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kenny Diamond Dec 2015
I gave  you my hand and hopes of something  great. They say it all starts with a seed . You walked past with no care. days and years  go by with no hello or a goodbye. We walk the floor as we pass each other in my heart you will never know me. You think  u see me but  only image you wanted see. A smile but masked by smoke that is around  you. I rather keep moving forward  bc sometimes a tree can't  grow with no love
2.5k · Nov 2015
I never stopped loving you
kenny Diamond Nov 2015
We are so far part  in my heart i never stopped loving you
When i look at you  i can't  see nothing but you
My heart skips  a beat when i think of you
I would  glue back together your  heart and never let go
I wish you know how  much i love you
I wish i could be ur king and  take your  breath away
A  soft kiss but never let go
The thoughts of endless  walk during the night sky
I am sorry  for everything i did
A moment with you  would last lifetime.
This  is for someone i care about  she will always have place in my heart
2.5k · Aug 2015
Deep thought run in my mind
kenny Diamond Aug 2015
When  it comes to love the nice guy finish  last . I always have  to  battle  the past. Its hard being pushed  to side and then being made out like you are blowing smoke when at  the start u were just trying to  see where this road  could  go. . I care too much  at times I  feeL   like  it is weakness.. We been hurt and our  hearts ripped out but should we  let the past be the  past  I think its is good to  let go and move forward . I know it takes time to  heal  The thoughts run threw my head always trying look at things in 3d.
This was  mix with vent and poem. It helps to write  get the feelings out there.
2.2k · Dec 2015
I just want hold your hand
kenny Diamond Dec 2015
The time stops when I  think of you.  The dark sky covers my soul but when we talk  you are  the sun in my day. The beauty that is you takes my breath away and gives me hope to something  great, i wish i could be warmth that flows threw your heart. I look back at ups and downs but i never stopped loving you. Your smile when i look  at you takes all the pain way.  I dream  night of  holding  you close and leaving the world behind . You are just the   only star in my sky.
1.8k · Aug 2015
I just wanted say hi
kenny Diamond Aug 2015
I walk by
I see smile
And Say hello
I am in this moment  looking for today
You say nothing but walk away
A door slammed in the face
The only thing i thought was  your heart was  full of pain
In the end there was noting to gain.
1.4k · Dec 2015
I need open another door
kenny Diamond Dec 2015
I wish that i could take back the kindest i shared
You are  so closed  mind   and stuck in the past
I can't  live in world  where its  one way
I have take step back look see the world from outside looking in
I am nothing to then  you then just another step
My heart is too kind for you
I wish i could walk and slam door in your face
You never see how u are  blind by your own self
It  is time to remove this cancer out of my life
And  stop being the hammer to the nail
1.4k · Jun 2015
I hurt
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
I hope as the sun hits my face
The tears burn my skin
I will never be the image you see
I can t walk this path anymore
In the end you will never understand me
I can t keep the hope in my heart with feeling that has been lost deep inside my  soul
My heart breaks with no love
I live for today not for the past
I hold my breath no more
I wear no mask to hide myself
In world full of pain.
1.4k · Jan 2016
The wall and my pain
kenny Diamond Jan 2016
I am done beating myself over this brick wall. You will never change. I am sick of lack respect and hang ups. I have move forward from this cancer in my life
1.3k · Jun 2015
In the moment with you
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
It is just dream
I been waiting for you
My heart misses your warm hands
I just want hold you close and never look back
It’s you and me on this dream
Your laugh and smile warms my soul
You are my dream in this dream
You are only person that warms my soul
I miss you everyday
I just want hold you tight
I want run my hands threw your hair
You are my sweet dream
kenny Diamond Aug 2015
Your sun in my sky
When we talk my heart skips beat
I am lost in your beauty
I wish u  knew how much u mean to me
We are  miles apart but i can t stop thinking of u
I dream of night holding you watching  the world pass by
When i look  at you see so much more
Can see be the one?
Is this my thoughts deep in my own mind
I can t help but love you
When i see u hurt i want be ur glue
The words are never enough to say ur my shooting star
1.2k · Feb 2016
World cancer day
kenny Diamond Feb 2016
The battle is not always won but we keep fighting. The deck is always stacked but we can't give up hope. There been times i want give up and just walk away but i say to myself i beat cancer.
1.2k · Mar 2017
A hint of love
kenny Diamond Mar 2017
Sun  is  light
the  night is dark
My heart wide open
The feelings left on the floor
i go into this battle
With no walls
But just hope  of  your warmth
The  loyal  is the gold
And understnading is the blood
Love  me but never let go
Hold me  when i fall
Show me kindness  during the dark
The battle  with love is brave
And won with the hope
1.2k · Jul 2016
I am not that old
kenny Diamond Jul 2016
So kind hearted
The years that went by
You are getting older
Time  to get out the  early bird discount
Cover the sofa with plastic wrap
Watch ****** she wrote
As  u go  to bed before 8 pm
Time  to bring out the   check  book    and write a $12 check
Wait  you are not that old

