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SelinaSharday Jan 2024
Enjoy Life ...
@Life for its everything and everything is  Life.
It's Something Beautiful and Beautiful is Something..
Giving is a Blessing... And a Blessing is Giving....
To Love is Powerful... and Powerful is Loving...
You are Music ... you are musical.. Like Musical is  amusing  and
amusing is what you do.... So keep flowing,. and sharing your musical melodies.. your life, Your beauty, For its a blessing, as you receive, keep giving and loving.. Your Power is in loving.. It's when your glowing, laughing and living... from@Shardaye's_Quotes...2024
Explore...The More...
Your melody your a whole Vibe.. you are in 2024.. Your life is to explore.. and to
Live even the more.. as you explore this 2024 and the More..
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
The many ways he is legal.,Legit and lit..
With 3 A.M to finish it!
He ever so slightly gives..
Her a passions mind hickey. savory
Like shivering kisses mind hiccups.
unspoken...................................attention given.
Make's her shiver he's a mental ******* giver..
Make's her mind moist and inquisitive.
At the sign of any confusion.
It's his  penetrative foreplay.
Its the lyrics used to seductively play.
Tools He uses..their selective differences.
Just before 3 a.m.
She floats adrift softly melting H.i.m.
Talking  everything  comprehensively through.
  Rocks her mindful  emotions.
Mind Fkin sweet potions.
non-trivial notions.
Following every word she's relaying.
All before the 3 a.m. relating.
By day he's catering appetizers of verbal compliments.
Sharing of the days events.
when they are away from one another.
They are texting each other.
By evening.........
his texting feels like gentle
                                                                ­    whispering!
Making His next text something she's craving.
Neva leaving her guessing what He is doing.
Neva askin her wyd?
                                             Mental interactions are tender touchings.
                              Mind F
kin..   A tender kind of existing.
                                                       ­    As they both be falling.
By the time its 3 a.m.
Oceans colliding.. erupting.. exploding. mental explosion.
3 a.m. dammn she's already had many ******* heightened chills.
Body follows every moment. No hesitations so receptive.
They are such Intellectual souls..
The body is prepped it always follows.
3 a.m Anything Goes.
By 7 a.m exhaustion so good sets in.
Physical resting  so sweet.. yet mentally he's ready with a grin.
Just to start a new day all over with her again.
by selinasharday 4-2018...H.I.M (he is mine)
Mental whispering, detailing finishing sweet tempting mental savory things Prepping for the emotional and the physical.. intimacy colliding.
SelinaSharday Jan 2022
Thank U.. for keeping me grounded
and soulfully reminded.
That your Love is the drum beat..
That hold my seat.
Grounding the harmony in my feet.
Thanks for being the strong wind behind my scene.
When Life is rough and things become so mean.
Rhyming is nothing.
You are everything.
I appreciate you being what awaits me when I step from the stage.
I never said I wouldn't walk away for you.
I said it's ok if you don't care to share the spot lights.
Even tho I appear solo..
You know with you I follow.
@sometime I make it known. I'm not alone.
You do realize. Your happy Is my Home. My Private...I.. My ..Shy.. Rider..My Intelligent..
Guy. whose never made me cry! Hold my hand as I keep writing!...@4..U @4..Me..@Creativity!
SelinaSharday May 2021
Lets get to it! About me..
(to the old)Don't hate me...
Don't hate on me or lie about me..
Don't sneak up on me,, or come at me.. in different
Don't worry bout what I'm doin...
What my status is....
(2Da new) Don't sweat..
How I look,, my weight my size..
whether I'm fat or thin..
Good or bad.. you may never see more then my profile.
(to the old)I'm not your business.. I just wanna forget..
I wasted time feeling down.. feeling blue..
feeling anything I am not due..
(2da new) I'm a healthy size chick, thickalicous..
and beautiful,, not too big, not too small.
(2da old) I know you loved  all of it..
I could care less what you think of me..
(2da new)I'm bold and I'm stunning.. not here to be cunning..
Just to write and share things to ease some moments.
When I have time..
Not tryna run out and meet no one..
To you I'm just a profile.. My life's private. I protect that.
If I like someone.. we will talk for real..
I'm always complimented on having a sweet
sensual vocal tone. I appreciate my voice not many get to hear it
I'm careful when I feel I should be.
My pics are real.. google them image search them.
(2da old) Finally don't hate.. You lost a real gud thang..
I kno I got that guddy good, inside and out.
I deserve betta..
(2 all)Some may be afraid to express all this..
If you don't like me just pass on by.. I'ma do me..
And always be a Lady
If your lookin for **** pics.., or easy loose chicks, skip me..
You will only see simple pics, unless I decide to meet you
in the real.. Don't ask for more then what's given..
JUST reiterating
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
She blamed him he wasn't there while she was searching him.
Alone in the garden. Browsing eyes again feasting forbidden thing.
Told to keep away from.
Alluring be that Serpent seeing her  away from Him searching.
Serpent slithered on in.
Him off working, tilling seeking. Unseeing.
He blamed her, for being off and away searching.
The forbidden thing
She blamed him for not being close enough and not listening in.
Whilst searching for you in my view the forbidden thing came.
She proclaimed.
As yes the Serpent came and convinced me
of the harmlessness of this thing.
Its tempting.
Take eat with me.
As he did eat.
Separation, hardship, incompatibility, neglect,
war and fighting in generations this world it did
Such unnatural things,  they were put out of the garden.
Oh how soon to come things would change.
Woman as day  As  night is to Man.
Hard to find Him the same ever again.
With out heavens blessings and bringing together of such things.
The Fall and
Clashing of Planets
By The SelinaShardaye
S.A.M 2008 All Rights Reserved
The many points of view on the fall.. Modern rehearse
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
Adam  and Eve Come Together Again.
In His Image

