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My breaker
of yore
let me
flattered and
more as
she's so
delirious and
mostly to
rhyme where
belief in
her soul
barely a
puck when
she once
again road
in a
stallion parade
a hinterland
there has
corn and
orient ties
in court
with his
golden tight
sweater so
he'd cook
tempura right
with his
catch of
roughy 'bout
now and
in his
kind place
in Montauk
a place in montauk
a ritual
warrants retribution
to hale
to connive
this practice
midst a
dire sequence
reserved for
her to
comprehend misgiving
with era
of hot
democracy through
she is
this strawberry
daiquiri but
amid rattan.
a populist
president has
bygone his
chest where
chair was
owned by
Benjamin and
remanded federal
of Franklyn's
Forest that
acquitted fermentation
of law
in which
he die
of corvid-20
this year
of heaven
election year's federal campaigns
A cub alighted at dawn
by this cave in snow
that knew its grindstone
would mount soon enough
aft hibernation arose yonder
in season of monument
with an affront to milk
they fish salmon too
and roll over in grassy knoll
together fore rainbow
that the owl hooted
yet ward again a star.
A garden
of Dioscorides
here hibiscus
with a
mural or
statue as
sigh for
apologia if
now herb
enchanted destiny
has claim
in riverbed
with tomorrow's
news when
long ago
a remedy
of civility.
I am seer of thine in Abernathy
but squarely this divineness fore
my essence will describe
with maturation on my side whether
or not this dither fantasize will deduce gold hexagons
that mix a feather awhile and let dolce vita thrive
a supremely superb undulance in ubiquity here.
Ralph D. Abernathy was a Baptist minister who co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was a close adviser to Martin Luther King Jr.
why Flora
in acanthocephalan
there'd grabble
backfield in
motion again
but to
get worm
its relief  
when probiotic
does savor
a vowel
to scrabble
and hemidemisemiquaver
a righteous
joint scalar
intermingle also
with mullah
spongy tapped that dire tweet
and made it tweak a moonlit sky
with this teacher in a spoon
found thus in online game room

these warriors again hit their speed with such utterance
that sought a time still learned of design though what suspiciously
in their console as it made their jobs shine

in matter of moments these ones start
as friendly their epilogue in neighborhoods
that peace has proffered reward again
while tonight they'd emblem cursed fate
a tutor in remorse
when curt is the plan
that Dallas nev'r  succumb
to total the law of their queasiness
that really inhibit the ritual only in love
with the direness 'n' bellow in philosophy
that squawk of fire so tear up street
only must that fine standing hire
that tract of striped industry Titan
a hire
A tomato entreat
this noteworthy beat
so meaty the leaves that the seeds
forget a triumph in heat.  

A true measure in taste and
discover this variety that the sauce tastes great.
a knar in this tree
like dinkum squat
where a pin rest in confederacy  
round her bark density
that root of Liberty
only widen orchard latitude
diminishable gain
in trade
is this
tax return
only in
public eyes
is statute
for debt
ceiling with
a cry
for future
rehiring with
latter day
pilgrims and
not to
disarm but
degrade weapons
As Helen
mosey through
a day
that gabbles
in May
there along
the stream
she meander
to assure
that interplay
only eat
cake with
fudge if
nectar aside
mustn't contort
telltale with
him astride.
a  dominate
but combinable
girl shook
this tide
with a
shriek there
yet mossy
promenade kept
her suitable
as lie
only change
weather and
resulted this
grainy as
the voice
was prominent
with vicar
a buyer
of house
looks to
aspire them
to gain
trust in
this mortgage
commonplace that
coffee imagine
a donut
worth their
value in
density as
once dulce
vita is
this anchor
with marrow
a code
A spell of handsomeness
into a zipper tonight
that harrow mist there fraught
why hers is sheer
a fascinating whim
both together though hardly a tack
in a bed of satin.  Alas
in a
flair of
oil there
she'd  kurd
lard with
cream puff
but a
suit made
up lore
while its
migration uprooting
societal bliss  
left vagrancy
or anarchy
there so
trump avoid
****** today
This is MLK Day!
A bit of quandary
let in the laundry
crept for death mausoleum
where she the horror
left he the sheriff
and came her kingdom
through my absorption
here estranged life
would afford this supposition
in this place of heart
as theatre will fly to heaven
if immaterial is golden
and nonviolent always chosen
when never reluctant for change
a bill is always left in mind.
An attorney in mind
A capitalist will
weave English twill
though Shia blight;

