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neth jones Nov 2020
beyond the sponge
and spoilings that form my bulk
meat heart beats
but it's not the boast of me
it has tree like dispassion

but then, conflict... 14th / Sept / 2020 / Elsons Crag

The Forest firs sway. The trees bend at the top like sea grass with the tide. Cloud movement strobes sun over this carpet. I view from a cliff.
It stirs rare warmth in my heart half

No !

React under attack. the heart throws up monsters and little stickmen waving spears. violent breathing and horrid garbage and gore and villainous words turned inward and folded and pounded and dough and hurt..

i've turned from the beauty and crouch in a revulsion of balance

this foreign glow cannot be simply experienced. to me, a warm heart is one in need of defence is one in mourning
neth jones Apr 2019
There's fierce work
Amoungst the Butchers
Tooling upon a diseased cattle cull
A mutter of meats
and turned pieces
To be discussed
by the Monies in charge
wet and heated
Thick knit
Behind clothed doors.
neth jones Aug 2022
the meeting room inflates       mushroomed by vocal lashing
 nauseous and ugly welling
                      everyone's timely except the crucial host                      
top pockets and pens
                                                 stuffing of warmth
crucible of body gases and personal perfumes
no windows   /   low ceiling
               the vents clogged with dust and barnacles
one stifling roost

over the new mode room      a dominant black screen is vigilant
clocking the details    
scrapbooking the gloom
         (each rebel breath of mine   rivals the last)

there's an odd gap in the chitter-natter
dumbed silent punction to the point of audible body function
everybody is knocked from their element
plead broken this nervous moment...
..and someone does
            patricia hats a laugh
                                 and the flow re-bleats its motor    revived  

mike from c8 south
                                                   whinnies in my face
breath bad and bad coffee
he gaffles my energy
                            head bloods flood
and i can't hack it
                      this is where i get off        
                                  the worldly stutters me off the page
hot signal habits bunch
i am dudded

my distant avatar takes over                                             
              c­an it handle an idea of what i ought present ?
i am a kite operating the grounded pilot
i see him beam and nod dummy to conversation
representing ; i'll endure with this method         
i am only a member here              
    no sass of authority
my expected contribution need only be trivial

but then                                                             ­   
distant others look darkly through my reservoir
the gig is up     they know somethings contorted
i am drawing attention
what did my puppet say on my behalf ?
am i crooked and pale and wincing ?
am i laying out insult ?
these could be things
they concentrate through distorted waters
start chopping gestures
it is not liked and my auto options have failed
why can't we wash over this whole thing ?
we are dressed so nicely and it is only work
and breath and beating words
to replace peckerpits in the system
t h a t   i s    i t  !
the body crumples and exhibits
i whelm over it all
taking off as an apparition
moting higher still above the scene
i raise the ceiling some
but   represented   i lie on the floor
a rat ring of colleagues forms about me
some with baldness showing              
some dyed colours
one wears a fedora indoors
hunching over my mass
rodent strife
neth jones Apr 2019
Tattle calls
Curses amongst the Merchants
They hack of new seasons
brided with ill weather
These social breaks
that cement their business relations ;
A ****** of Tongues
A Jinn
A wit that flees port
Fleas to the ears that scout town.
neth jones Jun 2022
the clown of all creation
      mentors the room
anything goes
      in this 'pie in the face' meeting
      more productive than usual guff
neth jones Aug 2023
who re-marrowed this hollow tree ?
thought themselves of mythology ?
processed death into the dying **** ?
blunt   blackened hope
           buttering up what god ?
                                   what mischief maker ?
: Loki the crow with his promethean nose ?

covering his crooked actions
                          the defiling of a life
  a coward of failed coupling
congress    a night down the pub
    the gender polar pair collided
            sottish upon their union
genitals bragging through urgent gaps in clothing
but that urgency deflated
it muttered away
he felt baited
             he committed to ******

crude amateur throttling
  a ***** sogged brick  
an indiscreet botch up
    and a stolen wheelbarrow  
        to ferry her away

