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Yanamari Sep 2018
How high can I fly
Before I fall?

A question, from my lips
You'll never recall.
For in whatever you may call
My life
I had always been drowning
Every smile
Laced with misery
Every connection
Developed from my energy
Every word
Every word
Full of honesty

You know
The reason why
You see me there
And yet
I am always not there
Is because
With every interaction
That I make
There is nothing that is shared
Only held
And then abandoned.

How high can I fly
Before I fall?

The question is easily answered.
I am already drowning
Drowning in everywhere I am
And everywhere I am not.
The real question is,
How long
And when,
Til I land?
Yanamari Aug 2018
On the thoughts occupying my mind,
On the preoccupations playing in front of my eyes,

Floating in my drunkenness...
My only wish
Does not exist.
Floating in the drunkenness of my pain has
Taken my awareness away.
Yanamari Nov 2016
Twisting, seething...
Longing, wreathing...

Shining, gleaming...
Welcoming, warming...
Moving forward...

Light and darkness.

A figure stands,
Only half to be seen,
Only half in the _
The half visible shrouded in light,
Holding on to outstretched hands
They pull
But the figure is stuck half in the
_ ...

The figure walks on,
Disappearing momentarily,
Alone momentarily,
In warmth momentarily.

Each step the figure takes is steady,
Rolling soundlessly,
Echoing emptily.

Each blink swiping in synchrony,
Eyes dead set,
Pupils unfocused vacantly.

Body slouched,
Ears perked,
Brain speeding
Heart lurching
Body moving straightforward
Soul wandering
Yanamari Nov 2020
And just like the escalation of pleasure
The release of pain works based on a dual model
As I enter my only semblance of safety
The model comes into effect
I come to learn more about myself
About the way I thought I felt so much cold already
When really subconsciously there was so much more
Almost as if the insults I'd received as a teenager about being too sensitive were close to baseless
That is, compared to the emotions that swam inside me, away from the hawk-like eyes of humanity
Even if the more I learn about everything makes me more tangible
Everything becomes more intangible
And I struggle to hold on
Because even my insides seem to want to claw out
Even in the one place that has little safety
And I would open my mouth to call for more safety
But when I try to I lose my sense of safety
When I try to, anything that comes out of my mouth is displaced from me
As if my body knows that its no longer safe existing in the body that is calling for help
And I'm stuck clawing back for my body but even when my mouth shuts
My body feels hazy
My mind buzzing
And my breathing unfamiliar
My stomach unsettled
Even if I hug my pillow when I feel at a low
Its not enough
My organs clench uncomfortably
And I want to feel comfort so badly
But my subconscious is like swimming to the bottom of an ocean without oxygen
And I'm left on my own like I have all the other times that have passed, the only thing I gain is experience
And I try to gain more awareness of my surroundings but its all so cold
That I can only be numb even to my own self
I can only hear the roar of brown noise even if my heart is beating so strongly inside me

The more I pass through life, the more I learn about duality
Like developing realisations that I can reach for so much, and yet understanding more and more that I might not be able reach much at all
At some point I realised that when I was placed in situations where I felt confronted, my hands shook even if I felt nothing. Holding my hands closer to my eyes, I didn't really feel anything. Even thinking 'maybe I am actually feeling afraid right now or maybe I'm feeling hurt' or whatever, what I felt while having those thoughts was nothing, even when the tears came to my eyes and I had to hold them back, I felt nothing. And it was conflicting, still is when I realise that I'm more shaken then I realise, more hurt than I realise. Especially when you learn that your upbringing has a lot to do with whether you're more conscious of certain emotions or how those emotions play out inside of you...
Yanamari May 2018
An overwhelming feeling

Seeping into my veins

Corrupting my brain

Muddling my sight

Corroding my soul

Until I am overtaken

By my loss of will
Loss of might
Am I?
Sans all
Yanamari Mar 2019
I don't want anything to do with this world.
Not now, not ever.

I yearn for eternal slumber;
Too wise for an induced end.

An end just beyond my clutches,
Not long left.

Air ever so heavy,
No light in sight. I've
Given up on reaching out and
Entering the

What use is it to
Hold on
Only to fall deeper?