fight in field wield might in fire
an ocean green in Ali
with foothills swath his yield where
love wins an incremental station of cause.

While his mind occupy law
a founding father intertwined
at a religious melting point heath abound.
an audacious
ring let
him open
their hearts
with brighter
days ahead
when these
fellows sing
round his
steeple again
to brazen
the world
that behind
a cherished
ring that
has him
sing today
A crowd of people
A season
revise her
that ponders
welcome with
a winning
salute to
vamp her
dress then
tell monologues
that absorb
deeply in
themselves to
what it
will take
to be
a better
anchor woman
A season ending  flip the switch
A season
revisited his
distaste that
ponder welcomed
a shinning
new suit
then tell
silly monologues
that absorb
deeply in
his music
set what
then foretold
as better
spoken in
person with
Grand Marnier.
A season of hell
A statuary
of bliss
was Springtide
here that
Euripides might
deem as
golden for
his future
but this
righteous indignation
was angst
in literature
today but
rabbi was
surreal too
but temperamental  
once again.
when a
clump of
lice afield
with the
prey was
abruptly fired
between her
**** that
this cantilever
bucked yet
would bone
the cast
upon her
harvest moon
only she
made right
turn bare
an autumn bear
A packed house as she commence a teacher
in marking hearsay with her titillation of 1000 young minds
while little criminals that burden this structure with tax
and find her discriminating as a lawyer with vibes that well
as her gyroscope always suit with measure of twittering yet pair
of aces does her most thrifty a year again.  Alas!
A wane
in monsoon
when substance
would refrain
again in
platforms shaped
round our
insistence to
wage what
luxuries would
become again
with those
leaders in
the chairs
as they
brought more
futilitiy there.
An astir this dimm
she dig train then abscond
that dawn set her part
just round nine o'clock

and she sped into town
but rode back at dusk
met me on this serial port
and funny interlude discretion

with a keystroke to browse
this cockamamie diatribe
while all through a route tonight
yet this flagrant twist ensue  

with her laptop a comrade fair
to find her again
upon this moment of bliss
she rightfully kissed

