo
Yet deep down
I know one things true
We were never a five second thing
Please comment I would love to hear interpretations or any comments you have in general.
I fly through the front doors
racing upstairs like hunted prey
praying she didn't see me

I tear open the make remover
and feverishly rip off
the overpowering
jet black eyeliner

I steal a glance in the bedroom mirror
and throw on a hoodie over my black shirt
quickly swapping out the black pants for jeans
in a crude attempt to look normal

I hear her steps ringing off the stairs as my heart beats
sounding together like a drum kit
I pull off my spiked black bracelets
and trinkets
hands shaking palms sweating
as I hide them away

I feel the door opening before it does and
hope i covered up the look, the spikes hidden
the eyeliner gone
i glance in the mirror and see a pale
empty girl looking back
terrified of being caught

she asks how my day was while casually looking around the room
her ever seeing eyes falling on my undoing
my small black spiked gothic bracelet
hanging off the desk
sticking out like a sore thumb

she asks what it is
and looks at me questioningly
talking about how she deposes the style
hates the look
as I fumble for an excuse
of the unusual possession

I lie, its easy now i do it all the time.
But this was different. I tell her
that its a stupid birthday gift
a throwaway I keep because
friends like to see me wear what they bought
but as I utter the words
I feel like Im stabbing my soul
twisting a knife
calling a part of my identity garbage
telling myself that part of myself is simply a throw away
and despite the fact that I use a fake knife
The sting still feels real
because I know that part of what I say is true
That sudden momet
         When you find the key
          To your writers block
         And poem after poem
          Floods in like a wave
          To your mind
          Begging you to write
          To share every
          Thought with the
          Strangers of the Internet
          As your fingers itch
          Trying to write
           Faster and faster
No matter how tired
Or how late
           You keps writing
           Because you need
           To get every idea
            On that plain white page
           Before the cursed writers block
            Seeps back into your brain.
I'm having one of those
Moments now.
Repost if you've ever had a time like that. Or if you just like the repost button. Or if you don't like the repost button.
Read one side then the other

    Why it's it.                      Why is it
That only after.               That only after
We leave someone.     Someone leaves
We realize all the       Us. We realize all
Little quirks and.        The beauty about
Annoying habits     Them. The clouded
Are something we can't    Glass clears,
    Stand. The clouded     we see who
      Glass clears.       They are. Looking
         And we see them.   Past problems
               Wondering     Wondering
                   What we.   What we.
                          Saw    Saw
I would love to hear any comments so please feel free to say what's on ur mind. And don't be afraid to hit the like or repost button :) (I promise it won't bite)
A teardrop
Like a shimmering stream
Rolls down the moving hill
Leaving a river trail
On the flesh colored soil

Slowly it leaves its white rimmed pond
As it travels on
It's sorrowful journey
Across the hills
To the ruby petals
Which open to free a wind
Of lugubriousness
As they call for more drops

The glistening stream
Crosses the petals
Leaving a salty trail behind
As it falls to the rounded edge
Where it falls with a splash
To the floor below
Waiting patiently
For its followers to fall
From the land above
On their teardrop journeys
A shining sun
Glaring bright
Stopping all
With our smiling light

Till the cover
Was tossed on
And darkness crept
Around the sun

Black paint
Covering all
Snuffing out light
So all will fall

And when the time
Finally gets handle
When light can shine
It's but a candle

On a stand of wax
With a tiny flame
The dark still creeping
Barely kept tame

And yet that makes
It prettier yet
When the stars shine,
The too bright sun has set

The tainted color
Brings beauty new
Mystery and light
Of a more believable hue

The smiles back
Seeming even more bright
Against the backdrop
Missing it's light.
Mangled bodies from the grave
Chase you with avenge
Their destroyed faces rave
As they come for gruesome revenge

The cackling grows louder
As the close up on you
Wanting you to cower
As their chase you through

The spell of death in in the air
Crumpled candy under feet
Dread and fear everywhere
Turning people white as a sheet

The graveyard horrors stomping feet
What happens next is unforeseen
The gouls and goblins yell trick or treat
On this perfect night of halloween

Hope you like my special Halloween poem just for today! If you do please like or repost and if u don't feel free to still like or repost.

Hope everyone had a great halloween and no matter how old u are you are never to old for dressing up in an awsome costume and eating some delicious candy even if u just bought it at a store!
A fire is burning
Deep inside
One to set me a blaze
That you fuel with hate

It's tounges of heat
Only add strenghth to my frozen heart
It's firey passion
Ready to shoot you will a storm
Of icicles

I have cried my frozen tears over you
And felt my blood boil in pain
But now that pain becomes a gate
To freedom

Too long have you governed over me
Too long have to called me ugly and fat
Too long have you laughed at my ideas
Too long have you talked behind my back

Though I can not leave in form
For now I'm gone in spirit
Smiling in front of you, laughing at your jokes

