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Tina Marie Oct 2014
I know why the dolphins play
And laugh and squeal every day.
Look it up and you will see
They **** humans in the sea.
Yes, it really happens. They also gang-**** reluctant female dolphins.
Tina Marie Oct 2014

Let the strangers be scared again, my dear
It's finally my turn to incite fear
Last time I was your sweet innocent angel
This time I'll be your Jezebel

The underwear you ripped off me and cast beside the chair?
I'll use them to bind your wrists then grab you by the hair.
Then I'll pull your head to the side so I can bite
And scratch and bleed you until your pain turns into delight

I'll kiss you with your blood on my lips and force you roughly down
My yellowish eyes filled with evil glee like a demented clown

I'll bite your chin and slither down
Nibbling and feeding at each place I've found
Until I reach the place you want to be touched
There's fear in your eyes now; you see my bloodlust

Then I'll start caressing

Until you are begging

And you break free of your silken chain
To remind me once again
Why I'm a daughter of Eve
And you're a child of Cain
Dang I feel naughty now! Inspired by Xan Abyss
10.1k · Oct 2014
The Storm
Tina Marie Oct 2014
When I feel the thunder crashing  
I imagine it's the thrashing
Of my sweet sadistic lover
Snatching me out of the covers

When I hear the storm winds howling
I imagine it's the growling
Of my lover in the night
His eyes filled with evil light

When I feel the rain drops falling
It makes my mind start recalling
Tears my lover brought to me
From pleasure and pain mixed expertly

When my lover leaves me bleeding
Fully sated but still needing
Another ***** romp with him
But next time I'm S and he's M
Tonight is probably the only time the thunder was NOT a lullaby, so I thought I'd try a naughty poem
9.2k · Oct 2014
On Being Bipolar
Tina Marie Oct 2014
There are times I feel like my brain has shattered into a million shards of ice
Reflecting the rainbows of the sun's light
Each color a memory that I can't shake free

And there are times I feel like the world is mine
Like every millisecond is a luxury of sights and sounds

Sleepless weeks alternating with weeks of sleep
The handful of pills never quite evening up the scale

Tortured dreams from which I wake screaming or paralyzed
Unable to do anything but fear

But even in the worst days I look back on my lifelong roller coaster ride and remember this:

You can't enjoy the ride if the track stays flat. If your car doesn't sink it can't rise
Just a glimpse into being bipolar
9.2k · Oct 2014
The Lighthouse
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Death, sweet Death, beckons to me.
He is a lighthouse, warning most to avoid his realm
But He calls me by my name
He tells me to be dead is the greatest gift Life has to offer
And whispers of the secret joys of His hazy oblivion.

"Come my child and partake of my treasures," and
"Your troubles shall cease even as your spirit roams," are His entreaties.

At first His voice is as soft as the waves lapping at the shore
But as I ignore him his call becomes
Than the squall of a maelstrom
Until He is all I hear

His voice dries up the Happiness fed by
Hope, who is a frightened dove.
And when Hope ceases to feed you in the morning and in the the evening, then
"Elijah, you are alone."


End Life to escape from Death.
Cast off your body and dwell with Him.
Death is the light in the lighthouse.
Choose that light
Choose darkness.
I wrote this way back in 97 or 98 for creative writing in high school. I had a lot of issues.
7.3k · Oct 2014
Ginger (20w)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I've always liked gingers
But I've never met a ginger I liked until you.
Your flaming hair echoes my desire.
Tina Marie Oct 2014
My 1st palindrome. Not exactly perfect, but I like the effect. Inspired by The Masked Pimpernel (though nowhere near as good.)
4.7k · Oct 2014
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I want to taste your smile
As I gaze deep into your eyes
And hold you close to me
4.6k · Oct 2014
The Secret Land of Twilight
Tina Marie Oct 2014
There is a very secret place
That exists between day and night
If you're patient then some day
You may see the land of Twilight.

