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Nov 2015 · 2.4k
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
Inside this Cocoon of night
nu jazz plays competing
with Lana del Rey tracks
amidst the dim shadows
outside, the broken light
of stars & you ask
how foxes became urban
I do not know
maybe their wild soul
recognizes that like them, a city can't be tamed
entirely or maybe they're just lost
I do not know
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Light & Dark ( 10w)
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
Those afraid of someone's Darkness do not deserve their Light
Nov 2015 · 1.8k
Land's End
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
A car is a coffin for popcorn
lost in the back seat

we've driven to Land's End
& are standing at the crossroads

between destinations
I'm twelve or fourteen, I can't remember

on holiday from starched uniforms
blazing red & pins & needles-ridden morning assemblies

I'm not yet a European
not yet a Third Culture Kid

longing for cans of baked beans
whilst sampling new delights

my heart is still intact,
my soul is full of hope & dreams

& my hair is long, the way
mother & society wanted it

the signpost is pointing to America
now my lost hope
Land's End is a place by the Sea in Cornwall, England & often visited as the Western most point of England & has a signpost there that tourists like to photograph themselves with, pointing to places like New York & saying the number of miles between it & England.
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Insomnia (10w)
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
I guess the plan to sleep
never works,
Sugar ****
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
***** faced angels in leather
swinging off neon signs
inside my head
I wanna get on that highway
& drive to
the motel of lost hopes
retrieve my teenage dreams
with a broken bottle
get me to the USA
Californian beaches
Louisiana swamps
Beatnik bums
all the things
that have called to me
in my head
not like other little girls
I never played with dolls
always dreaming of playing with fire
on the long dusty road
spitting out ghost shrapnel of Iron curtain
barbed wire
& I got lost in a Berlin subway once
& dreamed
I was in New York
It's when you lose the possibility of fulfilling your dreams that you cling to them the most.
Nov 2015 · 1.5k
November rain
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
4 a.m rain, don't leave me now
we've got things to talk about
like how my clocks have stopped
& the loneliness of this heartbeat
& if you ever wish you were the sun instead
& if there is an afterlife
once human souls evaporate from the earth
& I know how the grey pavement glistens
under your touch, so let me keep
that beauty for a while longer
take a walk with me
let me dance to your drum's music
this unnaturally mild November
while the neighbors sleep
& the last leaves cling to the trees
dreaming of their bygone Springs
& Innocence
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
Forgotten fire
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
love, dreams, music, revenge, rock, leather, beer
& a certain actor's eyes
is all my head can think of
tired out from rocking out to New York dolls
& watching movies all night
& yes now it's getting light
I guess there's no point
going to bed
when you've long decided
sleep is for the dead
& while you're still here
you may as well
burn that candle
fan girl
put on that lipstick
bright red
& with nowhere to go
polish your bitten nails
as if something
still matters
Nov 2015 · 12.6k
Gatsby & Daisy
Dreams of Sepia Nov 2015
Her nervous laugh
is the ***** of a champagne glass
he does not care she has no brains
he worries about his tie
asks her to confess
she never loved Tom
showing off his wealth
built on the sand grains
of dodgy business & deceit
& brick of bravado
a siren, she has called his heart
to sail to her across the years
all to end in a gunshot
by a pool
Have been watching the various movie versions of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald & hope to re-read the book soon. I think the 1974 movie version with Robert Redford is the best movie version there is. Btw, if you've not read the book/seen the film & don't know what happens, she doesn't shoot him & he does not shoot her, he gets shot by someone because of something she does by accident.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
It's all worth it.
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
If you are in pain,
if you feel sadness,
if you are racked with fear
that they judge you for
if you rage with an angry fire
if you have ever been betrayed
if you shout at the top of your voice
if you're not afraid to love
if you're not afraid to cry in public
if you sometimes want to die
if you are not afraid to question
the oppressor & reach out to the oppressed
& look for some Blessed heavenly light or
the  mysteries of the Universe in all things
if you know you are a candle
that might get snuffed out
but the memory of which will never fade
you are alive
& it's all worth it
Written because often the world & psychiatry tell us these things are not ok. They are. Shine that light & let it blind someone with it's beauty.
Oct 2015 · 797
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
6.30 a.m in the summer was beautiful
the fresh morning splashed over the street
in rainbow puddles
in my head, an imaginary milk man
delivering his milk
from doorstep to doorstep
birds thrilled & in song
a bright yellow car
competing with the peeping sun
someone going for a run
now it's just dark
the sound of cars alone
reminds one it is morning
& I'm only just now going to bed
Oct 2015 · 3.0k
Dear Night
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Dear Night,
please *******
out of my life
back to your bars,
& big neon city lights
don't visit the suburbs
of this small town
where there is
nothing to do
but wait for the dawn
& write
because yeah
I'm even tired of that
old hat trick
& again
there are no stars
in the sky
to comfort my
rickety heart
& no-one on the telephone
& no nightingales
in the garden
I think I am going to have to catch a bus & go into town now or I shall scream because the Suburbs at night drive me insane except say, in the summer...
Oct 2015 · 900
Losing Light
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
The clocks have gone back
& you're losing evening light
the squirrel eats whatever seeds
it can still find
the bold blackbird rustles in the bush
the crimson sunset followed
by the dazed moon,
the feral chill in the air
hits you
straight in your restless heart
as you collect wet leaves
as big as your hand
Yes, the clocks have gone back
to dark old winter time
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Occasionally as when viewed through a veil
life splits, refracting like light
your pupils taut in appraisal of
all the things you can't change
& all the things you can
you pour yourself another whiskey
& somewhere someone switches off the night
a lonesome rook lands on a Church roof
a poem is read out loud to no-one
a child presses a kiss on someone's cheek
you find yourself in these moments
or you think you do
& for the moment,
that's enough
Oct 2015 · 6.2k
Sleepless in the Suburbs
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
5 a.m motorcycle
where you headed to
through the endless darkness
of the empty suburbs
yours is the night to have & to hold
sleepless & free
stirring up the wind
yet lonely
so lonely
I can feel it
whatcha lookin' for,
lil' Brother
not yours the comfort
of  dreams & forgetfulness
(nor mine)
riding through the night
just killing time
in the empty suburbs
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Mint Tea in Kreuzberg
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Mint tea springs oases
on dusty streets where your camera
staples doors, faces, dogs,
windows, water cans together
as I reach for your hand across the table
do you remember how
in a Cellar Theatre
not too far from here
& guarded only by
the fattened moon
we forgot who the audience &
who the actors were
as we strained our eyes
to see the play?
Kreuzberg is a particularly multicultural part of Berlin, known for it's Turkish & Arab population. I lived in Berlin for 10 years & often went there. This is one of a series of poems I entitled ' Berliner Minutiae' & which were originally written in 2010.
Oct 2015 · 2.2k
Autumn revelry
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
****-stained is the color of leaves falling, we say goodbye to ourselves like to lost lovers,  ripping up old love letters, tripping whiskey into the distance,

