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1d · 45
In my heart
It's deserving
To be heard.
Body's whispers
Become screams.
Thought streams,
Where are their hot springs?
Body-mind connection
Currently a hurtful interaction,
Heaviness inside.
Whether the mind's full or empty-
Hard to tell,
The spiral repeats,
Energy depletes,

As if under a
Leaving the body
A heavy but empty,
A burning but cold,
A lifeless but longing
A hard but soft
Grateful that poetry is always there. A home of it's own kind. Without judgement it receives and listens.❤️
1d · 177
Reminder #14
The uncomfortable can be real icky at times. Don't forget that it's just a feeling.

It's just a feeling.

It won't stay forever.
Oftentimes this feeling is needed for us to move forward, to evolve.
Let us infuse this day
With gratitude awareness, hey
Let us infuse this day
With gratitude awareness, hey...
A spontaneous song I sang recently in the morning 🌻☀️
4d · 201
Reminder #13
You're not behind. You're on your own unique path. Trust your journey.
Don't forget to rest. It is essential. Your body will remind you whenever you forget.

This is to combat all judgement when we feel like we're not doing enough. We believe that we know everything but we don't.
5d · 53
Thought Pad #1

Check in with reality. Ask for feedback. Check if what you're assuming is actually true.

This will help you reduce projection and also gain a more accurate picture of how true is what you think and believe.

It may put your insecurities at display and make you more vulnerable but that is nothing to fear.
Notes to myself after realizing the benefit of saying what I truly think and asking questions. This is how we evolve. Addressing the uncomfortable.
Mar 17 · 368
Reminder #12
silvervi Mar 17
Even the smallest warm interaction with other people counts.
And it has a ripple effect if we let it 💗
Mar 15 · 116
Insight #8
silvervi Mar 15
Experiences can be beautiful, fun, uncomfortable, awkward and embarrassing at the same time.
It's not black or white and that's what life is - it's a mix of many colours.
Mar 15 · 92
Affirmation #14
silvervi Mar 15
Life takes me places I need to go.
I am exactly where I need to be.
No rush, it's your own unique process and there is nobody who can take that from you.
Mar 14 · 155
Affirmation #13
Mar 11 · 110
What a blessing
silvervi Mar 11
I can't
How much
Wisdom you
How I feel
Seen and loved,
And I want us
To marry...
Mar 7 · 173
Insight #7: Energy
silvervi Mar 7
I've been wasting energy in various ways.
Especially in certain thought patterns and internal fights in my mind.
Very important insight to make a better use of the energy we have. What we focus on matters.
Mar 5 · 113
Every stepping stone
silvervi Mar 5
Every stepping stone
With you, with us
Counts for me,
Does build trust

Slowly I believe in more,
Want to take in all of you
With my heart and soul
I feel safe with you, I do,

But out there the non existent dangers,
Created by my mind,
Are threatening enough,
To make many small accomplishments
Difficult and tough.

So I celebrate,
Every stepping stone,
With you by my side,
I believe even more,
I not only believe but I'm actually implementing,
What I learned all those years in pain and desperation.

The insecurity within me worries,
What If I'm just projecting some stories,
Onto you,
Putting my hope and soul in you,
Afraid to fall and shatter at some point...
I need to let go of this voice.

Futile is the harming action in our minds,
It brings dissatisfaction, makes us blind,
It makes us lost and our potential fading...

But I believe in light within our hearts.
Grateful for each small progress I am making in  breaking free of all conditioning.
silvervi Mar 5
The symphony of empty spaces
Is filled with heaviness
It's happening
That often my heart races
Isn't it obvious?

My shoulders are shrugged-frozen
I'm feeling vulnerably-naked
My body's saturated by
Insecurity, it's shaking
Making me believe
I was not enough
To truly live and love

Yesterday rediscovered
Where these feelings come from
Their roots were uncovered
In my childhood home

In those early years
Reoccurring fears
To lose a loved one..

Now, what happened back then
Is obviously over,
But my body still plays pretend,
As if those times would never end...

It seems as though I was stuck in those feelings forever,
Trying to fit in the modern world feels like a futile marathon,
Never quite reaching any destination,
My path can only lead me to obliteration...

The only question left is - can I handle this?
If I do have enough determination..
Cause to escape the abyss,
I will have to learn to fly,
This question is not one of a lifetime,
The action happens in the present moment by decision...
I shall embrace every feelings-collision.
Open end in this process. My path can hopefully lead me to an obliteration of old patterns. Growing new ones daily, every tiny step counts. I trust my intuition to guide me.
Mar 2 · 167
A remedy
silvervi Mar 2
Don't really know what I'm feeling
I'm probably feeling too much
Don't know why I feel so lonely
When every day I get your touch
Don't know why I feel numb
Numbing is a strategy
Thoughts these day get so tough
Having a heavy melody

Destiny of our souls?
Where is it written, show me,
My mind is desperate to know,
Where all this is gonna lead me
I am not ready yet
To give up on every dream
I know I keep steady
In times like these
I'm moving slowly

But with connected hearts
Art is not a real choice
It's a remedy
The only place that restores
My inner voice and my integrity

Does that mean I lack authenticity?
Maybe, out of necessity?
Maybe it's my conditioned brain,
Always wired to simply be afraid.
I've let confusion lead the way
In many of my decisions,
I've let anxiety lead me astray,
Make me lose goals and precision.