The gates to enter are so slight
If you see them it may seem
A trick of the sunset's light
A fairy's passing dream

So pay heed to the change of time
For lilac hues of coming night
Truly love to pantomime
The secret land of Twilight

You'll know when you've timed it right
For the spangled fairy wings
Will lend a softly shimmering light
To a host of other things

Pregnant dew drops standing by
Patiently awaiting night
Stars twinkling a lullaby
Before they take their dazzling flight

The creatures of the dark that bite
Are sharpening their pointy teeth
On the last of sunset's shards of light
Surveying what's beneath

Should the Moon, empress of this land
See you taking in these sights
She will take you by the hand
And lead you gently into night

And you'll wonder all your life
Was it real or just a dream
For in the secret land of Twilight
Things aren't ever as they seem.
2nd attempt at a story poem. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
3.8k · Oct 2014
I'm sorry, I'm not sorry
Tina Marie Oct 2014
She says that she's sorry,
But don't believe
She is nothing
But a thief
Not sorry she stole
And whose only thought
Is that she's sorry
She got caught
Inspired by some shenanigans a friend of mine experienced.
2.7k · Oct 2014
Autumn Breeze
Tina Marie Oct 2014
The autumn winds are blowing fierce
They gust across my face
As I tiptoe through the woods
Beneath the leaves that fall
In a gentle rain

The cinnamon smell of loamy earth
Greets me with each step I take
As I tiptoe through the woods
Beneath the branches shaking loose
Leaves that have seen better days

The pop of mushrooms underfoot
Their fleshy insides I now see
As I tiptoe through the woods
Beneath the kamikaze leaves
That give themselves to the autumn breeze
Just a few quick lines inspired by the lovely breeze that's been blowing all day here
2.3k · Oct 2014
Luxurious Deviance
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Luxurious deviance
Leather and lace
Mooonbeams and razors
Blood in a crystal vase
My demons are longing
To feel your embrace
To seize you to me
With my hands on your waist
Our paths intersect
I breathe in the taste
Your panic sets in
As the clouds lay to waste
The rays of the moon
And you behold my face
Shrouded in bloodlust
With no saving grace
Luxurious deviance
Leather and lace
Not really sure. This poem was supposed to be elegantly dark like Morticia Addams but it turned into something else as I wrote.
2.3k · Oct 2014
Fuck You Too, VA
Tina Marie Oct 2014
You don't give a ****
About us vets
You pay us lip service
And leave us in debt
Cancel our appointments
But when we call
To reschedule you act
Like WE dropped the ball
I've been waiting 2 years
For my ****** up shoulder
You keep handing me pills
And my will grows colder
Now three of my battles
Have taken their life
Today one shot himself
In front of his kids and wife
Oh, NOW you care?

******* VA,  ***** YOU!!!

Just hand me my pills
Like you usually do
Oh, why are you angry?
You must not like to hear
What most of us vets
Have heard from you for years

******* too, VA
So tired of my battle buddies assassinating themselves. The VA doesn't care. I'm so sick of this **** and I'm writing my ******* congressman because they have got to stop treating us like we don't matter.
2.2k · Oct 2014
In the Garden
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I'll drag you to hades to dwell with me
In the garden of Persephone.
We'll dine on her fruit so we shall be
Lost in each other for eternity.
Elysium shall hold no sway with us
We'd rather watch the sufferings of Tantalus
Souls crossing Acheron will provide
Our music, a tortured lullaby
Their lamentations won't put us to sleep
Nor will their groanings cause us to weep
But they'll fill us with fury rooted in lust
We'll lie down on blood soaked fields the color of rust
Then we'll journey through Asphodel
As we travel back to our home in hell
I with you and you with me
In the garden of Persephone
The first two lines flitted through my mind and I just had to flesh it out.
1.8k · Oct 2014
haunted dreams (haiku)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
You haunt me in dreams
That are tinged with the vibrant echoes
Of our nighttime phone calls
1.8k · Oct 2014
I Rise
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I am
Long hair and swinging hips
With natural pouty lips
A smile that hides my intellect
A piercing gaze you can't forget

I am
Long legs with large soft thighs
With yellow flecked eyes
The sweetest of your dreams
The nightmares that evoke screams

I am
The girl with the skull tattoo
Who wants more too
The bringer of your pain
Who only wants the same.

I am
She who died inside
Until you made me rise
Loosely inspired by Maya Angelou's "I Rise"
1.7k · Oct 2014
Against the Odds
Tina Marie Oct 2014
The doctors said he'd never walk
But today he scored a run
His cleats were kicking up the chalk
As he ran from base to base
Normally he gets out
Before he even makes first base
This time both teams gave a shout
When he crossed home plate

So pay no mind to what they say
When the doctors tell you never
Keep on trying and one day
You may prove them wrong
And if you don't at least you know
You gave your baby every chance
To live a normal life and grow
To experience everything.
My special needs son finally scored a run, and the stands were filled with shouts. The coaches, parents, and players for the other team were just as thrilled as we all were and it made me cry.
1.6k · Oct 2014
Southern Girl
Tina Marie Oct 2014
It don't take much to make me happy
'Cause I'm from the south
I just need some good soul food
To cram into my mouth