My husband rest on legs of hope and liberation.
Perseverance and dreams are worn as a well pressed suit.
Like a brassiere Will and Endurance
strapped themselves about my chest.
In His Image!
Determination has stitched itself within my frame.
While truth as a necklace and faith as a hat. Decorates me.
Power and Strength grows within his bones.
Laced with Privacy as Cuffs of Patience cover his wrist.
The two of us were traveling on different roads with similar trials.
Roads that would one day meet up.
As I studied at a underpass searching a marketed village.
I had chosen to set up shop as tourist.
Endured abusive mishandlings as the towns people shopped.
Our shoes scared with marks from a weary journey.
With Patches hidden in hearts places.
We both born in the same month with a years difference,
Fifteen days between our birthdays.
The same seasonal love of Winter tied us.
Our taste buds linked by the similar cravings in food.
Compatible are the Holidays we adore.
In His Image!
The best of likened characteristics thought lost in others,
found in each other to be greater than.
Desires thought only in dreams, brought into our reality realm.
So much compatibility thought to be magically unbelievable.
Goals patterns us into blanketed fabrics, woven into fabulous designs.
Prayers laid before a higher Throne Room.
Searching, finding discovering one another.
Promises we hold fast to. Instilled with patience.
Substance of things hoped for, Evidence of things unseen.
As the distant Moon, we are Moons of privacy.
I the feminine to his masculine.
Only the glow revealed love sealed in gold.
We Live away from the Villages we have traveled.
Away seclusion, growing, waiting, planting, singing.
Trails coming we prepare for. Standing this time as One.
Together United together we come.
We take our places now in Heavenly Galaxies.
He my Adam I his Eve!
This new generation This Adam This Eve..
SelinaSharday Mar 2024
After making me Feel ah way! Ok!
Say fare enuff sweet friend..
I'm just across the street.. remember
Say ok cool shardaye..
Cuz I'm just a prayer and a thought away.
Think oh she just decide to chillax. and I know im cool always with huh..
Hi my guy friend. I am here, in my room ok...
working on wonderful virtual adventures all at bay ok..
I'll hit u up when everything's all ok.. try not to feel a way..
I'm sensitive, needing things done my way..
Know that the hill and me needed to chill in our own divided way..
Say.. oh hey.. You know me I'm being shardaye..
Keep a smile on yo face er'day ok.. as i'm just sails away...
just Pray.. ok..
byH.E.R_Shardaye.RosePoet S.A.M 2024
SelinaSharday Sep 2021
A sharing too much.. again..
staring at me again.  
Waiting again only getting nothing again.
Even in my skin..
looking past me again..
simply saying all I know of you is the inviting.
The poking the sayings.
Those invites..
Like fire crackers don't know when one will fire away again.
I'm simply repeating me time and time again..
No and No again.
Even when I  may just start imagining.
Again The answer is still No.
You keep tryin again n again..
I keep saying I been here thinking this through and then..
SelinaSharday Dec 2018
Has me feeling low and down.

Like I can't put my finger on..
what's behind this mood.
its funky and its crude.
This sleepwalking downer mood..
Dang it dude..
I think I may know whats behind this
don't want ta do nothing
slow burning attitude.
Thanks a lot dude..
You've successfully. uckedUp my mood.
Stolen good mood..
SelinaSharday May 2020
what I got for mother day

Ah What I got on yet another Mom Day
some air and some imagination, hopeful wishes at bay.

some invisible, un -acknowlegeables, some written unperson-ables.
A happy M day not much else to say..
As If i am some kind of..
Never there fa you kinda motha/*****.
Don't do nothing fa ya Kinda motha..
Trifling otha kinda, something or other type motha..
What I did get and have is.....the spirit of let down.
A gift of  no consideration.
A quiet shadow of you ain't that important or relevant.
The failed chance to say oh you shouldn't have's.
The missed moments of awe how sweet of you's.
The crumbs of no gratitude, from self absorbed tudes.
And a simple say anything I'd come off as rude.
I'm unseen, unheard, seen as old fashioned old school old ways.
Blinded shades, wisdom ignored, prayers stayed, unappreciated days.

Thanks for the little tab bits of invisible cards...hmm really
Thanks for the symbolic s of traditional materials,..untouchables
Those just tryna say I lov ya so's...(walkin in them shoes)
The absence of it can at times pain the soul.
Never one to ASK FOR MONEY OR GIFTS...Do I! wee bits..
By surprise be nice to discover how It'd feel to get the what ifs.
To be given the  unexpected gift, how heaviness might lift.
How solemness n sadness may suddenly shift.
It's not the material of a gift,, It's the showing of
heartfelt bliss. Spiritual Uplift.

I sit and it makes me recall..the six times, six souls, six plights..
To sow, to plant, to till the ground,
to labor, to sacrifice, to pray during those daily fights.
To feed, to nurture, to yearly grow.
Unselfishly..regardless of the needs of me.
By Grace of mercy heavens kept me.
So I can be..still Mommie, unperfectly.
Happy Momma Day 2Me...

Oh whoa,, ignore the typos I already know' so its the way i still want to flow..
SelinaSharday May 2024
what I got for mother day

Ah What I got on yet another Mom Day
some air and some imagination, hopeful wishes at bay.
some invisible, un -acknowledge_ ables, some
written unperson-ables.
A happy M day not much else to say..
As If i am some kind of..
Never there fa you kinda motha/*****.
Don't do nothing fa ya Kinda motha..
Trifling otha kinda, something or other type motha..
What I did get and have is.....the spirit of let down.
A gift of  no consideration.
A quiet shadow of you ain't that important or relevant.
The failed chance to say oh you shouldn't have's.
The missed moments of awe how sweet of you's.
The crumbs of no gratitude, from self absorbed tudes.
And a simple say anything I'd come off as rude.
I'm unseen, unheard, seen as old fashioned old school old ways.
Blinded shades, wisdom ignored, prayers stayed, unappreciated days.

