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Aug 2023 · 432
Jawad Aug 2023
Where are you?
Let me find you

Leave me a sign

A handkerchief on thorny roses
A candle on your window
A note on my porch
A scarf with your scent
A clue with a friend
A carving on some wood

Open up

Say something that discloses
The tears on your pillow
The reason you torch
The letters of contempt
You chose not to send
Although you could

I don’t get it

What can be the causes
For burning me with sorrow
For making my heart scorch
For making it attempt
To willfully upend
This beautiful cruel love?

I need a signal..
Still waiting and wondering
Aug 2023 · 497
Jawad Aug 2023
I am gone
But here

My memory
Still lingers

Like the hint of old perfume
And the noice of afternoon

I am here
In your moves
In the passion of your words
Like the waves of calm sea
And the wind behind the dune

I am here
In your deeds
In the soft beats of your heart
And the giggles of a child
All the muses of the moon

I am here
Still with you
Feel free to use for obituaries
Aug 2023 · 480
Jawad Aug 2023
As I string words together
From existing thoughts
Aiming at shaping souls
That will make the future
I ask…

Will there be more questions
Will there be more wonder
Will there be more action
Or just more plunder

Will there be more thinking
Will there be more linking
Will there be more sinking
In the depth of life

Will there be more focus
Will there be more locus
Or just more shrinking
In the width of sight

Will there be less shirking
Will there be less cringing
Or just more complaining
About the strive
If you write to change, you wonder…
Aug 2023 · 692
Jawad Aug 2023
This side
Oppresses in one
The center of the universe

That side
Oppresses through the many
The chosen ones

Injustice happens in many ways
At least let us choose
If you know you know
Aug 2023 · 670
Jawad Aug 2023
The saboteurs
Are not only those
Who tell lies

But us
Who help them
Defeat us

By closing the window
And blaming the sun
For not shining in

     is a bigger sin!

A wise man once said
Strive for knowledge, not money
Because knowledge guards you
While you guard your money
We need to be aware
Aug 2023 · 1.1k
Jawad Aug 2023
The aging woman
All her life
Striving so much

Not only fixing bodies
But hearts
She spent her life
Some people keep giving
Aug 2023 · 429
Jawad Aug 2023
As days sneak away
      Like small thieves
   Taking pieces of my soul
I wonder…
                Where poems
       The guardians of time?
Defenders of hopes?
   Were they disordered seams
           Holding together a life
        Of secret sorrow
Where they artistic lies
          Perfected to taste mellow
               To hide the bitterness
                          The missing shadow
             Of my shrinking soul?
    What where they?
                   Impostor dreams?
Why do we really write poetry? To feel better, or to not feel worse? To run away, or to achieve something?
Jul 2023 · 146
Jawad Jul 2023
Where am l?
What happened here?

Are we still free?
Do we write poetry?

Are hearts still broken?
Have we resolved confusion?

Are friends still apart?
Is hope an illusion?

Are memories pestering?
Is loneliness still bitter?

Are souls escaping?
Do visions still jitter?

What happened here?
Do we still write poetry?
I am back but never was gone
Mar 2019 · 653
Jawad Mar 2019
I was not here
You never saw me
We never spoke
You never told me in spring
That you don’t

I am alone
This never happened
I never did this
I can’t give
What I don’t own

I never will be there
Maybe you will
But I shall not
And I don’t care
People who don’t want to admit
Jan 2019 · 401
Jawad Jan 2019
In my jealousy and laziness
What I want to be
And when

What do I find?
That I can one day!
But never will
Because I don't move

Life is passing, but are we there yet?
Nov 2018 · 600
Jawad Nov 2018
Three cubs
The cutest of all
One little girl
And two older boys

All action
Swirl winds and storm
Roaming around
The small kingdom

Three purest souls
The wonders of life
Make you wonder
About your own

How to protect them
From harms of life
Feeling helpless
My heart like foam

They will be here
Soon my wonders
Lots of trouble
And joy at home
My sister and parents visiting, bringing with them her three children, the  joys of our life.
Nov 2018 · 286
Jawad Nov 2018
Here comes the strom
You have been hiding from
For years...