Or I can sit on the creek bank
With my best fishing pole
Casting my line expertly
Into my secret fishing hole

A moonlit hike into the woods
Will soothe my achin' soul
Them city folks don't understand
It's better than silver or gold

When Sunday rolls around it's time
To get myself dressed up
The laying of hands and speaking in tongues
Will come if the Spirit moves us

There's a glamour to the south
Like a work of art that's living
Even the poorest of the poor
Open their hearts and are giving

So call me a redneck or a hick
It doesn't matter to me
I'm proud to be a southern girl
There's no place I'd rather be
1.5k · Apr 2015
judging love
Tina Marie Apr 2015
I used to judge love
By the words I was told.

But people deceive with their tongues.

I tried to judge love
By the way I was treated.

But people deceive with their actions as well.

So how should one judge love?

It's simple: you don't.

You just love with all your heart, mind, body and soul.
You hold on for the ride,
And hope against all hope

*That this time will be different.
P.S. It wasn't.
1.4k · Oct 2014
reaching to you
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Your soul mirrors mine
I see every scratch
That is reflected
It's like our scars match
My heart is stretched out
With shimmering stands
That reach out to you
Across the lands
But they don't have to stretch
From the gulf to the Pacific
For the stands of your soul
Reach out for the specific
Parts of me that match you
At last they join together
Though the distance is far
It's like we're together
For our souls
Have always been
Connected unseen
Soon together again
Had a visual in my head of two people on opposite ends of the continent with their auras visibly seeking out each other
1.3k · Oct 2014
Weather in Dixie (10w)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
We wear coats in the morning and shorts at night.
Our weather has more mood swings than a 13 year old girl. Last night it dropped to 40 but it's going up to 72 today.
1.3k · Oct 2014
Halloween All Year
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I want to be where the night hags scream
As they feed off the fears of man
I want to live where the nightmares are dreamed
And survey the scorched desert lands

I want to hide in the goblin's lair
Slipping out for a taste from the ***
Where he cooks the men who journey there
And feasts on them while they're hot

I want to fly through the midnight sky
With the vampires who feed
On unknowing victims from throats and thighs
I want to see them bleed

I want to live like it's All Hallow's Eve
Titillated all year by every scare
But since I can not I do things unseen
So, my dear friends, BEWARE
Just a fun, dark, and twisty poem. Happy Halloween!
1.2k · Oct 2014
That's What Happens
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Clever* you
Sadistic me
You think you've won
But you don't see
The sinister plot
I've laid for thee
Clever you
Sadistic me

Terrified you
Elated me
I've gagged and bound
You to a tree
You eyes are pleading
Terrified you
Elated me

No more you
There's only me
That's what happens
Without loyalty
I loved you
You cheated on me
No more you
There's **only me
We all know this is what we'd REALLY like to do to people who betray our trust. Too bad it's illegal.
Tina Marie Apr 2015
Fallen leaves
herald the coming
into Spring's


springs into
coming, the herald
leaves fallen
I wrote a short, somewhat flawed palindrome awhile back because I was inspired by several The Masked Pimpernel had written. He, in turn, expanded and edited it into a masterpiece. I feel so honoured!
1.1k · Oct 2015
Falling......face first
Tina Marie Oct 2015
I hate the way I

                                       in love
With a whisper

you know the one I mean

Always with the one I know will leave.

Is it really love that I crave
Or an excuse to wallow in my **misery?
1.1k · Apr 2015
love that lasts
Tina Marie Apr 2015
I'd rather have the kind of love
That grows organically
Not forced or rushed

I'd rather have the kind of love
That grows from a wealth
Of shared experiences
One hundred cups of coffee
One thousand laughs
Ten thousand smiles

I'd rather have the kind of love
That burns slowly
Continues to provide warmth
Gives off a steady light

I'd rather have the kind of love
That's built on substance

I'd rather have the kind of love that lasts
Movies and books would have you believe that love has to be a huge explosion of feeling. That the moment you meet someone you should know they're the one. There's more to love than that.
1.1k · Nov 2015
Not that kind of girl
Tina Marie Nov 2015
I'm the kind of girl
That you won't miss right away
But I'm the kind of girl
That will make you wish you'd stayed

Because I'm the kind of girl
That gets inside your head
And I'm the kind of girl
You'll remember til you're dead