While my fire sparks inside
And my heart cools with malice
No longer will I feel you shots
Because if you shoot at an inferno
The bullets are lost in the blaze
On this cold winter night
The wind is starting to bite
And the snow starting its flight
So come dear, into my sight
And hold me hear just right
Your hands warming light
Keep me safe from fright
You are my shining knight
My inspiration to write
And when you hold me tight
On the chilly eve, you give me might
And take away my smite
Bringing joy as you quench my fight
As December turns the world white
The moon a flying kite
That turns darkness a silver so bright
From its unbeatable height
You make my worries slight
Your presence is my delight
Telling me that everything's alright
As we sit in the twilight
Our emotions ignite
But the winter calls in spite
Trying to bring contrite
For us ignoring it outright
As inside together we excite
Each other's warm invite
By the fire with love tonight
At last we reunite
Please comment I would love to hear your interpretations of my rhyming poem
I sat on a rock
And starred at a duck
If feathers ruffling in the breeze
It's webbed feet keeping it still
As it paddled in my view

That duck starred right back at me
It's beautiful gaze meeting mine
A pleading look covering its face
Yet it didn't fly away

It stared at me, another creature
In its world, a harmless organism
We love them and paint them
Capture them in a pretty picture

And little do they know
Those toxic ponds and broke homes
Are all our mans doing

It stared at me unknowingly
Incapable of understanding
Or if it did it didn't show it
In its tiny duckling face

We tear their home
To make room for us
The most brutal race
And yet this duck
Came waddling up
Not knowing us for what we are

We are human
We are predators
We are destruction
In its finest hour.
This was a response to Ena Alysopriono, thanks for the challenge. When I couldn't think of what to write it was a fun creative thing to do. :)
Darkness, it's so mysterious
A sign of the abyss
We can't penetrate it with our eyes
We will never no what's beneath

It can be a color called black
Which people will wear
It's for grieving and for sadness
And for protection too
They won't come near, if they fear
The emotional abyss
The one that in srounded by our
Dark outfit

It can be a hiding place
For those who always fear
With no lights they can't come near.
It gives us a place of freedom
But it frees our enemies too
We can't see them coming,
The monsters under the bed.
As they hide within
Their darkened mist
In the dark abyss.

It can be the unknown,
A shade of mystery.
We are all left in the dark
When we think of this shade.
We can't see, we can't know
Whatever lies beneath,
Is unknown to us humans
As it wiggles in the deep.

It can be evil
The sign of tainted good
The color white muddied,
By the darkened sins.

It shows us when to hide
Since the monsters come at night
It is the spookist of colors
The one that shows us death.

But it can be beauty too,
A protective guard over us.
A shroud of mystery
To keep the others guessing.

It lets us be alone
When we truly wish.
It hides us from our enemies
And keeps the small ones safe

After all when its night
And we all wish to sleep
We plunge our selves into darkness
And welcome the abyss.
Repost if the darkness has ever shown you beauty, protection or hope. And please comment I'm always happy to see what you have to say about my poems
                         Are made
                         Of blades.
                         We couldn't
                        Live without
                        Them. It's the
                        Sharpened steel
                        Doctors us to bring
                        Us into our life.
                        It's the cool metal
                        That cuts the
                        Wood to build
                        Our homes.
                        We taunt with
blades keeping such deadly weapons in our homes. To cut our food, and groom our faces. But the greatest irony      
                 comes from life itself,
                for the very blades we
                     Use to protect and
                       Keep our life,
                     Turned around
                     Destroy our very
                     Being and cause
                    Our lives to bleed
                 From the fatal wound
                      Making the end  
           Harmonize with the beginning
I was new to the school
I had no friends
Fear wrenching my gut
And so I smiled

I met some people
They turned me away
Bullied behind the back
And so I smiled

Finally I made true friends
And got asked out
But of course it never did last
And so I smiled

Then the friendship all went wrong
Promises broken, loved ones lost
Blood was shed, turning hands red
And so I smiled

Horror, black clothing
So much more
Crying and dying all inside
And so I smiled

A grandfather left
Passed away
No longer shall we play
And so I smiled

Glaring eyes crossed
Hatred shown in the hall
Between friends turned enemies
And so I smiled

True friends turned sisters
Moved away
Leaving me alone
And so I smiled

Fear wrenched me again
As I tried to mend
Broken friendships from childhood
And so I smiled

Now I have met some girls
Not true friends but close
A boy I like is more than friends
And so I smiled

But a smile no longer means happiness
Now it's simply a brave face.
So how do I reveal to the world
That I am somewhat happy?
I feel like an old worn toy
Destroyed beyond repair
Yet a father tried for his boy
To piece me back tare by tare

How ever, they threw away
One vital piece of the construction.
Instructions they wouldn't use today
Turning my rebuilding into gentle destruction

He pieced me back as best he could
The ourside looks the same
But now I'm made of hollow wood
Missing pieces that never came

I'm not broken or in pain
I'm having a lack of feeling
Like a hollow toy on a chain
Dangling empty from the ceiling

They put me together made me whole
Yet something's different after all
He must have missed a ***** or hole
When they fixed me from the fall
The days turn cold
As another year passes by
Memories become old
Blurry scenes in a movie
Who're tickets never sold

And yet I'm frozen in time
The rewind button stuck
Playing the same old rhyme
Over and over again
Unable to start a new chime

Like a chain of silver shine
Wrapped forever on my frail wrist
Tieing me to an unmoving pine
In the forest of forgotten times
Secrets that haunt me with every line

Step forward the world says
But the chain pulls me back
Unrelenting metal made of days
Never to be forgotten
And never to free me from their rays

And they key will never be found
Hidden from all others
But it's not barried in the ground
My freedom is in your hand
Under watchful eye all year round.
I would love to hear any interpretations you have on my poem so feel free to comment or repost
Dear PrttyBrd

I read your poetry specifically your poem " I saw the words" and I thought it was so amazing. I have spent days analyzing and reveling in your words when I have had free time. All of the contrasting ideas flowed so perfectly and created such an amazing image. Personally I love how you used such different emotions and ideas and brought them together in each stanza with " I saw the words on a page". Your words have inspired me to feature your poetry on the dear blank challenge and I sincerely hope more people will read your poems.