Your soul is jittery
And your heart

The expectation
Of your ego
Like a landslide

Yet life
Is waiting for you
After the storm

Yet hope
That the rain
Will purge the droughts

That fire
That will eat
The ailing trees

And you
Making it out

What will happen
If you
The encounter...
Nov 2018 · 260
Jawad Nov 2018
The well of poetry is dry
And the oasis
Who was once blooming around

Where is the rain?
At least the soft wind
The brings hopes of verses

Where is the night
That at least
Cools the burning sands
Of thoughts

Lost in the desert...
Of poemless dreams
Nov 2018 · 593
Jawad Nov 2018
Strong you are
I do sense you
A mighty will
Despite the tears

You are a soul
Separated from hearts
The hearts you left
On that vast island
Of trivial lives

You keep asking
Will they follow?
And join you
Searching for
The meaning of strive?

You keep asking
What will happen?
Will I continue
Wrestling with fear?

I don’t know for now!
But I do know,
That at the end
Hearts long
For their soul

They will seek it
Beyond the seas
And obstacles
Beyond the fears

They will ask
Very soon
And when they do
The journies begin
No storm and no fire
Can hold them back

For hearts belong
To the soul
Just like children
To their mother
Don’t worry, you will meet them...
Nov 2018 · 391
Jawad Nov 2018
Stories help your heart think
About the wisdoms of pain

About the plots of lives
And the ends of fights

We are not broken...
We are still fighting.
There is a huge difference!

Those who know how to lose
Can never be beaten

Our story is our fait
We write everyday
By standing up again
They want to silence us, but our story is never-ending.
Nov 2018 · 976
Jawad Nov 2018
I don’t write with golden pens
I write with feelings woven in insomnia  
Inked with the darkness of nightmares
And the long thoughts of the night

I don’t climb mountains
I fall off cliffs
Past my escaping days
Into myself
And find nothing...

Breathe deeper
Maybe the air will escape the abyss
And release you...
The current poetry mood...
Nov 2018 · 280
Jawad Nov 2018
She shall live on
In you
For lives are poems
And poems never die

The heart you plant in a soul
Is eternal
My thoughts and prayers with you my friend...
Nov 2018 · 254
Jawad Nov 2018
I am here
For you
How shall I help?

What type of balsam do you want?
Sweet injections for your ego?
Or bitter sirups for your soul?
Or maybe an operation in your mind?

But an amputation of your sorrows?
I am not qualified for that!
You have to bear the pain
Pain killers will **** you
Let the feelings sore on
And fall off

I shall collect them
And throw them away
To the dogs of forgettable times
And the snakes of ellsuive memories

Let them feast
They are hungry
For smelly things

You limp away
And move on
For love can grow again
Helping a friend through a heartbreake
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
Jawad Oct 2018
Postopone the trip
To help another
Continue the journey

Postone the trip
Embark a new one
With your soul

You are the mistress
Of the path
From tears to fight
Repenting missteps
All your way
By filling others
With delight

Postpone the trip
And understand
The real purpose
Of all travels

To find a truth
Not reach a place
Inside your mind
Not on the map

Postpone the trip
And you shall find
The source of light
Inside your heart

Postopne the trip
You are your home
Regardless of
Where you shall live

Be the destination
You want to see
Be the change
You’re looking for

Postpone it
And you will realize
The end is you
It’s always YOU...
Understanding the real purpose of travel
Oct 2018 · 744
Jawad Oct 2018
Looking for the light
That glows her life
Quest after quest
Until she found it

No stranger she was
Just clearer
Shimmering her heart
Like a shrine
Removing all the dust

Closer to the truth
Each tread steeper
But secure

When the tears taste more bitter
The soul becomes tender
And sweet

A journey of love
The ultimate
Named after a hero...
She is getting closer...
Oct 2018 · 872
Jawad Oct 2018
There you are
Glorious and mighty
Proud in every smile
Defying every plot
Of the darkest nights

There you are
Crushing all hopes
Of your demise
Malicious wishes
To undermine the sacrifice
Of your people

A push does not suffice
To throw over a mountain
No one can hijack a beauty
Guarded so closely
By thousand and one knights

