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Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Fake the new news
More of new use
Get many views
With glittering headlines
Now no true
Just attempt to glue
As the sky blue
Not as much due.
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Even if I want to speak truth,
I don't think I can
I don't know if I know the truth
do you? really?

Maybe truth reside somewhere far
I know what I thought about,
what I perceived truth
can be true, may be not?

I'm never entirely sure,
what I have as truth is true
or what is the colour of raw truth.
maybe that I'm clueless is the truth?

Druzzayne Rika May 2017
No human can actually know what truth is
Because truth has too many dimensions
mixed with different perceptions
and people's interpretation
No human can see the truth in its true form
I can hardly say this poetry is true
I'm human too
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Do you sugar coat your truths,
So they don't taste as bitter?
Will it make it sweet enough ,
To **** the essence of the truth?
Or do you add a line of truth ,
between a series of casual talk?
So they don't have chance to react,
process the truth hidden in the words.
Or are you someone brave ,
To speak the truth
The way it is ,
And accept to face the brunt .
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
try and fall
       not try
**** your dreams
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Trying Trying
to think something

Really trying
to not be depressing

Trying Trying
really hard
to not start crying

Trying Trying
to continue trying
I'm also trying to makes something better than this
Druzzayne Rika May 2020
supremely trying my best
I fear the ticking clock
racing against the time
what will come is the fate's decision
when everything is already written
but there is a chance it is in my favour
if I give my best try
and I keep on hoping
that my time has come
and rest will become
Forced from ancestral lands,
Paradise lost, a life undone.
Deserts encroach, sands reclaim,
Hope's flicker extinguished, one by one.

Fleeing across hostile borders,
Seeking refuge in shadows' embrace.
Home transformed to a crucible of pain,
Twisted fate etched on each face.

Lines of sorrow etched deep in their palms,
No solace remains, no beauty to find.
Only despair's echo in the desolate winds,
A symphony of anguish left behind.
He is unbothered, he is stunning
when we talk, i keep grinning
a matter of fate, how this begins
He is good guy within reasons
Secluded like me, antisocial like me
Loneliness in his eyes, I see
Brimming with hope, my heart
Sweet implore, need a headstart
looking out for better opportunity, us both
The tenacity, we soak
let's be little honest, I want to get to be yours
You are unpredictable set, a curious enough force
don't be so caught up in your phone
I don't wish to be forever alone
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
Everybody has
stories to tell
to make people understand
that they are right
from where they stand
but the wrong is
that no one is ever wrong,
not entirely.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2017
My home is full of strangers
We may stay together
but nothing more
We are worlds apart
No place in heart
And it is hard
To stay this aloof
Under the same roof
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2018
Get me to be
a soul liberated
from every
it could be.

I want to want
nothing from anywhere
not want to get
by things unnecessary
get myself bound to
what will be my

The soul needs nothing
it is to be free
but my own flaws
have made it
not so
that it could go
as it pleases

What is that one really needs
with no one else be depleted
all the seed, sign of lives
but with greed
everything dies

Devoid of true knowledge
what is I seek
I see myself so very weak
my vision so blinded
my eyes itself closes
that I cannot see

the lies will bite
the anger will burn
my own journey
with karma
it will come back on me
I wait
as I expect them
coming to me

My sins who will wash for me?

my thoughts
why they never sided me
they followed the down path
got me to fuss on things
over all the nothings
never mattered to me

the body detoriates
every day, every second passes

My mind forget
what it remembers
I speak no tales, but riddles
what sense
I try to formulate

This time who will be
the one to get it to decode
the mysteries
the real truths
which could liberate
but to think deeper
what really is
the answer lies very deep within
much closer than
who you are actually really.
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2023
Real person will bore me,
You play many roles
in the fantasy of mine.
Driving me insane
with your every spoken line.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2018
the sound of chimes
early in the morning
with the bird's music
a magic of its own
in a trance,
the green scene
quite a vision
with clear skies
nothing could destroy

true beauty
of this time of sunrise.

but as the day proceeds
cars and humans
bring along the chaos

the glum atmosphere
gloomy weather
lost is the cheer
and the nature
which shined through early

there is what is left of
something that was
   rather too unreal
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2023
In the blink of an eye,
Time passes us by.
We live our lives alone,
In self-made lies of our own.

