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8.1k · Jan 2015
Remember Me As a Time of Day
Marquis Hardy Jan 2015
Remember me as a time of day in the same way you create an acute awareness of the sun beginning to stream through by the ill protective armor of your window.

As your alarm goes off in the morning remember me in those moments that you wipe the sleep away from your eyes and vaguely remember your dream which was once your most vivid reality.

Remember me like I am three hours past noon and you're reminiscing on the days that once existed when you would be dying to leave the four walls of your adolescent day job.
Remember me like I'm the comfort of your favorite jacket you would throw on to protect yourself from the cold, day in and day out.

Remember me like I'm 4:45 in the morning and you're in your teenage years contemplating if it's still okay for you to wake mom and dad out of their deep sleep just to go along with your love for Christmas morning.
In that time remember me like I'm the peace that surrounded you and the excitement that caused you to lose sleep.

Remember me as I'm seconds short of nine in the evening and you sit by the fire awaiting your favorite TV show.
In that moment remember me as the adventure you anxiously awaited your eyes to meet, and the shadow of the warmth cast around your feet.

Remember me as a time of day through sun up and sun down
whether there or not through time will I arrive by regards of the clock and I'll meet your mind as I stand watch.
Remember Me As a Time of Day is a piece inspired by one of my favorite music groups Explosions in the Sky. Furthermore inspired by someone that no longer exists in my daily life who I hope remembers me fondly as I remember them.
6.6k · May 2015
The Last Goodnight
Marquis Hardy May 2015
I tried sleeping it off, but I often found myself stuck in a dream transitioning to a nightmare.
I tried not sleeping at all, but even the smallest occurences brought you to my eyes.
I tried writing, but even the purest words were tainted by your memory.
I tried loving again, but once a house collapses there is no room where there are no rooms.
I tried everything I could think of to cure the ailment I once thought you were brought upon to expel.
I tried everything until I finally tried everything.
I truly am sorry I couldn't fight it any longer, but the days were too long, and the thoughts were too plenty.
Please think not of it as my quitting, but as your winning.
For this day forward, my beloved, I shall feel no pain.
Goodnight to you for the last, My Last, and may your life be the sweetest dream I forever hoped for you.
Literature. Love is powerful, love is deadly.
Marquis Hardy Feb 2015
In an old...
was an old faded photograph of a photographer.
Meant to be...
left alone
put to rest
it was since then brought back by nostalgia and the impossible life that was now to be lived without you.
You liked to be...
smiling through
holding the camera
as you were the photographer but not this time, as you were the photographed...
In front of
smiling at
holding a pose
while I became the photographer, photographing you, the freshly captured photographer in the faded photograph.
In an old...
you never faded but remained the still whole of a perfect silhouette.
The perfect photographer preserved in the perfectly faded photograph for...
I spent part of today listening to the album My favourite faded fantasy by Damien Rice and it made me think of the idea to write this piece
2.3k · Apr 2015
The Imprint Collection
Marquis Hardy Apr 2015
In My Sole
It was just a normal day that we happened to be together. Your hand in mine-us side by side, and then you broke away. You broke away to stare at something from far away so it wouldn't be self conscious of you peering into its soul. You stood there looking so intently at something I couldn't see. I couldn't see what you perceived for I couldn't believe that there was something you saw that I couldn't conceive. So I stopped...I smiled and I took a picture. I took this picture of you staring in the distance with this half acquired smile... a moment in time that I would be sure to keep with me forever. The moment penetrated my soul ever so deeply that I decided to keep the picture somewhere it could affect even the ground I walk on. I keep the picture in my sole... In the sole of my shoe so no matter where I go I'm walking with you.

Faded Photograph of a Photographer
In an old...
was an old faded photograph of a photographer.
Meant to be...
left alone
put to rest
it was since then brought back by nostalgia and the impossible life that was now to be lived without you.
You liked to be...
smiling through
holding the camera
as you were the photographer but not this time, as you were the photographed...
In front of
smiling at
holding a pose
while I became the photographer, photographing you, the freshly captured photographer in the faded photograph.
In an old...
you never faded but remained the still whole of a perfect silhouette.
The perfect photographer preserved in the perfectly faded photograph for...

The Imprint
I just stood there watching from feet away floating in a time that was once my own, and watching a moment form before me that I burned into my memory. I watched a much younger version of myself sitting with you in all of your perfect imperfections. I wanted to talk to you again, to hear your voice be directed toward me for one last time, but I knew that was something that I could not do for I had already had my moment. If I intervened everything could change, and I would be stealing away precious time from a younger me that would never be ready for anything shorter than forever with you. Instead, I kept my safe distance and watched as the two of you got up from our bench that we spent hours on talking or just sitting in silence. The look on his face-the look on my face was a priceless glance as the two of you walked with interlocked hands in a silence as perfect as a symphony. You then seemed to notice something out of the corner of your eye as you began to glance toward my direction. I drew back at first before remembering that I was not something that could be seen by you, but merely a ghost in time. You broke away from his hand and you continued toward where I floated, and you just stared right at me as if you could see me-as if you could feel me. With your half acquired smile I finally felt like I was home again, and I watched the younger version of me capture a perfect picture of you. With that I was once again in our old attic, holding that old photo, that was taken that old day, imprinting a forever timeless love. A love that would live on in my soul for...
My friends, I would like to present to you, 'The Imprint Collection'. This is a work that has been in progress since 2013. The first piece, 'In My Sole' was written with no ideas of ever having anything else follow it. The following piece, 'Faded Photograph of a Photographer' came along in 2015 and was meant to be somewhat of a sequel to 'In My Sole'. 'The Imprint' is the last bit to make it all go in a full circle and was finished at the beginning of April 2015. 'In My Sole' was inspired by a girl that has also inspired a majority of my work that has trended on my page and to her I extend a thank you and the dedication of this collection. I hope you take the time to enjoy this work as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you,

Marquis A. Hardy
2.1k · Feb 2015
My favorite thing
Marquis Hardy Feb 2015
After all this time you quite possibly remain my favorite thing.

