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May 2023 · 534
Jessica Jarvis May 2023
Recently “minutes” or recently “hours”?
Recently, minutes were reasonably ours.
Like how I “recently” saw him at the grocery store,
And “recently” went back, hoping I might again.

Sure, we spoke…

So I logged on, recently,
Just to see what’s up.
That’s how it always is,
And the status is always the same:
Here- I’ll say it for you. “Lol, Jess. Who hurt you?” 😂

I’m fine; I’m just dehydrated.

Apr 2023 · 142
It stays here.
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2023
I zone out, staring at neon towers
An intercom beeps, “we’ll be boarding shortly” and I snap
Out of my days.
I’m out of days,
Days I want to be lost in and have forgotten all at once.
          What happened here?
Lost in heartbeats and honey whisky…
A sweetly resounding lullaby or siren song
I can’t decipher, but I’m held nonetheless.
Memories shimmer through my mind like the lights on the water, neither of which I’ll expect you to understand.
You won’t because you can’t.
“And that’s okay.”
That’s your catchphrase.
You tell me it’s, “okay.” You say that a lot,
And for once in my life,
I believe it.
How could I not when you speak out of earnest?
Your eyes as sweet as chocolate chips,
As rich as fresh espresso-
I tremble at the sugar rush.
I crumble at the withdrawals.
So reality strikes again in my lonesome.
Thoughts flicker in my head like hollywood movies whose colors have faded sepia,
Because that’s all they are now.
Dusting the fog from my eyes, out of my days come nights, and in the nights, neon lights.
“Last call, boarding flight…”
          It stays here.
Apr 2023 · 128
I like the rain…
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2023
I like the rain,
the subtle chill I feel before we meet,
with clouds to soften brassy spring beams.

It’s my favorite hiding place.

Its fluorescent shimmer on the lake,
encasing my bedroom in endless waves
of whirring winds to dampen loving moans.

I disappear and return all at once.

I feel its warmth, its cool, its caress,
how it speaks in charming whispers.
I think it likes me too.
I think the rain could use another love poem written about it, yaknow?

Apr 2023 · 682
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2023
Fistfuls of lust, yet tender
Smell your skin, and dare remember
Holding, yielding, grasping, pleading

Smokey eyes and steaming embers
Destruct the inner walls to lend her
Naïve tongue and tremble breathing

Heat. “I like it”.

Roughing, grinding, fasting, slowing
Oils seeping, fingers deeping
Push and pull to tease and bend her.

Stop, but just to start again,
Steaming. Heating. Beating… Beating…
Beat the heart to break and mend her.
Steamy… 3.10.23
Jul 2022 · 135
Forgetting Myself
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2022
You can tell by my teeth that I don’t have the time to take care of myself
You can tell by my face that I don’t really mind forgetting myself
Wouldn’t know by my smile how hard I try to hide regretting myself
In the highs or the lows, I don’t know how I can stop upsetting myself
Had a bad day the other day. Doing better now, but y’know howeeteez.
Jul 2022 · 295
tinker toys
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2022
pretty little itty bitty tinker toys
and temperamental sentimental emo boys
both intricately cute
and intimately mute
it’s the little things that count to mounts of many joys
Cuties, aren’t they?

May 2019 · 430
That’s what love does...
Jessica Jarvis May 2019
“I love you.”
“I know.”
Between the highs,
And the low,
In the times
When I’m alone,
That’s what love does.

It comforts,
And hides
In the corners
Of your mind,
Yet surprises
Just in time.
That’s what love does.

It takes
The chance
The percentage
Of circumstance,
The sacrifice
In glance,
And does what love does.

It conquers,
And pays
The cost,
Without delays,
As if it’s not much,
To stay,
Because that’s what love does.

It hugs,
It kisses,
It sees you
And misses,
Yer true love,
Rarely disses,
Because that’s what love does.

I haven’t written poetry in a while, even the silly, cheesy, lovey stuff. Even that used to be so simple and easy, but I haven’t done it in a while, primarily because of the most cliché reason: I’ve been too busy. My Love reminded me of what loves means, and how it supercedes that of any excuse. He does that a lot. He reminds me of the simplicities in life and helps me enjoy them. It’s just a funny coincidence how he said something that inspired me to write a poem about just that: “That’s what love does.” It wasn’t until after I wrote this that I realized all it takes is just a little of my time... If you truly love something, more than likely you can make something happen of it. I’m proud to say this was a result. Here’s to hoping that I don’t lose sight of the simple things in life, and Lord help me if I do forget by placing people in my life to help me remember.

