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1.2k · Dec 2020
Love is Magical
Hammad Dec 2020
We often seek love
with mind and logic
not knowing
that in its world
It lets us walk
on water,
It lets us see
the rainbows
in pitch-black darkness,
It takes us
to the moon and back
It fills the void
In our souls,
It lets us plant
the seeds of hope
In barren lands
Don't you see?
Nothing in this is rational
My Dear!
Everything in Love,
and its world is Magical...
1.1k · Dec 2020
New Year's Eve
Hammad Dec 2020
On the New Year's Eve,
As the clock hits midnight
and marks the new beginning
- The show begins
In a flash,
the night sky
gets lit on fire,
Fiery flowers hissing and fizzing,
their crackle and boom
steal the silence,
and in the midst of this frenzy;
I begin to ponder
that with each passing year,
we are racing towards - our destiny,
so I look back
and question myself
to contemplate
the mistakes I made,
the promises I break,
the unrealistic goals - I set,
and in this moment
I know why many of us
(when entering into the new year)
misses the mark
just like the kids who were
shooting rockets - in the dark...
992 · Mar 2021
The Arrow
Hammad Mar 2021
My Heart
was like a
And You,
(The cupid)
How Cruel of you
when you didn't flinch,
drew the bow
and Shot
Hammad Oct 2020
your success
to the haters
they always stoop so low
so you may rise up
874 · Jan 2021
The Prison
Hammad Jan 2021
It's never about How strong the cage is
Or how high the bars are;
I have seen people
Spending lifetime
In their 'own shell'
798 · Oct 2020
How do I write
Hammad Oct 2020
In the wee hour
when the world sleeps
I get my bag
and start wandering
I chase the trail
that your thoughts
are leaving behind - in the sand
and in no time
i find myself -  in wonder land
There is the hope
There is the love
There is the star of the north
There are the signs all along
In that moment
when the bond is very strong
you glitter
like a jewel in the crown
and when the day breaks at last
I come home
with a bag full of words
to pen them down
779 · Dec 2020
A Magical Whirlpool
Hammad Dec 2020
It's true,
Love has the uncanny ability
to cast spells
so I made sure
that It's not my mind
Playing tricks on me
But still
when I traveled
into those fathomless eyes,
I find myself
In the middle of an ocean
like a helpless boat
Caught in a magical whirlpool
and now I am
Sinking fast...
754 · Nov 2020
Free Fall
Hammad Nov 2020
Life pushed me
to the edge of a cliff
So I chose to jump
(with my own free will)
ain't  afraid
Of hitting
any stone
As i free fall
Into the unknown
747 · Jan 2021
The Chaos In me
Hammad Jan 2021
The noise inside my head
is so loud
that it doesn't let my voice in

and yet,
Something in it changes
all the chaos and swirl
fall into silence
when You Speak...
707 · Mar 2021
The Irony
Hammad Mar 2021
The noises
don't let me sleep
at the day
And The Silence
Keeps me awake
At Night
Hammad Nov 2020
In the constellation of Love
Doubts are like Black holes
They will consume the stars,
The Galaxies
that you had built
675 · Aug 2020
Baby Steps
Hammad Aug 2020
You don't need to run  
You don't need to prove anything
to anyone...
It's not a race
so you don't have to keep up
with the pace...
Take a  step at a time
even if you are in your prime...
just like a toddler
or a mountain climber
Progress is all you need
No matter how small
no matter if you crawl
or even if you fall
as long as you rise
You will always get the prize...
646 · Oct 2020
Love is the pause...
Hammad Oct 2020
Sometimes, Love is the pause
between holding on
and letting go
632 · Sep 2020
Hammad Sep 2020
The moon lost its balance and eclipsed...
and that poor lonely north star
right above it
gone out of sight...
abandoned, scarred  and shattered
which was once so bright...
leaving many
through the dark
wandering in fright...
625 · Nov 2020
Life is not a Dice
Hammad Nov 2020
Life is not a dice
that you can roll
and blame it on fate.
don't you know
the outcome
is not a stroke of luck
or random at all
the moment its thrown
the forces of earth,
air and table
- take the reins,
dance together
and seal your Fate.
625 · Jan 2021
Old Habits Die Hard
Hammad Jan 2021
You were long gone
My Dear!
But for some reason
I kept sending you
The Postcards
and now I know
Why they say
"Old habits die hard"
624 · Jan 2021
Two Rivers Banks
Hammad Jan 2021
Walking side by side
For million miles
amd yet
Like the two river banks
619 · Feb 2021
A Raging river
Hammad Feb 2021
Love is like diving into the raging river,
It keeps throwing you
into the cold and turbulent current
and you find yourself
being ****** into a whirlpool,
swirling down to the river bed