There you soar
Higher than the sky
City of Titans
                        My Baghdad
Missing my city
Oct 2018 · 470
Jawad Oct 2018
She plays him
With her finger
A few movements

Hundreds of miles away
She lifts him
And then throws him

Into tears he falls
A feather’s worth his pride
Full of doubt

The butterflies on his face
He doesn’t notice anymore

The antelopes in his steps
Only mountain mules

All the little birds
Who whisper his presence
Chatty little fools

He does not hear
The flowers bowing down
Nor the leaves and petals
He everyday walks on

He loves a dream
A nightmare to him
He plays the game
Straight into oblivion
And calls it love

While she...
                      Won’t pick him up again
What I see happening to a friend now
Oct 2018 · 2.0k
Jawad Oct 2018
When the light finds its way
Through the branches of confusion
And starts to tickle the sleeping words

When they awake
Wondering what happened
And tell each other of their dreams

Then the feelings start to flow
Start to glow
Into a poem
How a morning feels to a poet
Oct 2018 · 428
Jawad Oct 2018
I shall return.
From my poetic death.
One day.
To light the stars.
And be enlightened.
It’s been a while.
Dec 2017 · 415
Jawad Dec 2017
Look at tomorrow
Pink and blue are your eyes
Achieving the horizon

The fingers tremble
A sign
You are onto something, divine

The shift
When the mountains roar
What do you find?

The wisdom of the tree

We want to see the truth
Use your imagination to understand what this is about
Dec 2017 · 459
Jawad Dec 2017
Nothing in particular
Just a tiny nasty thought
Trying hard to fit it in
With some thoughts, triangular
And some loops, circles of sort

All the time my mind just crunches
Like a puzzle , crack that code
And the sweat and the headache
Going on throughout the night

And once I am finally done
I destroy everything, cold
All memory of it gone
And it start once more, again
Those senseless dreams that keep repeating when you are sick and try to sleep.
Dec 2017 · 397
Jawad Dec 2017
The bones scream
Louder than the night

The mind dances
Round some trivial thoughts

The body burns
No sweat can **** the flames

The eyelids close
When morning opens eyes
Feeling really sick
Sep 2017 · 1.0k
Jawad Sep 2017
Smelling the sunrise
All the new light
And the chances
That are ahead.

Feeling the wind blow
And its freshness
The soul of the world
Coming to life

When the dreams
And the nightmares
All die of
All as before

When your loved ones
Are around you
Or you remember
They are not

When you wonder
What just happened
How it did come
To what is now?

When you ask yourself
Where did all the years
And all your goals
Just disappear?

Smelling the sunrise
And the new days
And the bad smell
Of your old ones

Smelling the surise
Is how your life smells
You decide
If good or bad...
Waking up early the morning is good, because it is probably the only time during the day where you have clarity to ask the difficult question in life..
Aug 2017 · 471
Jawad Aug 2017
What is the best present for a star
She has everything there is
She has the vastness of the sky
The gazes of humans on earth

What is the best present for a star
When she is the one who gifts light
And sublime wishes and enduring hope
To all those watching her at night

What is the best present for a star
When all want what she has
Her place so close to the moon
The fact that she is a sun

The best present for a star
Are words wrapped in grace
A gesture of feeling thankful
A poem recited by looking up
To that big thing that dazzles so bright
To SBG. Thank you!
Jul 2017 · 682
Jawad Jul 2017
Come out now
It doesn't seem like it
But it is over
You are free

I don't know how
But you made it
You are strong
It doesn't seem like it
But you have always been

Come out
Let the sun shine on you
Or you shine on the sun
Let your light defeat darkness
And gift the future a ray of hope

And wash yourself
The water will clean you
But only your face
Your heart does not need washing
It's clean and pure and grace

You have been under the rubble
Your lungs full of dust
Embrace the space
Say something
And relieve life from its shock

That look you have
That look is killing
It is a death sentence
To the conscience of humanity
To be hanged by shame
And sorrow
And failure

Smile little child
But before that, cry
Cry out loud
And weep your pain out
Uncover the criminals