And you're the kind of boy
That thought he wanted more
You're the kind of boy
Who was scared of what was in store

And you're the kind of boy
Who was too blind to see
That with this kind of girl
We could have been a perfect we

But I'm not the kind of girl
To let a coward back in
I'm not the kind of girl
A few simple words can win

I am the kind of girl
That draws strength from the tears
And I'm the kind of girl
Who faces all her fears

So be the kind of boy
That isn't scared to care
So the next girl you fall for
Won't leave you standing there
Tina Marie Oct 2014
My dear son
I pray you'll never know
How cruel this world can be
I pray your charm and dimpled smile
Will be your shield
I see these sweet kids just like you

On YouTube

Thinking the world is their friend
Being lured with kind words
Then beat down
Being invited to do the ice bucket challenge
Then doused with **** and ****
All they want is to belong
All they want is to be loved
To be on the inside for once
Instead of outside looking in
Sweet boy, I hope you'll never understand
What the other kids mean
When they call you *******
I hope you never cease to believe
They're laughing with you
Not at you
But more than that I pray
You'll be like the other kids someday
Able to communicate
Able to drive a car
Get a job
Go to college
Get married
But for now I'm grateful for each advance
And I pray that one day
I'll be worthy of you
Some of my biggest fears and dreams concerning my sweet autistic son. He is my world
1.0k · Apr 2015
I'm not her
Tina Marie Apr 2015
I'm not the one that walked away
I'm not the one that stole your smile
I'm not the one that broke your heart
I'm not her

I'm just the girl you met one day
I'm just the girl that stood by your side
I'm just the girl that fell in love
You're just the boy that said goodbye

Because I'm not her.
1.0k · Apr 2015
Tina Marie Apr 2015
I just want to let you know
That I am still here for you
I had to let you go
So you could figure out what's true.

You hold my soul within your eyes
I never wanted to love you
You haven't said your goodbyes
And I hope you never do.

Take all the time you need
To figure out what you should do
Ignore my pain as my heart bleeds
I just want what's best for you.

But when you've got it figured out
If you still want me let me know
Please don't give me room to doubt
If I should stay or I should go.
Sometimes the ones we care about need space. They need time to figure things out on their own. It's hard to step back and give it to them. Even when you're sure they care, it feels like goodbye.
983 · Oct 2014
The Choir-Master's Boy
Tina Marie Oct 2014
The teenage-me
In combat boots
Remembers the teenage  you
In your Sunday best

We were oh so young

You, I yearned to see
I peeked between suits
From behind pews
Til my eyes, on you could rest

And I prayed you'd see me too

One day you noticed me
Never knowing I was enjoying the fruits
Of a drug-hazed youth
You said you loved me best

Until the day you didn't

I stole your virginity
Never caring for your Christian roots
You finally saw the ruse
And you laid our love to rest

And I realized you only loved the idea of me
Found this in an box of keepsakes from OIF 6-8. Written about my first love/high school sweetheart.
970 · Oct 2014
to my sun god
Tina Marie Oct 2014
For so many years I wandered
Through the night
With your sister Selene,
Laughing and smiling:
A grim facade
So no one would question me.
Her cold moonlight
Allowed my charade to go unnoticed.

Little did I know that you,
My very own Helios,
Were floating through my night unseen
On the flat underbelly of the earth.*

Then without warning
I saw your other sister Eos.
She taunted me
With the first of your rays,
Giving me a glimpse
Of what it meant to walk in your light.
Snatches of the impending dawn
Teased me with their muted hues.

Suddenly, you in your golden chariot Peeked just over the horizon
I tried to flee west;
Afraid to believe
The warming rays emanating
From you could be real.
I tried to uproot the gleaming tendrils
From my jaded heart
But I couldn't outrun the sun.

So I gave up trying.
I turned to face you.
I kept my eyes closed at first,
Letting the radiance of your being Illuminate the damaged corners;
The scars of my aura
Layed bare before your brilliance.

And still you came.

So I opened my eyes
And saw that every scar,
Every damaged piece of my spirit
Was made beautiful
Before your smoldering gaze.