Your words...
Your smile...
Your eyes...
Your laugh...
Your hair...
Your voice...
Your hands...

After all this time you definitely still are my favorite thing.
1.8k · Aug 2016
To You and Your Extravagance
Marquis Hardy Aug 2016
I moved to give a toast, to you and your extravagance, and I could tell you didn't understand.
So now I'll explain just what I meant and why I am thankful that you gave me a chance.
Every day you exist with the wonder that drives you, living a life that I get to see.
So I intend to raise a toast, and with these lips take a drink, because you've always been there for me.
No matter what changes, where we move or where we go, it's no question that you'll always be there
I can't express what it means that you've been in my life creating memories that we all get to share.
So, I hope it's a bit clearer, now that I've explained, why I see you just as the person you are
Now, let's take a drink, here's a toast and a clink to you and all the memories so far.
With my 25th birthday approaching I wanted to write an ode to all of my loved ones who have always been there for me, and willingly choose to support me everyday.
1.8k · Feb 2017
Such a Silly Question
Marquis Hardy Feb 2017
"Why? Why do you love me so much? Why won't you just let me go?" She stared at me while wiping away her tears. I couldn't tell if she was frustrated because she was crying or if she was frustrated at me. It seemed silly to get mad at someone for loving you, but there was a fifty-fifty chance that it was happening right now.

I reached out my hand lead by the extended tip of my index, driving away the tears beading around her eyes so she could see me clearly when I said, "one day I'm going to die, and I'm going to hate myself for that because I'll no longer be able to love you. So I love you with the unrelenting fervor I bring because if I had it my way, I would never have to stop."
1.7k · Dec 2014
Fall in Love With a Poet
Marquis Hardy Dec 2014
Have you ever thought about falling in love with a poet?
It's such a simple notion because they too are people just like you
but the ability to constantly immortalize
Is that not attractive?
If you fall in love with a poet
alive you'll be for eternity
in a world that you
never could imagine
but one that they imagined you in.
It's a simple thought and a simple attraction that made an intricate
impact on their lives.
You are the reason they write
the reason that they can so innately describe what it is to be in love.
It's nice, isn't it?
To fall asleep knowing that this person is still awake writing about
how much more they're going to love you the next day.
Writing about the moment that you first caught their eye
the moment that they knew you too loved them.
Falling in love with a poet is a guaranteed way to live forever in their mind
to be the muse that they'll always use
to be the one person they'll never abuse.
Falling in love with a poet would be the adventure to end all
because in every word you would exist through 6 or 7 lifetimes.
So fall in love with a poet
because not only will their words convince
they're guaranteed to show it.
1.6k · Mar 2015
Marquis Hardy Mar 2015
You could be my cancer, and for that I don't think I would mind
you seem to find that peculiar so read closely line by line.
My lungs don't matter much because I hardly breathe fresh air,
and maybe my last breath I breathe could be our breath to share.  
My skin please without it do not leave
for after all it was you that told me true beauty lies beneath.
Is there cancer of the eyes? If so please have them too,
I would be ever so lucky if the last thing I saw was you.
Cancer in my fingers? As malignant as all that came before
creep into my feeling and let me feel your skin once more.
If there is cancer in my arms I suppose it would be amputated,
but that's okay because then it's yours forever and for that I would be elated.
Sliding through my brain the cancer starts to spread
leaving me worthless lying lifelessly in our once shared bed.
Hardly a terrible fate since I spent my favorite moments there
loving you so wildly as if having an affair.
I could be making this up, but cancer of the heart would only make sense
because you touched my heart one day
and I've loved you ever since.
Just a fun, late night practice of word play! Cancer is being used as a disease while representing a loved one with the same zodiac sign.
Marquis Hardy Apr 2016
I think it's stupid that you're gone, and the stars are still around. Every night I can look to the stupid sky and see the shimmering light from too many stupid years ago but I can't see you.
I think it's stupid that I told someone how angry this made me, and they were stupid enough to say, "maybe they're up there too." I've never made anyone feel that stupid with a look before.
I think it's stupid that you're gone but the stupid voicemail you left me saying, "I love you" is still around and you're nowhere to be found.
I think it's stupid that there are still phone booths, crayons and wite-out on this stupid paradoxical planet, but not something people still want around.
I think it's stupid that...
I just think it's so stupid that I let you tell me that you'd always be here for me, because I knew I was stupid enough to believe you if I ever became stupid enough to let you say it to me.
I think it's stupid that I let you drive to me that night knowing how dangerous the stupid black ice was going to be to your stupid blue car.
I think it's stupid that you loved me enough, to be stupid enough to drive here in the first place.
But really, ultimately,  I think it's just so **** stupid that I was stupid enough to watch them bury you under six-feet of stupid Earth, and not say goodbye.

I'm sorry I'm stupid.
I'm okay, I promise.
1.5k · Aug 2016
When a Joke Goes Too Far
Marquis Hardy Aug 2016
He made a gun out of his finger and thumb, and ****** his hand back as if representing the kickback of a pistol.
If it was just his hand then why did my white shoes become speckled red, and why did the light fleet from his eyes?
It's etched into my memory, the day it became more than a joke, the day it wasn't laughs that followed, but instead smoke.
The sick part is, I still have those shoes, they're sitting by my front door stained brown from dry blood.
I'm not sure why I kept them, maybe it's because that's all I have left of my brother.
Just a concept piece. Don't freak out.
1.3k · Aug 2015
An After Thought
Marquis Hardy Aug 2015
To be an afterthought, manifested as a shrug then BOOM forgot.
Well, forgotten.
Forgotten about when you wanted to do something more worth doing, or maybe worth talkin' about.
The pain shot through the heart, and left an open would in my chest, but writhing here felt like a place I could finally rest.
If I was worth remembering,  worth the top spot at the front of your brain, maybe then I'd be worth your attention, like the homeless when it rains.
I just didn't want to be an afterthought, because now that all there was to think is thought you're the only thought that's left, and I hate thinking you've forgotten me as I come to my last breath.
I said the word afterthought yesterday, and it isn't a word a say often. This is a partial look at the gravity of the word. The title is broken up, not by ignorance, or accident. It's on purpose. Using the title 'AFTER THOUGHT', changes the actual definition of what an 'AFTERTHOUGHT' is, and that's the most appropriate for this piece.
Marquis Hardy Mar 2016
I'm surrounded by silence and no one willing to hear me out.
I hear the singing of birds, the dancing of trees and the cries of laughter.
Oh how I long to sing back, itch to dance along and cry to laugh.
But, alas I have no one I can do these things with...
I am alone

Don't get me wrong, I am honored to be the chosen one out of my lifeless brothers and sisters, to have the opportunity to feel, but can anyone help me find a point in being different-
in feeling if I feel alone.

