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11.9k · May 2014
15 texts I (almost) sent you
kyla marie May 2014
I can't believe how amazing you are. You're the only person who's made me feel this special in a long time [delete]

are you sure you just want to be 'friends', I think I'm in love with you [delete]

can I have a goodbye kiss? I love your kisses, they taste like summer [delete]

I wish you would just say "Hi" to me in the hallways [delete]

that girl you always walk with is beautiful, I can understand why you didn't want me [delete]

when you told me I was beautiful and **** and all you would ever want, was that all a lie too? [delete]

I got a mosquito bite today and it reminded me of when we slept outside and were attacked by them [delete]

it smells like the nights we spent together [delete]

one, two, three...I've lost count of how many drinks are for you [delete]

I wish you thought about me as much as I think of you [delete]

why are your words stuck in my head [delete]

I was naive and young, I'm sorry I actually thought you loved me [delete]

it's been months since the summer nights we spent together. please tell me you miss me. [delete]

my chest hurts. my heart aches. everything about you from the way your lips tasted to how I got chills down my spine from just one touch makes me want to explode [delete]

the blood running down my wrist contains the words you said but never meant [delete]
4.6k · Jun 2014
diamonds and glass
kyla marie Jun 2014
I have a glass heart

age 4-11
painted on it was beautiful designs
stained glass heart

age 12-14
worthless lonely forgotten burden
cracked glass heart

almost one year ago
I met a diamond
who had the power,
to reflect off me beautifully
creating light rainbows
but cut
and cut
cut cut cut
broken shattered unmendable heart
3.7k · Jun 2023
Year 24
kyla marie Jun 2023
Everyone asked me what I wanted for my birthday this year, and I didn’t really have an answer. I’ve felt somewhat numb this week.

After the clock struck midnight, and it was my 24th year on this earth, it was made very clear to me what I want for my birthday.

I want things to go back to how they were,
dumb teenagers in love with each other, holding on maybe just a little too tight.

I want to lose track of time with you in your bed, listening to songs that seemed so relevant when pouring our hearts out to each other.

We ended things and moved on with our lives in very separate directions, but we always stayed connected. I think we were both secretly rooting for our reconnection, someday, when the timing was “right”.

And no matter how far apart we had grown, there was always unexpected reminders of you everywhere. We kept in touch. The depth of our love created this ongoing tension, always tethered.

I talked to your mom a few days ago, on the anniversary of your death. She’s one of the only people that I think truly understands the complexity of my pain.

I never got closure from any of this. The only thing I’m left with is the realization that I’ll never get a “happy birthday” from you ever again.

Maybe I’m selfish, but I think it’s okay to be selfish on your birthday. and my only wish is that you were still here. that you didn’t take your life. that somehow you’re still out there thinking about me when I’m thinking about you, like how it always was, but will never be again.

The only thing that I can do is listen to our songs, and talk to the moon. I would do anything for you to be able to listen.
2.9k · Sep 2022
washed up
kyla marie Sep 2022
I’m faking it just to stay on top
of everything I’ve buried
****** desire

I can’t stay on top of it all like this
it slips out in waves
and when I try to let myself submerge in my emotions

I drown

and sink


deep down

until that morning alarm clock rings.
fueled by burnout, lack of intimacy and passion, and a whole bunch of things I need to talk about in therapy.
2.7k · Apr 2014
kyla marie Apr 2014
I'm often faced with the question
"why don't you just take medicine?"