Thanks for the little tab bits of invisible cards...hmm really
Thanks for the symbolic s of traditional materials,.. untouchables
Those just tryna say I lov ya so's...(walkin in them shoes)
The absence of it can at times pain the soul.
Never one to ASK FOR MONEY OR GIFTS...Do I! wee bits..
By surprise be nice to discover how It'd feel to get the what ifs.
To be given the  unexpected gift, how heaviness might lift.
How solemnness n sadness may suddenly shift.
It's not the material of a gift,, It's the showing of
heartfelt bliss. Spiritual Uplift.
I sit and it makes me recall.. the six times, six souls, six plights..
To sow, to plant, to till the ground,
to labor, to sacrifice, to pray during those daily fights.
To feed, to nurture, to yearly grow.
Unselfishly.. regardless of the needs of me.
By Grace of mercy heavens kept me.
So I can be.. still Mother, imperfectly.
Happy Momma Day 2Me...
@S.A.M  H.E.R/POETRY2020
Oh whoa,, ignore the typos I already know' so its the way i still want to flow.. mothers day holiday what. Some sons are wonderful and thankful. and teachable. some though forget to say and to bless on  special days. They overlook. But I know as a soul I've been there always through prayers, sweat and tears. raised all my sons.
SelinaSharday Jan 31
(Inspired by 'Mary Did You Know' instrumental)
Little Amaya, do you know that you're a precious gift to all who behold you? Sent by God above, you shine like rubies and gold, with a beautiful soul rooted deep within you.
From the beginning, you've been a blessing, bringing creativity and challenge to all you do.
Do you know..Your artistic soul stirs hearts and minds, inspiring growth and contemplation.
Oh, Amaya, wise and wonderful one, who could have imagined the incredible gifts you'd possess? God is with you, guiding and empowering you as a strong, determined, and bold individual.
May peace be your constant companion, and may the spirit of obedience lead you. You're an extraordinary leader, standing out among the crowds.
I thank God for the blessing you are, Amaya. Stay courageous, bold, determined, and awesomely challenging. You inspire and uplift all who know you.
— SelinaShardaye Lyrics"
to my grand daughter Amaya
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
When will we.. stop admiringly
stop posting afar,
its impossible to try and reach a star,
But I can certainly shout
to the star above
conversate with it show it love.
In my heart and mind
sparkly hype find..
share my thoughts all in the blind.
A traveler at heart is mine....
I quickly rhyme...
yet truthful a blessed find..
I'll leave and stray away..
keep my attention far at bay...
Good day...hope you like it..
my paper plane..
sent to a moonlit sky..
Registered.. S.A.M shardaysCopy Righted notes.
Your way over there up there.. can you get my paper sent planes..
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
Baby can I get into your mind.
Someplace in your head...
Baby can I intoxicate you mentally...
Someplace in your head,
Baby let me belong to you.
Someplace in your mind.
Baby will you daydream about me...
Someplace in your mind?
Is it a comfort to find a part of me, someplace in your mind?
Is there a hidden picture of me someplace that you keep safe?
Or is there a place that you rule me out.
And think that I'm playing games?
Is there a place where you think I don't feel the things I say?
A place where you think my desires aren't real.
Someplace in your mind?
Or Baby do you believe my goal is to achieve a oneness for us?
Baby will you imagine in your mind, me as a true love you've found?
In there can you be mine?
Can you destroy any negative thoughts that discredit me?
Baby believe in me.
Some where in your mind have you gotten a message from your heart.
To love me, keep me close, for I am good for you.
Has your heart told your mind not to let this love depart.
Someplace in my mind.
You will find, that I am all thine.
So Baby can I get in,
Baby am I in,
Someplace in your mind?
Mind, mental, connection
SelinaSharday Nov 2021
My bae came through..
Took me down turned me side ways.
Taking care of my sweetest needs for enriched harmony.
Feeding my rhythms lustfully.
My bae took care of me.  
Calming down my liquids flowery.
In love with his delivery.
His controlled abilities.
Happens beautifully.
And well I'm feeling satisfactory.
And well he's enough to handle me..
Yep Enough ta handle me..
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Discover me
Not in the body I used to Be..
yet still confidently.
Uniquely I still be.
Discover me.. Brilliantly.
You may Miss me or dismiss me.
Blazing my frames re arranging.
Defy me..No!
Don't Go!
I'm collaborating..
Always masquerading .
Escalating as my mind is fondly playing.
My Life is stage center..
Down center isle I enter.
Enjoying Me Doing me. Able to single cruise.
Strengthened by the richness of solitude.
I'm stable I'm laid back I'm Easy to soothe.
I just need me my own Bae..
Be My Suga Babe Bae
My sweet tooth My Suga Pie a la mode.
Bae Lets get comfortable. ⚤
As One Unit Lets Roll...
Getting to know you..I'm so into you lets roll u n me.. positivity
SelinaSharday Feb 2019
What a wreck such a mess.
Some say This poetry is such a wreck.
She shared a beautiful mess.
Some say I have no words for this mess.
Poetry needed a way to be released of its stress.
Other saw her Poems as a awful mess.
The village gave poetry such loneliness.
Gone and forgotten poetic protest.
Some said the Poems were flawless.
Others said They couldn't tap the keys for such dialect
It's ok curtain will cover, windows will close on Beautiful Mess!
s.a.m 2019 protected
@risky messes..creative challenges..
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
The beast loving the beast he didnt have
sympathy for beauty and the way that beauty should be treated.
Beauty she didnt have the ******* nature of
reality that means the way a beast should be. Beauty and her Beast
The tender love and affection that beauty needed.
Was often ignore rejected and neglected.
from the beast.
The same way, that beauty wasnt able to
saddle the ******* meaness
and the rocky foundation.
That the beast was used to. To accept him being what he is.
Unloving uncaring ungiving.
because he is better known as this beast.
Beauty and her Beast.
Beauty would often be torn ravished and taken for granted.
While the beast would often feast on the tender meat.
Of Beauty! Ravishing and seeking, beastly taking.
Barely ever having anything descent to be giving.
No kindness no loving ways, no maturity.
Because the beast didnt even love himself.
This beast he be!
Sometimes as beauty would be recovering
she'd reach for him in his rocky
******* places and it would leave her torn.
In tragedy torn ripped places because Beauty.
Needs peace beauty needs sweet relief.
That couldnt be provided.
By a ravishing Beast.
Beasty and her beast.
The way he seeks,, the way he treats the way he harms.
The way he rings alarms.
Beauty would sigh love me! The Beast would say Hate me.
Hate me I am Beast!
My Features are beast My ways are Beast.
My Heart is beasty. For I remember am Beast.
Beauty would cry Love me, desire me, want me,
Cherish Me, feed me nourish me.
comfort me, cradle me.
For I am beauty and I seek love and maturity.
I am Beauty. Do Not Devour me.
But nourish me and treat me kindly  
And Know that I am beauty.
I seek sweet sleep sweet deliverance
For I am Beautiful I need not  a Beast!
Don't be beasty let me transform you into my Prince charming
my romantic knight and shinning armor.
can I kiss the beast and he turn into my romantic beast.