We try to rise above,
But our castles crumble below.
When we're neck-deep in water,
Our steps are bound to falter.

We grip tight to the pole,
Believing destiny is our tool.
But in the depths of our scope,
We believe we are brought here alone.

Innate knowledge within,
Tells us we're all akin
A connect is what is missing
Our silver threads are entwined in
Pull and push, a sense of being.
In the cadence of a chai-stained dream,
Are you the spice that lingers, or a fleeting sugar high?
Will this yearning ripen into a love supreme,
Or fade like a forbidden beneath a starlit sky?

The ancient verses whisper on the wind, they say,
"Can even the Himalayas predict the monsoon's sway?"
A tempest of emotions, a monsoon in my heart,
Why this chasm between us, where two souls can't quite start?

You, a valley lush with melody, your voice a cascading stream,
And I, a concrete jungle yearning for a wilder theme.
Would you bloom in the chaos, this urban symphony?
For I confess, my darling, I am a creature of dependency.

In hushed tones, beneath the city's gentle hum,
I crave the rhythm of your being, a thrum against my own drum.
Let our bodies be the bridge, hearts whispering in the near,
For in this closeness, darling, all distance disappears.
Druzzayne Rika Feb 2021
I have decided I am done
But who am I to decide anything
Everything I do, pursue
Things will go opposite
Fate takes away all the credit
I am stuck in the muddy waters
Here I am, making plans again
Oh, all in vain
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Every verbal attack
               need not be answered with sword
Sometimes silence
                and ignoring the vocal abuses is more effective
Gives them less satisfaction
                 makes them feel insignificant
                unimportant existence of your life
It is better to leave dogs barking
                 then to stoop as low as them
This is just something like outcome of frustration from debating something with myself regarding some incident of my life
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
-                                                                ­                                                      -
a little of my mind
is wasted on you
occupied by thoughts
I'd rather not keep
I want to set fire on that part
and bring those thoughts to ashes
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Time I enjoyed
wasting the time
was the only time I enjoyed
Time I used
timing everything
was the time I wasted
Druzzayne Rika Aug 2020
The lives we are leading right now
being at the home,
being at the heart,
cherishing little things
when world is falling apart
we are making history,
we need to be there for everybody
uplift everyone
common, poor, needy and hungry
from calamity after calamity
save the economy, the country
contribute to the best efforts
Be the survivor of twenty-twenty.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2022
Every inch of luxury
made up from someone
blood, sweat and tears
We are willing to pay
a fortune to their employers
who will not share the wealth fair
They struggle for daily alms,
they die in the scorching heat
the air conditioner works fairly well
thanks to them
welcome to modern slavery.
I wish the truth was kinder.
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2018
This is where it all began,
                     This will never go away.
The imprint sticks through,
                      for those who still care.
The reflection of the wrong sides,
                     which reminds the reason.
it was what it was ticking,
                     the weather of this season.

Druzzayne Rika Nov 2017
One day
this is going to end
whatever that started
because time doesn't understand

the breeze comes
passing by decades
get everything replaced
this place will look no same

the fast we embrace
the memory escapes
and we forget it ever lived
that one day, we've been in.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
Last year's April looking me in the eye
where did all the days go by
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
a perfect human
and the imperfect God?
Druzzayne Rika May 2021
For if only this is the beginning,
then how will it end?
Druzzayne Rika Nov 2021
Hard to take a step back,
When million miles remain forward,
It took me years to get to the highway
Passing through many bylanes
But I need to know where I am going
has beautiful scenery I wish to explore
I am not looking for lost paradise
Nor do I want to walk the barren lands
I want to experience eternal sunshine
not chase behind pretty butterflies
that won't stay in the palm of my hand.
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2018
Where am I going to stay, if I go away.
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
White was it in the end
no colour, no
the pale skin
an uneasy peace
frightened with shadows
what in the end it came as white
a stream of light
in the night.