coarse wood chips of dockside hearts burned on future November bonfires spouting unholy flames, burning ourselves on the stake but once these harbor crane streets were ours & our fervent love in the making, not living on borrowed

breath or dying time, joyriding, unafraid of not wearing masks amidst the garish masquerade & someone who made us laugh & love despite ourselves was all we lived for

- remember?
I do.
.....insomnia makes me write all kinds of things....
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Seeking: sad sofa fingers to caress me in the pine dark night spine of the city
I want you like a loud fishmonger in smoke filled rooms of silence
the train tracks of jealous stars hallucinating the whiskey sky in black & white mercy

P.S : Must love travel & alcoholism & hate punctuation
thanks for reading my Lonely hearts ads so far... I hope you're having a laugh, just as I am... thought I'd do a couple of writers now.. what THEIR lonely hearts ads would look like
btw ' Sad sofa' is stolen from Kerouac.... ;D....' The Lonesome Traveller'...
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Quiet, hallucinating Ombrophile seeks Pluviophobe
to convert to own religion
Must like ******* in the woods at night
& being happy to fight

angrily over nothing & to believe
in little green men
My personal hobbies include punting on the river
& singing ' Greensleeves'
Again, this is NOT a real ad...

' Greensleeves' is a traditional English song which you either love or hate...
'Ombrophile' is a lover of rain.... Pluviophobe is someone who has a fear of rain...