Every now and then some of my cells venture off bravely in exploration of someone I can call a friend, but lately they seem to be, I don't know...
mad at me...
They keep destroying parts of me and replacing them with cheap prosthetic's.
I just wish they liked me more-
I wish they'd just let me be enough-
I just wish they'd take care of me...

Anyway, maybe one day they'll come back with good news, but until then I'll just be alone.
This is a piece I wrote quite some time ago, but didn't really have character so I finished it tonight, and I made the Earth seem insecure.  (I really like personifying things.)
Marquis Hardy Apr 2015
Maybe I've seen the Notebook too many times, but the concept of 'If You're A Bird, I'm A Bird' keeps growing exceedingly less absurd.
And ever since I saw A Walk to Remember I've always wanted to name a star after you so there would be two of you, and so I wouldn't have to share the original with the world.
Or was it so you could see the light in you that I see everyday and not only at night?
Alas, I can't seem to remember, but I'm certain it was both.
I've never been in a warzone outisde of my own life, but you've saved me from more harm than any bomb or rifle could inflict so I am indeed The Lucky One.
Whether sitting in silence or drowning in chaotic clamor I remember the first time you sang to me, and I recall my smiling like a fool
Let it be known that albeit I'm not actively seeking death, if it may find me I hope for that to be my Last Song.
Oh, and my darling
let your suspicions now come to light,
for  I indeed have always had an ulterior motive in loving you-
in you loving me.
That is for our love to create a Safe Haven to return to when the world has seemed to drain us of the hope we awoke with.
And yes my love,
I indeed am a bird if that is what you are as well,
but in tandem do I vow to be your Guardian on this Walk to Remember through This Bending Road of life.
It was almost 6AM and I had not been asleep yet and had an urge to write something fun, meaningful and light. Thus this work was created! It is a piece using book titles from the romantic mastermind Nicholas Sparks! Cool huh? Haha enjoy, my friends.
Titles used:
The Notebook
The Last Song
Safe Haven
The Lucky One
A Bend in the Road
A Walk To Remember
The Guardian
1.2k · Apr 2015
Marquis Hardy Apr 2015
As sure as we arose in turn did the sun, and we knew it was all okay.
Time ticked, time tocked, past the windows of our skulls, and everything was still all okay.
We started to change in to something we hoped, but never desired to be and we fought it.
We fought it becuase that would no longer make everything okay.
We watched the moon ascend past the earth and the audience of the stars took their place, and again it was all okay.
We slept, and dreamt about wonders, and calmly smiled in our sleep all the while knowing that when we awoke again, everything would not be okay.
It's important that we learn to get out of our own way.. Life has potential to be much more than okay.
1.2k · May 2014
The Longest Text Message
Marquis Hardy May 2014
Today the sun came up but had no effect on me so I stayed asleep. In my sleep my dreams of which were pleasant were accompanied by you. You were finally with me. There came a point that my consciousness became aware that it was all a dream but in trade for three nightmares for this one dream he reluctantly allowed me to remain asleep.
       It was just as I imagined it would be except for the strange lack of dialogue. Well I should say that there was a lack of dialogue from your end. I was just going on and on, talking to you like any other person would to the literal girl of his dreams. You would hear every word, sometimes you would even smile and let out a silent laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I would catch you gazing at me like you were falling deeper and deeper in love with me completely unable to fight it. As we continued walking you reached for my hand, and as I went in to grab yours I went right through just as one would if trying to high-five a projected image. I couldn't understand what could possibly be happening.
       Shocked and seeming afraid you began to panic and I began to fade. Unaware of what was happening from your perspective I just watched as you frantically tried to get my attention through your flailing waves and cryptic signs. It all changed when you began to tear up...
        At first it sounded like a faint whisper and then it grew louder and louder until you were shouting. Between your sobs you were saying, "please don't go, don't leave me... Without you here I will not be able to fight fading away from myself and I am terrified of being nothing and being lost with you not here to find me. Without you here I am nothing but a soul searching for a home that became transparent in the daylight."
       We both stood there and stared as I continued to fade and then it happened.
       "I'm sorry for treating you like something I could live without." You said as if they were your last words, and then it all grew quiet and I woke up...

*Message Sent
1.2k · May 2015
The Words My Look Explained
Marquis Hardy May 2015
I gave her this look of undeniable honesty through my eyes, and expression.
I gave her this look that explained everything I felt about her, but I'm not sure she understood it.
I gave her this look, afraid it wasn't enough I grabbed her hand, and explained.
"It's going to happen, you and I. I've known of your existence as sure as I've known my own name. I've awaited your arrival as long as I've known of its meaning. I hold your hand in this moment, and my heart rate rises reminding me that I never want to let it go; to never let you go. I hold your glance in this moment accepting now the luxurious release of death, for you are the last thing I wish to see. As the future remains unwritten and my life could vanquish in a twitch I tell you now you are the realest thing I have ever known, and as sure as breath gives these words life shall I love you until time forgets my name, and the oceans turn to dust."
I gave her this look that revealed every secret I had ever had.
1.2k · Jul 2016
The White Sheets
Marquis Hardy Jul 2016
I remember the sun hitting the white sheets in the middle of the day. I was getting up to clean, and she was still lying there. The natural light poured in from the window and drowned her face forcing her eyes shut while she sang along to her favorite song. She somehow managed to dance with her whole body while she was still laying down, and I’m sure those sheets had never felt happier. I wasn’t getting much done, unless you count memorizing her movements, and the impossible way her smile was brighter than the sun. I keep trying, but I can’t remember her face; It’s just her smile. That’s the last thing I remember, I don’t know how I got here, and I honestly don’t really know where here is… Why are you crying?  