do they take away the memories
or replace the words slipping through their mouths?
do they stop the fluttering of thoughts racing around my tired brain?
do those tiny capsules create apologies or never said goodbyes?
do they stop my thoughts at the late hours of the night?
do the scars on my wrists magically disapear?
do they erase the images of every bad thing that's ever happened?
do they suddenly make me good enough for everyone I wasn't?
2.4k · Apr 2014
eye color
kyla marie Apr 2014
trying to begin to explain the color of your eyes
to a group of blind people
in only 26 delicate letters
would be an extremely painful and difficult task

the color of Wednesday afternoon skies
in your old rusty car
telling secrets
palm on palm

or maybe the color of your favorite rain
the cool drizzle that sprinkles onto
your elegant face like a beautiful veil

the color I feel inside
now that you're gone
and you left without saying a word
1.6k · May 2014
kyla marie May 2014
I was the rose
you were the sunshine
there was a torrential downpour
and she was the scissors
1.6k · Mar 2014
you're the one that I want
kyla marie Mar 2014
I've tried to paint a picture
in infinite watercolors
of my beating fist sized muscle
belonging to another soul other than yours

your psyche wraps around mine like smoke
but this thick white smoke
never seems to fade
or get washed away with the brisk winds of summer
1.5k · Mar 2014
kyla marie Mar 2014
I hate the type of goodbyes
where nothing is said
just things are forgotten

like the smell of my perfume dabbed slightly on my collarbone
applied softly, wishing you would notice

or how you ran your fingers down my neck
giving me goosebumps every time I inhaled the sweet aroma of rain lingering outside

and now
the beautiful words that flowed dangerously fast out of our mouths
are no longer spoken

you gracefully faded from my life

like how foggy breath fades in the winter
1.5k · Jun 2014
A Letter to Brandan
kyla marie Jun 2014
last summer
I met a boy of 6 feet tall
he is two years older than me
he listens to punk rock
has an alcoholic father,
and his kisses
are sweeter than honey
and softer than silk

we spent countless, long, dreamy
cold, rainy, humid
in my backyard
with the smell of too much hairspray
which I can not bring myself to smell again
and mosquito spray which I never apply anymore
the hours passed by like minutes, seconds

under the stars
telling secrets
I was scared
scared of losing him
even though he was already lost

slowly and then all at once

me alone
him and her

hours seem like eternitys, milleniums
thinking about the us that will never be
blood spills on the paper
spelling out your words, promises
do I even cross his mind
maybe  probably not  no

I'm sorry I wasn't

I'm sorry

we didn't even say goodbye

goodbye, Brandan
this is a letter that will never be sent
kyla marie Sep 2014
today, my English teacher explained that poetry is a way to express
internal feelings

and the sadness I felt in my mind in my heart
could be spilled by accident
sloppily on paper
and still seen as a beautiful work of art

but the happiness you make me feel,
my mind cannot fathom words
to script carefully in ink
what you make me feel

these butterflies can't escape from my stomach and land on paper

the thought of loosing you
cannot rip my skin apart
to claw out of my body
and tear my words to shreds

don't turn whatever we have
into something I can write about
1.4k · Sep 2022
different love
kyla marie Sep 2022
love looks different now
it is overgrown
and tiny goodbye kisses enough to save a singular feeling of necessity but lacking the passion I crave so badly

this isn’t what I had imagined
going to bed alone each night
and waking up to goodbyes.

will it be like this forever?
making silly plans for our silly life together
never quite feeling like we’re doing enough

never quite feeling like I’m enough

and feeling guilty because I’ll never get quite enough

there’s not enough intimacy or romantic gestures or cuddles in the gloomy hours to fill me up

my glass is never overflowing
it’s always half empty or shattered on the floor.
1.3k · Aug 2014
kyla marie Aug 2014
when I was younger,
my idea of pain was so very limited,
it was
a garden of roses
in a world full of thorns

one thousand skinned knees
five hundred sprained ankles
could not even begin to compare
to what I felt,
the day you left

my body was broken
my heart no longer belonged in my chest
my mind was dead,
and every single thought of you
the skin
that I hadn't already gotten to

and these pain killers,
have always worked for
skinned knees
sprained ankles

but not today

so I'm raising my dosage
to a few handfuls

hoping this pain will go away
1.2k · Jun 2014
h 2 o
kyla marie Jun 2014
you were not sprinkling rain from perfect skies with a delicate smell
falling gently on my blushing cheeks like an eternal veil

you were the torrential downpour that invaded into every little damaged crack in my basement, damaging my foundation and deteriorating the little that was left of me
1.2k · Mar 2014
kyla marie Mar 2014
if love were a color
it would be crimson
crimson like your illuminated cheeks whenever I say your name

love is like a lion cub
deceivingly cute and playful
but in it's depths, deadly

love is a cigarette, lit by a simple flame for enjoyment and pleasure
but slowly releasing toxins into you

if you could touch love,
it would be as rough as a kittens tongue brushing on soft skin

love smells like a newly blossomed rose
that's sweet scent will eventually deteriorate and drift away with the storms

if love were a sound
it would be the prayers that hospital walls consume

if love could speak, it would say:

" caution: falling into me is dangerously easy, while trying to fall out is incredibly hard "

lovely lost lies

this was an English project :)
1.2k · Aug 2013
There's nothing left
kyla marie Aug 2013
the way we used to walk together
our feet would touch the ground at synchronized times
and your hand clasped against mine ever so tight
occasionally rubbing your thumb against the back of my hand

the words you used to say to me
that are stuck in my mind
are unforgettable
maybe as unforgettable as your baby blue eyes

the sound of heartbreak you left on my answering machine
when I finally wanted to stop it all
because of her, because of you, because of me
it made me break down and think about all of these things

all these things that meant so little at the time
but are now memories
stuck on repeat
in my mind

all these little things that you did
when you cared
and I cared
and we were in love

but there's nothing left of these little things
because we walked away from what made us happy
and we walked away from true love
1.2k · Mar 2015
kyla marie Mar 2015
cover me in your bloodstained bed sheets
that still smell like cigarettes and ***
from the night she left

press your ears against my chest
listen to my heartbeat
write a song to the rhythm of what keeps me grounded,
but all of the lyrics are about her

title it her name

we always talk about the ocean
and how listening to the tidal waves
can bring peace
to a restless mind

but we never talked about
the strength of waves
and how they can ware down
grounded rock
helpless grains of sand.
I wrote this on my fourth night of being hospitalized to the thought of you.
1.1k · Jun 2015
Sincerely, Yours
kyla marie Jun 2015
I keep trying to write letters
but they never turn out right

you taught me that home was never truly a place

it is blue eyes that I could get lost in for hours
pushing and pulling like the tides of the sea

it is strong hands that built things up but also
tore them down
and still managed to leave goosebumps down my spine

it is whispered 'I love you's that sound like a rainy august night
hushing me to sleep

it is long cold winter nights wrapped in your arms
listening to our heartbeats synchronized

it is the thought of our apartment

it is the holidays we spent together

it is the way you used to look at me

it is the promises we meant to keep

I am still in love with you. You are still my home. This hurts a lot less then I expected, but the pain is
constant and shoots down my veins. I am addicted to you. I feel alive with you.

I told you from the first time we kissed by the library that we would end up this way.

every second I was with you, I knew I would end up trying to write you heartbroken letters that would
never end up sounding right.
1.1k · May 2014
2:36 AM
kyla marie May 2014
this might sound crazy but
I'm thinking of you

of the endless
me and you
that will never be

maybe I'm insane

I was never good enough
and never will be

you hold her hand
as tight as you hold my
still longing for you
999 · Jun 2014
The Hole In The Backyard
kyla marie Jun 2014
that enormous oak we used to lay under
or you used to lie under
has been ripped from the earth

torn apart, broken, dying
gasping, searching
for a little hope

just like my heart

of course we had to fill the empty hole where the tree no longer remained

as I put dirt and broken soil to try to fill the void where you no longer were

a bee landed on my hand


I'll have to keep the hole empty for now

as if the bee doesn't want me to fill it

as if you don't want me to fill it

maybe you still love me

maybe not

but either way

*it stings without you here
916 · Jan 2019
Early Bird
kyla marie Jan 2019
the early bird gets the worm, right?

the early bird inches her way out of her nest in the morning, longing to stay snuggled up next to her lover.

the early bird leaves early so she can afford the rent on her nest that is falling apart.
the early bird goes to work and gets an early start on her day, just to come back home to an empty nest and sleep for three more hours.