Today was  your day
Look back As sun hits your face
You are one of kind
Loved  by many
I wish i could give  the  you moon
Buy you a five  star dinner
But  in end  all  you wanted  is  for  me to get  a red card
So  Let today be great BC  you are a  work of art.
1.2k · May 2016
I just wanted let you know
kenny Diamond May 2016
You are sun in my sky
The star that shines above
I just want hold your hand
Look deep in your eyes
And never let go
Being the reason you smile
Your beauty sends echo
My heart is wake
Take my hand until there nothing left
Your smile turns  darkness into light
I want break those chains
Take my heart just don't  let go
1.1k · Jun 2015
Mr roar
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
There once lived man
He was best at the vibe
The path was always red
So fast to help others
At times he let his anger unleash
So quick with words that cut threw the soul
But heart was so pure and kind
The hands of time undewind
If you cross the man
He will turn into beast
I see the good  threw the darkest  nights
He has fallen but always gets back up
In end he is  vibe  master with complex mind that warms the winter  nights
1.1k · Jun 2015
the walk out
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
i am not everyone cup of tea love or hate me in end i am just me. The ones who miss out don't see the greatness which is me. But in end you are just blind by the image you want to see.
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
True love never gives up
Love never runs out or ends
Love holds you close when life knocked you down
Love fills the soul with hope
Love doesn’t look for others but only one
Love can break the heart but make you stronger and see that the path still goes on
If this love is dream why let go

Kenny diamond
1.0k · Aug 2015
kenny Diamond Aug 2015
A been to many places
Some have been great
And other have been nothing more then a faded dream
it Starts with  how can i help you and  with an idea of a understanding  of what i want
The thoughts of saving money and finding what i am looking for
So fast not to care and loss focus of the inside
But in todays  world its  lost the warm feeling of service that one can give.
I am just one of many  who has faith in the heart of it all
I can't  image how one loss faith on what really matter which is customer service.
kenny Diamond Aug 2016
I  wish  i could  say  goodbye
It started  with a hello
I should never let you go
It played it out like movie
I thought  this would  been happy ending
Will my heart go on?
The words written all  over your body
I could never let go
I been so torn inside
Don t hold my past
This  should never been a goodbye but know in my heart i know why
Two hearts that were never ment  meet
I will still choose you
992 · Jun 2015
My face
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
I hate  it when people say they care
But give up when your life in disperse
I wear a mask but not hidden
My heart is not made of stone
The pain and sadness
Overcomes me like a  black cloud
You look and try seeing  me but Ur blind by
the thoughts that tore you apart
You are so closed mind just another sheep living in this world
Rub the mistakes as my face hits dirt
I just to complex for you understand
The road you walk is not ment for me
I look up see mask is broken
Now i can get back up
965 · Mar 2016
It was time to walk away
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
It is give and take
but  u never understood me
I was just the dirt under your shoes
I stayed  and always saw the good
My mind always  told me walk away
But my heart was too caring
I always  had your back
I  fallen for caring your weight
you could never see past the image u wanted  to see
There was no magic to wipe away your views
You hated who I  was  deep inside
But you never seem  to mind the kindest i should  to you
I felt stuck in this quick sand hoping for change
I am just the dirt under your shoes
This about people in your life who deep down you know person will never change or  put in same as you. It was always hard the people who care our hearts are too big to see the big pic. Sometimes  you just have walk away
959 · Apr 2016
Lets shake on it
kenny Diamond Apr 2016
I can't  deal with no logic
You say forgive and i did
But where was my hand  
When i fall to floor
I was nothing more then nail to the hammer
kenny Diamond Aug 2016
Years go by
I miss the touch
The feeling of her warmth
Love fills the air
Nothing else matters  but you
Your lips on mine
I leave all my pain behind  
Just let go  
Take my broke heart
Can  you fix me?
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
The thoughts of  love in the air