She wiped away her tears, “I-I’m sorry. I could just picture her opening her eyes and seeing you recording her every motion. I can see you standing there through the sunlight motionless and mesmerized at the sight of her lying there, dancing in the bed.”

Yes, you’re right. That’s exactly how it was. Where am I? Where is she?

She starting crying again, but this time she was sobbing uncontrollably.
"You’ve been in the hospital; You were on your way to work and you got in a car accident. You’ve been in a coma for three weeks."

What? Are you my doctor? If you’re my doctor, then why are you crying? What’s going on?

Why are you crying?
I was about to make my bed until I opened the window, and this came to my head. It's the first thing I've written in a while and I think it's okay.
1.1k · Jan 2015
In My Heart Lies A Flume
Marquis Hardy Jan 2015
I lived inside a hope that was birthed inside a promise
that was meant to last beyond when time had forgotten us

In security I breathe the same breath you used to cherish
while hoping in my arms was where you would perish

Now here we are alas and the whole is back to halves
creating a devastating fork splitting our two paths

Only left to wonder where without me you roam
my feet began to wander to a place we called home

Wander to the home I still envision your standing silhouette
staring below at my cold shadow immersed in the tears that I wept.
Flume- a deep narrow channel or ravine with a stream running through it.

Empty heart, creates a flume, the tears run through, and create a stream.
1.1k · Aug 2015
The Solstice of My Life
Marquis Hardy Aug 2015
I took a chance to believe in what I though I never would.
No, In what I thought I never could.
All it took was one night for you to create an orifice in my brain deep within my mind for you to reign free.
In utter disbelief coupled with relentless joy I let you there, and I left you there...
I felt it surging through my entire being-
the joy of having you.
It began changing me from the inside out, making me hope and believe in ways I never knew about.
But now you're gone, and I 'm wilting away like that of a dying rose that was once kissed by the sun, but now embraced by frost.
My world was cold.
My world was warm.
My world is null.
I've awaited you so patiently like a child afraid of the dark awaits the morning, vigilantly.
I'll be here
I'll exist here
I'll lie here
Always waiting for you...
The reoccurring solstice of my life.
I wrote this piece some time ago. It got lost with a bunch of work I wrote on loose paper. I really like it so I figured, better late than never.
1.1k · Jun 2016
Not Quite the Common Cold
Marquis Hardy Jun 2016
I'm sick of not being able to write.
I'm sick of meaningless violence in the world.
I'm sick of people needing someone to blame.
I'm sick of meaningless debates.
I'm sick of pettiness in the human race.
I'm sick of people not supporting each other.
I'm sick of people wishing others to be held back.
I'm sick of my friends dying.
I'm sick of money.
I'm sick of the presidential election.
I'm sick of these pretend Poli-sci majors.
I'm sick of humans disagreeing with each other just because they can.
I'm sick of my TV show's being cancelled.
I'm sick of negativity being the way of the world.
I'm sick of the people I love being unwilling to take a chance.
I'm sick of To Keep You Alive being unpublished.
I'm sick of being stuck on Keep Me Alive.
I'm sick of death.
I have been seriously lacking in the literary department lately so instead I decided to write about the things I am tired of.
1.1k · May 2016
One Too Many Questions
Marquis Hardy May 2016
I kept staring at the ceiling fan reminding me of a dog chasing its tale, but the breeze relieved me. It kept me from sweating as your heart pounded in my ear begging me to answer your question.
I knew the answer you wanted, but I couldn't give it to you could I?
I spent so much time focusing on the one I lost, so much time knowing that she was the girl of my dreams that I was afraid to wake up.
As long as I stayed asleep I didn't have to live in a world where she didn't walk next to me every day.
Your eyes were burning a hole in my face.
So I burnt a hole in the ceiling fan.
Wishing and hoping it would take me away like a propeller on a helicopter.
Same concept right?
I wasn't going to escape this question that there was no right answer to.
You asked again maybe thinking I didn't hear you, but I heard you clearly both times when you said, "I love you."
I love you is the biggest question in the world that doesn't follow with a question mark.
1.0k · Mar 2016
Cotton Candy Colored Sky
Marquis Hardy Mar 2016
I first saw you beneath a cotton candy colored sky, and life had never been sweeter.

The sun fell swiftly beyond the buildings caressing the tips of the sky and gave room for the stars to play.