It scours out
the traits and traces of you
It tests your grit
and Everyday you find the courage
to dive again,
tread the waters
and just keep learning
to stay afloat...
575 · Nov 2020
Stop dreaming of me
Hammad Nov 2020
I read somewhere,
If you can't sleep at night
It's because
You are awake
In someone else's dream...
and Now I Know
Why I am
Still wandering
In the hour
When the night breaks away
from the day
and the orange streaks
Paint the sky with color
My Dear!
Can you stop dreaming of me?
570 · Oct 2020
A Contagious Cure!
Hammad Oct 2020
The world has turned
upside down,
distancing - is the new norm,
We are not supposed
to shake hands - anymore
The Paranoia has the world
In its claws,
Survivors are quarantining - at home,
and fear is running
through our veins
but we don't really need
millions of vaccines
that I am Sure
if we could just
have "A Contagious Cure"
that we pass it on
like a Virus...
Hammad Dec 2020
In the darkest hour
All we need to do
is to close our eyes
and let the heart
walk us straight
and we will find the light
at the end of the tunnel...
520 · Oct 2020
Love is like a Sailboat
Hammad Oct 2020
Love is like a sailboat
when the tides are high
and rough,
in the midst of storm
We throw off the bowlines,
surrender the helm
to the winds
and choose to
adrift - into the unknown
515 · Nov 2020
Catch 22
Hammad Nov 2020
For me
It was all black and white
and She,
from the beginning,
has been living
in Grey...
515 · Nov 2020
The Cipher of Love
Hammad Nov 2020
If you can read
I am an open book
-  full of gibberish
but If you have
The Cipher of love
You can decrypt it,
unlock it's secrets
and explore my World
503 · Oct 2020
Walk away from toxic people
Hammad Oct 2020
We all take
slow poison
willingly -  when we allow
toxic people in our life
to exploit
our vulnerabilities,
to prey
on our weaknesses...
to infest
their misery
on our blessings...
My dear
I have seen them casting spells
so evil
that they left nothing
but a dry, barren and empty soul....
502 · Jan 2021
The Truth
Hammad Jan 2021
It sounds like cliche
But you
Make me
Fall for you
498 · Dec 2020
The Three Dots (...)
Hammad Dec 2020
We don't need the perfect words or metphors
If we truly care for someone;
We don't need them
how they feel...
all we need to know
is to see,
if our heart
skips a beat
or two
when they are
- Typing...
483 · Dec 2020
A Quiet Place
Hammad Dec 2020
They say her heart
Is a quiet place where
Nothingness rules,
There exist a vaccume,
Or perhaps  
a mere void...
What they don't know is
that the quiet places
speak louder
if you slow down enough
to listen...
478 · Aug 2020
Hammad Aug 2020
Not long ago,
I started wandering
in my dreams
on some uncharted waters
and it seems  
that those don’t come true
now and forever…
475 · Oct 2020
Drowning in love
Hammad Oct 2020
You said
You were drowning
In my love..
I know - for a fact
that you were just
floating - In the dead sea
452 · Aug 2020
A Perfect Chaos
Hammad Aug 2020
The sun rises and sets
with no delay
and never gets tired,
slows down,
takes a break,
Or stands still...

when the stars, and the moon
or dip on the horizon
so those who are gone
can find their way

The rivers and the oceans
never go dry...
there's a strange force
that drives
the tides and storms
Heaps of wonders and secrets
nestled within
thier depths
for those who seek the pearls...

Dear humans!
Have you pondered yet?
how beautifully
the hummingbirds
can fly forward,
and upside down...