Punting on the river is a particular activity in England.... google it if you don't know what 'punting' means...
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Insomniac, dehydrated  & approaching mid life crisis seeks:
true love, uncomplicated, that likes cats
Hobbies include: sleeping in the ****, fishing for compliments
& making strange condiments

If you are interested please
reply below & leave your number
P.S : Must like quoting Hollywood movies
& walking on the Beach
this isn't a real advertisement.. just wrote this for a joke..... so please don't spam me with telephone numbers..unless you fit the profile of which case I want to hear from you (joke)
Oct 2015 · 7.1k
A Cockney Love Poem
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
My unrequited golden dove,
you are a merchant banker
them bloomin' groovy bars
are sad tonight

but given the chance I wouldda gotten
cash & carried
& spent me porridge knife
loving your mince pies

had I not known
you'd treat me golden dove thus
& yes, been your trouble & strife
with all me Horse & cart.......

I know, not smart
I know, not smart


( In English tis not a very impressive poem... it's just amusing how you can make cockney rhyming slang into a poem, so I've been experimenting.... I really want to send this to the guy I'm unrequitedly in love with actually... & leave him (hopefully)confused & in the dark as to what I wrote....mostly I just really want to call him a ' merchant banker' e.g ' ******' & get away with it!! xD ' ******' is a particularly offensive term to use when referring to a man!)

* My unrequited love
you are a ******
them ****** stars
are sad tonight

but given the chance I would have gotten
& spent my life
loving your eyes

had I not known
you would treat my love thus
& yes, been your wife
with all my heart

I know, not smart
I know, not smart
Cockney Rhyming slang  is a rhyming slang that comes from East London.....I'm just learning it/discovering it for myself for fun.....
Oct 2015 · 2.6k
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
There is no moon tonight
just the cold stars
in the unfeeling sky
yet I cling on to dreams

the gypsy caravan
I stood & gazed at
as a child
in the City museum

is still there
painted, gilded
calling for the carefree road
& in my heart

long before I met you
lived my fascination for your mysterious people
enchanters,  fortune-tellers,
some say, child & horse thieves

portrayed thus
in my Mother's Russia
- the wild people of the endless road
the people & whose fiery songs I wanted to follow-

& now, in a far off world, bewitched
by you,
I find out that your dark eyes
are that of a gypsy - Romany

& it's like fate
like D. H Lawrence
' The ****** & the Gypsy'
so why, Northener, do you not love me

like your people, I am also a wanderer
a creature of the road
a castaway with no home
than the one my heart happened to find

if you or fate somehow cast this love spell
upon me
if this was meant to be, you should love me, Gypsy
only that would make sense

take me away
let us go a-wandering
across the land, moors & hills
beautiful boy, sweet poet

do you know I once tread the winter's
frost all the night's way to town
for you, hoping to seal
my love's fate

the dark sky
above me
doesn't know how to lament
lost love

the summer of it's heart
has passed,
drunk long away
in quiet pubs

there is only this poem
poorly written -
my heart bleeding
on my sleeve
I'm not kidding, I have just found out that the object of my unrequited love has Romany roots & this has sparked another wave of frustration & longing in me.. :(.. I feel like I was fated to fall for this guy in so many ways...
Oct 2015 · 1.3k
Two Poems
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
In the "Warwick Arms".

There's a girl wearing fake fur

of yesteryear's youth, weighing

out sexiness in the number

of beers she can afford.

How much oblivion

an unimaginative mind can take

is equal to the power of

a beached whale

drawing it's last breath.

The Russian wipes his moustache

turns around & smirks

that she's somewhat

under-dressed for the long winter.

Going to Japan.

Pink rain:

I could walk through it,


And the rice-blank  past

would be ample weight in my hand.

Like that of roses, remembered.

In a Murakami bar,

octopi would reach out

& dangle questions.

As a thousand pair of eyes

ask me to give the lesson

no-one ever taught me.

That they alone know.