I saw the words on a page
And read their joy
Their hope
Their heart

I saw the words on a page
And it ripped my world apart

These two stanza are incredibly well written. To me they show the power that words can have and how simitaniously a few words can give both hope and joy and yet destroy your world. These stanzas give amazing description in their few words and are very powerful representations of the power poetry or words have over people.

I saw the words on a page
Penned before my heart was yours

I saw the words on a page
Of how your love for her endures

These two short lines portray more than a paragraph could! They leave the meaning and exact emotions secret to you ( PrttyBrd) and allow a sense of mystery for the reader and yet at the same time I felt a sense of imagery reading this as if I were there reading these words. To me it portrayed longing and unrequited love and yet the beauty is that it may be different for everyone.

I saw the words on a page
Kept with all your special things

As a poet words are so incredibly special to me, they mean hate, love, longing or sorrow. And so words are one of my most special things. Even if words are not as important to someone reading this this stanza is incredibly unique. You hold the image together by stating it is about words yet you never mention what these words are allowing the reader to form their own interpretation which makes this poems every sentence that much more special and personal to all of us.

I saw the words on a page
Read dreams of wedding rings

I saw the words on a page
Of a dream you never spoke

I saw the words on a page
They made my own begin to choke

I tried and tried to think up something to write for these stanzas. Of the incredible emotions, the metaphors and illusions, the personification and language and nothing I wrote could give it justice and so all I can say is that it is absolutely fantastic!

I saw the words on a page
Of a time when love was true

This stanza adds even further to the exquisite mystery of what these words might me, who they talk about ect. To you Prtty Brd they may be a character of imagination, or a memory re-lived, but the fact that you keep that keep this rather than frustrate me, made it that much more perfect. Of a time when love was true is also such a powerful line as it adds to memory and has the reader think back or imagine a time of true love, a simpler time that we all yearn for.

I saw the words on a page
And read what she means to you

I saw the words on a page
You claim love never dies

I saw the words on a page
Now I see it in your eyes

This is an absolutely stunning few stanzas and I could go on for hours about what this means to me and how I interpret it but I would hate to have others read it with my views in mind and I would much rather prefer they learn the meaning for themselves. What I will talk about is the last stanza I see it in your eyes" to me this is such a perfect representation of when you suddenly learn something and you realize it was their all along. For example if you learn someone loves someone, after you learn this you can remember all the times they looked with longing and you wonder how you never saw it before. Maybe that's just me though. Either way I found this revaltion in your poems and the fact that it connected what to me are so common emotions to things not as common such as. "And read what she means to you" a wonderful contrast

I saw the words on a page
You know my hearts allure

It can be scary and terrifying to open your heart to another and to open your darkest secrets and allures to someone because I matter what there is always the fear that they might tell, or hate, or judge, or fear you. Therefore I commend your bravery dear PrttyBrd if this is a true memory.

I saw the words on a page
I know that she holds yours

I saw the words on a page
I see what you can't deny

I saw the words on a page
Your love for me belied

It can be hard when someone loves another and refuses to love you despite your emotions towards them which is what I feel this is about. But you managed to create these intricate emotions in but a few words, and I find it hard to explain but somehow you managed to create this while at the same time not outright stating it, leaving it open to opinion. So perfect!

I saw the words on a page
And read their joy
Their hope
Their heart

I saw the words on a page
And it ripped my world apart

These are the same two stanzas at the beginning, (though since you wrote this clearly you knew that) anyway I thought that it was perfect way to wrap up the poem. It tied everything back together into your original view and brought back our original interpretations. Though these words are the same they are at the same time shockingly different. Now that we have seen all the words and emotions. We are changed by your poem and our original impressions are changed as we attempt to figure out what the "words" were.

I saw the words

Perfect! This simple line was such a plain, yet creatively unique way to end a fanspectierfectical poem. That's right, it's not a spelling mistake, I loved your poem so much it needed its own word to explain how outstounding it was. Thank you PrttyBrd.
Check out the dear blank challange by ember evanescent
Depression is a feeling
an emptiness
a loneliness
an extreme sadness

It is an emotion
filled with dread
a sense of living dead
not an illness in your head

When a child comes home crying
sad eyes with tears
do you offer them pills and cures
teaching them that sadness is a mental disability?