Eve strikes as I
Lean my head against the wall
Undermined by the tar, gently bubbling,
Doubling in my heart.
Eating at my consciousness,
Slowly encompassing my eyes.
When will it strike this year... If it chooses to strike at all...
Yanamari Dec 2019
Like always, droplets slid down her skin
Stilling my mind and replacing any thoughts
With a rush of yearning
And as she slid in
Tears immediately sprang forth
For her warmth was oh so welcome
As I lay in a room almost lightless and foreign

Her fingers curved around
The angles of my face
As she lay in the warm covers
Of my bed with me.
Our foreheads joining
And our eyelids slowly closing,
The haunting light of the
Unknown shining through
Curtained windows
Were forgotten.
24-25th Dec 2019
Yanamari Apr 2019
I don't want in on this world.
You're already in it so there's no point thinking that way
I know
What is it that has you thinking this way?
The struggles of the world.
People needing to claim victory over others
The exponent of power dominance.
You live in this world
And that's why I want out.
... Love... Even that's a part of it huh

So, what...?
No choice but to continue moving, as you said.
Still working on that.
My position in the world?
You still need to take care of your part in this world
I know, though I don't fully understand how.
I know you got this, but take care
Yanamari Jul 2017
Feelings override all.
Happiness, sadness
And emptiness alike.
Feelings conquer all.

The path of life
Assigned the name time
Is a path constructed based on emotions.
All weave to determine one's path's shape.
Anger and hunger
Sorrow and regret
Love and satisfaction
The cold and darkness
Slowly thinning
One's path
Thread by thread.

Feelings... are all encompassing.
To manipulate feelings is to be manipulated,
And to succeed is to walk filled with it.
Feel free to disagree ✌️
Yanamari Jun 2018
The conflict of new paths,
And perspectives...
Is that they all lead to the foreign
Whether good or bad.
And more often than not,
Predicting the outcomes is impossible.

What if I'm striving in vain?
If I'm afraid of death and endings,
Then why can't I be afraid of pain?

Sans endless
When the ending is decided...
Brief thoughts
Yanamari Dec 2018
And so you deny our pain.
Our struggle
In vain?
Yes, thank you for your input;
Just another voice
In the body of the miser,
In the sea of misery...

And in your voice as you speak,
Is the lack of resonance and luster;
Of a voice that utters merely
What it seeks.
Lay down those baseless words
And let them rebound off of the
Words that resound
And leave you ashamed and meek.

Unfeeling you are in your entity
Unseeing you are in your memory
And if I was to be asked of you,
I'd return the favour;
Sans memory of your entity.

You never see us drowning,
So why should you see us succeeding.
Could've been more poetic but eh
Yanamari Apr 2021
Maybe it's easy to pity myself
In the absence of pity,
In the wake of disregard and judgement,
In the choice of abandoning my surroundings.
If love is a window,
I've been told it's broken,
Not there,
A fairytale rotted within
The clutches of time,
Unachievable by the likes of I...
My home is a frozen ice palace
My touch is destruction
My heart is darkness
My past is molten tar
Myself distancing
From everything

The world is beautiful
But filled with shadows.
Yanamari Aug 2019
And there's a
A smile
After you
Always evaporating, cheeks


A yell,

No turn
Words churned
In the instability
I am floating in
Unable to earn
The desires that I
Locked in my frozen

Floating in
Uncontrollable colour changing tar
The one thing I expected
To remain constant
Was the lack of equilibrium
And I .... Why is it you're looking...
Looking at me?
Pers Ref: WA 2Aug (Butter). Is it really the beginning of equilibration?
Yanamari Jun 29
Going through the motions
Holding your peace at hand
Until I passed down by you
And you chose to take a stand
Enraged at my choices
Your words came tumbling like sand
Chasing me up
Until you were assured command
But surprise surprise
Your words' intended target rebound
And I, in my subconscious' control, withstand
Words leaving my mouth
Stranger ignored to
Stranger unmanned
Unable to raise your gaze to where
Your ego cannot expand
You leave
And I take in the situation so I don't misunderstand
It was not my actions but
The way I was dressed that had me ******
Cursed, directed animosity at
But you reached me at a point at which
I don't care - and
Looking at you I question why you
Forgot to look at the mirror; tanned Complexion making you and me
No different
And yet you choose self-hatred
And I won't be weaker.
Choose your own battles
For I fight mine quicker.
Won't find me fallen
Because I set the pace with vigor.
Too many a times I've faced your kind;
You're not the first and
You're not the last,
Going through your lot
Will eventually become like
Breathing air.
Choose your battles
If you dare.