What did they do to you...
The pictures of the children being dragged from under the rubbles in Mosul still can't escape my mind...
Jul 2017 · 618
Jawad Jul 2017
My mind is in an abyss of oblivion
From not believing what I see
A poet believes
That a word is worth thousand pictures
But some pictures
They are worth thousand nightmares
While I am awake and gasping for words to breathe
I can't imagine how I should feel
When seeing all the things I see
I can't realize what to think
Caught by a tornado of dispair
As helpness as one can be
To survive, one must have a heart of steel
To admit that the pictures are real
But all I manage to say is
It is not fair....
When seeing the footages showing the children of Mosul being pulled from under the rubble after the liberation of the city from ISIS.
Jul 2017 · 1.6k
Jawad Jul 2017
Live could be more optimal
If you let go of things, trivial
And focus on the real capital
Time and space, the memory
Of experiences, friends, and family
Nice gestures and charity
The joy of clarity
The depth of sanity
A better grasp of reality
More options through more money
By spending on what matters

To love people and not things
To be who you are and not what you own
A tidiness in hindsight, in the mind
A sense of being light, feeling right
Another understanding of freedom and slavery
The slavery of things
When you don’t own things but things you
Because things hold you back and therefore
Freedom comes from less stuff, not more

But here is the thing
Memories might die
If you cut off their wings
If you capture them in things
And lock them up in dark closets
They live in your mind, not in items
They need to be free
Fresh, revived, preserved
Through presence, not hoarding

Memories live
Through pictures
Digitized in devices
Always in your pocket
Cherished in your mind

Memories live
Through words
Written by you
In diaries worth keeping
Which take you back in time
But don’t fill up your space

Memories live
Through stories
You tell others and others tell you
Face to face and soul to soul
With some coffee in-between

Clutter is not optional
Get rid of worthless stuff
Boxes and countless little toys
One zillion paper clips
Sad chairs and old clothes
And all the dusty things
That occupy your life
And turn it into junk

Spend less
Less things
Think more
Be free
Live life
Trying to gradually become a minimalist. But minimalism is more than decluttering. It is a better understanding of things in our life.
Jun 2017 · 670
Jawad Jun 2017
War in the air
Love in the soil
The patience of water
The seeds of hope
And an understanding sun
The gardener knows well that
Peace grows slowly
But is flowers smell wonderful
Fruits so tasty
To feed the children with juicy fruits...

"Make the air fresh again!"
In a region full of wars and threats of more, politicians should revert to the practice of gardening...
Jun 2017 · 349
Jawad Jun 2017
A mother's lullaby
The orchard's scent
The songs of nightingale
A baby's conscious
And its first looks

A worker's hope
The morning after a storm
The essence of a flower
Wishes of a little girl
The concerns of a grandmother

The poems of a lover...
Looking for purity in life...
Jawad Jun 2017
هي الرجال تبكي
كادب بليغ
يستمع اليه الاشباح
اشباح ليل طويل

ولكن الدموع
تسري تحت الجفون
تحت الوجون
تحت الصدور
كأحجار قبر
تواري جثث احلام وجهود وفشل
مضت منذ دهور

وتمتزج الدموع
بدماء وعرق وقلق
خالقة بحرا ميتا
من علقم مالح
تطوف على سطحه الامنيات
بسكون حكيم

والعمر يمر
وتتبخر السنين
تاركة ورائها ارض بور
تتشقق من الجفاف
تشبه صدور الأبطال
طعنتها مُدى الأيام
في معركة تعيسة
لمدة سنين

ويسخر الزمان
بنكات بائسة
من مأسي الرجال
ويبتسم الدهر
ويهز برأسه
ثم ينظر الى أفق بعيد


Men cry too
In silence
Like eloquent literature
Listened to by ghosts
The ghosts of a long night

But the tears
Flow under the eyelids
Under the cheeks
Under the chests
Like tombstones
The resting places of dreams and efforts and failures
Gone a long time ago

And the tears mix
With blood and sweat and worries
Creating a dead sea
Of salty poison
Dreams floating on its surface
In wise tranquility

And age goes by
And years evaporate
Leaving behind them infertile soils
Cracked from drought
Like the chests of heroes
Stabbed with the knives of days
In a miserable battle
That went on for years

