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5.7k · Aug 2015
Late Afternoon Thoughts
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
What is better?
An oops?
Or a what if?
I think an oops is better.
5.3k · Dec 2014
Eccedentesiast Dec 2014
There I lie awake
Under the stars,
I hallucinate.

Thinking of what I could be,
of what I could feel,
and of what I could see.

I open my eyes to see,
that I am just behind bars,
that this is my reality.

I wish I could find,
the better side of the deal,
with all the goodness intertwined
2.2k · Nov 2013
Christmas Spirit
Eccedentesiast Nov 2013
Bells, mistletoe and Christmas trees
How I love the Christmas season!
Lights, feasts and the cold breeze.
Those are just some of the reasons.

Santa Clause, reindeers and Christmas elves,
The icons of an imaginative Christmas
We should be happy for everyone, not only ourselves.
Caring and loving is a must.

Christmas is not about the gifts
It's not about the big feasts.
It is about sharing
And giving

Christmas is a holy night.
It's the birth of Jesus Christ.
Enjoy the bliss to your heart's delight!
The spirit in our heart shines bright.
1.9k · Jun 2016
That Girl
Eccedentesiast Jun 2016
I was that girl
who believed in your promise

I was that girl
who you loved with all your heart

I was that girl
who you promised forever

But I'm not that girl anymore
And I'd probably never be again
1.6k · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
his stare was enough
to melt my heart
that isn't too tough
1.6k · May 2014
Eccedentesiast May 2014
I envy the stars that light up the sky,
That you look up to when you’re sad,
That you count when you can’t sleep.

I envy the moon that shines brightly in the sky,
That you stare at when you feel bad,
That gives you light in the midst of despair.

I envy the rain that showers you from above,
That you cry with in times of misery,
That embraces you with its small drops.

But most of all, I envy no one but the one you love.
The one you love who doesn't cheer you up.
The one you love who doesn't care.
The one you love who doesn't love you back.
The one you love who just broke your heart.

I hope you love me just the way you love the stars,
The moon, the rain,
And the one you love.
Part 1 of envy. The real poem is missing. -_-
1.5k · Aug 2015
...But I Lied
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
I said I didn't care
I said I'm happy
I said I'm fine
I said I could live without you
I said I didn't love you

...But I lied
heartaches be like
1.4k · Jul 2015
Eccedentesiast Jul 2015
it hurts when i think of you
but it hurts me even more
when i try to stop thinking of you
idk man i srsly dunno >.<
1.4k · Nov 2015
s o m e
Eccedentesiast Nov 2015
Watching this drama makes me think of us
What we used to be and what we are now
A beautiful lie and an ugly truth
You hold me and kiss me
Then you tell me we're just friends.
Don't act that way and make me so confused
It's not so easy to blur the lines
between being friends and being lovers.
Don't look at me and make me feel special.
Just tell me, tell me what we are
Don't tell me it's nothing until we have tried
Loosely based on "SOME". Some is a term that means a relationship wherein you don't know if you're friends or lovers.
1.3k · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
his heart was enveloped in ice
ice i couldnt melt

his mind was enclosed with walls
walls i couldnt break

his body was a temple
temple i couldnt enter
1.3k · May 2015
Class Prophecy
Eccedentesiast May 2015
With much pride, honor, and dignity,
We look back to our antiquity
We were once young seeds that cultivate
To become the best and ultimate

If we were once budding, blooming, and blossoming,
What more can you and I expect from what’s coming?
Paths are crossed once more to recognize and witness
The start from which we’re all of grace and wittiness

From Darwin, we have built the foundation of our dreams
Oh! Everything was exactly the way that it seems!
As I turned my vision to my left and to my right,
I saw a stunning sight which brought much joy and delight

Darwin is again number one!
A big banner read as I ran
It is a great honor for a Darwinian like me
For all these praises and recognitions I see

I clearly remember my best friend from the past
a woman with wisdom that is wide and vast
Anjealhet is now a famous disc jockey!
With outstanding skills, there’s no doubt she will be