*Joyously I took your outstretched hand
Now I wander with you
Through the painted mesa skies
From cloud to cloud
In a leaping pirouette
Never to allow the night
To take residence in my heart again.
936 · Nov 2014
I saw him today
Tina Marie Nov 2014
Huddled in the shower
The hot spray mingling with my tears
As I gaze back
Through the shattered years
Trembling and shaking
I saw you today
I ran and hid
Tried to think you away
I thought I was fine
I thought I'd healed
Thought I'd recovered from
The power you used to wield
You stole my sanity
I was just a little girl
Who'd never had a father
When you entered my world
For eons you used me
You dragged me into hell
And when I escaped
I thought I'd get well
Almost two decades
Have came and gone
But today I discovered
My mind is still wrong
When you're abused as a child the pain never goes away. Almost twenty years have passed since I escaped, but everything came rushing back and it feels as though I never left.
893 · Oct 2014
Nightscape Sea
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I know the place where the clouds collide
And the oars are lightning bolts
That you use to steer through the starry skies
When the milky way tide sends your cumulus boat
On a whirlwind through the night

I know the place where the moonbeams are carved
And then cast into the sky
To light your path on the nightscape sea
As you race through your nightmares
And drift though your dreams
Just a bit of fancy that caught my imagination. I'll probably develop it more, but I didn't want to forget it.
888 · Apr 2015
there should be a balance
Tina Marie Apr 2015
Actions don't always speak louder than words.

The way someone treats you may have more to do with who they are than how they feel.

**There should be a balance.
I actually posted this as a Facebook status and received an overwhelming response. I thought y'all would appreciate it.
837 · Oct 2014
Love's Lullaby (haiku)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
The cool night wind sings
Of trust, hope, desire, and other things
A lullaby about our love.
It's in the night that I think of you most, though you inhabit my mind in the day as well
809 · Oct 2014
The Search for the Light
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Deep in a cavern there lived a troll
Who coveted the light instead of gold
He lurked in the darkness behind the trees
Searching for light in all he could see
He thought that he'd discovered the light years ago
But his pixie girl said that she had to go
So this time he's waiting until he's sure
This time his light must have more to allure
Beauty and grace but mostly a soul
To bring the warmth of love to the troll
Each lady that passed he took to his lair
To see if more than her face was fair
But each one was lacking so after each pillage
He returned the vapid girls to their village
But one day a lady from a far away place
Walked by on the trail near his hiding place
He almost let her pass him by
Sure she'd be like the others he'd tried
But something inside forced his hand to reach out
He dragged her to his cave with a shout
She smiled because how could the troll know
That she'd been a troll not long ago
They talked and they laughed, the troll taking it slow
Deep inside he felt his heart start to glow
As he realized her elegance was partly a show
And that their hearts beat in perfect time with each other
Finally he took her as his lover
He felt himself going through a transformation
He no longer felt like his fate was damnation
He held the girl close and looked in her eyes
What he saw reflected was a surprise
No longer a troll, but a prince with red hair
He knew it was time to abandon his lair
The lady and prince emerged into the night
They walked hand in hand beneath the moonlight
He told her she'd saved him but she smiled and claimed
That he was the one who'd loosened her chains
My first attempt at a story-poem...inspired by a poem by Xan Abyss
799 · Oct 2015
Please let me live the lie
Tina Marie Oct 2015
Sinking into the abyss
Shattered dreams and creeping things
Razor wire closing in
Ripping through my closed-tight eyelids
The end of my illusions
The nightmare isn't as terrifying
**As losing you
769 · Nov 2015
Tina Marie Nov 2015
When shall I see your face again
Or taste your crooked smile?
When shall I gaze in your hazel eyes
And drown in them for awhile?

There's something about you,
I'm not sure what.
But when you're not here,
My soul just feels cut.

When shall I breathe in your scent again
Or hold you in my arms?
When shall our story finally begin?
Perhaps when we're over past harms.

We both want to move on,
But we just can't let go,
So we cling to each other;
Claim we're taking it slow

Will we admit that we're more than friends?
Or will this end
Before it begins?
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I love that my love
For you makes you feel like a
Prince from a fairy tale.
716 · Apr 2015
Tina Marie Apr 2015
I rise from the ashes of what might have been
Lips rouged red
Heart half dead

My feelings for you confined to a pen
Locked up tight
Out of sight

I told you we could still be friends
I now see
It can't be

My love for you would just scare you again
Make you flee
Away from me
690 · Nov 2015
Show me
Tina Marie Nov 2015
Don't tell me I'm beautiful.
Look deep into my soul, past my scars, and tell me I have a beautiful heart.

Don't tell me you want to make love to me.
Let me in the place your demons live and make me love you in spite of them.

Don't tell me you want to love me the rest of our lives.
Make me believe it's possible to build a life with you.