By SelinaSharday.. All Rights reseved S.A.M 2018
hear it on soundcloud
SelinaSharday Jan 31
After a breakup, it's hard to let go,
Memories linger, and emotions overflow.
You think, "I still love them, I still want them near,"
But forget the pain, the tears, the neglect, and the fear.

You forget how they disrespected you, ignored your needs,
How they didn't value you, or treat you with kindness and deeds.
But it's time to remember, to recall the past,
To acknowledge the hurt, and let go of the pain at last.

You're not used to being alone, but it's time to be strong,
To carry on, to move forward, and right the wrong.
There's a brighter future ahead, a life to be lived,
A chance to heal, to grow, and to find love that's real.

Many don't make it out of toxic relationships unscathed,
But you can be wise, take heed, and let the lessons be engraved.
Listen to those who've been through similar strife,
Take their advice, and let it be your guiding light.

Hold your head up high, be strong, and don't look back,
Let your heart heal, and focus on a brighter track.
Do better for yourself, be stronger, and don't give in,
To the heart's whispers of "I still love them," let love begin.

My plea to anyone who's been in a toxic bind,
Is to be strong, to heal, and to leave the heartache behind.
You've had enough trauma, enough wounds to your soul,
Don't go back to the tears, the sadness, and the pain's cold.

Be safe, be strong, and know you deserve better,
A love that's real, a heart that's true, and a life that's forever."

Letting go with maturity, realizing its the right thing and best thing to not be clingy
SelinaSharday Sep 2024
always a place in my heart......
roses and mental thoughts
love and care..
Be Blessed always..
we got this....!
to my sistahs..
united we shall stand....
@inside the fences....
s.h.e_Is Eternal..
happy birthday wishes
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
Action ..wrong attraction
It stopped my working, my interactions..
My satisfactions.
It stopped my eating my sleeping. my wanting my being..
His pain left blood stains.
And shuttering crashing deadly kinda pains.
Wrong companions
left children calling. heart beats stalling.. families falling
Tender hearts reaching..
Love ones seeking..
Justice bleeding..
dreams misleading.
He killed her after he had loved her..
The actions..unfair.
Didn't he care.
He was internally bleeding yet no one was seeing.
Didn't stop the bleeding.
Now we all are bleeding,
we all are crying.. more hearts feel like dying.
Killing kinda connections..
Fatal Attractions.
Sorrowful use of weapons.
Slayed by guns.
Harmful Interactions.
God redeem This Bleeding Son
Redeem this One.

by selinasharday rose..S.A.M All rights reserved
A families loss..A son with a weapon in bleeding hearts hands. Boy loves a girl it falls apart. children left with out a parent, a mother grieves a son/daughter.
how do we see tragedy before its too late. How do we save a broken heart from deadly decisions.
SelinaSharday Jun 2024
She carried a heavy burden from an early age
She's the 2nd oldest but a leader in her her own way
Standing out amongst her sisters and raising fine sons
To this mother I dedicate these words
Violet radiance is her energy Humble wise and  and  compassionate her aura does shine
Doing all she can to be a blessing to others an admirable quality rare in this time
Although mothers day is only a single day, a mothers job sadly never seems done
Especially when the father is nowhere in sight, I applaud I know it wasn't always fun
You never quit when things were bad
you kept bellies full  and  put smiles on faces when kids felt sad
you were always fair even when made mad
Years later as storms pass, like a diamond you only got better with time
I always felt gemstones were underrated so its time this one got its spotlight to shine
Like stars in the Sky you deserve countless blessings as far as the eye can see
Know when I leave this prison you'll want for nothing a fact you'd best believe
I pray your vibrant light never falters in my life because I feel id truly be lost
It will weigh on me heavily since my actions robbed us of time my anger's folly too heavy a cost
Heavenly Father speed my return to my mother if you will I'll not ask for much else then.
Except that we all can meet once more and enjoy paradise in your kingdom in the end.
Love you and thank you for everything hope you like this poem.
SelinaSharday Sep 2024
Busily being done,
done with drama less of charm.
Done with the hustle, past the fail of the sun.
Busily working, out chasing relaxing soothing fun.
As I come, to the rescue
I wanna sooth whats been hunting.
and causing a loss of won.
Are you busily being done.
Done with the things, with the things
that keep you from having fun.
I come to do my best to..
help you enjoy the days.
as you busily be free.
busily flow with laughter and glee.
delivered and wholesomely set free.
stop and enjoy your day the latter years..@Mom
SelinaSharday May 2021
Good morning sunlight!
When you get up in the morning
to go out to work to struggle to fight.
To see you is such delight!
No matter what your personal strife.
Your about that earning a living to make a good life.
Your a man.. Of passion love and support.
Your dedication who could abort.
I admire, Your stability the strength and fire.
Keep laboring hard staying on your grind.
Doing what you need to to have peace of mind.
may our lil naughty behaviors be forgiven.
As grace puts us in a better needful state within.
Meaning keeping emotions in check
spirit cleansed to come correct.
Your passion I can't resist and
your way seems so perfect.
A friendship I can't reject!
If your fat or thin, You'd still be adorable and lovable.
So hard to scold.
Just wanta keep you your so superfly ...
Your so handsome I like your style I won't lie.
Creamy brown sensation
you rock my inner nations,
Hey Mister can a Sista..
Just roll wit cha.
From day One I knew.
There was something special about you!
sharday3.. the rosepoet..
hanging out with u, chilling with yah, can i hang tight wit cha.
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
As quiet, sleek and sophisticated as they are.
Cats speak volumes
In meow the nation of humans.
In the space they consume...
   Cats speaks..uniquely thank you's in cat chat hues..
Colored as  colorful as the rainbows...
loving to hide where nobody knows
Cats walk with confidences,, able to leap high over fences..
Able to hold their own.. able to freely roam..
A cat can cruise in packs..... or walk solo as a matter of fact.
They don't need man to tell them they are royal
you can see this in their stroll.
Deep down in their being.. so noble,, mankind is blessed to behold..