This is not what I want to feel
Not what I want at all,
Not when my heart beats softly
Asking for a little warmth.
Discriminators play a big game but easily end up with their tails between their legs *shrug*. Writing this poem feels... dunno. I thank God for strengthening my heart and will. Not proud of what excuses people come up with for their ****** behaviour
Yanamari Jun 2017
Take my soul and
Rip it to shreds
Pick up the pieces and then
Step all over them
Ignore my screams and
Feed me the poison you make
Just forget my presence and
Leave me there to rot.

My soul is dazed
So just do whatever you want
Don't worry if I care
Coz I'll always forgive you, no?
Step closer to me and
Just cleave my soul asunder
I only just live
It doesn't matter.
June 2017
Not sure if I've published this but I found it in my private collection and liked it so I published it.
Yanamari Sep 2018
What is this clarity that I hold?
Is it that the value of all else
Has equilibrated?
Silence in my thoughts
In my mind
In my heart
In my room
In my relationships
In my mess

It is possible that this is the
Drawback of water
Before the tsunami slams
A moment of silence
By the wake of a storm
Yanamari Jan 2019
My eyes have always been open
Open to where I am
Open to who I am with
Open to the flows of the world,
Flows that I could never fully comprehend,
The complexities dance in front of my eyes
Mirrored in my mind
Filling it with swirling thoughts;
Never fully sunken in, and yet seen

Flows that I cannot comprehend
Continue to surround me
No matter how many flows etch into my flesh
Eyes open, mind overflowing.

The love that stares me in the face
Unfamiliarly familiar
Irreplicable in my heart
Swirls endlessly in my thoughts
In and out of consciousness
It was never etched into my flesh.
Yanamari Feb 2018
And as I feel your presence
Receding behind me,
Unable to turn around
I freeze
Unable to take a step forward
A step away from you.

And yet you continue to recede
My nonchalant facade
Fading away with you
And I close my eyes
Knowing when I turn around
You'd have disappeared
Leaving darkness in your place,
Lost to a place
Where I can't reach out
And sense your warm memory.

So I don't turn around.
I don't let my emotions flow,
Slowly opening my eyes
To the sight of a grey
Barren world again.
Yanamari May 2020
Red leaves on vines
Curling waves peaking high
Mountain cliff crevasse seemingly

    Gentle sway against the air
   Falling rolling into itself
  End unknown
The fall seemingly

Grasp grasp onto the tree
Roll roll into the sea
  Gape gape around the emptiness
   Keep keep your mind at ease

Stay awake stay awake
'What else should I do?'
Stay awake stay awake
Take a picture of the view

Don't fall asleep
Keep falling
Just don't land
Yanamari Aug 2016
To keep myself away from harm,
To protect myself from pain,
To push away confusion,
To keep myself sane,
I lie to myself,
Creating false hope.

I look into a mirage,
Not being able to cope
No it's okay, Don't Worry!
Attempting to take myself for a dope.

But it doesn't work,
I know myself too well,
I cover the glass of truth
Forcing myself into hell

But the light shines through the glass,
And penetrates the seal,
Removing the cover,
My body begins to reel.

Stop lying to yourself
Stop lying, please!
Don't hurt yourself anymore
Don't hurt yourself... just cease!
Or I won't be able to carry you anymore,
Carry the burden that you keep
Just uncover the glass,
And look into it deep...

These false hopes that I burden myself with,
They twist and they tease,
They play at possibilities,
Cause me to hope,
But when it does not come true
What shall I feel
Oh soul of mine...
Yanamari Nov 2019
I who have a hollow shaft
Who lilts with the barest surge of wind,
I... who has fallen from the
Grace of my comfort
And has nothing to lean back on... I...