with a monument there
that touted strikingly tall
like an obelisk affront
an oft-heard prayer.
A pine cone swept in the timber
in blow with wooden needles
that a lantern was the wiles of birch
along the frills of enlightened where spores till
this deadwood manufacturing transport
with a pipe cleaner's lore of trees
whether they intertwine on the carpet again
in loom to manifold in the soil.
she is a carafe of reverb
that broach a top in quarters now
this tray makes her wedding day
while her make up dries her tears
with skins regale there with the bells on
as her blossom is newly squib
a tongue with cheek lampoon
that shout Barca, save
Barcelona when  blazing jack (of spades)
into the net with goal of The King's Cup
if Estelada retort his court
these embattled cries of democracy in Spain
why land ** as Mariano Rajoy
A bull rush in team
As glory nigh she warble attire
with a chirp brilliant as the sun.
Tonight a sheen still by window
When neither wield home.  As batland
might loom until dawn.  While winter
is never time for naught but things her fancy tote.  
So true now her perch and appeal to hunt in motte
by a stream till torrent has raised the waterline.
a clinger of wear
the snow bed's snooze
will shampoo a cafeteria in Rome
that program starch as foliage
but to absorb fluids in Ascension
what matters are risen
will further witness these true gyrations
and flatulent is a year younger
and will kick up heavenliness
and flit courageously triumphs
and grease tears her grace
a note on xmas
An Armada to hasty waters in Korea
now exactly a parallel in fact
and his force there scurry remnant
upon a Vinson cry in Japanese
when stalemate solution unheeded    
and his excellency in vapor again
only plea such his correction
when Xi in China lifts hIs new beginning.
Jenny dance
in front
of eyes
that candy
is sweet
not butter
in sleeves
of her
patriot but
her belligerence
in trees
as she
stares the
ligament in
his ribs
in back
of Cajun
a sleeve in despair
once they've
established bunts
now there's
fire as
she'd desecrate
the flag
in Orriskanny
whether it
flies round
their loops
that's still
her shape
this world
or bats
in air-conditioning
never heard
of Statius
a note of caution
a moon
on dusk
flattery would
sprinkle Saturday
to swing
in the
auto tunes
and flash
the songs
heard with
ear and
capture her
rhythm with
the exposé
surreptitious in
a wager
of synergy
cuteness display
As her
abreaction is
therapy while
her challenge
ahead lie
in hypnosis
when moon
stipple her
mind while
social unrest
occupy her  
hour with
regard always
as her
pace derive
sequence in
her milieu.
A repressed thought
Scads that stalk and made summer
with righteous clamor
their soul searching voice now taciturn for prose
when a nightshade glisten best
in a round table of choice they frocked noble propose
if a dirk and cloak were there
while choir was equivocal rejoice
with nonchalance wound smatter his chest
whom did say he was right?
She is here
my own true sun
she loves so daft
that dawn springs forth
and before I die
she'll really eat pie
with her cute rind
and buffalo trim
that grocers hunker tide
while business bona fide
in her hand over rib
a kind little girl
if an inalienable sky
in Sochi bid Rasputin
and this heartsick river meander their menagerie
that tears have gulped there afield but his unfolded fox
to envision inland still dies in repose
and their dire exposé
only mischievous pleasure
now a junta on Capitol Hill
a serendipity
an owl
with colors
on this
branch with
frequency and
modulus in
bright heights
and a
wingspan in
flight airing
tidal scoop
with nocturne
where in
spring or
fall now
in awe
of love
a spoof
on reality
there only
peculiar to
sensitivity as
mobility does
change in
cyberpunk while
our glorious
rays portray
freedom with
our initiatives
in management
or idolatry  
and driven
to extreme  
in America
Ya sacrifice
yo seat
with ardor
of heat
on beach
with noise
ya enjoy
from with
wind of
yo heart
that ya
watch sundown
and hew
yo bikini
in the
yard here
with me!
An enclave ingests his crimes now stout with berry that envy sarcastic remarks as he starts the day in Washington with just a kiss of chocolate as his petticoat tweets out the holes of her oboe that made him stubborn 'bout hash another day inside this break where he's played this game of luxury but a catalyst theme that still remain in between the day or night with the glorious goods and world now
a song about egtions
a sleeveless
snook that
shook the
world from
its bar
did then
retort him
as ye
professor traveled
in place
of Trump
where his
Cadillac in
the news
would cordon
worry on
his brow.
Donald on the stump
when ****
day afternoon
was really
something to
behold in
Nashville with
catastrophic notes
that mother
backs another
day and
timbre her
fortune with
a dainty
song and
hence wake
in market
of blues
a bundt
in my
ear will
Beethoven ring
the steps
that my
wayfarer here
in breadth
what compose
this so
foremost in
my mind
and trigger
a sensation
that overture
tell of
mine concoction
Ripping my favorite piece in MP3
I'm here
in a
bell and
weather does
tell how
stellar ink
now well
ring in
a jar
where once
a snake
on the
loose whistle
her for
supper that
surely invert
the gridiron
a snooze
on anesthesia
though boastful
chunk of
elaboration and
lesson refractory
that omnipotent
was such
rapport with
edification I
lied and
over her
***** that
melded ours
in peals
of natures
finest planet
west of  OK City
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