'The Mourning Tree'
           despondently sifts for nourishment
its gummy combs of branches
  sashing particles  from the night solution
the tree ; a cavity
too verrucose and fleshy to whittle the winds
                                               or fife a tune
a rubbery craggle     foreign against the landscape
should   rather   make out its' habits
                  off the floor of a deep sea trench

roughing in the corpse
head first   down the gullet thirstily
skirts up and claustro
between spread limbs
to ***** puckle in the hollow tree
evicting the bird of Minerva
      ‘whoing’ into the charged sky
  blooded over
             the night blackens further
               brooding on the event

who re-marrowed this hollow tree ?
married themselves to a mythology ?
force fed life   engorged within deathly seed ?
upended crime     in lieu of a sacrifice
           he offered a glass of woman
               to oder the night
he strummed teasing fingers
      raked them humming
         through the heady resistance of the air
electric creeping warmth   over the skin
                        erecting the hairs
   museum silence
   an arena    as fraught equal    between magnets
       clouds cut the moon
      moon cut the eye
    sinful kiting to mend a link
ramblings kinked
he makes sparking incantations to the gods

one scatting madman
one corpse woman

that same bled night
where the furrowed fields
            meets natures disarray
children approach this woodland border             
children with empty baked bean tins
      that they joined with lengths of string
trying to reach out their ears
    extend their timid range
       to sprites, nymphs, pucks or faeries
an older kid strikes up a cigarette
one of the younger ones squats to ***
         and be mocked

one brave girl of ten years
  runs a tin and the line into the woods  
it jerks taunt after about thirty paces
she wedges it in a tree fork and runs back
the children crowd the receiver tin
spooking themselves
        upon the hollow wisdom of small gods
            that mask their shame in the dark
influenced by ‘ Who put Bella down the Wych Elm? ‘

misuse of the word 'sashing'
neth jones Jun 2019
The Species are                                              
the Variety of this Strife

When Fungi has made over mankind      
our ruins will finally be functional

We funded the skeleton
the crust of the next paradise

We peppered the world thoughtlessly
We prepare the way for the next guest

May it hail and thrive on our erratic byproducts
and disregard our story
J.G. Ballard / Naussica /
neth jones Jun 2021
amongst the night scented pines
i register                
                 with an impish partner
     plugged from off a fancy tiered cake
      her school dance dress
                                       and me a lumberjack of fashion
new together
                   us toys two
splintered from our band of goofs

you are crow
                    I become antler crowned
a primer of pranky static
          amongst the wooded pines
                    roots and leaves
rhythm extant
                      and a flashlight
and slunken and bravado
and hip checks and embarrass
                        and mischief seek
and mischief applied
and bombast
                         stolen alcohol and torso
spatty wind and forrest
                           and pines and dark
cloud covered stars and no moon new
all the time a thing impending
                             romance with exposed wrists
a sick excite
glassy glances into eyes                          
                and our mind could speed friction into flame
feel the spin of the earth
  it's all just speeding up
we clutch
the pine roots hold it all together
drawn silence....

and she laughs                                
              to unnerve the 'breath withheld'
then wind springs
                   and creaking and branches again
and we dance our feint  
                     we dub it 'the turpentine'
one flashlight
                       each takes turn and spotlights the other
drunken performances
                         hers a showy enchant      
                                   and baiting stumbles
                     discarded slippers
           earthy wet knees
                      through laddered tights
      playing meekish prey
i only take a quick awkward turn
(some tribal hunter mime)
           so she can clown once again

our spotlight scatters life
steals the nights light
strips auras from the trees
        and we fire out the beam
        in waste and hazard                
     as only courting humans would dare
neth jones Oct 2019
[We are rendered vulnerable
Gender-less and pleasure-ful
Giddy children of the prance
Tuned to the occasion
of seasonal rearrange  
and jealous of nothing]
neth jones Oct 2019
It's not yet the hour
that already flew past
The thin air runs smoothly
The hard thought
pulses fast
Beat-heart beats
All sound
as creature
Coming are the Winter ways
But tonite
we stand witness
to Tempus feint-play