I see the ink of many
Vibrant, loud and subtle
Colours that fly around
Colours that I reach out for
And write with.
And yet where
Is my ink?
Am I doomed to

And yet I
In my own essence
Gurgle, fluctuate,
Still finding my flow
Against the turbulence of
My mind fraught with
Dissociated thoughts.

And as the feather flows against
The winds
My ink is of air
And world
And nature
Yanamari Nov 2020
Your gaze on mine
In this cool air
Your hand outstretched
In this blue night
My feet take me forward
There is no going back
My subconscious merges with my conscious
My desires swim in reality
A tune is playing and
My name is called
I cannot deny this one last request
Yanamari Jul 2020
How do you come to accept
What you thought was the sun
Was really just a distant flame?
The warmth you felt
The light you saw
Wasn't real
Had you even felt warmth to begin with?
Seen light to come to such a conclusion?

I'd always used to prance in that light
Waltz and lay in its warmth
But when I realised it wasn't what I wanted
It wouldn't satisfy me like it used to

What is it like to stand in the sun's rays?
Have it pierce the deepest core of your heart?
Would the world around you need to change?
Or would you need to be out of it...

Floating, sinking
Reaching, receding
Closing my eyes
Wishing for
The warmth of the Sun
To reach the depths of my heart and
Emit a glow from within
HelloPoetry phone version compacts verses into more than one row but I feel as though I don't want to be limited by that anymore when I write, so here this is
Yanamari May 2017
Time passed,
And we are exposed to each other
But this time
It's different.

The emptiness that fills me
No longer yearns for you
And as your artificial warmth fills me
I cannot but feel repulsed
And yet
I still stay close by.

Why do I expose myself to such suffering
If I can just leave you
And float away?
What makes you essential
To my survival,
To my support?
What value do you hold
If you burn my already empty soul
With confusion and

My soul is already tearing apart
And yet here you are
Setting my soul alight
As if I wasn't tired enough.
When fire was the whole reason you wrote a poem...
Yanamari Apr 2018
I'm losing touch...
'Why?' and 'Why not?'
Slowly loses it's importance.
As I slide back
Into a position of static fluctus,
My fingers lace
The frozen collar on my neck
And I step out to the world once more.

Sans flux,
Sans motion,
Sans life.

The only barriers surrounding me are mine
And mine alone.
I'm not sure when the tower will start to crack beneath me again...
Yanamari Sep 2015
I'd forgotten..
Forgotten everything...
And the pain of forgetting
Forgetting everything..
Was just too **** great
And as I sit trying to remember,
Trying to remember even just a bit
I'm surrounded by cries and shrieks of judgement
Slicing my heart
So that no more can I remember
And no more can I stop the pain and confusion
from seeping into my
mind, heart and soul.
Yanamari Oct 2023
Hearts of steel don't exist
As hearts are fragile
Like glass thin and shapen
Taking on the pattern of rhythmic pulses
Blood racing to where our hearts are led

Hearts are fragile
Such that the heartless cannot fathom
The jagged sharp pieces ripping inside
And so they empty their chest
So that they can only see with their eyes
For if their heart controlled their eyes
They would turn blind
No heart in the slashes formed
No eyes in the heart that overwhelms the soul
Senses returning to base level zero

Hearts can only take so much
And if it were to break
How could it heal to the way that it used to be?
Yanamari Dec 2023
It's been seven years
Of mostly sad poems
Filled with my darkness and fears
And sprinkle a little
Happy energy
All spun together
Into this poetry account

It's been seven years
Taken me seven years
To acknowledge the fun I have
Writing poetry
Reading poetry
Processing poetry
I'm happy
Thankful for this platform
Thank you Eliot York :)
And thank you my Lord for everything :) Felt like writing something a little fun and unconventional respective to my usual poetry. I've been writing poetry for longer, but seven years is how many of them I've been on this platform exclusively
Yanamari Jul 2018
As my body lays frozen over
By the ice that continually cools me,
I gently float, soundlessly in the
Tower surrounded by icy waves.

The landscape that I always look out to
Is unchanging and lifeless,
Sounds in the distance seldom
Resounding around my heart motionless.