No, you welcome them
you wipe away the tears
and wrap them in a warm hug
telling them to let it out
that its okay to cry

Why must we treat depression so different
Depression is a feeling
a thousand times more intense than sadness
so we need the cure a thousand times over

People need hope and happiness
hugs and warm kisses
jokes and support
family and friends

We need to stop theaching people
that it is wrong to feel
that emotions that strong are frowned upon
something you must drown
in drugs and supperess to be
accepted by society

because depression is not a mental illness
depression is a feeling
an emotion
that needs human support and happiness
not synthetic chemicals
and the segregation
that comes with being "disabled"

when someone is happy, we see them as happy
as laugh and smile along
when someone is sad we see them as sad
and try to cheer them up
when someone is depressed
we cast them aside, title them as broken
ask them to take pills to be happy
and lose the reminder of what really matters
throwing the people
further into societies forbidden emotion
With your arms comfort me
Or find a distraction to set me free
from the darkness and abyss
seeping in with its deadly kiss

Hold me as we watch our favourite show
or buy me roses, row by row
To heal me from the wounds of the past
and find me happiness to last

Give me advice gentle and caring
or in silence sit simply staring
To let me melt in your eyes
away from all the pasts dark lies

Compliment me on more than looks
or bring me all my favourite books
To distract me from all the scars
of the constant emotional wars

But don't ever let me hear you say
that everything will be okay
Because if I do, then you will see
that our relationship isn't meant to be

Let's think of the present now
and if you do not know how
maybe you don't know me after all, here's why
your only way to comfort, is to think of the past and lie
Why do people always think that the best way to comfort someone is to tell them that everything will be okay? They don't know, and all it does is show that they don't know you, because the only thing they can think to do to reassure you is lie about the future since they are unable to help you in the present
I thought we were so similar but now I see the difference
You want peace and friendship
While I want nothing
You constantly make attempts
To rebuild a scrap of friendship from the fragile bond I set a flame
To re kindle a candle but hide it from inferno
To delete the awkwardness and hit undo to before
But I don't care
And that's what scares me
I thought I almost loved you
But like that I'm ready to go
I want to move on
To hop in a car and drive away from the dust that's choking me
Despite our bond the fire is done and I don't need to clean the ashes because the bond was severed and the scraps of love burned too.

I thought we could be sisters
The others called you that
To me you were still a friend
But perhaps you were more than that
But with your double edged sword you stabbed our strings
And cut out our hearts
The others will still talk to you
Worry and cry
Still save you from danger
Because you are thise sister
But to me you are gone
An empty shell
And any love I felt dissipated into the air
To see you killed and walk away
Would no longer phase me
All I think of you is hate
No r eminence of emotion

I thought you were a friend
We were never sisters
But you were always there for me
Someone to talk to about the light things
I couldnt discuss the pain but at least your voice could lift my hidden sorrow
But then I was ripped away
Pulled from you and my sisters
But somehow I forgot
To miss you too much
I lived my life
Forgot to call
Simply acted as though
You didn't exist at all
What ever love I felt for you
I learned to live without
And simply forgot
About the emotion I used to feel
When our times were more real.
Each verse is about a different time and a different person by the way.
Eternity is in our hearts
Smaller than I knew
It can be but meet seconds
As long as I stand with you

It doesn't always last forever
Fleeting as the morning dew
It's those perfect moments
With family friends loved ones too

Eternity is when time stands still
Those moments that our love grew
The moments we want to never end,
from them precious poems we drew

Sitting here I realize
That surely I will fail
For homework I do not have
Eternity to prevail
Please repost if you ever had an eternity within a few seconds or if your awsome or if your not awsome :) ( btw ur lying) and if you liked hitting the repost button you will love hitting the like button
You said you were forever
You said we'd always be friends
You stick by my side no matter what
It would be years till we met our ends

We would have our children play
Like us they would be together
They would share all our memories
Like us they would never lie to each other

Then you started to hide things
You manipulated, controlled our rights
We cried over the phone
As you started merciless fights

You promises all disappeared
Becoming faded ink on our sleeve
You turned all but a few against me
Soon we wanted you to leave

Once you were the world to some but
you hurt us more than we can say
You brought pains, scars and sadness
Emotions that will never go away

And now you've gone and left us
The pain has finally gone
But tears can still be shed at night
From a pain that lasted so long
Special thanks to Ember Evanescent ( who if your not already following you should) it was a neat writing prompt and a fun rhyming scheme.

I hope you liked the poem please feel free to coment with any interpretations I'd love to hear what you readers have to say about my poetry
You could be miles away
an untameable distance
impossible to reach
tomorrow or today
yet you sit two feet that way

Your could be slipping
falling of a cliff
into a darkness i can not follow
one hand dangling on the edge that is ripping
yet you stand firmly on the ground without tripping

You could be blinded
Sight blocked out by an unpenetrable veil
hiding me from you, unable to see the present,
memories forgotten as you go unreminded
yet your eyes shine, filled with confidence, decisions decided

Perhaps it is me
an impossible treck away

Perhaps it is me
slipping from the edge today

Perhaps it is me
blind folded, hidden from you

Perhaps it is me,
a small candle,  wishing to burn anew,

yet I battle for every breath to pass
as the oxygen is taken by your inferno
my speck of light, shining through miles of darkness
your blazing fire, through clear glass
snuffs out my flame, turning it to gas
Your flames lick at my soul
Shot through your grueling glaze
Screaming for an apology
Which I will never give

You made me cry
Broke me down
No matter how hard I'd try
You snapped my will
Like a twig
And made me weep inside

Beaten or broken as I may be
I hope that now you will see
For lack of my strength
Merits not my, apology

Others might  even envy
The love I thought you had for me
But now it is clear to see
That those thoughts weren't reality

Call it pride or loyalty
What ever you will really
I will stand tall and free
As your flames lick at me

I won't applogize for your wrongs
Even if I loved you once
I'll let you burn to embers
As I refuse to fuel that fire
Please comment, I'd love to hear any interpretations you might have on this poem, or really anything you have to say
They say friendship never lasts long
There is no such thing as forever
But I know that their wrong
As long as we stay together
There is no end to our song
It might no be a happy ever after
But if I call the wait is never long