She nurtured her skills in University of Santo Tomas
Graduated with flying colors and an A+
I knew that she will, I knew that she could
That in being a disc jockey, she would be good

Another guy, I know so well
In the field of medicine, he didn’t dwell
Instead, Henry became a computer engineer
His accolades gave him praises and cheer

He is now famous for his work
His love for computers does have a great perk
University of the Philippines helped him to achieve
He could be even greater, I believe

The best entrepreneur in town is Lance!
From University of Santo Tomas he received his diploma
He could market anything and everything
He is resilient from whatever the world can bring

He knows how to take risks and communicate well
Anything you give him, he could sell
He has a way with his words that is essential
And that is his biggest credential

Cyjay is a man with dignity and chivalry
And now, he is a medical doctor in military
In University of Santo Tomas, his skills were enhanced
From a doctor to a man of the country, he advanced

Being a military doctor shouldn’t be taken for granted
Because this is what he really wanted
His contribution to the community is significant
Because being in a war is a predicament

An entrepreneur is what Cheska decided to be
In Ateneo de Manila, she received her degree
She is known for the best market strategies
Methods, systems, and analogies

Her dedication for work is incomparable
Her conviction and determination is admirable
All around the world, she is known for being a tycoon
Surely she’ll become better, we’ll stay in tune

Jason is a man with fervor enthusiasm and eloquence
Who advocates that peace is the world’s essence
He is a strong individual who seeks for justice and integrity
Which drove him to become an ambassador who fights for equality

He graduated from Ateneo with multiple degrees
He’ll become even greater, I foresee
His dream of becoming the head of the UN General Assembly
Is a fantasy turned to reality

With my eagerness to become even greater
De La Salle University helped me to become better
I, Angeline, am now an accountant
In terms of money, I can become your consultant

With my skills in literature and finance,
Being an accountant and a writer, I have to balance
Now, I want to venture into teaching
For in my life, I want to find more meaning
LOL. Posting my book stuff. LOL at this really. :O
1.2k · Sep 2015
Eccedentesiast Sep 2015
i told you that i'll be moving on
but i lied
because i'm loving you more than ever
not mine but this was said to me before
1.2k · Aug 2015
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
did you
destroy my world
just so
you could build
1.2k · May 2015
Eccedentesiast May 2015
i'm asking, yelling, shouting for a plea
but even with a loud voice, do you even hear me?
1.2k · Jun 2016
That Boy
Eccedentesiast Jun 2016
You were that boy
who spoke of forever

You were that boy
who promised me forever

You were that boy
who gave me forever

forever loving you
forever aching for you
forever yearning for you
Part 1.
1.2k · Nov 2013
Eccedentesiast Nov 2013
You waked me in my deep somber
Another day to think and wander

Here I am concealing my sadness.
Hiding away all the madness.

I just can't forget
These feelings of regret

Help me forget this agony
Help me stop this misery
1.1k · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
do you hear it?
listen to my heart
it's breaking
shattering to pieces
and it's beyond repair
1.1k · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
you said you love me
but i know for sure
that you don't

you only loved
the idea of me
and the idea of love

you weren't enamored
or smitten or bewitched by me
but by the idea of love
1.1k · Aug 2015
Thoughts #2
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
How many times have you said "I love you"? How many times have you said "I miss you"? How many times have you told someone that you care?

How many times have you meant it?
1.0k · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
someday i hope that
these tears

s u b s i d e

so that i could feel
once more that i am

a l i v e
I seriously don't know where all these ideas are coming from but hey, my mind's working now and I love it.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Some things
Eccedentesiast Nov 2013
Some things don't last for a lifetime.
No, I'm not messing with the paradigm.
Some things are left unsaid.
Just like a book that has not been read.

Some things are not meant for each other.
The reason is something we shouldn't bother.
Some things are just not right.
Even if you fight with all your might.

Some things should be given up.
Like couples who break up.
Some things should be left unreachable.
My argument is very reasonable
Sometimes, broken hearts produce the best ideas.
956 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
i was always too much for you
but you're the same, aren't you?
you're too good to be true
937 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
your eyes are beautiful
but it becomes more beautiful
when you are looking at her
863 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
there was once a time
when i was
willing to do every crime
for you
and then i realized i was a fool
838 · Aug 2015
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
Waking up at 3 am
Wondering why you woke up so soon
Was it a bad dream again?