I wait for the day to kiss Ur lips
I wait for the  day to hold you close and  never let goo
I wait and hope for this love to grow
Fill my broken heart with warmth
The idea of hold hands walking with the idea love in the airtouches my soul
The sound of Ur voice turns the darkest days into light
I dream of the day to fill ur heart and see that smile thatturns cold winters into summer nights
Wipe the tears away warm the heart of the loved that waslost
If this love is dream don t wake me up.
862 · May 2016
I can't see the light
kenny Diamond May 2016
I need your hand
But you turned way
You mind  is  set on the I  told so
All  I wanted was your love
My tears stained my skin
I look up for the sun
But all saw was  the moon
848 · Aug 2015
My short but sweet
kenny Diamond Aug 2015
I can't  help but love you
I find myself lost when i look at you
So many words but my heart bleeds for ur touch
A beauty i have never seen
That brought  light into my life
Your are my dream in this night sky
834 · Mar 2016
The words deep inside of me
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
The world is full of those who don't understand you. At times i full like i have hide who i am. I  don't  want be sheep but always look for change.  Those who care will see the good rather then bad. The ones who  are fake will never see nothing more then what they see with there two eyes.  Love  logic and understanding are keys to life. We spend so much time being negative but  forget to see the light threw darkest days. At times i feel the negative over takes the soul  and keeps eating away.
829 · Apr 2017
Just wait
kenny Diamond Apr 2017
The door open
Another  one shuts
You came into my life
But left  like the wind
You were  the  moon to my light
818 · Apr 2016
I hear no sound from you
kenny Diamond Apr 2016
A heart not made of stone
I wake up see  to my weakness took over
The words cut deep inside
Its  like a cancer that never goes away
We can't change how we play the hand
But we can remove that negative
I wish you  could see your self
But what would it matter
You can't see past your world
kenny Diamond May 2016
I wish could hear
love  and not just hurtful words
I wish  i was more then second class in your life

So  quick   to judge
But can t  see the  logic
So quick  bring up  the past
But forgot  you wore  the same shoes

I  lost hope  
But  my head hurts  from this brick wall
My heart  is not made  of stone
It could be my weakness
For  caring  when i just should  of walked away
750 · Sep 2015
In this day we look back
kenny Diamond Sep 2015
I wish i  could change the past
i can't tun back time
I wish you took more time see me as a  person
The image you saw so faded but now its lost in ur thoughts
The words bleed threw me cut my heart
I am alone on my island  with no place to go
As my story  un folds
You  are blinded only by what you want to see
i used to  have hope but know  its gone
I always look for the stars but only see the moon
In end mom you will never change bc ur stuck in your own world
kenny Diamond Oct 2015
The  battle  inside but  never forgotten
So many streps to see the light
The pain that over took my body
I felt so alone deep inside
The tears that stained my heart
The drug to **** what was killing me
At times i felt so lost  on this road
The hope that always flew threw my body
The image that no one  wanted to see
In the end i beat cancer.
My battle with cancer and i am  five years cancer free
743 · Mar 2017
I wish they knew.........
kenny Diamond Mar 2017
i  never get  why people are so fake   They run  there mouth behind your back but smile to your face. Always  looking for  the weakness.    At times  it so clear just  like stain glass window.  I should just put this mask on but  never was meant to wear.  All   long  you judged me  with  the  negative outlook thinking  you knew me.  So fast show hate  but forgot  the words  you say over take  your  heart like cancer. I never wanted be just another  sheep.  I am just   man that  is misunderstood .
741 · Nov 2015
The Ring
kenny Diamond Nov 2015
Why do we get married if all we do  is lie and cheat
Love can't  grow in the dark
Light shines above not smoke and fade dreams
So many words but  truth is all that can be seen
Once love and endless walks
Now it is just cold and hated words
Know  i see that the cheapest ones are always ones you pay the most for
741 · Jun 2015
Lost in mind of your own
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
I am not bottle cap you can remove
The image  you  see is so fade
I have no time for fake
My  heart is something great
See me and look deep into my soul
I an not perfect but i don't give up
My kindness is my weakness
To understand me is see darkness with the sun
Your lack for understand  and logic will be your down fall
the door that you  slam is now closed   and so is my heart
740 · Dec 2015
The tears hit my face
kenny Diamond Dec 2015
The holidays are hard for me  I think about the times we shared and love u showed me. You never asked for anything but was always there for me. I think of you tears roll down my face . I wish we could spend another holiday together. I will always love you in my heart you were like mother to me. i miss you nana rip
729 · Jun 2015
Ms Kat
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
You take my breath away
As I  look deep in your eyes
Your broken and torn
Let me be glue put the pieces back together
i want be sun in your sky
Endless walks under the stars
The warmth of your hands
i can't turn back time
I can  hold you close never let go.
the feeling of hope flows threw my words
The idea of me and you  is something that can't  be forgot or explained
The sound of your voice sends echo  to my soul
I dream of this dream with in this  hope one day
be my shooting star in my sky
728 · Jun 2015
Many parts of me
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
I am complex
A  heart torn apart but not broken
My kindness is my weakness
I always aim for change
I battle so much in my life
The tears burn my skin
I  dream of love in  a cold world
I am love or hate me but to love me is too see my soul
I am judged by many but many don't  see  the image which is me
I not from any other mold
i am coconut looking for  his tree
This is me a  nut shell stuck in this dream which is me
715 · Jul 2015
I just want scream inside
kenny Diamond Jul 2015
The night pass by
The darkness fills the day
This idea of hope is cut that won't  go away
I wish you took the time see me
I am more then you think
A blink of eye my heart is torn
I walk alone in the world
My heart keeps breaking with this feeling of change
I want walk away close the door
I feel like pain is too much
Are  the words so blinded and broken
The mask is  part of you
You keep sweeping the bed will get full
I have break threw this to see the sun on this dark day.
kenny Diamond Mar 2016
I can t think
Only about how you taste
I wonder if  you knew the feeling