It's not the time we spend together
That makes up of perfect rhyme
It's the beautiful moments
The ones that slow down time

It's our insane conversations and the laughter we give each other
It's our late night texts, our desperate calls
It's the giggle fits and cheery days
The chattering trips to the malls

But it's the dark days that show it too
The days we need each other
The days we call crying, and unkempt
Our words instantly soothing one another

Your friendship means the world to me
It's something I can't express
And though this might not rhyme
Know that I will love you forever and always
Repost if you have someone like this, someone who means the world to you in ways you can't express. Someone who is your forever
The other day
I stood outside
thinking to myself

All the pain came flooding back
from past times all alike
pain I shared with others
and pain all of my own
pain that brought knives rope
and pain that brought some hope

Then my sorrow came flooding out
in tiny shiny drops
with a name we've  given
that is so simple,
harmless teardrops

Yet as they fell towards my palm
they turned to hardened ice
falling down to my open hand
behold my frozen pain

I reached up my trembling hand
to catch the falling silver
only to see both pain and hope
shatter in my palm
Life is full of perfect metaphors
And irony hidden in secret ways
Carefully caressing things
In secret or on silver trays

It's in all those unplanned moments
When we cease to think
And in the thoughtful gestures too That let the emotions sink

It's in the way we curl up in bed
With a book in the bright of day
The way a torn feather falls, oh so slowly away.

It's in the way we shrink in terror from the darks evil face
Yet refuse to sleep until wrapped up by its safe embrace

It's in the way we see the world
Yet refuse to open our eyes
Only staring at the ground
Yet seeing only skies

And that's what makes our planet such a magical place,
where emotions of love and fear carefully match pace.
Sorry I hacent added any poems in a while I guess I just haven't gotten around to it. But I hope you guys like this one. And if u do feel free to please like or repost.
Veterans of war show off their scars
Telling their frightening tales of battle
The say " right here, in this very spot
Is where the age old bullet was shot"

But what about the others
The girls with troubling pasts
That haunt their every hour
They sit in the corner clad in black their expressions turned sour

And when the pieces of themselves
Come some what back together
Like the veterans they have scars
Only its from their emotional wars

To the eye their perfect plain and pretty
Another person in the crowd
Another nameless happy soul
No sees, no one helps, there is no one to console

Alone they fight their treacherous battle
Friendships lost, loved ones gone
And when it's done the world goes on
To as if nothing was ever wrong

And if that one is found alone
Crying in the corner
They all question what's the matter
Since scarless is her stature

No one questions
No one helps
She has nothing physical to show
Yet there are scars, only emotional, you know

No bandaid can fix the heart break
And the world doesn't know how
To unchain her from the repeating past
And forever it seems this will last
Please comment, I would really love to hear what you have to say about my poem or any interpretation you might have
Things were bleak
And dark
And deadly
It looked like
Nothing would help
And somehow
Things got better
And now
Is gonna be alright
There are still problems
But I know that somewhere
There is a solution
And so I should be happy
Yet I feel empty
Like a part of me
Is missing
And alone
It's not a sadness
That lets me cry
It's not depression either
I'm out of tears
Yet out of smiles
But not alone
But full
But not crying
But wide awake
But not speaking
But not happy
Fire for deadly hell
Fire for holy power

White for heaven when you die
White for doctors who don't let you die

Green for the environment
Green for environmentally toxic

Tears for sorrow
Tears for joy

This is the imperfect perfection of humans
I'm not a typical teenager
I don't facebook things
Or post my life to the world
I don't tweet
Or Twitter
Or all the other
I don't instagram
In fact
I don't like pictures
If me. I hide from the camera
Hoping no one will
Click the photo button
I don't party
Or stay out late
I sit at home
Watching TV
Or better yet
Cuddling up with a good book
I don't waltz around
In revealing clothes
Hoping for a boyfriend
I don't act all bubbly
I cry and worry
I don't worry about boys
And dates
I worry about depression
And cutting and if my
Friends are really fine

I don't doodle or draw names on a binder
I write poetry on a site called helo poetry
And the only thing that upsets me
About that, is that I didn't find it sooner
I'm sorry
For all the pain I caused
The misery and hurt
And I know that you will
Try to protect me
To say it wasn't my fault
But I know at least
One time had to have been me

I'm sorry
I made you cry
That I ever said anything to
Bring tears to your beautiful eyes
I'm glad that I can trust you
And tell you anything in mind
But I wish that I could protect you
That I could shield you from all
The horror of our world
It's not that your too innocent
Or that I think your too weak
To handle our world
It's that I love you too much
And I don't want you to have to
Say your fine
I want you to mean it.