This was written in just 7 minutes...
Dec 2018 · 284
One Day
Jessica Jarvis Dec 2018
One day, your hand will be mine to hold, with no care as to who may see; your name will be the sweetest name upon my lips and the most endearing of my thoughts.

One day, you’ll hold me, as I should be held, and I’ll be proud to be encompassed by your embrace; your eyes will still be the kindest sight I could gaze upon.

One day, with your ear softly nestled in the palm of my hand, I’ll hold your head closer, as you kiss me like I should be kissed; your hair will brush like satin ribbons through my fingertips.

Your warmth will be my favorite season; your shampoo, my favorite scent; your shoulders, my favorite shape; you, my favorite sensation.

One day, you’ll pledge yourself to me, and only me, and I’ll be proud to call you mine. Our mornings and nights will become my favorite time of day.

Dinner won’t just be a meal; a date won’t just be on a calendar; "goodnight" will no longer mean "goodbye."

One day, life will still go on, and work will continue, but it will all be with you, so life and all that it contains will be better. Sunsets will glow brighter, your arms will hold me tighter; the lake, even more so, will glisten, and to your soft words, I will gladly listen.

One day, with a dream, but, more importantly, with each other, your family, your future, will be mine, will be ours.

One day, in each day, we’ll be one, because you are the one for my every day.

To you, my someone, I patiently await our days, the days we will live out together for the rest of our lives, one day.
Nov 2018 · 287
In the Moment
Jessica Jarvis Nov 2018
It's exciting to live life on the edge,
until you fall off the cliff.

It's exciting to shout from the rooftops,
until you're deaf from the noise.

It's exciting to get caught up in the hype,
until you crash into the ground.

It's exciting to tear up the floor,
until you've dug yourself a hole.

It's exciting to get carried away,
until you're dropped from its grasp.

It's exciting in the moment,
until you realize it's just that.

Here is a list of analogies to emphasize how some things just aren't worth it.
Nov 2018 · 382
I don't write...
Jessica Jarvis Nov 2018
I don't write to myself.
I don't write for a shelf.
I write for strangers in an electronic abyss.
I don't write to take care.
I don't write just to share.
I write to hide behind metaphorical bliss.
I don't write for my friends.
I don't write for the trends.
I write sometimes because I am just bored.
I don't write 'cause I'm good,
but maybe I should
write for me, what I want, instead of making it a chore.

I miss writing
Jessica Jarvis Nov 2018
You know, I haven't written in a while.
It's been hard, because I don't know what makes me smile
anymore. I see one's eyes, feel his fingers through my hair,
while, on another note, I cannot forget how another one cared.
I thought love was something that I once knew,
until my love for my best friend suddenly grew.
I fought and I argued and I justified the means,
but now my heart hurts from hearing my head's screams.
I'm torn, I'm broken, and my heart has been shattered.
I don't know what to think, as my romantic thoughts scatter.
I can't help that one is so close of the two,
but also can't help but wonder if the One is You.
Eenie, meenie, miney, mo;
why were you the one to go?
Why is another one so close by?
How can you both cause my heart's cry?
The time is not now, so I'll wait for it's end,
but it's difficult when some want to be more than friends.
I wonder if this collision is sometimes inevitable,
but if this is it, how could I feel so terrible?
I don't hate the kindness or subtle ways of affection,
but it feels like that's the surface of this overwhelming infection.
One overtakes me completely, working hard with great intention,
while another barely speaks, and he has all of my attention.
Which love is greater? Is there such a love as this
that can take my breath away with a subtle little miss,
or is it of another, the one who gives me all his time
to sweep me off my feet while the ground is one my mind?
Am I falling in love or caught in it's memory?
Can I call it quits now, or still wait for my legacy?
If I knew, I wouldn't be ranting in a poem.
I just wish I had closure, so I could better know Him.

Love is scary for the impatient ones, as there is danger in the unknown... but why is this unknown?

I don't know.
Oct 2018 · 488
Do I?
Jessica Jarvis Oct 2018
Do I dance through your head like an ancient melody,
so distinct and historic, yet repeated traditionally?
Do I sing through your ears like a blue bird's pretty song,
so constant in the morning, promising from dusk to dawn?
Do I twinkle in your eyes like a midnight moon's glimmer,
so steadily, heavenly bright, reflecting like a lakeside's shimmer?
Do I do all of these things like there is no other routine?
It's funny how even distance can't halt a fond heart's memory.