The animal kingdom fashioned purposefully..
Striking divinity blessing mankind usefully.
Needed generously..Well now if your
sharing space with a cat do it graciously.
Being gentle feline Angels..even when naughty enough to scold.
A cat has a unique role...Even with their pampered attitudes..
If your cats is giving you attitude and acting rude.
There's logic behind those actions and moods..
Get yourself on over to cats school and learn cats 101.
Figure out the madness causing this sadness.

Don't be a quitter.. never hit him/her...
Do no harm.. Or heavens bells will ring a alarm.
Know your attending heavenly royalty keep your blessings flowing.
Cats walk and move softly gently with grace...
Your blessed when a cats in your place.
Show them love..don't bring about disgrace.
Proverbs 12:10 A righteous man regards the life of his animal.
By HeavensRosePoet aka selinarose!
pets, animals life lessons..being kind to creatures of all kinds
SelinaSharday Aug 2019
I almost fell in love but I took it buried it with my pen.
Tried to promise to not let it surface again.
My brain forced my logic to creep in.
I just dived back into paper with pen.
I wanted to watch your beauty its like a rainbow.
I reminded myself one day it would turn to winter cold ice and snow.
You walked by me close enough for me to feel the
warm beauty in your shadow.
I told myself it wasn't what could comfort my tomorrow.
You became my beautiful songful muse.
I realized that began to leave me feeling a bit confused.
Bubbles forced themselves out from my harmony they sparkled
they did rise.
To you it was no surprise.
Those bubbles left colorful tears in my eyes.
I begged mercy to keep away any kind of calamity.
Fight away the passions that dazzle to drown me.
Trying to break free..
stringed like kisses planted all over me.
Trying to break free as you  decided to secrete from me.
Advance from the tracks you left all over my body and its
Maybe it was all a state of my unnecessary reclines.
Now seeing our lengthy messages and unsent replies.
Dreaming about weird unsorted things.
Recalling bells with no rings.
Giving freely inconsiderately of me.
Almost I almost walked away from me..
Things deserved that are best for me.
I remembered I could cope.
Wait on what's good for me, I remembered there's always Hope.

By SelinaSharday S.A.M All Rights Reserved 2019
.Something said as creatively as could be..who are they.. us we that privately be..trying to stay out of unnecessary things
SelinaSharday Jun 2018
Cyber Kids R Us!

Your Facebook took over my Myspace..
I had to Tag you on my Tagged Place.
Your so Tagged.
I Googled you and was wide eyed to my surprise..
I found you world wide web styled.
I found you had gleefully Twittered beautifully.
I searched you on Instagram.  
And like dang Peeps on your page going ham.
And on Skype! Your tag line is so hype.
So your on my laptop. Owwee Bop bop!
I can even touch you on Imvu.
So owee baby @Yahoo..
Let me stop Twittering this thing.
Instagram @ Instagram strings.
Its making me google eyed.
Has my Facebook all hooked.
You have places and video's I ain't even looked.
It's like your my new Candy Crush game.
I'm all lit by your social media fame.
Yet I'm the Unheard girl lame.
But I wanna dine in your Cafe
or play on your Poker holdem staff.
Being your follower is such fun.
Add me to your Snapchat.
I'd be so down with that.
I am so here to Comment you've peeked such interest.
Gosh I made you a collection in my Pinterest.
But its a shame how I over looked your Youtube.
I feel a bit *******.
Your such a Gift I need ya to know.
Long as we don't end up on Bill Cunningham show.
we can stay surfing on this web thing anywhere we go.
Oh I'm not a virus...
Just a cyber Kids R Us...

By selinasharday the HeavensRosepoet.
aka Heavens.Ebony.Rose #H.E.R
All rights reserved..S.A.M
if you repost plz post with credits to Author. Me!
went over to Myspace
oh its been taken ova by my FaceBook
I'm all shook!
I can finger twitter on yahoo till I'm
Google eyed. All over my Facebook..
Instagrams my lil nook..
SelinaSharday Jul 2018
Circling Bubbles
Circles.. of bubbles
Surrounding my inner being.
Pushing and pulling..
Surrounding and encircling..
It comes with high energetic arisings..
swooping natural
Got me jumping through the hoops..fanatical
but there is no escaping..
The heightened things
Feelings within encompassing.
Bursting bubbles unyielding..
I'm guilty of feeling..
The gifting of dreams..
There's no denying..
The circles moving within my being.
Defying is a hard sought feeling.
Ahh for the feelings of fun Da_Bubbles can bring!
s.a.m protected by c rights. tm
"Da_Feelings", ..overwhelming..
SelinaSharday Oct 2018
I could see the storm in the sky.. It was broadcasted and televised..

I got a quick glimpse and it was heading up our way..

I felt very unprepared for such a massive storm.
From the side of my eye I seen how massive and strong of a storm was brewing..