There's a perfect rhythm
in everything -  that exists

so when they say
it all started
with a chaos...
I always wondered
How could
a mere disorder
give birth
to the perfect order that we see?
438 · Oct 2020
Aroma of You
Hammad Oct 2020
You were long gone
before I could knew
and yet
I am still talking
to Aroma of You...
423 · Dec 2020
Hammad Dec 2020
The world
is nothing
a web of deception
Do not get your soul
tangled too well,
In the end
there will be left nothing
but regrets
in the ember and ashes
of time.
415 · Nov 2020
Into the love
Hammad Nov 2020
Once more
Into the love
Into the never ending reign
- I'll ever know
Oh my! Oh my!
I am falling for you
414 · Nov 2020
Fire and ICE
Hammad Nov 2020
Love sometimes is fire,
Sometimes ICE
but it sure burns
every time...
412 · Nov 2020
The Key to Happiness
Hammad Nov 2020
I don't know about you
but I always find it satisfying
to always expect less
and hope for more...
410 · Oct 2020
Love and Betrayal
Hammad Oct 2020
I always wondered
why on earth
the betrayal exist...
the lies - we tell
the promises - we break
the castles we build - in the air
but then i watched
the sun
plunges into the horizon
and then i knew why
without a darkness
the world could never
appreciate the dawn...
if the betrayal
didn't exist at all
- True Love would be
meaningless for all...
403 · Dec 2020
Time Travel
Hammad Dec 2020
So near and yet so far
The Past was here,
a minute ago
but the present has built the wall
and now no matter what you do
It can't be reached here at all
Unless we travel
to a Distant Star...
401 · Nov 2020
A dead leaf
Hammad Nov 2020
I fell from the tree
and now I am
turning to Gold...
"You are changed"
So I am told
389 · Aug 2020
The Falling Star
Hammad Aug 2020
It’s  a night full of stars
shining million miles away...
and yet
the majestic beauty of our very earth
drawing them into the fray...
breaking them apart
and then to the earth
Some of them depart...
As they get closer - they turn
to hot fiery ball
No one could knew
the meaning they hold
a wish .. a warning...a  confession...
Or a war....
But we all love watching
The falling stars..
389 · Jan 2021
The Desire to Love
Hammad Jan 2021
The desire to love
and be loved
is hard wired
in every human being

No matter, how hard you try
You just can't
Pull the plug
Or pretend
You don't care...

Don't you see

The moon can't stop
pulling the tides
even it is
A Dead Sea...
388 · Nov 2020
Hammad Nov 2020
I couldn't see all the colors
But when
She showed me
her world
I could see them All
381 · Nov 2020
Can't find myself in ME
Hammad Nov 2020
You now complain
that I have changed...
don't you remember
What you told me?
that every time
We make love
we exchange - a trait
from each other...
and after all these years
I too
can't find myself
In me...
374 · Oct 2020
No going back in love
Hammad Oct 2020
I have burned
all the boats
to reach to your shore
so my dear!
You can either
take me with you
Or leave me drowned...
370 · Sep 2020
Blame it on the fate
Hammad Sep 2020
We are given
the well of fate
that we could
bury there
our deprivations...
but we humans
tends to hide
our incompetence...
364 · Nov 2020
I borrowed the SUN
Hammad Nov 2020
Her heart was cold
as ICE
so I borrowed the SUN
361 · Jan 2021
The Reasoning
Hammad Jan 2021
You left
Without saying anything,
So I assume
There must be a strong reason
to leave
Or perhaps
I couldn't see
the writing on the wall
There was no reason
to stay at all
345 · Oct 2020
At the Crossroad
Hammad Oct 2020
Watch your step
at the crossroad of desires and greed
It's the place
Where many stumble  
and change their course...
327 · Nov 2020
The Day We Met
Hammad Nov 2020
I never believed
in fairy tales
I met her
The time stopped
the moment she smiled...
and since then
I have been living
In Wonderland...
327 · Dec 2020
A willow tree
Hammad Dec 2020
in the green meadows,
A young twig asked
What happens to those
who do not bend?
They break apart
- A Willow tree replied.
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