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20.6k · Sep 2016
A Mermaid's Plea
Scarlet M Sep 2016
Once, a boy came, new to the coast
tall figure, his skin supple dusted with white,
he was silent at times, quite
sometimes laughing like a child,
vulnerable yet strong, she sees.

The mermaid was in awe, but she didn’t realize,
a crashing wave, that’s what he is.
Day by day, she drowned herself
In thoughts under her ocean dream;
baffled by his presence, in doubt she continued.

On the third tide of their apogee,
without warning the boy vanished,
like a wind, leaving no trace, not a foam.
Devastated, in losing her one precious pearl,
the mermaid cried in remorse.

Every night she sang to the skies,
until she felt an ethereal glow,
deep down she knew
what was needed to be said.
A celestial granted, for once again they met.

In valor with trembling hands, a note she had professed.
Prospective and believing still
the prince she had wished for,
turned out to be nothing but a loving sin.
The mermaid smiled as she disappeared into the sea
with every song now comes a broken, and shattered dream.
1.6k · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
All we do is nothing,

but love
and runaway.
1.2k · Dec 2017
Hollow Inside
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I can only ever
appear unbroken
in front of
other people’s eyes.

Inside, all I see
is a tangled line
of confusion,
in a pile of
never ending depression.
Scarlet M Dec 2017
It is such a dreadful
and a wonderful
to be one of the
hopeless romantics.
774 · Sep 2016
Enslave Me
Scarlet M Sep 2016
I guess I missed the emptiness you left behind,
how it felt like it was everything that mattered;
that soul-crushing, heart-wrenching weight.

I was terrified of letting go of what remained—
the sadness that slowly cracked me open;
because I’m afraid.
I’m afraid of not feeling.
I’m afraid of being happy again.
I’m afraid to forget.

I was desperate to hold onto a piece of you,
so I clung to these memories instead,
because we all know the painful ones
are so much easier to keep.
773 · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
I used to look at him, the way I looked at the moon
In trance, and in admiration,
a mere thought of him was intoxicating.

To savor this remaining love left in me;
I wished to be caught in this dream forever,
but reality was too cruel.

When I awoke, I felt nothing.
It has been months since,
I have not caught a single glimpse of him.
The truth was, it was fading.

Yet I tried my hardest to keep it with me.
I held our love in my hands
like a pile of sand, slowly,
watching it slip out of my grasp.
717 · Sep 2016
Scarlet M Sep 2016
Don't leave me whole,
        leave me broken;
        broken enough to make me miss you,
        but whole enough to make me strong.

Strong enough to make me want to
        walk away and forget you.
703 · Dec 2017
Today's Weather
Scarlet M Dec 2017
She was like the sky
      made up of lightning
      and thunder,
      chaos amidst the calm;
      yet smiles and clears up
      whenever her sun
      was around.
703 · Jan 2018
A Knight's Tale
Scarlet M Jan 2018
My knight does not need to be
in a shining armor,
nor blessed with prestige
or countless honor.

It only needs to be you,
someone who could wield
a sword, respectable enough
to be able to strike a heart of gold.
This piece was inspired by Heathe Ledger's movie "A Knights Tale" thus from where I took the title. I loved the film so much I made a poem out of Jocelyn's love for William. One of my favorite lines from the film was when Jocelyn wouldn't tell William his name and he said, "perhaps Angels don't have names, but only pretty faces".
691 · Sep 2017
Scarlet M Sep 2017
Barren eyes, bleak and lifeless,
         in the end,
         that’s how he left me,
         feet half buried into the ground,
         breathing in the pain,
         while drowning in his silence.
642 · Sep 2017
Out of Reach
Scarlet M Sep 2017
Guilt ran through her body,
        as she continued to blame herself,
        for a love she gave, and did not receive,
        she wanted to keep him,
        but he was not hers to keep.

Her thoughts, filled with nostalgia,
        and her heart screamed in pain,
        she gave her love on a piece of paper,
        until nothing else remained.
639 · Sep 2016
Memento Mei
Scarlet M Sep 2016
Remember Me,
             On a full bloom paradise, a sweet spring escapade,
             when the first bud flourishes,
             on the day you ended my feelings with a drought.

Remember Me,
             On a dwindling heat, a midsummer’s day,
             when the ocean wave crashes,
             with me shouting your name.

Remember Me,
             On a soft autumn breeze, a free falling dream,
             when the last leaf drops,
             together with a heart flowing on a violent stream.