Aside the River
Abreast the Well
Beneath the Earth
Cupping the Swell
With a Breath
Into the Breeze
We ignite new fire
‘Twixt these Veils
We effect our Tease
A Winter Pair
Inspired by a Druid text
neth jones Apr 20
told frigid outside                                                          ­                    
within   love is stretched thin         this home   puckled tight
sealed  and buckled in      from all the social weathering
from the gatherings    in heated public yurts and gymnasiums
that fail short of ***** ****
from the bothersome geographic features out there          
       demanding expeditions, exploration and organization

within   we can see the fridge light                                      
                     ­                                in the middle of the night
we can receive signals and visions                      
                        but are pressed ******* our hearts
waiting out the winter wound
neth jones Oct 2017
shaping my fevered brain
and solidifying stubborn my crooked thinking
i conceal myself in the scenery
of the workplace

i present as a model of honesty
i appear, 'above board'
as i manoeuvre amoungst my fellows ;
ailing employees and absurdities

there is weak will here
it makes them worth reforming
worth salvaging

it is a dream to me
there is a knack to this ;
a study of quality
whereby i may refine my own illness
and take up good work
in company
neth jones Apr 2022
that devil Billy Brate got nerve
took me to the green woods all excited
but t'was all for piping like Pan
       just what he was giddy for
             and i a reclined detainee to fawn

hollow reed whittled finger holes
he challenged natures birdsong
      and came up shrill and dry
hollow reed
      and i am boredom fed under duress
(how a girl
      can mock up an impressed
                                       gaze of awe)
it's all exhibit
a picture for his court mates to deride
he can swell his fellas with the media ;
he mistook another girl
           down deep in Foxlease Thicket
Written for a contest. Contest closed early. This would have been the entry. The challenge was to do a poem inspired by an old print of a young guy and girl hanging out in the woodlands. He plays on a pipe whilst she lies there with a neutral expression on her face. The instruction is to channel Silvia Plath. I fell short on that front.
neth jones May 2021
..............there’s such a clamour
         so much choring
    memory thread
I sit
rocking head
receiver of motion
    bleaker of putty trauma
                creator of mammary craving take up knitting or wood carving

the fortress of thought
(in strict connivance with a bewildered host)
compiles the 'person idea'
protects the fragile calculator
               from biting at its own exposed
                  and useless self mating psychology
               from glutting on its own tail 
                   and merry going mad
                        in a tune of hoops...

..stammering to achieve valuation

for our decent management
may you continue operations falser still
defeating our own polygraphs and making fools of our internal courtrooms

i sit on this chair
things go still
thoughts occur elsewhere
am i left to not be ?....................
[no rocking horse
conveyer belt
tank tread
rock rearward and forth
the thinker and the head]
neth jones Jun 2017
A toxic flush of inhumanity
a brush of the Polute
mirror marred
collective vanity

A blush of Deathlessness
puffs us featureless
and in our drunkeness
we paw clumsy

Playing caress and mattress
in our distress
we commune suckling
give or break
chill post-wake
north or west
in ghosts we invest
neth jones Dec 2021
a heartness of light displays ;
in initial tinting
   the morning
dunked in the thirst
         from the passing night

the fight we experience
   in darkness seems

once exposed
wincing in the maturing sunlight
     a wedded weight is removed
[a heartness of light
scattershot through my peel
there was the warren of night
there was my overactive medicine whorl
then the cold roam of it
barely shared
seems so shallow
no-man and wide
lifted ; i part from darkness
the merciful hint of the morning]

[a heartness of light
beads the mongrel nature
of the sweating jungle
beds the bleeding
of clever trade
and foreign warfare
new growth
will always gloat over]
neth jones Feb 2020
i'd like to keep my feelings for you...
but experience has told me oft
it ought be conducted otherwise

i am to understand that
expressions of feeling toward another
must contain Fluff and Padding
i am to understand
that when expressing romantic feeling
lies are expected

amongst this great dishonesty
i shall slip you the true code of my communication
relay that feeling
meshed into the fabrication

the falsehoods of the romance
can reveal honest belly
in the gelatine of the fiction
neth jones Sep 2018
Quiet night
no folly food
Just solitude ;
a chill scares up the hairs on my bare arm
neth jones Apr 2017
I feel examined
By cautious meats
With wet soft teeth
I've earned an energys' attention
I'm being fumbled with and considered
Perhaps I am to be
A tester of new waters
On lifes' behalf ?
neth jones Nov 2015
i like you much-plenty
we're 'sitting in a tree'
i lift you touch-gently
(this confuses me greatly)
so i prise open your eyes
and i find you glass-empty
i find you with
no soul at all