Time makes fun
With lame jokes
Of the miseries of men
And life smiles
Shakes it head
And look away into the far horizon...
My previous poem morphed into another one about men's miseries, but this time and for the first time in ARABIC..
Jun 2017 · 447
Jawad Jun 2017
Men cry too
But quietly
Their sorrows are loneliness
Like acid burning into the silence
Of their disguised troubles

They sob too
But you can't see
Because their tears
Mix with their pride
In face of atrocities
Soaked in salty tragedies

They cry asleep
When the nightmares come
Suffocating their throats awake
In a pond of sweat

When their tears dig
Like shovels
Ditches in their faces
To burry their feelings
Under the look of death
In the hope that pity
Doesn't fire a last shot
In their motionless corpse of emotions
Decomposing since years

Men look sad too
But only when their sun goes down
After a tiresome day of pain
To leave them with a dim expression
Falling into the lost thoughts of the night

Men cry too
The passions of men...
Jun 2017 · 397
Jawad Jun 2017
Words in my head
Stir up with the thoughts of the day
Mix into torment

I am looming around
Nowhere but inward
Deeper into the oblivion
Of unspoken poems

But they
Will be out
Explode in sparks
To rattle the existence
That wraps my destiny
To set me
Once more

I’m back
Though never really gone...
I think my 'creative break' has come to an end. I must write poems again. Hello Poetry, I missed you.
May 2017 · 782
Jawad May 2017
I need a break
So I don't break

Good bye HP
I hope we see
Each other soon

Good bye for now
I need recharge
Hard has been March
April and May

My heart is tired
From feeling much
And needs as such
To sleep some time

I promise I
Come back again

I just worry
If I go on
Without a rest
My force will wane
To write more poems
To write deeply
From down my heart

I thank you all
For being here
You are beauty
Wonder and grace

A sky of million
And one stars
Will still be bright
Without that star
I've been writing almost everyday since I started poetry, and I think I need a 'creative' break to be able to write with more energy. Thank you all, beautiful people of HP, for following, liking, sharing, and commenting on my average poems and I will see you later, hopefully very soon. Bye for now...
May 2017 · 2.6k
Jawad May 2017
When you feel lost
With no intention to be found again
Because those who are looking
Will lose you
The moment they find you

Yet you have to choose
Between two tough options
One in which the content is good
But the context is bad
And the other one vice versa
Only that neither option
In addition to their difficulties
Have guaranteed outcomes

When you are surrounded by people
Who on top of your depression
Make you feel more depressed
And you can't do anything about them
Because people change hard

The guilt
The internal rejection
The misery
The pressure

And then you wonder
What all that does to you
Being constantly in struggle
And not knowing
When all this will stop
Although you know it won't
Because it is related to people
And people change hard
There must be a solution, because its impossible to go on like this..!
May 2017 · 1.4k
Jawad May 2017
Broken in pieces like thin branches for wood fire;
Worn out like a cloth fifty years old;
A trunk invaded by termites,
Rolling down a hill full of rocks;
A carpet walked over with ***** shoes,
Covering the floor of a once busy hallway,
Now abandoned and invaded by mold;
The paleness of a ruin one thousand years old,
Submerged in a thick sea of fog;
The rust on an old broken truck,
Mixed with dust to form an adhesive substance,
Eating the metal through to its core;

Combine this all together,
And imagine it's a feeling.
That's how I am feeling right now...
No comment...
May 2017 · 1.2k
Jawad May 2017
Acid in my eyes
Writing, reading, researching
Leaf in vast ocean
When there are so many books and references out there and you don't know which ones to use...
May 2017 · 959
Jawad May 2017
Today she said
To herself

'I love you'

And broke in tears
She has been shamed
Without knowing
Lived in fears
Not realizing
Fear and shame
Has been eating her up
From inside
Without her
Having a name
For those deep pains

But in these days
After writing poems
And  dreaming awake
And feeling things
Not felt before
She now sees
With clear mind
What hurts
And why
And that she could
In fact she should
Have a better life
In which she strives
To explore the land
She call home