I first saw you beneath a cotton candy colored sky, and life has been sweeter ever since.
1.0k · Jul 2016
The Pink Pillow
Marquis Hardy Jul 2016
Do I think about you?
That's not really a fair question.
Yeah, things are different now, but how could I not think about you?
Have you ever known something to be so real, something you were so sure of at one point and then just forget it?
No, you haven't. I'm not sure that many people have or even understand what I'm talking about, but listen to me.
I don't remember much from before, but I remember the feeling...and apparently how I felt about you is not something that can be forgotten.
I remember what you meant to me, what you made my heart feel and I am desperately running to that feeling.
I feel like I'll never reach the point I'm trying to, but I promise you I am trying.
This feeling that I know I've felt, the one I can hardly remember is something that I want again, something that I need again.
Not with anyone though, but with you the girl I see in my head in those white sheets, under that blue comforter, on top of that lonely pink pillow.
You're like a mirage I'm praying will manifest in my reality so I no longer have to dream of you and only see a shadow.
So yes, I think about you.
Part 3 of the White Sheets.
1.0k · Jun 2014
Impossibly Human
Marquis Hardy Jun 2014
I thought I could beat it.
I thought I was better than it.
I wasn't. I was only human.
I fought for a day I promised myself would come, because I was ready to be invincible. That idea, the innocent, unchanging, unbreakable idea that I created in my head was the realist thing I had ever known. The idea of something flawless, pristine, and timeless was the perfect constant to an ever-changing variable. Only one thing could ever crush something as unbreakable as an idea, and that was the idea itself coming to life.
Willing itself into a reality I couldn't control, it appeared in a body, in a name, and in the eyes of someone I had never known. It was there, but it felt different. I became an invincible vessel to a vulnerable outcome. My greatest weakness became the idea I had once hoped would make me indestructible. Instead, I found myself a slave to the hope I hoped would enslave the fear of being forgotten.
I found myself human.
Better, battered, beaten, but never broken I became invincibly vulnerable.
Finally, I knew I could beat it.
I knew I was better than it, because I indeed was human.
Beautifully, yet impossibly human.
1.0k · Aug 2014
Da Capo
Marquis Hardy Aug 2014
Resonating like harmonics through the air from a grand piano run your words telling me you love me, you miss me, you need me, but never goodbye.

Waiting for the music to begin after a grand pause I sat in front of the colors, realizing everything was indeed black and white. I began to tell my story. The music filled the air but died immediately and fell from the sky upon deaf ears.

Bewildered faces of all who were awaiting the music scattered the room. Nervously I began again only this time was louder than before. Adding new twists and turns and free moments of my life's cadence I released more than I ever desired for anyone to hear and still nothing. As the walls pilfered the sounds all who awaited began to lose patience.

Immediately I regretted even sitting and beginning but it was too late. To arise and leave a shadow was all that was left. Eyes forward,  I departed bringing along a new emptiness which accompanied me down the stairs lying below my dead words.

No sooner than I reached the last step did ghost notes sing through the air followed by applause. Then was my biggest mistake, I turned around.
Da Capo is a musical term meaning go back to the beginning or simply repeat.
995 · Jul 2016
The Blue Comforter
Marquis Hardy Jul 2016
Do you think about me?
I know that things are different now, and I might just be another person to you, but I need you to understand that you are the reason that I'm here.
You are the reason that I feel strongly about anything let alone love itself.
So please, do you think about me? Is this something that still feels reachable in your head?
I think about all of the time we spent together in those white sheets under the blue comforter, and I want to cry but can't help but smile.
I can still feel the way you used to hold me, the way you used to smile at me when I sang to you.
I remember them all; I can feel them all.
It feels like I died two months ago when you got in that accident because I'm not in your head anymore, but with every heartbeat that lives without your echo I'm reminded that I'm alive and suffering without you here.
So tell me, do you think about me?
Part 2 follow up to The White Sheets.
973 · May 2014
The Arranged Marriage
Marquis Hardy May 2014
Oh how I wish you wouldn’t persist to make my insides miserable. To make them wish that they could run away, away to the day they no longer ache from loneliness and pain. You are a discovered conclusion to the realest illusion of a happy life. Something to help me continue the elusion of the friendly knife. Frightening enough the knife seems more a friend than you since it’s mission of finding me a happy end is true. Drawing me closer and closer while growing more enticing by the moment it prepares to seize the opportunity in hopes to own it. I reach toward you since you’re the obvious choice but that’s the part that’s crazy... Happiness is the desire but remains so lazy while death constantly courts us. How long can we all continue to await love and deny our arranged marriage?
963 · Mar 2016
Hiding Beneath the Sea
Marquis Hardy Mar 2016
I was swimming beneath the ocean, the silence providing my comfort, the break acting as my disguise, the waves standing guard
Finally, I was able to think, to really think about the world that was spinning, the time that was ticking, and my heart that was beating
The fish swam past me wondering why I was holding my breath in agony when I could just swim to the surface and breathe again, but they were never going to understand, because time doesn't exist to them.
Time doesn't exist to them
Time doesn't exist to them
Time doesn't exist to them
it all made sense as the water continued taunting me submitting to the current, and the seconds of air remaining in my lungs swam away safely to the surface
The shackles of time are a prison of our own creation, and we waste our lives swimming in our existence trying to unders
Read this and understand it. Rise to the surface before it's too late.
958 · Mar 2015
They Were
Marquis Hardy Mar 2015
They believed
They borrowed
They built...

They lived

They doubted
They dodged
They destroyed...

They lived

They thought
They tried
They tore

They lived

She left...
He waited

She lived...
He waited
949 · May 2014
In My Sole
Marquis Hardy May 2014
It was just a normal day that we happened to be together. Your hand in mine; us side by side and then you broke away. You broke away to stare at something from far away so it wouldn't be self conscious of you peering into its soul. You stood there looking so intently at something I couldn't
see. I couldn't see what you perceived for I couldn't believe that there was something you saw that I couldn't conceive. So I stopped...I smiled and I took a picture. I took this picture of you staring in the distance with this half acquired smile... a moment in time that I would be sure to keep with me forever. The moment penetrated my soul ever so deeply that I decided to keep the picture somewhere it could affect even the ground I walk on. I keep the picture in my sole.... In the sole of my shoe so no matter where I go I'm walking with you.
896 · May 2016
That One Night With You
Marquis Hardy May 2016
I sat there wasting away in my car, because I remembered when I had done this with you.
I had just gotten home, and my ear was to the phone, smiling widely at this dream come true.
Your voice was like music bellowing through the speaker coupled with the most angelic tones.
Now I sit reminiscing, wandering and remembering while roaming looking for new homes.
Sunsets are pointless and the rises are stupid since you they all neglect to include.
I belong in your life, and the same goes for you, but I'm not bold enough to intrude.
So sit in your car after a long drive home, laughing as your legs can't bend,
and I'll be here too, with lost thoughts of you hoping this paralysis would end.
I couldn't get out of my car, because I was tired, and then this piece formed in my brain.
884 · Jun 2014
The "L" Word
Marquis Hardy Jun 2014
I learned to live loosely, lovingly and loudly. Loving every loose moment of every loud life living around me.
Leaving light lingering on grounds and sky like leaves leaving in the fall I left before life decided to leave me.
I left to look for a love to lean on for life, and for myself to loan a moment to live for.
To listen, to long for, just long enough to look like a sky-lit sunbeam.
The loquacious levity of the life lasting around me lived lividly, keeping its eyes open, looking for lucidity.
I made a piece, mostly using L words.
876 · Apr 2015
You're Not a Stranger
Marquis Hardy Apr 2015
You're not a stranger

I am convinced I have known you my whole life.