I kick at stagnant air,
Almost as if something was there,
The tunes playing in my head
Enough for my heart and mind to share.

As my frozen body moves,
I continue to gaze out towards the landscape.
Not because the landscape is motionless,
But now, because my heart and mind
Have melded into the tunes
Playing in my head.
Yanamari Apr 2019
In bringing to light
The darkness that surrounds us,
I understood more about you.
In the things that you do for me and
The way that you treat me.
I had always questioned why you did
What you did;
Was it an act of indebt?
I want your sincerity
Something that I've never really felt deeply...

Thank you for these acts.
I hope that you reach a point of sincerity
So that in the future,
I can understand why I was willing to be
Close by as you
Tread at a distance lightly.
One instance that I do remember that I was closer to feeling a person's sincerity towards me was when I was told that I influenced a person to step out of their bubble. I'm thankful that this person told me even though I don't fully understand how.

The Aura Series: IV
Yanamari May 2018
The sorrow is eating me up
Choking me
'I need you...'
I whisper
To the emptiness
Of the place I've reserved
In my heart,
Eating at the warmth reserved
For the people that I even remotely value...
Yanamari Oct 2018
The relentless
Ingenuine serenades,
Swirling around my ears
As I try
To encompass
Your entirety,
What energy we share
For your tireless
Unfelt soothsaying
To pile around

Serenade me,
Whether we share or not,
For I will let peel
The layers of your serenade
And watch
As the energy unveils.
But know that when
Your words are empty,
You should leave.
Because I'm
Beginning to have enough.
The Aura Series: II
Yanamari Aug 2015
My emotions, easily swayed...
My heart, easily frayed...
My mind, overpowering, confused,
Conflicting, raw, my soul... diffused...

I lay there, dazed, alone,
My eyes dart, tired, no moan
Escapes my lips, as the shadows encompass my soul,
I lay there, limp, thoughtless, imprisoned in the body of a doll.

I stand, eyes unfocused, the days flitting by,
My eyes are still, I cannot cry.
No tears are left, no tears reside,
In the empty body of the doll aside....

Dyed... tainted,
Yanamari Jul 2018
Not even a chance to say the basic
Stopped me mid-sentence before I could ask
Raised your barriers and pushed me away, unable to
Called you a million times and now my eyes are
If this was to be the outcome, that first time we met, I wouldn't have said

Or so I say,
When I have a feeling why you would lie
Pulling off a stunt to raise the barriers high
But these barriers aren't around me
They're around you
So please, don't make these barriers your way of saying
I don't even know what to feel...
Yanamari Mar 2020
Walking along the waterside
Fingers sliding over long grass
I slump and sit in the grass
The sun just having set
You were once familiar

I gaze into the waters
My fingers tracing the ripples
Wandering along the direction
It flows
Wondering, why my fingers
Never seem to grasp
And fall into flow with
The waters that reflect the
Light I always like to see
Thank you
Yanamari Nov 2019
A mixture of
Coloured pixels
Combining to make
Vibrating from ear
To ear
Pulsing through
My mind and heart
        -- why--
A colourful mess
That I both comprehend
It's still a mess to
--Compreh  -end--
Each pixel seemingly
-- No -

Just the usual static
In the wrong place
At the wrong time...
Yanamari Aug 2019
Just like life,
Always a mess.
A pleasant mess

Eyes like the moon,
The light reflected off of
Its surface
Always reaching my eyes
When the world allows.
And the light of the moon
At night
Is possibly the most pleasant
Had I had the chance...

And the darkness
Always evident,
Because, void of light,
The moon still exists
And the veil of emptiness
Speaks volumes.

A mess partly smoothed
Is still a mess;
Why not just
Throw your head back
Into the wind like usual?