I seen close loved ones and the most precious of them all.
Even the newly gifted one.

We all made haste movements to prepare for the storm approaching..
My sis had opened the windows widely.

I said I thought it was said to keep them closed.

This storm hit and it hit super hard.
I felt the precious gift almost slip through my finger tips.
As we all were under the attack of it.

I captured our gift and held it securely in my *****.
The massive winds shook the foundations as we all prayed.
The winds causing loud alarms in our ears.

I can't believe we outlived this massive hit.
It passed through.. but the damages around our surroundings was clear.

We'd need to repair, rebuild, everything.
and even our relationships. Would need to be fixed.
The one of many dreams about storms...S.A.M 10-18-18
I have had many dreams of seeing weather and storms ice winter ones and floods of waters.  Then winds of hurricanes of which I always survive. And each time I dream I can hear myself praying..through the storm.
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
Dance wit meh naked..
Could I share my inner fragility,
show just how fragile I can be
If you were rich and I poor. would you embrace me at your door.
Would you abandon my empty.
Hold back your sympathy
Be blind to the goods I bring.
Would you, could you, dance wit meh naked.
                                                          ­                          wrapped in,
                                                             ­                            empathy.
                                                        ­                      the state I'm in is a basket of the complicated.
                                                    ­                       my hands appear naked.
Can I hear your music..Will you lend me a cup of stability.
twirl me around in your confidences.. allow me a cup of comfortability.
Parts of me come wrapped in simplicity. Adorned with gifts of invisible charms.
Chased your way by outside storms.
                                                         ­ Oh would You my Dear One..
Be able to take it.
The fact that I appear naked.
                                       Could you still..In fact will you still...
                                                        ­                                                      Dance with me N.A.K.E.D!
N ecessity
A cceptable
k eepable
E ndurable
D iamond .................................................................­ the rough.
And know theirs flaws in the both of...u.s
S.A.M 3-18
being open transparent, vulnerable and exposed yielding flaws and all.. void of the material the financial the quality is deep within your soul.
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
Move along..
I can no longer be His.
His potential Anything..His
I Am Moving On.
Carry along. Moving On.
I am not here for the taking.. Here for the asking.
I am No longer waiting anticipating.

I'm not sitting back casually talkin like that.
Friendly conversating as a matter of fact.
As if we going to be all that.
In fact His vibe began to fall flat.

Times I felt we could eventually move
past parts or our dislikes and can't do's.
Things I'd usually refuse.
When Up shows His disrespectful avenues.
Failure to acknlowledge simple manners,
Failed to allow lil ways Sorry's can be used to pamper.
He shows thoughts of irrational behavior.
Actions that proves he need a Savior,.

I tried to hesitate!
Give Him a chance to correct or compensate.
Before I shut down doors block entirely.
Remove contact, texts and delete history.
No I'll bow out gracefully.
I'll even say a goodbye, You don't have to reply.

No Worries I did enjoy any good moments.
Any good times and the best of you we spent.
I know now it may seem irrelevant.
Some may say wasted time spent.
No it was a lesson learned event.
He moved so fast he wanted to make me His ms.right cartell
All so fast..he didnt even know me well.
Gone.. Goin Gone...
Slow down Go fast Move Along!
By SelinaSharday S.A.M 2018 TM
We chat we spend time get are getting to know one another until then when, someone walks away..
SelinaSharday Oct 2023
Hey.. keep
that shinning personality glowing
You are my Sunlight..
The one who loves.
whos a
different outside of the box
my comedian. Whose
so much fun..
It rips my soul seeing you in Pain when that happens..
These words are sent from Poetic Mother.
Of The Poetry writer, the comedic, art drawing Son..
Your a unique soul..
May the flow of wisdom.. flow within You and bless you with Faith
Adding wisdom and a rich foundation of knowledge..

Hey You..
Hi armor one who hides his pain and covers
his aches with smiles..
I see your heart I see your soul.
I see your a created unique Mold.
Gather gratefulness and wash in it plentifully.
Within every inch of your spirit,
bath in the ingredients of bounce back.
Giving your mind over to Peace.. Order your heart to allow
Mercy to be in full control..
Waves hey son..
Loving you is strings of blessings..
The links and cords of greater blessings.
like sowing good.. In rich soil.
Rest from all turmoil.
Your Heavens Son..
Your works aren't done..
Encouragement, acknowledging, and praying
SelinaSharday Nov 2022
It feels like death hovering and fear lingering.
Its like the window shades closing and lights dimming..
Anxiety feels like losing a race where your being chased..
  You quickly need to be freed.
Yet it's slapping your face desiring to
**** the life out of you till you can't breath..
And your mental starts to bleed.
Because in the moment you feel your dying,
its forgetting, The fight isn't realistic
The body is responding as if it is.
Depression sometimes we just can't even put a finger on whats going on..
  Feelings  a bowls mixtures of Polluted stirrings.
Sometimes It can be just a hint of somethings off.
To a daggers throw of slayed emotions.. But when things rain of hurricanes.
And your lost in the drowning of crashing planes...
Your doing Jail time in the cells of Depression and Anxiety.
Where variety of pills may work on and off for a lil relief from its complexity.
H.E.R_Poetry@SelinaSharday 2022
horrid emotions
SelinaSharday Jan 2019
I cast my pearls before a blind man.
I assumed he could appreciate my open hand.
Some share diamonds
   with blind men scorpions.
Assuming they are worthy champions.
Poets offer gifts freely at broad doors.
Usually these are doors that can't understand metaphors.
Poor hearts some just can't relate.
They can't consume a healthy poetic plate.

There are those that will say speak plainly to me.
Keep it easy and elementary.
But for a poet there's revelation in the mystery.
Often we feel they just don't get me.
The less you read write learn or explore..
The less you want to dive into the brains deep shores.
I could give you a plain white flower.
Or I can decorate it give it colorful power.
If you don't understand the reasons.
That there are beautiful things in all the seasons.
And how every dish has its flavors.
How every emotion is relevent enhanced with its vapors.