I'm sorry
I ever kept anything from you
That I ever hid a secret
You are so incredibly strong
And too loyal for your own good
I new that you could bear my burden
But I didn't want to see you try

But don't get me wrong
Don't mix sorry with regrets
I don't regret the pain
And I don't regret the hurt
I wish it didn't have to be this way
But I wouldn't change a thing
Because if I took the pain away
You wouldn't be the you you are today
And I wouldn't be the me

So thank you for always being there
To beat the burdens, share the weight
For trying to protect me
The way I wish I could protect you
And thank you for forgiving me
For always being my rock
And standing by my side
No matter how many times I messed up.
A person like this comes along once in a life time and only some of us are lucky enough to have one, I think of myself as incredibly lucky since I have two. Repost if you have someone in your life like this.
Help I have bad internet connection
I can't check the school website.
That means I won't know about a test
That means I won't study
That means I will fail
That means I will get bad grades
That means I won't get into a good school
That means I won't get a good job
That means I won't get money
That means I won't buy food
That means I won't eat
That means I will die

Help I have bad internet connection
I can't get on facebook
That means I can't change my status
That means I don't take my relationship serious
That means he will dump me
That means I will be single
That means I won't get married
That means I will die alone

Help I have bad internet connection
I can't FaceTime
That means people are waiting for me
That means I won't show up
That means they will get worried
That means they might over react
That means they could call the police
That means they will think I'm missing
That means they will look for me
That means my family will get scared
That means they may start thinking the worst
That means they will think I'm dead
That means they will be upset
That means they will look for my body
That means they will find me
That means they will realize I'm not dead
That means they will be mad at me for scaring them
That means they will punish me, stop talking to me, who knows what else.

Help I have bad internet connection
I can't see any news
That means I won't know what's happening
That means I will be left out of all the conversations
That means I will be an outcast
That means I will have no friends
That means I will not make any relationships
That means I will go through life alone
That means I will become a hermit

Help I have bad internet connection
I can't access the e-library
That means no books
That means no learning
That means not getting any smarter
That means not getting into a good school
That means not getting a good job
That means no money
That means no buying food
That means no eating
That means I will die.

Face it! Life revolves around internet! If you have bad internet connection you could die, you couldn't even get on hello poetry *gasp!
It's coming out again
Forcing it's pitiful head
Out of the cage
I shoved it into
A long time ago
I surrounded myself with light
Brightness to ensnare the dark
But it has been sleeping to long
I'm fighting it
shining all the light I can
But the batteries are dying
And the shadows loom to close
It's slowly draining my color
Corrupting me
And I'm scared
That it will take over
Because after all
How can you stop something
You didn't even know started
Until it was already to late
Life isnt measured by likes on a post,
Or followers, friends, or tweets.

Life can't be counted by people we meet
Or losses we face.

Life doesnt keep a tally sheet
Marking down our scores.

Life isn't measured by the breaths we take
But it isn't counted by the moments that take our breath away, either

Life can't be drawn out for us, and counted on a graph
It can't be explained or sectioned off into days, months or years

We carve our own paths, and we don't need to count the steps

Because wether you use 0 or 26 letters,
Wether your heart beats 2 or 200 times
We are not numbers, we cannot be counted. We are so much more.
Numbers are something we created, but life is something we were given.
Click, clock, wiz,twirl
The cogs begin to hustle
As they spin and swirl
filling the daily bustle

Moving the packages from here to there
Repeating  the daily hurry
Fixing them up everywhere
To erase the masters worry

The cogs repeating and teaching
Taking them from the clutter
With the powerful arms, reaching
Stopping with a stutter

They stuff them, paint them, move them
Teach them, fight them, carve them
They fill them, clutter them, rush them
Shove them, push them, test them

As they move the silly gifts along
Making them perfect for the future
It make takes years, maybe not too long
To form the perfect structure

And when the packages are all done
They will be shipped off to the store
We're they will be free to run
And the factory won't be needed more
Please comment I would love to hear your interpretations of this poem
She is a small glass vase
With beautiful flowers painted
Hastily on
Only the outside barring paint
She is strong enough
To hold tight
Whatever treasure you put inside
She is beautiful
And perfect to the eye
But if you look closely
You can see
The spiderweb cracks
Where she was dropped
The cracks that scarred but never broke her
The cracks that never heal

She is a canvas
Of pure white
Painted over and over again
To create the perfect image
The one that pleases all
With only few specks
Of her true canvas showing through

She is a treasure chest
Covered in gems and paint
But the beauty of the box
Cannot begin to compare
With the gold within
The gold that is hidden
By the steel lock
That if you force
Will clamp much tighter
But with the perfect key
Will open with ease
To let your eyes
Veiw the rare gift
That is her treasure within
Repost if you know or have been someone like the girl in the poem
Like ashes your promises fell
Broken and burnt
Our friendship truly tested
By the searing fire of truth
Your lies and broken swears crumbling in the blaze
Like fragile pieces of paper
Which was all you could ever give
Strong and capable to the eye
But gone in seconds by a flame

Your friendship was a clear glass gift
Shattered by a simple drop
Gone beyond repair
You'd say your sorry and tape it back
But the cracks were never gone
One tiny pull of the tape and the world came crashing down
We'd stab each other with the shards
And cry our broken tears
But in the end it was all glass
And the promises were paper
People are metal
We color ourselves silver
Or gold or copper
We conduct electricity
And have the strength to do anything
We are resilient enough
To be burnt and twisted
And live on
Fighting against the rust

People are glass
Fragile and breakable
We open ourselves up
Let others shine through us
Seeing our true self
That is a rare gift
A beauty taking more courage
Than any could imagine
And when we have such courage
The irony is that we can be shattered
By a simple fall
From between tiny fingers

People are wood
We bear life
And green leaves
But cut us down with
A sharp bladed axe
We burn easy
But it's impossible
To rid our mark
That we leave
Smeared in black ashes

