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Aug 2022 · 929
Slow love
AndSoOn Aug 2022
All I wanted was to fast track the pain
When you made me slow down
In a world where everything goes by
At the speed of light

Following your rhythm allowed me to heal
Even tough I missed writing, you taught me
That all takes patience when it needs to surmount
The trials of life

I’ve known passionate love, trahison, heartbreaks
But I never knew I deserved a slow love
A partner caring enough for my wings
So I could fly freely and supported
Jan 2020 · 356
AndSoOn Jan 2020
I've always dreamt of Love. The one Love that makes you flush from the inside. The one real Love that does not hurt you, a Love you trust, you fear and cannot live without.

I've loved one man in my life. I'm a simple girl, I don't ask for much, I''m no drama, I give all my trust when i tell you I love you. And that is all. I'm all in. Simply be simple. Yet, I think I love complicated men. A least, he was. Dark, twisted, selfish, self-centred, passionate, yet he loved me. I never doubted that.

I'm an altruist, full of peace and understanding. I don't hate anybody, I dedicated my life to others. I live to change the world, make it a better place. He lives to make his world at his image. And I love him.
I don't judge. I try to be the best version of myself, the person I wish I'd meet in times of need. I'm a nurse. I studied to help others. I don't believe in the economy or our system. We failed to recognised its errors and bugs. I want fix them, or a least be the start of that change. He wanted me to live for me, but mainly to live for him. I did, for a while. Because I'm trustworthy, and I'd do anything for the ones I love. And he was number one. I think he still is.

I told my bestfriend when she got dumped, that the heart always hurts. And the Love always stays. We learn to live with it. The one Love that hurts you, will help you find the next that won't. Yet, one Love won't take the other's place in your heart. Love marks you.
So I try. To give Love, unconditional Love, to everybody I meet. Because we are missing some. And some may not even be enough.

I also want to be loved. I thought he would be my Love. The one that helps you get up and breath. The Love that gives you wings and helps you fly free. I'm not disappointed that he is not. I'm proud I knew I needed to love myself and put that Love first. I lost myself in him for a while, and while I found myself back again, he lost himself in return. So I left. I broke his heart and mine. I left the man I love, the man I will always love, the love of my life.

I hope he's fine. That he found Love in his life, the one only yourself can give you: self love, self respect, trust. And maybe, in a while, I'll see him trust someone for the first time, and it will be the Love of his life.

In the meantime, I'll try to make a difference, to open the eyes of the unloved. I'll try my best to Love. And I hope, I'll have someone to give me back what I gave to the world.

... So, ... I'm not as altruistic as I thought I was.
Prose poetry
Dec 2019 · 236
fragile void
AndSoOn Dec 2019
breaking us up left a void
so large, so deep, yet so fragile

that an apology from you
would still fill it up
Forever me
Sep 2019 · 230
Yet I Had To
AndSoOn Sep 2019
I promised you I would stay
I promised you I would never leave you ...

And yet I did.

I said I would love you forever
I said I would accept you despite everything

And I do.

You showed me love like no one before
You showed me control like no one before

And so I left.

I was not enough, I would never be enough
But I love you enough ... And it was not enough.

And yet I don't love you any less ...
Forever yours
Jul 2019 · 271
Kiss Them All Away
AndSoOn Jul 2019
I wish I could give you
Peace. Fresh air. A break.
Because you get through everything
When I would have given up

I wish I could show you more
That I love you, that I am loyal to you
Instead of just saying it
Because you deserve more

I wish you would be there tonight
That I could fall asleep in your arms
And kiss all the bad thoughts away
Without the fear of loosing you
Jan 2019 · 351
Let's dance
AndSoOn Jan 2019
I used to dance alone,
Along so many people, lost in the crowd,

I used to look for myself, trying to
Create my life's guidelines

They say it comes when you are least excepting it
Ask no question then, and let's dance together

So we began to dance, completely intertwined
Afraid of the upcoming day and reality

