...and so the moments passed
With the blink of my eyes
Today, it seemed like a decade
Yet, the same feelings rise
Seeing his warm sweet smile
Strikes a string in my heart
The spell binding gaze and glances
I still compliment his clever art
Surprisingly, he's still single
O'what could have been the wait
His staring eyes, questions me
Where is my stable mate?
I changed my gaze, to hide my truth
He walked across from the crowd
Looked deep into my eyes
Then whispered, "I am so proud"
A little confused, I asked of what
He said, "for recognizing him, after years
And knowing, you're not committed, but
Why pretend, when your eyes answer in tears"
We talked for hours, till the peek of twilight
On the first rays of the sun, he got on his knees
And proposed for a lifetime commitment
The moment was so lovely, I felt myself freeze
Now my big day is around the corner
It's like a dream fulfilling within a dream
A happy start of my second life
The flow of love now a beautiful stream....
I was going to write a short story but than I ended up writing a poem. Not my best write, but I just wanted to let this story out from my imaginative mind.