People are rubber
Bending to the will of others
This and that
Always bent out of shape
Springing to our flattened
Normal selves when no one
Else is watching
Striving, stretching to beauty,
Beauty impossible to achieve
When all the eyes are on us

People are like paper
They crumple and rip and tear
And no matter how much
You straighten it out
The crease is always there
They can be bent folded and broken
Destroyed beyond repair
Damaged from water stains and more
From animals beware
One sheet alone is strong and weak
It can do a lot
But wrap a thousand more nearby
And suddenly they are unstoppable
Able to hold 300 pounds
Or more
Tick tick tock
Chimes the clock
As the hands spin in circles
Never to return
Once it's gone we must learn
That the time will never come back
And why oh why
Did I waste my time
On you

You sided with her
When the fight broke out
When I critized her
You would scream and shout
Why did I waste the time

I tried my best
To always please you
I would act as though the things
You did
Never bothered me too
Why did I waste the time

I tried to get your attention
Worried about clothes and hair
But when I came
You were know one knew where
Why did I waste the time

You'd cowar and scream
Giggle and hide
You knew nothing about love
Yet I stuck along in your tide
Why did I waste the time

And finally when I broke off
The foolish thing that was us
I realized I was fine
Even though you would cry and fuss
So I think to myself
Why did I waste the time
Time is a precious thing, as the clock ticks away a second that second is gone forever so be careful what you spend your time on. And cherish those who spend time on you. They are giving you the greatest gift of all and they know it can never be returned.
The river flows endlessly droning on
In its never ending song
Roaring like a train
As I flys with the grain
Rumbling swishing flowing
As one, accepting each drop, growing

The river splashes against the rock
The stationary weight
Pulled down by its heavy burdens
The roaring rivers freight

They are seperate elements
Toghether in the stream
The river a gentle blue gasp of life
A crowd of laughing joy
The rock a heavy grey sorrow
Pushing around the crowd
Cracks from the ages
Of river sweeping around
Now and then harsh or gentle
Waves lap against the rock
Smothing holes or cracking edges
Slowly wearing it down
Yet never joining
For they are seperate elements.
Repost if you ever feel like the rock in a river bed, neither with or against the crowd, simply there, forgotten yet constant. Slowly gaining cracks as your weighted down by the past.
Our arms flail as we flounder about
In our lakes impossible tide
A water of unforgotten days
That we couldn't escape if we tried
Some people's are small others wide

We do our best to escape
Pulling ourselves to the sandy beach
Resting from its power,
Pulling us in, never free of its reach
To it we aren't worth a screech

As we grow our lakes do too
Filling with waters good and bad
Powerful waves and calming seas
Old emotions happy or sad
As we grow to man from lad
Please comment I would be happy to hear what interpretations you have of my poems
This           is             not
A po          em           But
rather       a cha        lange
For             you            to
Write.     A poem      about
The sh    ape that       you see.
What oddity, unusual deformity do you see inYour precious minds eye?
               A castle?
                A cloud?
               A hand or
               A heart?
Write a poem about the shape that you see above and please include #shapepoem in the tag.
To some she is a shining light
A flash of hope amongst the dark
An optimistic helping hand
To pull you from the dark
And cheer your sorrow

To some she is a black hole
Pulling the world down with sadness
Reliving the past that broke her
And stabbing others with the shards

To some she is simple words
plastered on a white canvas painting a picture.
never more
but never less

To most she is unnoticeable
A tiny footnote scribbled in the corner of a forgotten notebook
A wall flower whose thorns push away all but those with the key to her locked heart.

When you ask me what she is
The answer is impossible
Because I don't know

But I can tell you what she's not

She is not a beautiful face, to stop you in a crowd

She is not a chatting girl to talk you into a date

She is not a innocent flower
Welcoming with open arms

She is not a genius to create the next invention

She is not a musician, an author, a designer, a star, a doctor, or a hero

She is not a loving companion for you to hold, and remember your every need

She is not a great friend, always there in a flash.

She is not a friendly person, starting up the conversation

She is not a good cook, making meals that are edible

She is not an unscarred girl, unscathed by the past

She is not a beautiful figure
That draws your eyes

She is not hilariously funny
Ready for stand up comedy

She is not someone to remember though she will remember you

However she is not fazed by judges
Changing ways to suit them

She is not perfect

She is not stopped by her imperfections, only pressed farther to become something more.

And though I can not say who she is or what she will be. Here's what I can say

To me she will always be the girl staring back in the mirror.
Sorry this poem is so long. But please feel free to coment any interpretations and to like/ repost
You think that she is fragile
Becau­se you can see her every
­You see through her every
Into what you think is the
So you
her from lies and horror,
Because she is too
Becaus­e she is too thin
Because she is            

But you have no idea how she started out.
She has
more than you
And tasted her share of
She­ burned and got
In a blazing fire of lies
She turned from soft sand
Into hardened

You think that she is breakable
to you
Because you can see through her
But if you don't know
The pain and price it
To become what she is
Then it doesn't matter
That you can see through
Since you can't see in.