Another person to thank,
Thank you
For making me smile.
Thank you
For the genuine gazes.
That's all I need.
Pers Ref: AcknOE
The Aura series: VI
Yanamari Jul 22
The same experience
Does not feel the same
With different people.
Being back-stabbed by
Someone who doesn't know you
As compared to someone who should
Feels light, easily forgettable
Whilst the latter feels remains with you
Festers in the shadows of your day
And steadily grows until the shadows envelop you.
Why would they make such a decision
When they know how it would feel to receive a knife so deep?
Why do they treat me so strangely, so abhorrent,
Like shadows dancing around a flame,
Like they can live life with no blame
Rules they abide by filled with no shame
And yet I am to blame
I carry the shame
Like it is in my name
And what fault should they hold when the knife they once held
Has already maimed
Scarred, stained
And yet I am not allowed to blame
Point fingers
Not allowed to speak
When their words hold my fate
And so I am silenced
In the same vein their oppressors oppress  them
Why should I see this when they cannot?
Pers ref.: PreT-AFC
Yanamari Oct 2019
Don't come closer

I'm freezing
At a temperature that's okay -
Just at the brink of chaos
Having pulled together
After my fray -
In a tower smoothly
Frozen over
A settling cold
No need to race towards
The warmth of the sun

I'm anxious

Eyes almost closed,
Ear, cheek, temple
Resting on the comforting
Frozen wall,
Tears comfortably swimming
In my eyes and
Flowing through my mind

I'm hurt
My fingers twitch by my side
I am no longer comfortable in
My clothes
And I
As I lay in this pool of moving
Unmoving darkness
I am drained

I am comfortable


Days pass into weeks
And weeks pass into years
And my sentience has
Sharpened the blade of
I stare at my shaking fingers
My empty landscape
The tall ceilings of the foreboding
Ice palace
And it the world begins to
Make sense

Eyes lidded

There's a fire
Rekindling in my heart
Having been diminished to
Little fires licking and leaping
Only to be drenched in water
Frozen and
Laid bare again

A passage through my eyes

I can't help it
I desire
And yet I want to respect
A you that won't
Always pass me again.
And I want and I want

Please give me this
But I'll hold back
Yanamari Mar 22
Like sea foam settling the sand
Like waves laying straight the land
Time passes
And you and I
Forget our names that we called ourselves by
Fading into a distant sky
Lost to the shadows of the sunrise
Our meeting calm
Our meeting turbulent
Let the water recede
And with the shifting hand
Brush flat our differences
Like dust wiped off the tv stand
Engrained my memory is of you
And engrained is your memory of me
Knife carved deep, wind stroking my skin
Come tomorrow
You appear as new
And I appear to have forgotten you
You appear free
And I holding what you have done to me
Unable to let go
The tide pulls and pulls
And the rope is set free
Forgetting people that remember you and remembering people that have forgotten you...

Inspired by two people I hadn't seen in a few years. And by my own forgetfulness of the people I've met...

Pers. Ref: MrxtProtAdAdPaGib-IGAVanCr but also MahAbd
Yanamari Jul 2017
I am afraid of the pain
Of being rejected again
But my heart yearns
And yet reels all the same.

The barriers that surround me
Rise higher than mountains, but
Take a step towards me
And they'll come tumbling down.

But those walls rise
Again and again
Pushing back all
So that when I look to the sky,
I look straight up
So that I don't notice
The empty landscape...
Yanamari Jun 2020
I'm comfortable
In the dimness of
My room
I'm warm
Under layers smooth
I'm relaxed
In the silence
Of solitude.

My room small and yet
Large enough
Slightly cramped and yet
Spacious enough
Almost a world away
Nothing urgent
And yet

It all comes crashing down as
I open the door
Let it all in
I don't want to
I know I'll have to
I'll want to
And yet
I don't.
Yanamari Jul 2
Buzzing energy fills me
My nerves high-strung
Silence silence silence
Almost as if
I've been shunned
I take breaths
But that buzzing energy remains
My heart has withstood more
So I take time til this feeling drains
My heart subdued in a cage
So I hold it gently
Until it's peace it regains
Slowly, yet surely
I'll hold me if that's all I have
Slowly, yet surely
Yanamari Jun 30
Lay me down gently
Put me down to sleep
When the night-time draws near
Allow my conscious to slumber deep

You cared for me so gently
Your love so very steep
Hands cradling my body
Knew that I could trust you while I was weak

And that hand became firmer
Clutching my cheek
Your figure looming larger
Rib cage trembling, letting out a creak

My heart laid bare
My chest ripped open in a heap
Your voice like daggers
Into my blood, your words seep