That only pink rain understands.
' The Warwick Arms' is a pub near me....the poem is a sketch of the time a Russian friend of ours came to stay with us for a few days & how we went there for a drink..

by 'Pink rain' in the second poem I mean Cherry Blossom, for which Japan is famous...& by Murakami  bar I guess I was thinking of Haruki Murakami, one of Japan's most famous novelists...
These are old poems from way back, written about four years ago...I never got to Japan & don't know if I'll ever go there now but who cares, at least I have a poem about it....
Oct 2015 · 3.5k
Ghost Playground
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
when I was eight
I saw it
sat on it's swings
mother in the shops
only when
we tried to find it again
it wasn't there
or maybe
it just got lost
the concrete labyrinth
of the city


walking back
through there
waiting to vanish
along with it
like chalk dust
cappuccino in my hand
years later
I saw the ghost
of myself
so clearly
as if I could
reach out & touch her


better we had stayed ghosts
than ever entered the present
Oct 2015 · 3.5k
October Seaside
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
an anthracite & brown mass undulating seagulls' lost cries
& the summertime fishermen are gone
& you no longer wear that red dress, Carmen
sifting through ***** Sea foam
for periwinkles & pecten raveneli*
no longer barefoot on the Beach
& a child no longer asks for ice cream
the trees,  rabid in their colors,
age creeps in with the increasing litter
& the stars shine coldly now
& the wind is picking up
the drifting remains of love
& packing them away
until Christmas
* periwinkles & pecten raveneli - are different types of Seashell
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
Tis' only poetry
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Tis' only poetry, sweet poetry
that lingers on my mind

that haunts the drunken moon
that lovers whisper in the shadows

Tis' only poetry, sweet poetry
that rescues us from sorrows & ourselves

that the Sea sings in it's lullabies
& that the oppressor fears

Tis' only poetry, sweet poetry
that lingers after death has tolled

it's dark, dark bell
Richer than the gift of any king-

Sweet Poetry!
It's National Poetry day today in the UK so I thought I'd celebrate by writing this poem!
Oct 2015 · 731
If I ever get there
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Yeah, if I ever get there
one day I will be far away
between heaven & hell
in the only land
my ancestors
ever knew
a stranger in my own homeland
struggling to translate
my surroundings
& far away from you
& all this madness
of  those who would
call me mad
back to where
there's no black mark
next to my name
& where no-one yet knows
my pain
can you erase the past
& re-write your future
I'm going to try
& save the best dance for you
the one you won't see
from a distance
but which will be beautiful
& I'll be looking at Moscow
holding it's iron snow
between my palms
& walking the same
streets that made
my skin & bones
one day, if I ever get there
& each night
the wind will sing to me of you, boy
& of the future we never had
& of the green & pleasant hills
I left behind
but I'll be walking those Moscow streets
getting used to new heartbeats
yeah some day,
if I ever get there
one day I'll be far away
& some say love is blind
so I'll be wearing that blindfold
so as not to slip up
I might end up back where I was born soon.. it's been 22 years since I was last there but certain circumstances in my life are sort of putting me into the position of maybe being forced to go back there soon & abandon my current life... & who knows... it might even be for the best...too much **** has happened to me in the last 3 years... & I just want to leave it all behind..& move to somewhere that knows nothing of what happened to me ( yet)
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Are you a Rainbow Child?
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Are you a Rainbow Child?
Bright colors imprinted
from birth upon your eyelids?
Believing we are not to be judged
nor chained by the accident
of where we came out
of our mothers' wombs,
what language our parents spoke
but by the rail tracks
that took us to new worlds
the languages our hearts learnt
believing that the journey, not the origin
nor even the destination
is what matters
do you believe
in the Glory found in
watching the starlight
of some foreign sky
& to proclaim this sky
& starlight as your own
believing in the music
of your Soul
are you a Rainbow Child
or are you a grey day
a turtle
in a shell
clinging to one people
& one place
able only to crawl
& hide inside it
upon contact
with the world
tell me,
I really want to know
I am a self confessed rainbow child, ha ha.
I had an international/multicultural upbringing & am tired of people from monocultural backgrounds/upbringing (including, sadly, my mother & my some of my friends) referring to/judging me & my life as based upon the place I was born, my ethnic origins, my parents' culture..I am none of those things.. my life is bigger & richer than that.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
I seek your legalized ghost -
fold autumn's changing leaves
into my meagre words
& acorns & chestnuts
the way the starlight
dreams of the winter cold
the mill wheel of ***** Mills
the cafes with their chatter
all the things you can no longer see
& the kitchen radio is blasting ' Queen'
your favorite band with their hit
' Will somebody find me somebody to..'
I switch off at the last word
suddenly, just the way you switched off your life
It was recently the 10th anniversary of the day one of my teenage friends  committed suicide aged 21. He was somewhat of a musician & occasionally I still find myself going to his website, listening to his songs & his voice, echoing from the other world to me.
Oct 2015 · 765
To Keats
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Haunted by you, Keats
lost in my Autumn days' revel
I reach for '' dull'' rhymes
to chain my English with their wiles
wondering if you'd bow down
before the poets of performance & free verse
or else lament the passing of the days of old
the Seasons are still changing,
true weather is ever unforetold
few write of Greek myth now
& Chatterton is all but forgot
in this new England
where the spoken word is more favored
than the blessed page
& ever stranger tastes invade
& seize the poet's lyre
I, being but a traveller unto
this land can but aspire
to touch it with my verse
before you, Keats, I bow down
to your ' Eve of St Agnes', sonnets
to your ' Endymion'
I read you & am seized by song
Oh bright star of poets,
listen - may you ever reign!
John Keats was an English poet who wrote in the 1800ds..