Then I will just have to understand..
and pull back my gifted hands.

I'll give you a 1 and not a 2..
I'll give the less and let that do for you.
I'll keep my poetic expressions.
You'll not slander my word therapy notations.

My gifted juicy stories.. will be like vibrant leaves.
Bouncing freely on strong big trees.
Ready for the picking,
for those that love reaching.
Those that love climbing.
Those that love giving, sowing, planting and achieving.
We all will keep glowing in sunlight..
Rays of knowledge colorful simmering delight.

Yes sometimes we try to share some sunshine..Even with the blind..
Some chose to stay blind.
But if you could get to feel the light.
Would you still put up such a fight.
Poetic liberty is justice for me..It sets the captive free.
Poetic Therapy is soulful,
bringing every emotion possible.
Unveils or conceals situations of lifes mystery.
By SelinaSharday..2019..S.A.M
casting of pearls
SelinaSharday Aug 2023
It's getting dimmer.. times I can't see my way. so dimmer.
Heated Temperatures going off, only if I could find a way in the heat to simmer.
my soul's control is getting thinner.
I want a future, a life where I can be a final winner.

I'm in tunnels with barricades.. where my life seems to fade.
This is such a horrid maze.
Sometimes a speck of light allows a glimpse of the sun.
  Tiny moments My faith rises for in my mind I get to run.
Yet up come darkness, and barricades, reminding me I'm in a dungeon beyond.
It's going to take spiritual downpours.
Filled with powers to keep my sanity behind these doors.
To enlighten my mind,
from cruelty lurking round about the hateful kinds.
Only heaven can shine its light in this darkness.
I need it more than ever I must confess.
Freedom from Darkness...
Walk my feet through the Barricades.
  Pull me higher, Oh Yes higher. As I denounce all evil.
Trying to bury me against my will.
Oh Mercy on me let thy Peace be still.
in prisoned spaces
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
Kiss for this new intimate soul..h.i.m
To which many of my stories have been told..
Hug to this listening ear.
Who has revealed many things to me I hold dear..
Smiles for the man I am gettin to know.
Even early on he sets my heart aglow.
Chatting is such excitement.
In chatting dang wonder where the time went.
Progression into time is filled with quality.
So shortness of time is nugatory.
Conversations impulsive, debatable even learnable.
So filled with open honesty on safe levels even shared equivocal..
Exciting steamy, richness and understanding.
The kind of connection worth pursuing.
Even if theres a closed door at the end. The ride will be worth enduring.
Hurryin up to wait..
Gettin into the gate..
Discoverin it was well worth Giving/

By selinasharday! tm..2018 s.a.m
super cool connections
SelinaSharday Oct 2018
"Da Dramatics"

when I hear I don't do drama..
It makes me..
Pull back my hands..
Cover my face again..
Look away.. shy away..
No miracles can be performed here today.

If You don't do drama..
See drama may be rolled up in my sleeves.
As I act out my creativities..
Share my masterpieces,, drama may be what bleeds.

Drama in the sense that.. How I color my days..
How I blur out the craziest of ways.
How I finger paint with audio lyrics..
How I try to make sense of dimensional physics.
Confessions and testimonies,
bleeds from my knees.
And if I have to hide so much inside.
Zip my lips...Be ashamed of my slips.
Hide shades of identity.. Blur what bothers me.
Only offer out the candy..
The weather hasn't always been kind to me.
Your telling me there's no place for me.
because there are days times I need to be
as naked as can be.
And I need you to be naked around me.
To Dance naked with me.
Well I'ma need you to be able to take it.
As I can't fake it.
Drama is musically.. parts of my harmony.
Tamed/drama .. You have to be strong enuff cinematically
With ears of christianity
  Embrace me theologically  and love me.
Don't fear the pets I have chained. On leases beside me.
I'm a soldier dramatically.
Drama does not define me.
But It can be calmed made to behave spiritually.

Except the dramatics as you accept my harmony.
SelinaSharday S.A.M 2018
Drip Drip.. shall I hide my slips.
Shall I only show my dainty perfections..Pretend my roses don't have thorns.
Don't be blown away by my storms.
Don't be afraid when drama performs. Allow me to sound my alarms. I need you to Drip da drama for such is life and life is not without strife.
SelinaSharday Jan 31
"You're the brightest light, shining with all your might,
A sweet bundle of joy, a heart full of delight.
Your laughter is music, a symphony so fine,
A precious gift, a treasure that's truly divine.

With a smile so contagious, you light up the way,
A diamond in the rough, with a heart that's strong and brave.
Your life is a canvas, painted with vibrant hues,
A masterpiece unfolding, with each new dawn's dew.

May heaven's blessings surround you, may love be your guide,
May your heart remain pure, and your spirit abide.
May you soar on eagle's wings, may your dreams take flight,
May your life be filled with wonder, and your soul shine bright.

