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4.1k · Jan 2015
Beyond lucky
Łëïçkî Jan 2015
Hey. Do you know?
How lucky to be loved you are?
With your brown eyes, brown hair brown skin.

Hey. Did you know?
How lucky I am to be loved?
By the brown eyed, brown haired brown skin.

Hey. Did you know?
I am loved.
By the brown brown brown boy.
1.6k · Nov 2020
Call For Me
Łëïçkî Nov 2020
I want you to say my name.
I want it to spill past your lips while I run my fingers along the bend of your jaw.
I want you to grab my waist and pull me into you like the world might  take me away at any moment.
I want to feel you gasp as I slide my fingers from the nape of your neck into your soft hair.
I want to make you desperate for me in so many ways aside from physical.
I want to be the reason you shudder, sigh and surrender.
Let me be the one, let me be the thought in your head that keeps you up at night.
I want you to be the reason I am needed.
1.3k · Jan 2015
What I want for you
Łëïçkî Jan 2015
What I want for you:

A boy who would move the hair away from your eyes. Hold your hand in line at the mall and make it all the other girls jealous.

Someone who would sing to you at random moments. A boy who would get mad at someone if they called you ugly or was mean to you.

Someone who would let you gossip to him and would just smile and agree with everything you said. He would throw stuffed animals at you when you acted dumb and then kiss you a million times.

He would take you to the park and put his hands around your waist and give you a big bear hug. He would tell all his friends about you and smile when he did.

You'd argue about silly things and then make up. I want to boy that would count stars with you.

Someone who would tell you you're beautiful but not too often. Who would make you laugh like no one else could.

But mostly, I want someone who would be your best friend and would never break your heart.
This is a mothers love
630 · Feb 2020
Łëïçkî Feb 2020
Quick hands and light fingers,
trace the dips in my collar bone
and skip stones down my spine.
Touches burned into my skin,
like the scars left on my heart
and on my wrists.
forgive young stupid love
586 · Jan 2015
Wet dream
Łëïçkî Jan 2015
Wet slapping sounds, skin on skin, colliding
accompanied by ragged breathing and moans of pleasure.

It's a dream.

The pressure is building, the smacking sound becoming erratic, the grunts becoming louder.

It isn't real.

The moment is coming they both can feel it the ever rising peak of bliss before the fall in to an explosive high.

I wake up.

My boxers are tight and I am left to lay in a pool of my sweat as the waves of lust rack my body,
465 · Feb 2020
Lake Tiorati
Łëïçkî Feb 2020
There we were at Lake Tiorati feeling the sun scorch our skin.
Sweat dripped from our bodies at Lake Tiorati and we were parched for a swim.
It was 80 degrees to hot even to breathe,
and still the lake jeered at our pain.
Tiorati lapped at the shore acting a tease,
seductively calling us in.
And then with a snap and a "**** it I'm done",
came the shirt off my back,
and all followed, one by one.
In Lake Tiorati on an 80 degree day, with wet sweaty bodies,
we broke the rules to play.
Jesus it was ******* HOT
420 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Maybe I should leave him.
I can see the pain settling in his eyes as he stares me down eyebrows crinkling in pity.
"Why don't you fix your sleep schedule?"
It sounds like code for,
"Why don't you fix yourself?"
I tell him I can't. I tell him that I've been trying.
But he can't see it.
The shackles, the ball and chain.
The shadows that appear even when there is no light.
He can't hear them.
The demons in my mind whispering self hatred.
Maybe I should leave him/
I can't explain to anyone what I am, how I feel, what I'm doing.
I'm tired of trying to explain, exhausted from trying to live a life that I don't want and trying to change.
What a cruel word.
What a sad reminder that pain is all I possess.
I shackled myself and I should leave.
Before I shackle him too.
I dragged the one light in my life through the mud and he paid the price
375 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Mosquito bites and warm summer nights.
Cold beers and unfounded drunken fears.
Sinning in the garage,
Seeing double like a mirage
Driving slow and enjoying the afterglow.
Sweet *** and the afterglow.
My sweet romantic teenage nights
271 · Jan 2020
The Fighter
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
We must not raise our fists and fight
We must not shout and scream.
We must not hurt our brother we should not tare him down.
We must not deny our sister we must raise her strong.
We must not reject our poor we cannot let them down.
We must not shame the broken we must not point and stare.
We must not laugh in the faces that know pain.
We must not be slaves.
We must a force without fists we must take up a pen.
We must walk down to Selma we must cross the river grand.
We must hold our mother's withered hand we must help our father.
We must pick flowers for those without we must not shed no blood.
We must walk the path of resistance and we must not resist.
Thoughts to be a better humanity
257 · Jan 2020
The Leader
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Do not follow the masses, for they are blind.
Do not ask for more, for more will always be less than before.
Do not regret a path once followed.
At one point that path is what you wanted.
Do not fear the night and it's overwhelming blackness.
It is the future unknown.
Chase it.
moving forward
256 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Let me look at you with my red, blurry eyes.
Set my skin on fire.
Leave your bruises on my neck.
Your scent remains tangled in my hair.
Press yourself to me.
Make sure when I wake up, I'll remember you.
waking with a feeling of nostalgia
246 · Mar 2020
The Same as Me
Łëïçkî Mar 2020
It was after 3 am that my head started to pound.
I found myself thinking about the things that are lost and found.
How I finally found myself, and how I found you were lost.
Misunderstood pain and emotion.
Unreciprocated love and devotion.
Oh how it spirals in those brown eyes,
wearing your ever thinning vail of lies as a disguise.
The liquor eating at your mind like flies.
Yeah now your just like me, the same as me.
Always moving, always running, always forgetting.
Always leaving the things that matter,
the things you are now regretting.
The higher you go, the thinner the air.
If you don't stop climbing your eyes will only hold your lifeless stare.
Just like me, the same as me.
AN UNHAPPY ENDING; cried for 3 hours now my head is pounding
228 · Jan 2020
Whisper Man
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Do not fear the whisper man,
Do not let him hear.
The rapid pattering of your heart,
Keep your bones from rattling.