Haven't written in a while. It feels good to write a few words again.
Sep 2018 · 268
Uncertainty Untitled
Jessica Jarvis Sep 2018
So many questions
     with so many answers,
          but just as I think I know,
               you make me even curiouser.
So long I've known you,
    your heart, your charisma,
          but just as my words slip,
               you become another enigma.
So what do I do now?
     Can I ignore our history?
          I may never try to get an answer.
               You may just remain a mystery.
Sep 2018 · 816
Showing vs. Telling
Jessica Jarvis Sep 2018
I tell you
01001110-because there is no seeing with this wall between us,-01101111
so how can I show you?

View via PC for the ideal image.
Aug 2018 · 730
Contemplating the Clouds
Jessica Jarvis Aug 2018
Rainy days and dripping windows,
Once again, beside my pillow,
I lay upon my bed alone,
But in a place to me, unknown.

Day two, beyond the first “hello’s”,
Clouds still hover, and even billow,
They say goodbye to each of their own,
They thunder and sprinkle before heading on home.

After their hastened diminuendo,
Most clouds scatter among the fellow.
I compare to them to see how I’ve grown,
knowing rain brings a harvest from a seed that was sewn.
Jessica Jarvis Aug 2018
My room is looking emptier than it ever has before,
Got the clothes on my back; boxes are packed, sitting by the door.
Oh, how this is happening oh so soon feels like a dream,
But by the time the week is up, it’s me, my dorm, and the university.
Aug 2018 · 829
Time is like Traffic Lights
Jessica Jarvis Aug 2018
I’m stuck between impatience and time moving too fast.
If only certain moments could hold off and last,
Yet let me be the first to set the record straight.
I know that, in the end, it will all be worth the wait.
I’m not here because I want to relive the past.
While times have been perfect, the idea is too vast:
To stay where you are, red, and not look for what’s ahead.
However, why is the future an idea i’m urged to dread?
While this time is exciting, and often inviting,
I see the circumstance filled with crying and spiting.
No, I’m not scared, or maybe I was.
I’ve learned that I can’t live that way, only because
I’ll suffer that way in this current time I’m in,
And living right now is already hard enough to begin.
I’m not here to sulk, i’m not here to brag.
I’m just impatiently enduring the drag
Of time, of now, wanting it to slow to yellow,
While I’m eager, insisting on life’s green light, “go.”
Time, a constant thing, still looks me in the face
To say, “you think you know it all, but I will set the pace”.
No matter the task, the toll, the race, I’m in it for the ride.
Meanwhile, I’ll tell my impatient indecisiveness that it’ll have to subside.
Maybe time is like traffic. “Do I gas it, or hit the breaks?”
Either way, I’m afraid of collisions, so that’s a risk I just won’t take.
Aug 2018 · 424
Jessica Jarvis Aug 2018
I’m not a hopeless romantic
that needs a little love...
I’m a hopeless romantic
That needs a little hope...
Sometimes what we want
Is not exactly what we need.
What is more important?
Wants or needs?
A little love or a little hope?
Jul 2018 · 554
Clothed in Honesty
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2018
My heart’s on my sleeve.
Unfortunately for me,
I forgot my coat.

Another haiku for you! I think haikus just make me feel justified enough for maintaining posting email regularly, even if it’s not overly long content, but also proud enough that I came up with something relatively clever for using so few words.
Jul 2018 · 224
Pretty Pieces
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2018
Puzzle pieces,
Pretty pieces,
Punny, pretty, little pieces.

Lovely, little
Puzzle pieces
Play a part pretty places.

Pick apart
The puzzle pieces.
See the playful pieces play

To put together
Punny puzzles,
Purposefully planned and made.

Oh, yes,
Pretty puzzles,
Practically perfect in every way.
Jul 2018 · 281
The Lucky Ones
Jessica Jarvis Jul 2018
“They are the lucky ones.”
Since when does lucky spawn from unlikely?
How can my heart flutter
while my head, says “don’t bother.”?
The sun still shines
while I can’t understand its light.
It’s captivating,
I’m wrapped up in your laugh
and immersed in your eyes
and charmed by your grin
and blessed by your chivalry.
I’m in love with the unlikeliness of you,
the unlikeliness of us,
the odds of our opportunity,
that spontaneity,
that loyalty,
the utter selflessness and gumption
of you in our calls
I love it all.
"Unlikely" didn't have to mean "impossible".
It’s because of this that I think we’ve earned being
“the lucky ones.”