the early bird takes long and scolding hot baths to ease her aching joints and to participate in some “self care”, even though it never really works.
the early bird stares at herself in the reflection of the faucet and dissociates.

the early bird takes some sleeping pills and tries to fall asleep at a reasonable time, so she can be an early riser the next day, too.
the early bird tosses and turns.

the early bird thinks about the dishes that are not  done.

the clothes are not washed.

lunch isn’t made for tomorrow.

the early bird has three tests this week in college and hasn’t studied for a single one.

the early bird hasn’t had *** in a week.

the early bird feels unnoticed.

the early bird feels like she is not enough.

the early bird feels like she will never be enough.
this is the first poem I have been compelled to write after about 5 years of not writing.
I wrote this in my bathtub.
913 · Dec 2015
to make a home
kyla marie Dec 2015
pins start to tingle the edges of my fingertips
whispering to me
advising me to give in
the urge is stronger than me

all of these things i have learned to be dependent on in the past year

none of them have been my home

I had fallen in love with the one self destructive home I had

and he left
767 · Nov 2023
Complicated Grief
kyla marie Nov 2023
Grief always finds a way to hit you the hardest when you least expect it.

It's been over a year and a half, and I can push by and smile even on days when my thoughts resort back to you when I'm alone in my car at 7:30 on a winding country road.

but unexpectedly, scrolling through Facebook, stumbling upon a picture your mom posted

you, sitting out to dinner with your siblings, big smile, eyes twinkling (how could someone so full of life decide to end it all)

can send me into a spiral

now sitting at my kitchen island, turning into a blubbering mess, trying to console myself

telling myself that you're watching down on me telling me that you don't like seeing me so upset.
744 · Jul 2014
kyla marie Jul 2014
"are you okay?"
this is a question in which I've answered with a variety of letters carelessly formed into words laced into scentances

and I've been telling myself and others that "yes, I'm okay" or "I'm fine" or "just tired" and I've been saying it over and over again in my mind because maybe if my mind screams "YOU'RE FINE" my heart will hear and believe it

but when "I love you" turns to "*******" or "you're not good enough" or no resoponse at all

it's certainly not okay
and I am certainly not okay
but maybe if I keep telling myself that I am, I will be
725 · Mar 2014
kyla marie Mar 2014
I'm unsure about a lot in life
like why distance has to be so distant
or why people meet for certain reasons and why they leave as well
why we can't erase horrible memories but manage to forget some along the way
or who's voice is in my head
flowing endless thoughts into my infinite mind
why innocent people die
why horrible people love
and people pass you by each day
"forgetting" your first name
and what the future has in store for me
is it all that great?
even if I try to change it,
shouldn't it be left to fate?

but there is one thing
I know for sure and I can't even fathom denying it

I'm in love with you so much that these questions all seem to get lost or forgotten because I can't possibly worry about the stupid unanswerable questions of life when the only thing that's on my mind is
692 · Jun 2014
kyla marie Jun 2014
you realize you have no one
when you're screaming into your pillow at 2 am
and you call them
and it rings
and you get sent to voicemail

because everyone can fall asleep
and no one really cares

when your head is about to explode

your heart is bleeding acidic poison rotting you from the inside out


you're choking on every single letter formed into words that escaped their mouth
692 · Apr 2014
kyla marie Apr 2014
in the summer there was moon lit love hitting fast like lightning and disappeared like the morning dew

in the fall there was gentle love but friendships startled which caused the leaves to fall and branches to break

in the winter there was snowy car rides listening to playlists and childish love but passionate enough to spark a flame and heat up the chill of the air

it's spring and so far I've had an infinite loving of zero
561 · May 2022
Please Stay
kyla marie May 2022
please stay
wrapped in my mind like I knot I cannot untangle

please stay
soft and sweet, running your fingertips down my naked back, making the sounds of the waves with your lips

please stay
close enough, always just within reach for me to fall on when my legs get weak

please stay
connected in my life, through the coincidences and mishaps somehow leading me back to you

please stay








— The End —