Don't tell me you love me.*
Show me in so many ways that there is no doubt in my mind and I just know it.
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I see your soul wandering in the night
My soul in response reaches out to you
I long to fill your life with light

Too many times you've felt the bite
Depression and rage forming a bitter brew
I see your soul wandering in the night

I was once like you, joy clouded from sight
A spectator in everything I would do
I long to fill your life with light

The yawning abyss with teeth gleaming bright
The shadowed recesses of deep purple hue
I see your soul wandering in the night

I'll rise against the monsters and fight
Against your demons I'll stand true
I long to fill your life with light

Every wrong I wish to make right
So that your love for me will accrue
I see your soul wandering in the night
I long to fill your life with light
Inspired by someone that called me their light
677 · Oct 2014
better off (and loving it)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I never knew what lonely was til I met you
How two people could be in the same room
Never touching
Barely breathing
Drowning in unsaid words
Substituting reality TV for reality

My love was not enough

And so I left and you claimed to be bereft

Until weeks later when you found:

A new maid
A new babysitter
A new chef
A new laundress
A new set of children

And I found things I'd forgotten I had:

Old joy
Old freedom
Old hope
Old confidence
Old dreams

Each made anew as I became myself again
Just thinking of how fortunate I was to leave
660 · Oct 2014
Tina Marie Oct 2014
Your velvet whisper in the night
As you serenade me from an ocean away
Banishes old hurts and slights
From the faded memories of long-gone days

Every morning when I arise
I just want to dream so I can join you there
And once again look in your eyes
As you tangle your hands in my hair
Just few quick lines about someone really special
655 · May 2015
who will save me?
Tina Marie May 2015
She sat on the edge of the precipe; unbidden tears evidenced by glistening lines on her cheekbones. She stood abruptly and reached over the edge, hoping the hands waiting for her were strong. Leaning forward ever so slightly she brushed fingers with the person waiting. She stretched a little further, grasped tightly, and missed. Tumbling end over end in a dazed confusion she cried out, sure she was lost forever. She saw the ground speeding up to meet her and closed her eyes as she braced for the impact that would shatter the last of her illusions.....but the impact never came. Soft warm arms reached out and embraced her just when all may have been lost. She pried open her eyes just enough to peer through her lashes and see whom had saved her.....and saw herself.
615 · Oct 2014
I'm Amused (20w)
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I know you truly hate me
From a distance
When you see me you're reminded
That you wasted your chance
This is for the exes.
608 · Oct 2014
Mocking the Thunder
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I put on my old boots today
In the leather the sands of the desert ground in deep
I close my eyes and sigh as the taste
Brings back memories I'd rather not keep

Gunmetal black across my back
The crash of thunder, so I thought
But when the sky did not turn black
And weep with the tears that the thunder had wrought

And the sirens screamed
And they still invade dreams
And I fell to my knees
As I watched my friend bleed
On the scorching concrete

I became someone else
My family saw right away
But I've never told them
What happened that day

I keep it locked in
A payment for past sins
As I try to begin
Feeling normal again
But who knows when

Or if

Or how

To forget
Rhyming/ stream of consciousness
Tina Marie Oct 2014
A double handful of children you raised
Way back in the olden days
You made their clothes from flour sacks
Did work that'd break a strong man's back

Your husband kept a drink in hand
And gave away food to the band
Of children living down the street
When you could barely make ends meet

You were so talented musically
For any instrument you'd see
You only had to sit a while
And soon your music would cause smiles

You loved to dance the jitterbug
In the parade in the back of a truck
Though some said you were too old
You simply smiled and told them no

I always loved it when we'd fish
And it is my finest wish
To tell you great-grandmother dear
Though you are gone you are still here
I wish I had the talent to really express what an amazing woman my great grandmother, Virginia Cardwell, was. I was very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend quality time with her. She died when I was in my teens. The best I can do is quote Alexandra Ripley in "Scarlett:"  
"That's a whole world gone, an era ended."
575 · Oct 2014
Not Ourselves
Tina Marie Oct 2014
I'm not myself when you're around
I sink back into old habits
You make me giggle like a teen
And I stutter and blush when I hear your name
Your voice sends shivers down my spine
Your hazel eyes like forest pools
Tiled with the falling leaves
Make my blood rush to my head
Your soft full lips were made to be pressed
Against mine with bruising strength
Your strong arms to crush me to you
In a hearted embrace
And I was made to live for you
My hair to curtain your face as we kiss
My nails to dig into your back
My yellowish eyes to hypnotize you
Into not feeling quite like yourself
*Le sigh* ain't love grand?
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