I was not expecting you

We have not met so I could write better, or cry less,
We met so you could see yourself like I admire you
Dec 2018 · 565
AndSoOn Dec 2018
She said: you're the light within yourself
Keep the fire burning
You are going to sparkle through your life
And I'll be there to watch
Your one true love is the one person you won't live without because you became family the minute you met.
Dec 2018 · 1.8k
falling, failing ...
AndSoOn Dec 2018
a night, one warm summer evening
strong lyrics, songs we listen to,
thinking about each other, not wanting to admit it

one touch, one kiss
a lots of alcohol, no judgment, candid talks
not wanting to change, afraid to loose it all

hard, dark, twisted life
pain and sorrow, kind smiles and honesty
fear, terror, panic attacks

us, in a little box, far away for life
warm and cozy, alone, safe
on one's own and cold, sad then tired
Nov 2018 · 218
Read me, please
AndSoOn Nov 2018
I hope you read me someday, if ever you do
Because I made a lot of mistakes

Like an infant learning to walk
I tripped and scratched my knees multiple times

And at least you'd understand that I am clueless

The world has been a scary place
And I hoped to protect you from its demons

I failed, ... and I am sorry
And proud

We survived
I may not be the only one to blame, but I'll carry it anyway.
Nov 2018 · 226
Comforting cold
AndSoOn Nov 2018
Cold adds a comforting note to tonight
It wraps around my body, taking it all in
In my basement bedroom, where I've just lost a fight
Far away from home, when I just realised where it's been

I promised, to her, to him, I would be alright
I thought I left in time, strong enough to take care of my life
Yet, I still watch the raindrops dance with the wind and city lights
And music can't cover those noises; my heart being stabbed by a knife

You used strong words that woke my poetry up, I should thank you
I packed my life and left home, twice, this past summer...
All of it for you to keep me thinking about coming back and queue
And you've known all along: for you, I'd be stupid enough to fight the other
Sep 2017 · 763
To Please
AndSoOn Sep 2017
I have looked, over and over,
I've screened my body
I don't like what I see.

I stopped eating and blamed myself,
It changed bit by bit
And I still do not like it...

I have been told I'm too much,
I'm too dark, too broken
I want to change my image.

I stopped talking and blamed myself
People do like me more this way
But I started writing again...

Then I understood :
I don't have to please others
When I'm the one living with myself.
Sep 2017 · 495
Not a Bad Word
AndSoOn Sep 2017
Life expect you to fit in
But you feel like afterthought
As you were not meant to win
Summer led you to a naught

Then, we welcomed the cold back
And they all left like the birds
Even though it is all black
Alone isn't a bad word

The light will come back in waves
'Til you grab it for your sake
I promise you ; join the braves
And you alone will not ache
Jun 2017 · 499
I Hope
AndSoOn Jun 2017
I hope you're okay
That someone holds your hand
Just to remind you
You are worth it

I hope you're loved
That someone calls you up
Just to say "good morning"
You deserved it

I hope you're joyful
That someone hugs you every night
Just to make you feel
You are whole again

I'm sorry it isn't me
But I'd be useless
To help you get up when
I'm the one who brings you down
Oct 2016 · 440
AndSoOn Oct 2016
L’amour est le bras qui soutient celui qui trébuche, mais aussi la main qui s’ouvre pour laisser prendre son envol à celui qui a soif de liberté.*

[ Elaine Hussey ]
My mother wrote it on my birthday card. I love her.
Sep 2016 · 1.7k
So beautiful
AndSoOn Sep 2016
"There is nothing more beautiful than
A pink, orange, blue, yellow, purple sky of autumn."

There is so many things more beautiful than you.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Hopeless Dreams
AndSoOn Aug 2016
Let's say the world is magnificent
Elaborated, impressive, simply beautiful.
A world we dare to dream about
In which we dare to live.

So let's say it exists,
And that I live as you and me,
That the love we share in the future
We dare to share it in this world.

Let's say I'm not alone tonight,
And that I dedicate my life to them.
In this world I dared to have children
I dared to marry you.
The thing I want cannot be wanted in this world
Because it is way to messed up for me to dare to dream, at all.
AndSoOn Jun 2016
Tonight I miss home
I miss my friends
I miss myself
I miss being not alone

At my window, looking outside
I wish I could jump
Fly above the lake, mountains and seas
Join the big Apple...