It's never changing, you and I. but the concept of us is forever growing.
It doesn't matter how long we will go without speaking I know we remain the same.
You're not a stranger.

I am convinced I have known you my whole life.

Time attempts to drive a wedge between us, you and I, but that's where it lies amiss.
We've never quite been two separate people so we've just been gliding along the sands of time.
You're not a stranger.

I am convinced I have known you my whole life.

However, if one day I find it is I who is amiss, it will be the most sincere pleasure to meet you again.
857 · May 2014
The Holiday
Marquis Hardy May 2014
It’s cold outside and the leaves have taken refuge in the tall untrimmed grass. Night comes quicker and the sun works part-time these days. Inside, the three brothers fluctuate the heat just enough to stay warm and keep their wallets trimmed at the same time. They were running around finalizing the last parts of The Holiday. The Holiday fell on a Wednesday and they were ready for the best time of the year.

6:29 PM was what the time read on every clock with the exception of the clock in the bathroom which ran ahead 4 minutes to ensure promptness. They would be here in seconds. With last mirror checks they ran to the living room awaiting the knocks on the door.


PM Only one knock came through from result of the eagerness of the eldest, two young ladies walked through one after the other. Hugs were given all around but kisses only exchanged between 4. It was time to leave but one guest was still missing.

6:42 PM

five are in attendance awaiting the sixth, four of them restless and the other worried. Figuring a reasonable amount of time has passed since call number 2 he then redials the phone contact, “My Love” and puts the phone to his ear. On the other end a cell phone is ringing somewhere with the caller ID “Him <3” but again no answer. Pacing the room now brother 2 of 3 is beginning to lose composure despite the comforting words of his 4 companions. Prepping to call again, his phone rings and is answered before the melody on his phone began. It was her.

Gleaming with relief and joy number 2 answers with a bright and hopeful, “hello” followed by a confused, “Yes I am.” His brothers and their beautifully dressed guests watch hopelessly as they realize it’s not who it is supposed to be. The phone now away from his face the receiver is asking in the room if he was still on the line. Sinking to the earth but caught by the floor he dropped the phone.

6:53 PM

Eleven minutes later they arrived at the scene of the accident ... Glass sparkles from a mixture of the newly fallen snow and the lights from the emergency sirens. Running toward the stretcher where she laid lifeless the downcast officer tried to restrain the inconsolable young man. When he reached her he grabbed her hand repeatedly saying her name and imploring her to come back. it was when he began kissing her bloodied and torn hands that they lost him forever. Kissing her hand in hopes to revive his lost love did he then come upon the diamond engagement ring he given her the day before, only hours prior to the last time he would have heard her say I love you, or anything for that matter.

As the man hit the ground his brothers were there immediately at his side as they watched the ambulance drive off, taking her further and further away from him on the last holiday he would ever remember.

6:59 PM
852 · Jul 2015
Your Future Awaits!
Marquis Hardy Jul 2015
No longer a battle between, "good and evil" Or, "kind of and definitely."
You see it now, the manifestation of the wonder that you are, and the wonder that  you possess.
It is trying to come to life!
It is trying to come to life!
It is trying to come to life!
Yelling in your head to be heard by someone that will ask you to let it in.
Coming out of your eyes to be seen by someone that will ask you to let it in.
It's here.
The future.
The future that you couldn't have planned for.
The future that you couldn't have imagined.
The future that will be greater than anything that you could have hoped for.
It's here.
It's here.
Welcome it!! See it come through the door, and blind all of those who don't believe.
It's you.
It's you.
It's you.
Brighter than any star before you, and brighter than any star after.
It's you.
Embrace it, love it, live it, become you.
Your future awaits, and you owe it to yourself to not keep it waiting much longer.
It's been a long time. I finally had something worth writing about.
851 · Jan 2016
Ages 21-25
Marquis Hardy Jan 2016
It's just a glass of scotch! It might as well be water.
I drink it just like a four year old drinks a Capri-
no, a Juice Box.
I don't want it on the rocks, I take it neat, like my room.
See? It's just like milk! Do you drink milk with ice?
It's not illegal, and if you don't believe me take a look at the box
It says it's been aged 21 years, and my other at 25!
My scotch is so old it gets discounted car insurance like your mom did however many hundreds of years ago it was.
It's just scotch so stop whining about it.
Actually, that gives me a great idea,
I'll go drink wine. Happy?
I have no idea why I wrote this. I mean  yeah, I am drinking scotch right now, but hey, it's just scotch.
834 · Jan 2015
The Issue
Marquis Hardy Jan 2015
The issue lies not in you being gone but in the fact that you're away.
In seeing your smile it became transfixed in my brain and became something that one could only hope to see every time the sun brought a new set of hours to life.

The issue lies not on the decision you made to go but in the mystery of whether you'll return. I could live without you, please that you must believe, but what fun or momentary enjoyment would it be to constantly dance outside in the rain if never with a partner.

The issue lies not in the few days we spent together but in the plentiful seconds I knew who you were. Every word, gesture, movement and expression resonated in my head reminding me of the day I was born without the rest of me in hopes to find it.