Do not look him in the eyes,
Just try your best to pass him by.
Do not fear the whisper man,
And do not let him near.
224 · Feb 2020
No Sleep
Łëïçkî Feb 2020
The long night cannot sleep for the moon is far to bright, too clear.
I think I hear someone's scattered voice,
and the sky vainly responds: yes.
my thoughts come to life at night
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Oh how he loved the Sun.
Loved to feel her against his back, pressing to him like the flattened flowers in the pages of a book.
How she seared him with sun-kissed skin.
He wasted on Earth dreaming of the Sun.
He grew wings of wax and clay.
He begged the Wind for flight and flew to her.
But her warmth became a fire and her light became a glare.
Still he flew higher.
She wept and pleaded him to return to the Earth.
He could not see her tears.
The wax melted.
The clay hardened.
He fell and the Sun burned on.
Be content with who you have and what you are Icarus.
207 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Her darkness sunk beneath my skin,
took my eyelids and kissed them.
Told my heart in shaky whispers that it was to black,
time to open up the gates, but I.
Keep the gates closed.
Keep the gates closed.
Keep the gates closed.
instant heart break
203 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
foolish love
187 · Jan 2020
Any Other Girl
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
You wanted a girl
Unlike any other girl
When the time came to love her like she wasn't any other girl...
You ran away.
you failed to love me
186 · Jan 2020
Untitled (summer night)
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Blanket nights and water bottles filled with stolen whiskey from my parents cabinets.
Laying swamped on the docks,
Swaying to my high.
Praying bright lights don't catch me,
Asking the boy next to me for one more kiss.
I grate like sand between your teeth.
I'll drag you into this black water.
summer nights
184 · Mar 2020
Łëïçkî Mar 2020
How do you logically explain romantic feelings? What's the catalyst? When did it start? When do you realize that someone becomes special to you? The sudden realization doesn't pay enough respect. There never is a sudden realization. Only the thought that you've felt this way for a while and your only now realizing it. Suddenly mixed emotions become clear and thudding hearts still. All things cease to be in the moment of realization. Realization that you have no control over your thoughts. Realization that you don't know when it started and you feel as if it will never stop. Love is strange, love is torrential, love is a flurry of emotions and a sudden snap of enlightenment. And it ends with a feeling of home.
A STRIKE OF INSPIRATION; a drunk girls thoughts on love and how we come to be in love
174 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
It wasn't supposed to be, missing you at 2:05 am.
I imagined snorting lines of ******* and cutting my skin.
It wasn't supposed to be, missing you at 2:06 am.
I envisioned a drunken mess sprawled across my bed.
It wasn't supposed to be, missing you at 2:07 am.
I was supposed to be high and stumbling around campus.
I wasn't supposed to be thinking about you.
I wasn't supposed to miss you.
I miss you.
lost in the throws of a 24 hour break up
disclaimer for the substance abuse and self harm
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Kick back.
Steal a beer from your parents fridge.
Pass it around slowly.
Like it's the bread and wine of the last supper.
**** hops and bubbles rise in my throat.
Eyes smarting around the table,
Blinking away the soft burn gathering in the corners of our eyes.
My first taste of freedom fades to fuzzy shapes and images I can't decipher.
Just a little more to take off the edge.
first drink
158 · Jan 2020
Lost Thoughts
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
The once vibrant autumn foliage lies dark, damp and life-less at my feet. I tread over their graves without a second thought. Thoughts left for dead.
I have forgotten much over my 21 years of life.
135 · Jan 2020
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
I see the freedom he talks about.
Not in the sky or the way we glide,
Not in the roar of engines or glare of the sun.
In his eyes there is a sky bluer than blue.
And when he talks about his love his words float and his eyes drift to the sky, effortlessly.
His eyes drum with spirit louder than the engine.
And in his eyes small fleets of the sun glow like embers.
In his eyes a thousand things can be found.
In his eyes, maybe I too, can fly.
its over now
101 · Jan 2020
Library Hours
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Around 2:00 pm they start pouring in.
Men? No. Boys.
They choke the hallways and all four floors.
They grunt and kick each other under the table.
Eating their chips nosily.
Discussing last nights game.
Cursing the teacher who gave them home work.
Wheezing laughter and low voices disturb me.
Shut up.
I want to say.
Take it outside.
This is a ******* library.
I'd say confidently.
I keep still.
And silent.
this is about anxiety and how being a woman is sorta never in your favor
82 · Jan 2020
Moon Beams and Sand
Łëïçkî Jan 2020
Tonight I wake up, moon light streaming through my stinging eyes.
I used to wake up to you.
Three hours into my past, you lie asleep in your bed.
Do you cry yourself to sleep too?
I sob through hot tears, like something is stuck just under the lid and I can't get it out.
You stay in my eyes like a persistent grain of sand.
Scratching my cornea, blinding me.
I'll patch my eyes with white cloth and go numb to the fact that my tears have turned from water to blood.
When I close my eyes, I think I'm supposed to remember all the happy times spent together.
But suddenly and terrifyingly, those same happy moments,
make me double over, and wail.
How terrifying is happiness when it's gone.
The absence of you wounded me in ways that left me unprepared and vulnerable

— The End —