Because I hate when it ends
But I just wish it to end
So I can move on
Across seas and oceans
May 2016 · 558
AndSoOn May 2016
How well can you fake a smile ?
Could you beat me at this game ?
Cause I've had years of training,
But I'd gladly pass my crown.

Tired of being tired
And so angry at myself
My heart needs a break, or else
I might let myself drown again

I don't bother anymore
I just fake my happiness
Loneliness replaced my friends
And I don't care anymore...
May 2016 · 454
AndSoOn May 2016
I heard my mother cry today
Any sounds can't be worse then this.
Again, it pushed me down all the way
So tears flowed down my cheeks

She is my hero, strong and loving
And today they brought her down
So I'm here, writing, and crying...
Because I'm far away from hometown.
Apr 2016 · 909
Let It All Go
AndSoOn Apr 2016
You can just let go
You can let it all go
No one is gonna be mad
We will just be sad

Missing you is gonna be hard
But you're gonna run in heaven's yard
Letting you go is even more
Nobody will resent you, we swore

You are finally hiding your eyes
Even so little, you are so wise
You closed them, and smiled
And we love you, little child
Apr 2016 · 624
AndSoOn Apr 2016
If I'd a little girl
I would call her Rose
Because it's light
And the world is missing some

I'd tell her to love
And simply be simple
And humble
Because the world needs some

If I had a little girl
I would call her Rose
Tell her to simply be herself
So the world can understand

I'd call her Rose
To flower the beds of our dead,
To bring a simple, kind little thing
In a world missing so much love
The world would be a much nicer place with less stupid rich egoistic people and more simple kind caring loving ones
Mar 2016 · 950
Des Jours Comme Ça
AndSoOn Mar 2016
Y a des jours où ça n'va pas
Aujourd'hui est un jour comme ça.
On a beau se dire: "Souris".
Il y a des jours qui sont ainsi.

Oui mais non, moi ça ne va pas.
Des jours avec, et des jours comme ça.
Aujourd'hui, je pleure et je ris
Le plus souvent seule dans mon lit.

Y a des jours qui sont comme ça.
Des jours où rien ne va.
Et pour moi c'est aujourd'hui
Et ce sera demain aussi...
it's like a song when the only thing I can do is cry
Mar 2016 · 2.8k
Overdue Fatigue
AndSoOn Mar 2016
As I open my eyes,
My body starts aching.
The fatigue is my prize
For this overdue awaking.

I've overused my body
I gave too much away
To help others be
When I couldn't find a way.

So I lay here still
Because everything hurts
And I have to pay the bill
Now that what's left of me is inert
AndSoOn Feb 2016
You loved me so much
You refused to believe who I really am
And you belittled the true me
To make me at your false image of myself

I loved you so much
I started to believe that art, poetry and me
We were becoming really futile
And I lost myself in the process of pleasing you

You didn't understand
And you did not really try
I was not angry then
But I'm just angry now.

Because when I ended it
You lost yourself in the process of leaving me
And you're trying to get to me,
To the idea of me, yourself thought I was

So understand someting:
I am a true independent self
I am a tortured artist, writer and poet
And I ******* love who I became !
We broke up
He keep thinking I'm lost without him. I keep getting angry at him.
Feb 2016 · 765
Trapped In Lost Thoughts
AndSoOn Feb 2016
I feel trapped
In a mind unable to decide
In a body not capable of saying no
In a torrent of unreachable thoughts

I am trapped
In a unwanted life and situation
In a perfect relationship
With a man I admire

It's a trap
Because it went too fast
Because I feel it wasn't a choice
Because I don't know !

And I feel lost
In a world too big and too small
In a place where I meet him everyday
In a room that is supposed to be home
Feb 2016 · 524
I'm Not Perfect
AndSoOn Feb 2016
You're perfect
And I'm not
I don't know why
Or how
But I can live
Without you

I love you
And it is not
But I tried
I tried so bad

And I still can
live without
Feb 2016 · 499
Did he suffers ?
AndSoOn Feb 2016
Our actual presence here is mystery
And do we really want to know
Why we live, why we die ?
Is it really worth it ?