Wrote this just to write... That’s how this works sometimes, right? Maybe.
Jun 2018 · 327
Rain Dance
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
Misting sprinkles float right above, then grace the gentle ground.
How beautiful is the intensity surrounding that falling.

Sprinkle sprinkle.
Your eyelashes twinkle
To exemplify the radiance
In the rain dance.

Building trickles take me back to remind me of your town,
Our town, the town we made our own once you set out in your calling.

Trickle trickle.
How do frequently fickle
Memories still glance
To that rain dance...

Intense patter. Pitter patters fling towards my window now.
“Wake up, wake up! You can’t drift now... Gaze upon the sky’s enthralling.”

Pitter patter,
The rain still chatters.
Their numbing little trance
To keep me in the rain dance.

It rained last night. I sat down to write this with completely different intentions, but this is the story that ended up being told instead.
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
There once was a boy with chameleon skin,
But his eyes told a story the more he gave in.
There was no hiding, as he caught the attention
Of a helpless little star, stranded in the horizon.
Familiar with the longing, she yearned to fall fast;
However, she couldn’t, held by the hurt of her past,
Until, one day, she saw the twinkle in his eye.
“How could a chameleon outshine the night’s sky?”
She questioned her reality, bound by insecurity,
But dared to lean further into his sincerity.
One night, she tripped, and out of bounds she fell,
But she couldn’t help but dance, mesmerized by gravity’s well.
“How silly I must look” she said, approaching the ground,
But all else disappeared once she heard a familiar sound.
His mindful inquiry, she never knew she needed.
Her heart began to blaze, “that’s all I want,” she pleaded.
She couldn’t help but be inspired by the sight
Of the twinkle in his eyes, refracting her own light.
Lightyears of observation presented a reality,
One she so wanted to feel, but could not really see.
She oft’ recalled the hour that her heart was still,
Remembering his freedom, while he perched upon that hill.
There once was a boy with chameleon skin,
But she loved how he shined as he failed to blend in,
So as she saw his heart, she really hoped he knew
That while the whole world could watch her, she told him
“I see you...”

This poem was inspired by another poem. I liked the concept I saw from this other poem because of the story the it told. Literally, it was a straight-forward story. The poem reminded me of a children’s book or nursery rhyme, so it had a certain playfulness to it that certainly intrigued me. After reading that poem, some rhymes came to my mind and I wrote a “response” entitled “‘I see you,’ said the star”. The original poem is entitled “I see you”. You should check it out!
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
Goodbye, my dear friend, for now.
I’m gone for only a day,
But I know that you know how,
for our next minuet, I’ll await.

Goodbye, my dear ol’ Chickering,
‘Til the next time I’ll sit and then
I’ll listen to your diamond ring
Bless my ears again.

Thank you, yes you, my dear,
For offering your friendly counsel,
For lending me your patient ears
Over years and through tears as well.

Just a day, my dear, lil’ piano,
Until I’ll peer again into your musical window.

I realized today just how... much... I truly do love my piano. Even if I play the same, singular song over and over again, I just love to stop by the piano in my few free minutes of down time and sing and play. I often revisit the same songs just because I know how to play them while singing and do it well (or at least fairly decently in my mind) during those few short minutes. I’ve often been so overwhelmed with happiness that J’ve just wanted to play, giving me an excuse to belt the lyrics as loud as I can (lol) or play to finally release any restrained or built up stress from throughout the day. I suppose I use it to cope with many things. I suppose I use music in general for this purpose: to cope. It’s either that, or to motivate or inspire me to do something. Also, sometimes, I suppose a “Disney princess” just wants a dramatic background orchestral acccompaniment to what she does, lol... I may not have an orchestra, but I have my piano... and that’s all I need. ❤️☺️
Jun 2018 · 341
Writer’s Block St.
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
I have a friend in town from out of state.
Though, whenever he’s around, he receives much hate.
The people around me share my same profession.
We’re creative writers, who who occasionally seek attention,
but there is one person we don’t want to see walk
down our humble little street we call the writer’s block.
Jun 2018 · 257
To “the boiz”
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
To the boiz...
I hope you’re strong enough.
I hope you can carry this responsibility,
because, yaknow, when you pick her up,
get her Snapchat,
slide into her DMs,
it’s important that you support her.
Hold her tight.
With her feet swept out from underneath her,
she has nothing left to support her
If you give out,
someone’s about to fall...
in all of the wrong ways,
and here’s an inside tip...
it won’t be you who’s falling.
Yes, to the boiz,
you know I say this with well meant intentions.
I say this with honesty
and love,
but also with the understanding that
if something is dropped,
It’s most likely to break.
To the boiz,
you’re walking a slippery *****.
Don’t slip up.
Just keep this in mind.