Little Elijah, sweet one, you're a gift from above,
A precious treasure, sent with endless love.
May your life be a reflection, of the love that you share,
May your heart remain open, and your spirit always fair."
Lyrics Poetry By SelinaRos3y S.A.M
A colorful Inspired Poem for my Grandson Elijah. Audio track Mary Did You Know.
SelinaSharday Apr 2019
Eve's a lovable sensitive thang.
Opting to pass usual good morning as some sang.
Skipping morning bits.. rushing into the afternoon.
She welcomed the mid day
Knowing  with it a smile was on the way.
She allowed early evening to greet letting things bloom.
Working away late evening as sleepy eyes rang.
Conversations a quick cute head nodding overhang.
Good nights are like lullabies of verbal hugs.
Wasted evenings are snatching from beneath feet taken for granted rugs.
All to start another night in shimmering thoughtful plights.
Tugging away ribbons in flights.
Meaningful minds quietly dreamin.
As Other are secretly scheming.
Attentions paid to faded good morning hello's.
With hollow tones from yesterdays grading zero's.
Wash rinse and repeating..
Behaviors doomed to be failing.
Creativity craves new feelings.
Rare moments  seems to be fleeting.
Evenings are acceptable, noons welcoming,
as are the rushing of mornings.
selinasharday rosePoet s.a.m 2019-5-1
creatively expressing and carefully attending to evenings
SelinaSharday May 2018
EX'd Out!
Or Ex'iting
No matter what the who is or the they are.
And Why!
Finding ourselves in the
Ex'd out zone.
Balancing the tender spaces and delictae places.
We must be Ex'iting to fill our hands with better things.
Ex-employee..facing situations where your No longer..
in a top ranking position.
Coping, handling managing emotions.
Being in these tender places will make you stronger.
Failing to will cause you danger.
Being Ex'd Out can bring
Anger, fear feelings of rejection loss of hope..
Despair..pain within, anguish, turmoil, feeling like you can't cope.
Springing up emotions of hatred and bitterness.
Sowered things like unforgiveness..
rage and defeat.
Roots of loneliness and cravings so strong to regain
back again the place you were before all this began.
Soured..Its Time to move forward.
You have to be Ex'd out to move into new beginnings.
You have to Ex'it to seek the things much more perfect.
You don't have to see it as losing.
View it as Time to move to achieve your dreams.
If you needed to be Ex'd out for being corruptive.
Let the just live.
Allow em to live peacefully free from fear.
Free from any retaliation We have no right to rebel.
When someone wants our Ex'its from their situations.
Put your peaceful shoes on.. and move along.
Some Ex's have become harmfully dangerous.
It gives them no right to destroy any of us.
Cry to be delivered from evil..If being Ex'ed causes you pain.
Know the heart needs healing and is in critical condition.
Enter the spiritual ER emergency.
Until you can make a successful recovery.
Ex out all the negative..You have more life to live..
When you Ex'it successfully
Life has much more to give!
Writer SelinaSharday
S.A.M 2018
Constantly seeing more and more Ex's On the rampage. Making it a danger for innocent others. tragedies becoming commonplace. Its times to takes extra measures to doctor up the hearts and minds and prepare the souls for coping with being Ex'd out and or  Exiting the places you need to be removed from.
SelinaSharday Oct 2018
My Expressions unclear.
my looks may be a blur..
but regardless of my face..
I'm a Queen to embrace.
Of me completely..
The thorns in my head makes me bleed mentally
Look past my face You may see a deeper place.
In my natural state posed uniquely.
Can you hold every bit of me.
Regardless of looks, expressions, or conditions.

Faceless expressions eyes like weapons.
Provide clues to feelings.
So I'll mask what needs healing
Efforts made to reach the complicated.
Things unseen a task for the dedicated.
Faceless....shielding what I express.
Hidden Knowledge leaking what I'd like to confess. selina 2018 s.a.m
This is what I wrote from facebook after being giving a photo challenge to write on a image given. A woman with  no face wearing a bleeding crown on her head as dripping stains run from her forehead. cultural.
SelinaSharday Dec 2022
I could If I wanted to But I won't.. Keep you all close as online company.. Fan to me.. I could Make you smile with Peaceful  vibes,, Share poetic rides.. Fan Like company.. I Could enjoy you at long  enduring seasons.. That can go on and on.... But I will not... I care enough for you to be spring and bloom, and I care enough for you to seek and find.. To be awarded a position past fan and  friendship.. I want to see you grow into all your meant to be. And like the  rare Star you are. Win redeeming and awarding companionship!  I'm witnessing and here listening to all the growing I see in you.. Because respectfully I'm your fan too. Cheers.. Salute.. I admire You as I am Butterfly browsing.... My hearts blooming.. Song dedicated with this note is "By Your Side" Because of its gentle expression..
Father, did you know, oh Father, did you know?
In the beginning of your parenting road
There'd be sorrow and pain, but also growth to show
Your baby would bring healing, and your heart would start to glow
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
Verse 2:
Did you know your child would take you far away
From the familiar, to a brand-new day?
But even in distance, your love would shine so bright
Guiding your child, through the dark of night
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
You'll find your way, through the ups and downs
Stand your ground, and your heart will sing renowned
Oh, what joy life can bring
Oh, Father, did you know, life will find its way?
Oh, Daddy, did you know, your child would bring
Healing and deliverance, joy that would sing?
With every step, with every fall
You'd find your strength, through it all
Oh, Father, did you know?
You'll be the best daddy, that you can be
A bond unbreakable, a love so true
A heart that sings, with a love shining through.
selinashardaye lyrics s.a.m 2025
SelinaSharday Apr 2019
unwanted yea..
I'm a unloved Piece
Feeling Myself by myself
SelinaSharday May 2022
Poem Sanged
Daddy.Vibes..(written for someone I know and I feel their pain so)
Listen.. hold me close and not far.. plz. hold me close to you.
Don't reach for me and be too far..
I'm just getting to know you and who you are.
i'm just getting to know you.
Hold me close and not far.
Your the reason why i am who i am.
why some things are the way they are.
So hold me closer.
I want that attention..
Oh must I mention i wanna know you.
I'm calling repeatedly.
I know i don't get answers every time. hold me closer.
But its been way too long.
pick up the phone, your important to me.
and I've waited my whole life long.
To kno who you are mr.
Don't wanna seem desperate
But I'm a part of you, you you and
I wanna get to know you.
Mr. busy busy busy I wanna know who you are
pic up the phone.
I want to hear you talk to me.
Mr. talk to me.. oh I'm still calling you.
Something in my soul.
got me callin you. something in my soul.
got me seekin searching
longin to get to know you.
Mr. Come through..
My Dna has much to say..
its in my soul Mr. see about me..
give a care I pray!

Finding a Long lost pops.
by selinashardaye
Been wondering who's Your Pops.. and get lucky enough to find someone you never thought you would... And your soul longs...
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