I'm confronted to death all the time
My work englobes taking care of pain
But I can't manage mine
And now, I'm the family of the dead.

What do say to someone who's now alone ?
Where do we go after we're dead ?
"Did he suffer, when he died ?" How do I know ?
And why do we really want to know ? What if it's yes ?

What is life ? What's the purpose of living?
Don't you wanna try, living a dead's life ?
What does he see now, where did he go ?
I just wish him to be in peace.
He died. That leaves me with a lots of questions. Sorry, the structure is messy, just as my mind right now.
Jan 2016 · 620
Crying like Me
AndSoOn Jan 2016
It's been a week,
and I'm still crying
For no good reason,
just because I'm me.

That's new to you,
and you're lost in my feeling
The one that pushes,
me into my depression.

Be sure I see,
all the efforts you're doing.
Be sure I know,
it's hard to when you don't understand

And when you held me
in your arms tonight,
A bit of the pain
went away.

And when you held me
I finally understood
what didn't make cry
Dec 2015 · 596
AndSoOn Dec 2015
Along the shores of your mind,
You were passing by, watching the stars.
In the sky, the storm made you blind,
And your emotions became your prison bars.

The waves of feeling are still flushing away hope,
And all you are seeing is blue.
The memories are gone, so you scope
For a nicer view.

Seeing a bright light, across border,
You run for it and the dark fades away.
The sun on your skin, feeling no disorder,
You try again to swim in the unknown bay.

The weather is calm again
And you finally foresee something.
And the water is so clear after this hurricane,
That you can feel and see what is coming.
Nov 2015 · 641
Guardian Of Your Walls
AndSoOn Nov 2015
And he would say:**
"I'll be here everyday,
Be certain I'll be
The walls of your heart,
Its lock and its key.
I promise I'll be
Guardian of your soul,
Like queen to her bee.
I would close your eyes
Keeping your beauty
From any other guys.
And there'll never be
Another depression
If by your side, it's me.
So I'll always be
The one standing proud
Next to you, baby."
Nov 2015 · 3.7k
Feeble Anchor
AndSoOn Nov 2015
In hard times, I used to forget myself ;
Caring became my escape from reality.
They weren't here for me, so I became their remedy,
The anchor, the one thing I wanted for oneself.

Now that hard times are finally behind me,
They don't need the anchor anymore.
Too content, I'm not what they look for
Maybe because I'm not available like I used to be...

And I still wet my eyes for manipulative people
Because I grieve my so-called friends and the old me.
I accept, again, that I've been used by somebody.
My heart aches, again, ashamed of having been feeble.
Nov 2015 · 1.0k
Everything, Anything ...
AndSoOn Nov 2015
I have everything I've always wanted
But the feeling doesn't go away.
My eyes, my heart, my head are exhausted
I'm not used to feeling okay.

And those moments, when I feel like crying,
When I close my eyes and feel alone,
They haunt me down, and I'm shivering,
Scared that those problems will always be my own.

Life has never been perfect to me
And I don't believe in miracle.
How crazy would it be to be free
Of feeling afraid, lost, horrible ... ?
Nov 2015 · 444
AndSoOn Nov 2015
I'm in love with a man
One who doesn't speak too fast
One who thinks I'm precious
One who knows how to wait

I'm in love with a man
And I'm feeling free to be me
And I'm feeling loved for being me
And he makes me feel like I'm enough

I'm in love with a man
He knows I can't talk about It
He knows It will upset him
He knows I'm so fragile, I might break
Oct 2015 · 466
AndSoOn Oct 2015
I've got this ball inside my stomach
I've got my breathing rhythm so high
I've got giddiness, like I'm going to die
I've got the heart, like it's having an attack.

I'm trying so hard, and I speak too fast...
So, I'm creating trouble, and I'd like to be careful
I'm not mean, always trying to be respectful.
But who am I, trying to change the past ?