Chatterton is Thomas Chatterton, a poet from my fair hometown of Bristol in the South-west of England who lived between 1752-1770.

In this poem I make an allusion to a couple of Keats' most famous sonnets one which starts as ' If by dull rhymes our English must be chained'
to another one which starts as ' Bright star! Would I were steadfast as thou art' & was written for his love, ***** Brawne...

I have a certain respect for performance poets/poetry & free verse, as I occasionally perform my poetry & write free verse myself but at the same time I cannot help but feel that we are slowly at risk of 'losing' something special e.g poetry the way it used to be in the days of old.
Oct 2015 · 1.9k
To October
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
Rugby-bruised September
has bowed out
beckoning in
October with it’s conkers,
changing leaves
& pumpkin harvests
the stars are calling
far off winter light,
the badger
in his den
& Keats, that bright star
I read
& dwell on summer past
composing odes & songs
to summer days
the swallow’s soar
above the Sea
Oct 2015 · 1.4k
Dreams of Sepia Oct 2015
German rye bread & Chinese green tea
each turn of the knife
each touch of the kettle
& you send signs to the neighbors
the heavens above
a tapestry of eyes
salt water & tears
& your knees shaking
in little earthquakes
Fly the flag higher
Britishness is an art
in Earl Grey & crumpets
& mad hatter days
boasting of kisses
in mad houses
kisses you've never had
or else someone you shagged
but once
senseless & beaming
letters to Keats
& always, always
maps of the Empire
some builder nostalgic
for old might & power
& ships on the Thames
like in the old paintings.
Sep 2015 · 3.4k
Cabbage Soup
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Carrot dances in a sweat
an onion laments it's death
potato sings the potato blues
the parsley is dreaming
of some tea for two
the cabbage is tired
of the baggage
it's lovers bring with them
& remembers the knife
cutting through it
the stock cube
listens to the chatter
of the bubbles
rising through the ***
& the salt & pepper
are feeling a bit hot
I have another poem about soup which is probably even more quirky & far better than this - it's called Tomato Soup if you want to look it up.
It's here:
Sep 2015 · 986
Butterfly ( haiku)
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
every single new
summer day a butterfly is
born else dies
Ever think of the truly beautiful people out there. It takes courage to be a butterfly.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Think only of the starlight
& the coming sun
focus on nature's breath
trembling wet on a leaf
the walk through the bluebell woods
the sea glittering
think only of the fact
that some are brave
that their work
sings the songs
of trampled voices
dispelling darkness
& that they will be brave
just as the sun will rise
& fall
& the stars will shine
& the Sea will murmur
for a long while yet to come
For those moments when I doubt I can be as brave as I should & then remind myself of the fact that I know brave people & if they can do it, I can.
Sep 2015 · 617
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Three hours sleep last night
I still can't sleep
though it's long past midnight
two, three a.m has slipped
by & I cannot deny
it's time to feel tired
It's not thinking of you
that's keeping me awake for once
not all my worries
or a film or even this poem
a mystery, my lack of sleep
perhaps it's the lack of rain
or the fact that there's no moonlight
to soothe & lull my eyes
I should never hold
political discussions with anyone
at night,
I know.
Sep 2015 · 4.2k
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
This is a bookmark from your life
a bookmark in mine
a piece of paper
briefly stopping time
bringing our together our stories
or else maybe a thorn
burying itself
within my heart
' Felicity', your name
means joy but can you bring me any
did you even know
he would give it to me
the glitter, single yellow feather
carefree yet placed calculatedly
upon the red background
red as your distant country's flag
I forget how old you must be now
six, I presume
you've not yet started to ask
about his life yet prior to you, your sister
& your mother
& why should you
my moon faced stranger
all fortune cookies & rice,
straddling two worlds
from birth, a similarity
that in any other life
would make me want to call you
' sister' & forgive everything
Your birth, he
did not deserve, not being a loving
man, as you will find out
once you've grown
out of being a toy
& start to rearrange
the furniture of boundaries
if you should ever find out
about us, my mother & me
& what he did
that will be the time to see
if your heart's worth loving
if so, just call me
I'm leaving you my number
in my mind
My English step-father cheated on my mother & ran off with a much younger Chinese woman & they now have two kids, I wrote this thinking of their eldest child, whose childish handmade bookmark ( which my step father gave me when he visited me for the first time after 7 years of me not talking to him) I now keep as a keepsake, wondering about my so-called step sister. I didn't have any siblings as a child & always wanted some so sometimes I think it would be good to forget the past & connect.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Torn newspapers
littering the sunset
idle cranes lining the guilty sky
by the glowing harbor
Open mic night
you walk in
to the room
& no-one notices
except me
& your friend
invisible, until you read
& your voice is like an epiphany
the homeless man outside
is singing a tune
perhaps a little child
somewhere is falling asleep
in her mother's arms
perhaps somewhere
love is being found
but between us
there is only silence
& you do not even know
that it is me
in front of you
& if you did
it would be worse
my ragged heart
for you is something
to be scarred
Sep 2015 · 3.2k
Storm in a Teacup
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
There is a storm in my teacup
the one you've heard referred
to so often before