You may think you are
But that girl is
In the centre floats the sun
bringing life and order to the planets
She is that girl
the popular girl that the world revolves around
She brings light and beauty
demanding attention
she is the comparison
to gold and all things perfect
she is inspiration to all the poetry
yet no ones seems to notice
her poison and deceit
her radiation leaking
destroying the world
as she burns consuming
everything in her path

Then there are the planets
those perfect orderly orbs
the unnamed crowd
following their pretty girl
as she orders them about
they follow her hierarchy
numbered better or worse
hoping not to be
at the bottom of the list
the nerds or misfits like pluto
are forgotten and unloved
as she demands attention
from everyone above

Id much rather be a moon
a shining mystery
a tiny forgot speck.
Floating about on my own path
never quite the same,
forgetting about popularity
and its unrelenting chain.
Seen as an evil
associated with black and monsters
yet i’d shine a light down
through the darkness.
You can see its painful craters
the scares of past time
and yet i’d keep on lighting
and moving alone just fine

Id much rather be a moon
free to be myself
I don’t need to be
the spotlight
I’m content with second place.
forgotten by the many
yet remembered by the few.
I don’t need to be the golden girl
Im fine to be silver
for silver moons are much better
than demanding golden sun
I feel like you're slipping through my open fingers, our relationship falling like a handful of sand and no matter how fast or hard I clench my fist you find the little cracks to fall through

They say that when kids reach late teens, they fight, and grow distant, they grow to resent their parents and relationships fail, but I feel like I'm something new, our relationship isn't disappearing, you aren't fading into the distance, instead you are transforming into something new and I'm no longer your little girl.

Early today we went to the mall, and as we sat and ate lunch you said the strangest thing. You started talking about your job and about your feelings, treating me like an adult at last. The way I had always wanted you to talk to me my whole life. Like I was a friend and you could confide in me, because I still can't talk to you about the devastation I've encountered, but you finally understand that though I am still small my eyes hold wisdom and the gibberish you think I hear, comes like a melody in comprehensible packages. The codes you have come untangled to my ears, because I too have experienced your codes.

As a little girl I waited begging into my pillow that you would treat me this way, that you would talk to me like a friend. But the other day you did, and something was missing. I missed the way that you used to talk to me with your eyes shining carefully watching your words. The way that you would censer your topics as if I didn't understand the truth.

And now that you do this, that you talk to me like a new found friend you met at work, I miss being your little girl. I see the shinning eyes as your talk to my younger brother, and I miss the days you looked at me with that little kid look. Because now you see me with eyes of an equal, because I'm not your little girl anymore, because our mother daughter relationship has slipped through my fingers and the love you showed like chocolate kissing placed on the pillow of your every action, have been given to another and now my mother is slipping away.
The texts came through
the other day
calling me out
to come and play

They were all going to dinner
and I had to go to
Really I had no choice
they would know something was up if I said no

So carefully I walked from
my sheltered hiding place
stepping from the abyss
to go and pretend

I locked up my heart
through up my shields
ready to face their pitiful eyes
as they stared down and the girl that was broken

They wouldn't understand
they would wonder why I was broken
They would pity me
when all I wanted was to forget

I felt broken, dark inside
and I guess that got the better of me
because I seemed to have forgotten
that it didn't show on the outside

They laughed and joked
talked all night
and as I looked at them
In their eyes shawn appreciation

They didn't see me as broken
they saw me as whole
they didn't try to fix me
yet they fixed me all the same

I didn't need to pretend
because happiness is contagious
and when someone doesn't see you as broken
you start to see yourself as whole

They were like children playing with a broken toy
but to them it wasn't broken
because it was filled with fun and joy
and they had found it in the box that way
Sometimes when your feeling like your falling back to the abyss all you need is for someone to tell you how bright and fun you are, with eyes filled with appreciation. Someone who doesn't try to fix you, or support you, or see through the pain. Someone who simply doesn't know that your in pain. But note I said.. sometimes.
I want go to an airport with a whole truck load of lotion, bags of water and scissors all packed in suitcases.

Just to see securities hilarious reaction
Check out ember evanescent a spontaneous thoughts series and add on. Just write what ever your thinking ( I think weird stuff) and title it spontaneous thoughts (series)
R    R    R
O  O  O
  P  P  P
         Threads as
           It keeps us
            All together.
               Our small frail
                 Faces grow and
                   The rope now fades
                      To brown becoming
                        Strength and freedom
                          Scaling mountains tall
                              And high. The rope
                              Is now saving the life
                               Of the man who slips
                                Or falls. It's amazing
                               How this small dusty
                               Rope, the one sitting
                                Thrown in the corner
                             The one that saves that
                        Mans life when tied
                    Into a circle loses the
                Meaning of life. It now
             Becomes a noose to
             Escape from your
          Dark days. That
      Same lifeline
  Now an end
To life. Now
Take that
Rope and
Twirl it high
Above your
Head watch
It become a
Game, and a
   Challenge full
     Of fun rope the
       Cows and grab your
         Friends which this rope
           Let's you catch. Now add
             A second circle and the
                Cowboy tool becomes a
                   Bow to tie your loves
                     Precious gift and teach
                       A child to work their shoe
                          Change the bow into a
                           Knot and it becomes
                         Your undoing, tying you
                     Back holding your hands
                  As you struggle with
               Your strenghth. It's
           Amazing how a
      worthless string
Of twisted twine
Becomes our
Entire lives
Saving them
Holding them
  Tying them
    Ending them
      Cheering them
        And keeping them
         To some it is a
    Collection of strings
Twisted to form a
Strong enough
Rope. To me
They are the
Strings of life
Put together to
Form our
  R R R
O  O  O
P   P    P
E   E     E
Please comment, I'd love to hear what you have to say.
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