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I behave like a baby many hours of the day
Please believe I don't decide to be this way
Someday ill learn to stifle my tears
The sogginess blurring my eyes will clear
When fleeing fears
Run straight into a wall
Instead of arms so I end up on the concrete and crawl
And there I ponder the cause of our confrontations
Looking for obstacle blocking negotiation
Both our lungs breathing in identical air
Clouds of smoke stop from witnessing what's really there
And I am blinded I am afraid to admit
I am lost with clenched jaw refuse to submit
But little by little realize I'm in the wrong
Too stubborn to surrender I stagger along
Eventually begin losing hope of finding our way back
You grab the reins and somehow steer us on the right track
Sometimes touch your surface and my fingers melt through skin
Can't tell if a nightmare or a dream we're living in
I would give any belongings for us to have a fresh start
Careless and free
No wounds on your heart
In blue hues created I tread water so deep
Listen for answers but hear no peep
Earth on axis keeps spinning around
Days passing quickly I lie on the ground
I'm afraid to move too fast so I end up standing still
I feel the person you desire wears shoes I cannot fill
Your warmth a blessing that I truly don't deserve
Putting sun in my sky but what purpose do I serve?
Your magnificence reminder of everything I'm not
So busy drowning in sorrows can't consider the good I've got
Can't imagine a world without watching your smile
Yet I take it for granted by acting hostile
I long to unfold like a paper plane
Flatten folds so I can translate contents of your brain
If I could press a button I'd erase all your concern
A blank slate is impossible so trust I must gradually earn
So I'll write words on pages until you finally agree
You are the only one with the privilege of having me
It is my wish you open your door
Disarm your defenses protecting your core
I know in absence the nights can seem long
Will never break because connection is strong
You take up a large portion of my head
Sometimes don't call just thinking about you instead
Thanks for existing and even more for being there
There are moments I weep over statements said but I never doubt you care
You are simply trying to share wisdom with advice
How you express cannot always be positive and nice
But daily impact you have on my routine
Bigger than you are aware of
Though results are rarely seen
You are refuge from the storm when it rains too severely to stand
Shelter to protect my safety though why I will never understand
Our souls balance like yin-and-yang
I am shade
You are white light
Struggles threaten us
You pull me close and I'm sure everything will be alright
If I wasn't so **** stubborn we would probably fight a lot less... I blame me being a Taurus!
i’ve struggled
with my mental health
for my entire life
and i realize
that i can
either be
really fun
and happy

really miserable
and it can be difficult
to know
how to interact with me

that pushes
a lot of
people away

i’m like a yinyang
of Eeyore
and Tigger
that spins
and you never know
you’re gonna get
Dante Rocío Aug 2020
What wonder with
Poetry in Prose,
Prose in Poetry,
those two together
made at

what Art is that
whilst those
trespass borders
of what’s cognitive and not,
my true form of wording
and existing
as that!

That is a feat,
mingle those two together,
make one fluent into train of events
by the other
and the other make
the former
an extravagance
that should reign
on us!
The most forming way
of expression verbally
and not!

And what experience would that be
if we took under account again
the spaces
the “Enter” key
between verses
in a classic poem structure,
to think how that changes
everything and what
respect it demands
in each line
The creation of a person made both
From the flesh, the Yin, as Prose,
From the essence, the Yang, as Poetry
Is the greatest feat
Which bears translucent
Survival of perfect Life of an Apprehension
In a beaten-up reality
Xian Obrero Jul 2020
Hanggang kailan ako magiging ganito?
gabi-gabi na lang tawag ko ang pangalan mo
Kung pwede ka lang maibalik nitong mga luha ko
Noon pa siguro’y nagawa ko na at ikaw ay nasa piling ko na’t ako ngayo’y yakap mo.

Gabi-gabi na lang, nasa isip kita
gabi-gabi ring dasal na panaginip kita
dinig mo ba ang mga iyak ko at aking mga sana?
“Isang beses man lang sana tayo ay nagkasama”.

Ano kayang pakiramdam mahawakan ang kamay mo?
Sa tuwa kaya ay mapatalon ako?
Mga pisngi ko ba’y mamumula o manginginig ang katawan ko?
Naranasan ko man lang sanang sa tabi mo’y minsang maupo.

Sa takdang panahon kaya’y makita rin kita?
Ang oras ba natin ay sa wakas magtagpo na?
Isang beses man lang sana masabi kong mahal kita
Isang beses man lang sana...
Isang beses man lang sana ....
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