Now I am here and typing
Words in my phone from
The heart.
And I rejuvenate my core,
Feeling it's warmth,
Health being restored,
Every tiny step counts...

There's no way this depression
Will feed itself off of me.
Mar 2 · 244
Reminder #11
silvervi Mar 2
The path is within.
No need to change everything around us or chase anything. Look inside yourself first.
silvervi Feb 25
I am not this emotion
In the wide and deep ocean
I am not this emotion, at all

I am not this emotion
In the wide and deep ocean
I am not this emotion, at all

I am not this emotion
In the wide and deep ocean
I am not this emotion, at all, at all, at all...
Sang this after I noticed an unpleasant emotion. Tried to let it be there and see it. A dramatic build-up in the song. If it was a musical, thousands of stars would light up around the singer in a swirl towards the sky ...
Feb 24 · 224
Goodnight, I miss you
silvervi Feb 24
I wish I could sleep next to you right now
I miss how your body feels next to mine
I miss how you're holding me,
Putting your arms around,
And how you fall asleep faster than I.
Feb 23 · 78
silvervi Feb 23
Rationalizing impulses
until I am overanalyzing
which is paralyzing
and leads to desensitizing,
So realizing
this is truly agonizing,
Which is not surprising.
In rhymes awareness is rising. ^^
Feb 22 · 157
Affirmation #12
silvervi Feb 22
The present moment is my guiding light.
This is all we know. This is all we have.
Feb 22 · 299
silvervi Feb 22
I love the vibes you give me
I love your many sides
I love how we barely know each other
And we already fight for one another

I love how this feels very new
I love my insights about me and you
I love how I am ready to let go
I love our relationship-flow

I reject fears, insecurities, too many thoughts,
I reflect sometimes, putting feelings into words,
I know we both know how deeply disappointment hurts,
So we're afraid to lead each other astray

But at the same time, we're so curious,
How far can we come,
We want to believe in us,
Because you know, nobody knows...

Is it delirious for us to find our way?
Isn't it obvious that we would love to stay together?
All the obstacles, if we keep believing, will they even matter?
All the opposition that comes and hurts,
It's only words.

Nobody can tear us apart but our fears,
And trying to control is the best way to lose all,
Floating, trusting, warming, lusting, dancing, in smiles,
Loving, time flies,
This is the way,
Now is the state,
And if we're meant to....
Then you know, we will stay.

Into the unknown we go...
Feb 21 · 148
Reminder #10
silvervi Feb 21
We are worthy. We are capable. We are loved.

Especially when we're sick and tired or when we feel like laying in bed all day. Or when we actually do nothing the whole day. I want to remind us that this doesn't mean we're not productive, not capable or not worthy.

We're still as worthy as before, we're still as loved as before. It's just that our bodies and minds need to rest.
We actually need to rest regularly, but sometimes we forget that.

Now that I am sick I realized that and it's a relief to be there for myself although I feel so unproductive. I am loved. And you are, too. No matter what you're doing or not doing.
Love comes from within. It's always here. Reach out and hold your own hand. You are worthy, you are loved. You are important.
Feb 20 · 111
I am the Earth 🌎
silvervi Feb 20
Oh how this voice talks to me
Shredding me to pieces
It's abusing me
And I used to believe it

Sad but now I see
How this voice is abusing me
Finally I know
It's not true at all

All the things it says
It wants to possess
I will stop believing
All the messages I am receiving

It's beyond oblivious
How damaging
It's obvious
The strategy

I am a good manager
Of my internal landscape
My thoughts are nothing but clouds
But I am the Earth.
They pass by, I know why,
But I don't worry at all
I am strong, and
I'm loved to my core.
silvervi Feb 18
I don't know how to put this into words
It's about losing fear of emotions,
I just learned and discovered a technique,
It may sound simple yet be unique,

Instead of losing oneself in emotion,
Acknowledging them,
Then change focus with caution,
And put it on your body's landscape,
This may sound as an escape,

But it is not, it's an attention-shift,
We focus ourselves instead of drift,
We bring our attention to the now,
It keeps us present and this is how
We can acknowledge and allow,
Any emotion that comes up,