Even when I know I'm not alone,
I can't stop thinking I'll be left
And I'll be lying down, bereft.
I'm broken as ****, it will be known
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
AndSoOn Sep 2015
They are not that many
And it's already too much for me
Their name is heard so often
Supposedly for our heart to get soften

As they took my heart as a hostage,
I am loosing sleep and courage.
They frighten me, daily, nightly,
What is the ransom going to be ?

I either will be scared to life
And hide myself behind bars
Or I'll open up… Even though
I'll get hut, for what I know…
Sep 2015 · 603
Those Forgotten Dreams
AndSoOn Sep 2015
We all have dreams
Some we remember, some we forget,
Some we hold on to.

I have sensitive dreams too,
Just enough of them to make me one of us.
I dream about love, cuddles, kisses.

We all have the right to hope,
Hope that those dreams make sense,
And still hoping when they come to reality

Because we never see them come true
Loving having dreams, we often lose focus.
And the dreams we dream about, fade away.

They slip away, in front of us
Because we aren't paying attention
To those dreams which came true

We all have too many dreams,
Some are too small, some are forgotten,
Some are reality now, most are too big.
Aug 2015 · 458
All In
AndSoOn Aug 2015
In the shades of my life,
You've been the light I've been waiting for.
Your hand on my thigh,
Your head against mine,
Us cuddling through the dark night,
This late, one morning, on a journey.

I'm so afraid, to be broken again.
But I tell myself your touch is worth
Worth a billion fears and a billion years...
Your eyes into mines,
Your smile when you try to titillate me
Your jokes, as funny as they are.

It reflects you. And I'm all in.

And it's not much,
It is just me: a broken girl who fixed herself.
It isn't much at all,
And you probably deserve more.
But my mind isn't right since I met you
And I keep thinking of you.
AndSoOn Aug 2015
I am tired, physically
Feeling my mental exhaustion.
The rhythm of my life takes me
Where I would rather not go:
Places embraced by a fog of fatigue,
While I experience moments of weirdness.

It taught so much, about myself, about us.
It took so much, of my time, energy, and personnality.
Is it enough, and does it worth it ?
Because giving myself to others is scary....
Am I able to retrieve what I gave
When I am free of responsibilities ?

I am not certain, because I feel loneliness.
I feel that there isn't that many people like us.
I feel we are left to ourselves, and being not able
To ask for help, when it comes to recomposing.
Recomposing ourself. Resourcing our batteries, so,
When our weekends end, we could go back to helping others.
Aug 2015 · 500
Already Today
AndSoOn Aug 2015
It is already today
A today nobody wishes is that day.
It is already boring, long, painful,
A today we endure as fools.

We all behave like lemmings
And you follow like sheep, without even thinking.
Where is your critical mind?
Or am I the only one caring about our ****** up kind?

Today is that day, cry on it.
And we are ****** at ****
**** we created, made, encouraged without thinking
While we kept being fools with no reasoning

From that day, there isn't a plus
Children are more likely to die before us
Sky is blue now, but what about tomorrow ?
What about when today is tomorrow…
AndSoOn Aug 2015
Tomorrow, I will finally start living
Truly, fiercely, without any dark thoughts.

Tomorrow, I may finally live my life of no importance,
Enjoy the wind, breezing through my golden hair,
Love the different colors the sky can show me,
Embrace the love from kind strangers I will meet,
Adore all those stunning sounds Nature can play
And I may be liking myself, carrying out my promises.

Tomorrow, I promise to finally start living
Truly, fiercely, without any dark thoughts.

But let this be tomorrow, let me doubt tonight again.
Used to those dark thoughts, I could feel myself vanish,
In this happiness I dream about, and fear at the same time.
Let it happen tomorrow, let me wake up with a smile,
One that will surprise me, astonish me by its strangeness.
Let the unknown pleasure of being pleased and alive come, tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I promise I will live, truly, fiercely,
And leave those dark thoughts at your door.
Jul 2015 · 580
Where Do I Go From Now?
AndSoOn Jul 2015
I know,
I have friends.
I feel alone.
I know,
I kind of have a family.
They keep running away.
I know,
I am loved.
It keeps getting less and less.
I know,
There may be light left.
I leave in the shadow of my life.
I know,
I can still find positive aspects in life.
It keeps being harder and harder.