the neighbors want to know
what all the noise is
coming from behind my door

the lightning is fighting
with the thunder, the waves
of Earl grey crashing

on the  fine china shores
There is a storm in my teacup
I don't know what to do anymore

some say it started
with the white lies my friend told
or with me crying that I'm getting old

the tea rose up in
the sugar screamed as it fell in

this is what I want to tell the nation:
there is a storm in my teacup.
Oh well.

Oh well.
There is a phrase in England ' it's a storm in a teacup' which basically means ' someone's making a lot of noise/fuss over nothing'
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Duke Ellington's not happy
his Satin doll's not shown up
' Hey have you seen my Satin doll?'
' Look Mister, I'm not ' Lost property'
& why don't you go & sleep it off'
' What?'
' You've got Whiskey
written all over your face, Ellington'
' Gee, ok, but could you spare a few
I need money to get home'
' I'll think about it, in the meantime,
sing me a song
Based on a true conversation I had a while ago with a drunk ( probably homeless ) man. I thought it was funny because the idea of Duke Ellington singing  Queen's ' We will rock you' was kinda quirky. (I trust everyone knows who Duke Ellington is & one of his most famous musical compositions ' Satin Doll')
Unter den Linden is a particular stretch of Berlin, the name literally translates as ' Beneath the Linden Trees' due to the Linden trees growing there.
Sep 2015 · 1.9k
Sundays in Berlin
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
some railway station food shops
are open now,
unlike when we first moved here
when everything would shut Saturday afternoon
the flea markets in the Tiergaten & at
the Mauerpark
are over-ridden with people
selling kitsch
it's early autumn and there
are still ferries on the Havel
& Spree rivers
& a juggling act & a couple of musicians
blend in with graffiti
in the evening we'll go to the B-flat
club & listen to Australian jazz
no need to worry
if the transport runs at night
or whether the stars will shine
Sep 2015 · 631
Water Can
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
moonbeam hides
in the corner
counting it's blessings
rooks settle onto old rooves
Sep 2015 · 744
2 a.m ( Senryu sequence)
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
two a.m coffee
burns my mouth, my cat purrs like
a child's wind-up toy
bag with old writing
packed yet I'm not going
anywhere, mother
the nights are no
longer young either
*hush, now, don't speak
Sep 2015 · 6.8k
The Doves of Fishponds
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Doves fly out above Fishponds
trying to bring peace to my heart