The issue lies in the fact that there is no issue after all is there?
If you're the issue, we'll find the answer.
If time is the issue, we'll watch the clock together.
If we're the issue, it's the world that is mistaken.
issue-an important topic or problem for debate or discussion

"If we're the issue, it's the world that is mistaken."
we're not up for debating so there in lies no issue.
816 · May 2014
A Sensation of New Life
Marquis Hardy May 2014
A Sensation of New Life.
In speaking and growing closer with you day by day
I feel something in the depths of me that had long since gone away
To say that you and I being compatible is far short from the truth
For me being with you is as harmonious as Clark Kent in a booth
For you saying my name has a ring like that of dear Saturn
The vibrations of your vocal chords are among the most vibrant of patterns
Dear one you must realize what may not be so simple and clean
This bond that’s joined between us that is so crystal and pristine
If Having a Coke With You was the only way to spend a lifetime
That would leave me in pure wonderment for the 8th or even 9th time.
If I said how I loved thee and then pretended to count the ways
I would be doing you such an injustice that even Elizabeth Barrett couldn’t Brown away.
If the Sidewalk would End yet I continue for the Red Red Rose
You would see how our love Burns even hotter than the sand which the Shels doze.
I would search for you through the deepest Blue Periods of the vast sea
So much that the creator of the flying Raven would question the love between himself and Lee
If two roads were to diverge in any wood of any color on a Boundless Cliff in any City
I would take them both whilst Shaking My Speare to all who oppose leaving only my pity
Through the endless, impervious love established through the bond that you and I hold
A new life is created that no dagger, poison, or Capulet could fold
A sensation like no other to last through the Best of Times and the Worst of Times
Leaves a Tale of Two Lovers to last forever and always through the words in this rhyme
815 · May 2014
Time Sets
Marquis Hardy May 2014
Time sets, it moves and it sings. It cries in silence in hopes to be heard. Darkness settles around our dreams with nothing but good intention. It is only misunderstood as ominous because we can’t see through its shield. Blocking away the unnecessary the darkness fights to actually show us what is important as we lie awake in the depths of our dreams; shielding us from the distractions we all tend to give our focus.

I see you standing there in a doorway reaching out to anything you can get your grasp on, waving, flailing, trying your hardest to not fall in the abyss of the unknown and the too good to be true. I then see all things being projected toward you, hurrying and fleeing to your side to save you now. The darkness begins to envelop my surroundings as far as the eye can see, growing stronger more full of nothing and seeming more ominous. I fight to stead my focus only to you, enhancing my speed of the walk trying to still remain calm through my thundering heart. Everything was shooting toward you, but you wouldn't grab hold… You latched on to me with your eyes and looked as if you would never let go. Regrettably I stopped… Only for a moment, but I stopped. I felt it was a trap, why would you only be waiting for me despite all the wonderful things trying to get hold of you? The Darkness scared me, the darkness threatened me. Not you, your eyes never left me but I couldn't focus on you because of the uncertainty behind the intentions of the darkness.

Again I stopped, but this time I took a step back. The light between
you was getting narrower for the darkness was growing stronger. I could feel my breaths shorten as you continued to reach for me, praying not to fall further. I wanted to get to you, I just wasn't strong enough. It felt like the darkness was growing the closer I came to you. Rather than facing it and you at the end I began to retreat back to what I knew while trying my hardest to not focus on your eyes penetrating my mind, and your hand prying open my heart. I retreated watching the darkness subside, I retreated. I was okay, as I came out of distance of you; I told myself you were okay simply to destroy any chance of guilt. I was almost free until I heard a faint song of something familiar, something I once kept locked in my soul. I began inching toward it searching deliberately for what it could be. Louder it grew, louder and more clear, it began touching my heart, through spots of wet yellow paint, splintered wood, and broken glass I continued on, paying no attention to the darkness continuing to devour my instant surroundings. The sound, the familiar singing in my head seemed to be entreating me to come back. I began to run; I began to run toward it through the last bit of light fighting through the darkness until I felt like I was flying. It was you again… but this time you were trapped behind the things trying to help you.  I heard the faint memory once more, but this time it was coupled by the movement of your lips. Through the deepest reserves of my memory you had come back imploring me to make it to you through the nonsense. Fighting through the fear I came to you and without a hesitant thought or a wasted glance at the surrounding darkness I began bloodying myself pulling away the destruction that kept me from you; the pieces of once good things that kept you from me. Feeling nothing for myself but
solely for you I felt your still outstretched hand graze my fingertip and the blood left with your touch. Understanding that with you I was unstoppable I broke through sacrificing the last piece of me to be once again with you. You free, I fallen, you picked me up, piecing all of me back together. Penetrating my eyes you were the last thing I saw as the darkness encompassed us and immediately ceased to exist.

Loosening your clutch from my head to your heart did we then notice it was only you and I. With no sign of the destruction of the struggle from before, we were all that was left. It was just the two of us alone in a vast room filled with all of our dreams to last for an eternity and beyond.
757 · Feb 2016
Without a Heart
Marquis Hardy Feb 2016
I started writing without a heart