And slowly, as you lay me down
Force me down to sleep
The shadows of my cot grows
And silence slowly reigns over the night bleak

Not a meek voice heard from the baby
As you stand over me in a silent vicious weep
Knife in hand, prepared to take the leap
Gaze flicking over to the baby's eyes that begin to peep

Staring, as the baby begins to smile
Smile eerie, teeth wicked and sharp
Eyes blinking slowly, its stare
An oath that your soul it will reap

You draw back your dagger
Driving your frozen feet forward with a shriek
Coming down with momentum
Moonlight glinting with the blade's sweep

Relief washing over you
The baby's forsaken body lying in death asleep
Eyes still open, unmoving as you heave
Deep breath in, as your heart beats

Until, motionless eyes slowly roll to the side
The blood on your knife, now on your skin creeps
Crawling and drawing its way up in streaks
Encircling your wrist, holding you in its keep

You struggle in its grasp, as with torment it wreaks
It's body shrivelling as its blood encompasses your physique
Meshing its blood with your blood, overpowering your every essence
Until your lips although moving, are no longer able to speak

And slowly, your body shrivels along with the form in the cot
Blood flowing, down your body it creeps
Returns down your arms, down the shining blood-red blade
and back into the empty skin

Figure transforming, as the baby reaches down and slowly
The handle it retrieves
Drawing out the weapon
No longer in blood is it steeped

The baby closes its eyes, as sleep clutches it's form
Breathing small breathes through its small nose
Figure of a mother barely holding on
Laying on the ground as her eyes leak
The first two lines randomly came to me, so I decided its horror poem time... inspired by the exhaustion mothers experience rearing new born babies
Yanamari May 2020
Sitting by the lakeside
Legs dangling in its waters
Kicking lightly
As the cool night air
Settles under the skin
Mind wandering
Subconscious fluctuating.

Mind wandering
Subconscious fluctuating
Heart clenching
The waters suddenly thicken
Almost pulling
And yet it hasn't thickened
Still lapping beneath the knees
Heart uneasy
Thoughts attempting to solidify
Like ice at room temperature
Drowning out the voice of reason

Was there a voice of reason to begin with?
Learning about oneself is only the first step of each section of an art piece made up of many sections...
Yanamari Jun 2023
Paint layers walls
And walls layer houses
Uncarefully placed
In our carefulness
Comforted in perfection unreachable

And what wisdom lays
In a world that wreaks destruction
On the weak foundations that we sow
And the even weaker plants that we reap
An amalgamating mess
Painted onto
Thin fragile walls
Holding up
Thin fragile houses
Yanamari Jan 2016
How much more can I write?
As parts of me continue to dwindle
How much more can I write?
If the English language is limited and pain is only so large
How much more can I write?...
As the winds blow violently, twisting and turning the waters under its hands, forcing the limited mass of water away
How much... more... can I write?
As I stare at my words, almost empty...
How much more...
Yanamari Apr 2018
I feel the icy walls
Rising up around me
In my reach
And under my touch
I don't look up
I don't look out
I don't try to reach
Past the walls about.

And if I see
A sliver of the light
Tears blur my sight
And I collapse
As the walls come crashing down...

And if you catch
My soul by chance
I would crack
Into a million shards of ice;
My final barrier
And the end all...
Yanamari Sep 2019
My Past and I
Walk hand in hand
Every day
That I come to stand,
Grip adjusting
From a gentle caress
To a tugging demand.

And in
Laying in molten tar
And stroking frozen walls
I forget that hand; to mar
My skin invisibly to the core.

I am yet to understand
The warmth of that hand
How to hold it and
Be gentle without reprimand-
For the crumbling
It causes and the
Constant fluctuating
Pushes and pulls
A lull-
Laying me down to sleep.
Yanamari Dec 2016
In my sadness
I imagine wind brushing against my wings
My body weight shifting to my toes
My arms spread against the horizon
My torso leaning forward
My eyes distant

In my contentedness
My wings fade away
My body weight shifts backwards
My arms loosen
My torso relaxes
My eyes fall back to Earth

In my unease
I imagine a darkness
And in comfort
I see the darkness surrounded by light
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