And rebuild it
With beautiful words
Only poets can create...
About the healing power of poetry; to whom it may concern...
May 2017 · 530
Jawad May 2017
ARABIC comes from feeling...
We feel emotions and form them into words
We form words to make us feel emotions comes from forming...
A sacred oath between words and emotions.
A devine circle between action and reaction.
The Arabic word for poetry is "****'ir" which comes from "Yash'ur". It means feeling.
Poetry comes from the Greek word 'poiesis' which means making or forming. Its interesting that both words describe poetry by pointing to the different ends of it.
May 2017 · 527
Jawad May 2017
Writing poetry
Happening now when sleeping
Dreaming while dreaming
Next to the really sharp dreams, I've also started to write poems while dreaming. If poetry is dreaming but when you are awake, then doing poetry while dreaming is a dream inside a dream, but a nice one.
May 2017 · 548
Jawad May 2017
Writing poetry
Made reality dreamful
My dreams are real now
Before poetry, everything seemed so dull, and my dreams full of blurry images that didn't make much sense. Since I started to write, I walk around in life looking at things in a different and more interesting way, and my dreams became regular, with really sharp clear images, as if I was dreaming in HD. Added to that, they are often about nature. Short things short, I like my reality and my dreams better now.
May 2017 · 2.9k
Jawad May 2017
How does it taste
My hand...?
The hand that fed you...!
You have been chewing on it
Through and through
For a while now...

The hand that hurts
From providing...
So much
That it came close to breaking
Just to protect you
From starving

The hand that hurts
And shakes
So much
That I can't even eat with it anymore
And as such
Will remain
And probably die

I'm angry

I am angry with you
But the worst thing is
That I can't hate you
Because hating somebody you love
Hurts even more

I am angry
Because in my core
I was sure that you would do that
And all I did was
And you thought I didn't have a clue?
I gave you the cue
For this to happen
And I didn't pull my hand
And accepted for it to remain soar
Full of marks from your bites
And the endless nights
Of providing..
For such a long time
Telling myself
It’s fine
Because the bite
Of somebody you love
Is sweet
As honey

But now you are full
And it doesn't matter if I pull
Or leave my hand there
For you to take a last bite
You are just waiting for the fight
So that you can run away
And never look at me again

How does it feel
To be a traiter
How does it taste?
Only my tongue
My hand is sweet

Hand biter...!
Helping somebody who doesn't deserve it, is really bad. Falling in love with somebody who doesn't love you, is even worse. The worst is to help somebody you love but who doesn't love you back while you know in your heart that it is wrong, but nevertheless do it, because you love being in love...

But the absolutely worst is to love somebody who doesn't love you, and helping her so much on your own expense so that you can't even help yourself anymore and are in trouble now because of her, and she is waiting for a confrontation so that she has an excuse to never speak to you again.
May 2017 · 338
Jawad May 2017

That's how it looks like at the moment in the 'poetrypomus', the part of my brain responsible for poetry...
May 2017 · 573
Jawad May 2017
What if I...
Read a dictionary from cover to cover
Opened up my pillow and counted each feather
Gathered dandelions and became a seller
Quit my studies to become a fortune teller

What if I...
Swept with a toothbrush and whipped the floor with tissues
Walked the streets and asked people about their issues
Went out at night and freed all animals in zoos
Bought some leather and tried to make a pair of shoes

What if I...
Learned how to dive to look for bottles in the sea
Looked up a hive, and tried to take out each bee
Tried to write a novel doing it on my knee
Decided reading all the poems there on HP
Just wondering...;-)
May 2017 · 748
Jawad May 2017
Spring in the north
Fall in the south

Sky and seas, blue
Brown and green, lands

Sand on the shore,
Beneath the seas

Water on top
And under earth

Same heart that loves
Does also hate

Pain during birth
Release by death

Same child that cries
Shouts when grown up

Different skins
In different shades

Yet beneath them
Flesh, just the same

Different tongues
Different words

Yet all languages
Have ‘I love you

Wondrous world
Wonderful life

Yet we don’t much
Notice and care

Thinking about the seemingly little wonders in life...
May 2017 · 2.5k
Jawad May 2017
Photography* is poetry using light.
Poetry is painting with words.
Painting is sculpting on eyes.
Sculpting is music for stones.
Music is writing through feelings.
Writing is pottery with thoughts.
Pottery is photography of clay.
Artists have their own understanding of what they are doing...
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