Don’t ***** this up...
Jun 2018 · 564
A Hum’s Delight
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
Hum, hum, hum along.
Sing with me (y)our favorite song.
Please listen close, for here, tonight,
You’ll find your comfort in my plight.

Hum, hum, hum along.
Sing if all the words are wrong,
But don’t delay, just hold on tight
And maybe we can sing them right.

Hum, hum, hum along
To every note, both short and long.
Erase your troubles from your sight,
And there it is: your soul’s delight.

As I was writing this, I was reminded of the song “Happy Working Song” from the movie Enchanted, followed by the remembersncs is “Whistle a Happy Tune” from the musical The King and I. I even recalled how the dwarves from Snow White and the Sevem Dwarves would whistle while they would work, as expressed through song. It really just got me thinking about the power of music, whether it be indulged in alone or with others. Even just a simple hum can pass the tedious time or aid in the fond rememberance of memories associated with that song. Whatever the circumstance is, I hope you find a song, your song or a song to share with somebody, and I encourage you to hum... It’s pretty cool!
Jun 2018 · 218
In a sky full of stars...
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
Twinkle twinkle, little star.
How I’ll hold you, near or far,
And whether dark or sunny sky,
I’ll keep your twinkle in my eye.
Jun 2018 · 220
Sun-missed Recollection
Jessica Jarvis Jun 2018
Why I cry, I don’t know...
Maybe from the sunset’s glow
Or from the thought of you having to go,
But still I reminisce
And I refuse to miss
A single detail in my remembrance.
Of your eyes from that dance
And the smile in your chance.
I hope it never flees,
The picture that I see,
So I quote the very memory
In my works of poetry,
And as such poetry exists,
So does my desire to list
And (re)listen to the voice that I miss.
There’s nothing better than memories such as this.
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
So many sleepless hours
And a handful of tired showers
All for a night that’s ours,
A time that is timeless.

And all of the work up until then
Will prove to be rewarding, my friend,
As all of those hours will be forgotten when
Time stands still for us.

This is our time...
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
It’s kinda hard to listen
when you physically can’t hear.

Hearing and listening are two entirely different things, but sometimes one cannot be held accountable for listening and blamed as ignorant or less attentive than the next guy if he or she physically cannot hear. You need to hear before you can listen.
May 2018 · 796
To the Class of 2018....
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Walk the stage without a care,
Present your speech with a bit of prayer,
Throw your cap up in the air,
And show up anyone who ever dared
To tell you the opportunity wasn’t there,
Because you did it.

Congratulations, class of 2018!

It’s nearly 5am and I should be getting ready to sleep, but this graduating stuff still has me hyped, even after the celebrating is over. We did it, guys! Hold on to this same attitude of energizing inspiration, motivation, and celebration, because it’s only going to get better from here. Congratulations, class of 2018! WE DID IT!
May 2018 · 308
Pine Tree
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Pretty, little pine tree,
My, how you’ve grown...
Why, my little pine tree,
Must you grow alone?
Please, oh, little pine tree,
As the winds do moan,
Do, little pine, see
There’s no need to groan.

Precious, little pine tree,
Although your branches break,
Dear little pine tree,
Don’t feel you have to fake.
Because, my little pine, see
This weight’s not your to take.
So breathe, my little pine tree.
Relax. Enjoy the lake.

Needles fall, branches crumble, but the void is replaced in due time. Why? It’s in their nature; trees grow.
May 2018 · 264
City Limits
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Take me past the city limits,
Away from metal, structural rivets.
Down those back roads, through the divots,
To see the dream, but also live it.