© Jon Thenes 2005
neth jones Nov 2015
draining life
seeding life
spill from life
and let your husk spoil
dust and the ether
your matter degrade
your scribe and ghost disperse

scatter your brain ;
your memory taught
nutrate the soil ;
the soil of what's to be
and learn a new form

in simple

© Jon Thenes 2011
neth jones Oct 2021
now i am older
and with a told heart i listen

with some alone time
i could really steer
neth jones Mar 2020
flush with a cool bloodstream
     i approach a new enemy
my nerves gutted
     and bunged over one shoulder i appear
i present an unsure character
     i seem to forget the handshake
     and then feign shamed note of my mistake
a cold observer inside me takes jots
     of my disarmed opponent
his fences vanish
     as i am hesitant in word
     and fumble action
i check his ticks and physical language
     and i don't make any eye contact
     that isn't timid

he'll leave this misinformed
     and poorly fed
upon our next meeting
     i shall be a prepared
     and efficient villain
neth jones Aug 2019
In the proud of the night
(well past the community allowance of social mirth)
curfew has been ignored on mass

The town is flooded with its near full population
on the streets

A tension

Intelligence is lost in the mob formation
all tender that something is frowning
that a ‘big thing’ is about to happen

How do you speak out in this field ?
Town Cryer
An old fashioned post but still held
he strikes out a pound against the atmosphere

Might I hold your attention Good People
Gods People may I bend your ear ?
Upon my authority
Mark my words
As Goodly subjects of our fare town
I ask that you return to your abodes
Account for your household
Barrier your threshold
Tend a warm hearth
And wait out this night
Praying as family
As unit bond
And union under Gods kind eye

The Cryer has given direction
Repeating to all the gatherings he comes upon

By his office he has told them to swear off

The public move
Infected by the nights vibration
Addled and inflamed
Crowds coward together
And relax apart
Walking foal, new to footfall
Sparks in the dark
Unguided and untested
Weapons into the criminal night
New spawned characters
Laughing giddiots,
Diners, not surgeons
Fledded on venoms
Sense riders

As their individual monsters grow they distance one another
They pepper
Repeating the town
Strays of mess opportunity
Few go straight home

A remattered night is made place
An unpracticed costume horror
No dress rehearsal here !
A remattered night is made
neth jones Aug 2019
[Young Male Voice....inebriated, perhaps]
Slit of the tongue Frush guppy !
I sped to you today
To treat you to a working meal and...
You’re not there !
You remained a way yonder
Sense-able to my.... me
but too.... mirage n’ fragrant for any talk
this side of miz..mizcomunication
Stay thus sway !
I’ve decided
Is decried
Please...and I’ll love you
as just what I can imagine you to be, yeah...see you tomorrow maybe
Agunda! AGUNGDA !
- voice out man
neth jones Jun 14 what we discussed the other day
                                       'to feel so infect-able'
i mean, cool concept and all but                                            
               you said you get it   and-and that's how i feel
                                                          you know ; all of the time
... like my brain is open and unprotected                    
         floods of **** other guys say  or **** i read online
stuff doesn't even make sense
they're just chewing on a mouthful of teeth
                                                        and­ it imbeds
gets right in the jelly and sticks around  
and it has nothing to do with anything       
                 but  i'll spend the day with my mood crumpled                
about some nasty '*******' directors              
behaviour on a film set ... when know
it's not even a film i'm interested in seeing
and-and there's so much **** right at our front door
     we could help with that                                         
 but.. it's this irrelevant stuff
                                                that's what i'm occupied with
am i just that vulnerable ?   i'm an adult..                                  
           i should function without this damage
... get back to me as soon as you can ;   i'm freaking man !…..
you know what ?                                                                ­        
        this is what's important        and this is why we talk                
friends .. in the real world .. you know  such as it is
...left mucking stale turns before dawning a birth
pleasing   as drawing in a vital breath or something...
...i just.. i just want it back
re-slee­ve me
i miss the world
why did it leave me behind ? remind me
i looked in on it and there's no **** hotel in here
no airport lounge / midnite swimming pool /          
                                 abandoned zoo / empty theatre
no hollow feeds of subway tunnels                          
no void on anything
where's my basic program ?                          
       not even a grid of human planted fir trees
                               or a giants causeway
   or some cellular honeycomb
                      or some mad carpet design
i lost the pattern tap
           i'm off the leash man
           it's all a mess
             a disarray
              organic chaos
                a foreign something
      that doesn't want me to connect
i want to live like i’m part of the solution
but   each day in struggle                                          
           it seems i'm increasingly an aspect of the problem
i need to be reigned in
        and reassigned a post   policed
police me        i croon for policing
                          i am untrustworthy
an emulsion of self deception          
            (what does that even mean ?)
         spinning turns in quick fix habits
i look at these hands
  and     if I could dream these hands
                 they’d be magicians of value
get back to me man ! i miss yupping with you
this is the important stuff
                                               ­             - message ends
neth jones Oct 2019
home ; i ought wish from