Where do I go from now ?
I know,
I keep going backwards.
I hope the wind will turn,

And I may be truly smiling again,
In a few days, weeks, months or years.
Jul 2015 · 438
He and She aren't a They
AndSoOn Jul 2015
She is alone in a life that was chosen for her
She tries to accept the consequences of her existence
He was alone before his eyes met hers
He tried hard to keep a correct distance

But what if, in another reality, they were meant to be
But what if, in their dreams, they dedicate their lives to them
But if only their together was not only a dream but a reality
But if only, in this ultimate reality, they could speak as a they

Life is unfair, most of the time, for infinite reasons
Alone is her only solution, even if he exists
He knows it, too well sometimes, for the same reasons
And alone she will be, even if she knows he is missed
May 2015 · 412
Let Them Fly
AndSoOn May 2015
Your mind is full of words,
Your stomach of butterflies
Let them out, let them fly,
Let's open your mind to the outside

Try hard to be fine on your own
Your sadness will melt away, I promise,
When you understand you're not alone:
You've got your own back, my love

Let's open your heart, darling,
And let the world play with it
It will be broken, but also loved,
By those sweet butterflies and smart words.

Life has a purpose, don't doubt it
You'll learn enough and do your duty
You'll love, hate, cry and even scream
And you'll live, once those butterflies are free.
May 2015 · 961
An Unrealistically Optimist
AndSoOn May 2015
As pure as water can be, in an affluent and wealthy country,
My soul has a Cornelian dilemma when it comes to purity.

How can we be good people when we live so easily?
Innocents are dying of thirst and I take a bath every other day.

Does it really count if one buys organic and fair-trade items,
When it is that easy, that accessible, and they are still hungry over there?

But what else are we allowed to do, that is not too compelling?
What can our money do, when all it does now constrain others?

I try every day to be as good, as pure, as I am able to
Though I still feel futile, small... and unrealistically optimistic.
I wish everyone has the same chances, the same possibilities, when it comes to one's life. Our world is still so unfair, but, I still believe in us. One day, we'll all be equals despite our skin color, our sexuality, our gender... even our species.
Apr 2015 · 506
Bedtime Story
AndSoOn Apr 2015
Like a little girl, locked in her ivory tower,
I am lost in my thoughts, all alone.
The expiry date is exceeded and I'm no longer that baby girl.
As the adult woman I am supposed to be,
I am lost in time, hoping someone will rescue me.
Someday, I'll no longer be a nice and young woman.
Someday, it will only be my wrecked soul and tired body.

Still, inside, the little girl is waiting.
She does not care about that expiration date; she believes.
She believes she has a lot to offer to that cruel world outside.
Each night, she grabs her Teddy and cuddles it.
She looks at her window, at the stars, and believes.
One day, somebody will come and take Teddy's place.
Someday, some prince will come and tuck her into sleep.

On another side of my mind, the woman wants to be wise.
She needs to stop dreaming about a prince and get up.
Music in her ears, she listens to true lyrics and sits back.
Why did she never had that same chances of true love?
Why is everybody so in love, or even broken up?
So, the woman opens her eyes and plans things she'll never do.
She plans how to get on her feet again, how to be a grown up,
How to live, learn to have fun… and meet her prince.

*And I believe.
Also, I dream.
But most certainly, I hope.
And that makes me weak enough to go to sleep.
Apr 2015 · 642
A Mother To Those She Loves
AndSoOn Apr 2015
In her mind, she is an innocent girl.
Still, on the outside, you see a woman.
She may look advised, strong, even human,
But she is some fragile and untouched pearl.

Her mind, hidden by her soft looks and eyes,
Has been darkened by her thoughts, by her life.
Others ask for advices on their strife
Knowing she is as altruistic as wise.