Does the city limit?
May 2018 · 255
Chancing in the Rain
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Go dancing
And leaping
And flying
And bounding
And twirling
And lifting
And laughing
And smiling
And don’t lose hope,
It’s never gone.
Maintain patience,
And you know you’ve won.

You’re never alone,
So just stop chasing.
One will think you’re great,
Maybe even amazing.

Don’t waste time worrying,
It’s worth the waiting,
And that’s when you’ll feel
Your heartbeat elating.

You’ll get your surprise
When it’s least expected,
Like when he ran through the rain
And decided to chance it.

You never once thought
One was looking out for you.
The unexpected best friend, a gentleman...
Him. Who knew?
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
I wonder what it’s like to be a balloon.

I wonder what it’s like to be let go in the middle of the night.

I wonder what it’s like to float until I become one of the stars.

I wonder what it’s like to become so indistinguishable that I disappear.

I wonder what it’s like to ascend through the atmosphere so independently and infinitely high.

I wonder what it’s like to drag that coarsely iridescent ribbon to those heights.

I wonder what it’s like to succumb to the pressure inflicted on my epidermis, causing me to suddenly pop.

I wonder what it’s like to feel that reverberating ripple across my skin as I disperse into handfuls of geometric tears.

I wonder what it’s like to float so high, unrecognizable, only to fall apart.

I wonder how painful it is to be a balloon.

I wonder what it’s like to be a balloon.

Backstory time... I was in Disneyland on the evening I wrote this, waiting for the nighttime fireworks. A child must have let go of his or her balloon because there it was, flying through the air... My first thought was, “That little white balloon probably cost the parents $15-$20...”. My second thought was, “I wonder what it’s like to be a balloon...”. So... I wrote this.
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Sitting on a cold, hard, wooden floor,
leaning against cold, hard, rocky walls,
listening to cold, hard, heartfelt lyrics,
writing some cold, hard, rough draft poetry;
hoping for a little warmth,
like a few left feet on a wooden floor,
sparking like two frictional stones,
while listening to your steadily cool heartbeat
to motivate this rough draft into a masterpiece of marinated inspiration.

I was bored, sitting on a cold, hard floor, against a cold, hard wall, listening to some old Taylor Swift because I don’t have WiFi and that is what is available in my iTunes library. ❤️ Oh... and I wrote this.
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Have you ever noticed how when two professionally involved individuals shake hands,
their respective hands remain congruent,
synonymously shook,
right meeting right....

meanwhile, when couples hold hands,
their respective hands remain mirrored,
fingers reflectively intertwined and interlocked,
right meeting left?

Is this a testament to “opposites attract”?
Is this what they mean?

Based on an interesting point my brother brought up. I think he meant it sarcastically, but he mentioned how shaking hands requires the same hands, right on right, to work, while when holding hands, it’s necessary to have opposite hands. I thought it was interesting, so I adapted it into what I may make a series called “Curious...”, identified by Roman numerals.
May 2018 · 226
La La Lullaby
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Wispy white brushstrokes break
as rainbow ribbons reach to take
in a dusty, dusky sky
to accentuate snow glazed textures below.

The sun barely peaks over
as centralized cities streak lower
through streetlamp speckled speedways
to accompany westward waving waters

Flaming twinkles,
crystal lights.
Gleaming sprinkles,
flickering bright.

This is the city of stars at night.
This is the draw to a westward flight.
Los Angeles, California.
My, what a sight.

LA.... How I’ve dreamed of meeting you.... Finally, today, I get a proper introduction.
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
When I would visit Ohio, my grandma always said
certain things in Spanish, as to not flood my head.

I wish I understood that secret life she led
by interpreting her knowledge, I know to have been well read,

But now my striving hunger will never be quite fed,
for now those precious, foreign words are unforgivingly dead.

Oh, how I cry very often, at night while I’m in bed.
Regrets like these don’t go away, so I try to cope instead.

I’ll never forget her loving Spanish ***** (that memory’s never fled),
even though my nostalgic heart regretfully succumbs to dread.

Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Cauliflower, cotton candy,
Collective counted sheep above,
Cover, hover, right above her,
Shadows shade, pure as a dove.

Puffing, huffing, never bluffing,
Painted promise in the sky,
Floating feeling, never leaving,
Loving until you draw nigh.

Floating, lifting, gravity shifting
Ascending higher, evermore.
Still, I reach for cotton candy,
‘Til it becomes my only floor.

Writing directly from the clouds
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