Daydreaming at 3pm
What's on your mind?
Hopes that will always remain as hopes?

Staying up until 1 am
Wishing that he would be thinking of you
But has he ever thought of you as much as you thought of him?
802 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
you're a rock i'd trip on
but for you
i'll fall
I've been thinking about things lately.
779 · Dec 2013
Eccedentesiast Dec 2013
The cold never bothered me
But the heart break has severed me.
Our love was once inimitable
You and I, we were incomaparable.

To me, you were the heaven's sent
But you scarred me, made my life bent.
I'm scared to fall in love once again,
I'll never fall in love, no, never again.

My broken heart is beyond repair
All I need is your tender love and care.
You gave me sleepless nights,
A broken heart and a love fright.
767 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
is never wrong

it's just
an ugly love
656 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
give me one day
just one day
if it works
give me tomorrow
just another tomorrow
and if it works
give me forever
just a forever and an
e t e r n i t y
650 · Aug 2015
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
What if you have met him sooner but you didn't rush to meet him?
What if he was the love you have always been waiting for?
What if he was the chance you did not take?

He could have met you sooner...
He could have been the one you were waiting for...
He could have been the chance you did not take...
errr idk
643 · May 2015
Eccedentesiast May 2015
how do i make you miss me
when you don't even think of me?
Since I cannot finish any poems, might as well just write lines. :-)
626 · Jun 2015
Eccedentesiast Jun 2015
i wanna write you a love song
but it's not a love song
without your love
this doesn't make sense, ryt ryt ryt?
588 · Oct 2015
Eccedentesiast Oct 2015
i need you now
more than i ever did
but you dont need me
and it hurts
577 · Apr 2015
Eccedentesiast Apr 2015
it would have been better if i was gone
for i have no strength or power to carry on

it would have been better if i disappeared
for my mind and soul had been smeared

it would have been better if i just fade
for my heart has been shattered and played

it would have been better if i died
for i was toyed, torn and lied
508 · May 2015
The Telltale's Tale
Eccedentesiast May 2015
Buzz, buzz, buzz
Like a bee, she makes a fuss
She spoke and told only of what she heard
Without even knowing the truth, she spreads the word

Hush, hush, hush
Rumors rush, gossips gush
It was a storm of lies
Deceit, fraud, and everything I despise

Buzz, buzz, buzz
To make rumors, that’s all she does
What did she gain from this game?
Humiliation, discomfort and shame

Hush, hush, hush
All her dreams shatter and crash
With a blade, she finished the tale
To another land, she set sail
463 · Jun 2015
423 · May 2015
Eccedentesiast May 2015
i wish im not afraid to say
that i am not okay
415 · May 2015
Eccedentesiast May 2015
i wish im not afraid to say
that i am not okay
406 · May 2015
Dear God
Eccedentesiast May 2015
Thank you, dear God,
For the skies that are vast and broad,
For the people that are perfect yet flawed,
With your wondrous creations, we applaud.

Thank you for all the blessing,
For the support when times are distressing,
For teaching me the goodness of loving,
And for all the affection I am getting.

Thank you for loving me at my darkest
For showing me the ease in the hardest,
For showing me that a great heart is the best,
And for being that star in the sky that shines brightest.

Thank you for every great opportunity
And for everything that is in store for me!
Thank you for making me who I want to be.
My heart, once God is heard, would always shout in glee.
386 · Aug 2015
Eccedentesiast Aug 2015
"How many times have you done it?"
"A lot," she said as she touched the remnants of the slit
"But why would you do that?"*
"Because of people like you," she mentally spat.

But one day, she stopped.
She stopped cutting.
That's when my heart dropped.
She stopped cutting and living.
Dedicated to Hannah.
Rest In Peace
384 · May 2015
Eccedentesiast May 2015
my life would be so much better
with you by my side forever

— The End —