Remember Me,
             On a winter solstice, a frostbitten goodnight,
             when our fragment of memories scatters in a snow-kissed temptation
             as they screamed for a horrible goodbye.
629 · Dec 2017
In Memory of Jay Gatsby
Scarlet M Dec 2017
He chased her like drifting clouds,
a beauty beheld, he longed for her,
adorned her with jewels, sparkling, brilliant,
like her eyes, reflected in the stars.

He filled her milieu with flowers,
and all fine things she could ever imagine
he was entirely captivated, primed to run away,
to abandon his world of riches,
for her sake and for his.

Blinded by a charm that is visible only in the eye;
forgetting the heart in which fate truly lies
he loved her genuinely,
truly, she was his paragon of happiness;
his one and only goal.

And yet he got nothing in return
not love, not her heart, nor her soul
abandoned, despised, and forgotten,
not a single stem was offered.

Now he wonders in his deep slumber,
forever mourning, and reaching,
for that green light,
a love he knew that was never meant to be his.
I'm so sorry, I just had to write this. The Great Gatsby broke me.
597 · Jan 2018
The Giver
Scarlet M Jan 2018
People like us
who were born givers,
don't really
know how to love
without losing
in the process.
588 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I play his goodbyes
like a classic
broken vinyl,
too many spoken
to even fix;
the endmost
i'll ever need,
last word
i'll ever hear.
523 · Oct 2019
Scarlet M Oct 2019
a ridiculed soul deemed
trapped by society's
undefeated cruelty
vile memory repressed
still lingers in his throat
the tittering grows
as his laughter echoes
uncontrollably, resentful
and frightened
desiring only but one
semblance of normality
but humanity has
how could this world
be so ruthless to someone
who they have denied
to Youー
a man born from chaos
520 · Mar 2018
Walking Disaster
Scarlet M Mar 2018
I really wish
the universe had found
a way to let me know a bit earlier
that you were just going
to be a temporary
existence in this
permanent solitary heart,
the aftermath's pretty much the same;
well, it could be worst I mean
storms get predicted
so why can't you?
514 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
Speak to
my soul,
and my heart
shall be
504 · Feb 2018
Chapter 1
Scarlet M Feb 2018
This is the ending story,
the last page of our fleeting romance,
where happiness confronts
you, right in the face
and tells you how fugitive it is,
that self-growth does not always come
with glee, but also with a price to pay.
494 · Jan 2018
I Am
Scarlet M Jan 2018
I am the girl
who falls in love easily
but never surely,
the kind who wears
her heart
on her sleeves
but never allows anyone
close enough
to touch it,
the type to openly say
her feelings
to the right person
and also to the wrong.  

I am the girl who
cries over the
simplest of things,
the kind who gets awed
by beautiful imperfections,
someone who drowns
in her thoughts
and finds tranquility
in the bottom.

I am the person
with a million souls
a poet with a heart
full of songs.
493 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
You remind me
of my
that could
have been
471 · Feb 2018
Scarlet M Feb 2018
Label me a hurricane if it fits,
you think I trampled
on these hearts but they are nothing
but counterfeit;
there's no way to tame
a tempest you see,
you can't blame me for being a misfit.
460 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
She was
a seed
of a flower,
in the
to grow.
457 · Dec 2017
A Call from the Grave
Scarlet M Dec 2017
Talk me out of this futile
I call a dream,
pull me back from this world,
where the darkness is real
so you could hear me
help me please, help me,
silent pleas from a
dying soul
in need.
446 · Aug 2019
Close to the Bone
Scarlet M Aug 2019
I've thought about it
countless times,
how you could have just
admitted awkwardly,
that this is what we are, only ever
up to here, this overgrown unseeable
space between us
you see, perplexes me
I like you,
unuttered words
between a coward and a skeptic.
444 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
Tell me, what chaos
        has made you
        an empty soulless