Changed what could not be
disturbed yet still
alive to see the shine
the sun, this morning
cheerful to come with all the might
the end of darkness
but then the life left.

White moon flowers in the garden
wilted after fighting the night
all remains was
the feeling of the defeat
prominent after the victory
all the black dressed gathered
speaking kind words
of how she won the night
and died despite.
Druzzayne Rika Jul 2020
I am a soul
I am not a body with a name
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2021
why is the luck so tricky,
how do I trick luck in my favour,
or have I been lucky all along,
till the pendulum swung
the other way.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Why do I
ask for more
When I do have
enough ?

Why do I
look around
when I know
there is no
happiness to be found?

Why do I
speak lies to myself
when I already
know the fact ?

Why do I
make my life
unnecessarily difficult
by expecting
a lot more from me ?

Why do I do the things that I do?
What am I trying to do , trying to prove ?
Nothing makes sense to me ,
I do not make sense at all on reasons ,
why I do things that do not help me .
Druzzayne Rika May 2023
It came like a windchime in windy night,
A soft and gentle sound,
A whisper in the darkness,
A breath of hope.

It came like a warm embrace,
A feeling of peace,
A comfort in the storm,
A hand to hold.

It came like a ray of sunshine,
A break in the clouds,
A hope for tomorrow,
A light in the darkness.

It came like a song,
A melody of joy,
A reminder of beauty,
A reason to smile.

It came like a dream,
A vision of possibility,
A glimpse of what could be,
A reminder that anything is possible.

It came like a gift,
A blessing from above,
A miracle in the making,
A reason to be grateful.

It came like a whisper,
A gentle reminder,
That everything is going to be okay,
That you are not alone.

It came like a friend,
A shoulder to cry on,
An ear to listen,
A hand to hold.

It came like love,
A feeling of warmth,
A sense of belonging,
A reason to live.

It came like hope,
A light in the darkness,
A reason to keep going,
A reason to believe.

But why do I
feel like it came to me, and it is now gone again.
Druzzayne Rika May 2017
Winds don't know
where they want to go
They are lost
making their own path
Druzzayne Rika Dec 2020
He has a Life
while i wish
I have him.
Druzzayne Rika Jan 2018
Withdrawn completely
there is so little to be
in the reality.
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
My eyes look for you ,
I can easily recognise your scent  ,
From miles away .

I feel a pull , my legs take me to you .
I crave for you ,
Whenever I am sad and alone  .

You make me happy,
Make this life easy,
Give me hope to go through difficulties

Though your taste is bittersweet
sometimes dark , sometimes light
But having you near is a delight

I do not know
what i'll do without you,
My beloved Chocolate .
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
Women are not a different species
They do not need a special day
Why can't you respect and appreciate her ,
love her and treat her equal everyday?
Druzzayne Rika May 2018
No one is willing to listen
and so I write
Druzzayne Rika Apr 2017
Writing a program
is just like
following your dream

You know what you want
as your output
but it takes time to figure
which path to take
and you start with whatever you have.

You never realise the errors
you make along the road,
and sometimes ,
And you don't realise them,
till the end.

Some errors , you know
you solve them easily
And to debug some ,
you have to change the direction
And some errors , may make you rewrite    
and restart all over again .

But when it is all over
and you reach the place you want to
The satisfaction and excitement
makes up for all the problem faced
And we get ready to make
a new code, follow a new dream .
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2017
The stormy night
The lights are out
Enjoying the candle light
Alone in my flat
Watching the rain torrent
Heavy Sound of water
Touching the ground
And a hot cup of tea
Makes a perfect mood
to leave my thoughts behind
and write something
with pen and paper
in yellow light
Druzzayne Rika Mar 2021
You'd remember to appreciate me one day a year
For one whole day, It is so surprising
my thoughts would be heard
While I'll remain a piece of furniture
from the very next day.
Happy Women's Day
Druzzayne Rika Jun 2021
You wanted the world
Now the world won't let you be
Till you cease to be

— The End —