Perceive what happens in your body,
Can be as simple as your breath,
If we practice being present,
Emotions will stop being a threat.
Meditation insights. An anchoring technique put into a poem. Keep putting your anchor on sensations in the present moment, in your body, after you acknowledged and labeled a feeling/ emotion that came up.
Feb 18 · 52
Goodnight, love
silvervi Feb 18
Goodnight, my love
Don't worry..
You are enough
You're brilliant
You're more
Than what you know
You change,
You come and go,
You leave a trace behind,
You impact the whole world,
You do matter
Just as you are
Keep breathing,
Feb 18 · 347
silvervi Feb 18
As I am going to sleep
I appreciate you once again
Just have this need
To say goodnight
And that everything is gonna be alright
I know,
I can just tell that to myself.
And I will.
You are loved and you're missed here still.
Feb 18 · 130
Without you
silvervi Feb 18
Without your arms
Sometimes I'm lonely ,
Without your lips
My lips get dry,
Without your eyes
I'm feeling cold.

Without your sighs,
Without your voice,
I just hear silent noise..

My thoughts are rebels
Without you,
My words feel meaningless
Because just yesterday
You have slept in my room
And now all that I see is
Emptiness and lack of you.
Allowing myself to miss him. ❤️
Feb 16 · 216
Miss you
silvervi Feb 16
Going to sleep
I miss you so much next to me
Because this is where you are meant to be.
Feb 14 · 87
Reminder #9
silvervi Feb 14
I take my time.
I trust myself.
I trust my intuition.
All of me is welcome.
Happy Valentine's Day, self-love affirmations ❤️
Feb 10 · 52
Insight #5
silvervi Feb 10
I am not the one who thinks. I am the one who perceives.
Inspired by "The voice of knowledge" by Miguel Ruiz.
Feb 9 · 128
Affirmation #11
silvervi Feb 9
I stand by what I say. I am building my way.
We need our own support and trust. Tiny steps.
Feb 9 · 204
Let's #1
silvervi Feb 9
Let's take a mindful walk and reset our mindset.
That's what I'm gonna do now. ;)
Feb 6 · 173
Affirmation #10
silvervi Feb 6
It is safe to stay connected to my body in the presence of another person.
It is safe but we may switch into protection mode subconsciously not being able to relax. Let's practice body-awareness in the presence of other people. We're safe. No need to escape.
Feb 6 · 159
Reminder #8
silvervi Feb 6
Each moment of awareness and of being present counts.
Let's remember this. Any time we make effort to be present, even if just for this one breath, it always counts.
Jan 31 · 267
Song: Right where we are
silvervi Jan 31
Cause it's right where we are
Right where we stand
Right where we are
Until the end
Until the end
Until the end...
A spontaneous song I sang out of the blue.
Jan 30 · 101
Insight #4
silvervi Jan 30
What eventually counts is not how much somebody loves me but how much I can love myself.
Jan 30 · 234
silvervi Jan 30
One simple thought
Igniting a wildfire
One match that turns
A whole world upside down
We can pretend that it's not there
It will burn deeper
Cause it doesn't care
A domino effect
That's hard to stop
It's a blind spot
No way to grasp it,
Change it,
Make it disappear...
The more we fight,
The stronger it'll persevere,
The more alive it is,
Contagious pain
And identification
Will keep on breaking trust
And sending us
Into a black hole
Of intoxication.
A thought that burns down everything. About triggers in our minds, about getting lost in those thought circles.
Jan 29 · 162
Affirmation #9
Jan 29 · 102
Reminder #7
silvervi Jan 29
CHANGE in feelings and life's circumstances is natural.
Accepting this may help to live life with a lighter heart. 🙏
silvervi Jan 29
Didn't know about it
Haven't expected these outcomes

Didn't know about it
Haven't expected these outcomes

Didn't know about it
Haven't expected these outcomes...
Another spontaneous song out of nowhere.
Jan 24 · 138
Reminder #6
silvervi Jan 24
Just experience.
Experience what's in front of you.
See it. Feel it. Smell it. Hear it. Touch it. Taste it. No judgement. Pure exploration.
Reminder for myself to focus on the now instead of the interpretation of the now.
silvervi Jan 24
My heart is crying loudly
I am ignoring it unknowingly
It has one million of words to say and scream

Why is this so hard
I am so disappointed.
Looking for light
And still not knowing what the point is.
Everyone is going to die in the end.
We all try to reach something special, my friend.

And till we die there is no correct measurement
To our life and it's success or our regret.
2nd October 2024, a search for meaning
Jan 21 · 564
Confession #2
silvervi Jan 21
Sometimes I want to save the whole world from loneliness.
But I know that I have to start with myself.
silvervi Jan 18
Standing and meditating at the crossroads, looking at a tree and the sky for five minutes.
Some norms of society are funny and unnecessary. I am a rebel because I want to slow down and look at a tree.
Jan 17 · 196
Song: Do my best
silvervi Jan 17
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest
I'm just gonna-gonna do my best
**** the rest...
A little song that came to my mind spontaneously today. It has a funny and quick melody. Encouraging and motivating ;)
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