comfort slums the fallow feet

means of revival

Anti Haiku
neth jones Dec 2022
feet first                                            
into the treat of the night
the teating streets                            
         the neighbours pool
drunken fools the pair of uz          
      dunked in unruly lust
drunk as fruit flies                            
                  for the science
we list about                                      
                     ­                and stumble              
fumbling lyrics                                  
    in our dripping clothes

laughing like art gone temple        
a mentally unstable template    

that'll be fazed by the sunrise        
neth jones Oct 2019

with more heat than light
more feast, than a violence
we found a clamour


drunk tank, we tackled
battered at one and the other
we mashed in pleasing


we dedicated
fractured time manufactured
sot saturated


misfunctional us
trussed ; brace pinned neat by the heels
whatever be, come


the floor-riding fits
upturned, revealing sickness
now observed and prone

hold hands

treated far apart
separate medical cots
in damage we bed
neth jones Sep 2020
to view a sorrow
plashy with puddles sallow
a practice run for Ophelia

she rages
face down in the ****** jettison
        of a theatres fire exit

after her spasm
sits up
       hefty breathing
lights up
       a used cigarette
props herself against ****** wall
and picks up a littered programme ;
a christmas time pantomime

she cries for love and the sense of others
she laughs-laboured
forum within madness
neth jones Nov 2019
fluent ; we thutch and spear

sensation comes ; world and sphere

clutch cold after swell
Anti Haiku
neth jones Nov 2015
Little by Little
He softened in the Head
He drank from his own Spittle
Stored in Jars
Under the Bed
He said Daily Prayers
And waited for The Girl
But Drowned in his own Pale *****
Then Stiffened
In a Curl

© Jon Thenes 2005
neth jones Mar 2020
discoloured words
a mass in my gob
bled down from the gutty brain
a study
plucky of death..

..if i widen my mouth
dislocate my serpent jaw
and exhume my ugliness
exhaust my ugly breath ...?

if ?

if i trot out the door
in this mug
with this base full of blather ?

i swipe ***** hands on my lap
and focus my eyes
adjust to the scene

this bold idea is not for me
today is a sick day
practice my interior tricks
the doles from my doctor
and reform as less bogged
less fastened to the kink
of The Individual
neth jones Oct 2019
thinking ;
un be come i
a ravenous trending
an unmend

distracted ;
to vend and own ideas
at the ungaspable
for suitable gas
diverted from
The Care Signel

foolish ;

out of school
i’d better be
neth jones Sep 2019
Three is a crowd
Alone is a punishment
Two is partnership
until it’s criminally unbearable

Look at her ; she’s  in love with life
Look away ; it’s simply just embarrassing

It’s a merry go roundabout of battery

Look at him ; he has it together
Point and laugh ; those sleeves aren’t in fashion

Picture this ;
A World Unreined Of Thirst
A lost and found resolved
But then there’s a twist ;
We beg back the worst
We pup at Murders ***** teats
We’ve retreated
Shy from salvation
Summoned back on the coaxing cluft
Of our basic breeders feelings
A soul dehydrating salivation
neth jones Apr 2018
Reliving and Preliving
may all my signals ghost to sway
Just falter information
i shall be spirited and a weather
A clamour among all my houses
an assault laid upon my understanding
in knots
combing out the fantastic
a floss upon a sea
and not a wound
; Misplaced I shall better be.