She considers herself unimportant,
Others being more deserving than her.
Overtime, one can see she's a mother;
Always there, it became your true constant.
Apr 2015 · 665
AndSoOn Apr 2015
Where I am supposed to be safe and sound,
It is where I am everything but fine.

I have a homeless heart, filled with mixed feelings,
And a house full of ungrateful human beings.
They make my house seem dark and twisted
And every time I am home, I feel homeless and tired.
I hope to feel fresh, and loved, and surrounded.
But my heart needs to flee again, to be well.

So I wake up late, and go to sleep early, to flee the darkness
Of my house, my supposed-to-be home, my nightmare.
So I leave early, and come home late, to leave the darkness
Behind me, buried in the warmth of my bed that is no longer safe.
So I love, as much as I may, the moments I share with friends.
So I count my breaths not to panic again, and I hide, hide, hide,
Deep in my mind, the scares, the scars and the dark thoughts
That haunt my soul every single time I spend in my house.

But I can still protect my secrets and myself from the world
In the cocoon, this safe I built ; in my bedroom, my sanctuary.
Still I need to move it far away from here, where I'll be able to be.
Where I'll be safe and sound, and everything but sad.
Then I'll fly like bees, free, and protected by myself.
I'll fly far away where buildings scratch the sky,
Where months ago, I found my home and heart.
AndSoOn Apr 2015
I like those days, when I'm eager to see
The world changing and I following it.
The light is pale, vulnerable and free
And I'm adjusting, trying hard to fit.

I have been through long crisis, and messes.
Even then, the hardest ones were the best
Since I woke up stronger, with no regrets,
Full of weak hopes, and a soul free of cleft.

I like those days, when I'm seeing myself
Healing, recovering from unfairness.
I'm fighting to fit in, against myself,
Prejudices, judgments or sternness.

I will fight until I will fall again.
Because I know for sure life is unfair:
I've been a witness, and I will feel pain
And hope for best in the deepest despair.
Mar 2015 · 2.7k
AndSoOn Mar 2015
Who said being wrecked doesn't allow one to smile ?
Who said **** like that !?*

Softness is not a weakness ; it is a strength.
Maybe one doesn't notice anymore but this world
is cruel. Softness allows people not to notice that cruelty.
A smile in the early mornings, a gentle touch when you feel down,
A hand after a fall, a hug when loneliness is one's only friend,
Love whenever one needs it. Softness. Courage. Caring.

Softness when one doesn't wait for a payback. When it is from
Pure altruism. Altruism, a rare quality that can quickly be a weakness.
Simply because that strength one must tame, is tiering. The courage to
give everything and not wait for anything back… Softness.
Sadly, to integrate that softness into one's life, it means that,
That one has been wrecked before, that one knows the cruelty of our world to be able to be caring, loving, supportive.

And then comes softness. When one can smile and still be wrecked. When one makes you the priority before oneself. When one can give you a hand after a fall. When one hugs you so tight all the broken pieces come back together. When one loves you no matter what. One's soft.
Softness. Is. Not. A. Weakness. It is pure altruism and pure caring.
It takes courage and bravery. It is a strength hard to handle. And it is rare.
Someone told be that I was weak because I cared too much, because I was too soft. That person told me that the world was going to eat me up. I don't care. My life doesn't matter anymore. The people I love matter and I'll be soft and caring and loving and maybe weak if that can keep them safe. I still don't think I'm weak: I'm just strong enough to notice cruelty and care about it.
Nov 2014 · 529
Real or not, I'll smile.
AndSoOn Nov 2014
You may be real,
You may be not,
I may be a fool,
I may be a dreamer …

If you're real, I beg you ;
I'm just a girl who's trying to be with you !
If you're not, I'll smile.
I just had the most beautiful dream of my life.

If you're real, I'll tell you,
How bad I am, how lost I am,
How lonely I am.

And I'll try to be honest,
I'll try to be true.
Because, … what do I have left to loose
When I've already lost everything.

I'll smile,  I'll smile at you
Even if you're real, or just a dream.
I'll smile because
*It may be the thing I have left.
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