Tell me, what remedy
        do you seek
        to once again
        relive your
        against this ruthless
430 · Jun 2018
Scarlet M Jun 2018
They were both each other’s tragedy;
his ‘the one that got away’,
her beautiful blunder.
429 · Dec 2017
Christmas Carol
Scarlet M Dec 2017
Blinding lights
in chilly nights,
a soft gleam dust
in silver bites,
carols sing
upon thy dream
in praise and love
for Christ our King.
398 · Sep 2017
Scarlet M Sep 2017
I want to be lost in your soulful eyes;
completely, deeply,
and for eternity.
392 · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
aren't made
be kept,
to be
389 · Feb 2018
White Canvas
Scarlet M Feb 2018
She is a blank slate
pleasant sight of purity,
always caught in mire artistic situations,
attracts nothing but cold, grimed,
treacherous hearts,
somehow, always ends up in tainted hands,
to painters who were not meant
to hold a brush.
387 · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
He had the kind of smile
I would want to
take care of,
eyes that could melt
my entirety,
a voice I could listen to
forever, and a heart
I would dream to have.
Scarlet M Feb 2018
I sat on the table, looking at her
eyebrows furrowed,
protests and grief comes out,
like daggers flying right out of her mouth.
Each swallow, I felt it
somewhat stuck to my throat,
as I listen to her incessant rants,
speaking badly of him,
just because it hurts.
I couldn't help but wonder, did she
really love him,
the way I thought she would
or did she just do it, because even
after all these years
she only thought she should.
365 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
She stares into the distance,
her eyes flickered,
the window to her soul,
dimmed little by little;
have I not bled enough? she thought.

Inside her filled with cracks,
a cage that completely lost
its resonance
drop it too quickly
and she shatters, shards piercing another.

A self destructive weapon, is what it is,
in a fit state her demons coiled;
ne’er-do-well, she mirrors herself,
considers a heart of little no value.
Nequam latin word for worthless
365 · Sep 2017
Scarlet M Sep 2017
The heavenly bounds of Gods Kingdom
and a pit of Inferno surrounding the gates of Hell;
a thin line of boundary which separates these two worlds,
is where two dissimilar beings met.

If an Angel and a Devil were to fall in love with one another,
can their love transcend the law of heaven and hell?
This is fate’s decree:
Love can change what isn’t meant to be.
364 · Jan 2018
Restricted Sentiments
Scarlet M Jan 2018
They were both
            strangely attached
            to each other,

In arms length,
            nothing more, nothing less.
358 · Sep 2017
Little Miss Heartbreaker
Scarlet M Sep 2017
For my actions, I became unaware,
        my word, for leading you into a chimera,
        I deeply regret.

A wishful thinking, fool’s paradise,
        that’s all it will ever be
        to you, and to him, to her and to this.

In a contrite tone, I say
        I hope one day they realize
        the façade I was pulling.

That the mean looking girl,
        who ran around breaking hearts
        was just as broken as they are.
352 · Feb 2018
Scarlet M Feb 2018
If my tears could grow trees
with every drop
from the pain you caused,
the world
would flourish;
growing like the sadness
you impetuously bestowed.
346 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I have colored
my life
in rainbows
once more,
the life you once
tainted in black
and sadness.
336 · Aug 2019
Scarlet M Aug 2019
Let's forget I ever said hello,
then play back
to the days I didn't know
that time when I didn't care
and you didn't matter.
330 · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
Loving someone despite knowing
it is never going to last
is the worst human
tragedy there
319 · Jan 2018
Scarlet M Jan 2018
And when all the stars
fell down that night,
she seized them
not with her hands
but with her eyes,
just like how
she caught my heart.
319 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
The first time I laid
my eyes on you,
a voice echoed, not too far
yet not too close,
suddenly it was blinding,
warm light,
as cliche as it sounds,
yes..., I blinked
and thought I saw wings,
and then I realized,
that devils could fly too.
313 · Dec 2017
Act no. 1: Saving Me
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I'm sorry
but todays battle
has come to
an end,
the angels
have arrived
before I could ever
claim myself;
who do you think won
when the demons
came up
to tame me?
312 · Sep 2016
Winter's War
Scarlet M Sep 2016
Our love was not made to last,
        like snow, falling, crescent, sparkling;
        gently, and softly, it brushes my heart.

I admired it as I gently held out my hand
        I tried to grasp it but it was too fragile,
        suddenly it fades, not slowly,
        but all at once.
306 · Dec 2017
Amuse Me
Scarlet M Dec 2017
I ran out of heartache and
now I have no
words to write,
but believe me, just a *****
and I would probably
287 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
you've got
your eyes,
and I've got
285 · Dec 2017
My demise
Scarlet M Dec 2017
You said you
sure anymore,
that I would never
and maybe
that's what you
to see me
on my knees,
in a puddle
of tears,
tounge-tied with
to end it all.
274 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
She had to learn the hard way;
how one desires you
does not always
equal to
how someone values
265 · Dec 2017
Scarlet M Dec 2017
break you
makes you
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