and then I breathe
this is no longer to be
I am in practice
; unfooled to better be
neth jones Oct 2018

Attaching honours
and dispatching lives;
So grins the new day
and greets the Great Flaw


The Fusing :
and apply
weapon to wound
(as the weatherman dictates)


Taughtless and young
Fight your way from family
and take oath
with no protest:
A moral clumsiness


We'll sort out that 'population problem'
and lunge out our burrowed lives
in saturation
of our unmended sorrows
neth jones Dec 2016
A caster of mimes and mimicry
Stilts a prance
About the tomb full of guests
It's a mirrored jest to ease discomfort
Visitors present their cards of invite
And go swiftly about the social wetwork
Their practices and manners
Interact and ply
Pulling teeth of the guises
Harvesting an imflamation of words
A baffle of tongue chorings
There is an hour
A second
Then a third
Whittling time
Taming code
Resorting to a little physical...
And then they take their leave ;
Prizes into the nights snare.
neth jones Jun 2017
We have upset the art
and there has been
a spill of negativity
In ink we share
we have been careless
we swerve againgst god thought
and struggle
to paste together beauty
A tear in eye
we fiddle with emotion
and repetitions
The mission seemed real
it is the enemy
Worn free of meaning
less than an attender
an obstacle to the heal and the mend
neth jones Apr 2016
poor and tardy ; i'm broken from birth
with a criminal blade of nothingness
concealed about my person
i'm an untreated thing

i'm growing from there
i'm gnawing at life
it's increasingly undemanding
as I still it by my side as a 'not a friend'
and, all the more, reassuring for it.
neth jones Nov 2018
Marry feast
marry fist
and marry feast be over
Tables turned
dancers turned to fighters
a violent rattle
neth jones Nov 2016
My Buddha walks for me
My Buddha draws the breath
I am a passenger
I am free to observe design
neth jones Mar 2017
A murmur of Lawyers show up at my door
Shy on thier woes
and all a shell of supposed business
They brush off their feet
and form a bray
about the perimeter of the living room
It is to be a patterwork of fabrication
a dusting of 'truths' and angles
a murderwork
a carrion of conclusion
an exhaustion
an enemy
a sick thing
and I opened the door
I invited it in
neth jones Sep 2016
I breath a knot..

..In urgency
I heist free a gob..

..A Bird at Sea
My eye is caught.. a blink
a wink
further out to Sea..

..Land fails to grip
Land flights
A whip..

..a task released from necessity.
Add second verse ?
neth jones Oct 2017
Brighter than
A new spawned sage
  Appears to me
Appears to be
An absense of rage
  Abyss less
It lisps rest
It passes me it's clay
I foster a dent
And begin to draw my feed
: A hospital stay
A room to fade
Making room
For a new swell
One well played
neth jones Aug 2018
My weapon is voice today
'tis careless
a spell amoungst curs
it puts close friends in their places
and worried
(behind my back)
It kisses with mischeif
and muddies stray-fully

My weapon is played
a trial
a tool
to bring about my isolation
Then i may exit without notice
and unfollowed
a relief, in release

My real work shall begin abroad
neth jones Mar 2018
a grazing of substance ;
I practice a new vulnerability
neth jones Jan 2017
My Buddha remains seated
My Buddha honours silence
I tread each step
I perform each breath
neth jones Jul 2018
I feel gummy
I do 'the correct thing'
and move on ;
neth jones Mar 2016
please the Daemons
that you may
be my Fiends
in Mire Times
of Docility
when the walls are Pattered
with Spongeprint
and Comatones

pay a Visit
Slew up my View
Chop and Gulp
bring Venon and Weapons
not Tools and Paints
and I'll Fight
on Either Side
Both Sides
til my Mindfeild
is a Territory
worth Litter Picking
Once Again
to Florrish
with a Mischeivious Smile
and Good Work to do

please the Daemons
I Know and Honour
your Place
           - Attended
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