I walked so many miles
Looking for you
You never saw it coming

I can see it still beating in my hand

You never knew how it would feel
To have your heart ripped out

So weak and helpless
Maybe  i should give it back
It taste too good not too
714 · Jun 2016
You and her over this tree
kenny Diamond Jun 2016
It started  with hello
But never thought it could been goodbye
So much beauty with heart that i never seen
Time stopes  and all can think  about is her
But this wall was too much
I  just  wanted a   chance  to  swing the bat
Just wanted to  show  her i was more  then  
Another  one  hit  wonder
I  wake up and  miss  the  touch of your warmth skin
Look into your  eyes  and   saw  the world past by
My heart vs  you
you replay the mistakes  of  others
Trying go back  in time
But  the mold just never fits
i can't  be clone of your X
My flaws  never defined me
It was just another layer of my soul
I never wanted be your next mistake
I Just   wanted be the doc to put that heart back together
713 · Jul 2015
Hope left on the green
kenny Diamond Jul 2015
You wrapped in  sea of negative
lost in deep in your own greedy
bridges that were burned
A heart that can't be replaced
The idea of logic  that is so far gone
Your path all ready paid
The hands that are stained with green
In end you will be  alone stuck on other side of the broken bridge.
711 · Jun 2015
So gone but hope for today
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
i am alone but lost
We came so far
I can't turn back time
The   day is now
I put out my hand
You  are so closed mind
You look at the past as it defines  us
The darkness doesn't  have  to take over
We don't  have  to be lost  in this world
I can't  help but still care
The hope of one day
The hope of knowing you
The darkness will past, but my heart will still not give up
I never stop to care
I just wish you took the time see me
kenny Diamond Dec 2016
I was nothing more
Just a second class
You never saw the good
But always saw the storm
before the sun
My heart playing on my thoughts
The sadness over taking me
I used have hope
But time goes by
You never understand me
So quick with words
Tore into my flesh
I  always looked for hope
But always found dark
Before the light
I have break away from those chains
Set myself free
My heart screams
So torn and broken
can you fix me?
Or  i am just another broken image in your thoughts
698 · Jun 2015
You pass me by women in red
kenny Diamond Jun 2015
I live in this world but can't stop dreaming
A man can just has hope
Your beauty is like shooting star in the sky
Your smile shines deep on the darkest days
The beauty that is you can t be just the word
It sends echo to my cold heart
I live in the world but I can t stop dreaming
A few words those are lost
I can't have the shooting star
I stay wake but still dreaming
In the end you are just one of great wonders of the world
698 · Jan 2016
So many words on this wall
kenny Diamond Jan 2016
A smile as  u walk by
A hello  and never thought   this was a  goodbye
There so much to say
I wish  i knew the  words   to cut threw your wall
I am on the  frontline battling your past
A  man with  heart in his hand looking for his everlasting love
684 · Jan 2016
Words from the chest
kenny Diamond Jan 2016
I hate the fact  that i feel like i am second class in your life. it been while since  I heard  the word love. So many hang ups and lack of respect just rips threw my heart. You are so blind by your image and wants you forget to look outside the box. This bed full but no not full of people but lies and problems you run from. I wish you could understand me see me for who  I was deep inside... I am broken inside and can't keep bang my head on this brick wall.
This from heart it more  of vent poem   from the heart
681 · Jun 2016
This road ended
kenny Diamond Jun 2016
Our hearts on line
Broken and hurt at times
Jumping over the zone
breaking down the brick wall
Then to find out you got put in the zone
The hurt and pain overcome
You tell self walk away
But she says lets be friends
Then  you are too busy picking up your heart off the  ground
And ask  your self
Can you get past this
You want  be best guy say yes
But deep down  your mind needs  repair
You broke down the  wall just  find a another one behind it
Months  latter she post
Breaking up and there you are
Picking  and wiping the tears away
All  you ever wanted   to be  was her star in the sky
678 · Dec 2015
Walt Disney
kenny Diamond Dec 2015
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Walt Disney
674 · Mar 2017
She shines
kenny Diamond Mar 2017
Your  beauty was  more then
Your beauty was never understood
Your beauty was  not just one night stand
Your beauty didn't  tell the  whole story
Your beauty was more   then just  another face
You were more then just beauty
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