and you... you were the thief that took it
or was it willingly withdrawn?
It doesn't matter because I'm still right here!
Right where you left me, and you have my words, my sentences, my poems and a heart... my heart.
You had never planned to keep it did you?
Or was it that you had planned to give me something in return?
I'm still waiting, and I have nothing but empty words, sentences, poems, and a chest cavity with room for a heart.
I started writing without a heart in hopes to find one and I did...
With one last period, came one last beat
and  I am left without a heart again.
697 · Aug 2015
How I Spent My Summer
Marquis Hardy Aug 2015
Well, I saw a shooting star last week-
    it hardly matters though-
        I kissed a shooting star before bed last night.
Oh yeah! I watched the sunset during dinner a couple weeks ago-
    that's nothing special though-
        I had dinner with a sunset earlier this week.
I opened my window to watch the sunrise this morning-
    I yawned from boredom, but can you blame me?-
        I awoke in bed with the sunrise that very day.
Oh, and before the end of my summer I saw the 7 wonders of the world-
    Personally, I thought that was a waste of time-
        Not their fault though, there's actually an 8th one and it's all mine.
687 · Dec 2015
Rursus Incipere
Marquis Hardy Dec 2015
Maybe it's time to forget about it all-
to forget about all of the things I felt when it was only you.
To forget because it's all still there, and I don't know what to do about it. I can feel it burning through my eyeballs toward every person that catches my stare, and projecting toward them an unwanted story of how I fell in love with no chance to stay afloat. I still hear the Aria of which is your song still ringing in my ears rendering me deaf to every song my heart would love to sing, every other my heart would love to hear. My mouth still fights to lose your name that was so frequently upon my lips. I find it still moves in silence mimicking the same patterns and forms through the muscle memory I procured from each time I would call your name the way you loved so much. When I sit alone and inhale the still and the quiet through my nostrils I swear I still feel your touch, and the way your fingers would dance and glide along my skin. I never knew my senses would come to betray me as much as the present had allowed, and I found there is nothing more I can do than forget. I feel I am better with the thoughts of you, better with the after images that your presence left behind. But here I will start again, and if a monster I become may I hope to be mute, deaf, unsightly, blind, and hopelessly awaiting to step off the cliff in to the fathomless abyss that is your love once again.
Rurus Incipere (Latin)- To Begin Again
667 · Nov 2014
Obligatory Solitude
Marquis Hardy Nov 2014
Please, I implore you do not come any closer.
Now is the time I must sleep for I've used all of my energy sleeping. I'm not sleeping because I'm tired but to tame the parasite living within me feeding on the joy emitted from all around me. Please, I must be alone!
I must be alone to think about what it is that has made me this way, what it is that has taken this day and made it into a perpetual night. I must be alone because I owe that to all of you. Every one of you convincing yourself that I'm worth the time to convince that your sympathy for me is convincing. You must understand that there is nothing that you can do, nothing that you can say to alter the prison I've surrounded the joy in my heart with. The prison made of my darkest memories, my longest nights, and my loneliest days; The prison guarded by sentries of lies told centuries past that have slithered their way past histories grasp. Here must I lie alone. Here behind the bars of my truth alone I must lie in my loneliness to decidedly die alone. So let me sleep. Please, you must not cry. Here in my obligatory solitude is where I find my peace, so please let me sleep.
654 · May 2014
I ran
Marquis Hardy May 2014
I went out to watch the sunset, but I couldn't get myself to focus for the fear in the eyes of the sky was shimmering knowing that their light was fleeting. Feeling empathy for the sky and myself knowing why, I ran. I began to run and run, through the pain and the fire in my lungs I ran. I ran to save the sky, to give them one last chance, one last time for a last goodbye. I ran through the black to beautiful shades of pink and orange. I ran oh I ran to save the sky from emptiness and sadness because I couldn't save myself from a similar fate. I ran until I made it to watch the sky give its final goodbye. This time I let it happen because the sky seemed prepared and I remembered something very important. Although some nights seem longer than others they do not last for always and as it departed once before will it eventually return just the same.
617 · Aug 2014
Impossibly Human (reprise)
Marquis Hardy Aug 2014
Humanity is a fickle thing, but it's impossible to feel otherwise. Inescapably, regrettably, powerlessly human in every moment of my life except when I'm with you. With you I'm a whirlwind of contradiction; just as hot and cold meet I live uncontrollably in my own head, spinning and whirling trying to feel normal again. When I'm with you I feel unbreakable without a single weakness in sight until you're all I see. The one thing making me an unstoppable force destroyed by you, the unmovable object. When I love you I'm powerless and lost just like every other fool humanity has destroyed , but I can't be beaten. I find myself parading aimlessly in your perfect presence feeling vulnerable with your hand around my heart to crush or to massage. You're the only exception to the only constant in my life making me feel impossibly yet unstoppably human.
563 · Apr 2015
The Imprint
Marquis Hardy Apr 2015
I just stood there watching from feet away floating in a time that was once my own, and watching a moment form before me that I burned into my memory. I watched a much younger version of myself sitting with you in all of your perfect imperfections. I wanted to talk to you again, to hear your voice be directed toward me for one last time, but I knew that was something that I could not do for I had already had my moment. If I intervened everything could change, and I would be stealing away precious time from a younger me that would never be ready for anything shorter than forever with you. Instead, I kept my safe distance and watched as the two of you got up from our bench that we spent hours on talking or just sitting in silence. The look on his face-the look on my face was a priceless glance as the two of you walked with interlocked hands in a silence as perfect as a symphony. You then seemed to notice something out of the corner of your eye as you began to glance toward my direction. I drew back at first before remembering that I was not something that could be seen by you, but merely a ghost in time. You broke away from his hand and you continued toward where I floated, and you just stared right at me as if you could see me-as if you could feel me. With your half acquired smile I finally felt like I was home again, and I watched the younger version of me capture a perfect picture of you. With that I was once again in our old attic, holding that old photo, that was taken that old day, imprinting a forever timeless love. A love that would live on in my soul for...
This piece is the final installment of The Imprint Collection. The collection includes, In My Sole, Faded Photograph, and The Imprint. The order listed above is the order that the collection is intended to be read and you will get the most out of it.
558 · Dec 2015
To Not Have At All
Marquis Hardy Dec 2015
We defied death, us two,
Now look what happened.
550 · Feb 2015
Forward and Backward
Marquis Hardy Feb 2015
I read them over and over... Those few words you said to me.
They almost seemed to be enough, but for how long would it hold me over?
Is it enough to keep the thought of you alive in the back of my mind or enough to keep the thought of us a distant memory of something that never came to past?
I read them over and over again; Those words.
Forward and backward... All saying the same things.
You are glad I'm here and you know I'll stay.
Yet you keep floating away.
What's to happen next seems deadly complex when they're truthfully simple.
So simple just for you to say I want to stay. I want to stay forever until I no longer can.
I want to hold on to you forevermore...until my bones themselves desiccate.
And I'd reply saying to you I’ll hold on like I once did when the mere thought of you was enough.
Like I did those words I once read over and over; forward and backward.
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