Above trying to fly out. Peace:
bring doves to my Fishponds heart

Peace doves fly out above, trying
to bring Fishponds to my heart


My heart above trying
to bring peace to Fishponds. Doves fly out.
A new kind of poetry form I ( think) I've invented when you use the same words over & again to form new lines & meaning.
I've no idea what to call it yet ( & not even sure if it's been done before, if so, please correct me) though so I'll keep you posted on that & suggestions welcome. I think it's sorta close to the Dadaist cut-up technique but nevertheless different to it.
Fishponds is a part of town where I live.
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Red Wine
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
this love is like red wine
spilt before it's drunk
your white balloon hovers
in my head over Bristol
an ashtray full of burnt-out hopes
I've smoked as another day
without you ends
insomnia will give me a heart attack
one day
all my sleepless nights
I dedicate to you
fire & brimstone
be ******
though this will never work
& I'm running out of poems
to write about you
& all this
& each night
is shortening my life
& tired
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
I found you in moon-lit courtyards
amongst whispering statues of angels
& broken queer bottles

punk wind roaring in time's freefall
& Tagesspiegel newspapers
read in grave graveyards

the Plötzensee
now a pleasant place
to walk by

past the carefree
nudist sunbathers
in blissful summer

the Olympiastadion
almost forgetting
who it's maker was

but no not quite
nevertheless, good days
far out-weighing the bad
Plötzensee - a lake in Berlin near one of the former **** prisons of the same name

Olympiastadion - the Berlin Olympic Stadium which was first built on ******'s request for the 1936 games.

Berlin is a controversial place, still  in the process of overcoming it's past but it's a brilliant city.
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Love is this
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
Love is this...
catkin feet rotating the underdressed night under a casino wheel of stars
..........or else a Tempest of Soul loud as a fishmonger
...............99p cola bottles & lonesome underdogs
.............that time you laughed on helium
... '**** me' neon signs in the street
...................sweet onion breath delirium
.................Millais's Ophelia all wasted & peeling from suburban billboards.
......................the time Virginia Woolf drowned & all the birds
forgot how to sing in Greek.
..............are we there yet
..............are we feeling the beat, beat, beat
..............of this raindrop we need postage stamps.
................................why is your neighbor called Pete.
.........why did you kick a dog, Mamma.
............nothing is that which is understood
............why are you staring at this poem.
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
There was a time
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
There was a time we lived in those museums
mother, do you remember?

seeing everything from Art Nouveau
to German Expressionism or Cubism

There was a time
we walked on Adenauerplatz beneath old Linden trees

There was a time our winters
were full of german gingerbread & mulled wine

& our Spring
spent wandering the Schlosspark

There was a time we spent our summers
watching swallows by the sunny Wannsee lakes

& our autumns in spacious cafes
& international bookshops

we talked the other day again
about the Russian one

how ever since we left home
we'd not seen so many Russian books in one place

it seems the vision of  home never leaves you
just waits dormant in your heart

for something to remind you of it
just as now that Lesser Ury print

reminded me of our Berlin
& days of Love Parades & blissful freedom

I will not regret the journey
you made us take

because it meant
we got to live in heaven

there was a time we lived there
there was a time we lived there
I miss living in Berlin.
Sep 2015 · 774
La Música de mi Corazón
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
drum beats percussion & bass
sounding through the hollow tunnel
of my spaced out head


a thin voice like a wretched angel
beating at my heart strings
this is what being on street drugs

must feel like
electronic beeps running like
some train in my head

the endless train tracks
passing through everywhere
past the night's city lights

lonely hearts
in half-empty bars
propped up by the stars

yeah I'm feelin' it
yeah I'm feelin' it

whisper a song of love
I can hear it
reaching for her in the dark

is this how we build Babylon
by the songs we write
& leave behind

yeah I'm feelin' it
Heard some fantastic new music on youtube today. The title  of the poem is in Spanish & means ' The music of my heart'
Sep 2015 · 1.5k
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
you are the planet
man will never set foot on

imagine, no newspapers & no tv
just red dust blowing  in the acid breeze

you will gaze at the sun
& ask it how far away it is

& your moon will whisper
you lullabies

hush listen,
what is that?

the sound of a star

a mysterious heart
ceasing to beat
Sep 2015 · 746
Because it's true
Dreams of Sepia Sep 2015
night rain scratching
at the lonely windowpane

a house spider crawls
to the safety of darkness

cars chase stars
down hollow highways

I now believe you meant it
when we said goodbye

the last blackberries
rotted in the garden

someone said recently
there are other universes

other than ours
I believe them
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